PAGE TWELVE HERALD & NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I- v -up- V i '-- jf'1 TV LJ WILLIAM BULLOCK I Bullock to Assume Baptist Position Bill Bullock, formerly of Ranger, Texas, begins his work an full-time director of Religious Education ond Church Music of the First Bap list Church Sunday, Nov, 1, A native of Graham, Texas, Bul lock attended Baylor University at Waco, Texas and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in music at Texas Wcsleyan CoIIckc In Fort Worth. His seminary work was done at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary at Fort Worth Texas, majoruig in Religious Edu cation. Although still a young man, Bul lock has directed music In evan gelistic campaigns for a number of Texas churches and has worked In several educational campaigns In some of the large cities of the nation. He has served In the ca pacity of Director of Education and Music In Burchill Baptism Church of Fort Worth, Texas, and the First Baptist Churches of Oraham and Ranger, Texas. He has also con ducted Music Training Schools at Cisco, Eastland and Olden, Texas cities. Tho Bullocks come to Klamath Falls from Ranger, Texas, where he has held a .similar position to that which he will occupy here. Mrs. Bullock, the former Christine Ralllff of Fort Worth, did her col lege work at the Texas State Col lege for Women at Denton, Texas. The Bullocks have two children, Andrew, 10 months, and John Mark three months. They are living at 125 Washington Street. Broadcasting Offiica Scheduled to Speak William J. Roberts, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Far East Broadcasting Company, Inc., which operates seven radio trans mitters In Manila, Philippines, will address the congregation of the Assembly of Ood church at 10 a m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Nov. 1. The announcement of the visiting speak er was made by the Rev. Claude O. Wood, pastor. With a 20th century miracle story to relate Roberts commands the attention of his listeners as he tells how the Far East Broadcast ing Company was founded "by faith" at the close of World War If by three California men Includ ing hlmelf, John C. Broger and Robert H. Bowman. Incorporated as a non-commercial, Interdenominational, Christian organization, the FEBC was found ed for the sole purpose of provid ing radio facilities for existing Christian denominations and mis sionary organizations. It was grant ed the first radio franchise Issued by the new Republic of the Philip pines, and today seven Christian radio transmitters located In Chris tian Radio City Manila, Philippines, beam the Christian message to the Asiatic sphere 20 hours a day 7 days a week 305 days a year In 36 languages and dialects, the greatest known number of lan guages used consistently on any radio station in the world today with the possible exception of gov ernment propaganda stations. Roberts tells how the Far East Broadcasting Company, sometimes called the "evangelical air-arm of Christianity," has given on Its sev en "Call of the Orient1' transmit ters In Manila, over worth of free air time, represent ing more than 82,000 broadcast hours to missionaries, national pas tors, and Christian workers of more than 3a Christian denominations and more than 25 independent church and missionary organiza tions. He also will explain how tape, recording facilities have been set up by the Far East Broadcasting Company In every country of Asia outside the Iron Curtain, and Chris tian programs, produced by mis sionaries and national Christians In the languages and dialects of their respective countries, flow In a stea dy stream to Christian Radio City Manila where they are broadcast by pin-point directional beaming back Into their countries of orlgjn. Another captivating story he will relate concerns the pre-tuned battery-operated radio receivers apt ly named FM's (Portable Mission aries) that are being built by the Far East Broadcasting Company and placed free of charge by the hundreds Ln Inaccessible and out-of-the-way places of the Asiatic sphere, where as many as 2,000 people gather round each PM to hear the Christian message ln his own language or dialect. Robert's address will be Illustrat ed by kodachrome pictures from the Far East; the actual broad casting being done In Christian Ra dio City Manila to countries behind the Iron Curtain; the Flagellant ceremonies and head-hunters of the Philippines; and other Asiatic pic tures of current world interest. The public Is cordially Invited to attend. Church to Dedicate New Robes Sunday At the Sunday morning service of worship the Wcsleyan Chorus of the First Methodist Church will sing ln their new choir robes. These 35 maroon colored robes with old gold stoles will be dedicat ed to the purpose of worshipping God through music. The choir will sing for the morn ing anthem, "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair" by Brahma,. LaMarr Jensen Is director and Mrs. Gordon Morris Is the organ ist. The Rev. Lloyd Holloway will preach on the subject, "The Re formation Must Do On." ATATUHK RKMKMHKRKD ISTANBUL. Turkey I Twenty lour million Turks paid tribute to the memory of Mustafa Kemal At Bturk Thursday, the doth anniver sary of the founding of the Turkish Republic. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Pun Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M. Ward and Sam ' 92S High Phone 3334 Pastor Urges Giving To Preserve Freedom Sunday pastors all over the Klamuih Basin endorsed from the pulpit the United Fund-Red Cross campaign now in progress. Typical of reasons given for the support of the drive were the fact that it is essentially democrat lc, and. that people should give to preserve their freedom. "There has been a tendency to strengthen central government In the last century. If it continued, ab- Eastside By MRS. MERLE O'NfclL Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Bradley made a business trip to Burns Sat urday evening where they spent the weekend, returning home Sun day evening. Edward Richardson helped drive cattle out from Barnes Valley Wed nesday of last week. The holdings ln Barnes" Valley were owned by a Mr. Taylor who died last week ln Lake view. He had purchased the land, from William Devaul last year. Several ranchers were help ing to bring out their cattle after having them on summer pasture. Mr. and Mrs. Winifred Dungnn of the Vernon district visited this side one day last week. Ivy Nelson attended the Pacific International Exposition at Portland last week with several students and Lee Hanson, County 4-H agent. L. R. Bunyard of Burns visited several days this week with his niece. Mrs. Merle O'Nell and fam ily in this district. Other relatives visiting over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bunyard of Lake City, Mr. and Mrs Elvy Bunyard, Darla and Deborah of Alturas, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bunyard, Michael and Johnny of Cedarvlllc, from this district who at tended tho Farm Bureau meeting with Vernida Center at the Thom as Creek Granse Hall Friday eve- i ning were Mr. and Mrs, Neal El- lion, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Llghtle and Elgin Comelt. Mrs. Lola McKune and Alvin of . Paisley visited relatives in this dis trict Saturday afternoon. They had been down to New Pine Creek pick ing apples at the Lillian Reid ranch. Mrs. John Baxter entertained (with birthday nipper Monday I evening in honor of her husband, The Rev. and Mrs, York and famlly First Church of Christ. Scientist A Branch of Tht Mother Church, Tht Fir it Church f Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mais. 10th end Washington Services Sunday Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. Wednesday .veninp Meeting, 8:00 o'clock. Lcsson-Sormon Subject, November 1 "EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT" Golden Text: Jamei 4:8. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you, Clconia your handi, ye linnrri; end purify your hearts, ye double minded. Christian Science Reading Room 1401 Esplanade One Block From Herald and News solute power would be the end," one pastor remarked. "We have divided our government into state and federal governments, and the whole organization of gov ernment begins ln the neighbor hood. ,"We know we have problems In our neighborhood diseases, needy, delinquents, and to prevent delin quency, we have a real need for character building and training' the pastor continued. "United Fund - Red Cross serv ices are largely for local use. Giv ing from your heart is an example of preserving our democratic gov ernment," he said. The nastor cautioned the congre gation to give generously, else the government must and will take over. The prooiems are mere aim they must be solved," he contin ued. "One solution is through taxes, but taxes are much more of a bur den than giving in charity." ALTURAS Local students attending Shasta College this year who have be come an Integral part of Coach Bill Rhyne's Shasta Knights are Bryan Jamar, Ned McQarva, Pete Stanford, and Nell Perry. Joe Dees, president of the sophomore class, suffered a broken leg last year, which kept him out of this year s contests. The XI Phi Exemplar Chapter of Beta Sigma PIU met Monday night at the home of June Graham. Plans were completed for a tele phone bride to be held at mem bers' homes Oct. 28. Ouest speak er of the evening was Dale Wil liams, candidate lor state senator from this district. Everett Warren Caldwell, son of E. E. Caldwell of Alturas, Is critically 111 in the Washoe -Hospital ln Reno. Mr. Caldwell sev ered a finger recently and tetanus set tn. He was taken to Reno and placed ln an Iron lung. Modoc Medical Center reports the arnvial of a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Roberts of Altur as. The ' new arrival weighed In at 7 lbs. 13-V oi., and Is named Mary Margaret. William Baxlrum. 47, of the B&R Construction, San Francisco, died Wednesday afternoon after suffer ing a stroke ln his office. Baxtrum had many friends in Modoc, be ing affiliated on several construc tion jobs wilh Olbbon.i and Zlck of Alturas. He was superintendent during construction of the local high school In 1B39. Jeiul Christ com. to destroy Ih. worki of th devil in the be li.v.r and to tn.k. it possible for every believer to live 'in victory over tht world, th. flash and tht dtvil. Again, wa point out thot although tht belitvtr may slip and fall, ht will nevtr remain in tin. It it pottiblt for a ptrton who profentt to bt tavtd to continue in sin, bur not for tht trut bt lltvtr, Ltt tvtry man makt hit calling and tltctlon surt 2 Ptt. 1:101. ADV. i YSvV do - FRIDAY, OCTOBER an f PLANS FOR THE UNION Reformation Day service of worship at the Church of the Brethren on Sunday evening are being made by Paul Campbell, the Rev. Edward Landers and the Rev. Dwayne Proett. - Summer Lake . By MRS. E. R- NELSON John Withers made a business trip to Portland last week. Alice Harvey accompanied him to visit her friend, Mrs. Nancy Renton and family. Mrs. Renton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bueli of Lakoview. Mrs. George Carlon and small son who have been visiting her parents in Port land planned to return with them Sunday. The Grange received a fifty dol lar bond as an award for complet ing the cemetery project in the state competitive program. The lo cal Grange won an Honorable men tion. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bolton, Eu gene, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harris and family. Bend, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Har ris. ' - Mrs-. Guy Foster was admitted to major surgery at St. Charles Hospital in Bend recently. Her many friends wish her an early recovery. Mr. and Mrs. William Howard and tw6 soas from Portland were Weekend visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Harris. How ard bagged a buck. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Max McLain on the birth of a girl at Lakeview Hospital recently. She has-.been named Maxine Ann and is tt)e. only child. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nelson ac companied by Mrs. E. R. Nelson spent last week in Oakridge at the home of Don Nelson and family and in Klamuth Falls at the home of the Mnynard -Nelsons. Many hunters have been here for hunting but not as many as in previous years it seems. A number of ranchers are still haying and harvesting. Wayne Elder arrived here Oct. M from Ketchikan, Alaska, where he spent the past two years doing commercial fishing. He visited Wil liam Calkins, son Carl and family who recently located there. Cal kins was a former resident here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Deboy and small daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Del mar Hand and Dick Moss spent last week for hunting. Henry Socin and brother from Al hambra Calif., Andy and Alfred Collier, Viv O'Neill, Klamath Falls; Ethan Collier, Salem; Marlln Gramse, Portland were guests of Les Elder in Thompson Valley re cently for hunting. Milton Mors and a friend, J. Hemphill. Los Angeles, visited Moss' mother over the weekend and the George Pikes in Dairy Creek. From here they went to the coast on a fishing trip, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brunnemcr and fnmily, Eureka, Calif., arrived Oct. 21 for a visit at the home of her parents, the W. H. Harveys. Louis came for hunting and spent part of the time at Davis Creek with his parents. Business visitors in Lakeview Oct. 21 were Mrs. Roy Carlon and Evan, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nel son, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Nelson. Mickey O'Keeffe has been riding for cattle in the Silver Lake area. Norma Weaver stayed with Mrs. O'Keeffe whtle he was gone. Mrs. Mabel Underwood from I Paisley Is cooking at the Summer 1 Lake lodge. Troy Lawson. Tim Quince and ; Ross Banister, paisley, and a num i ber of Grangers from here shin gled the west side o( the Grange hall last week. Mrs. Quy Foster la convalesc ing nicely from her recent opera- Lib THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ninth and Pine Streets INVITES YOU TO HEAR JOHN CHASE Evonqelist, and Veteran of Missionery Service in Korea Goipol Song Servicei and ENJOY LEARN John Ch.i., evangelist, veteran p( Korean mission prk, ad no mini, iter of the Christian Church, Downty, California, of Joiui Christ, the Saviour of tht World IN THE CHURCH AND HOME UNITED EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN Sun. Nov. I WHAT TIME IS IT? (A.M. Service) THE WAITING HARVEST (P.M. SERVICE) November 1-15 7:30 Niqhtly i foil fall troubles Autumn me. I eli minate its troubles, 'cous. I'm o Classified ad! Leafy roof? Faulty fur o good roofer. Faulty fur nace? I direct you to a fixer. And that's just a couple of samplts! What do vou need a lift with this toll? Look In the Want Ads under the "Serv sct" htoding tor firms to do oil kinds of jobs for you! herald & news one 8111 ph Reformation Day Services Planed Many of the local Protestant chgrches will join together in a service of worship in commemora tion of the Protestant heritage Sun- Fort Rock By ROBERTA McGEE A Community Church is in the process of being formed here at Port Rock. So far, a school building has been moved to town on the west side of the Port Rock Grange Hall. The project is sponsored by the Fort Rock Grange; members of the com munity are helping with the build ing and work. Sunday, Oct. 25 there was a good turn out when men gathered to help work on the building while the women and children built fur niture at the Grange hall. Temporary furniture for the pres ent is made out of orange crates and apples boxes, which are clever ly worked over and painted. Little tots of four years and older, were busily sanding and painting, antici pating the move into the buildine so that classrooms can be arranged propeny. Another work day Is to be held this Sunday, Oct. 31. Citizens are reminded to bring tools, any wood en boxes or ideas for furniture, and . any spare paint that can be used, If none of these are avail able, cash donations will gladly be accepted. There have been some very generous anonymous donators so far, but the committee feels that tne burden should be lifted some from their shoulders. Mr. and Mrs,- Nick Klerk re turned to Port Rock for a few dav Sunday, Oct. 25, in time to help at the church project. The Klerks have been away since Sept. 1, work ing on me iruit at Seridan, Dallas and now at Dayton Dickinir wal nuts. Two drivers who work for Nor- van Plnkerman of Wheatland, Cal., delivered a truck load -of equip ment to Mr. and Mrs. Charley Bol ey Oct. 25. They took back a truck load of lumber from the McGce Mill the same day. tlon and is now at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crampton hi Bend to be near the doctor. Merle Nelson and friend Charlie McKillip from Klamath Falls were weekend visitors at the E. R. Nel son ranch. Buddy pernoll and Billie Candell attended a farewell party for Butch Olivus at the high school in Pais ley Monday evening, Oct. 12. Mrs. Pernoll visited Mis. Kale Jefferies that evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Howard and sons, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. John Loosley, Roseburgspent the weekend with the S. D- Harris fam ily. Mrs. Howard nnd Mrs. Loos ley are their daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gassier. Ma plcton, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Carlon while Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCormick. Red mond; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carlon. Salem visited with them earlier in the week, Mr, and Mrs. Pat O'Keeffe, Hlnes, were recent visitors of the Oeorge Carlons and the Jim Car Ions. Pat formerly lived in Silver Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Carlon, Bend, were weekend guest of the Roy Carlon family. Mrs. Lora Carlon entertained the Fremont Club, OEs at her home Oct. 15 with 13 members present. Mlna Taylor and Betty Hanan, Paisley, who sang two songs for the group, were visitors. The business meeting and refreshments conclud ed the afternoon. day evening at 8 p.-m. at the Church of the Brethren, Bristol bt. This, union service of worship commemorates the historic date, Oct. 31, 1517, on which day Martin Luther posted on the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Ger many, ninety-five theses or argu ments against what he termed "the sale of indulgences by the church of his day." This incident touched off a long train of events which produce the historic movement known as the Reformation. "The anniversary of this event is observed among many of the Pro phase upon their fundamental Christian convictions," according tcstant churches as a time of em to the Rev. Lloyd Holloway. The newly organized Klamath County Council of Churches is spon soring this service and the Kev. Edward Lander will be the host pastor. State Senator Phil S. Hitch cock, a vice president of the Ore gon Council of Churches, will speak on the subject, "Our Protestant Heritage," and lead a forum dis cussion with brief messages from the following: the Rev. Don Cas siday, "Congressional Investigation and the Separation of Church and State;" the Rev. Dwayne Proett, "The Denial of Protestant Free dom of Worship in Many Lands;" William Kurtz, Council president, "Protestant Faith and Public Schools." ' Laymen from several of the churches will assist with the wor ship service. A fellowship period will follow in the social parlors, The public is cordially invited to attend. ' Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COUriT OF ' THP STATE OF OHI'GON In the Matter ot the E-ttile of Ches ter V. Barton, also Known as i.. Bnrtmi. Deceased. Notice is herebv given tnal I have filed my final account as administra tor of the estate oi (.nestcr tjarion, also known m C. V. Barton, deceased, nnri that th Court ha set November 3. l!)51t, at the hour of 10.00 A.M.. as the unit for the hearing of oL;ectlons tc said final account and settlement inert of. Dated this 5th dnv of October, lflftl. Guy Barton, A-lninUslralor J u. O'Neill. Attorney or mam. Oct. 8. 16, 23, 30 No. 669 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FirAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that I have filed my Final Account and Report tn the Matter of (he Estate of Grace Lan (ii.i, Deceased, and the Honorable Da vid R. Vandcnberg, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath, has set Monday, the 30th day of November. 1953. at the nour oi loiiio a m . in tne circuit court room in the Klamath County Court house. Klamath Falls. Oreson. as th time and place for hearing of excep tions ana oDjccnom io saia nnai Ac count, a any mere uc. i si Virginia Calhoun Administratrix of the Estate of - urate L.anais, ueceasea nonald A. W. Piper Pine Tree Building Klamath FnllA, Oregon Attorney for Administratrix Oct. 30. Nov. 6-13-20 No. titHI NOTICE OF SEASONAL DETERMINATIONS Notice ff hereby given tna! each of the employers listed below has beet determined to be a seasonal employer, within the meaning of Section 126-707 O C.L.A. Any interested party may re quest a hearing before the Commissioi. within ten days- after tne date last publication of this notice The "off sehion" of each seasonal employer u as stated below: Crater Lake National Park Co,. 1-1-54 through S-29-34 and 9-26-24 through 12-.11 -34: Klamath Forest Protective Assn.. 1-1-54 thru 4-17-54 At 11-21-5, t.iru 12-31-54: Walker Range Patrol Ass n.. 1-1-54 thru 5-1-54 St 10-31-5 thru 12-31-54: Weyerhaeuier timber Co., 1-1-54 thru 5-1-54 St HKIl-U thru 12-31-54; Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. 'Fire Control-. 1-1-34 thru 4-17-54 it 12-5-54 12-31-54. OREGON UNEMPLOYMENT t, . COMPENSATION COMMISSION Dated and first published this 2 dv of October. 1953. Date or last publication tlh day of November. 1953. , Oct. 2fi. 27. 2B. 29. 30- 31: Nov. 1 a Go to Church CHURCH DIRECTORY Sunday CfTAlJ CHURCH Or THE NAZABENE j .-u a m Sunday School 11:00 .m.-Mornlnt S:4J p.m.-Vouni Popl. STEWART-LENOX BAPTIST. . T. T. Smith phont 8684 i.m. Sundiy Sh0' ' 11:00 ..m.-Mornin Worahlp 6:30 p.m.-Trainlng Union I 00 p.m. Evening Worihip ' Sarvlc. BIBLE BAPTIST ' 1144 WUrt .,.. :30 i.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Wor.hlp :30 p.m.-Baptl.t UH :30 J mEvening Wor.hl. 7:30 p.oo W?dneday All I.mU7 Nlgbt ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL 1:00 ..m -Holy Commun on , 8:30 a.m SJnday School 11:00 a m Morning Prayer 7:30 p.m. Young Ptopla MERRILL BAPTIST MISSION Racraatlon Hall 10:00 ..m. Sunday School 11:00 ..m.-Worahlp SarvlM SALVATION ARMY toa Klamaih Phon. ! Lt Vlfd Mr D. W. Uadaen 10:00 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Hollneaa Meeting 11:00 a m. Junior Church :30 p.m. Young POPl :0O p.m. Salvation Meeting IMMANUEL BAPTIST 11th .nd High Rev W. r. Templln MS i.m. Bible School . 11:00 a.m. Morning Worahlp :30 p.m. Young People 7:30 p.m. Evening Wor.hlp 7:30 p.m Wednesday Prayer Meeting CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAX SAINTS ma anl Marti. rir.l Ward Priesthood meeting Sunday School Fast Sunday Mutual Tueaday Belief Society - Tueaday Primary - Saturday Evening Service Sundty Second Ward Priesthood meeting Sunday School Fast Sunday Mutual Wedneaday Belle! Society - Tueaday Primary Tueaday Evening Service Sunday 4. 3. 680 You, too, can point, with . Craft Master Oil Painting Sets A complel. itltion of picture, ond scenes. och outlined wilh ureas kev.d to rntwrt .nin 'j of paint. Your choice of every Croft Mojler picture, complete wilh convos, finished frome, oils ond fwo artisf brushts. Picture Sit. lJaH .nd metchir.. 4USVi sit. H, JJ.7J MeMerpiec. Site 1li4 .i...... St $5 00 FREE INSTRUCTIONS . Art Needlework Shop r, 1 ""ry 412 Main Strut Phont 572S 8-30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m, 2:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 8:30 p.m. 930 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. KENO GOSPEL CENTER Phone 2-2582 Rev. Melvln Griffith 10:00 a.m. Sunday School U;00 .m. Morning Worahlp GOSPEL TABERNACLE Altamoot and Maryland Rev W. D. Bifby 10:00 a.m Sunday School 11:00 am. Mornlni Worihtp 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship . 7:30 p.m. Saturday and WudnMoaj Evening Worship MALIN COMMUNITY CHURCH (Presbyttrlan) Bev. Carl C. DeMott 0:43 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Mornlnf Worship 7:00 p.m. Young Peopla ASSEMBLY OF GOD . Bev. Claude O. Wood 740 Oak 0:49 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m Morning Worahlp 0:49 p.m. Youth Service 7:30 p.m Evangel title 7:30 p.m. Tuesday Bible, prayer Service 10:00 a.m. Thursday Prayer 7:30 B.m. Thursday Worship Servlee HOPE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Shasta School Kev. John M Becher Jr. 0:49 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service CHURCH OF CHRIST 2205 Wantland Phone 9001 Arthur c. BiacKweu 10:00 a.m. Bible Classes 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Monday Bible Class 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Service UNION GOSPEL MISSION 251 Commercial C M. Timms 10:00 a.m. Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship FREE METHODIST 1918 Oregon Bev Fred C. Neumann 0:49 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 0:45 p.m. Young People 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic 7:49 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study COMMUNITY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN I2T3 Bristol Phone 2-1103 Rev. Edward Lander 0:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worahlp 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Hobby-Craft Club SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST 1735 Main Phone 2-2460 Rev. Raymond Calea 0:30 a m. saiuia Sabbath School 11:00 a.m Saturdny Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Saturday Young People's Meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting CALVARY BAPTIST I Main and Garden Rev Grady E kites 0.45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 0:15 pm. Training Union 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Praj or Meeting , CONGREGATIONAL 2154 Garden Phone 2-327 1" Rev Donald M. Cassiday 0:49 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship PEACE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN 4431 I. 6th Phone 1057 Rev L Proett 0:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sundav School 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Sr. Westminister TRINITY BAPTIST MISSION IT16 Lakeport Blvd. Peliran City Rev Fred Tedrick Phone 3674 0:45 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Morning Worship 1:00 p.m. Evening Worship OREGON TECH 10:00 e m Sunday School Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned ha, been appointed as Ad ministrator of the estate of W. E. Ha den. deceased, by order of the Circuit Court el the County of Klamath, and all pervms having claims against said estate are required to present the same to the Administrator, dulv vert fled, and with the proper vouchers at. i tached. at the office o( his attorney, i bi.-SnS Siemore 731 Alain Street. I Klamath Falls. Oregon, within six ; months from the date ol lim publi , cation of this notice. pale M. Harden L. Orth Suemore . Attorney at Law Oel. 30. Nov. 0. 13, 20 No. 001 OUE LADY OF GOOD Cn J :0U bmJSLSS . LAMATH TEMPI! I t:..m.dK.Hyl ll:w a.m. Wq.roi w0nl,i. JO p.m. SZ' ;:4S D.m. twan.Bh.... ""Vic, p.m Wicln..d.y-Bbl, ,1 MERRILL FIRST PRESBfrrJ .... . A. Mlli10! . a.m. aunaav School a. b. U: tmDivltie Servtai 4 '"'l 730 p.m. Bible Study Htm ...w christian sciwei au n.Buui.lon f Heading Hoom iu. Phone 5797 1 li 11:00 a m. Sunday Scltool 11:00 a.m. Sunday Servie. COO p.m. Wednesday-Ivan Service FIRST PRESBVTUll.l tut and Pin. at" I R.v David R....r.l 8:30 a.m. Church School .1 :30..m.-Mornlni Wor.,!,1 al 12 (loon Friendship Hour 1 ftS-""'"' Sen, a,,, J .. . CHURCH OP CHRIST mm annur pk J 10:OO a.m. Blbl CI.. rMtM 11:00 a.m. Morning Woridia 7:30 p.m. Mutual EdKicatioi .ww w.m. T.wtjaoy am,, (tJ Mf . LAK1 COMMUVltil .11 . V-Sunri.v 'UZ-JP' 11:00 m. Morning Woriht. 7:30 p.m. Christian Enri.r 7:30 P-m. Thursday Choir pVJ 0:30 p.m. Thursday-Bible sSejl MISSIONARY BAPTIg! I ' .'Wtw C V Blanchlhi 11:00 a.m. Morning Worshla 7:00 p.m. Training Union 1:00 a.m. Eventn Wnh.. 7:00 p.m Wednesday Bible stttiJ JEHOVAH'S WlTNESSUl 7:4.1 p.m. Sundav Wntrhtn , 7:45 p.m. Wednesday Bible 8m!i 7:45 p.m.-Frlday SeciMgfl 8:45 p.m. Friday Theocratic g&I ' FIRST BAPTIST th and Washington Phsul 1:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Wonhfa 6:45 p.m. Training Union 8:00 b.m. Evenine Wonhln 8:00 p.m. Mid-week Service. Tfenrf 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal, Tuntl ZION LUTHERAN Uth and High plum I kbv n. e. ura 0:30. a.m. Sunday. School Bit 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship fi:30 Family Night Use days! 7:30 p m. Youth Meeting (Tfnt I Third Sundays) I 7:30 p.m. Married Couples CM I . irounn Sundays) :00 p.m. Thursday Adult CUa I FJRST CHURCH OP GOtl znu2 Aitamont Rev C. H Beshm 0:45 a.m.. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 0:45 p.m. Young People 7:30 m. Evangelistic 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible tarn FIRST CHRISTIAN Oth and Pne Phail Kev George A lent 0:45 a.m. Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Won hip 1 6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study,,. 6:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Pram Meeting KLAMATH LUTHERAN CRTI Rev. Kent E, Spauldlng, pt 1175 Crescent Pha 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, and l 11:00 a.m. Mornlnf Worshla 7:00 p.m. Luther League. SUDdu Holy Communion. 4th Sunday 8:00 p.m. Bible Study Service, We day ' REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINT! 9th and Plum Pboai I 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Felltnfiui FIRST COVENANT U Walnut , Joel C. Nordlund 8:45 a.m. Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship B:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 7:45 p.m. Wedneaday-Prsyer H SACRED HEART CATHOM CHURCH 815 High J Rev. T. P. Casey. P" 7:00. 8:00. 9:30. and 11:00 am-" Masses u 7:00, 8:00. 9:30 a.m. Holy Day 3:00-4:00 and 7:30-8:00 Satuxw v Cessions YOUTH SOLDIERS FOR CHI 4438 Green Spgs. Dr. Effie Shelby Church 1134 Main 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer 7:30 p.m. Friday-Youth .JW 7:30 p.m. Saturday Evangelist! . Ice. CT ATTfillSTIVE'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Merrill Rev. John Phelan 7:30 a.m. Sunday Mass 10:45 a.m. Sunday Mass TRINITY LUTHERAN CDU Tulelake. Calif. Rev. Richard E. Graei, "iw 830 a.m. Sunday School n Services , Services held In American LW" PILGRIM HOLINESS W01 Wantland Rv O D Weave! 0:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 0:30 p.m. YPS 7:30 p.m. Evangellstie 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayaf Meeting HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH TulelaXe . . Rev. Con O'Connor 7:30 a.m Sunday Mass 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass nnIS COMMUNITY METH0DW CHURCH , Fort Klamath M Rev. Edmund Stanton. ftWJ 0:30 a.m. Morning Worship. 10:30 a.m. Church school and ao clasn, Sunday -,,-j.f 10:30 Church School. Sun FIRST METHODIST CffCj 7:00 p.m Youth relIohlir :30 p m.-Fellow.hlr. Hour. KLAMATH REVIVAL CEl lraj Mitchell n.lrfllaTl Mr. and Mra. J. 1. Orlinva. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School , 11:00 a m. Sunday Mo,It 7:M p.m Sunday. Evaneiu 7:30 pm Wednesday Bible Prayer ALTAMONT BAPTISE J. E. BrocKus .631 South 6th Hot Mtteltrll t: a.m. Sunday BfJ6!,. U:00 a.m. Morning Worsnlf ST. FRANCIS rABRj"' CATHOLIC CHUB-" 06 a.m. Sunday Majs v