MONDAY. JULY 26, 195 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH ALLS. OREGON . ruuaiLDii . Want Ads.. .The Tonic For. Your Summer Budget! V V : vi RON SALT hat received contract from Walt Disney, Hollywood, for the produttion of "Oomito," one of his new songs. He 'teaches all musical instruments for Kyle Morgan Pianos, 1035 Main, and is also music instructor ,in the Dorris schools. Prior 4 coming to Klamath Falls about two years ago, he was music arranger for station KGW, Portland. Red Chinese Apologize For Shooting British Airliner By GENE KRAMER TOKYO W. Communist China Apologized to Britain todny for hooting down a British airliner ovor the south China Sea Friday with an apparent loss of 10 lives, ; Including three Americans. A Pelplng radio broadcast heard j here said Red patrol planes I thought the transport was Chinese j Nationalist. It expressed a willing-1 Hess to consider paying damages. The apology virtually unpre cedented since tho Red regime took over the mainland wm In a note to British Charge il'Aff aires Humphrey Trevelyan from Chang Hnn-fun. Red Chinese Vice minister (or foreign affairs. The conciliatory note, a reply to a British protest, seemed to tic in with Peiplng'a current line of propaganda aimed at getting a United Gallons scat at the expense of the Nationalists, by wooing Britain and Prance and denounc ing the United States. Later In the same broadcast, the Red radio told of recently shooting down a "U.S. -made Kuomintnng (Nationalist) plane over Chckiang province." "If the U.S. imperialists order the Chiang brigands to send any more planes in provocative action against us we will shoot them down as we have done before," it added. KFD NOTE Text of the note, broadcast by Pelplng, said shooting down of the Cathay Pacific Airlines Skymsster ever Hainan Island was "entirely accidental" and an "unfortunate Incident." "They shot us down with the In-1 tent ion of killing us," Capt. Philip Brown, pilot of the airliner, told ftewsmen In Hong Kong. Britain protested the shooting Saturday night and U.S. Secretary I of Stale John Foster Dulles charged the airliner was "deliber ately shot down." Two American aircraft carriers, the Hornet and the Philippine Sea, were ordered to the scene to protect the contin uing search for the nine missing persons. Eight survivors were res cued. The Dulles protest plus Hie movement of the carriers into Chi nese waters was regarded in Wash ington as a show of strength to Impress upon the Reds the gravity of the situation. The Pelplng broadcast said the Red Chinese government "ex presses Us regret at this nd unfortunate incident of the British transport aircralt and has tken appropriate measures in desling with it. "H extends its sympathy, con cern and condolences to the dead and Injured in this incident and to their relatives. It is willing to give consideration to the payment or appropriate benefit and compon sal Ion for the loss of lile and pro perty damage involved," DKNOl M HI The broaiieast denounced Na ttonnlist China and said Red fight ers identified the HniiMi transport s "an aircralt of the Chiang Km. shek gang." "While carrying inn put ml dttiv ever Port Vulln of Hainan Island." (he broadcast said, the f tenters spotted the airliner "and liphtiug took place." "Upon receiving this report, the government of the People's Repub lic of China undertook an investi gation through various channels which revealed that the transport Involved was actually a British owned transport aircraft whose amklng twas by our patrol air craft as an aircraft of the Kuo mmtang (Chinese Nationalist gang on a mission to ruid our mili tary hase at Port Yulin." Pcip Ing's note said. The rescue of survivors was car ried out by a United States SA16 Albatross amphibious plane under the very noses of the Reds. If flew from Clark Field, near Manila. The pilot. Capt. Jack I. Woodward, said the Reds seemed Intent on killing all aboard the British plane. 'It seemed to me they were try ing to mnke darn sure there would be no survivors," he said in an interview after he returned to curk Field. The rescuers set their plane down in the protection of a small island about 22 miles from where the survivors were huddled on a small raft. Seas were running high. The Albatross tossed lines to the people on the raft. "The survivors were dazed," Woodyard said. "They Just didn't say anything as they were helped aboard. The little girl cried a bit but that was all. They were in a state of shock. They appeared un able to comprehend what was hap pening." The little girl is 6-year-old Valeria Parish of Iowa Park, Tex, Her mother, Mrs. Leonard L. Parish, sulferod a broken collar bone. Radio operator Lawrence Rodri guez, 20, of Carplnteria, Calif., said, "It was worth my whole ca reer to pull that little girl out." Officers at Clark Field said the rescue was one of the most out standing In Air Force history. While the Albatross was en route, the plane received a message that the Chinese Reds at Canton had warned military aircralt to stay nway from the scene. Legal Notice NOTICE fir FINAL ntPORT AND ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Nlrtlt UP UKEUON, TOR KLAMATH COUNT V. In the matter of the eitate of Minnie Li'ltiin Ulrich. deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un deraignrd ha filrd hit Final Report na Account of the admlniitralion of tii id Kstnie, and that aaid Court ha trt Friday. August 20, MM, at 10. 00 clock a. m., an the time and ha Clr rtill Court noom In the Court House at Klunmth Fall. Oregon, a the place for henring objections to Paid Final He nort and Account and the aeltlcmenl thereof. Dated July IB. 19.14. Rowland Lockivood Ulrich ' Executor. Donald A. W. IMprr AHoiuey for the Eitate Pine Tree HuildinR KlmnnMi Fall, Oregon, July 10, JH, Auiust J, fl No. 34. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the tin dei lined Harry E. Uoeller and Fred L. Cioeller have been, by an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore ei ii for Klnnmth County, appointed ex criitors of the Last Will mui Testament ana of the entale of Alice Z. Ciorller decerned, and that Letter Trilumen. tary have been tued to them. All per uana havin rlaiuu against nid estate are herrhy notified to present the jine. duly verified and with proper vouchers, to the underlined at Room 2ll. Firt Federal Suvine and Loan LiithlinK, Klamath Falls. OrrR.m. with in r six tit months from the date of Ilif first publication of this notice, which publication Is the 10th day of Jut), lit .4. Hurry T. Coellrr and Frpd L Coeller, Kerutori nf the Lal Will and Testament and of the ciaie oi Alice . Uoeller, Deci rri Fiirrens A MawH Atturnevs for Fvoctilnra July IK, 2fl Auituil a, N o. as NOTICE TO CREDITOR'S Notice is hereby given that the un-dnaimit-d Anna Mm- Sit-ison hat been hv an order ..f the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon for Kl-m.-th rmmiv j appointed executrix of the Last Will and Teitammt and of the estate of Helen A. Ncutirri, also known u Hel en Neulert. deceased, and that Letteri i T Mnuientary have been Issued 1o her I AH having claim axainsi said estate me berrhv notifird to present , the lamr, dul vended anil with prop er voucher, to the underMRned at Horm -'01. First Federal Saving and ...mi naming, m Bin am Kail. Oregon. Within m .fi. month from the date of t"x Phltcation . of tint notice which publication Is Hhe 19lh day of Jul , lD.i-i. Anna Mae Sion. lExecutrl of the Will and Testament ami of the aMnte of Helen A. Neuhert. aKo known as Helen Neubert, deceased. F;irrn & Maxwell Atloues Cr Executrix vUiy lit. 2, August 2, No " i NOTICE OF SALE i Nntue U herhy given thai the timd-i I titnr. Biiaidi-in of the etale ,.f lurt,,- the loth day of August 13-M. .ell to j the highest bidder for cash all of the I "mm light, title and interest tn and ! ihl'Bs '"w'2.'- hrw' f0'"- -nd IS. . hi' of ,h sw nuarter of nut for satif property mtv be marie to the undefined nr at the office of L tirth N.semore, 7.11 M.i,n Street, his altorney any im. aflPP ihv dap n,r(1. ot d br(o re ln(. ot ii(,d tI This sale is being made pursuant to n Order of th Honorable David R Vanden'cr ude of the CtrciM Court d(.ted Iht 2lrd day of Jv im. lrvln Wrlrr 1 ;.is-np CLASSIFIED KATES On day r"r ord to Dire day M r" "ord Week run , , p" word 20c Montb rua . per word 65c BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge of 35c. DEADLINES Classilied ads accepted up to 5:30 p.m. lor following day's publication up to Noon Saturday (or Monday, classified display ads accepted up to 12 Noon for following day's publi cation. ADJUSTMENT Please make all claims for adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be made in following day's publication, by U Noon Saturday for Monday. The minimum charge for any one ad Is iOc. A CARD Of thank"; We wish to thank our many frlenda and n.ilhbora ior the act. of kindne.s and iympathy shown during our recent bereavement. Mildred and Bill also thank thoae who ao kindly nave uae of ik. tinhfn lln when it waa needed. 1 wiin to MpiCit. iiv ni.1.....-..-.. th. many acta of klndnew and expres sions of sympathy and condolence ex- auring my rctrni ooroavtuiiBin. . death of my beloved hunband, Mrs. L.ora ii. alliums. ,-UNtRAl HOMEi High Street Phone 3;134 2 LOST AND FOUND 4 GENERAL NOTICES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. 8-B309. P.O. Pox 204. 6 PERSONALS ARE YOU HAPPY? MRS. FLETCHER PALMIST. AND CLAIRVOYANT Oives truthful advice on all at fairs of life. Tells you past, pres ent and future without asfctnu questions. She hag helped others end can help you. Gives names, dates and facts. The truth, good or bad. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. Close to Big Y. Readings Dally 0:00 a.m. to 0:00 p.m. 481B South Sixth SU VOR STANLEY Ifcmie Products, call Buff Jones phone Bfl.'i DRESSMAKING Phont 447Z CULLER BRUSHES Phone Frit) Thnelcke. f)Hfl4 WATKINS Product. 1.134 Madison. 10 SERVICES We Service ALL Appliances If you have troubles CALL KIRK PHONE 8886 KIRKPATRICK'S East. side Appliances. 133 So. 7th Weatinghouse, Gibson and Easy Dealer . SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED $14.00 for 500 gallon tank. Locally Owned Since 1944 PHONE 5442 or 8377 LACY KING G. E. and BENDIX APPLIANCE SERVICE FRED and RENO Formerly wllh Fvork's Phone 9807 Evenings 3470 Septic Tanks Cleaned NEWEST SANITARY METHODS also ROTO ROOTER 8RRV1R 31eans Sewer Lines of Roots, etc. Ed F. King J434 ORCHARD PH. 9841 iifiiiuum. rree mates, call Tim MacNann. Phone PAINTINQTnTnitldenduirngrDr HAV liAlTLlNOitcking or delKery. Pt.OWlNCJ AND vnrd jruding Phone D.14 Main. Plinn imi PI OWINd, discinR and hnirowing Gar dentnir II r Jnrrard. Dhone ftar2 LUKTA1NS laundered and tretrhed Phone 5t;.l5 R OTO V A TT V. .. t i i. i rotovaled and leveled Phone 2-05)42- MATKRN1TV CLOTIfF WnDE TO ORD" Phnn 9..T"4 HOME REMODELING. FoundVtionand 1 1 DO-IT-YOURSELF THE SUPREME pi ensure of painting known only tn Artlsln can be vnur throufh the "Paint by Number" Pic InrerraCt ivitem See them at Vothfi Ptnneer Off lreSupply,B2!l Main St. LSE RENTAL TOOLS from our new RENTAL OAR Sanders, edeeri. iioiUher. mnnv Mh.r rental Items. MeColltnn Lumber Com pany. Corner of South Stxth and East Main. TOOLS FOR firi'T ffm.nt MiTbim wheelbarrows. Srrew and Hvdraulic Jacks. Sanders of nit ktnd :itii. c Klamath Valley Lumber Co ouiiin aixiii rnnnt Hia. PLASTIC WALL TILE DO IT VOlTttitlt.l' Vnu ran make thut hathmnm h...ti. ful With oUttle llle Wm will tmtnic-i VOU. Onl 4BC prr font LA1.HUUN5 331 E Main Phone Legal Notice ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed htria tr rr,...t- t. ,t tructum of a septic tank and inlet line for the Pelican Elementary School. Ullit U to b Cnn.lrtirl.H .,i M .. having 7300 gal. capacltv. Piping t to he cast Iron connected to exiting waste Bidji are to be delivered to the Clerk of School District No. t. Mr Harold Ashley, Room 200. Klamath Union H.h cliotil, Klamath Falls. Oregon, on or before Monday Augmt 9, 1S34. 7 30 niaa WIU puniicly opened and rend. Contract Documents which will In clude plans and kpecificatior.s, mav he "blamed t (he office of Howard R Perrin, Architect. ll'l Main Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, for a drixwit of IIOIMI per set; which deposit will be returned to ihe bidder uoon return of the documents to the Architect. There will be a general bid which will Include all Items of wurk. Bids are tn be accompanied hv a 3 per cent hid bond or certified check for the successful bidder will be required to furnished Surety Company 100 per cent Performance. Inor and Material Bonds, and he shall be required to car ry Public Liability as spe cified. Tie Boa-"! of Director of it-hoot trtct No. 1 rcrve the right to reject any n,, ai, oiai ana 10 waive any in- format'iif Signed Harold B. Anhley, Clerk July 2, August B, t ti. I 11 DO-IT-YOURSELF FIREPLACE 'i price, install It yourself In a weekend. Factory built, all the blocks, 1109.50. No down payment; 36 months on f.H.A. PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phont 6U9 BKE HIVE Truck Rental Co. Move your elf. aave S Beacon Mobile Service. 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. U fcDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING office macnlnt. typ ing, shorthand. Speedwntmg kindred subjects. Klamath Business College, 474J So. 6t h. Phone 4760. 1 4 H E LPWA NTED, FEMALE RECEPTIONIST mut b good tlpist. Hours, 4 to 12. Five daji a v.eek. Apply Klamath Valley Hospital. WANTED GIRL, for office manafer. Must have knowledge of credit and col lection. Age up to 40. Top salary, per manent position. Rogers Jewelry EXPERIENCED general office worker, hint ho fast tvoist and have Mood shorthand. Permanent job. Good sal ary. See Ken Klaiin at Moiy at van Dyke. inc.. km Kiamain avenue. 1 6 -HE LP WANTED, MALE TWO SALESMEN A well known midwestern company has openings for two men who will be hired Wednesday or Thursday, July 28, 20, by our employment rep resentative. The position calls lor some traveling In Southern Oregon. The work is pleasant and dignified, coupled with an above.average In come. We are one of the fastest growing companies in our field, and are now in the process of greatly expanding our activities in the State of Oregon. INEXPERIENCED MEN who possess outstanding ability and willingness will be considered. You must have car, honorable bus iness record, and over 31 years of age. 6EE Ed Roth, Willard Hotel, Klamath Falls, Wednesday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 pjn. July28, . WANTED Expcrl.iioad lumbar grader, (.all H-2.141. 17 HELP WANTED WANTED three men or women for special work. Thin Is . permanent con neclion. There will be no lay-offs for those who qualify. Write Box 911 car of Herald aiidNewtt. WANTED Middle-aged couple: man to do light work around dog kennel, lady to keep house and do cooking for family or two. Wages, board and sep arate llvinn qua.... Year round po sillon. References. SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS Phone 5U78 Hte. 2 Box 504 10 SITUATIONS WANTED COLORED girl wants hour work Phone 2-1404. GENERAL nurse would like to car for old aged people in hsr prfvala home. Phone 22 ROOMS FOR RENT i : uo. MS io;i4 High. NICE FRONT room, mentis. 710 Main. Greer Apart. COOL, AIRY sleeping rooms. Quiet clean criom in Phone H-02W 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Modern Furnished Apartment 207 East Main OLYMPIC APARTMENTS MODERN (IPSTAIHS three room fur. ni.xhcd apartment. Gas equipped. Pri vate entrance. Adults. Js'o Pets. 1205 LARGE UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex. Clone in. 72.1 St. Francis Street. fl.V Phone 7200 or 3483. APARTMENT hot water heat, close In. Adults only. Dial 2-00A7. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment for lease. All utilities paid. Call 2-3281. ItWH Derby. FOR RENT - TWO room modern apart-im-nt for adults. 321 Broad. UNFURNISHED apartment. Has range, 3 2i!! "nd. Phone 5574. i OR UK A BE Five room furnished npHi'tmcnt, All utilities paid. Call at UiHil Dcrbv. Phone 3-:i2Hl. TWO ROOM apartment three room tluplexrs. Inquire 1411 Main. Ascot Hotel. Phone 2-0128. FOR HENT three room furnished apart, incut in newly painted duplex. Three blocks from Main Street. AdulU only. PlionelJ5ilfl after 5:30 p.m. FURNISHED apartment - thre rooms and bath. Centrally located. 121 S Second. THREE ROOM furnished apartment 2I.T7 Orchard. Inquire 2037 Radcllffe. FOUR ROOM furnished apartmtiU PhontB317,w,l Market. TWO BEDROOM " furnUhed apartment in Mills Addition. Call 6225 or 3-32S2. THREE ROOMS, furnished. 2041 Arthur APARTMENT. 58H6. FURNISHED one bedroom apartment. Adults, High, phone 4891. FURNISHED APARTMENT Apartments. 710 Main. Greer ?l ROOM a part mcnt Phone B2iig FOR RENT, one bedroom furnished apartment. Close in. 823 Grant. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. Alpha Apartments, phone 4322. FURNISHED apartment. 3328 HlRyVrd Phone days 8111, Extension 36. Eve ntns. 2-1.137. UHlUHT furnished two room apartment In brick building steam heat M0 Ml Broad TWO ROOMS and bath, aLio two room tahtn. Close In. Inquire 318 High. :ou Market STEAM heated apartment. 628 Oak. FOR RENT - furnished apartmenl close in. Completely redecorated and furnished. Warm, Quiet, and pleasant Phone 3ii37 APARTMENT for rent. Walnut Apart ments. 413 Walnut NEWLY redecorated two room furnished apartment near swimming pool. Phone 44fi2. i ! MODERN FOUR room flat, completely fin nthed. Alt utilities paid. Call MIX TWO Fl'RNISHED apartments. 23 month. Suitable for two working girls. 4-' No. 7th TWO ROOMS, completely furnished -pt groceries. U4J Pine. CLEAN four room apartment. Blee trie heat. 40. 171B Fargo. THREE ROOMS furnished. Close tn. Auults only. No pats. Luandry facilities, iiij No. flth. phone 0381. evenings 1-31 TO. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. Wl White. THREE ROOMS and bath. Partially fwrplihcd. No children. HQ Proipect. TliHKK"noOMS and hath. Clean close in Individual entrance. No pets. Phone I'OR RENT THREE room furnished armament. Closa in. 754 N. 10th, Call 8.S9 n-RNtSHED ONE bedroom. Pae 30 REAL ESTATE . 7 A New Survey, of MOUNTAIN CABIN SITES Now Ready, Folks! EARLY INSPECTION GETS BEST SELECTION! REMEMBER, THE LAST SURVEY WENT OUT IN A HURRY! SAME LOW PRICE $375 LARGE LOTS . $10 DOWN $10 A MONTH NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES A FEW ADVANTAGES OFFERED Level Lots Low Tax Rates Paved Road to Junction Swell Neighbors 8hady Pines 25 Minutes from Town Public Water 'Way Pine Hunting and Fishing- Water Tests M Per Cent Pure LEISURE SUMMER LIVING TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES FROM TOWN! We are happy to have been able to make It possible for the average wage-earner to have a place oi his own in this grand area, and It will be our pleasure to show you the selection which is now available. Make your dream come true by having a mountain cabin site. LOCATION: FRONTIER GUEST RANCH Junction, Lake of the Woods and Rocky Point Highways NOTE: THIS IS THE ORIGINAL FRONTIER TRACT. AND WE ARE NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY OTHER REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS IN THIS AREA. -APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern Furnished Apartment Olympic Apartments 207 East Main FURNISHED apartments, Phone 0168. FURNISHED three room apartment. S32.W; two room unit, $35; all utllftiet pain, iiv n. enin. TWO ROOM clean apartment. Clow FOR RENT' THREE room furnished apartment, 416 So.- Riverside. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT CLEAN ONE bedroom duplex. Fire place. Garage. Near Main. Phont 28a. evenings. THREE BEDROOM house with lane wmn auup. aiom in. rnone UNFURNISHED two bedroom home. Mills Addition. 175. AdulU only. Phone Tulelake 7-10M. TWO BEDROOM clean duplex. Mdvm furnished. Water. 2502 Sargent. Phone Jl-'i2.ll. FOR RENT OR SALE, furnished five rcom house, modern. 158 Lewis. ONE BEDROOM cottage. Suitable for mall family. 1143 Pine. FURNISHED one bedroom duplex c,oa in. Call 6fifl4, CABIN FOR RENT. 4806 So. Sixth. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house in Mills Addition. Inquire at 603 Mitchell TWO FAMILY house will sell or lease cneap. 527 upturn. FOR RFNT Four rmm unfurnished house. Very cloae in. 451 Michigan Ave. Phone. 6585 or 8380. FOR RENT redecorated three room cahinLSff.50. 1402 Owens, call 2-2037. TWO ROOM house, furnlshe. Vew frigerator. water and garbage. $35. Phone 3726. FOR RENT, two bedroom house. MUM on Owens. Has stoves, 135. Call 7166 days. FOR RENT by year. Three bedroom house, unfurnished, in suburbs. Adults. 1143 Kane. TWO RFDROOM house. Ha etectrir refrigerator and range, trash burner and oil heater. Otherwise unfurnished. On High Street. 842. Phone 2-1534. 28 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Room to rent. or small apartment. Call 4351, days; room 420, WUlnrri Hotel, evenings. L HOMES FOR SALE Everett Dennis Realtor. 121 No. 8th Phone 8491. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 FIVE ACRES Southeast of town on paved road. Bmall two room home, barn and chicken house. Good well and elec tric pump. Eight additional acres pasture. Available on cheap lease. A good place to build. $4500. NEAR-SHASTA Excellent two bedroom home with lots of room for good living. Mod ern in every way with hardwood floors, newly decorated and -ready to move right In. Should take FHA or GI loan. 16500. CHOICE SUBURBAN Two bedroom home with a neat picket fenced yard. Lots of fruit trees, good garden and all irri gated. House is well Insulated, making the electric heat econom ical. Don't wait too long for this one. 7300. OWNER GONE So thlt Post War two bedroom home seta empty and waiting fof a new owner. It needs some work and painting but It's solid and in a restricted district of newer homes. You can get a buy on this one. Reduced to $9000. RON FISHER REALTOR & INSURANCE 111 So. 4th Phone 6T64 Eves. Call 8970 Dean Hall Eves. Call 8073 Al Longmire Eves. Call 6724 TAKE A LOOK and tee for yourself, the advantages . aa.iu a.-vuuuii lncorparaiea in mis inree hedroom home, only 2't year old Velvet-like lawn turrminria th niclv.ln. rated place. Fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, custom-built furnihin, '"A or G.l. ternu available. 14 ixw Call 4AM or WM da a. Evening call .V4.i Jl-i4Kl. YOU Ml' ST ace thlt lovely three bed room home with nice yard to appre ciate. Phone 4742. THREE BEDROOM modern home on one third acre of troOnd. 8.330. 3921 Siurdavant. POR SALE, five room modern house. Garage with attached bedroom. Electric heat, fenced, ahade trees, lawn, cooler house, chicken house, half acre. $3200. 3fC ln d apendence. off Homeda t R"d- NEW TWO BEDROOM home. Miils Ad dition, clean, readv to mova Into. At tached laraao. oak floors automatic ta heat, low dom pamenl with monthly pavmenti tU rent. Phont aj3 or 43M evenlnjB. FOR SALE vV NEW HOME IN HOT SPRINGS VERY MODERN 1 hPitrnnm Knm. designed to take full advantage of the SUn. the View anH haelruarri living. 12-ft. view window, large mmng room, unusual fireplace, latest of kitchens, dishwasher, etc. Large garage, patio, cov ered breezeway, sprinkler system. TS-ft. wide level lot. fniiv land scaped. $14,000. Convenient terms tan oe arranged. VERY CLOSE IN WHERE ELSE In Hot Springs can you find a well-ennstriiptH a kh- room home, with fireplace, dining room, waii-to-wall carpeting and forced air oil heat for only $7600' Concrete foundation with partial Dusemeni, new roof, excellent lo. cation. Call us now! STATE G. I. BUY THIS well-built 3 bedroom nuine on nnyara Avenue, c 1 o s to Altamonl .Timinp Uirrh ci , . ..ten OIIIUUJ, on either a tL rw-a.. .r, . ,M v,wHull vebcraii loan or regular F.H.A. Two-car garage, workshop space and a good rich half acre, now planted ... HMimc. iu-rt, aown on o. I l':n F-H.A. Full price only $500 DOWN IN RIVERVIEW ADDITION, just till II in. I'nH . au.vuuc wonting at Weyerhaeuser Mill ot vicinity. J bedrooms and an excellent sleep ing porch, extra large kitchen new ly remodeled with Youngstown sink, cabinets, etc. Garage, stor- CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 Don Sloan Phone 6658 Eves. Homer Stiles a-MM Eves. Ill N. 9th St.-Phone 4564 or 5529 $325 Down TWO BEDROOM modern home in excellent condition. Eleetric heat, Insulated, storm windows, garage' Insulated fruit anri vw.,ahi. . ' chicken barn. Lots of shade and- nu.i irees, lawns, flowers, and shrubbery. Price only 86500. Will qualify for GI loan with 5 per cent down. Owner would also con. sider selling to non-veteran for 1,000 down, balance like rent. WALT DIETZ, Associate Broker with T. B. WATTERS REALTOR As INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Ph, 4193 (Eves. 9469) THREE BF.DROOM home, $7400. Fur nisheri SB400. Take TraiHr house on ODELZj LAKE COTTAGE, two brj. Il5,"replce- btl- Beautiful vinv. i-oOO. E. V. Adklion. Cascade Summit. FOR SALE or trade, two duDlexei completely furnlBhed. In Altamonl. In come $14(1 per month Call sill cm. tension davt. FIVE ROOM modern home! Small down payment WU rant. 3111 Emr. l;SE FOR SALtWiIl rent Phone J-19.6. MILLS ADDITION Kevr two btd room home. Extra lame lot. Uwn in May take imall house In trade. Call THREE BEDROOM home excellent mn struct. on and material, $13,500. 3340 Eberlein FOR SALE fdiiII two bedroom haute Close in. 14500. Phone 6181. or SALE three bedroom house in MllAdlitjon Phone 7331 dev. It L K.NESS comotli iale of ISO x 160 loot lots, two houses, basement apart mentand tun fara,e. 1511 Rnieri. FOR SALE BY OWNER Three bed room modern home. Fireolaee, dininc room, electric heat, hutment, fenced yard, siorm windows, Half bloek from Fairview ictiool, M75Q, Phone 3400, 1340 WUford- FOR SALE. Three bedroom home. acre of ground. Excellent location. rnrt.ii.iiw rnor.o 2M9 Hope FOR SALE 72 acrei. irritiri ntv. titled or Grade-A Dairy farm. South Poe Valley. Call 4007 or write. Route 3. Box 760. Klamath Falli Oregon. IM73 EQUITY in one bedroom home. "ve tn. 153 ftofera. IMALL DOWN PAYMENT on two and a half bedroom home tn Hnt Spring. Full basement Automatic furnaee Cor ner View lot Balance J31X3. Phone MM JfNANCIAL Has Spring SPRUNG Your Budget? Lots oi expenses in Spring months . . . yardwork, home improvements, new clothes, a thousand things! Time's right for you to turn to: The PF All-ln-One LOAN! e To Consolidate Payments e To Reduce Monthly Payments e To Pay Pesky Bills e To Get Extra Cash See Us Today For Fast, Friendly Service PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 121 So. 9th Rex Doyle, Mgr. Phone 8128 30 REAL HTATf FPU 5ALI "Pat'fc HOWES Realtor MALIN PROPERTIES HEADQUARTERS FARM Approx imately seven acres (six in excel lent pasture) with barn, chicken house, and comfortable, well-built two-bedroom home. House has full basement and concrete foundation. Price 18,950. Terms. Well-located two-bedroom home convenient to school and town. Large lot, nice yard with lawn and shrubs. Excellent home for family of four and priced right at $5,350. Terms. SMALL FARM 33 acres (27 Irri gated with complete sprinkler sys tem), three-room modern home with nice lawn and many shade and fruit trees.' Chicken house, barn, two milk cows, one calf and 80 or more young White Rock hens. All for le.OOO. SEE JESS Z. SMITH WITH "Pat" HOWES Realtor Phone 2-3545 Eve, Ph. Malin 272 ! BARGAIN BUYS ! TWO LOTS Two bedrooms, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, utility, bath, (CLEAN). $0,000, FHA or GI. VINE STREET Two bedrooms, (CLEAN). $6,500. Terms. SO. SIXTH STREET Two bed rooms, (CLEAN). Rental in rear, One halt acre. 110,500, Terms. CALIFORNIA AVENUE Two bed rooms. (8,500. $500 down, 150 per monui. ONE BLOCK FROM FAIRVIEW Three bedrooms, (CLEAN), Oood buy. 88,750, FHA or GI. PACIFIC TERRACE Four bed' rooms, two baths, full basement. 10,soo. Terms. NEWHOUSE REAL ESTATE Salesman "CLEM" 122 So. 9th. Ph. 4600 or 2-2443 THREE BEDROOMS All on one tloor within walking distance of downtown Klamatn Falls. Fireplace, oil heat, wall-to. wall carpet in living room and dining room. Glassed-in back porch. $1760, terms. - INCOME Three apartments and small house on 73xl20-ft. lot in Mills Addition. Only 'a block Irom East Main. Monthly Income Is (155. Only $9,000 with 12,000 down. LAVERNE -AVENUE One of our best South Suburban street". Close to Peterson School and city bus. Two bedroom ranch style home on 13 acre. Large living and dining room, fireplace, electric heat, insulated. Newly decorated Inside. Picture windows, hardwood floors throughout, lawn, shrubs. Immediate possession. Can be financed on new 5 down O.I. loan, to eligible veteran. FOUR BEDROOMS And three room modern cottage In rear. Ideal for guest house, in laws or rental. Large 13x27-ft. living room with fireplace, separ ate dining room, hardwood floors. Large utility. Lots of built-ins. In sulated. Car . port, nicely land scaped. Only IU.2M, O.I. or FHA terms. Immediate possession. AL SCHMECK REALTOR ts INSURANCE 30 years farm loans 517 MAIN Harry Van Jack Elliott Al Schmeck . PHONE 3211 Eves. 8204 Eves. U95 Malin 213 "Pat" HOWES Realtor Exceptional buy in small two-bedroom home in Mills Addition. Priced at 15500. for quick sale. Needs repairs but priced according ly. Immediate possession. See JOE PERRY with "Pat" HOWES Realtor Phone 3-3MS Eve. Ph. 5332 rWO BEDROOMS, drplace. saraft Mtlla Addition: Vacant tmmcdiata poaitulon; letio. Law-tntaraaL THA mortaag. Phone SIM WJ1.I. sell wiitr in thra bedroom houaa, soil tuninara Lana. LOANS 30 MAI fSTATI FOR SALI H We Can Sell Your Home Promptly Because 1. We appraise fairly r- and at once. 2. We do all the work spend our time our advertising money. 3. We can often arrange financ ing u you neea your casn. 4. We efficiently handle' all clos ing details in our omce. a, 5. We specialize in the sale ot residential property. Our full time is devoted to your sales problem. 8. We are salesmen of many years experience and have the ability to close many sales otherwise lost. DON'T DELAY CALL US TODAY CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 Homer Stiles Phone 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 5658 Eves, 111 N. 9th St Phone 4584 or 552 88 Acres 24 acres alfalfa, balance grain. Good well. Small house and machine shed. Close in on paved road. Consider small, clear property as part pay ment. $21,000. Nelson Real Estate 2028 Reclamation Phone 9564 Loke o' the Woods Summer home on Westslde. Large level lot, beautiful view of lake, furnished. 84,200, 8750 down, low monthly payments. See Al Schmeck, 817 MAIN, PHONE 3211. Al Schmeck REAL ESTATE 88 Acres Under Irrigation. In clover, Hann chen barley. Modern home and oth er outbuildings. Excellent location, good bargain including crops at 2l,000, Rood terms. 122 so. 9th , ' Phone 4600 NEWHOUSE REAL ESTATE Cliff Schuck, Salesman Suburban Properties 3 BEDROOMS Solid neat home on small acreage on Homedale. Oa rage, barn, nice yard, $4,250. Reas onable terms. 1 ACRE Excellent aandy soil. Oood drainage. Several hundred strawberry plants. Dandy modern 1 bedroom home with garage. South suburbs paved street. $4,600 TERMS LOVELY HOME - Just off Home dale. 2 good bedrooms. Neat, clean, modern. 2 types ot heat. Garage and work shop. $6,500 will take any type loan. 3 BEDROOMS Fully fumii&cd and also 3 room furnished home In the rear. Small acreage & chicken house. Lovely yard. $7,500. Owner will give terms. BURTON E. GRAY YOUR FRIENDLY REALTOR 1037 Main St. Ph. 3665 Evs 3421 SALESMAN JOHN OINTHER Eves. 2-1916 "Pat" HOWES Realtor HOT SPRINGS very desirable two-bedroom home with full basement and beautifully landscaped yard. Close to Roosevelt Bchool. Priced at $9,000. with FHA terms. 8UNNYLAND ADDITION Lovely suburban two-bedroom home with fireplace and hardwood floors throughout. Beautiful yard. Big ga rage. Desirable location. Price 19,500. "Pat" HOWES Realtor 7th & Pine Ph. 2-3545 Eve's: Joe Perry 633j Bruce Owens Merrill 4891 Jess Z. Smith Malin 272 TWO BEDROOM home near hlh achooi and grade schools. BaaemenU Nica yard. SCSOO. Phone TIM. TOR LEASE Cai atatlon. 1305 So. eth. Low rent. Independent products. Approximately SJOO required tor gas and oil inventor) . Large lot. useable for truck depot or u.ed car InL Phone Mr. Mattcaon, Med lord, S-173S. aia