PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH KAMA 0KRC10N KKIDAY, JUNE 4, 1034 So To Church Sunday CHURCH DIRECTORY church op the nazarene Cardan and Martin Phont Rev. Wealey P. CrUI 1:45 a m Sunday School )1;00 a.m. Morning Worship :45 p.m. Vouni People T 30 p.ra. Evangelistic f:3Q p.m. Wednesday Pray ar Sorvtca BIBLE BAPTIST S344 Wlard Phona 4MI Keith P. flelda 130 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 30 pm. Baptist League 5:30 p.m. Evening Worship .30 us,. W?dncday All Family Night RENO ilOSPEL CENTER Phone 3-M83 Rev Melvtn fJriitlUl 10:00 a m, Sunday School 1 1:00 cm Morning Worship SltUAKT-LtNOX . BAPTIST T T Smith phone 8684 :45 a. m. Sunday School 11 :O0 a m. Morning Worship 30 pm. Training Union g 00 d.m. Evening Worhtp 7:30 Wednesday Prayer Service SALVATION ARMY 400 Klamath Phona ffOfl Lt and Mrs. D W Madsao 10:tt a m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Holiness MecUng 11 00 am Junior Church 30 p.m. Young People J p.m. Salvation Meeting EMMANUEL BAPTIST t- CONSERVATIVE Utft and High i l:4A a m BiDie School 11. -00 a.m. Morning Won mp ' 6:30 p.m. Young People t 1:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Thursday Prayer Meeting ALTAMONT BAPTIST y J & Brockui. 4621 South 6th , 1309. Mitchell Poena 3-lft3t " g:4S a.m Sunday School 11 KM a m Morning Worship ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL 01 Jefferson Phont 3S Galtn d Orutad Rector ttOO a m Holy Communion 0:30 a.m Sanday School 11:00 a re. Morn in Prayer 7-30 p.m. Young People SEVENTH-DAY ADVEXTIST .1735 Main Phona 3648 Rev. Preston Smith 9:30 a.m. Saturday Sabbath School 11:00 a.m. Saturday Morn In Worship 7 JO D-m. Wednesday Praver Meeting Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Pun Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M. Ward - and Sons 92 High Phone 3334 First Church of Christ. Scientist ' A Irejaxb of Tht Mother Church, Tht First Church of Chritf, Scientist, im aWm, Mass. 10th and Washington Strrktt Sunday Service, 11:00 a.m, Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. Wednesday aveatng Meeting, 8:00 o'clock. Lesson-Sermon Subject, June 6 wG0D THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR" Golden Text: Revelotton 4:11. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory mm4 honour and power: for thou hast created oil things, end for thy pleasure they are and wera created. Christian Science Reading Room 1401 Esplanade One Block From Herald and News TONITE ONE NIGHT ONLY -7:30 P.M. PRESENTING i PHHIDL Km BIG RADIO AND TV PERSONALITY . ONE OF AMERICAS FOREMOST GOSPEL SONG WRITERS!! HE IS A GREAT PIANIST AND COMPOSER!! SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S GREATEST DISCOVERER OF RELIGIOUS TALENT! THE. MOST INSPIRATIONAL MUSICIAN YOU HAVE EVER HEARD!! PACKED HOUSE AT SHAKESPERIAN AUDITORIUM IN PASADENA, CALIF., AT MONDAY NIGHT MUSICALS!! GREAT SERVICES ON SUNDAY 9:45 A.M Great Sunday School Be Sure To Be Present 11:00 A.M. Rey. Keith L. Hume speaking Communion Service 6:00 P.M Vesper Services for Each Age. 7:30 P.M. Great Sunday Night Evangelistic Service Robed Choir Lots of Special Music Orchestra Rev. Keith L. Hume speaking. "The Church Where All Peoplo Are Welcome" KLAMATH TEMPLE 1007 PINE STREET Rer. Keith L. Hume, CHURCH OP JESl'S CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS mi and Mat II a rheae 4U Klamath Pall HI War 0:30 a.m. Sunday Priesthood meeting 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 7 30 p.m. Sunday Sacrament Servlct 7::W p m. Tuesday M l. A. 3:00 p.m. Relief Society. Wednesday 4:30 p.m. Wcdne day Primary Klamath. Kails tnd Ward 8:30 a.m. Sunday Priesthood meeting 10:13 a.m. Sunday School 3:30 p.m. Sunday Sacrament Service 10 oo a m. Tuesday Relief Society 4:00 p.m. Tuesday Primary 7.30 p m, Wednesday M.l.A. GOSPEL TABERNACLE Ai lament and Mary lansl Rev W. D Bigby 106 a m Sunday School 11 DO anv Morning Worship 7 30 p.m. Evening Worship T JO r m. Saturday and Wednesday Evening Worship MALIN COMMUNITY CHURCH iPresbytartani Rev Carl C De.Mott 0:45 a m. Sunday School U 00 a.m. Morning Worship t:.w p.m. Young People :00 Vesper Service ASSEMBLY OF COD Rev Claude U Wood 74 Oak fl:43 a.m. Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship 6 43 p m Youth Scrvic 7:30 p.m Evangelistic 7:30 pm, Tuesday Bible. Prayer Sen-ice 10.00 a.m. Thursday Prajer Service 7:30 p.m. Thursday Worship Strvlce OKEOON TECH 10:00 a m, Sunday School HOPE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Homertale Rrt. at Sn. 6th Rev John U Rechar Jr. 0:43 a m Sunday Scnool 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p-m. Evening Worship CHURCH OF CHRIST SOS Wanttand Phona 8661 Arthur C Blackwell 10:00 a m Bible Classes 11:00 a m Morning Worship 7:00 p m. Evening Worship 7-00 p m. Monday -Bible Class p m Wednesday Servica KLAMATH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev Kent E. Soauldtnc oast or 1173 Crescent Phona 3433 8:45 a m -Sunday Scnool and Adult Bible c:as 11. -00 a.m Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Luther League. Sunday Holy Communion. 4th Sunday 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Service. Wednes day 8:30 p.m. Wednesday Senior Choir FREE METHODIST 1918 Oregon Rev Fred C Neumann 0:41 am. Sunday Scnool 11. -O0 a-m Morning Worship :43 p m. Young People 7:45 p-m. Evangelistic 7:46 pro- Wtxlnasday Blbla Study KLAMATH REVIVAL CENTER 1023 Mitchell hone 1035 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Griffith. assUrs 10:00 em Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 730 p m Sunday. Evangel uuc Serv ice 7:30 pjn. Wednesday Blbla Study and Prayer COMMUNITY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 4373 Bristol Phona S-UV Rev Edward Lander t:4$ a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a-m. Morning Worship 7:00 pan. Wednesday Hobby-Craft Club Pastor CONGREGATIONAL K. U Larson, Minister 31S4 Garden Phone 1-5378 9 30 a.m. Church 7 to 8 p.m. Junior PP. 7 to p.m. Senior P F, TRINITY BAPTIST MISSION 1736 Lakeport HlvtL. Pelican City Kev. T. K. Waden Phona 3674 45 .. Sunday School CALVARY BAPTIST R Main and Garden Rev Grady L fetes 43 a m. Sunday Scnool 11:00 a m. Moruing Worship 6 IS pm. Training t'nion 7:30 p m. Evening Worship 8 00 p.m. Wednesday Prajar Matting HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CH'JKCII Tulelake Rev Con O'Conni a 7:30 a m. Sunday Mass 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass ' PEACE' MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN 4431 s. eth Phone WM Rev Dwayde L Proett 30 a m. Sunday School 11.00 a m. Sunday Srhool 11 W am Murium Worship TOO cm Sr Wastmlniitar PENECOSTAL CHI P. CI 1 OF GOD 2041 Rjifrlltie Rev J E. Keddtck 10:00 a.m. Sunday School ll.oo a m. Sunday Serv ice 7:30 pm. Sunday, Evancctistle Serv. ice 7:30 p m. Tuesday. Bible Study 7 .U) p.m. Thursday, P.Y P E. 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Jubilee Servica ST FRANCIS CARP INI CATHOLIC CHCHCH Bonania Rev John Pheian 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mats OUR LADY OF (iOOD COUNSEL CATHOLIC CHCRCH Dorns Rev Con O'Connor 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass ST. ACGLSTINE'S CATHOLIC CHI'HCH Merrill Rev John Pneian 7:30 and 10:4S a.m. Sunday Masses UNION GOSPEL MISSION 231 Commercial C U Iimmi 10:00 am Bible School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 1:30 pm. Evening Worship KLAMATH TEMPLE 1007 Pina Phone 9335 Rev KJi L. Hum :45 a.m. Sundar School Il:irt a.m. M-njig Worship 6..10 p m. -Oren-omer Sar-tca . 45 p m Evangelistic 7:45 p.m. W-dasday Blbla Study MERRILL FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev George A. Milne 45 am. Sunday School ai Blbla Class 11:00 a m. Divine Service 1J0 p.m Bible Study Hour CHRISTIAN SCIENCE loth and Washtnaton t'hone 6S28 Reading Room 1401 Esplanade Phone 3797 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a-m. Sunday Servica S:00 pm. Wednesday evening Servica FIRST PRESBYTERIAN gth and Ptne Phona 7311 8:30 a.m. Church School for all ages 9.30 a.m. Morn in Worshln 13 noon Friendship Hour CRTRCH OF CHRIST 1774 Arthur Phone 1-1140 10:00 a.m. Bible Classes 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Mutual Edlflcatioo 9 00 o m. Wednesday Bible Study MT. LAKI COMMUNITY Rev. William W. Alnley i 9' 45 a.m. Sunday School 11A0 am. Morning Worship 6:45 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.m. Thursday Choir Practice 7:45 p.m. Evening Service 8:30 p.m. Thursday Bible Study How Christian Science Heals "HEALING THE AFTER , EFFECTS OF WAR" . KFLW(1450 kc.) Sunday 9:30 a.m. REV. EVERY SATURDAY AT 7:30 P.M. on KFJI Rev. Betty E. Hume, Co-Pastor MISSIONARY RAPTIST 4134 Douglas Elder C. V. UUnchard 4143 Balsam Ptione 19031 iwro m. una7 vrnooi 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7 00 p m Training Union 9 00 p m. Evening Worship 7:00 p in. Wednesday Ulbla Study FIRST RAPTIST Ith and Washington Phone 9171 ur a. n. ksussy 9:45 a m. Sunday School II. 00 a nv Morning Worship :4A p.m. Training Union It iw p nv Kveiung Worship ' 6 00 p-m. Mul-vreek service. Wedni day 8:15 p m. --choir Rehearsal Thursday FIRST CHURCH OP GO I) oj Altamont Rev C. tl Ueahm 9 45 a m. Sunday school 11 00 a m. Morning Worship 6.45 pm. Young People 7 .10 p m. Evanntllstio 7:30 p.m. Wednesday -Bible Itudy JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ttli N. 9th 7:45 p.m. Sunday Wawhtower Study 7.45 p.m. Wednesday Htble Study 7 43 p.m. Friday Servica Meeting (.45 p. hi. I'nuay Theocratic School REOROAN1KEH CHURCH OF JKSUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 9th and Plum Phone 1-9179 9:43 a nv Sunday School II 00 a m Morning Worship T jo p.m. Kveninx worsnin 00 p m Wtdnssday- a sua llowahlp FIRST COVENANT 423 Walnut Phone Nil Joel C. Nordlund 9 43 a m. Bible School 11:00 a m. Morning Worship 8 CO p m. Fellowship Hour 7 45 p m Wednosdav-l'raier Service COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Fort Klamath Rev Edmund St anion, paMor 9-S0 a.m. Morning Worship. Sunday 03o a-m Church school and iult bible class. Sunday 10 30 Church School. Su-n. SACKED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 813 High thooe 4569 Rev. T. P Casey. Pastor 7 00. Six). 0 30. and lion a n. -Sunday Masses 7 00. 8.00. 9:30 a.m. -Holy Ojy Mssses 3.00-4.00 and 7U10-8 0O Saturdays Con fessions FIRST CHRISTIAN 9th and t ne Phone 9439 Kev Ueorge Aider 9-45 a m -Bible School 11:00 a tn. Morning Worship 6 30 p m. Adult Hlhle Study 30 p m. ChrUtlan Endeavor 7:30 p m. Evening Worship 7:30 p m Wednesday Prayer Meeting TRINITY S.UTHERAM CHURCH Tulelake. Calif. Rev Richard E Oracl. Pastor S 30 a m Sunday School and Church Services Service held in American glon Hall VOl 1H SOt.IHr.KS FOR ( IIR1S1 1134 Main. Mission Church Ph. 3-1187 2103 Halley Effie Shclbv, Pator 10 00 a m. Sunday School 7:30 pV Tuesday. Wednesday and Saturday services ! 7:30 pm. Friday-Youth Night ZION LITHERAN !n Klamath Palls Wednesday on tim aim hii prion. rwihi way to Portland lor a reunion . ' f G'"' ? with an old Marino buddy. He Is rS : r1pB"" C"" i ' hi, own p.ane. and u accon.. T:30 0 m. Youlft MMtlnc irtnt Third SundAytt T:M p (iL-Virtl(d Couple Ctub irourth Sundty,) 1 00 p m. Thundar Adult Clin PILGRIM HOLINESS 2301 WantUnd Phob U Rv O O tuvtl 9:43 a m. Sunday 8rh.ol 11:00 a.nv Morning Worihtp .TO p.m VPS 7 30 p m. KvangelMtte 7:30 p m Wrdneiday Praya r Macunl FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 10th and High Hhona 3US nev. uiora Houoway. ptor S:S a.m.Churrh School. Sunday 11:00 a.m.5rrvlra of Wonhip. Sunday 1 00 p.m Youth Fllowhin Sunday T.w n m Pel!ow.hlo Hour Sundiiv BONANZA NAZARENE CHURCH . Mrs. Roy Thomaa, Pastor 0:00 a.m Sunday Srhool 11:00 a.m Sunday. Mnminf Worfhfp 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Young People's Mrting 8:00 p m. Sunday. Evangelistic Serv Ice CONFISCATED VERA CRUZ. Mexico l Mexl can federal authorities confiscated the nets and catches of three U.S. shrimp boats Wednesday on charges of fishing In Mexican waters. They were ordered to post bond of 5.000 pesos i$40Oi each to cover any fines that may be levied bv the navy ministry in Mexico City later. KEITH L. HUME Pastor safc;s.,eaa.,x':y JOHN BRINEGAR. Rootevolr School seventh grader, hai chalked up a perfect atten dance record, with no tardy arrivals or days absent In hit seven school years. He 11 the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brincgar, 1948 Esplanade. CARL COOK Carl Cook Visits KF Carl Cook. Murine vcteruii o( two wars, a lomMime member ol tP Klaimttll Killls police lofCC Slid always inlereslrd In work wuh oeople. cspectnlly boys, stopped off i Pattv. a cocker stinnlel. Pnltv now has 95 hours in the air. Carl lives In Ocean-ilde. Callfor. nla, where he operates the III Hi quest r;incli fo- boys. The boys wno live at HI HI arc (or the most part permanen;. year-round resi dents coming from homes that j have been broken by death or sep aration. He Is assisted by his mother. M-yenr-old Mrs. Alice Cook who, he says. Is the most active member of the team. "Our motto," he says, is "keep cm busy everything that boys love to have around them and I'm proud to say they're nil happy.' Carl plans to stop again in Klam ath Rills on his way back from Portland on Friday, and he hopes to meet fathers und mothers of the young people he worked with while he was here. "I ve seen lot of the kids themselves." he s.-vs, "and I'm sorry to say didn't know them all. They've grown up. But i f nrpnv t- sav they all know mc. That makes me feel wonderful KF Students Graduated OREGON STATE COLLEGE Corvallls, Ore.. June 3 Twenty four students from the Klamath Falls area will be among the 1086 senior and graduate students re- celving degrees at Oregon State College's 86th annual commence ment, exercises June 7. Dr. A. L. Strand, OSO president will confer the degrees. Students from Klamath Falls and the denree thev have earned in clude: James Thornton and James Young, in n a t e r b of education; Rosemary Murray, Kathleen John ston and Margaret Hartcll, bache lors of science In home economics; William Putmnn, Poster Thornton and Donald Mcsncr, bachelors of science In engineering: James Mos- I by, bachelor of science In science; Reed Custer, bachelor of arts in science; Dalton James, bachelor of science In business and technology; Mary Sue McNabb, bachelor of arts In business and technology, and Warren Jlmcrson and Frank eckebach, bachelors of forestry. Olher Klamath Falls students earning degrees are Dale Webber, Robert Schlefcrsteln and Harry Tavenner, bachelors of science In agriculture, end Jackie Slusher and Carol Van Doren, bachelors of sci ence In education. Bonanza students Include Gilbert Joyce, bachelor of science In sci ence, and William Wu, bachelor of science in agriculture. Students from Merrill are Donald Pope, bachelor of Science In sci ence end Virginia Zumwalt, bache lor of science in education. THIS WEEK HARRY S. TRUMAN nod the norv ond tha effrontery, in on ad dress, to suqqcst that Presi dent Eisenhower assert him self and become boss where the presidential job it con cerned. Truman certainly has no riqht to talk, for when ho hod that iob, he was not boss, because the Hidden Hand, the Invisible Government, composed of powerful men. financially; influentially, and politically, see to It that no president Is even nominated, much loss allowed to remain in of fice, who does not cooperate with them in every respect, ADV. w w CLASSIFIED RATIS On day per word 6o Three day , . per word Uo Week run .per word aiM Month run . per word oJo MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad Is Mo. BOX NUMUiSns Answers to arts may uo handled through box numbers at tht paper lor aervlco charge of 35o. ADJUSTMENT Please mako all claims for adjust ments without doluy. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be made In following day's publication, by 11 Noon Bsturday for Monday, D-ADUNUS Classified aits accepted up to 1:30 p.m. for following day's publication, up to Noon Saturday for Monday, classified display ads accepted up to U Noon for following day's publi cation. r tUNSIAL HOMIS WAHIl'S Klamath ruiiar High Slraat rnpna w. 1 M.ITINO NOTICIS ' Rrcular meeting of Disabled Amer ican Veterans is Auxiliary, will be held Friday. June 4, In the K. C. Clias A. Poteel, ADV. 8TATKD MECTINQ OP MAN-AN ITA Chapter No. 171, O.IS.8 will be held ft I day, June 4. at eight o'clock in tint t o.o.P hall. Visitors welcome Lois Ouei'k, W.M. Everett Blehn. W P. Special Communication, Klnnmlh Lodge No. 77, A. P. 1t A.M., Friday, June Mi, mi, at 7:.0 p:in. Work In P.C. de gree. Vl.tllliig brethren invited. Klvlu E. Phillips, W, M. 2 LOST AND FOUND 1.6ST, mala botilall (.arniati Sltvph.r'd dog. Vicinity 7lh and Mam. H.ward. Phona g 11 rxtvn.lon 17, or TMT. Legal Notice RESOLUTION NO. 013 A rviolutlon drcUrlng lh Intention of tht Cummnn Council to pv nd Improve, tai-Aiil Strtvt from tho North otutrrly lin of North Third Mr( to tht outhueitrly lint of North Fourth iltrrtl, txclualv of Inltntrllnn and u dp walk, tn tht city of Klamtlh "lU, Orffnn: project to Iw known m Improvtmtnt Unit No. II): and dt rlarinf and directing certain atcepa b Ukn In connection thtrrwllh. Whtreav tht City Encinter. purauanl 10 m rtKimiion or ma Lammnn council htrttofort adopted, having ftitd plana. lcl (ical ion and r-ttmatr for tht cot of improving. Grant Street from tnt Nortntaiteriy lint of Nor lb Third Street, to tht South wtitcrly Lint of North rourth Street, exclusive of trritctionf and sldewittlka. in tht City of mamain rallt, Oregon; and tnt Loun. r tl finding lht aald plan, ptciftrttion- ana tiiimaie ati(irtorv lor a I d project, which thai I bt known lm provtmtnt Unit NoMU: Tht rt fort, bt It rraolved by tht Corn won Council of tht City of Klamath rtiu. Oregon duly auttrtbltd in regu lar teuton, follow-; Section I That laid plana, ptclflcatloni and estimate, for lht Improvement of said portion of Mid itrett. htrttofnrt ftled by lht City engineer, be and tht taint ar hereby approved. Tht t-tid proiert thai) bt known aa Improvement Unit No. 123. That tht Common Council of tht City of Klamath rIU, Oregon, hereby de clarer tta Intention lo improve Mid portion of aald ttrttt In accordance with tht plana, apeclficalloni and ttt. mMta follow: Type "O", To conibt of paving itrett 4", inches In depth with Atphalt I'avr ment together with cement curb and gutter, 30 fvtt In overall width, talend tng on Grant Street from Norlheaattrly line of North Third Street to the South wetterly lint of North rourth Street, exclusive of Inltrttcllon and ildewalti Type "C" To consist of paving atretl C inchea in depth with cement concrete pavement together with cement curb and gutter, 20 feet In overall width, ex lending on Grant Street from North easterly line of North Third Street to tht Southwesterly lint of North Fourth Street, txcluilv of inter tec tiont and sidewalks. The cost of all classes of Improvt. menu embracing all work and ma lerialt for the rompltta Improvement of aald project for each type of pave ment being aa follows: Type "G", Atphalt pavement I4.7M 40 Typo "C" Cement pavement M 734.7ft Section 11 That tht property lying within f he boundaries hereinafter described be and the tame la hereby declared to i be benefited by the Mid lmprovtmtnl, tcwit: Beginning at the most southerly corner of lot a block 37 of First Addi tion to the City of Klamath rallt. Ore gon: thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of No. 3rd street to the most wetterly corner of lot 6. Block 2H of aald addition; thence northeast erly along tht toutheaterly line of the aley In said block 3ft to the most north erly corner of lot 10 of Mid block 28; thence southeasterly on tht aouthwest trly line of No, 4th ttrttt to the moil easterly corner of lot t of laid block 77: thence south west trly on the north wetterly lint of tht alley In aald block 37 to the point of beginning. That all tha property Included tn the aforesaid boundaries above de scribed bt and the same la hereby declared to be benefited by said Im provement and assessed for tht ex pense thereof. Section lit That Monday the 21st day of June. 1034, at the hour of 7;30 o'clock pm and the Council Chamber or tht City Hall tn Klam nth rails. Oregon, he and It la herehv fixed as the time and blare for hearing of objections and remon strances against aaia proposea improve ment. section iv That the Pollct Judge be and he It htrahv authorlied and directed to eause notice of such hearing tn be published at provided by tht City Char, trr of said City and shall Unbllsh this resolution aa provided by law. and within five days after the first publica tion thereof the city Engineer anau cans lo be conspicuously posted at each end of tht line of contemplated Improvement such notice aa la pro. Vlded for by law and ordinance. Passed by the Common Council of th Cllv of Klamath Falls. Oregon, this 341 h day of May,- 1PM. Presented to the Mavor and by him approved and signtd this Uth day of May. IBM. raui v. utmary Mayor Atteat: Frank A. Blickmex Police Judge STATE Or OREGON. COUNTY OF KLAMATH S3. CITY Of KLAMATH PALLS. I, Frank -A- Hlackmer, Police Judge of tha City of Klamath Palls. Oregon. do hereby certify that the above and foreeolne tl a true copy of resolu tion introduced and adopted by tha Com mon Council of the City of Klamath rails, Oregon, at , Its regular meeting held on Mhe 34th day of May. I04, and thereafter approved and signed by tht Mayor, Prank A. BItckmtr Police Judge, May 97, 38, 39, 31, June 1, t, 3, 4, 8, 7, No. OM. O'H AIR'S Memorial Chapel FUNIRAl SIRVICIS FOR ALL INC0MIS NON.0INOMINATIONAL IIRVIN0 ALL RILI0I0NS Klamath Falls PheiM 14IS 4 GIN IRA L NOTICIS RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 5lh tl a.m. to 7 p.m. DEAN HALL LOCKEItS 4707 South Oth Given Uy QUOTA CLUB Proucnln will be uaort fur Community Service- l'lujcola xraii6neANOTVM'oiiinfnrii.T If lulu fuu. Una SO i-liuua J3IU urJlO.L UANl'aTMllim.' ritib Irln for rllii and banqu.lL ritnn. mm wiiion, ini. PIRJONALS" AUK Y0iriftPY MltS. PLETCHKil PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT Clivca iriitlilul ndvlco on nil ( (nlra of Mc Telia you Paul, proa- em aim iiuure wiinoui aftKiiui questions. Hlio haa helped olliera mid cull Help you. Ulvca names, date and IncU. The truth, good or bnil. Satisfaction guaranteed or no cliames. Readings Dully 0 00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4818 south Sixth 8t. lirtV. OI'AI.' KINtl. praclmoncr nflnag. uehr livalmg. 4IS Pin., phon.3.1til. STAN1.KV Mum. 'I'rmlur u. I'linna gabaT illir.HXMAKINU. I'him. " Brr,Nl-H "carwiur.. tallftl. roil BTAM.KY Horn. I'TlutH. tall niiff Jon... nlion. iuin.1 MKAI. ail.K'nlaiir.TTaiPlllii WANTKI1. young man In har .inn. lo Kan Altlnnlp, T-aa. leaving alMiul Jim. . I'hon. 3II. 1 "TRANSPORTATION WANTliinCrrimMldwar Tav.rn on M.trtll lll.ltway Into Klainain rail., ork V..I0 to A:M. tharo gatollna ax. pvtu.1. Call 1-3im 10 SfRVICtS SEPTrcYXNK"S CLEANED $14.00 for 500 Rnllon tnnk. Locally Ownctl Since 1044 P116NK 5442 or 8377 LACY KING Septic Tanks Cleaned NEWEST SANITARY METHODS uIko ROTO ROOTER 8KRVICE leans Srwer Lines of Roots, etc. Ed F. King 3434 ORCHARD PH. 9841 DONT WOHBY alviiil ycnir yards on va ralUtn. fall a r liable gardener, foster ftnuth. phnne MSX PLOW1NU AMU yard grading. Pbona 3.1. ma OAHtir.N mnti Uwn work. Pri..n. BS ItOTO-TlKUNO. "rour " obiwtile" Cawni an aarilrns trvrlrJ Phnne 2-17 TVPINO DONK reaaobaWy. P FoTi R01 C V KTATft JTTalin3a rel and ttetchi Phone W54 TU.I.IND workTiy the hour or rontracl. Phone l.HSO tt no answer 7M . PAINTING and paperfcao'tnstPriona Twa. ROTOVATE that hreVrardTniwna rotovalvd and leveled. Phone 1-0641. HOME HtMODCI.INQ. roundel Ion 'and House . leveling. Phone 2-0001. Trana Cot ton. TRAClMn plowing. rotVoelrTg,' ' Car dana a snectaltv. Phona 9063 or call at 2SM Kane t i E;ir"Ai;Tr?it A!WTT('( I OP 6uiil3e wort; afreptd llartflolfU. MATEItNITV l;l7oT11Ct MAHK TO Oft !Ktl r P ho n e a -At 1 1 PI.OVVINO. discing anitfTiTowrng Gar dning It P Jarrard. Pho" MXj- LAN IJSC APE dMIirnlng - ask us to talk over your plan, at your home. Pruning, spraying, lawna renovated Matin Nursrv Hornet) ale and Her tan Phone Mol I AWN MOWEIl aharpenrd. Siw filed. Lock and key work. Dot and Mike. 31 10 llruiol. 11 OO-IT-Y0URS!LF STUDENTS CAREER GIRLS HOUSEWIVES Any of you enn sew or learn to sew and any of you can own those lovely dresses, blouses and skirls you ve always wanted. Mnke them yourself with a SINOER HEWINO MACHINE, Free sewing course with every new machine sold. Also rentals by the month. SINGER SEWING CENTER 033 Mnln Phone 2-3S13 FIREPLACE i price, Install It yourscU In a weekend. Factory built, all the blocks, SISO.BO. No down payment! 36 months on F H A. PEYTON & CO. 839 Market Phone 6149 YOU CAN paint In nil the flrtt tlma you try. See the distinctively beautl' fu! "Paint by Number" plcturea at VolghU Pioneer Office Supply. 639 Main. PLASTIC WALL TILE DO IT YUUlWBlar You can make that bathroom beauti ful with plasllB tile. We will Instruct you. Only 40c per foot CALHOUN'S S3TR. M ai n Phona B4P5 DEK HlVlf Truck llental Co. Move your self, save Ileacon Mobile Service, 1201 East Main. Phone lt.104. TOOLS POR BENT' ' temenl Mlxera, wheelbarrows. Screw and Hydraulic )erka. Handera of all klnda. 8kll saws etc. Klamath Valley Lumber Co 1040 South Sixth. Phone 4fllfl. 13 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING of rice machine, typ Ing. shorthand, 8tieedwrltng. klndreo subjects Klamath Buelneaa College, lal Pine Phone 4700 14 HELP WANTED, FIMALI WANTED, mldifleagrd houst keeper for teml-lnvalld lady, one In family) must live ln.412 Nnrthlllh. SINGLE WOMAN ranch cook. Phone 21m. rniHU iionith ait. mmlnrt end twtnltQlltv omidtf plaotont turroundingt. Compltttty Furnlthfd SleepInQ and Houtekesplng Cabins, with oil modarn toclliiiei, HbT MINERAL and MUD BATHS ef Rheumatism, Arthritis. Nturltll, Iclotlea. Narvauinaii CARBON DI0XIDI VAPOR BATH! Art eseslleat far letemo, tlnui, Iklft Ima tlent, High and Low Blood Praitun) . . "Your Health )i Our limlneit" far fteiervotlent an Informallnn Arfdren Bttikhr.rn Mlnsrcl Snrlm, Rt. 1. Athlfnda Ortgon ar 'hant Lent Dltte-vO Or, Herman Wavier, Director Chiropractic Phyilcion , Id MILP WANTID, MAl.l (IOOI ANIl'RMTUll liUhaTllian. Apply ai Lung Hell Lumber Cn. between and tl miiriiig,ask (urMr Ku til in an. 17 HUP WANTI0 MANuiVm'.leli txtals, cabins. vVlllumsti;t ltlverJttui, iisiTOAnoNS wantio WiTitlWwaVirscuTntiaiihiii tiuutakeeit' er fur one ur two auulla. Write Herald News Hug H7fi: OHlt'E wtuk 'byemieilfiifed tai-i. tur. Imukkepiter. Write lloa 077, vi r llfialil bim! News, WIDOW WOl'l.l) 1 1 h h'l I tl n reV"" and lltllil l.iitwmk attti nouns ur evenings, piiuna a U7;m. II YEAH ()IJ)Tti.yrtwaiiU"loarii"Tiion'. ey lor HiMul Camp- llaiuly at all Join around liuuse, lawn and tic. Phone a-ttiiitt CHILD I' A HIS and llghVhuusewuik. Phnne t-lUIT. HTKNOdMAIIPKit eaiierlanVetiTihor'. fiughly liatned. Ieslrea permanent pus. Iliuii, rati shorthand, typing, Imokkerii. lug, general ulfka wurk. Iteleiem-ea. Call Jf.lWW , EXPEIIIENfiti)"" iMegro g a t d e it s ,", Phone VHU. U)t'IIKWOliniy"ihe huurrfhnni 6110 III.IVAHE'lllnneMn. ilUIHC'IIOOL girl wants work 'luring varatlon, Kaperlenced with children, ran furnish good refrrenrea. I' hone S (MOa alter 8 m. ifOttNEKKKHINO by lha huur. refer, eiifea . Phone 1-1400. 21 ROOMS f0 HINT iim'NEKKEPlNU nMiina for rent All farlhltea furnished. M week. Phone a-tTsT, LOVELY" rooina," cloea 'in,' Phont ol or 4 J AO it(V)M)irTtENT;07lgh Rireet t(M)MH - "fu0 and up. Klamath Hoti-I. COOL. AlltY sloping riNinu. gmi rlran CIim In Phone 1-03 11 h(M)kr"UOAHl5rgnUtnian. ttWHCrea.' nrMiHAlllJt'rtHrTTxl " Paciiie Tet rare. HLEEPINU rwimPrmne f-MtTm CtXAST NEWLY decuraled. ciust In. Phone 4444, 34 APARTMENTS FOR RENT rOrTVrNfnal Kultable for i-oupla. Call daya, itua Main, evenings t0l0 Huminers Iine, rott-llENT." furnished " three room aiMrtmrnt, hot water heal. Phono tooo or 3-omh). m ONE HOOM lurni tried apar'lmenC phona duao. Tit It EE HOOM furnished apatmerit. Alpha Apartments, phone iMl. TWO'llOOM funtshtd aparlmenOithta and water furnished. gaa equipped. 111! Walnut. Phone 430. furnlthei CLEAN" furnished apartment. "" Phuna ail 3. ytRNINHKI) flat. Ihiee rtwmaTltaih, electric heal, walking dUlanre, adults. Phone a-OiiUl evenings, Hunday. roll-WENT furnished-apartment. M? r-tt Main ntttNlfltlKO anartntent. nrlvata hath and enUanre. 1431 Esplanade, phone s-arw POH HENT upstair apartment! Pmif rnomi rurnlshed. Two hedrooma, pri vate bath. Convenient to railroad en Eett Main. Aahy accepted In f)Uire tilt Aiplegate, run Hr NT large two neiirttom tinrnr nUhed duplev, automatie furnare, ga rage. ' htafk from Eaouira Theater, (no per month. Call AMI rem KENT two room apartmeni Phona l-o j 10 rtlHNISHril anarVrnVnt for renL Creer Apartments. T10 Main t. rort HE NT Aitrerttve apartment. Newly daw-oralM and furnUhsd. t'lmn In. parking spare provldail. I'hone aate. MODERN VACANCY. &M Plna Street. Phone 4070. 1 ifos rtENTTarge litre rm hit' nUhed apartment. rlnae tn Heat, but and cold water ftirnMir.t. Adults only. Phone kmw anrr S pm . TWO Mm)Mifuniisned a p a r'lnT'i n'f. Phnne OM. POR HENT three room furnUhrd apartment tn Atlmnt. XUH ltilyard or call 111 eitlenslnn 30 dais. rot 'M HOOM fumiihed apartment. Phone Jt7.J:t Market. PDHN1HHED apartmti.t.Uiilllirs paif. Phnne J I7aT FtmNIMIirh. THItKlTTmina a"ndinilft. Private rntranret. Oarage. Close In. Phone 7!PW rtVE nOOMH rottinlelely fuTnTshrd. Cln tn Phime 3033 TWO HOOM aparlmrit, rinse Th. Pri vate bath. Phone t7ff7, AoflO. rOMltrNT lwo7ims" and" baihTTfi Oiure Sin High. CNruitNlftlirn one bedroom dupleg with rriaidalro and slove. Close In. Phone vs&4. MODE It N TU,'6irooma. Cnmplrtely7uiC nUhed except groceries. IIU Pine. rOl'R noOM diiotr and bath. com. plrtely furnished. 32J3 Eterlein, phona 1 lfll7 nTI:k APAHTMENT"" for rent. Private entranre. 422 North Oth. HHIOIIT. ftirnlthed two room apartment In brick build In, s learn heat 140 134 ft road (M EAN MOnritN three and hut room apartments. Phnne OltM. HEAt'TirifL POltR SOOMapartrnent. Krtlalty furnished, newly decorated, atitlfut view, automatie neat, private. Phone M74. . POM HENT. two room modem apart ntrnt. adults. .'131 prnad. ritltNINIlEI) aparlmeaL 300 Market. Anartmrnt n fliltNISHEO ONE or twn bedroom apart- mem. .112 worm lain rtt. FOUR n66M apartmenCVhone tiiff. PirilNIHHEO three) room apartment'. a,ia -), two room unit, t:u. All utilities paid. 410 North 10th. FOItRENT. duplex In Hot Hnnngt. heat, hot and cold water furnished. Call 37nnaflf A p.m. TWO ilOOM riimlshcd, atram healed apartments. Close to clly center. i'JI High, pttoi.e 77:il days. NICELY fiirnUherflhree room apart ment In duplex. Electrically equipped. Close in. 014 Lincoln, phone 43!tl. STEAM heated apariment, 0311 Oak. Pt'RNISHKD, Audley Apartments. Phono 11300. VERY NICE one hettroom apartment. Living room kitchenette and bnlh. Complrtely furnished. 21 -It O-rv Si. Vi block off 80, Olh, phono 2-1007, couple only. rtfltNISHED apartmentprlvale bath. Close In. Adults. Phona 407S alter 8 JO p m, VACANCY, three"itn'm-apartmenL Fuf nlshed. Artulla..Tm llroad. 24 HOUSES FOR RENT FOlTnKNT cabins. 4r47miglaTlvaT, Klamath Falla Ore,, sea Mr. Mellon. VlIllNlHUED two bedroom house. Dnaemtnt, attached garage, Ad ditlon, wa CaH .1750. PARTLY furnished one-bedroom homo Willi laraie, 1.127 Johnson Street. 940 per month. "Pat" Mnwea- Ileal tor. Corner 7lhand Plnr Phone BACHELOR cabin complelely bur nished, clean, ulllitlas, 7. per week, 114 MarHn. THREE IlEDnOOM HoTue, 940. 31B EastMalnor phnntp002. I ONE IlEDROOMhouaa.NlcsTTor coup I a. Close In. Phone M77. LARGE hiiiuo. Close In. Ftirnlslied. 90. Phone 2-174n. UNFURNISHED one bedroom rinpTcK with oil healer and electric water hcnler. Close In. Adults, $;W. Phont .iftfll, 410 Nn.8prlngHtreet. THREE ROOM furnished houat. 31A Enst Mnln. Fon RENT iwo bed room duplex, fur- nlshed. 7.11 No. IHh. UNrunNlHHED'houae. Coupla only. 7:i7 A lainr-dt, CLEAN, ror.y"".wo,"'"nmin mnderti 'iir nliihnd hnuie, 9Jn, Apply Boo Ml, Whll- nay, FOti RENT tinfiirnisherfnuiVlse. Flvt ronmi nnd bnlh. Large runma, nno half block off East Mnln, 9.1(1. Small children accepted, Inquire 3110 Apple gate. OKE HEDnbOM houat. , fihono a-Sliig. CT.EAN, MODERN one bedroom un furnished house, Inqulrt loot) Siskiyou, phone BM4. , ONE TlEDriQOM collage, furnUHrrT. Suitable for muall family, lleaaonablt ralea1l4n Pine, 6ne RED ROOM lnfuniBe(l..o3tfn) cloat In. Phono 4.133,