KRIPAY, AUGUST , 1954 I HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON HOT IDEA for COOL PROFITS . . . WANT ADS ! 22 ROOMS FOR RENT CiAri NtWLY dftco a ted' pHnpp 4444 Greer Apart. LOVELY or 4259 roonii. close la Phone 6061 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT - NEAT three room fur rushed apartment. Gas range, refriger ator. Oil heat. One block off East M?in. No pets. 2012 Reclamation. Phone 4751. FOR RENT two room furnishedparT nient. Newly redecorated. Electric tinge and refrigerator. Natural hot wa ter heat. Adults only. Lincoln Apart ments. 319 E. Main. FOR RENT Apartment, with water. Pine. Ill TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment 5. Wat r furnished. Phone 2-1539. FOR RENT- THREE room apartment. Private bath. Clo;e in. Phone 8767 or 568. FURNISHED two room apartment. SVi end $47.50. Alt Utilities paid. 419 N. loth. FOR LEASE one five room apart ment, furnished and one four room. Utilities furnished. 1028 Derby, phone 2-3281. FOR RENT Two room modern apart ment for adult. 321 Broad. VERY NICE one bedroom apartment. Living rtom, kitchenette and bath, completely furnished. 2141 Gary street i, block off South fith. Phone 2-1097. Couple only. Close in, FOR RENT, one bedroom apartment, downtown. Nicely furnished, newly dec- oralcd. Phone att:i6 or 5G57. CLEAN TWO room apartment. Every, thing furnished including linens and util ities. Ascot Hotel, phone 2-9128. LEASE Furnished flat. Clean, quiet Close town. Adultl. $60. For appoint ment phone evening s. i:-iMtMJ. FURNISHED APARTMENT for couple. Close in on Ninth. Modern. Also one unfurnished two hoHroom dnolx. Dhone 4432 or 3924. 635 North NinthStreet. FOR RENT two furnished apartments. S2b each. Suitable lor two girls or OTi students, or five roam apartment. S5f. Contact Sid Welnstein at Her man's Men's Store. MODERN FURNISHED apartment. Olympic Apartments. 201 E. Main. THREE ROOM furnished apartment 2137 Orchard. Inquire mm kbociiuc. FURNISHED APARTMENT. Greer Apartments, 710 Main. THREE ROOMS, iurnished.2041Aruir THREE ROOM furnished apartment. Alpha Apartments, phone 4522. BRIGHT, furnished two room apartment in brick building, iteam heat $40 224 Broad TWO ROOMS and bath, also two room cabin. Close in. lnquire5iaH igh. MJRNISHED apartment 200 Market Apartment STEAM heated apartment. 628 Oak. THREE ROOM unfurnished apartment. Couple only. No peti. No children. Call at 408 MarKet. APARTMENT for rent Walnut Apart ments, 415 wainm. NEWLY redecorated two room furnished apartment near iwimming pool. Phone 4462. , MODERN FOUR room flat, completely furnished. All utilities paid. THREE ROOMS and bath, ranuuiy bath. furnisneo. o cnuun--. THREE ROOMS and bath. Clean close in. Individual entrances. No pets. Phone 26 HOUSES FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM Call 2-1643; house unfurnished. FOR RENT three room house. Garage. Phone 6227. furnished STirp'TWO BEDROOM home. Strictly modern. Call at lj02Johnson. Vwh ROOM furnished cabin, garage. S25 1346 Owensphone 2-2037. FOiR-BENT One and two room cabins. Seme modern. Wood, water furnished. ?T.W asm South 6th St.. Cabin It. FOR RENT one bedroom furnished houHeMjrnPJumeBJJJi NICELY furnished three room Fl" trie ally equipped. Close m. 4253. tj cmt nn tienroom unfurniahed f - - , T1 O-lllI house. Moaern. n.m.c r-Tr a is: ONE bedroom duplex. Fire pe. Garage. Near Main. Phone 8283. evenings. ONE BEDROOM cottage. sin a ilia m i iy. iw " ., rriR RENT ! OR SALE, furnished live hmiw. modern. 158 L,ewis. ONE BEDROOM furnished house. 4io Va sh in gt on. .... - r ei-.-n 1i i r n i hed c ab- 7r . elictFic stove. 3 month. Phone 2-3013. FOR BENT two bedroom unlurnisntd Mouse, f none 'JL TWO BEDROOM house, unlurnis Inquire 708 No. Ninth. VitHNISHED cottage. Phone 9086. 18 REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTINGS WANTED nr. hnme listings immediate ly. We're sold out. Call us now Ior action. WALT DIETZ, Associate Broker With T. B. WAITERS REALTOR & INSURANCE 107 So. 1th - Ph. 4193 (Eves. 9469) "Pat" HOWES Realtor THINGS ARE LOOKING uri l More and more people are moving n nnr nitv. so now is the ideal imo tn sell vour property. Don't put it off but call or stop in today nnH see us about listing your prop erty. Yours may be Just the home one of our customers is waning 101. "Pat" HOWES Realtor 1th As Pine Phone 2-3545 Eve's: Joe Perry Bruce Owens ' Jess Z. Smith 5332 Merrill 4891 Malin 272 BUSINESS COUPLE wish to rent mod- ...... HprtrrMmi houae. unfurnished. Preferably with electric heal, and will- to Day up to S10O monthly. Write box 920 care of Herald and News. v:ANTEliTb RENT Two bedroom fur- nished house. Phone 2-0:163. WANTED FOB RENT, two bedrrum unfurnished house for high school trachciCaIl 5J1!. i.vipl.nvED WIDOW would UKe rent semi-furnished apartment. Close Permanent. Reference. Phone :l?18 ailer 5:30 pro, HOMES FOR SALE Everett Dennis Realtor. 121 No. th Phone B491. . 30 REAL ESTATE fOR SALE MILLS ADDITION Two bedroom home, hardwood floors, electric heat, garage and shop. Fine loca tion. $8500, GI or FHA terms. NORTH SIDE Three bedroom home, wall to wall carpets, fire place, basement, automatic -piped furnace. Close to school. $9500, GI or FHA terms. $540 DOWN buys this two bed room home in Mills Addition. Full price. $5400, to eligible veteran on GI loan. DUNBAR-ROBINSON AGENCY REALTOR clc INSURANCE 130 So. 5th Phone 3581 or 7211 Jack Cashln Eves. Ph. 2-3170 IWO BEDROOM HOUSE, fireplace, on corner lot Near high achool and grade irhool. $3000. 804 No. lllh Street, ATTRACTIVE TWO BEDROOM Home nth fireplace on SO X 150 lot. Gar lie, fenced back yard, paved ttreet. St. rrancu Park. $8000. 461S Cannon. 30 REAl ESTATE FOR SALE SHASTA AREA j Beautiful five room home with all extra large rooms. Masonry con struction. Fireplac, large closets throughout, separate dining room, insulated, nice fenced yard, 'j block to bus line. Don't miss seeing. $11,000 terms. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Northside. Constructed 1941. Liv ing room with fireplace, separate dining room, well arranged kitchen and bath. Large bedrooms, ward robe closets, hardwood floors, part basement, newly painted inside and out. $8250, terms at AWv HOTEL One of the finest in Klamath Falls. Excellent location. Includes real property, all fixtures and equip ment, three business rentals, etc. Selling for below actual value for quick sale. Call for further infor mation. LONGE REALTOR 111 So. 8th Phone 3136 or 2-2713 Salesmen: JULIAN ABBOTT Eves. 4960 JOE LEONARD Eves. 2-0527 $650 DOWN Two bedroom modern home. Ga rage, frost room, laundry room. In sulated, storm windows, electric heat. Nice lawns, shade trees, and shrubbery. Property in A-l condi tion inside and out. All this and more for only S6500. $650 down, bal ance, $50 per month. Better hurry SHADY PINE Two bedroom modern on one and a half acre. Garage and several outbuildings. $3,000, good terms. Three bedroom modern on one and a half acre. Double garage. Lots of berries, flowers, and shrubs, $3750. low terms. HOT SPRINGS Three bedroom modern with fire place. Dining room. For quick sale, only $7600, good terms. WALT DIETZ. Associate Broker with T. B. WATTERS REALTOR & INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Ph. 4193 (Eves. 9469) MOTELS 11 unit plus nice managers apart ment. In A-l condition. Well es tablished and proven high income. Will consider some trade on home or small rental income property. Price, $41,500. Terms. 10 units plus nice managers home. Strictly modern liquor lounge and restaurant, large workshop, equipped with expensive power tools. This out of town property Is one of the best we ever had to offer. Only $55,000 complete with low terms. Owner will trade. What have you? LIQUOR TAVERN & RESTAURANT The only liquor tavern in small saw mill town. Also has wonderful opportunity for dine and dance set- up. Living quarters. Property in good condition. Real estate and all equipment for only $27,500, good terms. Would also consider trades particularly Medford). WALT DIETZ, Associate Broker With T. B. WATTERS REALTOR & INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Ph. 4193 (Eves. 9469) TAKE A LOOK an im for yourself, the advantages vU,,.u. . niiui puraiea in mis mree bedroom home, only 2'i year. old. Vel. vei-nne lawn surrounds this nicely-located place. Fireplace, hardwood floors ... cusiom-ouiit furnishings, r H. A. or G.I. terms available. SU 000 can 4o64 or 5529 days. Evenings call TRANSFERRED MUST SELL Well constructed three bedroom home. close in. good location. Wall to wall carpeting in living room and dining room. Inlaid linoleum in two bed- .uumu, iciuaining ryearoom nas nice. practically new rug ana pad. Nice b.ith. Kitchen and glassed-in utihti P'jrch. House recently redecorated. Full price compensates for required yard work. Phone bubd after six p.m. or all diy Saturdays and Sundays. THIS LOVELY three bedroom home on Clinton Avenue must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 3742. NEW TWO bedroom home ditioh. Electric heat also nice feature. Mav take in trade. Call 4481. in Mills Ad many other small house WILL SELL EQUITY in one bedromn home. $425. Immediate possession. 216 Lewis. FOR SALE 300 acre ranch. 100 acres in grain. Balance In grass and alfalfa. Cattle and machinery included. Ar tesian well. The crops this summer will speak for themslves. This ranch is located at Lakeview, Oregon. For information call 2-0097. Klamath Falls, or wirte Rt. 1. Box 2A. Lakeview. TWO BEDROOM horn near high school and grade schools. Basement. Nice yardsssoo. Phone 7254. FOR SALE or trade, two duplexes, completely furnished. In Altamont. In come $140 per month. Call Sill ex tension 28 davs. FOR SALE. Du plex.313 No. 9th. TWO BEDROOMS. firplace. garage. Mills Addition: Vacant immediate possession; $9450. Low-Interest. FHA mortgage. Phone 8236 F OR SALE, mortgage on good home. Owner in need of money, will discount. Write box 923. care of Herald andNews. THREE ground floor furnished apart ments, tins montn income. tm in, North of Main. Near Esquire Theatre. City steam - heat. Call 4272, weekday mornings. THREE bedroom home 5015 Summers Lane. FIVE ROOM modern home. Small down payment. WiU rent. 3111 Emer- FOR SALE Small modern house. Gar den. 2300, two mortgage, terms. Trade for trailer house. 3063 Lodi. ! 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS Three bedroom home, all on one floor. Level street, paved. Wall to wall carpets living and dining room. Fireplace, automatic neat, insulat ed, weatherstripped. Unfinished ga rage. Fenced bacK yara. uiose tu High School and markets. Only $7600. Terms. SUMMERS LANE This South Suburban home on 'i acre has a free water right, two large bedrooms, dining room, living room, kitchen, bath and utility, all on one floor. Hardwood floors throughout. Fireplace, insulated. Garage with workshop. Fenced yard, fine garden spot. S10.500, F.H.A. terms. HOT SPRINGS Natural hot water heat. Home like new inside and out. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with ceramic tile, two large bedrooms. Third bedroom in base ment. Hardwood floors, full base ment with drive-in. Grounds beau tifully landscaped. 50 x 210 lot. Elig ible G.I. can own this fine home for only $712.50 down or F.H.A. terms. AL SCHMECK REALTOR & INSURANCE 20 years i'irh farm loans 517 MAIN PHONE 3211 Harry Van Eves. 8204 Jack Elliott Eves. 8895 Al Schmeck , " Malin 213 INCOME Consists of two good houses, one basement apartment, three lots. In come over $100 per month. Near Riverside School. For $9150. KENO ROAD Five acres, all irrigated. Price is right. WILL SELL ON FEDERAL G. I. Three bedroom home near Peter son School on one-third acre. Beau tiful yard and garden. Lots of fruit and berries. Must sell at once. GILBERT W. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady Eves, Phone 2-1365 413 Main Phone 2-3335 SUBURBAN For gracious living call now to see this spacious T bedroom modern home. A-l construction through out. 16 x 22' living room with fire place, tiled bath, completely in sulated with storm windows for summer and winter comfort, at tached garage. Located on a beauti fully landscaped lot in a restricted suburban district. Price $11,000 F.H.A. terms or G.I. terms. ST. FRANCIS PARK Modern 2 bedroom home, superior construction, in A-l condition throughout. Beautiful hardwood floors, fireplace, separate dining room, automatic heat. Complete ly insulated storm windows. Large detached garage with fruit room and workshop. Level landscaped lot, on paved street, surrounded by other fine homes. Total price only 59,750. VERY CLOSE IN Where else in Hot Springs can you find a well constructed 3 bed room home, with fireplace dining room, wall to wall carpeting and forced air oil heat for only 57,600? Concrete foundation with partial basement, new roof, excellent lo cation. Call us now. SHASTA WAY For only $3,750 you can buy this modern 1 bedroom home. Newly painted inside and out, 'i acre irrigated garden soil. Easy terms can be arranged. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS 1909 Don Sloan ,Phone 5658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Ill N. 9th St. hone 4564 or 5529 6 ACRES Located in Dairy. Here Is an op portunity of a lifetime. Larue home, nicely landscaped. Owner saya leave tractor, spud planter, culti vator and crop. All this for $2,500 down or owner will trade for town property. Full price $12,000. $900 DOWN To ' qualified O.I. for the THREE BEDROOM home on Northside In Fairview School District. Has large kitchen, utility and gewini? room. All bedrooms on one floor. HURRY on this one, for the price of $7850. GEE, IT'S NICE That Is what you will say when you see this neat and well built two bedroom home in Homedale District. Haa a full acre of ground Nicely landscaped with lots of shade trees. This is a buy for $6950. Terms. DEANE SACHER REALTOR 339 EAST PHONE 373 & INSURANCE MAIN STREET Eves, 6634 fca legmen BRUCE BINKLEY EVES. 3478 STEVE MOSS EVES. 8390 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEWHOUSE EXTRAS i nARROW STREET New home. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, large utility, lenced yard. G.I. or F.H.A. $9000. THREE BEDROOMS PACIFIC TERRACE. Living room with fire place, dining room, kitchen, utility room, plnv room, larste patio, all fenced. Deluxe. Only $18,000. F.H.A. or G.I. terms. NEWHOUSE REAL ESTATE Salesman "CLEM" 122 So. 9lh Ph. 4600 or 2-2443 NEAR SHASTA WAY On a well located lot. Two bedroom home ready for you to move Into and start living. Separate dining room, hardwood floors and com. pletely redecorated. Should go FHA or GI at $6500. Va acre . Immaculate two bedroom home with lots of room. New garage just com pleted. Good garden spot and pas ture" all irrigated. Wired for drier. Fenced yard. Should take good loan at $9000. MILLS ADDITION Should go five per cent down on GI loan. Three bedrooms, den, huge living room and dining room. Wall to wall carpeting, four rooms. Well landscaped lot. Sprinkler system. NOW on FHA. $13,500. RON FISHER REALTOR & INSURANCE 111 So. 4th , Phone 6764 Eves, call 8970 Dean Hall .-. Eves, call 8073 Al Longmire Eves, call 6724 OWNER LEAVING MUST SELL Modem two bedroom home on one acre. Good garage and outbuild ings. Nice yard and garden. $5000. Low down payment. ALMOST NEW Two bedroom home. Hardwood floors. Good furnnce. Youngsrown kitchen. $7000. Will carry FHA or GI loan. A GOOD BUY In a two bedroom home and duplex. This is nice property and brings in an excellent income. $14,500. Best terms. Owner will carry contract. LOTS Two lots in Hot Springs, three in Mills Addition. EEARD AGENCY, Realtors 1020 MAIN Phone 2-3471 or 4880 $400 DOWN Two and a half bedroom home in Hot Springs. Lot 50 x 170. Full basement. Balance $5100. Phone Owner at 5692 24V2 ACRES 15 miles from town on Lakeview nisnwoy. inree bedroom home, barn, good well and pressure sys tem. House is modern. Land can be productive with very little work but has not been utilized. Owner has reduced price for quick sale to wsau. see us tor terms. RON FISHER REALTOR & INSURANCE Eves, call 8970 Al Longmire Eves, call 6724 Dead Hall Eves, call 8073 111 So. 4th St. Phone 6764 THREE BEDROOM modern home on one third acrt of ground. W.350. 3921 Sturdevant. OR SALE equity in two bedroom home on l acre lot or will trade ior three bedroom. Phone 4025. FOR home off Altamont, Call p.m. FOR SALE three bedroom house Mills Addition. Phone 7521 days. 32 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GASOLINE and burner oil distributor ship for Klamath and Lake Counties. Major company products. Some capital needed. This is a bona fide deal with firm source of supply. Write box 919, care of Herald and News, for addi tional information. MAJOR OIL company has high gallon ane service station for lease. Call 8178. CAFE FOR SALE, going business, good location in Klamath Falls, some terms. P.O. Box 1157. 34 FINANCIAL LOANS CHOOSE YOUR LOAN SERVICE 1. BORROW ON YOUR SALARY Employed people In all lines of work may qualify for a salary loan whether you're on "a new job or an old one. 2. BORROW ON YOUR CAR OR FURNITURE Your furniture or automobile ma-e excellent security at Local Loan Co., paid for or not. 3. SPECIAL "PAY DAY" LOANS SI0, 125, 50 loaned "til Pay Day", or longer. Pay only for the actual number of days you keep the money," $29 costs 18c for one week No other charges Phone for your Loan Local Loan Co. (Established 1908) 115 N. 10th St. Phone 2-2537 A:ik for Walt Bingham, Mgr. M-354 8-276 34 FINANCIAL Has Spring SPRUNG Your Budget? Lots of expenses in Spring months . . . yardwork, home improvements, new clothes, a thousand . things! Time's right for you to turn to: The PF All-ln-One LOAN! To Consolidate Payments To Reduce Monthly Payments To Pav Pesky Bills To Get Extra Cash ; . See Us Today For Fast, Friendly Service PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 121 So. 9th Rex Doyle, Mgr. Phone 8128 34 FINANCIAL LOANS QUICK CASH LOANS BORROW PAY ONLY $100 $591 Mo. Repay In 24 Installments $2000 UP TO ON Combination Furniture and Automobile Loans rHE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Locally-Owned New Cars Financed at Bank Kates "MONEY IN A HURRY1 Phone "CHUCK" BAILEY -332S or call at 531 So. Sixth St. Southern Oregon's only drive-ln Finance and Loan Company. FREE PARKING! MOTOR INVESTMENT CO, Furniture loans over $300 and nuts loans over $500 made under "The Oeneral Laws ot Oregon." S-241 M-27S Commercial Furnishes,,.. i Cash CONSOLIDATE YOUR BILLS IN '54 WITH A COMMERCIAL '54 CLUB LOAN $25 to $2500 SALARY-AUTO--FURNITURE COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION BILL CANTON, Mgr. Oldest Finance Co. in So. Ore." Loans above $300 through our Industrial Loan License. 107 NO. 9th PH. 7711 M-223 S-215 WANTED TO BORROW $200. repay $25 4th and lDth each month. Hunk interest. Write box 922. care of Herald aiidNews. 36 BUILDING REMODELING MONTGOMERY WARD Whatever Your REMODELING PROBLEM Ask , WARDS About It First! ROOFING SIDING INSULATION WARDS Does The WHOLE Job, AND Guarantees The Job. Several payment plans available, including FHA. DECORATIVE FALSE SHUTTERS. MADE TO ORDER. Four colors yellow, red, green or natural knotty pine finish. For design samples, phone 2-0722, VAN FLEET-Electric. Good used lum ber. 200 Main. 38 FUEL HEATING GREEN PINE SLABS HAND PICKED $6.50 Per Double Load. PINE BOX FACTORY BLOCKS FRANKFORD FUEL COMPANY PHONE 4511 Peyton & Company BLOCK WOOD ' UTAH COAL ' PRESTOLOGS STANDARD HEATINO OILS Peyton & Company S3S MARKET BT. PH. 5149 LOANS 18 FUEL HEATING BL0CKW00D Reduced Price $50 Peyton & Co. Phone 5 1 49 FRANKLIN STOVES with wood 11 or andiron. Priced at SBti. $107.25 and BASIN BUILDING MATERIALS 4734 So. Mil Phone 2-2383 I'HESTULOUS ulL'kun or (leJlvurrH Cliff Yadcn Signal Service. 23(i0 So ih Phone iiiini or 2-8aii0. W give SStH Groen Stamps UKY PlNKHl0Lk at blrT 14.25" ottr cord. Snntn Sixth Street and Altamont Plume 5K52 Metier Bros Ubi S&H Green Stamps on heatlnt oils. Plume Willi, Cliff service itTilit) fcouth 0th. for your barbecue. Swan ins Co 39 FOOD PRODUCE DEETS. four cents; rhubarb, 4b06 Shasta Way. 40 BOATS-PETS-SPORTS-HOBBIES 1 OR SAL.F. - rnt-tallcd water spaniels, fhone !M()ti3 after four p.m. WILL SELL OH TRADE 9x11 wall tent, practicnlly new condition for smaller umbrella tent. Call 7-0221 Tule- lake or see at Froley Ranch FOR SALE LYMAN Challenger scope and mount. Also .22 Colt automatic pis tol. Phone 7275. WEIMAR ANE US, all purpose sun dogs whelped April 10. These are promising pups, inu'iiiKem, sountt nisposuton, in. quirica welcomed. R. C. Giant, 524 Mill Street, Hose burn, Oregon. OUTBOARD MOTOR tuneup experi enced mechanic nl $,150 pliiN parts. MONltOKS MOORAGE 0211 Fronl Street FOR SALE Cocker pupa. Phone 4915 BOAT FANS! Here's just the cruiser for you! IB-foot outboard cruiser that Is in like-new condition. ItealJv performs! Sleeps two: Its only one year old and has been used very little. Hat 1UM 25 h p. Evin rudc motor nnri controls. Boat and n'otor complete Mr 'only HU50. There' a nice ruKRcd trailer with it for only S2UO extra if you wish. See this fine boat at Monroe's Docks. Ask Harry Monroe about It! 2 Front Street. Citl'llUAlii'A-S fur sale. Call 332 or sen at :i:r0 Shasta Wuy t:ii;fCHil.LA breeding flock for sale. WE AltE OFFERING the Baler line of glass outboard boali al reduced prices. Sec them at MONROE'S MOORAGE UJII Front Street 1 HICG1NS Aluminum Camp Trailer. Ex cellent conditJon,l!4i Melro&e. FOR SALE OR TRADE for livestock or machinery, two ;il-r.w. 12 foot com bine harvesters. One on rubber, one steel wheels. Both with pick up reels, grain tank, mid banners. Cross Farms. Iltc. 2 Box 104, Tuleluke. Phone Newell 2401 or 2104. LINCOLN ARC welder and leads. 1B0 amp, 220 volbt, with welding rods, $1W) Two-stone JI''b'r, 2H' "honeJe-043. FH1EHI.A Y Sheath your boat with gliiKs. Eliminate nil future painting and leuking hiilti. about It at MONROE'S MOORAGE D2H Front Street BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by dny. week or monlh. Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean individual outdoor runs for earn dog. Dogs handled during muting. Will pick up and deliver Visitors Welcome SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS Phone 5078 MerS!?i Rt 2. Box Sn4 Jt'ST RECEIVED shipment of Johnson c tinr,. niiihn.irr1 mnlnrs. Order yours row while they Utl. Financing avail able. MONROE'S MOORAGE f(28 Front Street nriiK'S a nun deal you can't pass Ali throuRh August we are giving away fji worth of urocerlen with every gun purchase. Glgleri ;t0 So. 6th St., ph'ine WIM. MARINE PAINTS We carry a complete line of Petttt and DuPont paints. MONROE'S MOORAGE 2 Front Street 41RADIO-TELEVISION-MUSIC T.v! SET." Wrstinghouse Console. New nicture tube, anlenn.ic ann ir.m wire. Excellent H7i. ondillon. $125. Phone FOR SALE Lester Piano, plaving condition. Phone 717. excellent FOR SALE: Will siirrltlcc practically new 30 watt P A, system. Includes two speakers and 200 feet of cord variable ,..h rm-nrfl nlnvtr. dynamic mike. and dozens of folk and square daner records. Compact unit. Phone 2-i03 evening. TV texting. Antenna installation. Foui years experience. Johnny Edwards Phone 2-OB43. TV ANTENNAE INSTALLED Reasonable. Also testing. Call 3214 oi t.31X ncVn hi a wiSc rinvontmrt and Tracy, u'.L n,i sn. Wurliter. Priced for quick kale. Shepherd Munic Co. FUR SALE or will trade for car of arne value Spanish nrrhed guitar, carrying casc. electric pickup and grimpltlirr all in excellent condition, if0 ), Phone WAX anytime. ' . 42 LIVESTOCK POULTRY WKANER PIGS for sale. Phone 34 FOR SALE n-ntle children's saddle hor.. Phone 7'.a WAN ! tu Colored hena Hf.O'te 1 HULL SERVICE. Phono 8337 KIVK WKANER pigs fur sale. $20 each Call Ji:t:t7 Aftamimt after S:.tOPm. WARREN'S PROVED sira service. Phone 5721 or 44' WHITE ROCK pullets for sale. Three months old. 1.104 lloinedale. Phone 5M01. FOH SALE cheap. 20 head White Face ra'vM marked und ready for pasture. No milk needed. One brood sow to far- r w soon. 100 puiieis, some wyn. three good milk cows giving from lour tn five gallons of milk a day apiece. We milk at 7.00 p m. 2m 2x4 s, H feel long for studding, new. 2'i pr thousand Six mile north or Klamath Tails at Shady Pint, HL 3. Box 1147. 42 LIVESTOCK POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for any mount Top market prices (or good quality. For Quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRV FARMS CKEred boor hog. $45. Phone fHSiC I OR SALE Hampshire gilt. Weight ap proximulcly 200 pounds. Phone 5012. Jl'RSEY COW. calf. rabbits. and vrcam m para tor for sale or trad lor good Used car. Phong 2-07B8. VOR SALE Two milk cows, or children'! gentle saddle calves, one milk goat. 577t Driven ladies' horse. Harlan FOR bull SALE one registered Hereford 3'a J ear. Bill Burgcu, Newell FOR SALE seven head ot itcer calves; oni good nulk cow. Phone FOR SALE Pheasant eggs for set ting. $2.50 for netting of 14 egtts Shasta Cascade Kennels, Rt. 3, Box 504, Klam ath Fa) la. 44 MACHINERY . McCULLOCH CHAIN. SAWS EARTH DRILLS PUMPS CiipC DEMONSTRATIONS JALLJ AT YOUR PLACE1 FRVITF ALL WORK JLn I ILL GUARANTEED! RENTALS ro5oBslUJ' McCulloch Saw Shop Phone 6500 925 Market SU Rental Equipment Jacks, Cement Mixers, Sanders, Skil Saws, Chain Saws, Drills, Paint Out- fits, . Sprayers, Electric Hammer, Cement Finish er, miscellaneous tools. ' Troy V. Cook Co. 2040 S. 6th :: Phone 4803 HAND PICKED "OR SALE TD-6 International Crawler, wide guagf, 40(1 hours. Jack Fleming, HAYlNt: KPrriAi . Mmsey IiHrrii itring baler. 1032 model, top condition, $1250. Minneapolis Mo line wire baler, am u n a i n luiuled. $630. Oliver llde delivery rake, overnauied, rubber tire, 223. Allli nuinieri siae aeuvery rake. 5293. 02 IH Combine, icour clean, bagging J. W. KERNS 734 So. Sixth FOR SALE 6-A Case combine. Bond rnn dilion. Priced to sell at W0. John Whtte, n. 1 mm i-iii fvanianq. I OR SALE ltht weight steel bulk gram lanKi ior irucK and trailer, i-none Asniana, Oregon, 2-fll!il ?pi?3VL-a5.-Mlln Ashland, r OR SALE or trade for real cittati etc. Cane DC 33 hp. tractor. Phone 2-HS70 evenings. KOn SALE ONE International combine. On rubber. 42 inch cut. Seven ack bulk. Power take-off. Reasonably priced Al Humnhrev, Box 17S. Dorrls. LOGGING EQUIPMENT for sal e. TDIHA complete, like new. Jammer built on large trurk. Rood condition. Redwood, special arch, roller bearings, like new. 1!52 Willys pickup. 17,000 mile, good condition. Call 2-164(3. Klom- wi thus, or see owner, u. U. L,my at 2i:lHAdclJffe. MACHINE SHOP. Complete or by piece. Roberts, Box 4(11, Ashland. Ore gon. 111.12 12 FOOT CUT model 27 Massey Harris Combine, good shape, reason- able.Phone 111 xl Central Point. FOR SALE Masscy-Harris seven foot self-propelled "omblne with pickup reel, Itm model. Don Kenyon, Klam ath Falls. CRAFTSMAN HAND lawn mower. 18 inch cut, includes bag. $13. Excellent shape. 1017 Dayton. FOR SALE or trade nearly new TD-9 cat with blade and winch. Mobile log louder with rigging and fire equipment. L. E. Bruington, Box 394, Glendale. Oregon: YATES-AMER1CAN IBxfl surfacer with grinding attachment. Call 2-2.1114 be tween U a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and 4470 after 3:00 p. m . FOR SALE Will sell to rellnbla par. ty, Minneapolis Molina G-4 combine, 12 foot out, $50 down and $30 a month for 16 months with no Interest. Worth twice the price. Good clover machine, has cut about 1400 acres. Phone 2-2(158 evenings. 45 MISCELLANEOUS f6'0"ENT FOH RENT Water pump lor excavations, etc., Compressor, Tamper and Drills; Mobile Crane JO-ton capacity. HEATON STEEL AND SUPPLY 428 Spring Ph. 2-3427 FOR RENT - STEEL chairs, alumi num and plastic plates for meetings, lodges, etc. Advance notice required Happy rents. 2413 So. Sixth. Phone 32.17 PASTURE for lease, 100 bead cattle Call 8198. 46 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED girls 20 Inch lHvh7eTb7ice. Must be In good condition. Call B.1B2. ARE YOU MOVING? Don't throw away your cooks or mag alnes. Phune 4004 will pick up MISCELLANEOUS Camp'i'ng equipment. Tent, lantern, axe, cooit-ware, table, etc. Call n2.'4 between 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. Lash for your used piano LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th Phone 71 48 MISCELLANEOUS TO EXCH. TO TRADE or Hell . 1H.VI Ford one and a half ton flat bed truck for ewes, beef type heifers, or wcanor calves. Phone 2-0721, WANT TO BUY p"otaloMggeVaker. Call Newel 2'MA. W I L L TH A I J E VJ4 Kaiser sedmPTs down payment on houxe. Phone 2-33H6. 5 1 M ISCE L L A N E OUS FOR SALE BALER TWINE PER $8.69 BALE 'P. O. B. Portland) While It lasts, seasonal cleanup. Best Quality Holland Twine. Phone Fl-lmore 6887 or write Feed Products, Inc. 33 S. E. YAMHILL PORTLAND 14, OREGON MAVINC; CITV. mint acll m.ll tire rrfriler.tor. 2333 Way C.bin No 2. kntHY VACUUM, three month old All attachment. Including floor polisher. $12. 30. 1 Klamath bclorel p tn. KENMOBE SEMI -AUTOMATIC wish ing tnarhinr, good condition. 8W. 13 tube Mldweat radio, $:. Phon tiulo af ter tlx. SALE PHICF. on aborted itylc. and flnlahcH of c-hcMtti. Large aire. AilKUat sal. price t:i"l3. 93 down and 33 a month. Lucai Furniture. 103 E. Main. COLDSPOT'VfFHKIERATOR. nine" cu bic leet, Monlag wood and coal range. Ci E. oil healer with two Jl)u gallon lueMajlk.. Phon. StiHO. COOD EASY Vaahulg machine, 20. Harlan Drive. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FURNITURE AUCTION Friday, 7 p.m. 3899 So. 6th Modern grey bookcase bed with matching Mr. and Mrs. chest, new single Hollywood bed. like-new roll away bed, three piece twin bedroom set, eight piece walnut dining, set. chrome breakfast set, maple din ette set. lovely skirted vanity and bench, walnut book case, chests of drawers, Frlgidaire refrigerator. NorRe and Cotdspot refrigerators, Frlgidaire and Montgomery Ward electric ranges, apartment size electric range, washing machine. desks, occasional tables, electric roaster, Pliilco combination radio and phonograph In excellent condi tion, Airline radio phonograph with wire recorder, baby cribs, 9x12 fi ber rug, mahogany office arm chairs, bathtubs, new toilets, hand basins, cement working tools, gar den tools, Schwlnn boys bicycle, less Uian a year old and 1941 Chev rolet sedan. Five rolls of new heavy barbed wire. If You're Not Buying AT THE Resale House You've Paying Too Much TOP SOIL, fill dirt, driveway gravel. Bart, D755. GREEN RTAMPQ On all cash sales of lira recapping and "x munarcn i ira service. TOP SOU. Pii.i. nip-r Cinders, washed sand. Shasta Sand Co LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, treei, hruba, Nevada flagstone. Lakes hor l.nrdenn Nursery, phone 4288. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Fnone J. Mi Uarnes 7US0 or M. J Barnes 1891. uouu used adding machines, calcula tor, typewriters, desks, chairs antj (lies. . VOLGHT'S PION&ER OFFIfJ.: SITPDI V tf20Main Phona T4I1 PRACTICALLY New Pan American 27 fo"Jhouse trailer. Phone 485B cvenlnga. HtGGINS camp trailer. Sea evenings. mm i-rcacem. EASY washer. $10. Universal " ana range, $13. Wood-coal stove, good con dltlon, $13. Phono 4482 or 0924, 033 No. F1LTERQUEEN. the only baglesa cicaner, erea demonstration, rnontj 2-OtiO(J. FOR SALE. Largo picnic table. Phona atK3 after six p.m. MATTRESS SALE Harvest special on excellent used iter tilled mattresses. Double cotton mat tresses $7, slnale cotton mat tresses ue. quantity discount, new Innerspring mat- treses ana dux springs, nan price, no sale Home, aaoo South Sixth. LIFETIME aisnnlnum gates at) sizes. Swan Lake Moulding Co, 3223 S. 6th or phone 31 (SO. DRIVEWAY cinders, drain rock, con crcte material,' top soil and till dirt. Excavating and . leveling. Granara tiros, pnone P3i. FOR SALE - 14.3 cubic loot Croslc.1 Shclvador deluxe fracier. Like new, ;i25. Phona 2-043. ; - FOR SALE- ALMOST new household furnishings. Can be eenat-222a Hope; 2 FOOT ALL' aluminum house trailer Price $1230. Phone 2-1720 evenings. 55 AUTOMOTIVE OUR - 7th ANNIVERSARY. SALE '52 CHEV. Bel Air, radio and heat er, white sidewall tires 1 CQC two-tone brown sJ7J '51 HUDSON Commodore 8 4-Dr. Radio ana heater. A J1 AQC real family car Im-7J '31 HUDSON Super 6 4-Dr. Radio, and heater. New two-tone paint 1395 '60 HUDSON Super 6 4-Dr. Dark green color. inQ A real cor IU7J '50 NASH Ambassador 2-Dr. Over, drive, radio and AO heater OOU SPECIAL SALE YOUR CHOICE 47 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, sun visor. Black color. '47 PONTIAC 4-DR. '8' SEDAN ' Radio, heater, spotlight. '47 OLDS '76' 4-DR. SEDAN Hydramatic, radio and heater. $390 & COMMERCIALS i: 53 CMC Vi-Ton PICKUP M395 '52 WILLYS 4-WhecI Drive PICK UP. Original rubber and paint. Low mileage 1495 'i-TON bber scats, M095 '52 INTERNATIONAL 'i-TON PICKUP, roam rubber scat.', good shape - '52 INTERNATIONAL, ?i-TON ii-TON '1195 PANEL, Like new 2 '4!) INTERNATIONAL KBS-S, Dual Drive, 8-speed main, 3 speed Brownie. Long- wheel base. 49 INTERNATIONAL KB8 7 Farm Truck. 176-ln. wheel base, Flatbed. Ready to go. A real buy. JUCKELTANDI TRUCK SALES & SERVICE! Uth and Klamath Ph. 3-25B1