3 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN or narrY u.rrnite inquiry oextcr White, but of BW " ,. for a com- probe s varied. Z Inu2 "v'Sghan. ho was Unitary i w,s BUmr a"" S senate internal "",Sownrttee what he FBI reports on White at jTearlW46 when Tru- i White V. B. ant".- K , international Moiwt)r I. . closed session with ZJ, his iormer secretary, ...sin ana nis ...--.m,,. Kherson, ih Hrnewsmen and televi- T,as DuMont was mang '""Urn "the hearing on TV. 131 New York, still had fttaa he would comply """MentocometoWash. ttspS "tomorrow about .. r.cn. Brownell con- K"Shitt was promoted by Tru f. face ol FBI reports "Siite, who died in low, w "r'.inne for soviet EL Truman has said he re- in.Imerican Activi- Kttee, which issued the zZmUa Truman, was all tangl Vs ':L,ments over the pro- n U) b vc hi? jLn'r,'Cre. fcu""". ",, Truman and his "u"- ..!. Tom C. "surname Court him there. Valde said a date would be set later. Jenner's subcommittee had pre viously arranged to get written replies from Byrnes to two ques tions about the episode. Byrnes has said he was shocked to read an FBI report linking White to Communist activities and tried to persuade Truman to block the promotion. Brownell. in ms new statement yesterday, said he had received from tne mate Department a memo from Byrnes to Truman calling attention to a letter about White, with .lnclosures, from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. The memo, as released by Brownell, was dated Feb. 5, 1946, the day be fore the Senate confirmed white s appointment to the monetary fund post. Brownell contended this proves that White's, "espionage activities were known to the White House and other government agencies before Senate confirmation and before his promotion." Brownell had said earlier that two FBI reports linking While to VauRhan at tne White House and marked for the attention of Tru man , Vaughan,' retired as a major general - ana living in nearby Alexandria, Va., has denied recol lection of any such reports. In the ruckus over House com mittee procedure, Democratic members' contended Velde had broken the committee s own rules by ordering the subpoenas issued without polling his colleagues first. There were also demands that Brownell be heard first, to lay his charges on the record. tit, ff Stent Eisenhower jettisoned I ., .riminlstrat on sup- W "7 , Tinman to testify. Lid to personally would not " ' j . ,hnninii on the ex- Meat, and 01"u " " . wim thnk Truman P"1",:. .ih nnnoint a spy to fcjirogiy "MM " IP""", k,mIu followed up af impugning - Hth official 01 vne pnur - liitratlon." But ne wm P! ...u.rtro lust turne Eto show beyond doubt that was laxity in dealing with fcnnunist mtutrauon i u.c .- &an Velde (B-Ill) of the IjSnerican Activities committee id that as soon as rvcp,caC,. ... tv,.m Jackson (R-Callf and L, dCalif arrive In Washing L i. win "call a meeting of all Embers to discuss the questions Ling out of the coming hear- K- ....... Wor, Democrat on me commii- taiA vp rie was KClims uu. amnions'' from tne nepuoutnu E moral Committee. A GOP corn Site spokesman, without saying In he knew, said Velde was noi upteted at neaaquariers ycoici- I . ...... miea s there, nowever, nmuc niiin thev dirt not applaud the ,iy Velde had hustled out sub- lM5.., ... I Am .were some lnaicauons, ai- M&m one was talking lor puo- Idiao. that the House group Lfbt wind up accepting a sugges- m by Waller mat any puonc niiis be put off until Congress tmnvenes in January. HfirlMS now. it was felt, migm ot Troman In the spotlight in the iuflds of many as a political mar- Irr-but one who could be expect- El Ic come out fighting against Bines he termed "ridiculous' ha Brownell first made them. iruman said then that White u fired, bv being permitted to tsign, as soon as It was found out lilt he was "wrong." The House committee had also pibpoenaed, for questioning today, tiugh&n and Gov. James F. trnies of south Carolina, who was truman's secretary of state at the fcni of White's promotion but is us political foe. Velde said p would talk todav to Chairman finer IR-Indi of the internal se firity subcommittee about tuinm as lor Byrnes, he sent word he MM ignore the suhnoena. He said p didn't think the -committee ptld force the governor of a state p tome to Washington and stav riraoa until it ireed him. Me promptly accented nvmes' fJiestion that a subcommittee go vummoia, 6. c. to question Rifle Fire Kills 7th Oregon Hunter ASTORIA Wl An elk-hunter's bullet killed Richard C. Roadman. 29, Portland, In the Coast Range southeast of here Wednesday, the seventh hunter to be killed, by rifle tire in Oregon this autumn. State Police Sgt. H. K, Healea said Roadman had been hunting with another Portlander, Bobby Dean Johnson, 23, in the Saddle Mountain area. He said Johnson made his way out of the woods to Necanicum Junction to report that Roadman had been hit accidentally by bullet. The sergeant said he had no other details to disclose yet, Johnson was shaken by the deiath, and could not lead -search ers directly to the scene. They wandered three hours through heavy undergrowth before finding the body. BLACK FLIES LONDON Wl Eight English seaside resorts appealed Thursday for government a i d against a plague of black flies which hitch hiked across .the Atlantic on float ing seaweed. Bug experts say the flies are a type common along the eastern coast of North America. Jele-fun by Warren Goodrich 1 I TrTlniiifiir'fmniwMiiM i m n ml BRIDGING THE GAP Loading up with graln'at a Dallas feed mill! this delivery man Is preparing to speed much-needed grain to hungry Texas catt'.e. While general rains have broken the drought in Texas, interim supplies of teed, much of It obtained 40 government grain and. 'feed allotments, are needed to l;de - fanners over until new crops- are in. Chamber Picks 7 Directors Election of seven new directors to the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce to take office with the new, year, was announced at ihe directors meeting Wednesday noon at Uie Winema Hotel. Benson Heads Into Southwest ' WASHINGTON WV-Secretary of Agriculture Benson heads into drougtit-dis tressed areas of the Southwest today on an inspection tour that may show him how farm ers there feel about administration farm policies. A five-day tour by military air plane will take him into parts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Ne vada, Utah, Wyoming and Mis souri, i -. The announced purpose of the trip Is to "observe progress of the (Agriculture . Department's) drought program in stales having officially designated drought areas and to check drought conditions in nearby states.' Tf ' flavour Ysr.;'. always Stolen Car Found Four Months Ago ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. dpi Dr. Elbert King's car was stolen July 10. He settled with an Insurance company and bought a new car for a considerable additional sunt.. Yesterday he found out his car had been recovered four months ago by -a sheriff's deputy who tailed to report it. He learned about his car's re covery through a bill $67.50 for towing and storage charges. William Oanona Jr.. H. O. Juite- land, J. C. Renie, Vic Schoonover an Glenn Bowen were elected to serve three-year terms. Walter Mc- iniyre and Keith Couo were elect ed for two-year terms. Reorganitatlon of the chamber last year provided for the group to be governed by a board of 15 directors, five new officers to be elected each year for three-year terms. The additional two new di rectors for two-year terms brings this plan Into effect. All new directors are local busi ness and professional men. Ganong is an attorney In the firm Oanong ana uanong; juckeiand operates the Juckeland Truck Sales and Service, dealers for International Trucks and Hudson motor cars: Renie operates the Jewelry store of the same name, Schoonover Is general agent for the Great North ern Railway, and Bowen is mana ger of the Oregon Water Corpora tion. Walt Mclntyre is owner and oper ator of the World Wide Travel Bu reau: and Cobo is proprietor of the City Center Lodge. All have been active previously in chamber committee work. ROUTINE VISIT' TRIESTE Uh . Three British frlcutea docked In this troubled port Thursday while red-capped British military ponce ana two Bien gun carriers patrolled the quay. A Royal Navy spokesman de scribed the visit as "routine." I CHILDREN MISSING HONO KONQ (P) Six children were among 15 Chinese reported missing Wednesday when a fishing Junk sank off Waglan point 14 miles outside Hong Kong's harbor. FOR SALE COMICE PEARS RtjceH from Our Premium Gift Package! Fltait Bring Your Own Container A Real Buy -65c Lug Available Week Days and Sundays a.m. to S p.m. BEAR CREEK ORCHARDS SOUTH PACFIC HIGHWAY. MEDFORD, OREGON EACH ERS HIGHLAND CREAM SS PROOF . BLENDED SCOTCH WHISK Schieffelin & Co., New York "Thanks for walling. I was aileep utt taking a llttla carflih nap.". . . It always pay to answer the telephone promptly. Otherwise the per son calling may think you're not at home, and hang up. . . . Pacific Telephone. I! i - -- jr n actual size TlteNew Brownie Hawkeye Flash Out " oon o, ouidoon, he con Hart taking pictures right woy. In oddnion to the bownie Hawkeye Camera, , 0'h Mod1' acn Outfit contain! a Flatholder with bat " 'Olu flaih lompi. two rolls of Kodak Verichrome ' . Plui en i,truc,j0n booklet. Compl.le, in gift bo, incluomg Federal Tax. , Quart Refrigerator Decanter with 25 lb. bag of DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR - "HOME-PERFECTED" ENRICHED (2 Decanters with 50 lb. bag) Sparkling clear glass . Unbreakable tight-fitting cover Attractive green ivy design Use as shaker or mixer Wide neck for easy pouring Ideal for serving at table Good for storing beverages Quick! Don't miss this chance to get a beautiful Refrigerator De canter at absolutely no addi tional cost. Hurry to your grocers and get a 25 lb. bag (or larger) of Sperry "Home-Perfected" Enriched Drifted Snow Flour. Offer made because we want you to try this fine all-purpose flour. 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Ave. 4fo PORK ROASTS Loin End ar Shoulder 4 PORK SAUSAGE Fresh Country Style 39t Beef Liver, Hearts, Tongues 25l Pride of Oregon FROZEN Strawberries 29c Sorghum 59c5:;1.25 Hominy Grits . 20-oz. pkg. 20c Pictsweet Fancy Tender Peas Case of 24 cans 3e98 Dog Food Jackl"L. 4 for 25c Parowax i. 23c Crisp Fresh ) LETTUCE - 10c Fancy No. 1 Yellow DRY ONIONS 3 - 13c Ripe Fancy Western . CRANBERRIES 25 Fresh Green Squash ZUCCHINI 10c Klamath Netted Gem POTATOES 10'- 19c LEO'S CAMERA SHOP OPEN SUNDAYS OPEN EVENINGS At Grocers! Get Yours NOW! Exclusively Photography "Mais. Phone 2-3331