THURSDAY, APRIL I , 7XKRKVD AND NEWS. KLAMATH PALLS. OREQOW PAOE SIXTEEN Want Ads Serve You Well When You Buy or Sell Legal Notice TNOPSIS OP ANNUAL (STATEMENT for the year ended fj.centbrr at, 3fl53. Of the FIRE ANI CASUAL TY INSURANCE COilPANV OK ' CONNECTICUT, ot 128 Alho St red, Hartford, tn' the flute of Connecticut, nuns to ths lastirinee Com mist l oner of Uie Btata of Ote Con, pursuant to law: AD11ITTBD A BSET8 Bond 455.789 4 BtucKf 3.310,512-95 A) on gare loam on real eatata 37.S40.2S Caeti and banlc de posits - 447.fl36.2S Acem' balancet or " uncollected premium! Ottitr assfts 27,833. 03 Total admitted as- eta 94.699,507.11 . LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Loiea ( 2S4.766.34 Las adjustment - uenm . 0.291.42 Unearned premium 2.8r0,rUl.S3 AH uuiar llabilluea Total liabilities, ex cept capital J3.080 230.73 Capital paid up 550.000.00 Lna.jlfmtd fundi (aurplua; l.oe0,278.3 Bnrpliti air regards policy hold tra 81,810.276.3 Total ..-S4.B0fl.liO7.lJ- STATEMENT OF INCOME Ptrrnlumi earned fl,MS,5fJ4.74 Loues Incurred ..$1,041,128,113 Loss axpenrei Incurred 77-852. OS Other umlerwritlnR tx ptaitt incurred 1.110.852.5ft ' Total underwriting deduction! S2.229.S33.24 JVt nnderwrttlnx gain or iofi -414.2ns. r,0 Investment incoma . 816.077. fia Other income ., 60.&8 Total, beore federal Income taxes -97.330.7fl N.t Income ........ S -97,330.78 Canltal change (net) Stock dividend 250.00000 Other Items affecting ,,,,,. surplus (net) 283.769.62 Total capital and surplus items (net) B33.769.6a Inereaae In aurplua razarcla polkylioldersj 43R. 438.88 BUSINESS I.N OHEGON' , FOR THE VEAH Kit premiums received 1,7;B.42 Principal office In Oregon, Walter J. Psarsou at Co. . rMUfDTicpvufvT ina urns Sealed bids will be received until 5:30 p.m. Thureday April 15, 1954, at thi office of the Klamath County School District, Veterana Memorial puuaing, Klamath Falli. Ore son. Ctaneral bids, which will Include the mechanical work, win r tor me erec tion of a two-claiiroom addlllon to the Cltchrlat School, Gilchrist, Oregon. The addition will cover a sronnd area of approximately 2,747 iq. ft. General bidden will comply with the State Law pertaining me quaiiucniion of - bidden. Title 98, Chapter 1, Ore gon Compiled Lawa Annotated, and file f Prequal Ideation Queatlonnalrei tan (10) day a before bids are opeped. Plana and apeclflcatlons may be ob- . fftlned at the office of Howard R. Per rln, Architect, 1121 Main Street, Klanv ath Falla, Orearon. A deposit of twentv flve and no-100 dollara (128.00) will be required for plana and apeclficatlona. Ipoalta will be refunded to the bid den upon return of the -plana and . epoclflcatloni. V Plana and apectflcatlona are on file at the Builder Kxchanse Coop.. 817 Bulldert Exchange Building. Portland, Oreson, and Eugene Bulldera Exchange, 95 Eait 29th Street, Eugene, Oregon. The guccMiful bidder will be re quired to furnish a- Surety Company Bond in full amount of the Contract ' Price, and he ahall be required to carry Public Liability Insurance ai peclfled. A bidden bond or certified check In amount equal to five per cent is per cent) of the lump aum bid munt ac company the bid aa a guarantee for 4h execution of the contract and the bonda. In caae the contract la awarded the bidder. ' The Director! of Klamath County School Dlatrlct reserve the right to reject any and all bida and to waive any informal mea- Signed J. T. Heydcn Clerk Mar. 35, April i, No. 843. H-Bomb Victims Said Critical TOKYO WV A Japanese doctor said today he had "no optimism" lor the recovery of, some of the 23 Japanese fishermen burned by radioactive ash from the March 1 H-bomb blast at Blkihi. Dr. Kazuo Mlyoshl said Vthe next week will tell" whether the men will live, He did not say how many are dangerously 111, but previously two of the ?3 listed as critical. Dr. Mivoshi, chief physician nt Tokyo University Hospital, where . the ILshermen are being treated, said their late hinges on how .se riously the radioactivity affects their bone marrow, producer of 1ft-"lectlon-flghting white blood cor puscles. Some of the fishermen arc run ning a fever as a result of frequent blood transfusions to wash the ra dioactivity from their systems, the doctor said. AU of the men are suffering from various degrees of radiation sick ness caused by their exposure to radioactivo ash which showered The Herald and News is the basic advertising medium of the Klamath Basin because it enters most all homes every day by paid invitation and carries the complete messages of commercial concerns, politely yet forcefully, to all members of the family at the times they wish to receive them. Legal Notice for Uia year eno-rt December 31, lf5:i or tfie INSURANCE COM PANY OK TEXAS, of 1CT Butldini, Dallns. In trio State of Text., made to the Insurance Commisfloner of tn stats of Oregon, pursuant to UW ADMITTED ASPETS Honda : ;i.5:5,650 69 Worts 419.632.92 Muruase loans on real ' estate 114.650.72 Real ettate, less $1. 557.721.67 cacum brancfl 656.923.33 Cash and bank, da- poiils . 62.482.46 Anenta' balances or uncollected premium 2.683-589.24 Interest, aivideoda and real, estate income . due and accrued 8,887.38 Other assets 610.574.05 Total admitted aaaeta $7,790,370.79 LI A 111 LIT IKS. SURPLUS AND OTHER KUNUS Losses SI. 076.1 OS. 75 Loss adjustment ex peiiic T5.000.00 lne-rned premlumt 2,762.781.31 All ollur UabtUUU 715.919. 07 Total llsomtles. ....,, cepl capital .54.629.7R7.13 Capital paid up $1,300, two.00 Arterial surplus fundi, . Nona L asul cried fundi . (surplus) .... 1.660.383.66 Surplus ai resarda poilcvtmUert - --. 3.1B0 H, fid Total 57.700,370.79 STATEMENT OF INCOME Premiums earned --SX114.tni4.0a Losses tneurre-1 $1,7.19.91 4. fi7 I ji exprnre incurred 112.755 07 Net underwriting gain or loss ..! -464,554.55 Investment Income .- G2.270..9 Other Income , , None Total, before federal income titxes -412,264,26 Federal income taxia Incurred . . None Nit incoma t -412,284.26 Dividend! to itock- bolder . None - piv-ilrnda to policy- holders , Nona Capital ehanite (nel)$ 100.OUO.00 Other items affecunK aurplua (uetj ..$ 966,440.02 IncrenRe in surplus as regarda tmlioyholdera S 854.155.78 BUSINESS IN OREGON run i iiu icAK Dividend! nald dp cthU Ited to policyholders ' None Principal office In Oregon. Walter J, Pearson A Co.. 404 Wlleo Build tug, Portland. Orefiub. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAt. STATEMENT or tbe year ended December 81, 053. of the MANHATTAN FIRS MARINE INSURANCE COM PANY of New Vorti. in the Stale of New York, made to the Iniuranca Commissioner of. the Btata of Ore- . goo, pursuant tn law: ADMITTED ASSETS Bonda .83,849,742.56 Stock 1,548.520.00 Moruage foana on real - estate - . None Ben estate . ' Nona . ' Cash -and bank da- , . poalta , 668,306.25 A Rents' balancea or uncollected premluma 790.629.70 Interest, dividends and . real estate Incoma due and accrued ... None Otber aaaeta 129.J55.24 Total admitted aaaeta 36,8R6,5537& ' LIABILITIES. SURPLU8 AND OTHER FUNDS Lnssea S 445,381.00 Losa adjustment ex- penaea 33,332.00 Unenrned rremHima 3,380,351.3'i All other liabilities 210,017,32 Total llahllltlea, ex cept capital S4,09.9R1.4 C-pitnl paid up $1,000,000,00 pterin i nurpiuR iuna nvnm VnaHilrned fundi Surpli's aa regard! pol ic holders ...52,816,502.11 Total ; i6.fiSfi,553.V5 STATEMENT OF INCOME Premluma earned ...$2,871,751.44 IiOsiei Incurred .-$1,429,924.40 1-OM expenses Incurred 147i264.11 Other underwriting ex pense! Incurred 1.343.815.07 Total rnirterwritlng deductiona . $2,920,803.38 Net underwriting gain it Inn S 49.057.14 Inveatment Incoma 915,292.57 Other incoma ...... 1,664.07 Total, before federal income taxes $ 364.575.46 Federal income taxea incurred 40,187.45 Nat Income . 8 124,388 01 Dividend! to atock- hoidera Nona Dividend! to policy- bnldera . . Nona Capital ehnnRea (ne Nona Other Items nffectlng aurplua (net) . S 7 675 26 Total cnpltnl and aurplua itema (net) 8 73,875.26 Inrreaee In aurplua aa reRartls poltryiinldera S 50.712.75 BUSINESS IN oIlRUQN FOR THE YEAR Net premiums receivad.52no.256 14 r!?tJ,1",p" ,,nl,l Dividend! paid or cred ited tn policyholder!.- None Principal otn.-i a Ore con: Henry PhlK-. Portland. Q. C JUtetlff. state Agi-ut. Uieir boat, the Lucky Dragon, aft er the H-bomb blast. The crew said the boat was about 80 miles from the Bikini test site. American scientists have ex pressed belief that all of the 23 ultimately would recover. Legal Notice in-nirance commlfioner of the siit- ai urejton. DttTiuant to law: ADMITTED Aasrra Pondi . llM3.4T.II7 f;oka 7,538,840.00 reel estate . Nona Real estate, lea a encumbrance Norrt Cash and tuuik de P-ita 1.744.856.11 Atentj' balincf or uncollected prenv "mi 1. 157,360 72 Imereft. dlvi.ieir-Is and real esiam Income due and accrued Hant Other awita 536.789.72 Total admitted aa aete $52.34l.4.42 --ABILITIES. SI'RPLL-aJ AND OTHER FUNDS !- 2.788.175.62 Loss adiuatmeat ex penaea 186.933.43 . Unearned premiums &.57t.68 17 All other Iiabtlltlea. 1.337.518.24 . Total llabtlltfea ex- . ceH capital J12.SR3.255.46 Statutory depoait , 500.000.00 Spe-tal fund. aur piust Nona -Unauisned fundi (nurplual S.958.638.98 urpltia as rejardl policyboldcra 9.458.638,96 Total $22,341,894.42 STATEMENT OF INCOME rr-miumj earned . 9.175.244 00 Losses inourred ... 4,595,243.37 i. u a m rA(J-aiC3 in curred Other umterwrlttnc 499.368.39 expeasea Incurred 3,905.692.28 Total underwriting deduction $ 0.000,304.04 Net underwrlttlng , gain 374,939.96 Investment Income. 695,954.21 Other Income 3,247 00 Total beiore federal income taxea 867,646.34 Federa 1 Income tax! incurred 128.565.73 Net Income.. $ Dlvlderrdi to atocK- holdera Dividends to policy. holder! Capital change! (net) Other Items affe-t- infc aurplui (net) 739.080.61 None Nona Nona 274.47318 Total capital and aurplua items (net) , $ 274.472.18 Increase in aurplua us rearus policy 464.608.43 BUSINESS IN OREGON Net premluma re ceived fl' Net loasea paid 3! Div-ldendn paid or holder. None Principal office In OreROn. Henry ; bide;.. Portland. O. C. Ratclll, state agent. STNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT for Uie year ended December 31, 1953. of the OREGON FARM BU REAU INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Salem, In the State of OreRon, made to the Insurance Commission er of the State of Oregon, pursuant 10 IaW 'ADMITTED ASSETS Bonda 5484. 051. 62 Stock! 20.900.00 alortgage loana on real eatate . 6.994.68 , Heal estate, leaa no en- " cumbrances 37.4R2.1R Coah and banlc deiwsita 41.199.77 AKente' balances or un- collected premium! 6,267.01 Interest, dlvidenda and real estate income due1 and accrued 2.7S3.87 Other asaeta 30.545.32 Total admitted aa aeta $610 251.43 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS tiMaei 5100.769.00 Lois adjustment ex- penaea 5,!TR0,n0 T'nearned premluma ... 134,626.76 AU other Iiabtlltlea 164.259.38 Total UahlMlei, ex cept cap! t Hi S4 05,035. 14 Cnplial pntd up .ClOl.OOO.00 Special aurplua funds None lnxsalgned fundi (aur plua) 104,216,29 flu rp lu ag regard pol icyholders . 5205.216.29 Total $610,251.43 STATEMENT OF INCOME r'remluma e.irnd..$422. 217.2$ o-ses incurred 5106.503.76 Ja)h exnensea Incurred. 32,135,37 Other underwriting ex pense! incurred ..... 121,047.52 . Total underwriting deduction! $350,676.65 Net underwriting gain or los ; 71.540.63 Investment Income 10,07.14 Other Income - . 767.20 Total, before federal In come taxei . 83,214.97 Federal Income taxea Incurred a 1.311.95 Net Income $ 81,903.02 Dtvldemla to atcckhold era 5 10.500.00 Dividends to policyhold ers ...a. 53. 100.16 Cipltal chances (net) Nona Other Items affecting aurplua itema tnet) 34,103.72 Total rarltal and iur plus Itemi (ntl ..$ 97.702.88 Pccicaxe In surplus na resanis pollcvholdcrit 15.800.86 BUSINESS IN OREfiON for the Year N't premium- received-5441.516 Net loasea paid 192.004,76 Dividends nnld or cred ited to policvhnldera. R3.100.18 Ftlncipal office la Balftn. Oregon. NOTICE TO BIDDERS TOn H1LDEHKAND SCHOOL BUILDINGS The Klamath County School Efctrict will receive bids for the aale of all buildings located nt Hildebrand. Dis trict No. 13. The buildings mint be removed by the successful bidder, Bida .will bf onpnrd at the School District Office, Veterans Memorial Build ing, Klamath Falla, Oregon, on May 20. 1954, at 2:00 p.m. The Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. J. F. Heydrn. Clerk No. 860 A. 8-22 M 13 CLASSIFIED RATES One day . Three days , Week run Month run per word 5c per word-12c .per word 20c per word 6Sc I;':. MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad U 50c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper tor a service charge of 25c. ADJUSTMENT Please make all claims for adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 5:30 p.m. will be made in following day's publication, by 12 Noon Saturday for Monday. DEADLINES Classified ads accepted up to 5:30 p.m. for following day s publication, up to Noon Saturday for Monday, classified display ads accepted up to 12 Noon for following day's publ! cation. -FUNfcRAl HOMES 1 MEETING "NOTICES Special Communication - Klamath Lodge No. 77 A. P. & A. M. Friday, -April 9th at 2 P.M. at Ward's Funeral Home. Funeral for Jess Easley, member Mooneyville Lodge No. '260, Sheri dan, Arkansas. Elvin E. Phillips, W.M. Crater Lake Lodge No. All, A.F. & A.M. will hold a ' special com munication at the I.O.O.F. Hall, Thurs day Eveningt April 8, at 7:30. Work in the M.M. Degree. Visiting brethren Invited. Re freshments, Lawrence A. French, W. M. SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Klamath Lodge No. 77, AF & AM. Friday. Apiil 9th, 1954 it H-1( n n Wnrtr in XjMp F.C. Degree. ' Visiting brethren invited. Elvin E. Phillips, W.M. 2 LOS1 AND FOUND LOST largo male maltcsc and white cat over two weeka ago near South Sixth and Midland road. Reward S3. Phono 3267. LOST one white dress. Size 12. Lost March 3rd. In itray box tied with white string. Please return to J. C. Penney 'a or write Mrs. Art Fuller. Box 42.';. Al- turaa, California. LOST Girls ahorty coat. Size 10. Neu tral. On-lcorner -of Darrow and Miiriin streets. Apru o. rnone 0337 or fittfi! Reward. 4 GENERAL NOTICES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will glad ly iivid jruu. odx ou. rnone o.itu or .hoj. KLAMATH SPORTSMEN'S Association general meeting nt the library base ment April 13, 8:00 p.m. 6 PERSONALS ANYONE KNOWING whereabouts of Ann Re fan phone 5528. WILKN1T Hosiery representative. Mar- querlto Padgett, phona 2-0037. SPENCER corseUerc. Call 7152. REAL SILK representative, CaU 7 1 52. STANLEY Homo Products. Phone 6609. , Legal, Notice SYNOPSIS OK ANNUAL STATEMENT for the year ended December. St. 1053. of the UNITED BENEFIT I.IKE INSURANCE COMPANY of Omalia, In the State of NebrnalM, made to the losiirance Commissioner of the Btata of Oregon, pursuant to i. law: - . ASSETS Boitrta 116.1.ni0.0S Pto.'k? 15.708.7W.00 . atortgafe loans on real estatD 30,515.070.22 Renl estate . 8,737,Ul(i.b4 I'ollcv loans and . premium notes 8.425,429.08 Casli and bunk de- posits , 4,334.510-07 Premluma due and .. : -. deferred (life and- nccldent and health) 6.280,151.47 Interest and otlier Investment Incoma due and accrurd 1,110.405.79 Oilier insets . .Total assets ..stH7.;to;i. 800.04 LIABILITIES. smt'I.US AND OTHER FUNDS Reserves, for llf nrd are-Men t and health policies S159.955.421. 47 Tnlicv and contract claims 3.rU7.S37.r.5 All other liabilities. 0, 1 lS.ti7ft.77 ' Total llabmtlei, ex cept cHoitai,4.RO) . rfiuit tmirt Up 1.UOU.UO0.0U Hner-tnl auri'liia fiind-t N(ne LnaaaiKneU aurplua. 24.Otu.u45.05 Total .?.197,:',0:t.fi0fl.94 SUMMAKY OF Ol'EKATIONS ( Ilaalaj rremlnm anil annu ity considerations 9 45.S07.477.15 CnmiderallfniK tor (iuMifinentarv eun tr;icts - 1.065.421.08 Hot investment In come 6,7r.H. 012. 24 Other Income items 2ii.tltiO.4B Total vj.r.:u,fil7.83 Pnllcv twmlit!! 17,7bti,S91.58 Payments on anpplp mentary mninirni. dhidend acrum ila- tuins and tnterrft 15.58 Increase in reservra 15,7bT,U41.y3 Com nils sl n. clmm and gmeral insur ance expensea and taxes 13.7r.4,G37.72 Oilier oneratinR cle- (lucttoiis H2.271.62 THvideriM to pollcv- holders . 200 28 Total S ' Dividends to stock holders $ ftllO.OOO 00 OH:er ilemn afte.t Ins euritiis and . aurplua luotla (nw 379.764. R8 Total I 870,'t4s"b ' Inereasa In surplus nnd special surplus luodf $ X 1? 155.84 BUSINESS OV.Ki;ON KOIt THE VEAK Crosa premiums and annuity considera tions collected during tba Tear ,:.Jl,4SO.S7a.OT Xmdenda iwldorrred ned to tioiievholdere diirtna; the yrar . None Qro.ta otneflls and claims, endownifnt. . . aurrentlera and annui ties paid during tli . n. , vear '(47.n20.l4 ?jinrtPal office in Oregon. U. K. ffeyVlOOl W 10th Aveout, Port ftXKCUTRIX NOTICE Or riUNO FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT TOURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Joe M. Johns (also known aa Joseph M. Johns. Deceased. Notice la hereby given that T have filed my Final Account and report as executrix oi v aviate or Joe m. Johns. , (also known aa Joseph M. Johns), Deceased, and the above-entitled Court has fixed 2 o'clock p.m.. nruiirmw;, " fl ill nmo, and the Circuit Court Room in the Klamath County Court House. Klam ath Falla. Oregon, as the place, when and where any prron may present ob- jrcnons or exceptions tnerrto, and that at such time and place the Court mil finally pasa upon and settle Mid Account. Joarphln Johns, txeculnx April J, t. 15, 22 No. M. 1 1DO-IT-YOURSELF : IT'S NEW! : IT'S PRACTICAL! AND YOU CAN INSTALL ' Peyton 4c Co.'s NEW "SECT ION ALiZED" FIREPLACE (Pat. Applied for) ONLY NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 MONTHS ON F.H.A.' TERM3 Now ready, after four years of perfecting, a fireplace in pieces, complete and ready for you or your favorite mason to install. Take It anywhere, enjoy the warmth and comfort of an open fire in your own home or cabin at the lake. All complete, including 16' of flue blocks, each piece is clearly marked so that it's simple as ABC to install. . , - Manufactured and Available at PEYTON & CO.; Also Available from Your Favorite Building Material Supplier 835 Market , ' , Phone 5149 6 PERSONALS FOR STANLEY HoA. ProdUcU. call Buff Jones, phone OQtu. 8 TRANSPORTATION WANTED Lady to .hare car ex. pense Eait. Write box 813 care .of Herald and News. LEAVING FOR Minnesota soon, need passenger to share expenses and driv- ina, reierences. uail MW. 10 SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned NEWEST SANITARY METHODS alio " ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Ulc. . Ed F. King ' 2434 ORCHARD Ph. 9841 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED , Locally Owned Since 1944 PHONE 8377 LACY KING , PLOWING, new equipment Phone 2-0804. i PAINTING and paper hanging. Phone 7805. LANDSCAPE designing ask us to talk over your plan, at your home. Pruning, spraying, lawns renovated. Malin Nursery. Homedale and .Har lan Phone 5502. TYPING DONE reasonable. Phone 8334. CUSTOM TRACTOR work. Phone ROTO-TILLING. Phone 3310. MATERNITY CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER Phone 2-M1B ELECTRIC SHAVER REPAIRS One day service on all makes electric shavers. Remington, SchlCK and Sun beam. RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Street Phone 3151 CUSTOM WORK. Deep ru to -hoeing, lawns, garden and fields. Phone 2-0942. SEWING and ' alterations. 2625 Wiard. CURTAINS LAUNDERED, stretched. Pickup, deliver. Phone 0171. CUSTOM work wanted. Plowing, disc lug, harrowing, drilling. 5633 Shasta Wav or phone 3-3243. CARPENTER WOHK, nny type. New or remodel. Phone 2-2481. PAINTING, decornttnsr, paper hanclnn, plaster-board finiahinn and anray-oalnt- ,ing. ."none juih. DRESSMAKING and alterations. 0308. In Hot Sprlnga. ELSIE'S ALTERATION SHOP. Outside wurk accepted. Hart fields. I LOWING AND yard grading. Phone 2-ionn. GARDEN plowing and leveling. Phone CARPENTRY. Steps, porches and gen ernl repairs. Phone 2-3G2. SERVICE and REPAIR ahop. Wc fTx any thine.. Phones 2-0tirt0. 9931. Pickup nnd delivery. All work guaranteed. CARPENTER WORK New and FeT model Work guaranteed. Phone 3744). 1 1 DO-IT-YOURSELF REYNOLDS Do-It-Yourself aluminum. It's easy and fun to make things ypur xelf. M.ike your own screens. Save time and money. SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. 3721 South fith Phone 31R9 WA R D S' FOR "DO-IT-YOURSELF" PAINT NEEDS. Shoo Wardr now ior your complete do-it-youraelf paint r.eedf. You'll find every paint and tool required for Inside and outside point jobs in Wards Paint Depart ment at moncy-s;tvlna! prirea. MONTGOMERY WARD mh and Pine f Phone 3188 SEE US for the Finish with Cilasr. Formica cut the way you ask. Tahle, bars, drn in boards, paneling etc. Reason able prices, estimates given. PARK CABINET SHOP 4408 Southjith Phone 8320 KHKYNISH YOUR own floors Rent our new floor aandrr and edger. Daatn Uullding Materials. 4874 South Sixth, nhone 2-2563. OUR PANES don't hurt your pocket-book!- Window glass cut to aire, also safety glass for cars, install your own. Kim balls Glass Shop, 5th and Walnut, phone 7378. DO IT YOURSELF with the new shop smith. At Wards the brand new Slinpsmitli, Mew at ream. I ned des'irn, new added feature it's the complete power tool workshop for thf modern home. Ser a demonstration at Wards. With '( HP motor S260.50 Place your order now MONTGOMERY WARD mh and Pine Phone 3188 COMPLETE DIRECTIONS and Plans for "Do-It.Yournelf" Repair. SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. 3226 So. flth Phone 3I6fl MAKE THE job easier. We condition and sharpen, all types of tools and equipment. BODENHAMER SAW AND REPAIR 35t East Main Phone 4672 PLASTIC WALL TTLX DO IT YOURSELF You fan make that bathroom beauti ful with piaatie tile. We wul instruct you. Only 48c per foot. CALHOUN'S ' ?KjMJnM Phone JMftS RENT paint sprayers, nanders, waxers'. paper-hanging tools with your Du Pont paints. "Know-how" free! Spray Cen ter. TAilelake. HEE HIVE true! Rental Co Mov yourselL eave Beacon Monti Serv ice 12tif East Main Phone 8304 THE MOST efficient insulation is Rotikwool Ratts or Balsam Wool, tyu are sure of proper factory made density -when using them through Ba sin. Building Materials, 4784 South 6th St. iow prices cither for completed Job or materials nnly and apoly them yourself. No down payment, m months to pay. IT TAKES NO SKILL or training to sand floors the Hiiro way. Any amateur can operate Hilco sunders and any one con afford our row rental charge. A good floor I part of the furniture of your home. Basin Building Materials, 4784 So. thSt. FOR RENT Garden tractor wTtS" or without operator. Pnona 2-1347, $199.50 ' DO-IT-YOURSELF SPECIAL WALLPAPER PRICE We trim the edges. GOELLER'S 522 Main Phone 6704 . Install Your Own Alumatic Color - Coordinated ALUMINUM AWNINGS Enjoy the awning with' the rain gutter, in' seven decorator ap proved colors. ARALUM - WINDOW & DOOR CO. 1317 E. Main Ph. 81968197 DO - IT - YOURSELF , Remodeling requires study on how it will look. Let us help you with these prob lems. t Let Us Tell You How To Do It. Drake Lumber Co. 910 Spring St. ; Ph. 5610 Install Beauty Bonded Formi ca on drainboards furni ture, etc, yourself and save. Only 85 cents square foot, fQ colors and patterns to choose from. ; -1 LONG BELL LUMBER CO. Main and Spring Phone 3144 JOIINS-Munvillc Asbestos SiriinR-Roof-Ing-Easy to apply, with complete in struct lona. v SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. ?226So. 6th PhoneJIlOfl ALL KINDS. Do-It-Yourself Loan Tools". House Jacks, pipe threaders and vises, Plumbing pots. SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. 322fl So. 6th. Phone 31 6!) ADULTS: Play the Hammond Chord Oigan without any previous musical knowlrdKc or trnining whatsoever. Loui R. Mann Piano Company, 120 North 7th. Phone 7182. 13 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING office machine, typ ing, shorthand, Speed writing, klndrod subjects Klamath Business College. 73J Pine. Phone 4760. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE "EXPERIENCED KNIFE GRIND ER AND SET-UP MAN FOR MOULDING MILL." GRASS VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY LOOMIS, CALIFORNIA , QUALIFIED man to handle point de partment in well established store. Guaranteed salary and commission. Write Box 812 Care of Herald and News giving age, experience. WANTED Caretaker to live at place. Interested party phone 6852. Satur day and Sunday. 0 and 10. 17 HELP WANTED WANTED cnupic 'for resort work. Phone 2-0(173 after flp.m. WANTED part time dishwasher. 4418 South Sixth. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED HOUR WORK. Phone 2-1044. HOY PAST 17 needs work after school and Saturdays. Phone 5272. HOUSEWORK by hour. Experienced, riionc 3429. EXPERIENCED Negro Gardener and handyman. Garden spading. Phone BfiS3. , CH1LD CARE.Phone 0876. CHILD CARE. Phone 5301. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM. Roritlerricn" Phone "4254 FURNISHED. HEATTDrooms75per week. 630 North 10th. STEAM I rEATEDil I eep j In gfofinTQu let clenClfwe in Phone 2-0214. ROOM. BOARD, gentlemen. 1G07 Crea- NICE FRONT room for ' rent. Greer f"" tB- ' ' " wain. ROOMS 1034 High. ni . . . . "TOiraica, CJOSB in. Phone 4444 SLEEPING ROdMfor rent at 627WaT- nut.Phone 3595. FOR R ENT red erora ted hou iiek ee Hi' r7g room. Phone 2.0.11 lor see at 317 Pine. SLEEPING ROOM, garage, close In. RIB Walnut. LOVELY rooms, c I ose " in. Phone 60tt'l or 42.19. aj a pa rtmentsp6rrent VACANCY, three room furnnthcd Adults. 338 Broad. Vl-uviutirn ... . . ' w T c'--t'u"- 9:t?..?irh. phone 4891. HR RENT Two room furnished er.itor. Natural hot water heal. Lin "'" j'i'ji uTirnw. .ii w w,mi main. FOR RENT Modern two-room '"apart, ment Completely furnished except groc. tries. 114J Pin. 24 APARTMCNIS FOR RENT CASCADE HOTEL APT'S. . . 230 S. 11th ' 2 and 3 room apt's. Completely furnished. By the week ior, tran stents. Limited maid service. Reg ular first class hotel service. Clean, quiet, economical, Inquiry welcomed. ; , FOR RENT two room modern apart- mrnt fnr nrtnlla :WI Rpfiiri FURNISHED three rooms, bath, lamr dry. Adults. No pets. 533 No. Eighth, pnone asm, evenings li-aivu. UKIGIIT, furnished two room apartment In brick building, a team heat. (40. 22t HHEE ROOM furnished apartment Two blocks from Main. Adults, No pet. 312No. 11 th; FUHNISHED apartment, Audl e y Aparunenta, pnone uuo. NICK FURNISHED apartment for rent. Greer Apartment. 710 Main. CLEAN FOUR room apartment ?or rent. 18IB iexingion. THREE ROOMS and bath furnished. Close in. Garage. Front ana .rear en trance. Nop- 842.50. Phone 7388. THREE ROOM"" unfurnished ' apart ments. No children or - pets. 412 Market. piioneB.Mii. FURNISHED three rooms nnd bath, centrally located. 121 South 2nd. THREE ROOM furnished apartment, 2137 Orchard , Inquire 2037 RPdcliffe. three ROOM furniihcd apartment Alpiia 'Apartments, 630 Pine, phone FOR KENT two rooms and bath. In quire 518 Higlij FOR KENT two and three room nicely furnished ' court apartment. Garage 4430. FOUH ROOM furnished apartment. Pri vate bath. Call 5880 betwe n two and p.m.. 2:t3-2:i5 Cedar and High. TWO" BEDROOM unfurnished duplex. I'hono 2.0lt5. 458 Hillside. TWO ROOM furnished opnrtmcnt. Util ities paid. CIgso in. For business worn. nil. Phone 4U70 or 381 3; TWO APARTMENTS Phone 3924. S:.IALL APARTMENT. Phone 6275. FOR RENT, large three room fur nished apartment; close in. Heat, hot and bold water furnished. Adults only., Phone 6500- after j:ju p.m. FOR RENT Nicely furnlarfed two room apartment. Private, both. Suitable for one or two persons. Phone 4430. TWO ROOM furnished, steam heated apartments. Close to city center. Phone ,ni uays. THREE rooms and bath, pnrtly fu?' n isn oq. .tu irospcci, pnone vim FURNISHED apartment, 200 Market Annrlment ' CLEAN ONE" BEDROOM , apartment. Ph one 2-2405. 1 ' . FthtNISHED three room apartment, $.l.5o; one room unit, $30; all utilities paid. 41 ft No. 10th. ". . THREE ROOM apartment, close In, FURNISHED apartment for rent. Three rooms, rlenn. nice view. 845. Phone 3924. FOR RENT Two bedroom furnished nnartment. Phone 2-1589. . , COMPLETELY furntiihed three room ipartment. 2061 Wftlte FOR REVT. three mom furnlhert apnrtmcnt. Private entrance, private bath. This apartment has been painted recently and has new furniture. Very comfortable. Reasonable rent to steady renters. (J.14 North flth. NEWLY decorated furnhhed three room apartment. Heat furnished. Phone 0008. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT, modern three room fur. nifhed house, gas cnuloped, couple only, nn pots. Inquire 4.15 Oak. MODERN THREE room, unfurnished hnuse. Electric heat, fireplace, range nnd TPfriReralnr. adults. - Phone 4667. ONE BEDROOM furnlahed houae. rloso in. Inquire 1320 Oak. Apartment A. FOR RENT three room house, partly furnished. Phone 8578. FOR LEASE, cheap rent for large furnlahed duplex, close in. for two working fnmlllea. Phone 4533. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house, fjiauire 511 I High. " CLEARY'S CAHINS weMdv. monthly rensnnnhle 2335 Diehn. Phone UH30 CLEAN, modern cabin. Water and llchts furnLshcd. $25. Phone 5334. FOR RENT three room cabin suitable forcouplo. 5642 Lelnnd Drive. REFIN1SHED, upper duplox, four blocks from town, partly furnished, call 3R74. FOR RENT. Mnrch 2G, two bedroom furnished house. $40. a month. 1449 Wilford. FOR RENT modern, furnished three room house. Inquire 1826 Summers Ijine. IJNFrNTSHED five room house with dishwasher and use of automatic washer and dryer. Call 6715 days, 7242 evenings. . Foil-KENT two bcdVboriWuTnTsheTin Rlcx. No children under 10 years. 731 o llth FOR RENT two bedroom- modern house $-J0. Phone 2-1518. . PARTLY FURNISHED one bedroom home with garage. 1327 Johnson Street. Sk' per month. Pat Howes, Bgaltor. Phone 2-3515. 137 No. 7lh. FOR RENT three room enbin, partly fiirnUhed. $20. 3430 Boardman. . ' FOR RENT1 Two room "senii-modern ciitlagc furnished. Suitable lor family. I '43 Pine. FOR RENTTwo bedroorulTlex un fuinMrird. See at 2;iQ0 Bichn. FOR KENT, new twobcdrbom duplex. clocin. Phone 0767. 5666. FOR RENT, two bedroorn" furnished h,,.4.ff'inonth.i44i Wilford. THREE ROOM furnished duplex, ga rncc.nenr bus line.Inquire 1411 Main TWO FURNISHED houses. Just dec oraled for rent. Call 6693 after 8:30 p nilHl pJ"PRpn Avenue. FOR REN.T one bedroom modern" "fuT-nir-hed house, J0, 2225 Biehn. call 2-1549. CABIN FOR rent 219"" Broad. Inquire at :JI25 JVValnui. ONE BEDROOM furnished house. Tfj W.'uthingtnn. FOR RENT - Attractive one-bedroom house. Good location - close -in. Kl re place, range and refrigerator. Phone 41 95 da v an tl 45R 1 evenings. UNFURNISHED two bedroom houae In MjlN Atiilition. Phone 6220. ONE BEDROOM house. PhnneT472! HOUSE FOR RENT Two bedroom furnished. See Saturday or Sunday. SL'49 Miller Avenue or phone 3218; SMALL, two bedroom houscTiose in. P.irtly furnished. 845. L Phone 7292evea NEW TWO KOOMmodern cnttaRe. elec- lTjgJj.Tiin.9u're ..175B Waehburn Way, f 8-REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO RENT. twoolrthree bed 1 rot'm unfurnished house. Prefer South Suburban area. Write box 809 care of ; Lerald and News. COUPLE with hifth school nge on want to rent two bedrcwm unfurnished house bv April 10. Phone Sam Jones. Cr.iter-Lnke Machinery or 4612. RENT By April 15th. two bedroom unfurnished house, close In. Familv three adulU. Phone 6764 days, 8070 evenings. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Good Land 40 acres good Sandy Loam. AH ir rigated, sheep fenced $7000. ALSO 40 acres very nood loam soil, part paid up irripation. A buv at $3500. OTHER ranches five acres to 2500. G0MER JONES REALTOR . 114 N. 1th Ph. 6321-7597 rOR SAKE two bedroom hoiIM. M63 K.rl.n Drive. 10 RtAt tSTarft 90 SALa Three Bedrooms Two baths,- large dining h electric heat, fully insulated k comfortable and verv .n , seaped. in an outstanding sub& ,6niiuuu, cise 10 sh 1 district, schools, busline. etTi 000. Low F.H.A. terms avJt Near Peterson Schc A beautiful 2 bedroom honn paved street in ati excellent urban neitihhnrhnftH ... 1 In wonderful condition ana tt . uonuity wen ouiit; jarge bedmi ' separate dining nom, full h UtllltV TAOIti. amnio et IT0 . .... H-..,e olui HgQ . You'll never have to paint tti mwac BlUUlf anO l&f A WUldOWS m&IcA Ue full i . 1 comnlete. . All Uia onJ it.iB ui vci7 lenne loam sot umy .o,ii.u muse ii me buyd year. F.H.A. terms. ' . 1 Mills Addition TTv-atinnt n I 1 , ' '', a-vj.w.v a ucmoum norne ti ! Insulated, aluminum storm' J nnrl rlnni-o oIba.hI. t i. " spare bedroom in well builtW block from Kiwanls Park L F.H.A. terms available.' Lakeshore Drive 1 Lnrrre .? bedrnnm immo 1 1 ment. Dined furnace wall to wall carpeting, vie? dows in living room. Large & .win. ww cur garage, abut storage room, closets, etc. K IrClilia. Tave rn One Of Ihn hosr In equipped. Tills business has o isieuuy snown a substantial! in past years. Total price tit CHILCOTE & SMITH, Rejlte Don Rlnnn DK.nH'eu .... "V1IC UDvatTH Homer Stiles k Ul N. 9th St. phone 4564 o: a ! Building Lots On Lakeshore Drive Adjoining lots fronting on lit shore Drive, comnrlsim, i : ,, Boat docking rights Included. i neiiiee owner wants quiet a Price reduced to $950. for all Um iois. a real Bargain. Better harry. Shasta District Ont flprp tvlth Mnan nni.WrM. modern home. Paved street. Douh garage wjtb cement floor.i IrcJ hOUSe. lots Of frM nnA flnimn Onlv SSSOO Tni'mc WntiM miu,( rental income or larger house n 11 UW, " ... ' , Homedale 3 bedroom modern home on at! acre good oll. Oarage with mrl ShOD. Pinprl hpat tn all rnnm, A.I condition tiimuahnut Prlr. MM $1600 down, balance like rent. On- ur wouia aiso consider trade rental income property. VALT DIETZ, Associate Broker with T. B. WAITERS v REALTOR & INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Phone 4193 (Eve Mfl) Shasta Way 2 Bedroom modern home on Slu ta Way. Pumice Tile construc tion. Full basement. Be.uMul kitchen & bath. Everything lft new. Only (7250. Terms. WOT would also consider trading i" home or small rental income property In town. Mill Workers 2 Bedroom modern home witn . rflffn. 4200 Turms l'i Bedroom modern home J garage & nice cabin. w 4 Bedroom modern home wi" . . garage, $4850. Low term'' Small Acreage 4", i Acres irrigated with goo 1 Bedroom home. Double ! rage. New barn. Close to bus $8750. Terms. Owner wot also consider trade on small" property In town or suburlw area. ' Keno Highway 2 Bedroom modern home w'1 attached garage on A-l condition throughout. WALT DIETZ, Associate Broker with T. B. WAITERS. REALTOR & INSURANCE 107 So 7th Phone 4193 (Eve. 99 .round. Bar. cf,. crdi. bsrbtr M?f Trice will suit you. I.rnw l. JJL Sindsr,, Realtor, 121 Min t phone7S21J kS FOB SALE, tenth Miburban thr ; ro..m modern house. 1-3 arre. ounVV inns, no down payment, """ii Dmtnt, and mnv In. Phone FOR SALE by owner, two tdrS home In Hot Sprinn, Fully '"'SSof sriB or .VWft rvr'ninir, . ( - i w.i nr-tJifuufti noma. .u(a. Lars, rooms. Hardwood two". matte heat. Low down P m'nil,-4l monthly pajrmmte to fit rnone ivw.1. ..hw avenin.- Classified Continued On Page 21