Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, September 24, 1953, Page 1, Image 1

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In The
Wd AimJ :
G 11 1 111 U "V In In 0 U U V rt
I k-l : LJ .; U U-J i S: ' LJ U V ' V U U LJ -LJ LJ VJ 4
Bay's lis
There was a long time when
, ine Russian communists seemed
to be getting all the breaks In
the propaganda war. Hie commu
nut propaganda technique la sim
ple. It consists basically m telling
lie and sticking to It through
thick and thin. -. -
The Russians are . very, very
good Indeed at that, and the Chi
(nese have turned out to be even
little better than their Russian mas
ters. Their germ warfare big lie,
for example. It was absurd to
begin with, but they kept hammer
ing away at It. We've had to ad
mit that uV time lot of people
came to believe It.
: There' was a long period when'
we had the uncomfortable feeling
that the communists were putting
4it all over on us on the propaganda
'-front, v-.j j : ,;:. . "... ,; .
' The situation, however, Is chang
ing. -
Did. you notice the story a week
or so ago to the effect that com-
' munlst police . were SHOOTING
East Germans who were, attempt
.tag to flee across the Iron Curtain
Into West Germany? -
That was a bad one. It shapes
' jnp like this:
. r You brag all over the place about
the world-shaking social benefits
j. of communism. You Invent the big
lie that the aim of communism
NEED, dn Its face. It sounds good.
It captures the Imaginations of all
the saps In the world who spend
their time yearning for something
for nothing.
In general, you picture the
; communist area s heaven on
earth. i'-- 1 ' ;..' A
' Then '''
': The lowdown, villainous East
Germans start risking their' lives
fand losing them) in a desperate
effort to get away from your par
adise. Being a communist, -all you
CBn mink of Is to SHOOT EM
DOWN to keep 'em from getting
out of your clutches.
" It Just doesn't make sense. It
starts even the saps to wondering
If after all communism is all It Is
cracked up to be. 'People don't
risk being shot down to get away
from paradise. . . , -. ,
The Chinese commies got a
similar jolt in India the other day,
In New Delhi ' (India's capital)
-. TO demonstrators started parading
. before the red Chinese : embassy
TIBET, Tibet is just across the
border from India. A. year .-or so
ago, red China marched into Tibet
. India, still aflame with hatred
for the British, has been leaning
toward communism as at least the
lesser of two evils. The red Chi
nese forcible seizure of Tibet could
hardly fall to stir in Indian minds
the thought that ' SOME FINE
OVER ss the British did some
two centuries aero.
. Anyway, Indian demonstrators
started parading before red China's
embassy in New Delhi protesting
against the seizure or Tioei.
. That Isn't good propaganda for
Here's a thought:
The communist propagandists be
gan to slip Just about the time we
began to leea nungry nasi Her
mans who had GOT HUNGRY un
der communism. Up to that time,
our propaganda had been pretty
stuffed shirty. Feeding hungry peo
nio ISN'T stuffed shirty. It is warm
and human and kindly and thought-,
ful and sympatneuc. s
That Is to' say, when we began
to feed hungry East Germans we
began to BE OURSELVES. We
began to act the way we really
, feel,
j And
Almost Immediately
We began to make progress
against the communist propaganda
that had been picturing us all over
the world as cruel warmongers who
were Intent on getting the necks of
liberty-yearning people under the
iron heel of: our heartless capi
talist system.
The lesson. It seems to me. Is
We'd better forget some of the
fancier aspects of professional diplo
macy and Just BE OURSELVES.
land, stopped for the camera
man bafort continuing en to
KUHS where ho holds down
a position a frethmen. -
' ' J 1
The Herald and New' received
a telegram yesterday from J. O.
Melville,, director of the Public
Bousing Administration In Ban
The message concerns the Gept
It housing story in which Don
Sloan, after a telephone call to 8n
Francisco, expressed optimism on
the possibility of an extension of
tne present eviction nonce.
The telegram reads: ,
"To keen the record traiaht,
Foster's notes of the telephone con
versation do not suDstanuite
Sloan's statement that an exten
sion would Drobably be granted by
this: agency for operation ot our
bousing in Klamath Falls.
"Foster's only affirmation was
thai the appeal to Washington ,for
extension tnrougn cong. toor proo
ably was properly dlrecied since
the HHFA administrator woym
have to grant such an extension
under disposition provisions of the
Lsnham Act.
., "I feel this correction should tie
published because Friday'" s'ory
gives unwarranted encouragement
to tenants that the Jan. 31 -leadline
Will be postponed. This o!"ce Is
keeping in touch with. Washington,
D C. on the matter and will notify
Klamath Falls authorities as rnou
as a definite decision is reached.'
There was other action on the
housing qestion Wednesday night
. A long distance telephone mil
was placed to Senator Guy Cordon
In Washington, D.C.
According - to Doyle Edwards,
housing resident who made the call,
the Senator said that It was a na
tional policy to go out of the hous
ing business, but if a real emer
gency exists, possibly , something
could be done.
A letter giving particular o' the
housing situation was sen by resi
dents to Cordon Thursday morn
ing. Edwards also corrected mis
conception prevelant in sume Klam
ath Falls areas. ' Apparently tome
people have understood, that an
Individual owns the land and since
the government lease with hint Is
up, he wants his land back.
This is false, according to Mayor
Paul Landry, The United States
government purchased the land nn
which the county units stand from
sonooi District no. 8 and All ref.
Collier. The units within the city
limits are on city-owned property.
Rita; Dickie
LAS VEGAS. Nev. Wl " Rita
Hayworth and Dick Haymes were
married Thursday in a three-minute
ceremony in a Las Vegas gam
bling resort hotel.
The 34-year-old actress and her
crooner, 35, recited vows before
District Judge Frank McNamee,
The play at the gaming tables
continued tnrougnout tne rites,
Leach Gets 3
Years, Relates
Crime History
' A dramatic story of how he
shot a buddy on an Italian beach
head during world War n and
was sentenced to 30 years In pri
son was told in Circuit Court
Thursday by a confessed burg
lar.. .-.,,,'..' .
Noah. Leach, 39, who went on
a wild spending spree in Merrill
after breaking into Al's pool hall
Sept. 9 and stealing $50, was sen
tenced to not more than three
years in prison by Judge David
R. Vandenberg. .
When asked by the court about
his past criminal record, Leach
told the court he shot a soldier
In Italy. ,.
"We were on the beach," he
declared. "The company com
mander issued an order to put
out all fires. This soldier I shot
wouldn't put his fire out. So I
shot him."
"The victim did not die. '
Leach said he was tried by a
military court and sentenced to
20 years at hard labor. He said
part of the sentence was served
in a stockade In Africa. When
he returned to the United States
the sentence was reduced to five
years. He finished the term In
Malin, Mich.
After he broke into the Merrill
pool hall, Leach made the rounds
of the bars buying drinks for the
house. Merrill police became sus
picious when they saw htm pay
ing for liquor with rolls of dimes
and nickels. He admitted the bur
glary after he was placed under
arrest. . ,
DAMASCUS. Syria I Three
hundred and twelve candidates will
compete for tne 82 seats in tne
Syrian parliament, in wo uci.
elections. 1
Refusers Enter Custody With Peace Doves On Jackets, Singing
PANMUNJOM an The Commu
nists today surrendered to neutral
nations custody 359 war prisoners
23 Americans. 1 Briton snd
335 South Koreans whom the Reds
say asked to remain Denmo tne
Iron Curtain. -
The Americans rode In open Rus
sian-built trucks loudly singing the
Communist "Internationale."
"Arise, ye prisoners of starva
tion, arise ye starvelings of want,"
chanted athe tanned, healthy look
ing men.
They were dressed In drab blue
Mr.- and Mrt. F. H. Denham;
all of Merrill. Tho Festival It
Tulelake Area
TULELAKE Th? grain Harvest
in the Tulelake basin is practical
ly over. With only a few scattered
fields left to combine the bumper
crop has been harvested in record
time despite threatening storms
and a few showers that halted op
erations tor a day or two.
Combining of Alsike clover Is In
full swing and this seed crop
should be Out of the. way by the
time the potato, harvest gets start
ed. Indications are this will be
about Oct. l. . :
On-lower Klamath Lake- the bar
ley harvest Is Just getting under
way and considerable green stuff
it sun noticeaDie In many fields.
Several thousand acres of grain
was ruined by the hail storm that
passed over the east portion of the
laxe Monday.
After a day' of idleness while the
straw dried out, combines started
moving again Wednesday, but In
many cases they cut one swath
around the field and shut down.
There wasn't enough grain In the
ouik tanks to pay the combine
crew.. .,,':.,
One farmer stated he wisned he
had about a thousand head of
hogs to turn loose in bis uncut
field. Hogs or sheep should fare
very well In the hall-stricken fields-
Probation Lost
For Man In Jail :
Probation for - Charles -. Patrick
Poltra convicted In March 1952 of
a boxcar looting near Merrill, end
ed Thursday in Circuit Court..
Judge . David R,' Vandenberg or
dered Poltra to appear Saturday
for sentence.
Probation Officer' Jake Leicht
told the court that Poltra told
friends he would rather go to the
state prison at Salem than stay
on probation. ' ' ;
When brought before the court
for a hearing on a recommendation
of District Attorney Frank Alder
son that probation be rescinded,
Poltra was serving 30 days In Jail
for drunkenness.
The defendant and three other
men were convicted of stealing 60
sacks of potatoes from a boStcar at
Merrill. They admitted selling the
spuas to a peaaier. They were giv
en probation. .
Officer Leicht told the court that
Poltra violated the terms of pro
bation by getting drunk and leav
ing the state of Oregon.
Olive Cornett, GOP National
Committeewoman from Oregon
will be In the receiving line at the
Lane County Republican Womens'
tea tomorrow, honoring Oregon's
first lady, Mrs. Paul Patterson, in
the Osburn - Hotel, 'Eugene. , Of
statewide social and political Im
portance, tomorrow's event is the
fourth annual tea honoring a wife
of the governor of Oregon. t
Chinese uniforms and wore white
pins with the Plocaso- peace dove
symbol on their Jackets. None
spoke to American newsmen and
most avoided even looking at the
watching correspondents,
The South . Korean prisoners
screamed "American Imperialists,
get out I" at U. 8. newsmen who
watched the transfer of prisoners
to custody of Indian troops In the
demilitarized zone near here.
The Americans looked happy
and contented. . The Communists
quoted them as saying they love
their country and some day will
Klamath Baiin Potato Feitival are
Marilyn Hammond, S, daughter of
scheduled for Oct. 23 and 24.
Baptist Church
Prowler Sought ';
By Cop Irt Dark
TULSA, Okla. ()-Of fleer Orv
al Bennett was scouting a Bap
tist church here lato t. night
for a possible burglar.
Creeping down some stairs In
the darkened church he felt 'his
feet getting wet.- Tryirg to de
termine his location he slipped.
- Kerplashl He ended up In tne
He .caught nothing. '.
The Day in Brief
Gen. Mark Clark says the U.S
will offer to return Its 1100.000
prise Communist MIG Jet when
the rightful owner of tne plane is
determined. A Far East com
mand spokesman in Tokyo in re
ply to a question -said nc am not
know how rightful owner.smp wouia
be determined. The MIG was flown
to South Korea by a North Ko
rean pilot.; .. ' r
A member of the Polish U.N.
delegation who recently asked for
sanctuary In the United States told
the House Unamerican , Activities
Committee that he made the break
because he could serve Poland to
the fullest extent only from the
United States. ,
Stock market sales at noon today
were 350,000. shares. The AP 60
stock average was 102 5, unchanged
At the TJ.N. in New York, the
British have called on Russia to
negotiate on Issues with the. West,
one at a time. -. -. 'V ' ,
Secretary of State Dulles has
told the American Federation of
Laoor convention that the AFL has
done more than any other single
group to explode the Communist
myth that a workers paradise ex
ists behind the Iron Curtain. - ,
Democratic Sen. Thnmis Hen
nlngs of Missouri wants the U.S
to step up Its military defence pro
gram regardless of the cost. In a
speech prepsred for the AFL con
vention, Hennlngs declared "The
Russians may soon have tne atom
ic weapons to destroy .our1 big
industrial centers."
The Public Health Servlr.e has
announced the number of polio
cases increased slightly last week,
by 2 per cent over the preceding
week- -
FORECAST Klamath Fall, and
vicinity: Fair through Friday with
high of 75; low Thursday night 34.
High yesterday ... ... 71
Low last night J 39
Preclp fast ti hours
- '
Since Oct. 1 . ,.
Normal for period
Same period last year
return when the American people
hav achieved "freedom.'.
"We hope to play our nan in
achieving this and we know the
American people will receive us
back on that day with open arms,"
said a statement the- Red? said
was drafted and signed ry the
Americans while at nearby Ke
song. .
' The Briton. . identified as a Ma
rine who had served seven years
of a 13 year enlistment, was
. "I am determined to- play, my
small part In fighting for t better
Janet Denham, 5, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hammond, '
Wiley Sees No
US Sales Tax
GREEN ' BAY. Wis. Wl Sen-
Wiley (R-WU) said, today tho
United States must Increase Its
defense spending, but he said a
national sales tax Is the wrong
way to raise the revenue needed.
Such a tax, he predicted would
be "thunderingly rejected" by
Congress. And he said the Elsen
hower administration would pro
pose and push through a sales tax
only "It it wanted to dig its own
political grave." 1
' Many Republicans In Congress
'have- been talking . hopefully -of
cutting military expenditures furth
er. But Wiley, chairmen of the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit
tee, declared in a speech prepared
lor a luncneon meeting 01 tne
Green Bay Rotary Club:
"Defense expenditures are going
to have to increase because we
simply are not adequately prepared
on a continental oasis."
Secretary of the -Treasury
Humphrey has said a federal sales
tax is one of many proposals being
considered, but that no llnal deci
sions have been made on what to
recommend to Congress. Tax law
changes scheduled to lake effect
automatically next year will cost
the Treasury ' about eight billion
dollars a year.
8en. Wiley said a sales levy "Is
the worst, unfalrest type 01 tax"
because it falls most heavily on low
income families.
He offered no specific tax sug
gestions of his own.
King Of Hoboes
Says Soys Pay
Income Taxes
ST. LOUIS in The self-styled
King of the Hoboes" is in fit.
Louis on vacation and to take a
look at the AFL convention while
on a pension of $100 a month.
All of the 'boes are working
now and society Isn't giving them
handouts like in years back," aald
jeu Davis yesterday. He said "the
'boes are actually paying Income
tax,' although he didn't Indicate
whether he thought this was good
or bad. -
' The 70-year-old Davis said he
didn't anticipate any trouble get
ting In the AFL convention since
he has "two bushels of labor con
vention badges.' .
Davis said members of the 'boes
have placed him on a "civil list"
or pension of $100 a month.
Permission to Shoot
Confuses Gunman
VAN. NUYS, Calif. Wl "Go
ahead and shoot," Jeweler Harry
Sosin calmly told a gunman who
had ordered him to the rear of his
store on the threat of shooting
him In the face yesterday.
The Intruder looked perplexed
for a moment, then ran out to a
waiting auto and fled.
sort of world I believe In . . ."
Allied '"explainers" are to begin
talking to American, British and
South Korean . prisoners at t-e
cimp a mile above PanmunJom
Saturday, telling them they have
the right to be repatriated It they
At ,the same time, Communist
representatives 'will visit 32.600
North Korean and Chinese pris
oners who refuse repatriation at
another Indian camp five mlie
southwest of PanmunJom, trying
to make them change their m'nris.
The Allies Thursday Boosted the
at r i . 1 ji aaw jar a as . aaai m m m . m air .
States Thursday offered to return
to its "rightful' owner" the MIG
15 Jet plane flown Into American
lines by a North Korean pilot, i
At the same time the Far East
Command withdrew for the dura
tion of peace talks the offer to pay
$50,000 for MIGs delivered to the
West. - r
The statement by Gen. Mark W.
Clark, U. N. commander, had no
thing to say directly about pay
ment to the Korean pilot who de
livered the first MIO last week.
Pentagon officials, ' however;
noted that there was nothing In
the Clark statement to ' make 1 It
retroactive. On that basis the Ko
rean would get his moneytSO.OOO
for the plane plus another $50,000
bonus as the first to take up the
U.S.-Offer. ' if ,
- Clark's statement, released sim
ultaneously here,, and in . Tokyo,
said; . . 1 , -,y- '
"The traditional policy of the
United States of America to grant
asylum to those seeking freedom
remains unchanged. ,
"However, during this period of
armistice discussions the, offer by
the Far East Command on April
27, 1953, to award tso.oop tor
undamaged MIOs brought to our
aide Is withdrawn. t
"When the rightful ownership of
the MIO that recently landed at
Kimpo has been established we
will offer to turn, it over to that
owner." - .:.'.-.. v ' ,'. .''" 0 -In
Tokyo, a spokesman for the
Far East Command said he did
not know how "rightful" owner
ahlp of the MIG would be de
termined. - He said the pilot who brought the
first MIO into South Korea "will
get his $100,000 but any other Com
munist pilots would get only asy
lum ana no money rewara.
The spokesman data not know
where the MIG is now and a
spokesman for the Far East Air
mrce In Tokvo aald he had no
information "that I can give you
at this tana."
Righfs Forced
Onto Confessor
Judge David R. Vandenoerg re
fused Thursday to permit a con
fessed thief to waive grard Jury
Investigation, ' -:
William C. JJaggeu, a, accuscu
of stealing a used suit from the
Clothes Mart, told the court he
didn't want the grand Jury to In-
vftstieatA his case.
"How did you know you could
waive grand jury," ine juage asteu
Baggett. .
'Anybody knows mat, ine ae
fendant recited.
Without further comment, Judge
Vandenberg ordered Baggett re
turned to: the County Jail, in ex-nlalnlna-
his action, he said: '
Fellows nit . uus come into
court and willingly waive their
rights.. Then when they get to
Salem they claim they were rail
roaded into prison- xnei woe 1 nap-
pen In this case." . .
Greater Switch
To Barley Seen
with the establishing or wneat
marketing quotas, 300,000 acres of
wheat Und in Oregon will be plant
ed to other crops next year.
Vic ' Johnson, former assistant
county agent In Klamath County
and now uouniy agent in umauua,
says ' that most of their acreage
taken from wheat will be planted
to barley.
A major shut to. barley wouia
double , the present acreage of
that crop In Oregon and seriously
complicate storage and marketing.
Reduced acreage of crops under
support, to comply with federal
regulations Is not, an answer to over
production of agricultural commo
dities. It merely snnis uie over
production from supported to non
supported crops but does little, If
any, overall reducing.
SAIGON, Indochina I Floods
have washed away bridges and
cut communications oetween nue
and the French naval and air base
at Tourane on the Indochtnee coast
about 376 miles north of Saigon.
Three days of rain caured the
number of missing United Nations
soldiers' for whom they demand
an accounting from the Reds by
17 w 3.431.
The Allies conceded at a meet
ing of the armistice commission
secretariat, that some POWs on
the original list submitted Sept. 9
had been repatriated.
The U. N. Command deleted 37
names from the original list o( 941
Americans, then added 41 more
American names. They al.-o added
the names of two British soldiers
and one Canadian.
Na. IStt'
" . BROADCASTS ' '"';". .
Both Klamath Falls radio sta
tions, KFLW and KFJI, plan to
handle " tonight's , heavyweight
championship tI gh t bnuetm V
style.. .Both atatwn managera
aa)d as often as. possible they'd
break In with a abort account f
how -the fight' Is.' progressing...
The International Boxing Clob
haa oatUwed any direct- atow-by-i
blew description or re-onattoa f J
the Rooky Marclaaa-Relaad La-,
NEW - YORK ' I Heavyweight
Champion Rocky Marolane eur-
prlsingly -weighed hi oae-fomrth
1 poind heavier tkaa caallea-'
ger Roland LaStarxa for the ls-i
round title boot tonight at the
Feto Grounds. Mercian weighed :
1M, LaStona iMK. (See early
story in sports section.) . j.' 't ,
: -".' FAGAN SELLS'''-- ' i
Fagan, millionaire owner of the
San Francisco baseball chtb,
-announced Thursday he had sold
the fraachlae and players to the
Paciilo Coast League, The league
also took -a five-year leas mm .
Seals Stadium. Damon Millet,
general manager of the crab
and appointed custodian of tho
league's new properties, la ex-;
pec ted to be named, president
and has been authorised to fena
: a holding corporation which will .
operate the Seals. - . ,
With 3 Knives
Section Hand . .
Worried. C. Perei
r Ta the annals of the West there
J are plenty of two-gun men. His
tory also is crammed with the
records of desperadoes . who
; wield one knife. - , -.
But District Judge D tV Van
Vac tor late Wednesday Lud to
deal with a '"three-knife man."
' Louis Villa, a section hand,
faced the court on a charge of
disorderly conduct. The court
was informed that the defendant
terrorized C Peres, with, three
. knives. ' -' :' - ' .' 1
a According to officers who ar
rested " Villa at Chemult, he
threatened Peres with three dif
ferent knives. He was finally sub
dued by a blow on the head with
a hatchet wielded by Peres, v
. Judge Van Vactor Imposed a
fine of $200. When he lolled to
pay It, the defendant was sen- -fenced
to TA days In the 'County
Jail. .- ' l ' .;
TOKYO Wl A powerful tropical
typhoon Is expected to hit Japan
about noon Friday. Japanese gov
ernment weathermen forecast
v.l j. - L X
SCARY RESCUE Fire Marshal Jamei Hughes, held by
unseen ropet, reaches out in- attempt, to bring Millicent Armin,
36 back from ledge en the 20th floor of the Tribune Tower in
Chicago. Attar more than an hour the woman .was pulled to
safety. More than 1000 spectators watched the tense drama
from tha street below, -
TOKYO W Oea. Mark Clark !
told, the Communists Thmradar ho
oenaldera -"wholly TOcooptaula'
Rod answara to ."O.K. demaada
for an accounting of missing Al
lien soldiers Delia vea 10 nave Men
prisoners of war.
In a letter delivered at Panmun
Jom Thursday night, the VJf. com
mander demanded the 'immediat ,
return of, those United Nation
command personnel remaining in
your bands, and an honest aceouttt
tog for all others who. have been
so clearly Identified aa having
been In your custody." , !
The AWe. demanded ea Bepti t
an accounting of 3.404 men, Incbjd
ing $44 Aroerioani, identified at
some time as prisoners ot tho .
Reds. The- total waa nrnsoa '
ward to 3.4J1 Tburaday.' 1
The Rods replied that awn of
the men already have bean repat
riated,; other wan reteaaed at to
front, eome escaped and soma dioa.
But the CommunkU aald moat of
those on the list nevar wm pris
oners, ; -
Clark declared to nla letter to
the Reds that the Allied list "dM
not constitute the names of per- .
a nnel merely missing In action .
It was comprised' of thoso persona
who spoke over your radio or were
referred - to in your, broadcasts,
were listed; by you as captivas, ..
wrote letters from- your priaoa
camps or were seen In your prla
IS. a i .' t-. -iit 'V-
Clark told . tha (Xurummlsta his
demand includea all UJ. parson
nel, .no matter . where thay may
have bean captured or where they
are held, in custody. '
; It was a clear reference to air
men tha Red aay were captured In
Manchuria and are bemg held prla.
oners outaide of North Korea. . -Unofficial
Red eouroea have
hinted , that these airmen, includ
ing doubat aee Harold Fischer, Air
Force captain from Iowa, are not
considered' prisoners of war and
their release' will have to be ne
gotiated through diplomatic Chan -
Mudist Cestp
Opsrator Notes :
Winter s Coninj
HTLLSDALt. nt. Ml to toe
habitues of Woodland Acre there
are only two aw ion each year
summer and. wot summer,
. .ntght 'now. wrth breeirf ool
nights and occasional balmy days,
tha followers are aharply divided
on which one tt Js. . : .. v
It' not a casual decision, be
cause Woodland Acres Is a nudist
camp with no furnace or stoves.
What's more, tha omission of fi
nal plastering work has-left ex
aggerated air holes In tho new club
room' walls, t . , . - 1 i
-As some of the dle-easles. : who
have ended their season, put It:
"Drafts from the cold night, air
easily could lower the resistance
we have built up durlrur the hour
spent in the hot summer sun."
Harold Zimmerman, who oper
ates the camp with Mrs. Zimmer
man, says they'll "all be of f to the
closets for clothes" come Oct, M.
He' closing the club for the sea
son on that date.
Zimmerman is planning a base
ball diamond and additional build
ings next season, -. -
He hopes to be ready by May
or June. - . ,
Too early? '
"When- the flowers and trees be- 1
gin to bear, ao do- we begin to
bare," he countered, -