Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 08, 1954, Page 23, Image 23

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    i(&t?j5 -(yiwi iii.i'iijwi
Scholarship To Be Awarded
, ; , Hie Oregon Library Association
, will award the Marsha M. HiU
Scholarship for 150 to the out
standing applicant for one year's
study at the University of Washing
ton School of Librarianshlp.
, TIib candidate should have conv
" pleted four years of college, satis
v fled University of Washing
ton School of Llbrarlanship en
' trance requirements and indicate
his intention to take a library job
, in Oregon for at least one year
; after receiving the library degree.
Barley Seed
Rates Proved
. Work conducted byTulelake
.Farm Advisor, Ken Baghott, this
year, on barley seeding rates
proved that under 1953 growing
conditions, a 76 pound per acre
seeding rate of Hannchen barley
produced higher yields than seed
ing rates up to 139 pounds per acre
or seeding rates as low as 23
pounds per acre. The farm adviser
says that most years a 75 pound
seeding rate for Tullake is suffic
ient. He suggests never seeding
over 100 pounds per acre.
'- General recommendations for the
production of high quality Han
nchen barley as suggested by Ba-
V'rWA. tan were:
,? :11 I. Don't fertilize too heavily
, j : of actual nitrogen per acre on
: r' mucky soil, and not over 63 pounds
;yv: per acre on sand or mineral type
2. Use no fertilizer when planting
.,? A on land where potatoes were grown
i j 5 the previous year. ,
if 3. Maintain sufficient soil moist
S ure in the field for complete seed
1 4 development,
'VS 4. Irrigate before the barley is
f 'Tout of the boot, thereby minimi
f zing chances lor lodging. Excess
i- lodging may increase the protein
u K;t percentage and lower the barley
A extract value,
t.;f 5. Check harvesting operations
f ll closely. Excessive -cracked and
; f broken kernels caused by the har
vesting operation may make feed
barley out of brew barley. . -
Library Group
Plans Meeting
The importance of books and
reading to Oregonians and the im
provement of library services
throughout the state will be the
topic of discussion at a Library In
stitute to be held in the Klamath
f 1 Palls City Library Saturday, April
r. The institute is one of a series
,! of u district meetings being held
i't- m Oregon this spring under the
sponsorship of the 1 Oregon State
v L,iorary and the Oregon Library As
sociation. The Lake County Library,
the Klamath Falls City Library and
the Klamath County Library are
sponsoring the program In this
Elolse Ebert, administrative as
sistant to the state librarian,, will
be the speaker at the morning
session and will outline the prob
lems relative to library service In
Oregon as well as in the nation.
In the afternoon meeting, Ains
lcy A. Whitman, president of the
Oregon Library Association, will
lead the discussion of ways to im
prove library service in Oregon.
The program will begin at 10
a.m. and will be held in the audi
torium of the city library. Filth and
Klamath. Trustees of libraries and
h the general public are cordially in-
vltod to attend. The morning ses
E sions will be particularly Interest
t lng to high school students who are
planning on library work as a pro
Lj fesslon.
The Marsha M. HIU Scholarship
is awarded each year to the person
who shows promise of contributing
most to the field of library ser
vice. ' Funds for - this scholarship
have been made available through
the generous donations of library
friends and librarians throughout
the state. It Is hoped that through
donations of this type that this
scholarship can be awarded annual
ly and that it can be an import
ant aid for encouraging high cali
ber people to enter the library pro
fession. Candidates should return their
applications to Eleanor Stephens,
state librarian. Salem, by april 15.
They should also make application
lor entrance to the University of
Washington School of Librarian
ship, Gladys Boughion, director.
Application forms may be obtain
ed from Evelyn Cooper, county. 11
braran, at the county library.
Winner of this scholarship will be
announced at the annual meeting of
the OLA, held April 30 and May 1.
Donald K. Nelson, chairman of
the Scholarship Committee, reports
mat donations lor this scholarshiD
fund will be gratefully accepted and
may oe maued to Alnsley A. Whit
man, president, Oregon Library, As
sociation, Salem.
Cub Scouts
Pack 73
Cubs and their families went to
the "Land of Oz," made by the
cubs, for the Riverside PTA Cub
cuuui pas no. -13 meeting on
March 28 at the Riverside School
Everyone put on glasses and
hats with green designs made by
the cubs. Mrs. Leonard Shill's den
cubs made the "Cowardly Lion."
Mrs. Alexander Luffs den cubs
made the "Scarecrow" and the
"Emerald City" scenery. Mrs.
Lloyd Pepple's den cubs made the
"Ttn Woodman" and the "Rain
bow." Mrs. Irvin Warner's den
cubs made the "Wizard" and a
(able display of the yellow brick
road that led to the Emerald City.
All the cubs presented a "Land
of Oz" skit assisted by Gene WIN
Hams,-as the Wizard, and Mrs.
Gordon Vaugh, as Dorothy.
The meeting was conducted by
the cubmaster, Sam Ritchey.
Ritchey announced Mss. Vaughn
was assisting as den mother for
den No. -I,- because of mumps at
Mrs. Shill's home.
The Flag ceremony was led by
den cubs.
, David Oviatt and Tommy Hall
received "Bobcat" pins in an in
duction ceremony.
The following awards were pre
sented in the achievement coun
cil: Michael Sabo and Jeff Wat
kins, Wolf badges; Bobby Mulder,
Wolf gold and silver arrows; Gor
don Luft and Darrell Barrett, Woll
silver arrows: Larry Morris and
Jimmy Scapple, Bear badges and
gold arrows; Tommy Potter,
Bear badge, gold arrow and 'as
sistant denner stripe; Dale Muel
ler and Steve Hornby, Lion badge,
gold and silver .arrows; Ralph
Warner, Lion sliver arrow; David
sans, Lion silver arrows and
service star; Joe Cox and Jay
Paxton, denner stripes; Steven
Goeller and Ritchey Vaughn, as
sistant denner stripes; Earl Yeo
man, service star.
Ritchey announced Cub Scout
units of the Klamath district will
present a Cub Scout circus at Mo
doc field, May 15 for the public.
Cubs of pack 73 are starting to
work on the nationwide conserva
tion program that is to last until
next October.
The meeting was closed with the
"Living Circle."
The next meeting Is scheduled
for April 30. Joe LaClalr will pre
sent a film on "Prospecting for
1-5- 'J I
Vhr' ' P .
THE FINAL TOUCH, a cherry crowning glory, and pineapple
cottage cheese salad is ready for the table. The master chefs
in "operation cherry" are Roy Billings, left, and Don Owens,
members of the'Lindley Heights Cooking Club, These and
many other 4-H'ers gained practice Saturday in a Demon
stration Day at Fyock's, preparatory to entering demonstration
contests at the annual Spring Fair, April 22, 23 and 24. Spring
Fair will give hundreds of 4-H'ers all over the county an
opportunity to acquaint more people with their activities, to
show the worthwhileness oM-H by exhibiting their accomplish
ments, and to share with others the year-long projects of
4-H, Klamath County at largo is invited to mark their calen
dars to include Spring Fair. . '
Coal Miners May Face Cut
coal producers were reported Wed
nesday considering asking John L.
Lewis for a miners' wage cut but
trie big employer organizations
which do the bargaining with
Lewis are believed opposed to the
idea. .. .
Lewis, Just back from a month-
Farmers Said
Favoring SS
(D-Ohto) said Wednesday 89 per
cent of 'farmers polled in his dis
trict favored coming under the
social security program.
Secrest gave results ot the poll
In testimony prepared for the
House Ways and Means Commit
tee. He strongly supported Presi
dent Elsenhower's proposal to ex
pand social security coverage,
benefits and taxes.
He said if farmers are brnUDht
under the system along with busi
nessmen and wage earners, as
proposed by Elsenhower, then' all
three groups will have a vital in-1
terest in the law. I
"And you will set up the great-;
est possible guarantee .that no i
futi're Congress will ever dare to
dissipate the fund upon which the
future plans of so many -people
have been made," he said. 1
nearly enough in their own coal
mines to take care of their re
duced mill demand, without buy-
In? from commercial mine open
ators as the steel Industry normal,
ly does. - .... , i.
long vacation in Florida, Is certain
to fight any such proposal.
S'.ill, the Industry Is seeing bard
days. Production began to fall off
with the loss of the Industry's ex
port market when war-wrecked
European mines were put back
into operation. Now the business
downturn, particularly as It affect
ed the steel Industry, is depressing
coal even more. .
Coal production during the first
three months of this year was
down 18 per cent from last year,
which was a poor year, too. Out
put for the first quarter is esti
mated by the Bureau ot Mines at
90 million tons compared with 107
million in 1953.
Sagging production is hurting- the
mine owners, who pay members
of Lewis' United Mine Workers
(UMW) Union a basio dally wage
of nearly (30. Mines are averaging
oniy two or three days work
week. Steel mills are producing
He Lives
for you!
PRE-Easter Services
April 11th thru April 16th
SUNDAY 10:55 AM Evenings 7:30 PM
9th and Pin ..,:.:.,.,..''-,
I A French bomber with en
gine trouble crash landed on' the
beach of this Mediterranean Is
land Wednesday killing five per
sons aboard. There were . seven
survivors. The plane was en route
from Algiers to Paris. v,: ,
Phone 5502
KLAMATH FALLS Homedole & Harlan
We offer one of the largest selectors it
.hardy shrubs this Bide of Portland.
We guarantee superior quality. Each plant
in our nursery must meet with our own exacting
high standards.
- We are far more difficult to please than our
customers, and shrubs must please us before
they are offered to you.
1- Come In and visit. Compare our prices and
especially our quality. An evergreen Is not Just
. an evergreen. Because of our odd springs they
must be full and compact and , beginning ts
mature. The difference Is remarkable.
The priceless Ingredient of any nursery Is
' not found In the buildings and land they own,
but in the heart of the people who operate It.
The prestige, character and reputation of onr
'nursery In dealing with our customers ever a
period of years has developed a service that la
unequalled by any nursery In the U.S.A. -
This service Is the foundation of our busi
ness. It will work for you. We are as close as
your telephone. Try it for a surprise.
, Our annery company Includes:' .
Nora and John Quin'n, at the retail yard,
and me, Floyd W. Scott, who calls on. you to
help yon develop, your color design and land
scaping. . -.. ... . .1. .. .. ,
Pruning) lawn work and spraying,, Let's talk
' It ever. .,.:.:.- ;n -. J. .. . .-
Refugee Flys
To Mexico
ica's most famous political refu
gee, Victor Raul Haya de la Torre
of Peru, flew toward exile in Mex
ico Wednesday following his re
lease from five years and thrse
months of virtual house arrest in
the Colombian embassy in Lima,
Carrying out its recent agree
ment witli Colombia, the Peruvian
government let the 59-year-old
leader of the outlawed Aprlsta
Party take a commercial plane
for Mexico City Tuesday night.
Haya took refugee In the Co
lombian embassy Jan. 3, 1049, aft
er President Manuel Odria's gov
ernment accused him of leading
his party's bloody, abortive revolt
the previous October, mat upris
ing had been against the govern
ment of Jose Luis Bustamente,
ousted in the Interim in a coup
by Gen. Odrla.
Extra Work
Made Easy
Rent A Typewriter
Addinq Machine
Sleelrle mr Hand
Lost month's rental is
applied to purchase price
T- T- "
4 I Ws ctrcver taw, ffw m,j Jf I II W
i c"-. m., v II T
Get Him a
One Tool
At alime
A lifetime thrill for Dod. Stort
Mm off on hit complete one-motor
workshop the Deltoihop. Here's
the odd-a-tool formula you
follow to buy him this combination
of the moit-wanted Delta
Homecraft Tooln
The Dtltathop It a combina
tion of genuine Delia Homecraft
Tooli not a tot of attachments.
DsHashop dosi 98 of the
"do-M-youraalf" operations and
takes only a 3 foot square floor
space . . , at last, the man's ap
pliance! Pays for itself, aver and
over, with savings In horns re
pairs, alterations and Improve-
Adt about our convenient payment plan
Anethtr Produd of RoclCWCl!
McCollum Lumber
Phone 8167
2074 South 6th
Klamath Falls, Oregon
1 Mfd-t) Seas9ti6nel SPIN-CASTING MfishioglasvtwVk (xsL
I iBlnnlno lit) 7-M. Clut iptnninf 14 with
Ofk Clip All lltft TwIil li wHh Irvf 100 T. Pv.
Iflott Mentfilsintnt iBtnnlnf Lint I Iplnfring Flufi M
md WWt Stnnln lpn Cpr tplniilny pttm ttttvttt
l rtltvatf )M Ivi Sp4miw Fttrmtd ( it Pltitk lt
leit lex t Aluminum tl N! 40 lugf lilt-Pad Htthi SO Hlftife
HMdt Pah Ht4(t 12 Atttfttfl Unhm SntfH lw.vl( I Pt. IpMAW
Ph itl wHh itnitt, fftmnm, wtlahfi md rWcVIt Hyi 100 Pfltuttt Hthi
MlMftr NfitN LtoOtr S-Pt. 0rf lint OvtfH Mtttl Pith Iftkf 0f
0tu 14 Pfltvsct StrH lht 10 Amnttl Httlii Mtftit 9 H. Iiwtw
Plt 10 Y. Mvln Itwhw IfiWta StrMftr 4 ImM Hmi Ntwly
Spin f'uhintj is Dm grtxrlttt fanpfovatMiit
in tuning tvtr dvtlopdl II malm caitlnrj
loolpfool , . . thtrt't no backlaihl ll make
tubing grtalcr tport and lun . . . and you'd
pay moi than out atnaiingly taw prico lor
Ih pinning rod and ! alono ii il wtro
noi lor this grtal taltl Htr' fishing fun
lor th Mtir lamily . . nationally famous
brands all at a trotntndous saving
You won' I find a bargain Liks this in ysan
o ordtf yours today on low budgot IsrmsJ
701 MAIN
I jfi-.'JS THJ$
8821 jc'
1 Il
1KI.O.VS, INC.. 11 Als.ii . ... .
fnt m lh r.lrbtnk. Wsrri JIM-V, Nvin Cnlln
I and HUM Wtler Pliblns Bets St sdirtrllttfl at tlt.H. 1
rnflo sn4t tcrts to psr bsiancs si 9
I or ti msnth until fall .. .
pnrrbssf prist Is psls.
cmi or wtow
Add to My
P Opn Ntw
In My Nomt
ii I