Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, June 02, 1954, Page 2, Image 2

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KfLW-li&t E. -NT
' V Wednesday Evcninf, June I
:00 Crime Photographer CBS
, 6:10 Crtmt ClMltri CBS
1 T OO Th Lone Ranivr ABC
7 15 Lm Griffith ABC
, 7:M Mvitery Theater ABC
00 FBI in Peace V Wer CBS
8:30 Lowell Thome CBS
. S;49 TcnneuM Emt Show
' 0.00 Longlnt Symphonette CBS
. 9 30 Dettrl Inn Orch, CBS
i 10 00 10 p m. Headline!
10;1S SnorU Roundup ABC
10:30 Army-MrCrlliv Heerinss CBS
11:00 Sign Oft News Summary
: 11:U Sign-Off .
EFLW lt&S Rc. - PST
, Thursday. June 3
-4 ijtfO Early Bird Newt
; 03 Alarm Cloe)u Club
6 30 Lou'a Al manic
i ' fl'45 County Agent
6:U Music
7:00 Newi-Bkfit Edition
'7:15 Charlie's Roundup
7:30 rr-ank Gou
T .45 Harry Babbitt CBS
F 00 Breakfajit Club ABC
, 9:00 Blue Skica
D:.J Ma Perkins CBS
; 9-M Young Dr. Melon CBS
- 8:49 The Penney's Show
10 00 Chet Huntley ABC
10:15 Perry Ma Km CBS
'10:30 Nora Drake CBS
10:45 Marian from Miller's
1C:53 Whispering Streets ABC
11:15 Brighter Day CBS
11:30 Helen Trent CBS
11:45 Our Gal Sunday CBS
12:00 Noon Edition New -17:15
Paylcss Sidewalk Show
13:30 Sam Hayes ABC
12.45 Arthur Godfrey CBS
2:00 Wlrurd of Odds CBS
2:15 Ruth Ashton
2.20 Phil Norman CBS
2:30 Home party CBS
3:00 Better Living
3:15 Hank Henry Show
3:45 Basin Briefs
3:55 Music
4:00 Ted Malone
'? Adult. SOe . Kids 25c
J jltTPEN DAILY -7:00 P.M
l -JiiHa
il against
gunw iwhiwii
JtftlffKtl JTmAj
4:15 Spin with Wynnt
4 45 When a Girl Mnrrten ABC
5:00 Edward It. Murrow CBS
MS Easy LUtr-mng
C 30 Today's Sports Highlights -
5 45 Frank Got CBS
5 55 Hometown News
R:00 Escape CBS
tt:30 Record Derby "
7 00 Meet Mr. MrNutlev CBS
T : The Chorahers CBS
f 00 Meet Milhe CBS
8:30 l-owrlt Thomas CBS
8:45 Tennessee Ernta Show CBS
0:00 In the Pastor's Study
:15 Heart of America
ti:30 Paul Whiteman Varieties ABC
10)0 10 p.m. Headlines
10:15 Sports Roundup ABC
10:30 Army-McCarthy Hearings CBS
1100 Sign Off News Summary
U 05 sign Off
KFJI - list Re. - PIT
Wednesday Evening;, June t
g-0 Ciatmi Meaner MBS
c IS Evening Edition Local News
6 25 Hollywood Highlights
6:30 Virgil Hmkley News DLRa
g 45 Sam Hayes News DLUA
55 Bill Henri- alBS
7 00 Red Skelton Show
7:30 Sports Report
7.40 Timber Tales
7:45 Perry Como Snow MBS
K.oo Nightmare MBS
8:30 Les Brown Show
8:45 Underwood's Camera Club
O0 Newspaper of trie Air fcUIS
9:15 Fulton Lewis. Jr. MBS
6 30 Moonlight Melody Time
8:55 Robert Hurleigh News MBS
10:00 Shady Side ot Midmehl
11.00 Sign OH -
Thursday. June 3
IN Sunrise &rnad :
8:30 Ferra Reporter
6.45 Sons of The Pioneers
7:00 Frank Hemingway News OLBS
7:15 Breakfast Gang DLBS
7:30 Today's Best Buys
7:45 Fir j l Edition Lnca' Nm
1:55 Something to Think 0uul OLBS
po cecu Brown Mas
8:15 Bob Green News OLBS
8:20 Melodic Interlude
819 Holland Kngle News MM
8:30 Breakfast Gang DLBS
8:45 Strictly Feminine
9:00 Morning Melodies
9.30 Hasel Markell MBS
9:30 Carnation Milk Tima
9:45 Music Of Manhattan
10:00 Newspaper of The Air DLBS
10.15 Tello Test DLBS
10:30 A visit to w eisfield s
10 35 A Visit to McConkey s
10 40 Music
10:45 A Visit to La Point e's
11:00 Cliff Enrle News DLBS
11:10 South Sixth Street Varieties
11:30 Queen for a DayMBS
12:00 Tins From the Town Ulum
12:15 Noonday Edition Local New
12:30 Best on Record
12:45 Notes From the Scooper
i Aiaunre Rieioaies
3:00 Lakeview Roundup Tim
3:25 Sam Hayes News DLBS
3:30 Here's The Answer DLBS
3:45 Tello Test DLBS
4:00 Town and Country Tim
rrana- enungajr nwa
:ju music
4:45 Sam Hayes News DLB
5:00 Sergeant Preston MBS
5:30 Sky King MBS
5:55 Cecil Brown News MBS
:M Gabriel Heattar UBS
6:13 Evening Edition Local News
6:25 Hollywood Highlight
.ou virgii rinsnj news uus
6:45 Sam Hayes News DLB3
Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Red Skelton Show
7:30 Sports Report
7:w Tim oer Tale
7:45 Eddie Fisher Show MBS '
Bin crime Fiahtera MBS
8:30 U Never Know
B: Hirmonalres ...
91)0 NewsDaoer of tha Atr DLBl -
9:15 Fulton Lewis. Jr. MBS
B.30 Moonlight Melody Tiro
9:55 News DLBS
10:00 Shadv Sid of Mfdnieht
U.-00 Sign Off
Channel 5
Wednesday Evenlnr, June 2
3:20 .Devotions
3:30 On Your Account
4:00 Feminine 'Fancies .
4:30 Val Rogue Show
5:00 Uncle BiU Show
C.30 Armchair Theater .
6:30 Hollywood Album
7:00 I Married Joan
7:30 Cisco Kid . . '. ;t " ,. '
E:00 Uberace
8:30 Amos 'n And ...'-
:oo boiaoergs
Jaw Weather . -i :- , .
J0.-05 News
10:15 Army. McCarthy Hearings
11:00 Sign Off
Thursday. June X
3:05 Devotions
3:15 Garry Moore Show
3i30 On Your Account
4.-00 Feminine Fancies
4:30 Val Rogut Show
5:00 Uncle Bill Show
5:30 Western Theater
6:30 Hollywood Album
7:00 Groucho Marx
7:30 Prof. Yes and N .
7:45 Sportsman's Club
C:00 Lux Video Theater "
80 Ford Theater
6 30 AH Star Theater
9:30 Dangerous Assignment '
10:00 Favorite Story ,
10:30 Army-McCarthy Hearings .
11.00 News
U 05 Weather .
U:10 Sign OK . 1
Aluminum Plant
To Open Soon
KITTIMAT, B. C. tf! The first
shipload ol alumina arrived here
Tuesday for the Aluminum Com
pany of Canada, Ltd., plant as the
company began to build up its
supply for opening of operations
sometime next month. -
The freighter Sun Karen brought
11,000 tons of the processed baux
ite used in producing aluminum
from Jamaica, The $55,000,000
plant will use 100 such shiploads
a year after it begins production.
BUDAPEST, Hungary lf Hun
gary announced Wednesday she
has rejoined the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cul
tural. Organization.
land of the Vikings -
the most beloved story
in all adventuredom. s
c t, taunt mwmm w i
Wl Wll MMT- tmiiw mrM
Cinemoicop Short S New
Adulti 7St . Kidditi 25c
1 -IBpnspj
COMMITTEE MEMBERS complete plans for OTI Faculty Wivei
and Women's Club tea slated (or Saturday, June 5, from 2 to
S p.m., at the Winston Pcrvine home. Picture taken at the
Robert Smith home on Klamath Circle. From the left, Mrs.
manufacturer, has been
named as president of Ki
wanis International to suc
ceed Donald Forsythe. Eng.
dahl is president of the Spo
kane Sash and Door Com
pany. Former' Bly Girl
Shown In Mexico
Mr. and Mrs. Carl "Proebstet of
Bly picked up the Northwest Liv
ing magazine section of a Portland
newspaper and saw their daugh-
ter's nirtnrs, with a vmum .
dents attending the University of
Their daughter, Jesalee Keffeler,
Was one of the first vinnm nf an
Elk's scholarship which she used
w aiiena uie umversiiy ot Oregon
and was later graduated from Reed
Colleee in Pnrtlanri. Hira h
was married to Charles Fosterling.
mey went 10 Mexico city to at
tend the University of Mexico on
his GI Bill of Rights.
She had written her parents
about the Interview and picture.
The Fosterlings are back In Port
land where they were called by
the death of his fnthr arii. tM
Two Wrpn.'n.TI
nnn ran ha moHa fnm - Inn it.
..viii 1 AUU-IU.
feedbag or. V, yards 39-lnch fab-
.... w Hsjr, bu inaiiiuji-new one
has a iflniltv atanrftm nllaV U..A
wraps under the bosom to mold
juur ugure 10 ora-periection. No
fitting problems cinch the waist.
No ironing worries open flat.
Pattern 9103: Misses' Sizes 10,
13, 14, 16, 18, 20. Each style In any
CMVfn MlZA fnlrna 11. varAm 40.lnU.
" -a fua aa-uibll,
or a 100-lb, feed bag.
Send thirty-five cents In ' coins
for this pattern add 6 cents for
each pattern for lst-class mail
ing. Send to Marian Martin, care
of Herald and News, Pattern Dept.,
P.O. Box- 6740, Chicago 80, III.
Print your name, addrfts, zone;
8ize style number.
cut V v y
FROM VSl t?'
100 LB. Lj
F. D. Manning
Francis Daniel Manning, 51, resi
dent of Klamath Falls for the past
27 years and Identified with rail
roading most of his life, died during
the noon hour, Monday, as he sat
in the office of a Klamath Falls
Mr, Manning was a conductor on
other indication ol approucmug
death as he sat with other patients,
U was not until an office secre
tary noted a slight slipping of the
body that his condition became ap
parent. He had not been seriously ill at
any time prior to his death and
had worked immediately before go
ing to the doctor's office.
Mr. Manning was a conductor
the Southern Pacific, serving in
that capacity, tor many years. He
was a member of the 3d and 4th
Degrees, Mt. McLaughlin Council,
No. 3355, Knights of Columbus,
Crater Lake Division, No. 133, Or
der of Railroad Conductors and
Klamath Falls Lodge, No. 1347,
BPOE, Elks.
Recitation of the Holy Rosaryl
win take place rrom sacred Heart
Church. Thursday, June 3, 8 p.m.
followeaD7 an as night vigil spon
sored by the 4th Degree of Mt.
McLaugnitn , council; Knights ol
Columbus, I.- ' i . :i
xj- Krai. "M i ttrj.i i nv.a '
Buick...noiv fhlsl fln Jnjfnoilca
1330 Main
A.' Perdsen, Mrs. H. H.
A. Swisegood, Mrs. A. V,
Al Gelss and Mrs. C. J, Cot,
Dies Suddenly
A reouiem mass will bo celehia
ted for the repose of his sou), com
mencing at 9:30 a.m. Friday June
4. with the Rev. T. P. Casey offi
ciating.. Surviving arc his widow, Mrs,
Nora Manning and two sons, Jnnies
and William, of tills city: sisters,
Mrs. Florence Peterson. Mrs. Roso
Brothrrlon and Mrs. Mary
LeFrancq. Seattle, Wash., and Mrs.
Adele Foote, Bremerton.
Funeral services nro in charge
of Ward's Klamath Funeral Home.
Pool Manaqer
Tells Plans
Eiia Redkey, manager of the I If Chevrolet... from January lit "
Municipal Swimming Pool, has I II thrOU.h April 30th "S
stated that the management Is L.J ""wn nprn juin.
desirous of having the pool open TTTTZZm . . . .
at aU times that it Is practical. SAMUEL I. THOMPSON, ion f Bulck 12,463 . Srudebo.tr 3,377" ' 1
"Practical means when the sun o( Dr. end Mri. Arthur I. Mercvry 9,987 Chryilef 2,491
Is shining and when the tempera- Thompson, 602 Pacific Ter- oM.mh;i. can ria n
ture is warm enough for healthful 4 momb.r of th. S k Z
mming." the pool manager ex- nior ca,. being gr.du.t.d ''"T f,0,h '944
tT;.hfrUr,it at Shetfuclt School Fairbault, V Pon,ioe 7 3i7 M99
X'rUZlm Minn.tots. Th. 96,h anniver- Ccdl.loc 3,810 P-clord ,,030 V
open daily lor the duration of the ry exercises of the ichool I Dodge 3,419 i Hudion. ol8 J
season. . , . , ere set for June 4, 5 and 6. V . . '' -'.'".
iiri nn n in h7 o
' - ' I I 'I ,
qoneral chairman; Mrs,
Mrs. G. W. Bailey, Mrs.
' h y
ft VI
'' M 1 .L"l"1 ! Klamath'a alslke clover seed com- IV'MTS) Fee (Mm i
Accordmj to ltst I'M P'l I I "J
p X S. oHiclal Motor Registration J
I II (y betn outsailing all can in MmA ! mmlmm I
"ij f California... except Ford and JIIU III SHIES
31 Years Your Buick Dealer'
CCC Announces Safes Plan,
Prices For Surplus Seeds
Commodity Credit Corporation I mUtco together with Tul-laka l-
aales plana for hay and pasture
seeds announced May 31, have
burn received by W. W. Thomp
son, chairman ot the Klamalh Al
alke Clover Beed 0 lowers Com
mittee, aooordlng lo Walt
Jendriejewskl, county extension
agent, A sales list la scheduled for
nilease early In June,
About out half of the CCO owned
storks of certain forage crop
aeeda will be offered for sale to
the domestic seed trade during the
month of June in lots of not leas
than 30,000 pounds or the total
quantity at a given location,
Minimum prion for acceptance ol
competitive bids on 960,000 pounds
of alslke clover seed to ba offered
tn June la 90 cents per pound lor
seed of baato specifications.
Alter the June aale nlnlkn seed
will be cold by Commodity mablll
latlon Service olfioea al prices
announced eai-h mouth by the
U3DA. However, ho sales of al
alke for domestic use will be made
below a 35 cent per pound mini
mum price far the period July 1,
1994 to June 30. ISM.
Other crop seeds ottered f 0 r
sale are listed together with quan
tity ottered and minimum prices
lor Hie June sale and later.
Allnlla, common, northern, 9,160,
Onti pounds, 30 and 3t cents: al
falfa, common, central, 1,390,000
pounds, 39 to 30 cents.
Certified alfalfas: Ranger, 4.400,
000 pounds: Ladak, 440,000 pounds;
Orlmm, 370,000 pounds: Buffalo,
3.IS0.0O0 pounds: Atlantic 310.000
pounds. Minimum price of Utese
certified allallas lor the June sale
is 34 cents. Minimum price tor
later sales la 40 ccnta. '
Ladlno clover, t w o million
pounds, 47 and M cents: Red clov
er, 3,900,000 pounds, 30 and Si
cents: Sweet clover, 600,000 pounds.
9.44 and 10 cents; Tall rescue,
common, 1,760.000 pounds, 11 and
30 cents: Certified, 4,600,000
pounds, 19 and 33 cents,
Klamath'a alslke clover seed com-
easy to o o
f he lorj-orioe t liree
Yes , . . easy, lower monthly ptyment bring handsome Buick within
the reach of everyone. Buick'i volume itJei-now third in
America -mean unmatched value... better trade-in. And Buick, alone,
gives brand new styling, pucrainJe Windshield, ilepped-up . .
V-8 engine and a host of other idvtMed features. Move up to '
easy-tp-own Buick today ... the meet wasted ear In America I
Bulck costs leu to buy,,,lett to 0p$t4,,,UitJ) trade!
alke growers cooperated In an ef.
fort to socrn o quota regulations lor
linporta ol alslke clover seed. This
cllorl resulted In a hearing before
the Tnrllt Commission In Washing
ton, D.O., last February.
Imports of alslke seed at the
present two cent per wound tariff
Increased from 93,000 pounds In
1961 to 4,144,600 pounds In 1963,
Imports from Canada's 196 crop
totaled 4,661,600 pounds on April
30, 19M.
The committee was advised re
cently by Senator Guy Cordon that
Ilia Tariff Commissions report has
been forwarded to the While
District Judge
Geddes Posses
noHEBimo w disi, judi
A. J. Ueddtfs, 16, the father ot
Slato Sen. Paul Cieddes of Rose
burg, died hero Saturday alter a
long illness,
OUier survivors include the wid
ow, Itnltie, live daugliteis, and
two sona.
He became a district Judge in
1063 alter serving lor many years
aa a school board member, city
recorder, city Judge and Justice of
tile peace.
KleaHtk ells,
ee el their ken)
ten I, Lm, Mar,
re T
see Oat
WeaWefR ilov-cUo uxhhU
Phone 5151