Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, September 30, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30, 1953
It Pays to Advertise Even
For Russian Government
. 4
TO TELL OF EVEREST' oanl Everest conqueror
Sir Edmund Hillary and bis wife arrive in London for a series of
' . - lecturea on his climb of the world's highest mountain. '
Square Dane
Allemande left and right to your
j A wagon wheel but, strip the
1 gears. ,
f or men only department: almost
every Square dancer, upon discov
ering the Joy of participation in the
activity, decides that all of . his
friends must Join him and he usual
ly makes a thorough pest ot him
self trying to convince tnem. iou
tell them how much tun iv is, how
healthful, how relaxing. You use
every argument that you can think
of and they stuDDorniy resist wiin:
"Oo 'way, X don't wanna dance,
I'm too old. too busy, too tired."
In this aire of "miracle drugs"
I am seriously considering enlist
ing the aid of medical science,
Possibly they could provide a little
pill that could be slipped into a
man's coffee, rendering him slight
ly helpless until we get him to his
first dance. It is usually the man
who puts up the greatest resistance
and since dancing is Historically
male activity, his resistance Is
more difficult to understand. Most
men arrive at their first square
ciance in a state best described as
desperation and deieat. rne -nine
woman" has threatened him with
everything from buitonless shirts
to starvation, physical violence or
divorce. In extreme cases they have
even resorted to tears, what a
strange way for a man to approach
something that is his nghtiui
tage, something that will give him
so. much Dleasure and satisfaction.
If our square dancing offered
nothing more than physical exer
cise set to music we nave accom
plished much; however, tfiia plea-
Bum m;uvuy uucia ml uwid mail
that. It is sheer magic brings us
new friendships, new interests and
real fun that is relaxing, whole
some and healthful.
We were pleased to have a can
from Joe and Kay Mattal of Oak
land, Calif. They are members oi
the Castle Promenaders and were
looking for a square dance. We
were happy to accommotnte them
and hope they had fun. if any ot
you have square dancing house-
guests, a call to Otto, 8111, or
myself, 2-2659, will find us anxious
to scare up a hoe-down for them.
The Elks and their ladles are
planning a beginner dance pro
gram starting Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. in
the lodge rooms. A special lnvita
tion Is Issued to all new members
of the lodge and their wives to
participate in this progiam. Otto
skills will instruct.
The parlous instructors have re
ported Capacity crowds 111 their be
ginner classes.
Jonesy, top caller and recording
star, will be in the Klamath coun
try Saturday Oct. 3. He will appear
at Klamalre sponsored by the
Do-si-do Club. He is one ot South
ern California's most popular call
ers and in my book one of the
smoothest for either dancing
State Representative
Faces Murder Hearing
LEBANON, Tenn. WV A prelim
inary hearing for State Hep. Ouy
lhackston, Jailed without bend on
murder charge after his brother-in-law,
died Sunday of bullet
wounds, has been tentatively set
icr mursday.
The lawmaker's brother-in-law,
Atty. A. A. Adams Jr., 57, was
shot in the abdomen Thursday in
his office at the climax of an ar
gument with Tbackston. Adams'
secretary and a client were wit
Besses to the shooting.
Thackston, who had been free
ince Thursday on $10,000 bond,
said, "The business matter we
were discussing was of long stand'
ing." and he added, "It was a
clash of personalities. It was one
oi those cases where you go fur
ther than you ever think you
Thousands With Insomnia
Sound All Night-Awoke Fresh
Users of new safe Dormin Sleeping
Capsulei have found M you can
blessed aound sleep. Dormin hat
been clinically tested for safety and
" in. kurn,td non-habit formino
The world of medicine progresses
o why tolerate sleepless night that
makes you tired and worn out the
not day. Now for only CKe per
capsule you can find the rest you
want. Dormin costs but SJ.JS for 36
capsules so safe no prescription,
needed and Dormin must help
u or your money back I Accept
no substitute.
There U No Subttitute For .
Deputy Arrests
His Own Brother
MEMPHIS. Tenn. Wl Denutv
Sheriff James A. Crews arrested
his own brother on charges of
transporting a stolen automobile.
Memphis FBI Chief Charles E.
Weeks told this story:
Milton Crews. 30, nbw living in
Akron, Ohio, arrived here Friday
to visit the deputy sheriff. He was
driving a new. automobile i but
couldn't explain to his brother
where he had gotten it. .
" Deputy. Crews called the FBI.
which disclosed the car had been
stolen from an Akron parking lot.
Milton was arraigned yesterday
after his brother took him Into
custody and turned him over to
federal officers. He was released
In $1,000 bond to await federal
grand jury action.
Weeks quoted the deputy as say
ing his brother had suffered mem
ory lapses since being Injured In an
automobile accident seven years
ago. -
Of Bennv Jailed
HOLLYWOOD (P) Jack Benny's
sister-in-law, object of many jokes
on the comedian's radio and tele
vision shows, found it was no joke
when she was Involved in a fracas
at the apartment of a young man
Mrs. Babe Blum was Jailed on
a booking of drunkenness and dis
turbing the peace after the Sun
day night Incident. She was re
leased on $1,000 bail Monday1,
pending a hearing' Thursday In
Municipal Court.
Two companions, Joseph D'Elia,
31, and Clement Scapaticci, 36,
pleaded guilty in Beverly Hills
Municipal Court to disturbing the
peace. They were fined $100 each,
with $75 each suspended. -
LONDON ( It pays to adver
tise even In Communist Russia.
. Ever since the end ot the war
I have been watching neon signs
go up in Moscow. At night their
bright colors urge ivan ivanovicn
- Russian equivalent ot Joe
Doakes to buy whatever the Sov
iet government wants to sell turn.
They say: .
"Put your money In savings
bank It's reliable, convenient, and
safe." '
"Travel by plane."
"Smoke 'Dukat' cigarettes",
. "Buy Soviet champagne.";
"Invest your 'money In the 3 per
cent state lottery loan".
"Collect Soviet postage stamps."
"Buy caviar".
Wine, automobiles, siap, toot.i
powder, cigars, perfume, sausages,
insurance these are a few of the
products pushed.
The advertising is mostly poor
quality a fourth grade ooy In the
United States could do better but
the odd thing -Is that the adver
ising exists at all. Indeed, articles
in the press demand better ads
and displays. So does tho minister
of trade, Anastase Mikojan. Evi
dently economic needs are forcing
the Soviet government to advertise
lit order to sell some ot Its prod
ucts. In the West, advertising change?
habits, promotes new products, in
troduces improvements in old ones
It stimulates people to want things,-
anc wore naroer and more em
clently to obtain them. In Russia,
where the advertising is poorly
done, this stimulus is in large de
gree lacking.
To see the effect of real adver
tising on a Russian all one has to
do is to hand him a copy of an
American puniicauon. ue turns
directly to the advertisements and
starts looking at the pictures ot
things for sale. -He begins to wond
er whether life in America is as
bad as his government savi and
he wants to buy similar goods
Once that desire' to buy arises,
one starts to think about lindlng
the money of working- haider if
necessary, and producing more.
The Soviet government Is on to
this idea too, even thouph it ap
parently does not realist.- how im
portant It can be for Soviet econ
omic development. -
A year ago the Soviet press took
up the question of window dis
plays. One paper said most stores'
show windows were being made up
by oafs and hacks. Since then there
has been an improvement - Many
windows carry fairly attractive dis
plays which get buyers into the
stores and sell goods.
Autos and television sets are sell
ing well with little advertising. But
other goods are not being sold as
rapidly as they could be with
good advertising campaign.
Aside from Ideology, one ot the
reasons the Russians have not un
til recently gone in much for ad
vertising Is that there tus always
been -such a shortage ol goods
that almost anything would sell
without advertising.
There are still plenty ol short
ages of important kinds- ol con
sumer goods. But certain things
have to be sold to consumers now
If they are not to accumulate on
store shelves and clutter up ware
houses. Thus the Soviets are betrg torcec
to adopt modern merchandising
There has been some talk of
using radio and television tor ad
vertising, but little has come of
this so far.
Russian television la of course
on a small scale compared to Am
erican. Stations In Klv, Lenin
grad and Moscow present pro
grams every night but Thursday.
Most receivers are in Moscow;
antennae are a comn.on sight
there. The sale of aets may be
running around 60,000 a year nr
official figures are announced.
Some of the programs arc good
One can see late motku. pictures,
all the best operas, ballets and
theatrical presentations, ana many
sports events. But the Kussian?
have not developed any special
technique. The broadcasts are
"straight," often direct from thea
ters. There are no specific tele
vision programs as such, and of
course no half-hour variety programs.
Youths Lead Cops
To Hidden Loot
youths led police to $200 worth of
Jewelry and household Items hidden
under rocks here, which they said
they had stolen on a four-day
crime spree. ;
- City police, who arrested the bovs
today, said the loot Included ap
proximately 7S pieces of Jewelry,
two watches, three clocks and a
stack of "crime does not pay
comic books. . '
W. Wayne Martin
Colors and Patterns '
for all rooms
. Terms to your needs
' 1945 South 6th Street '
Phone 8370
October 2, Round Dance Night
Ottober J, Fenian "Jonesy" Janet
October If, Round Dance Night
October 17, Open Dance Night
October 31, Hallowa'an Party
Regular club meeting every Thurs
day night, visitors always welcama.
aginnort class every Wednesday
m X. PBLafMLVLVLVflMPs VVVRV oc tw tw lf tw kw
" -imnri
So our ---. . , ,.m,
tlor-lly --T.. hVd-Wt-
V7 rllte., .oat
I ting w m" : i
Maximum Load, High Bate Shetli
Special Disintegrating End Wads
Extra Power Cone Bate Construction
Accurate, hard-hitting. Mad with powar-pacliad
maximum loads for long ranga accuracy. Pro
gressive burning, smokeless powder.
low p-ic.dl 12 gauge. Boa of 24 $40
is-m sf-sia aai
VJ III ilfl:HI lUMi II. It
Winchester 1 2 Go. Shotgun SCO85
SSda action pwnp, hi dwka; Medal 12. n
ilngton 12Ga. Shotgun
Hunting Coots
Dry Buck .......
1 qt. hikers
Tent Stokes
! Metal
UN CASIi 30 m. plastic, .
lippar opanina. bag ....... I MT
aiANINO RODt 3-pc 36 kt. . ,
lena. 12, 14 go. shotguns I
AMI IA Hoi Mlows pocket., . .
Wotor rapollant duck. Mad....' 4.S
HUNTINO HAT, Wotar raptl- , .
... 20C laot duck. tH to 7'i 1.49
iL t an i T """ -'"ai-tj . .err --aaini raa.sranr ' f""!, '. i"; t'
Just POP! and this new Medo-Land
carton opens to a perfect built-in
Pouring Spout! ,
This new Medo-Land milk carton
practically opens itself! Open it at
the top and out pops a perfect pour
- ing spout. Pours beautifully...with
out a drip. Re-doses just as easily.
We are proud to bring our customers
this added new convenience, it s tur
ther evidence of our policy to bring
you the finest, most sanitary milk
service. You already know the deli
cious, satisfying goodness ot our
farm-tresh milk. Enjoy it now in
America's newest and most conveni
ent carton. ..the new Medo-Land
' carton that pours like a pitcher!
I Ml X. . aF . m : . : I
. - . BB,,''BBBj1lJ)MlfJ.TJa9aliBBB
11th and Main Phone 5514