T?Bmw t,. IS. OREGON ' nvvJni ' PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON neu rour rower rrupuMii ucw juuuii; rrom west Parents Quit Calif ornia When Canal Claims Son CLYDE, Cnllf. (P) The bereaved tamily of little Joe Anderson left yesterday for new home in Ore gonmiles from the irrlsation ca nal that made Joe its 33rd victim last week. "Getting away from here will make the forgetting easier." said Mrs. Warren Anderson. "I'm not bitter at onyone. But Joe Is dead. Now they'll build a fence, I'm sure of that." Joe's father last week wrote a poignant letter to President Elsen hower asking him to build a fence along the canal. - "I can't fence it, nor can any of my neighbors," he wrote, "be- Klomath Falls, Oregon AMERICAN CHINESE . Foods or their beitl Ben B. Lee, Mqr. Ph. 6496 For Orders To Toko Our I cause It belongs to our govern ment , . . The canal Is your respon sibility, Mr. President, and I think if you had known about it one of your first acts as president would have been to have fenced it. Be cause the canal, Mr. President, has taken 33 lives mostly babies like your grandson, David, and my boy, Joe. . ." A movement is now under way to get the canal fenced all along Its 57 miles. The government may go ahead with the work, providing the irrigation district repays the cost. But the Andersons won't be here then. They're moving to Portland. Ore., "because we don't know any one there." They still want the fence built, however. As Mr. Anderson said in his letter to the President, "build it for Joe not my Joe now because he was the last boy the canal took from his mama and daddy. Not for my Joe, but for some other little Joe or David who's all boy and will be No. 34." ARRIVES TOKYO Wl The Communist Pei ping radio said today the new Finnish minister to Bed China, Karl Johan Funstrom, arrived at he Red capital yesterday. We Thought of EVERYTHING , to Make it Easier! ANSCO 3A DEVELOPING OUTFIT This really complete outfit contains the new Anaco Self Threading Film Tank, professional-type print box, and everything else you'll need to make developing and print ing your own pictures timer, and more fun . . . right from the begin ning. Come in and see it today. COMPLETE ton ONLY i 8 TvCf-v $1495 1031 BUD'S PHOTO SERVICE Main ' Phone 3586 (Radio oq KFLW 1450 Kc PST Friday Evening, Nov. 27 6:00 Broadway U My Beat CBS b:m Melody Album 7:00 Cillttta Fights ABC 7:30 Let Griffith AliC 7:35 Hiti and Encores ABC U 00 Mr. Keen CBS 8:30 Lowell Thomas CBS 8:45 Family Skeleton CBS 8:00 O.ne & Harriet ABC 9.30 Concert nf ravontM 10 00 10 PM Headline 10:15 Lum tt Abner ABC 10:30 Kilocycle Klub 11:00 Sign oir he as Summary 11:05 Sign Off KFLW 1489 Kc. PST Saturday, Nov. 28 6:00 Early Bird Newi 6:05 Alarm Clock Club 6:50 Hmns 7 00 N-ws Breakfast Edition 7:15 Charlie'- Kounaup 7:30 News ABC 7:35 Music 7:45 Western Jamboree 8:00 No School Today ABC 9:30 Stars Over Hollywood CBS 10:00 Kun (or All CBS 10:30 Shake the Mararas ABC 11:00 Space P-trol ABC 11:30 Playland U.S.A. ABC 11:40 New ABC 11:45 Let's Go To Town 12:00 Noon Edition News 12:15 Lcs Paul Si Mary Ford CBS 12:L!0Strins Serenade 12:30 Xialcn Drake CBS 12:45 Football Roundup CBS 2:30 Basin Briers 2:45 Songs tn the Air ABC 3:00 All League Club House ABC 3::i0 Finnlsan i SporU Report ABC 3:45 Listen to the Latins ABC . 4:00 News ABC 4:1)5 Spin with Wynne 5:00 News ABC 5:05 Navy Hour ABC 5:30 Today's Sports Highlights 8:43 Frank Goss CBS 5:55 Hometown News 6:00 Let's Pretend CBS 6 30 Forward March 6:45 Words 01 Lilt 7:00 Two for the Money CBS 7:30 Charlie's Christmas Stories g:00 The Lone Ranger ABU 8:25 Packard News ABC B:30 Gunsmoke CBS 8:55 Sank a Salute CBS 1 (1:1)0 Dude Martin Show CBS 9:30 Don Macrane Orch CBS 9:53 This I Believe CBS 10:00 10 PM Headlines 10:15 Round 6c Round Society CBS 10:30 Palmer House Orcn. Aric 10:55 News ABC . 11:00 Sign Oil KFJI - 1150 Kc. PST Friday Evening, Nov. 27 ' 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:15 Final Edition Local News 6:25 Hollywood Highlights 6:30 Virgil Pinkley News IJJ.BS . BA5 Sam Hayes News DLES 6:55 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Take a Number MBS 7:30 Sports Report 7:40 According to the Record 7:45 Perry Como Show H:00 It s Football Time 8:05 Football Grants Pass versus Central Catholic 8:00 Newspaper ol the Air DLBS 9:15 Football Grants Pass versus Central Catholic B:25 Weather Time 9:30 The Three S.mi with Betty Clooncy MBS 9:45 Harry Wismer Snorts MLS 9:55 Five Minute Finale N.'wt, DLBS 10:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. MBS 10:15 Music Box Medley Time 11:90 Night Owls Club II:M Sign Off KFJI 1150 Ke. PST Saturday, Nov. 28 :M Sunrise Serenade . . 6:30 Farm Quiz MBS 7:00 Hemingway News MBS 7:1S Breakfast Gang MBS 1 7:3 Today's Best Buys 7:45 First Edition of the News 7:55 Something to Think About 8:00 Best on Record COFFEE Chase & Sanborn Friday and Saturday SURPRISE Mb. fin 2-lb. tin SNOWDRIFT Friday and Saturday SURPRISE 3-lb..tin Margarine HOLIDAY Friday and Saturday SURPRISE 4 lbs. White Star Bite Size Vl tin TUNA FISH KRAFTE Mayonnaise CME MIX White, Yellow or Chocolate i fkr Dromedary White King Soap 4 Sliced B SAUSA6 aeon Morrell or Swift's Oriole Morrell' Pride Pure Pork 1 -lb. cello boqs Lean, Tender Shoulder pork STEM BAHAMAS 2 GRAPEFRUIT Prices effective Friday and Saturday B:1 5 News DLBS 8:25 News MBS 8:;i0 Breakfast Ging DLBS R:45 Frank ie Latue Record. Show S OU Best on Record 0 15 A Visit to Currln's e n Social Security Program 8:36 News MBS S.ra Tips from the Town Shop 9:45 Music of Manhattan 10 00 News and Sports 1LBS lC:)fi Home Craft. nan of nu Air 1015 Birthday Request Time 10 Smilm" Ed McConnKI 11 00 Mol Blanr Show MBS 11.25 News MBS 11:30 The Story Teller 11:45 Fire Fiahlrrs 12:00 4-H Club Program 12; I ft Noonday Edition Local Newt 12:25 News MRS 12:110 Strictly Dixie DLBS 1:00 Music 1:15 Football Notre Dame at USC DLBS 4:15 Frank Hemingway News DLBS 4:30 Music a oo Good News 3:30 News MBS 6:00 How It Happened 6:15 Music DLBS 6-25 Hollywood Highlights 8 30 Asiemoly ol God 7:00 Pee Wee Stldham and the Melody Pancti Boys 7:.t0 Klamath icmple l!:00 College Choirs MBS B::;o Lonibardnland, U. S. A. MBS 9:00 News DLBS 9:15 Dance Orchestra MBS fl :!0 Monica Whelan DLFtS 9 45 Dance Orchetra MBS 9:.W Crril Brou n I1LBS 10:C0 Haw aii Calls' MBS 10:3ft Virginia Barn Danct MBS 11:00 Nignt Owls Club U;.tn Sien Off KCNO Radio Alluras, Calif. Saturday, Nov. 28 6:30' Wake Up Show 7:30 World New- 7:45 Lawrence Welk Orch. 8:00 Polka Party 8:30 News 8:35 Mantovani Orch. 9:00 Pop Symntiouy 9:30 Small Fry 9:45 Teen Age Book Parade 10:00 News 10:05 Mr. Muggins Rabbit 10:30 Music in the Modern Mor.d 11:00 News. . .Thi Rhythmic Age 11:30 Serenade in Blue 12:00 Noon Praver 12:00 Sports News 12:05 Lake County News 12:10 Modoc News 12.15 Noon News 12:30 All Time Hits 12:35 Through the Years 1:00 Farm Forum 1:15 Modern Moods 1:30 All Time Hits 1:35 Western Caravan 1 2:00 News SporU 2:15 Sunset Trio t 2:30 Listeners Choice 4 p;i News 4:05 Frank Devol Present! 4:30 Spotlight on a Star 4:45 FlyinR Time 3:15 World News Final 5:00 Waltz Time 5:30 Sign Oft ( KBES TV MEDFORD Channel 5 Friday, Nov. 27 3:53 Devotions 4:00 Feminine Fancies 4:30 Garry Moore Show 4:43 Val Rogue 5:00 Uncle Bill 3:25 TBA 5:45 News 6:00 Western Theater 7:00 Cisco Kid 7:30 Hollywood Album 7:45 Sportsman's Club 8:00 The Big Picture 8:30 So. Ore. Roundtahl 0:00 Lux Video Theater 9:30 Boston Black ie 10:00 Weather 10:05 Sign Off Saturday, Nov. 28 9:45 Where Did U Get II 10:00 Pressbox Preview 10:15 NCAA Football Army-Navy 3:00 Pontine Scoreboard 3:55 Devotions 4:00 Meet Millie, 4:30 Angus Bowtner 5:00 Wonder Land 5:45 News 6:00 Melody Wranglers 7:00 Medallion Theater 7:30 TBA 8:00 Jackie Gleason 8.00 Best Theater i Hit Parade Weathrr Sofia - Off 9th gnd Pint lb. 35c I 8 "" Winnie Wins TV Issue LONbON Wl Prime Minister Churchill's . Conservatives beat down a rebellion in their own ranks last night, winning approval in the House of Lords of Cabinet plans to introduce commercial television in Britain. The peers by a 157-87 -vote de feated a motion opposing the gov ernment's scheme. A full debate is now slated for the House of Commons. The nation's present TV and ra dio are a monopoly of the publicly owned British Broadcasting corp. Under the new plan, some adver tising would be accepted to earn money for improving and expand ing the service. , Government sources claimed a moral victory in last night's vote in the upper house, contending that between 80 and 150 members abstained from voting. Leading Conservatives opposing the plan include Lord Halifax, former am bassador to Washington, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher. The TV issue and other political differences have brought Churchill under bitter criticism from some of his Conservative supporters Just as ne is preparing tor the Big Three meeting in Bermuda. Meat Eating Monk Goes On Bender SPRINGFIELD. Mo". W Bozo, a meiH-caiing Macaque monkey, es caped Horn his case in a pet shop yesterday and ate Thanksgiving uinner. -ine menu: One redheaded parrot Several parakeets A canary Two bananas for dessert Manager Claude Sims later re captured him and estimated the dinner cost S75. Riqhr Reserved to Limit WURUlZER RENT OR BUY ON OUR RENTAL PURCHASE PLAN LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th Phone 7182 rv lOHN M. HIGHTOWER WASHINGTON Wi Secretary of State Dulles and his chief policy advisers nut Russia's four-power lorrfercuce proposal under search ing study today to determine whether it is a serious step toward casing world tensions or a clever stab nt the unity ol the West. Contents of the note were not immediately made public, but in formation available here was that the JSoviets seemed to have given up their previous insistence that a Big Five meeting, including Red China, would have to be arranged before they would take part in a Big Four session. Such a concession could mean a gain in the Western efforts to deal with the Russians in conference on specific problems, notably the uni fication of Germany and conclu sion of an Austrian Independence treaty always provided the So viets have not interposed other un acceptable conditions. But there was immediate specu lation here, in the British press and elsewhere abroad that the Rus sians might really be trying to maneuver the downfall of French Premier Laniel's government and cripple the Western Big Three con ference opening in Bermuda a week from today. The timing of the Russian an nouncement, and the thing it didn't say, fed this speoulatlon. Laniel fights for his govern ment's life today during debate in the French Parliament on support of the proposed European Defense Community Treaty. Russia is bit terly hostile to this pact, under which half a million Germans would be put in uniforms as part of a Western European army. Laniel, who supports EDC, will be France's representative at the Bermuda meeting with President Benson Aides Quizzed In Ghost Plot By G. MILTON KELLY WASHINGTON 11 Sen. Beall (R-MDi charged today that some aides of Secretary of Agriculture Benson have been "ghost writing ' speeches unfairly attacking Ben son's handling of farm problems. Beall told a reporter a quiet in quiry is being made into what he said is "good evidence" that some Democratic holdover policy' mak ers in the Department of Agricul ture have written such speeches and slipped them to Democrats for delivery. These employes and others, Beall said, also have supplied ideas and material to be worked into the texts nf public addresses criticis ing Benson. He named no names, saying: "I do know it's being done. I think Mr. Benson now knows it's been going on. There are dozen ol these people a core of disloyalty." Benson was not reached immedi ately for comment. Many Democrats and some Re publicans in Congress, as well as some larm leaders, have been highly critical of Benson's handling of farm, problems, principally the decline in farm Income. "Tile public is entitled to a fair presentation of the facts of what Benson is trying to do," Beall said rather than Half-true distortions prepared by skilled speech writers supposed to be Interpreting and helping to implement farm pro. grams designed for the benefit of all." The senator said he became sus picious when he read the texts ol speeches made "on the same day last summer in the Senate and House the similarity of their lan guage struck me." He declined to name any sena tor and representative who made such speeches, but he said ne looked into the matter and "our information was that the material came from ghost writers at the Agriculture Department." . Since then, he said, he has been told of instances where speeches were written in whole or in part by members of Benson's staff, for delivery by his critics. Others got critical material obtained from these staff members, he said. He said instances included "planted" reports that the recent department reorganization would hurt farm aid programs and cause confusion among farmers, and that Benson's policies would Im poverish many farmers and per harts cause a depression. Another device, he said, has been slowness to implement chances and then to point at the slowness as evidence the changes were wrong. Farm Sales Figure Up WASHINGTON tfl The Agricul ture Department says farm sales ' were slightly bigger during the first 10 months of 1953 than in the same period last year, but the farmer received i per cent less cash. The department report yester : dav said the decline, a total of $24,800,000,000, was caused by low I er nrlces. However, it said the consumer paid more far goods in general i with prices of Industrial goods rls- i tog slightly to balance the lower prices of farm goods. The report also noted a small boost in charges . for transportation, rent, medical care and other services. i It said farm receipts from meat : animals declined 7 per cent and for crops 2 per cent. SPEAKS CHICAGO (If) Former President Harry S. Truman will come to Chicago tomorrow for a luncheon meeting with Cook County Demo cratic leaders and to speak at an Ticnhnwer and British Prime Min ister Churchill If Laniel is slill In oflice. It he lose3 the vote of confi dence expected late today, his gov ernment must resign. In such a case, prance presumably would be represented at Bermuda by a spokesman for a caretaker govern ment wun nine power mi "in---binding decisions. Elsenhower withheld comment on the Russian announcement, a spokesman at his vacation hcad quarters in Augusta, Ga., said, "The president snows no muic about it than has appeared in the press dispatches." The Soviet note was receivcu i the state Department last night after being handed to the Amert can, British and French embas sies in Moscow. Earlier, Moscow radio had announced simply that Foreign Minister Mololov had dis patched the note "expressing the Soviet government's consent to take part in a conference of the representatives of the four pow ers.'' The broadcast said uie text would be published Saturday. The announcement coma nave pact of the news would be made without any word of conditions be ing given. If that was deliberate it would seem to be calculated for maximum effect on the French political situation. The Information made public did not include Mos cow's proposals, if any, for sub jects to be discussed, nor any in dication whether a meeting of chiefs of state,' or only lesser offi cials was contemplated. Officials who began studying the eight - page document- here last night said that further considera tion would be necessary before there could be formal reaction. But it' was learned that there were at least implied conditions which made the next American step un certain. It was possible, no reply would be made until after the Ber muda conference. On Nov, 16 the Western Powers told Russia in simultaneous notes that its conditions for a Big Four meeting were totally unacceptable. But they also stated their readi ness to consider any future -proposals which the Soviets might make. The Western Powers had been designed so that the first lnv been pressing the Russians for an LAST 2 DAYS! bcmuscai. AH DOORS OPEN 6:30 I RHONDA FLEMING TERESA ISIWEI ; 'TV V WWh I I GUV MITCHEU ' THE IELI SISTERS ?Ml Ikvf If Ht PJL tounw vJ TjFMTwSr!Ma 8tl,i P'ljmS WMmore. Kurt tanir LAST 2 DAYS! TREMENDOUS ADVENTURE ! MATINEE I SO EVENING 8 30 THE BIG, WONDERFUL STAGE HIT rfN GRAYSON Howard KEEL ANN RtnM lum id loth dm Iwn " 'if MILLER WTNN WHIM - FOSSE '- VAN KAS2HAR MIL Added Shorn Cartoon New unconditional J yesterday' ..Jt01 foe talk afoul - a" iRlfrh ' nuan uniifr.,. .ma. vrtN r.-i i:AST 2 Davci n juiiiup iipjnra ENDS TONIGHTI TEMPEST OF tXCIlil FRED VIU WacMURRAY RALSTOH 111 liilTWl Canoya SATURDAY ONLY! 10 ill CONSTANCE SMITH 5 COLOR CARTOONS and Special FenturtHi LIVTE Shotta Dn' In NUIC CHe. With W NiQhfi 5ho j i i HOURS! , J , (J ARIRI A nfll lN HflrKF unik n uwkukii 1 1 uiiui r .. . f Jla tf "HARBOR n jfj Yr' I JererM COURTUMD Bntrtr TTLR I PATROL MJ Bph CAlitU - Bay RWCWTS I - W heyKiw MIDDIES SHOW! urn 7 TOMORROW! H3U mill MRYSATURDAT MORNING A BOY.. '3 DOORS AMU SPONSORED Y YOUR MORNING FRESH BREADS Israel bond Tally.