PAGE FOURTEEN Go To Church Sunday CHURCH DIRECTORY CHURCH OP THE NAZAREN'E Gird en and Martin Phone 4870 Bev. Wes-ey T. Crist First I hurch B:4S .m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship fl 45 p.m. Junior Society 6:45 p.m. Young People 7:M p.m. Evongellitlc Service 7:30 p.m. WedneBday Prayer Service Lakeside Church Corner Quarry and Acosta Streets Dewey Johnson, pabtor fi 4.4 a m Sunrfv School T:30 p.m. Thursday Mid-week Prayer Service Bim.E BAPTIST 1344 Wlard Phone 40i Keith P Fields 30 a.m. Buntlay School 11:00 a.m. M urn in g Wonhip 30 p.m. Baptist League 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7.40 p.m. W?dneday All family Night RENO GOSPEL CENTER Phone 1-2682 Rev. Meivin Onllith 10.00 a.m. Sunday School li:00 a m, Mornlni Worship STEWART-LENOX BAPTIST K. G. Wnl, Pastor Corner DoukIhs and Emerald Phone 2-1-107 9:4.1 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:.'W P.D1.-B T.H. 7.j0 D.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Wrdnesdav Prayer Service 7:00 p.m. Friday Officers and Teach- SALVATION ARMY 400 Klamath Phone Mil Lt and Mrs. O. W Mad ten 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Holiness Meeting 11:00 a.m. Junior Church 4:30 p.m. Young People 1:00 p.m. Bel vs lion Meeting IMMANUKL BAPTIST CONSERVATIVE llth and Hirfh t:4S a.m. Rime School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4 30 p.m. Young people 7:30 p.m. Evening, Worship 7:30 p.m. Til u mil Hy Prayer ' Meeting ' ALTAMONT BAPTIST J E. Brock us 4621 South 6th laofl Mitchell Phone J-1Mb f:4A a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m Morning Worship TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Tulelake. Calif. Rev. Richard E Grief, Pastor :30 a m. Sunday School end Church Services . Services held In American i,eglon Hall ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Ml Jefferson Phone 31M I Galen iv Onstad, Rector 4:00 a m. Holy Communion 30 a.m. Sunday School P .'to a m. Morning Pruyer 7.30 p.m. Young People SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST 1735 Main Phone 3648 Rev. Preston Smith :M a m. Saturday Sabbath School 11:00 a.m. Saturday Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting How Christian Science Heals "Prayer Overcomes Allergies" KFLW (1450 kc.) Sunday 9:35 a.m. First Church of Christ. Scientist A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scitntiif, in Boston, Man. 10th and Washington Sarvlcei Sunday Service, 1 1 :00 .m. Sunday School, 11:00 a.m.' Wednesday avaning Meeting, 8:00 o'clock. Leiion-Sermon Subject A u quit 15 "SOUL" Golden Text: whom shall I 1 be afraid? Psalms 27:1, Tho Lord It my light and my salvation; fearF tho Lord Is tho strength of my lite; of whom sholl Christian Science 1401 Esplanade One Block This is Lome Cose $ . ,. " 7:30 p.m. Each Night -Except EVANG. CASE IS sponsored by Bethel Temple "The Big Little Church" City Library Auditorium 5th and Klamath Ave. J Rev. A. E. Book. Pastor Rev. Edith Book, Co-Pastor GOSPEL TABERNACLE Altamont and Maryland Rev W. D Blgby 10 00 a m Sunday School 11:00 am. Morning Worship 7:.tO a.m. Cvenine Wonhlo 7.30 p.m. Saturday and Wednesday evening worship MALIN COMMUNITY CHURCH Rav. Carl C. DeMott ffVasbyterlani :4B a m. Sunday School II 00 a.m. Morning Worship bmij p m. Young riopie 8.00 Vesper Service ASSEMBLY OP GOD Rev. Claude O Wood 746 Otk a. 43 a.m. Sunday School II 00 a.m Aiorning Worship 6 43 pm. Youtn Service 7:30 p m Evangelistic 7:30 p m. Tuesday Bible. Prayer Service 10:00 a.m. Thundsy Prayar Service 7:30 p.m. Thursday Worship Service COMMUNITY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 4373 Bristol P(vne t-UU Rev Edward bander 8 45 a m. Sunday School 11 00 a m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Hobby-Craft Club TRINITY BAPTIST MISSION 17.16 Lakeport Blvd. Pelican City Rev T E Wit den Phone 3074 8:43 a.m. Sundav School CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Berne an Madia rkeae 4Un Klamath raits lit Wrd 0:30 a.m. Sunday Priesthood meeting 11:00 a.m. sundav acnooi 7::)0 p.m. Sunday Sacrament Service 7:.'I0 p.m. Tuesday M, I. A. 2 00 p.m. Relief Society. Wednesday 4;.'i0 p.m Wednesday Primary KUmalh Falls Ind Ward 6:30 a.m. Sunday Priesthood meeting 10:1.1 a.m. Sunday School !i::iO p.m. Sunday Sacrament Services 10 no a.m. Tuesday Rflief Society 4:00 p.m. Tuesday Primary 7:30 p.m. Wednesday M.I A. , ' OREGON TECH 10:00 a m. Sunday School HOPE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN (Tome d If Rd. at So flth Rev John 14 Rerhor Jr. 41 am Sunday School tl:0O a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. evening won nip CHURCH OF CHRIST 8303 WanMand Phone 6461 C H, A damn, minnier 10:00 a.m. Sunday Bible Classes 11:00 a m. Morning Worship 7:00 D.m, Men s Training uiaas 7:00 p.m. Women's Bible Studv 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study KLAMATH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev Kent K. Soauldlng oastor 1175 Crescent Phone 3417 9:43 a m. -Sundav School and Adult Bible CIbm 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p m. Luthr League, Sunday Holv Communion. 4lh Sundav 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Service. Wednes day 8:30 p m. Wednesday Senior Choir FREE METHODIST 1918 Oregon Rev Fred C Neumann 9:48 em. Sunday 'Srhon! 11:00 a.m. Morning Wonhip 6:41 pm. Young People 7:41 p.m. Evangellstte 7 4ft D m Wednesday Bible Study Reading Room From Hero Id and News Sod's Revival BE SURE TO HEAR Evang. Lorne Case at the Canvas Cathedral THE BIG TENT This ii comfortably heated on cool nights 3045 So. 6th St. From Auq. 15 thru Sept. 5 KLAMATH REVIVAL CENTER 1025 Mitchell hone lOfc. Mr. ant. Mrs. J. R. Griffith, paslen ayn. Sunday gcnooi 11:00 a m. Sundav 'Mornlnc Woranio 7:30 p.m.. Sunday. Evangel utie Serv lea ' 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study and rraer ) CONGREGATIONAL R. L, Larson. Minister . 21. ID Garden Phone J-327J 7:.hi p.m. Saturday, juDliee service 9 .10 a m. Church 9::to a.m. Church and Nursery School io u p.m. Junior J r. . 7 lo 9 p.m. Senior rr. CALVARY BAPTIST C Main and Garden Rev Grady E Estes 9:4ft a m. Sunday Scnool 11:00 a m. Morning Worship 6:13 p nv Training Union 7::t0 p m. Evening Wonhip 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayar Meeting HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CH'JRCH ruleiake Rev. Con O'Connor 7:30 a.m. Sunday Mais' 11:00 a m. Sunday Mass PEACE MEMORIAL PRF.F-nYTFRiAN 4431 S- Ml Phone 503 Rav L) way tie l. Proetl 9:30 a m. Sunday School 11:00 am. Sunday School 1100 e sn. Morning Wonhip 7:00 o m Sr. Westminister PENECOSTAL CHURCH OF UOD 2ti41 Itadciitfe Rev J E. Reddlck 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Service 7:30 p m. Sunday. Evangellstie St ice 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Thursday, P.Y.P.E. ST. FRANCIS CABRINI CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. John Phelan 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass OUR LADY OF SOOD COUNSEL CVTHOLIC CHURCH Dorris Rev Con O'Connor 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass YOUTH SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST 11.14 Main, Mission Church Ph. 2-1187 Effie Shelby. Pastor 10 00 a m. Sunday School 7:.lo p.m. aunasy tvannnuiu 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Wednesday and Saturday Service 7:30 p.m. Friday-Youih Night ST. AUGUSTINE'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Merrill Rev John Phelan 7:30 ar.d 10:45 a.m. Sunday Masses UNION GOSPEL MISSION SSI Commercial C M Tlmms 10 00 am Bible School i 11 00 a m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. fvning ""n KLAMATH TEMPLE 1007 Pine , ne 9:4A a.m. unda School 11:00 a.m. Moin:ng Worsnip 9:1m p.m. -.reriorn ' - ::4 p m Evangellstie 7:4fl o.m W-dneiday Bible Study MERRILL FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev George A. Milne 8 4!. a m. Sunday School it Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Divine Service 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Hour CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 10th and Washington Reading Room 1401 Esplanade Phone 9707 11:00 a m. Sunday School 11-00 a.m Sunday Servire 9:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Service FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rfv. Dale t. Hewitt 6th end Pine , , Phone 7111 9:.10 a.m. Church School for ail agei 1100 a m. Morning Worship 12:00 noon Friendship Hour LAKESIDE CHURCH OF NAZAHENE Comer Quarry & A?osta Phone 4644 Rev. Dewey Johnston 94!. a m, Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sundav, Morning Church Service 7:00 p m. Sunday. Junior Service 7::io p m. Sunday. Evening Servire 7:30 p. m. Thursday. Prayer Meeting Monday A Dynamic Speaker A Man of God with Messages of Deliverance that are unusual and different. Come Praying Come Believing See What Miracles God will do HERALD AND NEWS. m l., . ... SHE LIVES IN A HOUSE by the side of the road where mockingbirds sing each spring . . . her pioneer parents were in the race for land when Oklahoma Indian Territory was opened for settlement . . . she would rather get a friendly smile than add to her bank account. Martha M. Hurd is one of Klamath County's busiest women yet always has time to do the "little things" that clutch at the heart ... to make a Valentine apron or to bake a cake in appreciation of the deeds that are done bv others as routine . . . she devotes hours to the youth of the community . . . remembers "when" she called Bill Hart, Will Rogers, Tom Mix and Ranger Bill Miller of the silent films, best friends. She once starred with a troup of teenagers, the "Young Rangers" who traveled with her as far as the Chicago World's Fair, presenting an act of Western music and trick and fancy roping . . . she has written and arranqed rtdio shows for KNX of Hollywood, today can hold an audience spellbound as "The Lady Known As Lou." Her talent is freely given, .often re quested. Martha Hurd, who holds a full-time position as a needlewoman, came to Klamath Falls in midwinter of 1 94 I . Three years later with the world at war, she enlisted in the service of her country as a private in the U. S. Air Force. Her assignment in the medical corps, kept her at Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Alabama until peace came. She is a past commander of Winema American Legion Post, No. 142. In 1 953 she affiliated with the Ground Observer Corps and since then, with her husband Frank Hurd, has stood regular watches each week in the observation tower at the airport . . she has written reames of publicity for Camp Fire Girls, the GOC and other organizations, she plays music by ear, loves to garden and organize skits, is a great-niece of the late David Starr Jordan, Dean of Stanford University ... is the mother of a son, grandmother to three. , Next holiday time you'll see her as Merry Christmas, spreading cheer for the old and young while her husband, Hiidden behind a Santa Claus mask, will look on and ponder at the untiring energy of the mistress of Mockingbird Hill Ranch at Wocus. CHIRCII OF CHRIST : 1774 Arthur Phono a-1140 ; 10:00 a.m. Btble Classes 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7 30 p m. Mutual Edification 00 p.m. Wednesday Hible Study MT. LAKI COMMUNITY Rev. William Vi Aintey TiS a.m. Sundav Srnooi 11:00 a m. Morning Worship (i:4 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.m. Thursday Choir Practice 7:M p.m. Evening Servire 8:30 p.m. Thursday Bible Study MISSIONARY BAPTIST 4134 Douglas Elder Hoy Wisdom 4141 Balsam Phone 1-30A1 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Training Union 8 00 p.m. rvrntng Worship 1:00 p.m. Wednesday Utbia Study FIRST BAPTIST ! tth and Washington "hone 0173 Dr I M Causey t 45 a m Sundav School 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship 6 43 p.m. Training Union 8 00 p.m. Evening Worship 8 00 p.m. Mid-week Service, Wednei dav 8:13 p.m. Choir Rehearaal Thursday FIRST CHURCH OF COD 380 Altamont . Rev C H Beahm 9 45 a nv Sunday School 11:00 a m Morning Worship 8 49 p m. Young People 7 10 p m Evangelistic 7:30 p m. Wednesday -Bible Study JF.HOVAH'S WITNESSES 833 N 9th 7 3 pm. Sundav Wauntowrr Study 7 43 p m. Wednesday Bible StuJy 7 43 pm. Eridav Service Meeting $.43 p m Tridav Theocratic School ZION LUTHERAN lltn ana High Htwni TM Hv R. R Greet 0:30 a nv Sunday School Bible Class II 00 a m. Morning Worship ft:30 p.m. Family Night isecond Sun days 1:30 a sn. Youth Meeting (First and Third Sundays! 7:30 p.m. Married Couple.' Club irourth Sundays' 8 00 d m. Thursday Adult Class Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed ond Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Morquerite M. Word and Sons 925 Hiqh Phont 3334 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON this n that By RUTH KING REORGANIZED CIH'RCH OF JESCS CHRIST OF LATTER DAV SAINTS 9th and Plum Prion 8-0175 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11. CO am Morning Worship 7 30 p.m. evening worsnip Worship 8.00 p.m -Wednesday Fellowship FIRST COVENANT 823 Walnut Phone 8311 Joel C. Nordlund 9:43 a m. Bible School 11:0(1 a.m. Morning Worship ft CO n m Fcllovvsiiln Hollr 7;43 p m. Wednesday -Prayer Service COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Fort Klamath Rev Edmund Stanton. i-stor 9:H0 a m. Morning Worship Sunday 0:311 a.m. Church r.chool and tault bible class, Sunday 10:30 Church School, iuna.y SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 813 High Phone 4568 Rev. T. P Casey. Pastor 7:00. 8.00. 8 30. and 11.0(1 a n unda Masses 7 no. 8 00. 9:30 a n. Holv J Masses 3.00-4.00 and 7:30-8 00 Saturdays Con tesstons FIRST 9th and Pin CHRISTIAN Phone 3433 Rev Ueorge Alder 9 43 am Bible School 11 00 a m. Morning Worsnip 6;to p.m. Adult Bible Study 6 .10 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7 :io p nv Evening Worship 1.30 p nv Wednesday Prayer Meeting FIRST METHODIST CHURCH lOlh and High Fnona 3888 Rev. Lloyd Holloway p-islor 9:43 a m. Church School, Sunday 11 00 a m. Service of Worsnto Sunday 7.00 p.m. Youth Fellowship Sunday 7. JO p m. Fellowship Hour Sunday PILGRIM HOLINESS 2301 Wanttand Phor.a 5584 Rev O. D Weaver 43 a m Sundav Soruwl ll 00 a.m. Morning Worship 6 30 p.m. YPS 7 .10 p m. Evangelistic 7.30 p m Wednesday Prayer Meeting BONANZA NAZARENE CHURCH Mrs. Roy Thomas, Paslor 0 no a m. Sunciav School lioo a m. Sunday. Morning Worship 7 30 p.m. Sundav, Y O U n g People's Meeting 1.00 p.m. Sunday. Evangelistic Serv. fcr BETHEL TEMPLE 3th and Klamath Phon 5281 iCiiy Library Auditonumj Rev. A E. Book 8110 Garden Ave, 9 43 a nv Sunday School 11 00 a m. Sunday. Morning Worship " ,;o p.m. Sunday. E anteliMic Service 7 JO p nv Tuesday, Bible Study If tou want high quality Auto I Insurance at miured rates, see I Hang Norland, 637 Tine St. S.J'' t ' 'of ' ft - 'tf Na . - " Ctii nteiiiT ,. Lsaeal Police Seek Girl's Killer TOLEDO. Ohio fit Sheriff's dep. uties searched lonely woods west of here today for clues to the Iden tity of a fiend who dragged a pret ty high school girl from her bi cycle and then beat, .raped and killed her. The bloody and nearly nude body of auburn-tressed Mnry Jolene Freiss, 17, was found in the woods by three terrified women relatives yesterday after she failed to re turn from a ride to get the mail. Near tne scene, deputies found the girl's bicycle, her spectacles and scattered pieces of the mall she had brought from the box. Dr. Paul Hohly, Lucas County coroner, performed an autopsy on the body last night and determined uiat the girl had been raped. Mary Jolene had been staying for a few days with an aunt, Mrs. Mary Bond, whose son, George, was the girl's legal guardian. Legal Notice ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids will b received on or w.c iu o riucts p.m. inuriday. Sep. irmncr 19;. ttt the office of the Klamath county School District. Veter ans aiemanat uuiidinf, Klamath Falii. Oregon. This bid will be for the errrtion of n r. irmcniary cnooi Building. Hmicdale Road near Delaware. Klamath- Kails. Ore son. A Reneral bid will Include all items of work. Bids will be puonciy opened and read. As a condi tion Drrcrdem t receipt of hi proposal, the bidder must have qualified ten (10' days prior to the openint of bids, as prescribed by page 125. Lawa of Ore ion. 1951. Plans and specifications may be ob- iiunea ai me oiitce of Morrison and Howard. 203 Williams Building, Klam ath Falls. Oregon. A deposit of Fifty and no-100 Dollars W0 0u will be re- quirea tor plans and specifications. The deposit will he refundrd to the bidder upon return of the plan and apCcifica t.ons. tn good condition. Plans and specifications on die at the Builders Exchange Coops, tn Portland, and Eugene, Oregon; San Frncisco and Sacramento. California. The successful bidder W V be required to fiirnih a surety bond in full amount of the contract price, and he thail be required to carry Public Liability In surance as specified. A bidder's bond or rertlfied ehecfc In the amount equal to five per cnt 3vi of the lump sum bid must accompany the bid a a guarantee for the execu ton of the contract and bonds. In case the contract is awarded to the bidder. The Directors of the Klamath County Srhool District reserve the right to ac cept or reiect anv and all bids and to waive anv informalities. Signed J. r Keden, Clerk Na. Tt August CLASSIFIED RATES .per word 60 per word I'-io One day rhree days Week run . per worn syv ' ner word 60c Month run Sp to Noon Saturday for Monday classified display ads "Wted "B to IS Noon for following day s puoll- Ca"0n-' BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be . handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge of 25c. ADJUSTMENT Please make all claims for adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be made n following day's publication, by u Noon Saturday for Monday. The minimum charge for any one ad Is 50c. ,fUNERAl. HOMES WARD'S Klamalh Funeral Home. High Streel Phone 3ii. 1 MEETING NOTICES MANZANITA Potluck Picnic at the home of Ilene Ongman, Sun day. Aug. 15. 5 p.m. Bring own table serv ice. Drinks and ice cream will be furn ished. LOIS GUECK. Worthy Matron. EVERETT BIEHN; Wothy Patron NtRAU NOTICES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Phone 2-9309. P.O. Box 201 6 PERSONALS ARE YOU HAPPY? MRS. FLETCHER PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT Gives truthful advice on all al fairs of lite. Tells you past, pres ent and future without asking questions. She has helped others and can help you. Gives names, dates nd fact;. The truth, good or bad. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. Close to Big Y. Readings Dally 0:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 4818 South Sixth St. DISCOVER YOUR Talent, thrnush Gra' pno.Analysis. Mr. Howell, Winema Ho ti thru Sunday . WATK1NS PRODUCTS. Phone SUM ' K srANLEY Home Product, t.i Buff Jonea. phone gar,3 FULLER BRUSHES. Pi5n. Frltl Thoelcke wm 1 0 SERVICES We Service ALL Appliances If you have troubles CALL KIRK - PHONE 88S6 KIRKPATRICKS Eastside Appliances. 132 So. 7th Westinghouse, General Electric, Gibson and Easy Dealer CABINET MAKING, ail kindrrem,.,!.!. ing rormtca top -.pei-Jally. Phone :iul6 PLOWING. diiemertTrnr..- ..rr denlnit H. F Jarrard. oho,,- m-f) watch r.nirin o-rw-: KH Main. Phone 3493 SSYATE that flr.hii.rd , Lnwrn rojovatedandleveled. Phone 2-09a Crater Hand Prints Custom made DECALS Phone 2-1393 new or remodeling. P.O. f-r.HL0USE "OV'NQ. VVTMcdSi?!. Oak, p.inne -K'ii. CHILD PhnP V ti ,nK- and hnes cleaned iiLstalled. Lacy Kmc. :t:i:i.i and HAY HAULING. stacking or delivery. MATEHNITV CLOTHES WADE TO OliDER CURTAINS laundered and stretched Phone 5B55. Legal Notice M t NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hprrhv D,v . signed as Adminisuatr.x of the Esutc ol Samuel Crucpcr, deceased, will on and ait;- the uth dav oi sVk- JWa4, sell to the hiuht hri J all of the right, titie and interest of the estate Of tile abovn namnn rt i.7 and to that certain real property de scribed as: ue Beginning at an iron pin located 279 6 feet North and 309.a feet West of the Southeast corner oi said Tract 3A thence North 13.0 feet to an iron pur thence West 172.3 (eet. more or less' to the West line of said Tract 3!)B be ing the East line nf a man alqng the right of way of the Govern ment (,anai: thence South 21 dee in" East along said West line nf imn mn 09.7 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of said Tract 39B; thence East 1 foot: thence Southeasterly along a line parallel with the West line of Tract ;i9A. G3.7 feet to an iron pin; thence South 87 deg. 25' East 120.4 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, con taining 0.43 acre, more or less. Properly located in Enterprise Irri gation District, subject to easements, testrictions. reservations and rights of way of record and those apparent on the land. The above described land Is a nnr. tion of Tracts 39A and 3yii of Enipr. prise tracts, Klamath County, Oregon. And a parcel at l;ind tocmcd :.i iui'ts 39A and 39B of Enterprise Tracts, Klam alh County. Oregon, and more partic ularly described as follows: at an Iron pin located N. y dug. Ki' W a distance of 160 0 feet from the South east corner of said Tract 3UA, snid dis tance measured along the East im nf Tract 39 A; thence N. 89 dcg. 42' W parallel to the S. line of Tract 39A a distance of 373.8 feet to an iron pin located on the East boundary of the County road: thence in a Northwesterly direction a distance of 1300 feci more or less, to an iron pin. said distance measured along the East line of the County road, said point boing the South west corner of that parcel of land con cyed to Joseph F. Evans et LTx by aeed recorded on page 549 of Volume cyJd to ieph o oi ueeas. mence ?. H7 aeg. 23 E lcng the Southerly line of said tract a distance of 120 4 feet to an iron pin: thence Si, a distance of 123 0 feet to an iron pin: thence East a distance of 3;0.8 feet to an iron pin located on the east line of Tract 39B: thence S. along the E. line of Tracts 3HB and 39 A a distance of 249 2 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Bids for said property may be sub mitted to the undersigned at the office of Glenn D. Ramirez, her attornev. at 2223 South Sixth Street, Klamath Tails, Oregon. This sale Is made pursuant to an Or der of the Circuit Court for Klamath County, Oregon, dated this llth day of August, 1954. Beryl Helen Harlow Administratrix No. 70 Aug. 13-20-27 S. 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed as Adminis trator of the estate of Klva Sugarman, also known as K. Sugarman, deceased, by order of the Circuit Court of the County of Klamath, and all persons having claims, against said estate are required to present the same to the Administrator, dulv verified and with proper vouchers attached, nt the office Of L. Orth Sisemore. 7.11 Main Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, within six months from the date of first publica tion o( this notice. L, Orth Stemore. Administrator L, Orth Sisemore, Attorney No. 72 August 13-20-27 S. 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is herebr Riven that the un dermined ha. heen appointed Rxervi tor ot the Estate of Joseph Crandall Smith, also UTItten Jo.eph C. Smith, deceased, br the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon for Klamath Countv. and has qualified. All persons havint claims against said E.tate are noti fied to present the same to the under signed with proper voucher, at the office of Donald A. W. Piper. Pine Tree Buildina. Klamath Falls. Oreeon. WILltiD SIX months from Julv 30, 19M. Herman A. Scullen Eltcutor Julr M. Aui. , IJ. 10 No. 93. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1954 10 SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned NEWEST SANITARY METHODS also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, ete. Ed F. King 2434 ORCHARD PH. SMI G. E. and BENDIX APPLIANCE SERVICE FRED and RENO Formerly with Fyock's Phone 9807 Evenings 3470 NEW LAWNS TREE SURGERY INSECTICIDE SPRAYING Mosquitos, earwigs, aphids, mitei Al Baker Suburban Nursery Ph. 2-3167 Ph. 8188 PAINTING and paperhanging. Pre estimates, call Tim MacNann. Phona (05 . E A BY SITTING, By day or hour Three years or over. 603 Jefferson. Phone 2-lb51. 11 DO-IT-YOURSELF T(iOLS FOR RENT Cement Mixers, wheelbarrows. Screw and Hydraulia jacks. Sanders of all kind, Sktl saw- etc Klamath Valley Lumber Co, 10-10 South Sixth. Phone 4816. PLASTIC WALL TILE DO IT YOURSELF You can mane that bathroom beaut I ut with plastic tile Wa will instruct tou. Only 44c per foot. CALHOUN'S 3T)7 E. Main Phone 8495 mkh hive: Truck Rental Co. Move vnur. iell. save ',. Beacon Mobile Servict, 1201 Fast Main. Phone B3(J4. , , cuUV-AllQNAL ANYONE INTERESTED in or sketching, call 2-9226. drawing oil Ice magjilnt, typ ing, shorthand. Speedwrlting icindrea subjects. Klamath Businesi College, 4343 So. tith. Phone 47t)Q. 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE BA1JY S1TTEK wanted to live jn. Some hn use keening. Phone 5005 after 5:30 p.m. WANTED ELDERLY lady to do light housework. Room, board and tome wag cs. Phone 39BB. VO&1AN Tl TAKE care of Invalid. Call at apartment 6. 1421 Esplanade. WANTED: COMPETENT housekeeper desiring permanent position In modern home to care tor elderly lady. Family oi one. Good wages, room and board. Give reference. Addreas Box 1071, Lakeview. Oregon. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE WANT LOG TRUCKER, preferably die-' el with four wheel trailer. Short logi, approximately 35 mile non-highway haul. Price S8.74 plus transportation fax. Ray Lumber Company, Box 877, Lake view. Org. MS SITUATIONS WANTED B ABY SITTING evenings.' Phone 2-309Z, CHILD CARE in my home. Phont 2-1653. 4617 Denver. EX G.I. desperately needs work. Agt ai. Will do anything. Phone 6060 . MIDDLE AGE man wants afternoon or evening work. Clerk, selling, or any kind of work. References. Phone 5551 after 5p.m. or before 9 a.m. CHILD CARE. Phone 5301. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT, room in nice home. Kitch cn privileges. Phone 2-3471 or 4800. gentleman. 1607 GROUND FLOOR, attractive sleeping Quarters, completely furnished. 1143 Pine. ROOMS, 629 Jefferson. UtSiHABUt; ROOMS 822 Pnclflc Ter KUOMS 1034 High. NICE FRONT room, nients, 710 Main. Greer Apart. LOVELY rooms, close In. Phon 6061 or 4259. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT WANTED Woman for housework. Must have own transportation or walking dii tance of Roosevelt School. Write Herald & .Sews Box fl27. VERY NICE one bedroom apartment. Living room, kitchenette ond bath. Com pletelv furnished. 2141 Gary Street, one ha f block off So. 6th. Phone 3-1007-"IHllEEHOOM furnished apartment. Hot, -ler- arba8e service furnished, hjWl8ia4BJehn: FOR RENT-MODERN, furnished, clean "'"i"5 015;. two. and three bedroom Main Ob'mpic Apartments. 207 E. ?naLRtCORATED FURNISHED 4462 "ear 8VV,mm'n pool. Phone ri?rnTB? five rot"" partment, fuK llr four room Utilities lurnahcd. lC2gDerby. phone 2-3281. Hii? SS-Mk aPar,nients for renTUtif 11JM furnished. $3 per week. 410 So. aM?in2SP three room furnhhed etilmt FVNtSHEDi bedroom 1717 Man,' heat' Ph0ne 2'2A ?oSLL"H"ED on bedroom "hornteaS,mem- PriV8te bth' GaraEe- rnd"hShETTparlment- thr Krnnri Centrally located. 12i South CoifmSqUl,ct Uvo room' apartmenl. h?mpleiejyurjhediji43 Pine. mcEh?,F2.UR room npaFtmVnt. Elec tricheat. $4Q ni6 Fargo. pLRm1S--D , one bcdTom dupleV. hoiie f5o. J3J2Sargeant. F URN I SH E Dapartmen'ts. Phone fllW. injNs?-"S5lroom "PartmenU. i5 m?nt7 "v room apart mcnt furnished and one four room. 2-3281 lurnhL 1628 Derby, phone Z RENl-Two room modern eparC nenLirduUs;MlBroad: 4-?IAto CnlAN apartmenu. Close In. o. jut n. S?.iIESZrin bII" pirtmtnt. oiJi '""; Ni"ly '"nlshea. niwly dec. rJ"f PhMe StW or 5657. thin'(!,.IWPJroom aP"ment. Evry. a n'.!h,e.d "cludini linen, and utll nifsAscoi Hotel, phone 2-9l2. !7En??Hlurn''he'1 P"tment 'ilorenajjnquireJ 2037 RadclKte. ADaV?i1"fD - APARTMENT, OTTTi ADartmenjTlo Main. mHbrUJ in.'?""1 1 room iDartmeni Rrnad tlu'ln. .team neat tto S2 TMRjiTHupMs. tumlshedgui ArlMi, '""Anartmentjphone 32i IS?- R"S and bathrinrotmraom crMticlo,e in. Inquire 818 HUh. initISIltu Partmenl. 200 Market STEAlhea'ted apartment. 626 Oak. me'nt?TaINI f "" W"nut Apart "1 Walnut. TViSm flat, completely furmhonujmitlespald. Call 3813. J1RE ROOMS and batPa7riall fri.nisheiLNochildren. K10 Prospect. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT B EACTIFUL DUPLEX All ne,re decorated. Hardwood floors and vene- mtT.n 5i.bwmOTI- u'"h'n, " THREE ROOM modern fullrrcamn. 2-S)lI'C "ve' S2i K'r month. Phona r. i1?1 ,hre rorn semi-modern iSS sl-cd. ,ho11- t Jack Hawkins. 1P.13 V.antlamd. rURNlSHED THREE room house. Mm, Addition. jo. No pets. Phona SMALL MODERN furnished bouse. 27 so month. 327 Division. FARTLY FIRNISHED one bedroom home with garage, 1327 Johnson. so per month. "Paf Howes Realtor, corner 7lh and Pine. Phona 3-3MS.