"ST" PAGE FOURTEEN Go To Church Sunday CHURCH DIRECTORY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Cirdcn nd Marhn Phona 4870 Rev Weslr r. Crist First Church 9'4,t in. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:45 p.m. Junior Society 6:45 p.m. Young People 1 30 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7;30 p.m. Wednesday Prajer Service I.skeiide Church Corner Quarry and Acosta Street! Dewey Johnson, pastor IMS a m. Sunday Srhool 7;30 p.m. Tnumday Mid-week Prayer Service BIBLE BAPTIST 1344 Wlard 49 Keith P Flelda 1:30 a.m.Sunday School II 00 a m. Morning Worship 30 p.m. Baptist League 7 30 p.m. Evening Wyishlp 7:30 B.jn. W .-dnesday AU family Night RENO fiOHPEI. CENTER Phone 2-2682 Bev Melvm Griffith 10 00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Morning Worship STEWAKT-LENOX BAPTIST K. G West. Pastor Corner lioune .inrl Emerald Plu.ne 2-1'HlV 0:4.1 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship :.TO p.m. B T U. 7:.10 p.m. Evening Worship 7 Ofl p.m. WednesdayPrayer Service 7;00 p.m. Friday Officer and Teach er SALVATION ARMY 400 Klamein Phona Lt and Mri D W Madaen 10.00 a m. Sunday School 11 00 a m Huliness Meeting 11 00 a m. Junior Church 110 pm. Young People 00 p.ra. Salvation Moating IMMANI'KI, BAPTI8T CONSERVATIVE ilth and Hijh I U a m. Bible school 1100 a.m. Morning Worship 30 p m. Young People 7 20 p.m. Evening Worship 7.30 p.m. Thursday Prayer Meeting ALTAMONT BAPTIST J E. Brnckut " 4621 South fllli lint Mitchell Phona S.1SM t 4.1 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a m Morning Worship TRINITY .XTNLUAN CIU'RCH rulelake Calif. Rev Richard E Graef Pastor :S0 a m. Sunday School nd Church Service Service held In Amerlran i, prion Hall KT. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Ml Jefferson Phnn 33K5 Galen it Omtad Rector Of) am Holy Communion 9 30 a.m S.inday School 0 no a.m. Morning Pniver 7.30 p.m. Young People SEVENTH-flAV ADVENTIST 1735 Main Phone HfUR Rev Predion Smith 0:30 a.m. Saturdny Sabbath School 11:00 a.m. Salurdny Mornlne Worship 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting GOSPEL TABERNACLE Altamont ani Maryland Rev W D Bigby 10 on a m Sundav School 11 on am. Morning Worthlp 7 3c! n.m. Evening Worthlo 7:30 r m. Saturday ant! Wednaiday Evening Worship Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purse Word's Klamath Funeral Home Marquerite M. Word and Sons 92b High 'Phone 3334 j First Church of Christ. Scientist A Branch of The Mother Church, Tha Pint Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Man. 10th and Washington Services Sunday Service, 11 00 a.m. Sunday School, 11:00 m.m, Wednesday evening Meeting, 8:00 o'clock. Lesson-Sermon Subject Auqust 22 "MIND" Golden Text: Daniel 2:20, 21. Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wiidom and might are his: ... ha glveth wisdom unto the wise, ond knowledge to them that knew understanding. Christian Science Reading Room 1401 Esplanade One Block From Herald and Newt .GGD 1 b f lr ; llii ai t nit It 1 it ll nii.ifc..,'ifcy Lome J. Cose AT THE TENT SUNDAY Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 o.m. Evanqclisr Lome J. Case Spcakinq Rot. A. E. Book, Pastor Rcr. Edith Book, Co-Pastor KKUM MALIN COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev Carl C OeMott iProaujrteriani t'43 m. Sunday School 11 oo a.m. Morning Wonhlp (i.;;u p.m. Young People 8:00 vesper Saivlce ABSEMFl.Y OP GOD Itev Claude O Wood 744 Oak :45 a m Sunday School ll.Ou a.m Horning Worship 8:45 pm Youth Bervira 7:30 p m Evangelistic 7:30 p m. Tueiday Blbla. Prayer St rviea 10 00 a.m. Thursday Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Thursday Worship Service COMMUNITY CHURCH Or THE BRETHREN U73 Bristol Ptvine 1-I10J Kev Edward tandcr 1 45 a m Sunday Scnool 11 00 a m Morning Worship ' 7:00 p.m. Wednesday HohOy-Craft Club TRINITY BAPTIST MISSION ITM Lakeport Blvd. Pelican City nev T E Waden Phone 3874 0:43 a m. Sundav School cm rch OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Heme and M.tlla Pheaa IIU Klamath Fall 1st Ward 0 30 a.m. Sunday Priesthood meeting 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p m. Sunday Saciainent Service 7:tQ p.m. Tuesday M.I. A. 2 00 pm. Relief Society. Wednesday 4:20 p.m Wednesday Primary Klamath Falls tnd Ward a.30 .m. Sunday-Priesthood meeting 10:13 a.m. Sunday School 3::i0 p.m. Sunday Sucre me nt Services UVofl a m. Tuesday Relief Society 4 00 p m. Tuesday Primary . 7.30 p.m. Wednesday M I A. OREGON TECH 10:00 a BB. Sunday School HOPE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Homedale PH. at So. 6th lev Joha M It chef Jr. 1 4.1 a m Sunday School 111)0 a m. Morning Worship 7-30 pm. Evening Worship CHURCH OF CHRIST 1303 Wantland Phona MM C. A. AOam. Piimniri 10:00 a m. Sunday Bible Classes 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:IW p.m. Men'a Training Class 7 -on p.m. Wnmrn Bible Btudv B:00 p.m Wednesday Bible Study KLAMATH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev Kent E. Spautdlng. pastor 117.1 Crescent Phone Mf2 9 43 a m -Sundav School and Adult Bible C!afc.i 11:00 a.m Morning Warship 7:00 p.m. Luther league. Sunday Holv Communion. 4'h Sunday 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Service. Wednes day 8:30 p m. Wednesday Senior Choir FREE METHODIST i 91 8 Oregon Rev Fred C Neumann 9.43 a m. Sundav Scnool 11:00 a m Morning Worship 6:45 p.m. Young People 7:43 p.m. Evangelistic 7-43 om Wdnevla Bible Study KLAMATH REVIVAL CENTER 1033 Mitchell hone 102! Mr and Mrs. J B. Griffith. ter 10 00 a.m. Sundav School 11:00 a m. Sunday Morning Worship 7-30 p m Sunday Evangelistic Serv Ice 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study and rrayer I CONGREGATIONAL H L. Larson. Minister 2150 Garden Phone 1-327P 7:30 p.m. .Saturday, Jubilee bervlce 1 fl:.lfl a.m. Church 9 Mil a in. Church and Nursery School 7 tc, H p m. Junior P r . 7 lo 9 p.m. Senior P F. . CALVARY BAPTIST E Main and Gatden Rv flrady K Estes 9:4.1 a m. Sunday Scnool 11.00 a m. Morning Worship 15 p m. Training Union 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CH'JRCH Tulelake Rev. Con O'Connor oves When Christians Pray Many Will Walk the O.ld-Fashioned Sawdust Trail. Join the Many Who Are Meeting COD at the Canvas Cathedra! Come See and Hear Evangelist Lome J. Case THIS PEACE MEMORIAL PRESi'D YTERIAN 4431 8 tfth Phone 308) Re uwayue l. rroeii 11:10 am. Sunday School 1100 a m. Sunday Scnool 11.00 a m. .Morning worsrup 7 00 p m Sr. WeslmlnUier PENECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD 4037 Shasta Way ' hone -3141 Kev J E Reddick 10 (Kl a m. Sunday School ll:UO a.m. Sunday Service 7:30 p.m. fjunUcj. tvangellstlc Serv ice 7:30 p m. -Tuesday, Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Thursday. P.Y.P.E. ST FRANCIS CABRINI CATHOLIC CHURCH Bonanrn Rav John Pheian 9:00 a.m. Sundry Hasi OUR LADY OF (iOOD COUNS.iL CATHOLIC CHURCH Dorna Rev Con O'Connor 4 9:00 a m. Sunday Mass YOUTH SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST ti:i4 Main. Mission Chi'rch , Ph. 2-1187 2lri. ;i.Tiiey err ic .Shoib.v. Pnstor 10:00 a.m. .Sunday School 7:.10 p.m. bunaay tvir-KniMii; ot-ii-c 7:30 p.m. Tuc-iday. Wednesday and Saturday Sen.' ices 7:30 p.m. -Frldav-Youth Night ST. ALCiUSTlNES CATHOLIC CHUKCII Merrill Rev John PhHan 7:30 ar.d 10:43 a.m. Sunday Masses UNION (iONPEL MISSION . 2.11 Commerrlal C M rimma 10 00 a m Bible School 1100 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 pm evening worsnip KLAMATH TEMPLE 1007 Pine Phone 6323 Rev Ki:n u. nume 9:43 a m Sunda" School li:(i jm -yo.-n ii Wo'hip 8.30 p m -vercomer Service ."4.1 p m F.nngelistie 7:43 p.m. W-drtefday Bible Study MERRILL FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev George A. Milne 9 45 am.-Kiimlnv School St Blbla Class tl.OO a.m. Divine Service 7:30 pm. Blbl St'idv Hour CHRISTIAN SCIENCE tnth and Washimtton I'hone 682f Reading Room 1401 Esplanade Phone 5797" II 00 a m. Sundav Scnool ti oo a m Sunday Service 8 00 p m Wednesday Evening Service FIRST PHESK YTERIAN Krv. Dale E. Ilewilt 8th and Pine Phone 7311 0:30 a.m. t hurrn scnnoi ior an agci 1 1 OO a.m. MornniR Worship 12:00 noon FneuoMilp Hour LAKESIDE CHUIK H OF NAZAKENE Corner Quarry A: AcobNi Phone 3844 Rev. lie we v Johnston 0-45 a m Sundav School 11:00 a m. Sund.iy, Morning Church Service 7:00 pm. Snndu. Junior Service 7:30 p m. Sundny. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. ThiirKdav. Prncr Meeting III K( H OF CIIR1S1 1774 Arthur . Phone 2.1140 looo a.m. Ittnle Clates" iron a in Morning Worship 7 30 p m Mutual Edification 00 p nv Wednesday Bible Study MT. LAKI COMMUNITY Rev William W Atnley 9 4.1 a m Suriria; School 11:00 a n;. Morning Worship ii:45 p m. Chrisli.in Endeavor 7::io p m Thuisdiiy Choir Practice 7:4.1 p.m. Kvrnlit Servlrr 0:30 p m. Thursday Bible Study MISSIONARY BAPTIST 4134 Douglas Elder Hoy Wisdom 4143 Balam Phone 1-3051 10.00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p m. Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship 1:00 p.m. .Wednesday Bltle Study FIRST BAPTIST th and Washington fhot.e 8273 Ur E M Causey 9:43 a m Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:4.1 p.m. Training Dillon fl:00 p m. E.vening Worship 8 00 p.m. Mid-week Service. Wednei day 8:13 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Thursday FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 3302 Altamont Rev C. 11 Beahm 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 00 a m Morning Worship 8:43 pm. Young People 7:30 p m. Evaniiellsttc 7 30 p m. Wednesday -Bible Study How Christian Science Heals "THE DIVINE REMEDY FOR DISEASES CALLED INCURABLE" KFLW (1450 kc.) Sunday 9:35 a.m. IS A CRUSADE FOR CHRIST WHERE? . . . 3045 South Sixth Street WHO? . . . Sponsored by Bethel Temple WHY? ... To Win Souls for Christ. Every Night Except Monday at 7:30 p.m. HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 433 N. 9tB 7 43 p rn. Suuuay Wauntower Study 7:43 p.m. Wednesday Bible StuOv 7:43 p m. rriday Service Meeting 8:43 p.m. -Friday Tneocratic School ZION LUTHERAN Ilth ana High Fhene 87 Rev R. E Grief 1 30 a m. Sunday Srnooi Blbla Clau 11:00 a m. Morning Worahip 3 30 p m. Family Night (second Sun days' 1:30 p m. Youth Meeting iTtrst and Third Sundas 1:30 pm. Married Couple 1 Club (fourth Sundays 1.00 p m. Thursday -Adult Class REORGANIZED CHI RCH OF JESCS CHRIST OP LATTER DAY SAINTS th and PHum Phone 3 OlTa 9 45 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a m Morning Wonmp 7 30 p m. Evening Worship 8.00 p m Wednesday Feliowahip FIRST COVENANT 823 Walnui Phona Ml) Jcei C. Nordlund 9 1.1 a m Bible School 11:00 a m. Morning Worship! 8C0 pm Fellowship Hour 7:43 p.m Wednesday-Prayer Service COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Tort Klamath Rev Edmund Sianion. u.stor 9 30 a.m Morning Worship, Sunda; 0:2u a r'- Church r.chool and HmUU Dibit class. Sunday 10:30 Church School. iundj SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 813 High Hhone 43M Hv r r uasey raiui 7:00. 8 iw W 3(1 and u.h. n Sunda) Masses 7.00. a U0. :30 a n.. Holy J-y atte 3.00-4.00 and 7:0-8 00 Satur.taye von fesMons FIRST CHRISTIAN tlh and Pine Phone 8433 Rev George Aiaer 9:43 am Bible Scnool tl.OO a m. Morning Worsnip 8:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study U:J0 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 pm. Evening Worship 1:30 p m Wednesday Prayer Meeting FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 10th and High Phone 3338 Rev Lloyd Holloway. pastor 0:43 a m. Church School, Sunday 11:00 a.m. Service of Worship Sunday 7:00 p.m.- vuth Fellowships Sunday 7:30 p.m. Fellowship Hour bunday PILGRIM HOLINESS 2301 Wantland Phor.e 8384 Rev O D Weaver 9:43 a m Sunday School 1100 a.m. Morning Worship 830 p.m. YPS 7.30 p m. Evangeltstie 7 30 p m Wednesday Prayer Meeting BONANZA NAZARENE CHURCH Mra. Roy Thomas, Pastor 0 00 a.m. Sundav School n iui . n. siiiiH.iv Mnmine WorshlD 7:30 d. m. Sunday. Young People's Meeting 800 p.m. Sunday. Evangelistic lerv re BETHEL TEMPLE 5lh and Klamath .'hone 6281 idly Library Auditorlumi Fcv. A E. Eooh 2110 Garden Ave. fl 4.1 a m. Sunday School 11 on a m Sundav. Morning Worship 7:.!0 n.m. Sunday. Evanselistic Service 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Bible Siudy CIIILOQUIN METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH nev. Edmund :itanton 10 00 a m- Sunday School 11 on tti Wornhio Service 7:00 p.m. Thurrdoy Youth Fellowship WILLIAMSON RIVER METHODIST MISSION ,'cv. riarlry XrMer 2 30 p m Sunday School 3:30 p in. Worshio Service Fellowship Dinner after Church CHILOO.UIN ASSE.MBLY OF (10D . v. VV'illl.Tm :nla 10-00 a m Sundoy School ll:f)il a.m. tVorship Service :;:o p.m. Young People 7:31) D.ir..- Evnneelical Meeting 7:::n n m. Wednesday Pra er Meeting 1. mi p.m. r riaay aioie siuay CIIILOOUIN OPEN BIBLE STANDARD CHURCH .eit IMalmln, I'astor 10:00 n.m -Rundav School 11(10 a in "Worship Service ti:30 p.m. OvercomCr 7 .10 n m. Kvnneclistlc Service 7:30 p 111. WrdnfMhy Mid-week Prayer ana iicie siuay OUR LADY OF MT. CAR MEL CATHOLIC CHURCH Hcv. William Stone 9 00 a.m.- Sunda' Marn BEATTY METHODIST MISSION Rev. Harvey teller 10:30 a m. Sunday School 11:30 a m. Worship Service TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Tuleiakf , Calif. Rev Richard E CJrarf. P;'tor -The Church of the Lutheran ?Imir" Morning Worship, It 30 am. 'PSTi. Sunday School. 0:30 a.m. PSTi 1 Worshipping in the Grange ll.ill, Tu'elake. Calif." Fire Is a dangerous enemy. Our best defense is fire prevention The best fire is the one that never started. Help prevent forest fires. Keep Oregon green! CLASSIFIED RATES On dy per word to .per word Via ..per word 30c ..per word 63c three days Week run Month run DEADLINES Classified arts accepted up to 5:30 p.m. for following day s puoucauoa up to Noon Saturday for Monday, "lasslfled display ads accepted up to 12 Noon lor lollowing day's publi cation. , BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled -nroiiga box numbers al tne paper for a service charge of 35c ADJUSTMENT Please make all claims for adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6. 3D p.m. will be made in following day s publication, by 12 Noon Saturday for Monday, rne minimum cnarge for any one ad Is 50c. A CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to expreaa our lhanka and appreciation for tht act ot kindneu. mv&sasej and beautiful lloral oticrlnik rerelved from our kind friends during our recent rcereavement in the 1om ol our beloved wife and mother. We ei iiLcially thank the Itcverend Alder. Mr. W. O. Forney and family. -rUritKAi KOMEl VVAHUS Klumatn Funeral Home I ' -ft Stipet I'hone 3:124 I MEETING NOTICES Regular meeting of Disabled Amer ican Veterans & Auxiliary will Be held Friday, Aug. 20. In the K.C. Chas A. Poteet, A.D.J. 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST GERMAN Shepherd female pup py, .ix iiiontnM otu. lack. Disappeared Saturday morning In Lakeihore Drive vicinity. Call LOST - GOVERNMENT check. Badly needed. Finder please phone S2S3 af- er 4:30 p.m. 4 GENERAL NOTICES COMMUNITY rummage sale all week end. Ten per cent for Polio. At 11110 Bristol IT'S LUCAS FURNITURES carload sale of bedroom sets, now In progress! Over 20 different styles and finishes to choose from. 6 PERSONALS ARE YOU HAPPY? MRS. FLETCHER PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT Oives truthful advice on all af fairs ot lite. Tells you past, pres ent and future without askunk questions. She has helped others and can help you. Gives names, dates nd facts. The truth, good or bad. Satisfaction guaranteed or do charges. Close to Big Y. Readings Daily 0:00 a.m. to 9:00 p m. , 4818 South Sixth St. WATKINS PRODUCTS. Phano r UK STANLEY Home luff Jones, phone 0Dti3. Produrts call Legal Notice ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids will be received on or betrrc two o'click p. pi. Thursday. Sep tember 2. 1QM, at the office of the Klamath County School District. Voter a us" Memorial Building, Klamath Falls, Orrcon. Thu hid will be for the erection of an Elementary School Building. at lli medalc Rnnd near Delaware. Klam ath falls. Orejton. A Rcncrn! bid will Include all items of work. Bids will be publicly opened and read. As a condi on nrefcacnt it rereipl of hn ;joposal. the bidder must have oualifiei ten tlOi da vi orior to the ooenine of bids, as prescribed by page 223t Laws of Ore gon. 1931. Plans and specifications niny be ob tained at the office of Morrison and Howard. 20:i Williams Building. Klam ath Frails, Oregon. A deposit of Fifty and no-100 Dollars S50 (Ki will be re quired lor plans and specifications. The deposit will be refunded to the bidder upon return of the plans and specifica tions, in good condition. Plans and specifications on file at the Builders Exchnnfle Coops, in Portland, and Eugene, Oregon: Son Frncisco and Sue rn men to. California. The successful bidder will be rcaulred tn furnish a surety bond in full amount of the contract price, and he shall be required to carry Public Liability mranrr as k Dec if led. A bidder's bond or certified check in Ihe .nmuiit eoual n five per i-ent u of Ihe lump sum bid must accompany the bid as a guarantee for the execu tion of the contract and bonds. In case the contract is awarded to the bidder. The Directors of the Klamath Lounty School District reserve the right to ac re pi or reject any ana an oias una to waive any informalities. Signed. J. F. Heydcn, Clerk No. 71 August i:t-20-27 NOTICE OF SALE Notice Is hereby given that the under state:! as Administratrix of the Estate ol Samuel Crucscr. deceased, will and alicr the i:;th day of September. Ilt:.4, sell to the highest bidder for cash nil of t lie right, title and interest of the ctate of the above named decedent in and to that certain real property de- scrioea Beginning at an iron pin located 279 6 fret North and 303. H feel West of the Sou the;. -it rorncr 01 said Trnct 39 A thence North 123.0 feci to an iron pin; thence Went 17.3 feet, more or less, to the WeM line of said Triu-t 39B, be tuff the EaM line of a road running aloud the right of way of the Govern ment Canal; thence South 21 deg. 10' Eait along said West line of tract 390, 6'.t.7 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of said Tract 3f)B: thence East 1 font: thence Stuithcaiierly along a line parallel with the West line of Tract .aA. 637 feet to an iron pin; thence South 67 deg. 25' East 120.4 feet, more or lest, to the point of beginning, con taining 0 43 acre, more or less. Property located in Enterprise Irri gation District, subject to easements, irttrtctlon.i. reservations and rights of vay of record and those apparent on the land. The above described land Is a por tion of Tracts .ia and .UB of Enter prise tracts. Klamath Count). Oregon. And n Hincci m land :o.-aieJ :i i'i-u 3PA and 3HB of Enterprise Trarts, Klam ath County, Oregon, and more pattic uifcrly drscrlbed as follows: Beginning at n Iron p n iTctcrt N. 0 (!? W. a distance of IPO 0 foot from the South east corner of said Tract 3PA. said dis tance measured along the East line of Tract 3D A; thence N. Bfl dfg. 42- W. parallel to the S. line of Tract 39A a rlislance ot 37tt.ti feet to an Iron pin located on the East boundary of the -ounty road: thence tn a .Northwesterly direction a distance of 130 8 ieet e.'',;r'ed,.ionr'rt"r.'e Eni "il!e "oV'tne mi nt v rnari nnint beinff the South ..est corner of that parrel of land con ced recorded on paae .vw of Volume n nl l)f.Ht the nil- S. til act. 2.' E alrn the Southerly line of said tract distance of 120.4 feet to an iron pin; thence N. a distance of 12:10 feet to an iron pin: thence East a distance of .Tt8 feet to an Iron puj located on the east line of Trnct :iS3- thence S clona the E. line of Tract :wB and :A a distance of If 2 feel mote or less to the point of beginnm. ntds for aid property may ' mined to the undersigned at the office f Gl'nn D Ramirez, her attornev, at South Sixth Street, Klamath Falls. This" 'sale Is made pursuant to an Or der of the Circuit Court for Klamath County. Oregon, dated this Ilth dy of August, 193 Bervl Helen Harlow Administratrix NO. 70 Aug. 13-20-2? S. 3 IH I EP K O I) LK R MEXICO CITY i.F A dope ped dler complained to police arresting him yesterday that Mexico's rtsinp cost ol living has boosted the price of nunmana cicarcites to two pesos iti cenis each. Oliicials cs tin, a trd this 15 a rise of about l" per cent. t PERSONALS BRUSHES. . pooim mil 9604 BEDROOM SETS. t7B.SQ up, Lucai Fur- niture, ly E.it M In 7 PUBLIC CHARITY SERVICES YOUNG WOMEN ot ny lalth needlnf ronhdentlal .dvlee my conuct Mr. Duncan. Catholic Charftiaa, 27S W. Broadway, fugene, Oregon. Phone Phona tO SERVICES We Service ALL Appliances If you have troubles CALL KIRK PHONE 8!8fl KIRKPATRICK'S Eastside Appliances, 132 So. 1th Westlnghouse, General Electric, Olbson and Easy Dealer Septic Tanks Cleaned NEWEST SANITARY METHODS also ROTO ROOTER 8ERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, etc, Ed F. King '. 3434 ORCHARD PH. 9841 G. E. and BENDIX APPLIANCE SERVICE FRED and RENO Formerly with Pyock's Phone 9807 Evenings 3470 NEW LAWNS TREE SURGERY INSECTICIDE SPRAYING MosquJtos, earwigs, aphids, mites Al Baker Suburban Nursery Ph, 2-3167 Ih. 8188 WANTED ALTERATIONS. children's ciotneji and patching. Phone 5431. SEWIN G . J r on 1 n g . jnyhome:25W la r d, ALTERATIONS and simple sewlngat re.aonable ratM. Phone S293 after noon. CABINET MAKING, all kinds remodel- tng Formica top specialty. Phpne 301 6 ci. OWING, discing and harrowing Gar rteninf H P Jarrard, Dhone M52 WATCH reoalrlng Beachi Jewelers c:n Main. Phone 3493. ROTOVATE that fire hazard Lawn rotovated and leveled. Phone 2-0943. HAVE YOUR school alterations done now outside work gladly accepted. .i-nnic. Anna a. Crater Hand Prints Custom made DECALS Phone 2-1303 FOR HOUSE MOVING. W. McDanlel. ' ' " '' ' ''noo fa!. SEPTIC tanks and lines cleaned and installed. Lacy King, 3335. HAY HAULING, stacking or delivery. cnone z-vuo. MATERNITY CLOTHES MADE TO ORDCR Phone CURTAINS laundered and stretched Plione 5655. PAINTING and pa per hanging, estimates, call Tim MacNann. 2-3052. BABY SITTING. Three years or Phone 2.1651. by day or hour. over, 603 Jefferson MILORB CABINET WORKS - Store fixtures, kitchen cabinets, w I n do w frames. 1877 Ivory - Phone 84C5. RELIABLE young woman will baby sit. Phone 7j48. NOW IS the time to have your hot water well coils pulled and repaired. Estimates given. Southern Oregon Well Drilling t;o. QJ5 willows, pnone uqjj. HD0-IT-YOUkSILF STA-DRI Masonry paints. "The Miracle t-'imtln.- Pe-'ton A C". 833 Marlte. T'jOLS FOR RENT - Cement Mixers, wheelbarrows. Screw and Hydraullo Jacks. Sanders of all kinds. Ski1 saw- etc Klamath Valley Lumber Co 1040 South Sixth Phone 4816. PLASTfC WALL TILE DO IT YUUHSELr You ran make that bathroom beautl. ul with plastic tile. We will Instruct vou. Only 8c per toot. CALHOUN'S 357 K Main Phone 8495 BKE HIVE Truck Rental Co. Move your self, save Beacon Mobile Service. 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. , I fcUUCAVIONAL Men Urgently Needed (18 to 55) FOR BILLION DOLLAR TELEVI SION RADIO INDUSTRY. TO TRAIN A3 TV INSTALLERS, RADIO-TV REPAIRMEN. AMAZING NEW 30-DAY INCOME PLAN de signed to train you, In spare time AT HOME, for. cash profits in just 30 days! No previous experience required. Booming industry! Big future! Prepare for good pay -jobs in studios, with manufacturers, or your own service shop! As part of plan vou BUILD AND KEEP BIG SCREEN TV RECEIVER, AC DC RADIO, and get professional testintr equipment WITHOUT AD DITIONAL CHARGE! Write today for free facts, how to make good in R-T-V: plus information on amazing 30-day Income plan. Henry Thompson. Willard Hotel, Klamath Falls, Ore., or Phone um for appointment, ;f Enlarging ACCORDION BAND Accordion Lessons Beginners or Advanced Lessons starting. Rentals Available. Phone 7580 or 2-9149 HOUKKtEPINU office mactilnt. typ inn. shorthand. Speed writing kindred subjects. Klamath Business College. 474H tith Phone 47fi0 REGISTRATIONS accented for fall piano Instruction. Beginner.., advanced, children. adults.Phoneb21x 14 HELPW ANTED. FEMALE RECEPTIONIST wanted Mut eSo'd irs. 4 to li p.m. Apply Hlanv WOMAN TO TAKK care of Invalid. Call Hi apartment 6. UJI Esplanade: VIIY COOK wanted. Llltle Sueden. Cafi in person or phom 7676 lor appoint- went. t HELP WANTED. MALE WANTED AMBITIOUS MEN Vr nnfcirtA colli nff In niir fmnllanre ; division. If you are Interested in maKintr a gooa income ior juurseii we will tell you how you can do it. Car essential. We give paid va cations; merchandise discounts. etc. GAMBLE'S ' WESTERN AUTO 1039 Main Streot 1 PLEASANT, profitable Distri butorship open your county fast moving home product. Nationally advertised. Doran, 1701 Westport, Kansas City, Missouri. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED KXPERIENCED WRECKER DRIVER- 34 hours, day and night. Phone SIM. EXCELLENT child care for pre-scnool-er J"nred vard Phone I-lfiT. CHILD CARE. Phone STOl IPON1NG done in my home. Phone smi - keep childrf.n in my home hour fiS North )th. It SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEWORK or Ironinl, II a boal. FAAULY MAN. NAVY veteran. u aenl desires employment ot a r" maintenance, warehouse, or " ture. Prefer hours. 4 p m. - P-"" Phone 4876 daytime. 22 ROOMS F0RRINT rbTSNT steam heated sleepln, room Ciose in. Phone 77JI. ROOM, BOARD, gentleman. cent. orivt i-nn RENT. 607 Hlh Street fdlTRENT. room In nice ,"mei K.;,ch" 1. rivli. Phone 2-3471 or 4830. SdOMTivllh kitchen privacies. Phone ROOMS. S29 Jeflerson. CUOL. AIKx sleepini clean Close In Pnona a-Wi4. BOOMS I0J4 Hlh. Mlf-r FRONT room. urear "i"" n:enls. 71C Main. LOVELY rooms, closa to. Phona 601 or 4239. 34 -APARTMENTS FOR RENT NEW1.Y DECORATED three ".w"!; ment. natural hot water heal, ill util ities furnished, 43- 1B42 Esplanade nhnne 727.1 r-URNlSHED APARTMENT. Private e. . uiaiui- Hht. heat furniinea. amortea, rnonn bhoj nun FOR RENT furnished three room court apartment wnn nam, uinuj1 rav. hone 4430. A'l TRACTIVE duplex apartment. Cres cent Avenue near schools and town. rj.ll t.iss. 'irdNiflHED auartments. Phone (1168. CLEAN, quiet two room apartment, Completely furnished. 1143 Pine. CLEAN FOUR room apartment, trie heat. $40. 1716 Fargo. FOR RENT Apartment, with water. Ill Pine. FURNISHED two room apartments. 135 and $47.50. All utilities paid. 419 N tmh. FOR RENT Two room modern apart ncnt for adults. 321 Broad. FOR RENT, one bedroom apartment downtown. Nicely furnished, newly dec orated. Phone 3816 or 3667, CLEAN TWO room apartment. Every, thing furnished including linens and util Ities Ascot Hotel, phone 2-9123. FUR NISI! KD APAPTMENT. Apartments, 710 Main. BRIGHT furnished two room apartment in brick building steam heat S40 224 Prnad THREE ROOM furnished apartment Alpha Apartments, plione 4522. TWO ROOMS and bath. aLso two room cabin. Close in. inquire 518 High. FURNISHED Anartment h apartment , 200 Market STEAM heated apartment 628 Oak. 1 APARTMENT for rent. Walnut Ad art- menta. 415 Walnut. THREE ROOMS and bath. Partially furnished. No children, 830 Prospect. MODERN. FURNISHED a p a rt m e n for couple. Close in. Phone 4402 or 3403. 635 North Ninth. FOR RENT furnished apartment. Close in Living room, bedroom, kitchen, din ette and ba th. Call 081 3. 12U Crescent. NEWLY REDECORATED three room apt. Fully furnished. Phone 2-1343. See at 1513 Oregon Ave. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. Hot, cold water, garbage service fur nished. Phone 7318. 2124 Biehn. FOR RENT LARGE three room fur nished apartment in newly painted du plex. Heat, hot and cold water fur nished. Three blocks iron Main. Adults only.Phone B309 after 5:30 p.tnl TWO ROOM furnlihed apartment. Phone 6381. TWO BEDROOM modern apartment. Inquire Henley Store, opposite the grade school. FOR RENT three room furnlihed apartment with garage. Phone 9992. FURNISHED TWO bedroom apart ment. All electric. 940 a month. No pels. Phone 2-0335. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FURNISHED, new modern two room cottage, electric heat. Inquire 1738 Wash bo rt Wav. SMALL TWO bedroom house for rent. Semi-modern. 23. Call 9903 after 3 p.m. FOR RENT three room furnished house, 441 Michigan. S30. Call at Klamath Cleaners. 431 Main. TOUR ROOM hoiue, furniahed or un furnished. AH electric. Reasonable. After September 1. Williamson River store. FIVE ROOM very neat furnished house Adults. 138 Lewis. ONE BEDROOM house. 3973 Board- SMALL. MODERN house with vard. In quire Henley Store, opposite the grade sc nooi. FOR RENT - THREE room furnished house. Inquire 433 Oak. FOR RENT three room house. Garage. Phone 6227. furnished FOR RENT. TWO bedroom house, three blocks north of Medical-Dental building. Bmement and fu mace. S55. Call 4382. TOR RENT - DUPLEX in Hot Springs. Call 37f0 . TWO BEDROOM unfurnished. Addition. Phone 2-0tjf2. Mill! 28 REAL ESTATE WANTED WILL TRADE late model car for equity in home or pickup. Call 2-1162. WANTED TO RENT small modern house, suburbs. Adrircy 2144Whlte. VV'ANTED TO RENT Clean two bed loom home. Phone 8S3B. HOMES TOR SALE F.verett Dennis Realtor 121 No. Phnne 14(11 8th TWO BEDROOM house, wanted rent. Call 7446 or 2-0..8. 29 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE TO TRADE House in Med ford for house in Klam ath Falls. Call b797 for details. 30 REAL EST All FOR SALE NEWER HOMES WASHBURN WAY-Two bedroom home. Two lots, good location. Priced right. FHA or GI terms tonnn , vin.l.ER AVFMUE Ahsnlntplv netir . t . . tlU.l.l , ..... UIUIUUIII, mills IVUIII, fireplace, dinins room, kitchen. If 'r .KT 6.0?- G00d NEWHOUSE REAL ESTATE Salesman: "CLEM" 122 So. 9th Phone 4600 or 2-2443 TWO BEDROOMS, ftrplace. narane ! Mills Addition: Vacant immediate i possession; $9450 Low-Interest FHA mortgage. Phone 8256 KWU1TY In four room home on two lots. Also two room cabin. Good income Property. Lawn and treei. 30a Lytton. TWO BEDROOM home. Mills Additioii Large living room, dining room, hard wood floors, fenced back vard. garaae Eouuv. SI MO. Phone -ITiW FOR SALE. Duplex. 312 No. 9tiv f.rS rrvh0Sr.c::'h! good furnace WOOO. Beard Agency 1020 Main. Phnn .sen ALMOST NEW two bedrooi TOR SALE or trade, two duplexes completely furnished. In AltamonL In come 140 per month Call am v. tension a days. ATTRACTIVE TWO BEDROOM HorrTe with fireplace on 50 x 150 lot Gar age. fenced hack yard, paved street. St I nlP rk. 8OO0.4jSi 8 Cannon. FOR SALE ftverroom house, close to school. fC io outbuilding with nice fin a .'1? ,roc7n nd f-,-ro'.f frui' riom. Both In good condition. Phone S2 two bedroom home. Mills Addition. Immediate possession. ' Phone 2-lnfi FOR SALE THREE hrirnnm no me with full fhmrs throurhoii baiement. Hardwood! shrubs. Phone 30. rg lot. nice FRIDAY, AUGUST 20. 19S4 30 REAL ESTATE FPU SALE Home & Guest House PLUS 1 'i acres of good trrlsrated; iand located two blocks from Shasta School. This is a perfect place for the kids. The two bedroom home is well built and the guest house is neat, with kitchenette, bath and electric heat. All this for 17800. Terms. Make an Offer Owner is out of town and is desper ate. Wants to sell these TWO homes on N. 9th. Very good Income property. He is asking $7500., no reasonable offer refused. Take a look and make an offer. South Sixth Frontage Plus a one bedroom house. The lot is 75 by 200. Here is your opportun ity to get a house to live in and start a business too. This is golne; for only S6000 with $1500 down, bal ance like rent. Hurry, this won't. last long. $500 Down Here is the rent beater you hav' been looking for. This two bedroom home has a good foundation, con ventional floor plan, fenced yard, garage and j acre of ground. Close to bus line and stores. All for $4250. DEANE SACHER REALTOR & INSURANCE 339 EAST MAIN Phone 3734 Eves. 6634 Salesmen Bruce Binklcy Eves. 3478 Steve Moss Eves. 8390 "Pat" HOWES Realtor SUBURBAN NEAR HOMEDALE Attractive two-bedroom home, liv ing room with wall-to-wall carpet ing, well-designed kitchen and din ing room, all surrounded by lovely yard and shade trees. This lovely home can be purchased for $8,500. Should qualify for most any type loan. "Pat" HOWES -7th & Pine Eve's: Joe Perry " - Realtor Phone 2-3545 5333 Merrill 4891 Malin 273 Bruce Owens Jess Z. Smith MILLS ADDITION Five years old. Two bedrooms and den, fireplace, hardwood floors, pat io and barbecue. $9500. Call 2-3377, DAYS 3655, NIGHTS 80 ACRES A good deal. All in crop. Priced to sell. Water, $1 per acre. Nicely lo cated. Two bedroom home. NEWHOUSE REAL ESTATE 122 So. 9th Phone 4600 Cliff Shuck; Salesman Three Bedrooms Close in. Beautifully decorated and newly remodeled. Cheerful living room, modern kitchen and dining area, sewing room. Two full baths. Garage and fenced yard. A real buy at $8000. Off Shasta Way Nice four room home on one half acre of good irrigated land. Larue one and a half story garage, de signed for apartment above but needs to be finished. Priced ' at $5250. Terms. .LONGE R E A L r 0 R 111 So. 8th Phone 3136 or 2-2713 Salesmen: JULIAN ABBOTT Eves. 4960 JOE LEONARD Eves. .2-0527 Got $1100? If so, you can move right in to this large two bedroom home with glassed In porch. Basement all floored and sealed. Only three blocks from Riverside School. Priced to sell at $4000. Balance, $50. per month. Will Trade Three acres near town with three large bedroom home, for three bed room home in town. What have your A Steal This business showing $14,000 per year net. Price includes everything. appointment to see this! $1 10 Per Month . From two - one bedroom houses plus apartment In basement (or owner. And, three vacant lots near good school and walking distance 01 town. For $9150. Lakeshore Drive Small two bedroom home, acre. Electric heat and oil floor furnace. Room to expand. Price, S4000. Hot Water Area One bedroom modern home with sleeDintr Dorrh nnri vacant corner !0!- ltT, reception. AH elec- lrlc "Wt, For $5750. bILbEKT W. FLEE I REALTOR DENNIE COAXES. Saleslady Eves. Phoue 2-1365 413 Main Phone 2-3335 FOR SALE 25 acres good irrigate ground. Two miles south of Klarratn Jails on Highway 97. No buildings. i liL08"-1.. 9315. TM'i- sun rtu thre " w n.iLr n n m.r errs. -"u iiit bedroom housa. Kam outbuildings. !!iJi THREE bedroom hom SOW Sumir.er. j Lane.