PAGE SIXTEEN Is' f: J fa " 1 MR. KNOW-IT-ALL They're little skeptical, but Pvt. Mary Barlow, left, and Cpl. Joan Stewart listen loi the answer to questions they've asked the "Knuw-lt-AU" talking robot at Lon don's National Radio Show. SgL Bernard Scottin demonstrates "Mr.. Magneslron's" electronic-pn -d speakin" ability. Battle Creek ABC Champion BATTLE CREEK, Mich. U) Battle Creek, the boat team, is DTTGCH Deal lag r inlk Miaaie ' efo natter bow bub? iwiffla oa hate tried lor HealM outms. psoriasis, infea 1 tiena. athlete'e foot or waaterer roar esia ' trouble may bo enrOilae from Koad to . fool WONDER SALVE end Wood Si Mica Ud Soap oan help you. De.elepea' for fho sort in Ibt Arm7 ' now for yea f olkp 4t boat WONDER SALVE la wbllo. SReselaee, ntliepUe. No B,lr appearance. Sofa for ehlktren. Col WONDER SALVE and WONDER MEDICATED SOAP Renlta . mr money rofandod. IMr sroaearfej " Biaparatloaa, Try iaeas, OLD IN KLAMATH FALLS BY FAY LISS and WALGREEN DRUGSTORES; OR FOUR HOMETOWN DRUGGIST. of DEUimtE nnns Osf MT.ii.CeRlty, 1M4 AIR CONDITIONING Hwwt Metal Warli All Kinds Htatliit VantlloHnj RING'S SHEET METAL 2104 Vi So. 6th Auto Towing Service Ph. 5126 to 5127 JIM AND ART'S TOWING SERVICE 6th and Walnut (Located at Jim Olien Motors) 24 HOUR SIRVICI tor Any Slst Job ANYWHERE ANYTIMI BASIN BRIEFS On th. Air Over KFLW-CBS at 2:45 Daily MstlR Nolle.,, Lest and Found, Itemi of Community Int.ieit Listen , . . Fhsna In Your hams. There li No Charge COMMERCIAL HAULING Ph. 9240 ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 So. 6th HEAVY HAULING "Anywhere far Hire" Call ui ier Feat Dependable Service After Hour, Ph. Res. DRY CLEANING SANITONE RELIABLE CLEANERS 1116 Main ELECTRIC CONTRACTING Ph.2-2528 LFACH SERVICE CO. 123 So. 6th St. Cameichil Raaldantlol . Indurtil.l Elactricel lnlnaailns . Meters Swavlles Expert Watch Repair 4524 S. 6th HYDE'S JEWELERS 4524 So. 6th. Jewelry Manufacturing end Repair Clock Repair " inirevlnf, Center Diamond! for Less GLASS, DOORS. WINDOWS Ph. 7477 THE GLASS HOUSE 215 No. Uth flote, Crystal and Window Glass Storm Son end Screens to Order Estimates Gladly Glv Lawnmower Sharpening Ph. 4672 . BODENHAMER SAW FILING 351 E. MAIN Sew Mint Lawnmower Shorpenina and Repairing I.S.A. Motercycles Ree Lawn Mowers Btiggi-StroHon end Clinton Motors PUMPS - IRRIGATION INTERSTATE PUMP ENGINEERING Co. fail-bank a Ja4n-M IVisaaaatftla D.,. .....a, Z I"tM8 Dleatl Englnttv. Sprinkler Pumps. WANT ADS It's so EASY and INEXPENSIVE to uie HERALD A NEWS WANT AOS. To BUY Te SELL To TRADE Te FIND Te HIRE .. , 1953 champion of the American Baseball Congress Tournament. Battle Creek, which went through the Amateur World Series finals undefeated, downed Okla homa City 2-1 Monday night to grab the title. and other redol diiorden. MLH All STIHACI A1UKNTI IIPTItt (Rink) ' ImM Mrttttwt Newts! IWk. ftj. Dmii.M.IJ. THI DEAN CLINIC Om 10 imHI 5 Meindey fhroufh frMe. UntH e.M, MtMday, Wednetday end rridey. . Chlreprectic Fknitlani ... In our 43rd year. 1 MM NORTHfAiri ANDY IOULIVAR J nieMtaita lAil 3I3 aertland 13. Of. 1 Ph. 5683 Ph. 8115 Mil) Ph. 4622 Ph. 2-3464 Merril-Lakeview Jet. T..-L.I a i ursine ang rrcptim rumpl System, Repairs e ell main Ph. 8111 Legal Notice NOTICE Or SALS TAliaB it Krahv afiven tint the UH ibNifRMi sheriff if Klamath County. Oregon, pursuant to an order of the County Court of Klamath County. Ore- fon, dated on tna 2btn oay 01 abiuii, DVt will on that Iflth (lav of October 1933 at tha hour of ten o'e.ock in the forenoon of said day. at tba front door of the County Courthouse in Klamath Falls, Oregon, nil for cash (ha real nrarttrtv hereinafter described for tha euro of not leu than tha amount tet out In each of tha separate parcel hereinafter oetcrinaa. tame Being minimum price as set by the iaid County Court. Tha said real properly 11 aescriDea as ioiiowb: Fraction SE'aSWV dese. deed vol. 13B, page 33. leu portion 38' x M la the moit northerly corner, i.ns acres. asv M T 24 g.. ft a C. W. M. 1310. NWSWV. 40 acres. See. 37. T. 33 n, o ... vr, m, au Tax Lo 7-4, .138 acres, and Tix Lot t-4, ,217 acres sec. is, T. W B-, 10 C. W. M 1.145. Tax Lot t-t, .41 aeres, and Tar Lot T-e, .i acres, aeciion ie. i h , n. lO E. W M 14. MZYttnWt. 40 acres. Section T. T. 33 H.. R. 9 E . W. M I360. SWVNEt'. NWV,SFV4 Sec. 15. . T. 33 S.. R. BE, W. M. $360, for. wehwv desc. deed vol m. p. Ml, O.lfl acres. Sec, a E- w m sin 12, I. aW O, JW. Tax Lot 7-33, .14 acres. Sec. 14, T. aJO B.. It. IV, t... W. Por. SWUSEU, rlMe. ded vol 6ie 460, .80 aes. portjoi. vacated idlsnd (formerly Lots Ik. 13, 14. Bik. 13 Midland) Sec. 38 T. 38 S-, R. 4 W. AS 9SQ. Lot t. atastarlw 11(1' Imi mcfoHw an1 of whInIv inn' mir rim ai. lamont Acrea u. Loti 1 and 3. Btk. T, 8twart-ff 110. Lai 1 anrl . Rlh a Nnrth r hamuli $30. . Lots 3, 4, 0, 9, Bik. 6, North Chemult 160. Lota T, 8. 10, Bik. f, Nortb wi u, bik, a. North Chemult SIS. Lot 13, Block 8. Chlloauin Acres 830. 1.04 er in Rlnrk .Iff 1 in arm in Block 31, l.ue Acres In Blork 32. and 8120. 1.04 acres In Block 34 and 1 09 acres In. Block 35, First MfdIand-60. 3 3 4 Bl0Ck Midland tnd 840. Latsi n. a. i. a. niwir t umi.. . Px.i' 10 u- Block Midland joi iJ, Bioe ki. Midland 2nd aid. Lots a. a. a. a Rinob a ui... Snd 840. ' r01!7' 10 Block Midland 2nd 840. . Lotsli, 12, 13, 14, Block . Midland Lots i 13, 10, 17, 18, Block 3. Uldland rZT' Si- "J0?? Midland 2nd 820. Lot 10, Block 12. Soraaue Rivetwain Lou Iff. lrl R Invar a lUAtCaWn ' w st-r-aua i2.Vo .?n'rl.t CWioQum-810, Lota 9 and 10. Blnnb a u?. . rkn. 7U J. I""'"!? dcnbed dead city of Klamath Fall. rtn .i.W.' il.S' .A.yon to th. .fi?'."-,3.'!..'":'. iS!!"-' " . city :lty of Klamath FallK-sao. Ondlvld.d 14 lnt.retta i lt S Block So, Wet Like Park S10 Malin tan 4 ? . Block I to. city or Bonanza no. 52, Bowna Add. am 101 A1' b1m . "own. -U85n.BJ0.M' B0Wn' Add to Si.ff """"t-410; all of aald pro? Hai3 Ai "JvJra"n. t-aaniy. Oregon. Oatad tlila SJ day of Auguat. 1853. J. M. Brltton Sheriff of Klamath County, ' 8 S-l.jj.2Se,No. SWEATER DECORATIONS By CAROL CURTIS Change a Dlain alln nv.r ,ih -.r. dlgan set Into de-luxe party-going sweaters by means of easily ap plied, drawstring-velvet ribbon mo tifs! Illustrated is a classic set gaily decorated with velvet scrolls ana jei Deads, rour yards of Inch ribbon (you'll find It In the five and - -dime stores) Is quickly shirred up by the self-drawstrlngs to form the "scroll" designs. Ac tual size "Scroll." "Pearl Ladder" and "Geometric" motifs are given in the pattern; ribbon Is obtain able in a dozen colors I Send 2Sc for the three "Draw string" Velvet Ribbon trims for Sweaters, Blouses, Scarves (Pat tern No. 677) complete step-by-step instructions, actual size motifs, your name, address, pattern num ber to Carol Curtis, Herald and News, Box 329, Madison Square Station, New York 10. N.Y. Patterns ready to fill orders Im mediately. Por special handling of order via first class mall Include an extra 6o per pattern. INSUMVS WIDOW DIES CHICAGO 10V Mrs. Margaret In sula, 80. widow of Samuel Instill. the one-time public utilities mag nate, died today at St. Luke's hos pital. Housework Easy Without Nagging Backache NatT.T in backache, kma of pp and merer, hraiiache and din in mi mar be due to alow, down of kidney function. Dorton Say ood "7 function Is Tcry Important to good health. When some everyday condition, such aa at rou ami attain, causes thia imjorUnt runct l.m toalow down, many folksButTsmar 8ine backnehc-ftvl mhvrable. Minor blad der Irritat ions dua to cold orwrona dial m cause Belt ina up nlfhta or frequent paaaa tea, a i 1 npt ru' kidneya If these eondU tioo-i wmer you. i ry uoan a PHU-a mild di uretic. It amacint how many timN Doan's Rive happy relief from the diicomfnrta help th S miles of kidney tube, and Alters flush out Tfini. Ar-k for nw, large, eeonomr ue and save money. Get Doan's PiUt today 1 HERALD AND NBW& KLAMATH FALLS. OKKOOM Legal Notice NOTICC'TO) CREDITORS Notlc. 1, eivan Uiat undaa. aifnad haa been appointed Administra trix ox ina urn ox f-iya. inaa. Cllne. alao written C. C. Cllne. deceaeed. by ina wrewi uiun 01 wie ataie 01 ureson for Klamath County, and that all par aom bavins clalmi asatnat aald da- wrawii or pu eaiaie anau preaani aame. wim proper voucnere, 10 m. ai tna O! Horn at Bert C. TlumM a ImmI. .hiu Inf. Klamath FalU. Oreson, within au month Irom this data, Septomber 21. . Koaella Clin. Thorn paon Admlnlatratrlx s ssoe o t-u No. ess ' ' RESOLUTION NO. am A reaolutlon (Ulna th. time and place for the hearlns or objeeuona to the nuMm MKumim nou niaoe mnu filed by the Common CouncU of City of Klamath fella. Oreson. In the matter vi , improvement or. tne alley Block three of Hot Sprlnjie addition erally known aa Improvement tji No. iai: and approving aald Aaausmaat ..i. w. uw tainmui council naj iiMiuc miu nwu in uie omee 01 tna rouce i nuimca Aaaaaament noli, In connection uith tVi. nlvi..-u( provement of. th. allay In Clock three of Hot Spring, addition to City of Klamath ralli. Oregon, (generally known aa Improvement Unit No. Ill) a. more fullv ihnn ah t dcacrlbed in the apaelficatlana of the City :S . ' . " ine matter or tne aald Improvement With tha aald Police lerefore. be It muIvmI t. k. ....mU.. wwu.ivn hi tne vity 01 Klam ath ralle. Oreeon. itulv uumhu t. ii tuiiowa; . - section j. That the 12th Hav nf rI..V... tan at the hour of 7:30 o'clock of aald I, "t .the Council Chamber In the tlty Hall for the City of Klamath lelli. Oregon, be and hereby la fixed aa the date, Urn. and place for tha hearing ment roll, and to the li,XiS...i ...J ' -1 . , " anai Re It furtK-r p.. -.1 ..... ... .. .. Proooied Aeseaiment Itnll v.. i. hereby approved by th. Common Couo- Be it further ranluH h . I t.u fu" of th. aald City give at leaat ..w vmjm "Vllt., uy lUOUCBllOn Ul the Herald and New,, th. official clu new.paper. on three aepar.u days, and Int. block, olece Or Oareel ..J property set forth and described in sain Proposed Assessment Roll that at aaid ......... u. uie t,ommon uouncu on said date, all objections made filed to Vh .""ani.nt roll and to the lndl- J ' -.mjuicim tnerein. will ue heard and determined, and that follow ing a determination of all objections the Common Cminrll u.m I ku ordinance, to assess th. proportionate anar. of the cost ot maxmc such the cost ot making auch,m m accoroance the henerila ...n.;.. aw . to each lot,, part of lot. block, piece or eretofor. fXSSl -"f.""..FJPf "Jj liable for inch e..Vu S .PI"'.! ""J .PUhllshed es aforeaaia ehall further atate n hMin.i.-i-. .uiv. In which the property lies that Is bound to be benefited and liable for such proportionate share of tha coal of such Improvement, and shall also refer to Juf n f roposed Assessment RoU, for detailed information; and that tha noun darlea within which th. properly lies that la so benefited and to be assessed for auch iniprovement, is aU the prop erty lying adjacent to the aald alley a far aa the proposed improvement ex. lenoa tneron, and extending back from tha said lines of said alley the distance of one-half block, together with th. Quarter Of each htnrk ahuttlna iiti-t. ' ij atreet intersection 7-- . u , . iua.r aoau o. naoi. tor SUch inter.Mi.t nn PlMMl hv fh rnR.M f " -' Slst day of September. 1953. ' .Prewnted to the Mayor of aald City and by him approved and alined thia anna aay or September, 11.53. r"u' ianary, Mayor pAlfext. ) Frank A. PlacKmer Stale nf n.Mnn County of Klamath, SS City of Klamath Kails, of''thv,BieV.k" fc1, J?" do hereby cerUfy that th. above and GSntotrodue-Sdi th Fall, orei Son. at its restllar tnl. nf neia on STJtUri ?weafter appioved and thT Police Judge.'" "a rtUNiea Dy rrnnx a. Biackmer s awai?' SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT or TUT . . Investors Diversified Services, Ine. MinneaDOlis. MlnnMnli in eh. kia.. first day of .December 1932, made to ui uieun, punuant to law: Amount of CaolUl Stock po up .? 1,453,722.85 Interest Earned $10,221 ,804.08 Dividends Earned M 992,587.60 Dividends on Stock of Subsidiary Companies 678,000.00 wiervviiaiissuuf. jut7rae Income 3,207.772.23 Certificate Servicing Income 425,849.48 Fees from Subsidiary and Affiliated Companies .... 4,098,588.34 Commissions from Subsidiary and Affiliated Companies 13,211,665.10 Miscellaneous .... 188,888.36 Total Income 35,000,UB.05 EXPENSES Provision for Certificate Reserves 0.744.881.21 Commissions Paid .v. 9,87019.39 Certificate Interest Expense 839,348.84 yuwr t,niucaie expense 2,060,332.00 MortaTiee AtTinrV in nna ne 4,132,539.90 101.422.77 293,283.58 100,898.04 988.84 323,053.91 701,198.91 814,802.11 Employees Hetlrement Plan Rent Depreciation on Equipment Depreciation on fiat vtt Taxes Other than Income Siva. avtuM on oaies OI Other Opera tiri' Expenses Total Expenses $2B.814.ost.i Net income before pro .visions lor Income Taxes .. a a nou sm Provision for Income Taxes 2r233'ooo!oo Plus: Portion Applicable to tw,ww w aierrea INI 18,027.99 3,253,027.99 ... 3,833,029.69 Net Income AnMllTeT.fl A Bfirrs Cash on Han4 and In Bank 7,855.988.07 Investment tn flawiiHti. ai oiimnaa federal Housing Admlni-" airauon insurea rirst morjfaes 38,821,191.99 . I. Partially Guaranteed First Mortgases 38,037,790.89 I. fullv fluai-a ntri First Mortoges 2,104,898.37 Other First Mortgages on Real Estate 9S.821.812.05 Other First Mortgages from Subsidiary Com- Panic 11.031,500.07 Contracts for Sale of Real Estate 98.130.28 Second Mortgages 130.000.00 Loana on Certificates 13.055.397.04 Real Estate ... 272,147.33 Accrued Interest and Divi denda Receivable on In- vestment 1.030,085.50 Investments in Capital Slock of wholly owned Sub sidiary Companies 8,377,605.65 Investments in Capital Stock of Other Subsidiary Com panies 3,450,840.00 Receivables from Subsidiary Companies 3.331,678.44 Sundry Receivables 717,168.63 wraimn equipment ana improvements ,. .,.,. Sundry Assets . 907,339.70 313,603.49 Total Admitted Assets 8261,230,19:1.81 Total Admitted Assets Includes assets deposited with various states. Provinces or depositaries pursuant to various re quirements of, statutes of, rulings by, or agreements made wtth approval of such States and Provinces, or of any regulsrtory or supervisory authorities thereof. LIABILITIES Certificate Reserves: Installment Certificate: Cash Surrender Values Attained . ..... 81ft8.1R2.fl43 .30 Interim Payment , 11.655.21217 Advance Payments 6,703.000.14 Additional Credits 246,392.47 Olher Reserves .... .... 9.855.381.08 PSORIASIS Atnaainir new dlscarar. with, out drurs, medicines, ointments or olher product, brings com plete relief from Psoriasis. A tested home treatment Is now available. Without obligation write for free Information to II. S. Iralr, 6J0S MarArthur Blvd... Oakland S, California. CLASSIFIED RATIS On day r" ord Three day Week Run . Uonth run - .per word lie .per vora 30c per word tkVc tamttou The minimum edarg for any one ad t uu 1 OEAUUNia Classlflad ads acceptea up te 1:31 p.m. for tallowing oay a pusucauon, up 10 noon eaiuraay tor atonaay. classified display ads accepted up to 13 noon lor fouowtng ty pueu- cation. BOX NUMBERS Answer to ads may 0 handled through bos numbers at Ct paper for a service enart or iae ADJUST AtSNT menta without delay. Please make all claim for adjust Corrections or cancellations re. ceivad by 5:30 run. will be mad in following day publication, 07 u noon aaturaay lor Monoay. C FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath funeral HamiTTSb align tilreet. ynon. ; I MEETING NOTICES ALCOHOLICS Pbon. S4S3. RfiAMT OOLF and Country Club in- formal buffet aupper danc. Saturday nlsht. CoekUU hour 30. 1.19 pur person. Legal Notice SYNOPSIS OP ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Investors Syndicate of America. Inc. Minneapoiia,, auiiuiinoui, ou i thlrty flnt djy ot Dectmber ISUmad to the Imuranc CommUiloner of the SUte of union, purauani to law; . CAPITAL Amount of CaoiUi Stock P10 Up . 9 750,000.00 INCOME Interest Earned $ M12.U5.6S Olvidendj Earned ... 1,806.337.09 UlMlUneoiu Ineanu ia.793.7f. Net Loadina Earned nerviet r arts on anaiaaiinicnt raymenu -. 130,367.83 Income ..$ ,571,187.3X aVari.niaijs Aporovriatlona to Certificate tfeaerva ,no,873.31 General and Other Ooer- Jn ExDenws 938.4ii.oa Mlecetlaneoua Interest Ex- oenses Miscellaneous Certificate Exoentee ' 3S.S50.2fl (jommliiionj suosequent years sinaie evaymeni CertiHf ltd . . aD.M4.QB Amounu rata or rayaoie 10 invesiora tiiveniiito oer- Vices. Inc. Mortfaf Service Tees 7447,613.93 , investment Manaaement Fees 222,597.73 certmcate collection ree 188.119.30 Other Services j. 86343.37 ' Xxpenaea 8,010,701.73 Net Income from Operations S 1,580,483.58 net income from oaie of Investments Marketable Securities....! (105.928.14. Real Estate ..... 32,144.70 First Mortgaflaa 31,195.70 (42 .583.741 Net Income Before Income Provision for Income Tax Net Income, before Soacial Chare $ 1,421,899.84 Special Charge 140,000.00 Net Income S 1.1S1JMU AUMlliBU ABBelB Cash In Banks S Cash In Transit .. 44a.804.73 Cash en Denosit with Central Depository S.13S.SK.7S Marketable Securities ..... 4S.2S3J07.B6 aaortgases on Keel juiaie: Federal Hoilslne Adm. Insured Hortsase 73,O3O.70.01 G. I. First Mortfases Partially Guaranteed St,310,30O.S4 O. 1. Mortsagea Fully Guaranteed S.305.SS4.SJ Other First Mortfaie. S3.S19.SSB.44 Accrues interest ana uivi- denda Saeeivehla en In. veatinenU 7SO.0SM8 Loana on Certificate. 1.349.381.03 Accounts Receivable 104.323.91 Unamortized Premiuma on Uortgagea 1,984,013.13 Total Admitted AsseU...S23S,079,s28.42 LIABILITIES Certificate Reserves SU8.09S.731 .37 Commissions Payable 43,293.90 Accounts Payable 1,168,184.46 Undistributed Cash Collec tions . ' 14J.73J.43 Deterred Income Net Sale. Loadlnf Applicable to: Future . Operatlona 391,770.95 Unearned Interest 103.989.49 Reserve lor Taxes . 102.S19.8S 8220,051,201.48 Capital Paid Up ..S 730,000.00 Surplus Paid In 262,900.00 Surplua Earned 9.008,933.98 6.021.423.98 Total Liabilities S22S.072.S26.42 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR YEAR Certificate Raceipu during year S 943,361.02 Payments to Certificate Holder during th. year: Maturities S3.IS3.17 Optional settlement 33.S13.9B Surrendera 126.410.60 Coupons and Interaet paid on Crtlfleatea during year NONE Nam. of Company: Investors Syndicate of America, Inc. Nam. of President: E. E. CBABB , Nam. of Secretary: ' R. W. PETERSON Statutory Resident Attorney for Service: ANDREW KOERNER. 800 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon. 143 No. 633. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice La hereby given, that the un aeralirned administratrix of the estate of William Henry Luther, talso known as William Luther. WlUiem H. Luther and W. H. Luther!, deceased, has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Ore. gnn for Klamath County her final ac count of her administration ot said es tate, and th. Court haa aopolnted the 30th dev of Semember. 19.H3. at 10:0n o'clock a.m.. as the time and the Court Room of said Court as the place for the hearlns and aettlement 01 said ac count. Dated this 2nd day of September. 1933. F. M. Carlson, Administratrix of th. Estate of William Henry Luther, also known as William Luther. William H. . Luther and W. H. Luther, Deceased. Farrena Sc Maxwell Attorneya for Administratrix S 2-9-16-23 No. 828 Fully Paid CertMlcatea 13.S32.44S.18 Olher Llabllltiea , 4.S17.848 97 Deferred Income 561.938 as Total Liabilities Except Cap ital . WIS 435.314.S0 Capital Paid Up S 1.433,722.65 Reserve for Contingencies and Additional Certificate Reserves 0.000,000.00 Earned Surplua .. 82155.36 S13.774.97S.0I Total .' S2S1.230.192.61 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Certificate Receipta during he year T0.71J.JO Certificate maturltiee and surrenders during the sear 304.S3692 Name if Company: .. Inveetore Diversified Services, Inc. . Name of President: E. E. CRABB Nam of Secretary: H. C. THOMPSON Statutory resident attorney for service ANDREW KOERNER 800 Pacific, Portland, Oregon S-24 No. 654. Another Payroll Trim Coming WASHINGTON Wl Chairman Philip Young of the civil Service Commission says the government intends to trim its payroll by 100.. 000 more jobs, but actually lire less than hall that number ol parsons. It NIL WAMTIP. MA 11 TELEVISION JOBS- fr MEN NEEDED. IMMEDIATELY TO TRAIN FOR LUCRATIVE NEW JOB OPENINGS - LOCAL TV MAN-POWER SHORTAGE GROWING Interviews are now being granted sincere, ambitious men In this area who wish to qualify for permanent depres" sion and strike-free employment in the mushrooming and high-paying Television field. TRAINED TV MEN EARN FROM ) $100 TO $200 WEEKLY Age requirements 17-55. High school education not re quired. Training period will not interfere with present work. Nationwide employment service. Television equipment provided for setting up own business if de sired. Act today . . . get in on the ground floor of . America's fastest growing industry. CLIP COUPON TODAY FOR FULL DETAILS ,. (NO OBLIGATION) TELEVISION TRAINING "SERVICE: YES! I am sincerely interested in the job and business opportunities in the fast-growing Television field. Please furnish full details without cost or obligation. NAME STREET... .... MAIL TODAY TO: TELEVISION TRAINING P. 0.. Box 4082, Portland, Oregon 1 MEETING NOTICES CALVARY COMMANDERY No. 16, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, will hold stated meeting, Wed., Sept. 23, 7:30 p.m. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. Chas. Yorkelsnd, E.C. Crater Lake Lodge No, 311. AP&AM will hold a Special Communica tion at the IOOP hall, Thursday, September 24th at 7:30 p.m. Work the MM Degree. Visit ing Brethren invited, CHARLES YORKELAND, W.M. LOST AND POUND LOST. AIREDALE black body, brown less, welffht about 70 pounua. Recently haarri Aniwn tn nimi nf "Hex WIS reward far any informatlo.i leadiniT D nu wnereioouia. wme wire w hone collect, a, B. Byard, -lappy amp, uaui. LOST BLUE and white Tuklake School sweater, me 42. fan. rraox iuanccau, 1 MOX Ull. AUieiUKg. LOST, yellow itriDDed cat. weartna red collar, near im ann miaui. rnuu aa-vaioo. 4 GENERAL NOTICES McDonald Ork. Call Sill or 2-0200. PERSONALS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will (lanut n.ilt run, pm aua. rooni -ma STANLEY Home Products. Phcna SSOft. KLAMATH DETECT1VC A(,rNC frivata investlxatlons. confidential m tervlaws. Mala owner. P.O. Sox 624. Kiamain rails. BEAUTY Counselor coaemellca. Pnone 0 SERVICES YOUR WATCHMAKER'S WATCHWORD IS "SATISFACTION" When you bring your watch and Jewelry repair problems to DALE TEPPER JEWELRY. Whether It's Just cleaning or complete overhaul ing, you're sure It s done right, here! 116 So. 8th Phone 3200 BOBCO PAVING Driveways, Parking Area, etc. F. H. ' A. Terms, Free Esti mates. Phone 6788 or 8789. MOVING? ... Call 7425 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Agents Belting Moving d Storage Peoples Warehouse Warren Bennet Manager "Since 1918" Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest sanitary Methods ALSO ROTO R00TBR SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Hoots, Itc. ED F. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone M1 ROME ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES EXPERTLY SERVICED AND REPAIRED Prompt, Elllclent Service EAST SIDE APPLIANCES 7th at Klamath Ph. 8886 STOVE & FURNACE Cleaning and Repairing GUARANTEED Call DUANE 5149 (PEYTON & CO.) or 4497 Evenings ROOFING, siding, insulation and wea therstrlpplng. 133 No. 4th. phone S866 CUSTOM BALING. Phone 7684. MIMEOGRAPHING and mailing lists ai reasonaoie prices. Klamatn Bull ncas College. 733 Pine. Phone 4670. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Lacy Kins Phone 3335. MOWING and raking. Phone S144. LET ME help problems. Charles Brown. Phone 594a ELECTRICAL work done. No job tie amelL Phone S-I010 before a a.m. MATERNITY CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER Phone 2-3316 CURTAINS laundered atretched Phone 4914. GET YOUR fan eoata lined for winter. Reasonable and Prompt Service. Phone 3779. PLOWING. DISCING 'and Harrowing. H. F. Jarrard, phone 5353 HOOFING. MASONRY, carpentry, we ter proofing. Phone 2-3123 Mr. Cook nil. RTiBvrn Grnuirv Evatt Heating and Weldlns. Phone 6j4cyersQ662, 222 Spiing Street. CEMENT CONTRACTOR Elmer A oninn. t-nnne 0000. ALTERATIONS GUARANTEES Out aide work gladly accepted. Anitas, phone 6353, , . AGE ZONE... STATE Present Working Hours... 1 SWVtCP SHARPEN THAT MOWER NOW! Expert Machine Sharpening ' Parts Service Repairs TROY V. COOK CO. - 3040 Bo. h ' DRESSMAKING Suite and chlldrens clothes a specialty, Joy Parker, phone 13 EDUCATIONAL RHODA ANN BROWN voice rtano Musical Kindergarten Phone S342 1503 Canbr BOOKKEEPING, office machine, iyp- ln, ahnrthanri SMrfwrltlna. kindred subjects. Klamath Business CoUesa. 131 Pine. Phone 4760. - 14 help WANTED, FEMALE CHRISTMAS CARD MONEY MAKERS Name-Imprinted Cards low aa 3 centa M,h sail rrnm rr aamo:es. Also make 650 on 100 new 11.00 Assortmenta from aamoles on . Ninth, Sept, Los Angeles 53. WANTED WOMAN for housework two days a week. Own transportation. Pfcpae 72U7. EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS. Apply Caacade Laundry and Cleanara. , WANTED, experienced motel maid, with transoortatlon North 1 Entrance Motel. Phone 7306. 16 HELP WANTED, MALI WANTED! AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN Guaranteed salary and com. missions. Apply sales manager. JUCKELAND MOTORS Jlth and Klamath Blanket Salesman NEEDED BY Eureka Woolen Mills PRANK L. ROSE, Sales Manager 1076 California St. Redding, Calif. WANTED: 2 MEN between 22 and 42 years who want to earn in excess of $160 weekly. Immediate employment available. This is a rare opportunity. Salea experience valuable but not essen tial, as we will give those who qual ify adequqate training and supervi sion to Insure success. Opportunity for rapid promotions as we need capable men to advance our activities. Car essential.. You must be willing to travel during the week, home on week-ends. For personal Interview, contact N. THOMPSON, WILLARD HOTEL Thursday or Friday, Sept. 24-25, ; 10 a.m. to o p.m. SALESMAN, roofing, aiding, Insulation and weatheratrlpplng. Pull or part time. 133 No. 4th, phone 8866. WANTED. RETAIL salesman, ase 21 to 40. High school education, for em ployment with large national company, permanent position, excellent promo tional possibilities. Phona 3234. I to 1 a.m. IS SITUATIONS WANTED ritn.n CARE. Phone 6020. CHILD CARE In my home. 1720 wash' purn way, pnone a-jaij. (uit.n rar In mv hnmi daVL ?5 yard with gym eouipmenL tiood refer ernes, rnnne -ioja. oti Camnui. Write Box Mi or me at B-14. Apt. 8. Ore tech. BY CAPABLE man 34. Back (round. enerai dusuicm lnciuaini uanaponai ion. foodi. contractini. Thone 1-3125 for details. CHiLaDCAHE In my home dayt. Phone tv a utr-err. tcaatnun AMn ivpswiwai pnone 93. CHILD CARS in my home ujra. Pboao 3238. HOUSE WORK by the hour. a-oTnT" OTI itudent winti any kind work. perlenced in bakery, sawmill, farm. creamery. Can work from 2'3 to 10. Dave wray. King Hau. FOR ROTO-BEAT1KG ipuda caU Mcr- riii njuv. POR SALE oil heater 10 Inch burner or will trade for deer rifle. Inquire 124 rtunicuBie iiiar a p.m. WILL DO ironing. Phone 6aa. RELIABLE LADY dealrei child car Ul your nome oayi. r none atni. 22 ROOMS FOR RINT ROOM, cent board gentlemen. 1007 "Crtuv FOR RENT, pleasant room ' in "private home, breakfast It desired. Phone 3069. STEAM HEATED ileeolne rcoma. Quirt aclean, cloee in. Phone 3-0214. HUUM3 1034 BUI ROOMS to rent Clow In. 113 Pint. Phone 8555. -APARTMINT5 FOR RINT THREE room aoartment oartly fur- nlhed. 930 Prospect, phone 97CI. NEW APARTMENT, bedroom, kitchen ette, living room and bath, completely lurmsnea, 't diock oil so. oixin o , it-iuifj coupie oniy. NICE' THREE rrmm furnihr4 anstM- ment Houp rings. Prefer working cou ple. riietnDW 7. pie, Phona etut, - WEDNESDAY, SEPT. M, 1M) 14 AFARTMINTS MR RENT BRIGHT, clean two 'room anarimenl with bath. 4Q a month. 134 Broad TWO ROOM! "14 JmU. Inauira H High. ' steajI' hIaTId aiwrWti with be FOR RENT two room fimiiKiJ house- Modern. Clo In. Phone 3754). TWO ROOM furnished apartment, uT utiliUti paid, refrigerator Inrluded, 1( urrta uuri, Rnriw Klienen. bath and private entrance. Living roots bedroom, vary nice. Adult only, phouj NEWLY DECORATED unlSirnlahad du"T plex In Hot Springs. Hot water heat fighU and water furnished. Adulta $85. Phona 3463 OT 359. Ii-0U$IS MR RINT FOR RENT, Three room Airniahed house, no pet or chUdrtn. Inquire 433 Oak. FOR RENT 3 bedroom unfurnished? house, some acreage, Inquira at 3801 AU FOR RENT, three i house. Inquire 435 Oak. iWniahet UNFURNISHED duplex on Malrose" Hot well heat Beard Agency, io2A Main. - It REAL KTATi WANTIP it DO YOU . WANT TO SELL We have a number of qualilied buyers for two. and three-bedroom homes in all price ranges tor both city and suburban. We also need two, two-bedroom duplexes immediately. Our business has been good and we are about sold out. We will reward you with good neighbors for information leading to good listings. List your prop erty with a reliable realtor, AL SCHMECK REALTOR & INSURANCE HARRY VAN (Eves. 8304) JULIAN ABBOTT (Eves. 4960) S17 MAIN PHONES 3211-8330 WANTED to rent, three bedroom un furnlshed house for hlsh acaool teaehar and family. CaU superintendent's office HOMES rott BAT.a Everett Dennis Realtor, ui ft. th, i-none osfi. WANT TO RENT. cemn twnnr" ihr-m unfurnished bedroom noma. References Phone 2-3353. WANTED TO BENT, small furnished apartment with garage. New employe in County Library. Phone 35S4 days. WOULD, LIKE to rent two or three bedroom furnished or partly furnished house with cook stova and heating fa cllltles. Phone 5883. WEST Coast driver wants to rent three bedroom house. High School vicinity. mvt'um, siutw BWVBIU, ! UL ISTATI fOR SALI Nearly New Suburban 11350 down will handle this attrac tive five room modern home in re stricted neighborhood, large llv ing room and separate dining room, nice kitchen and bath, hardwood floors throughout. Automatlo heat, insulated, Aluminum screens, large fenced yard. Full price 110,250. Shasta Way Well constructed two bedroom home. Ideal location. Living room with hardwood floors, well arranged kitchen and bath. Dining area. In sulated, attached garage, concrete foundation, nicely landscaped,, com. pletely fenced. $8500. Terms. California Avenue Immediate possession on this neat five room home. Nicely decorated throughout. Wall to wall carpet ing, attractive tile bath with show er, knotty pine dinette, concrete foundalon with unfinished base ment, fenced yard. 47350. 1950 down. Business Property Three full lots located In center ot Klamath Falls. Corner location ideal for numerous types of busi ness. $35,000. ' AL LONGE, Realtor 111 So. th Phones 82832-3713 Salesmen JOE LEONARD Phone 2-0627 ANN MASON Eves. 6714 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3-bedroomj, house , . . large liv ing room, Venetian blinds. Lots of lawn and shade.' Double ga ' rage, barn and chicken house. Vacr. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Call 2-1521 after ( p.m. for appointment.' $1800 WILL HANDLE BALANCE ON TERMS lOR SALE, new two bedroom home, never been occupied. Large unique liv ing room, kitchen and dining nook surrounding Flagstone fireplace. Utility room and roomy two car attached ga rage. Located on Lakeehore Drive, with highway and laka frontage. Bead for Immediate occupancy. Vou ran nova In tomorrow. Contact Melvin W Mc CoUum. Office phona 117, home phona choice building lot on Eldorado Ave, fnone urn TUft-i irvrs AMn ' hmlniu hull ft, f,ef. Close to So. 6th Street bank. Deeded land. Bargain for cash. 39H So. Sixth aner o p.m. ana wwmnaa. rantv sttfs for &. aoxloo!" Price $375. $30 down, $5 month, no interest. End of pavement on new highway. West side, upper tuamatn mkq. . Frontier Guest Ranch Loda. , Inquire man P. O. Oregon. 1HIS TWO bedroom home being told by owner. Nice lawn, fenced all around. Will sell with furniture or without. Seen by appointment anly. rnone aujii. SMALL HOME for tale.. U. acre. SixcieJ CASH price if sold now Phone A033. THReS bedroom home, two other rentals on lot. Phona owner for ap puinimcm. eitw. FOR SALE one of the very attractive homes on Summers Lane. Six rooms particularly well adapted for children. rnone jouf e a.m. to o o.m. f'OR ALE. smalt one bedroom home. Redecorated Inside and out Insulated, walking distance to Main. Free furni ture, real buy, $3100. Terms. 1635 Man tamta. FOR SALE, 2 bedroom modern home in Altamont district, l'k acres of fertile irrigated ground. Shrubs, lawn, ihade trees, etc. House is Insulated and wll constructed. A wonderful Uur at $5830 and will take a late mode' tar as part o? down payment. Phone 8-1161. LEAVING city, win sacrifice lovely two bedroom home. Mills Addition for quica. Mie. -iiune owner n3ti evening.. 'FOR SALE: Purnikhxri rnllno at fa mous Finley Bend on Rogue River, 10 miles west of Grants Pass, aood road, immediate BneMuInn tUa a. tax I ha ad fishing spot; suiUble far weekend re- meii or year-rouna living. For inxor- FOR SALE, large three bedroom house, garage, workshop. 4 years old. Phone FOR SALE One bedroom nouse with separate guest house and out buildings oa one acre. Wecua. Call $-1104. i