....i&,J W.t we., .";'' , .:'V . S'vi.w-a "i31? TUESDAY.. SEPT. 1, 19a 1 J IDUCATIONAl BOOKKEEPINO, office machine, tyo" Inc. ahorthand, Bpwdwrillna. kinHr.Ti ubjecta. Klamath Bustneia College. 7X1 PRE-SCHOOL TRAINING. Socialization .bill. Arts. Millie. Enrnllm.n. a...-.. Pre-Schuol Center. 713 Jef(eron Phone 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE , WOMAN, CARE lor six year old bov In neighborhood of AlUmonl School MAID. Anchor Hotel. WANTED WOMAN with nl 'VTT ter, 28-39. for motherless lion;. Close ' in. One child eight. Board, private quarters, - small salary, children ac ceptable, give age, description, habits. inquuio .witiiuciititti. r.J, BOX 171 City. WOMAN TO CARE for two pre-school children In my home day. Call 7117 1TRV COOK and wattroo wntA tZTJT Ideal Cafe. Macdoel. Calif. Hiohmau tV 30 miles south Klamath Falls. Phone KITCHEN HELP wanted. Call 7676. Little Sweden. .f.fc.X.RECE. Middle aged preferred 16 HELP WANTED, MALE WANT SOMEONE TO tear (.own build ing ior imiiuer. uaii oiza. SALESMAN WANTED. Selling exper . The Gun Store 714 Main WANTED man who can rid, horse and au uuu piuuiiq anca. ffrue OCX mb, v-u neiuiu uuu news. WANTED bellmen over 21. Apply in jjcinmi. Jiic.un liuni, Ulll HRQ Main. WANTED. RETAIL salesman, age 21 to 40. High school education, for em ployment with large nationai company fermanent position, excellent promo ional possibilities. Phone 3224, 8 to 9 SALESMAN wanted, highest commi- aiona paid. Miller a Sewing Machine FULLER BRUSH dealers In Smith. j Oregon. Average $115 per weh income t mm niunui. wore oy uppointmeni only. See or phone Clem J oyer, Wi . nema Hotel eves. 17 HELP WANTED NEED. FOUR PEOPLE . To introduce, demonstrate ' and sell on a commission bas is, four of the fastest moving ; automotive and 'household products on the - market at county fairs in the Klamath Falls, Lakeview and Klamath Basin Potato Festival. Prefer permanent residents in each county. Ideal for couples or college students. Your exper ience and results at the fair could well lead you to your own 'full or part-time business. These products international ly known but never before sold in Eastern Oregon. Write immediately! Metro Laboratories Regional Distributors Pendleton, Oregon YOUNG ' MEN and WOMEN 18 to 25 Free to travel Florida, Texts, and Eastern States. Transportation fur nished. Expenses advanced. Aver age earnings $65.00 weekly bonus. Must . be willing to leave by if Thursday morning. See Mr. Short, Wi-Ne-Ma Hotel. 10 a.m. to 8:30 "I p.m. No phone calls. DISTRIBUTOR WANTED Klamath Falls area, for new Babyhood WontiH Chalr. No risks, for Interview; call C. M- Panther Willard Hctcl Monday, j p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. WANTED two ladies or men to Mil Stanley Home Products. Write. Nola - Wilson, 1510 Carlyle St., Klamam , Falls. Orcgori. . . PART TIME deishwasher wmted. Male or female. No- phone calls. 4418 S. titn. Tt WANTED. COUPLE. age 30 to 50. Wnmcin mint hn flnod CQOk find hOUSC- keeper. man handy outside. Garden provided. Private modern homo lo An nnn.,A niur In rural area away from city life. Hunting and fish-J ina. fienarate home furnished for pcr.m." aneit couple. References required. Sal ary open. Box 648 Herald and News. Or phono 3787 Grants Pass. Oregon. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED CARE FOR children days. Phone 2-2G23. WANTED. BY ELuEr.LY competent woman, work In apartment house :r use of apartment. Phone 4754. DAY WORK, cooing or steady job. . 4;i8 Broaa. unTiD usrtRir in voiir hnme bv the hour. Own transpoi alion. fnone z-iimo. ACCOUNTANT DE'SIRES year around .vi position in Klamath Falls area. Write V David oedman, loi an. ioai.u. EXPERIENCED CfciLD care in rcli- able homiJasjatnstrlct. Phone QWij. GRAIN HAULING. Bulk beds California or uregon. fnone oj.ii or HANDYMAN. Gardening, caretaking. , Some carpenter work. Motel or resort. Wm. H. Wright. Holly Hotel, So. 11th St. CHILD care in my home days. Big yard with gym equipment. Good refer- en c es. fnone -iqij. . WILL CARE for child tn my home, one block from Mills school. Phone 3-0450. . , ' J WANTED, WASHING AND ironing. Phone 0434. - , 22 ROOMS FOR RENT TWO SLEEPING rooms. Kttrhen prlv . lieges optional. Close In. Pf.one 2-24 1&, 7io jenerson. FOR KENT, pleasant room in private home, orcamast u aeairea. t-none ROOM FOR two college noys, ' twin beds, furnace heat. Three blocks to col lege. 1673 Parker St., phone 9-1181 Ash- lanu. ROOM FOR teachers. Breakfast dinner optional. Phone 2-2B69. COOL. AIRY sleeping rooms clean, close in. Phone 2-0214, MKIMS 1034 igh ROOMS. $3 a week. 629 JelfersoiL ROOMS to rent. Phone 3SS5. Closo tn. ai3 Pine. , 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT, three room newly deco rated apartment. Hot aler heat Phone- 0000. TWO ROOM steam heated apt. with ' bathAdults. Corner Pine &Ceciar. FOR RENT two bedroom apartment " all electric. 40. No pets. Phoi.e 2-03.15. TWO ROOM furnished bacielor apart- ment. electric range, re :r iterator. 2o per month. 2126 Reclamation. THREE ROOM apt. furnished. Adults. 338 Broad Mrcci. FOR RENT, MODERN furnished apart ment, three rooms and bath Free hot And cold water and natural heaL 207 East Main. . TWO ROOM apartment, furnished except groceries ROOM AND BATH available Sept 1. AlphaApts. 7th and Pine. Phone 4-22. FURNISHED apartment. Beard Agency. 1020 Main. THREE ROOMS and bath roudern fur nished apartment. Mills Addition. Phone 4RQ3. SMALL CLEAN apartment. 433 North - loth . TWO ROOM modern. Private bath. For adults. :m Broaa. THREE ROOM APARTMENT partly fur- nished. call tmjsTn. 1 FURNISHED STEAM heated Glencourt AoartmentsJWyehacuser. Phnne30aa. .-jNDER NEW Management, bright, clean i two room apartment with bath, -0 I month. 32 tiroao. TWO ROOMS and bath. Inquire 318 ijHlgh. . :TEAM HEATED apartment With bed- Iroom. 628 Oak SL 1. 5-OR RENT, furnished apartment, with ater. Ill Pine. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT 5J34. rnone LISAS ANT, LITTtTr W-r " - imncdjjoHoa oiM, call 2-2037. MODERN HOUSE, small rhlldrm " rented. 4806 S. 6th Mlren ?iAN,'wo bedroom unfurnli - rnone 7BBB. STUT- sr r. . r..." -""un lurnlsned two roonTS. iunecmid acceptable. li,3 pine. L"e2SS," I""?!'!" house for rent "...wuib oepi. ill. 28 REAL ESTATE WANTED '.WANTED ' HOUSING FOR TEACHERS City School Teachers a small furnished apartments with xarage 3 one bedroom furnished apart ments or bouses . 1 two bedroom unfurnished house iau me BUDerintendanL's off ozitf.' WANTED TO rent -borne. Reliable, ..will two bedroom give reference,. RESPONSint.I? rnitotw v. -....j desire furnishcrl a nr A ran .... to S.'iO mn h. C... in. i. m ....... TEACHER. WIPF .1 mnnh aia wTnT uigcnlly need furnlahed apartment or WANTED tn r.nt aaim- ... i ........ ..,.. unsu nouse. unicxen coop etc. Write Box 646. herald and news. WAimteu TO RENT Two bedroom r, nu ,ea -"I'i3' ureter Mill. Aaai HOMffi vnn a.i. Everett Denni. fl..itn 101 Phone 8401. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Mills Addition Lovely two bedroom home with hardwood floors and fireplace. Also outaoor fireplace. Very best terms. Three Bedrooms With electric heat, $8,000 An Excellent Buy- Two bedroom home, good base ment, piped furnace, close In. $4,000. Near Shasta Way Nice two bedroom home on Vi acre. $4500. Immediate possession. BEARD 'AGENCY, realtors' 1020 Main Phone 2-3471 or 4880 FOR, SALE ' NEAR FREMONT SCHOOL and ACADEMY FOUR BEDROOM HOME, three blocks North of Main Street near 8th, Tull basement, furnace heat, double plumbing. Will sell on Fed eral or State G.I.. loan Price $8500. Terms. NEAR CONGER SCHOOL Five room well arranged home with laundry room adjoining kitch en. Double garage. One room building rear of dwelling could be used for additional living quar ters, den, etc. Good lawn, shrubs and trees. Price $7500. FHA ap praised for more than selling price. ROOSEVELT SCHOOL DISTRICT 3.Bedroom home in Hot Springs r, . j i i i i - District, hardwood floors, fireplace QOUDle piumoing, tun uhsciim:!!.. Playroom with fireplace In base ment. Hot water well, nice lot, lawn and trees. Price $13,000. Terms. Will take Federal or State GI Loan. i NEAR SHASTA WAY One-half acre, three bedroom home, concrete and tile foundation, oil and electric heat. Fruit cellar, chicken house, nice lawn and shade trees. Will take Federal or State Veterans Loan. Price $6500. Terms. See Fred Cofer (evenings 3593) Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th Phone 4105 LARGE TILE Barasc. Larce lot. Mills addition 2400 block on vine. See t m.b. Minnihl, nffer. lrite to n! E. Simmons, 385 Adrian. John Day. ore FOR SALE, house under construction. :mo Bristol. Inqulro at anasut Way. Phone 2-1100. FOR SALE, lot on California Avenue. i block from Conger School. Phone 45.11. TWO BEDROOM homp. two year, old. Excellent location. Milla Addition. 1111 Division. FOR SALE. Equity in Irrigated, im proved 40 acre farm near Ontario. Ore. Family fruit orchard, long season Grow anything. Mild Winters. Tour miles to town and large .sugar factory. Minht consider car in part uade. Call FOR SALE or trade by owner, three bedroom home. Large ronms. ward robe closets, basement. Will , take .mail er home in traqe. ynone u. FOR SALE Modern two bedroom home. $9150. 2235 Radclltfe, pnone z-oam. FOR SALE, small one bedroom home. Redecorated inside and out Insulated walking distance to Main. Free furni ture, real buy, I310O. Terma. 163S Man- zamta. THREE BEDROOM home. M'lls Addi tion, hardwood floors, fireplace. two baths. Consider car or good n.all prop erty anywhere a. part pa) ment. Phone 6574 . eves. . S2000 FULL PRICE. $(i00 down, lour room modern. Near Pellran School. Stoves, hot water heater Included. See at 3003 Harvard. ST. FRANCIS PARK For sale by owner. Nice two bedroom house on Cannon Ave. Inqu.r. at 4667 Cannon Ave, phone 4750. FOR SALE one of the very attractive homes on Summer, Lane. Sji rcjonn particularly well adapted for children phone .w-l S a.m. to. 5 p.m. THREE BEDROOM house on Eldorado. Soma terms. C. D. Galloway. 46 altar ONE BEDROOM house, garage, chick en houie. Garden, shade trees. Low rinOTnivmM Phone 2-35IB. OVR EQUITY In two bedroom home. 4426 Douglas.tewartJ.ennox: 7. ... AfoE-c nrntifr.n Three bedroom home, lovely yard. dou. bio garage, fruit room, pastuie. Phone 2- 104B. terms. . DUPLEX. CLOSE In. North of Mam. Income SI00 monlh. If 1 owner Bnoeyenin for appointment. FORSALE. 2 bedroom ho-r.e. corner lot. North side, large living room. $h9.. $1500 down. Balance lik. rent Phone 7033 alter P-m- 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . Rent Beater Attractive roomy, comfortable one bedroom home on paved, street. Just completely remodeled. Elec tric heat. Fibre glass insulation In both walls and ceilings. Large walk in ciosei and- storage,, laundry trays In utility, storm windows, as bestos shingle siding. Solid toun elation. Cement walk. See us. See It, move right In for only $650 down ana oo per monin. Peterson School Dist. Very well constructed four bed room home located In Donular neixnoornood on paved street, two bedrooms down and two up. Hard wood floors in living, dining room and hall. Utility. Weatherstripped and Insulated, asbestos shingle siding. Automatlo furnace. Garage. Fenced back lot. If you are Inter ested in a good deal don't miss this because it's going; for less than current FHA appraisal. $8500. For Sale Or Lease With Option Nice three bedroom family home in preierrea residential district. Has large living and dining room with fireplace. Utility In full base ment. Furnace heat, air condition. er, newly painted. Glassed In porch with view. The facts con cerning the flexibility In the sale or lease of this home are" that the owners have to leave town Immed iately and to prove It said they would take a couple of Items and their clothes and walk out. Leaving it almost completely furnished and at no added cost. Hie owners proved they are traders, call us and prove that you are. $13,350. Terms. .. . VERNON DURANT . REALTOR ' ..' ' - Bob Trelease, Salesman ' Evenings 9824 2060 S. Sixth Phone 88327923 ?anc) Bargain 800 ACRES 600 In crop, 40 good alfalfa, bal. grain now being harvested. 80 A. paid up irrlg. more available. Land gen erally level. New large full-base ment house;' barns; potato cellar. Good well, elec. power. Two years' crop should pay for It at the LOW PRICE of $46,000. Sandy loam suited to all crops; Gomer Jones, Realtor 111 S. 4th Tels. 6321 7597 Salesman: Jack Gardiner 6371 TWO GOOD BUYS A REAL HOME located between High School and Roosevelt Grade School. Has two -large bedrooms and large living room and a good- size kitchen and breakfast nook full concrete basement.-with auto matic oil-burning furnace. Recent ly, John Mansville asbestos siding has been put on and it also has a new composition roof. The out side painting Is good and in fair condition inside. Should sell for $10,000, but owner Is making change, so see us, and awake to a real buy. APARTMENT HOUSE built most ly of brick- and well located. Elec tric heat individually metered- Equipped washroom. A potentlai income 01 $200 , montniy. wice $12,500. Down payment $2,500, bal ance with terms to suit you. WE HAVE A HOUSE FOR RENT. J. W. Sanders, Realtor 1212 MAIN STREET ROBT. E. ROSS, Associate Broker AT MALIN ' W. W. THOMPSON, SALESMAN Eldorado": Blvd. A LOVELY NEW 3-BEDROOM home, all on one floor, in a good neighborhood. This ,1s a large place, nearly 2,000 sq. ft. Big rooms, big wardrobe closets. Large den or study could be 4th bed. room. Radiant heated floor, wall-to-wall carpet in living room and dining room. Dishwasher and dis posal, large patio, automatic sprin kler system front and rear. $23,750. Terms.. Shown by , appointment only. Lakeshore Drive AN UNSURPASSED VIEW from this beautiful 2-bedroom home with extra bedroom and bath in full basement. Fully Insulated, auto matic heat, garage, plus carport. Full price only $13,000. 2 Good Acres OF FINE SOIL, easily Irrigated and a lovely rambling 2-bedroom home. Big living room, 15'x28', fireplace, den, sewing room. Dou ble garage, barn, chicken house. Pasture and garden space. Beau tifully landscaped yard,, lots of shade trees. Oh the Merrill high way just south of the Big Y. $11,000. Convenient terms. - 3 Bedroom Suburban ON I ACRE IRRIGATED SOIL. Spacious living and dining room with fireplace. Detached garage, barn, chicken house. Price $7,600. Reasonable terms available. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS ,' 111 N. NINTH ST. SINCE 2909 HOMER STILES Eves. Ph. 2-2460 DON SLOAN ......;.. 5658 Phone 4564 or 5529 roR SALE, new two bedroom home never been occupied. Large unique liv ing room, kitchen and dining nook turroundint Flagstone fireplace. (Jtlht.t room and roomy two car attached ga rage. Located on Lakethora Drive, with highway and take (rootage. Ready for immediate occupancy. You ran move In tomorrow. Contact Melvln W Mc. Collum. OUlca phone 8167, born phone 8P35 CHOICE BUILDING lot rtiona WM. on Eldorado. HXRALD AND WEW8. KLAMATH FAUB OREGON JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 'SUBURBAN Price has been reduced $1,000 on this three bedroom home on Hi acres ol good irrigated land. Elec tric heat, insulated, wall-to-wall carpeting in Living Room and Den. Attractive yard with outdoor fire place, shrubs, fruit and shade trees. Balance in pasture. Two- car garage, with work shop. Small barn. All nicely fenced. Call us for further information. Now only $14, 750, with terms. . "VERNONDUINT'; REALTOR 2060 S. 6th Phone 9832 Eves. 7923 ' CITY TWO BEDROOM HOME With full basement, ' large closets, electric heat, insulated and new roof. Only itssuu. INCOME PROPERTY FOUR TWO-BEDROOM UNITS. fivs one-bedroom units, 1 one-room unit, all modern and completely furnished. 10 trailer spaces, Indi vidual light meters, utility house. own well and pumps: room for ex. panslon. All on 5 acres land with 792 feet river frontage and 300 feet on main highway. Only $30, 000. Cecil L. Kollenborn REALTOR 267 CLINTON AVE. PH. 5742 THAT HOME' . You have dreamed of. Level, paved corner. Two ' bdrm. Hdw. Floor, fireplace, OH furnace. Insulated Large. Cone. Floor Garage, Gard en. We Recommend It. $7750. Terms. . GOMER JONES', Realtor 111 8. 4th Tels. 6321 7597 Salesmen Jack Gardner 6371 Claire Ellis . . 2-2659 BY OWNER Two-bedroom home, hot water well, wall-to-wall carpet, Ve netian blinds, fireplace, hard wood floors, insulated. Nice yard with garden, Between Roosevelt school and high school. ' . 1655 PORTLAND ST. BUILDER'S ATTENTION Klamath trails lot. space for duplexes. P.O. Box 373. Medford. 32 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS and hotel building. Excellent income, aio.wu a year. $37,300 easy terma. Phone Cecil Drew. 394 GROCERY STORE, ideal location. Well established. Completely stocked, fully equipped. Two bedroom aoariment. In ventory and lease S2.000 cash. Selling iiuum nines si mi norm ara. FOR SALE OR TRArtF Aoariment house with IB annrlmnli Income 650 per month. Will Uade for acreaKe or larin. rnone atittti. SERVICE STATION on mnln thnrnnch. fare for lease. Call 3393 oUht. 0322 uya. . HYDRAULIC JACK. Repair and Chev ron Station. Sell scDarate or toccthcr. Perfect for a mechnnle. will train. inis is a gooQ deal. Ftione mm. FOR SALE finest restaurant in Roijue River Valley. Conditional sales contract wun smau flown payment or will take Income property. Nan die's Steak nuuse. 1111 m. e. Bin, Ci rants Pass. PRICED low for quick sale. Four unit motel, two pump gas station four room nume. insiae cuy limits Doing ex- ajuaiiicna. rnonc omii. 34 FINANCIAL LOANS CONTINUOUS SERVICE 23 YEARS IN KLAMATH FALLS BORROW $100 PAY ONLY $5.91 MO. . Repay In 24 Installments J UP TO $300 ON '" r FURNITURE OR SALARY ' UP TO $2,500 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW - Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Locally Owned New Cars Financed at Bank Rates "MONEY IN A HURRY" Phone "CHUCK", BAILEY 3325 or call at 114 N. 7th "Locally Owned" Motor Investment Co. : 8-241 M-a-jft 36 BUILDING REMODELING THE MOST efficient fnunlntion is Rork wool Batts or Balsam Wool. You are lure of proper factory mide density when u In if the no fhrniirh Jinn in Building Materials, 4784 So. 6th St. Low ices enner ior comptetea jod. or ma rlals nnlv and nonlv thm vnnriflf No down payment. 36 months topay. 10.000 FEET of 1x8 S4S. 15,W)(i feet of iioea at o ror l.ooo leet Drake Lumber Co.. 910 Srplng, phone 5610. FREE ESTIMATES, (ree pinn. on new construction or remodel Inn No dawn payment C. D. Galloway. 04M after 6. 38 FUEL-HEATING j 16 inch Hand Picked SI ABS $6.50 PINE DOUBLE LOAD Box Factory BLOCKS DOUBLE CO rn LOAD, 30.JU FRANK FORD FUEL CO. PHONE 4511 PRESTOLOGS pickup or delivered. Cliff Yaden Signal Servica 2MO So. Bth.Phone 3681 or 2-92G0. FOR SAXiE. Sviuk oil heatersIm mediate delivery. Trade In allowance on your used stove. Terms. Peyton and Co. - 14 WNANCIAL $$ MONEY f ON THE FIRST CALL! Up to $500 on your auto. On your salary or furniture up to $300 ........ ' LOCAL LOAN CO. "Pay Day" loans a specialty $10, $25, $60 loaned till "pay day" or longer $26 costs" but It cents for one week No other charges. 115 No. 10th Sk ,- DON McINTYRE, Mgr. . . Phone M531 U-354 44 Years Friendly Service 8-278 3C iUILDING SEARS BUILDING MATERIALS 45-lb. Smooth Mica surface roll roofing ...,......$2.60 per sq. 55-lb. Smooth Mica surface roll roofing ........$3.05 per sq. 651b. Smooth Mica surface roll roofing ,.$3.60 per sq. 90-lb. Sta-Sq Tile, red or Jade green Slate gran- ;- , ules roll roofing $3.95 per sq. 110-lb. Jade green or tile red slate granules Sql-. .j ' V vage edge roll roofing .: $4.18. per sq. 210-lb. 3-In-l tile red or Jade green slate gran- ' . ules ashpljalt shingles. Fire resistant ......$9.45 per sq. 168-lb. Jade green or tile red slate granules fire resistant Hexagon asphalt shingles ........$7.85 per sq. 1 1 i , Rock Wool Pellets, Just pour them In, clean, permanently odor 'less, vermin-proof, fire and moisture' resistant, will never de teriorate. 3". stops 85 of heat loss. One bag of 40-lb. will in sulate 25 sq. ft. 3" deep $2.10 por bag Rock Wool Batts, Just ; lay or hang them, description same as above, 4214 sq. ft. per carton, $3.49 per carton. SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. Phone 5188 38 FUEL HEATING GREEN SLABS and DRY .BLOCKWOOD EARLY DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market ' : . Phone 5148 DRY PINfe MILL block,. Now Is tha time to fill your fuel bin foi thia win ter Special low aummer price, during Auffuat. Haul them .youraeil. Metier Broa. So. 6th & Altamont Phone S852. POR THE BEST In heatlna oils. Utah coats, or prestologa, caU your Stan- aara neaung uu oeaier rrru n. iicii bronner. "ruel that Satisfy". Plua Ser vice Since 1919. Phone 4153. 19 FOOD PRODUCE GREEN DEANS for uate. CaU 8995 or 5645 Leland Drive. BEEF AND pork at wholesale Custom cutting and curing. Grlgsbya Smoke, house, serosa from TP Packing. Phone 3-0769. . 40 eOATS-PETS-SPORTS-HOBBIES Cash for Used Guns! Bring your gun In for free appraisal. We buy, sell and trade on all makes and models. Bell's -Hardware 1 528 MAIN " ' FOR SALE, PET tk unk , deodorized, Phone 3434 or see 1949 Del Moro. SIAMESE KITTENS, males, 12.50. 705 woe us. 10vl2 WAI.T. TENT, water nroof. uood condition. (30. 525 Ejut Main. PhoaeA BOARDING KUNNELS Oof bonding by day, week or month. Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor rum for each do. Dogs handled during mating. Will pic up ana deliver visitors welcome SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS Phono. 5076 Merrill RI. 3 BOX DU WEIMAR ANER PUPS for sale worlds nnest mood lines oi ine uray inasi Hunters. Said only to BDoroved buyers. 3 males, 2 females. Don Diirboraw, Box l. uranis fass, ure. rnone sua. FOR SALE four months Springer Span- leis. eqigreea. ynone u.ioo. Guns. Guns. Guns. Bought -Scfd-Traded. uring in your, usea gun now, . THE GUN STORE 714 Main Street ' : COLLIE PUPS. Lovely golden sables. hps i Dinnn MriM anil diinoKinnn. e. x. Mulvey, Fire Chief. OT1. Phone 2-346H. PEKINGESE puppies. Phone 6020 FOR SALE IS loot "inboard ' boat!" HP Marine Motor. Mahog. Hull. 11200. rnone 2-1780 aitet. o p.m. BOATS, TRAILERS and Lauson Out board Motors. No Oil and Gas Mixinst. 833 East Mala Phone 3713 42 LIVESTOCK POULTRY LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY 12 NOON . Cattle-Hogs-Sheep Thru the fall season Sale starts at 12 noon Please have your hogs, sheep, and calves in yards by Wed nesday noon. ' Livestock Trucks For Hire One head or a carload. For market information when you have to buy or sell Live stock call Klamath Livestock Inc. Midiand Road Phone 3974 R. E. "Bob" Rhodes, MgT. Ph. 4032 POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for any amount. Top market prices for good quality. For Quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS W a hR&rrs PROVED slro serv lei Phcne S721 or 4400. WANTED Colored hens' " Phone ' 4S0L FOR SALE Pheasant eggs for setting 12.50 for setting of 14 eggs. Sharua Cascade Kennels, SL ft. Box 604, Klam ath Kali i niiLL SERVICE or rent dtil" Drew. j'hone 3924 or 2-iaeu. FOR SALE four purebred Hump bucks. One purebred Suffolk, buck. G. H. Carleton, Merrill- LOANS $$ REMODELING 133 So. 8th 44 MACHINERY SALES .. end COMPLETE SERVICE ; on all models of Mcculloch chain saws and. . ' - EQUIPMENT ' ' S25 Market ' Ph. 6500 FOR SALE, nearly new, 9 H.P. DIs aton chain saw. 4 foot blade, chain., See at 1129 Lincoln. Phone 2-3151. OLIVER SIX ft. combine, .clover grain. Good condition. Hay elevator or siacKer. pnone -wo. iuieiae. FARMALL cub tractor Reconditioned. A red hot value at only S6H5. J. W. KERNS ' T34 So. th Phone 4197 LOGGINQ equipment for sale. One D-8 Cat, one RD7. One Carco logging arcn. iiesi oner laKea, a. fi. xweene. tseipor. aiuomia. LEWIS TRACTOR mounted Potatoe combine lor IHU tractor. Tractol included. Used on only 45 acres, aubstantlal discount. May be aef Lewla Mfg. Co. or Call Newell 2302. 123 1H misher. Lewis notato balker on n iracior. nam in excellent conauwn. See at Ben Reimera place. Newell, 45 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEE HIVE Truck Rental Co. Move yourself, save v.. Beacon Mobile Berv Ice. 120i East Main. Phone 6304. USED BALER No. 7 New Holland with almost new drapers. Excellent condition. S43n. FLOYD A. BOYD CO. Phone 7-2072 Tulelake. Calif. FURNITURE PADS and refrigerator aoiues. people s warenouse. FOR RENT store or office space. Avail' able soon, inquire 339 East Ma;n. FOR RENT, portable air compressor and mobile crane, by day. week or month. Heaton Steel and Supply, 428 apring. rnone it-Mil. AMERICAN FLOOR SANDERS and ad. gers dustlesii. swift and easy to oper ate. Bruce floor fmisnea. Alamath vai lev Lumber Co. 1840 South Sixth, Phone 4B1C 4 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED USED GUNS Wanted to buy, 100 used guns In good nai a apon anop, aoz main, WE BUY USED bags. People's Ware nouse. WE BUY PACKING barrels. Peoples warenouse. 4ft MISCELLANEOUS TO EXCH. WK TRADE (or used , furniture. Klanv ath Furniture Co. 221 Main, 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI Rlntfet wiund bobbin console. Perfect condition. Three year guarantee. 40.50, 6INGER SEWING CENTER 833 Main Phone 2-2AI3 THE BEST COSTS no more. Use Art- Metal office equipment, voigm a pio neer Office Supply Co. 62 Main. IOR SALE Five piece limed oak bed room suite UKC new sua. inncrnprnm mattress and box springs Ah. Matched set davenport, cnnir. ana rocKcr o. Refrg. $63. 22-12 Garden. in MASTEHBUILT 18 foot trailer. $750. Can be seen at 032 Owens Street. 23 FOOT, 1947 Kozy Coach trailer house. Electric brakes, combination re frigerator and Ice box. 2 butane tanks. See at 2101 Ogden. Phone 2-324B. trPRiniiT PIANO, excellent condition. 836 Mitchell. . KINf.ru PORTABLE Demonstrator model sews J or ward and reverse. Dial tension, ningea pressure foot, new machine guarantee. Singer Sewing course. Regular pt ice $104.50. selling price si in. SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main rhone 2-2313 OPEN THRIFTY VARIETY rnmtuininn store to Suburban DrUfl. Hours same ss Drug Store. 0. to 1U. uays a wcck. SfcHVK YUUME,l.r tV aftVf. BALED STRAW. Tim Sullivan. Phone 710. ' YOU SAVE 10 per cent on family group Christmas portraits tnken tn Septem ber. Evening and Sunday by an polnlmcnt. Budget terms Ir you wish. Floyd at Underwood's. 700 Maln Ffin SAlaE Seven foot Kelvinator re frigerator. Whirlpool washing machine. Ph o ne 3020. 331 0 Derby. FRIGTDAIHE RANGE Six year size crib & Mattress, oil heater, tjwn mow er. Reasonable. Phone 4870. SEED RYE. S2.1S per hundred weight. Phone 2-1373. . ARE YOU MOVING' Don't throw away books or magazines. Call 4004, will pick up. JUST RECEIVED three used four drawer teelcas files, one art metal dek. Voiifht s Pioneer Offirc Supply Co. ?oo tons alfalfa hay. Cut and baled. Pox 216. Chiloquin. ALFALFA HAY. 300 tons. Wire bales Hamilton's Servire. six miles No. Of Klnm t h Fa I is, phone 2-ZQ.m. NEW 32-foot hav and flroln elevator we can sell at the very reasonable price OI SJ7U. J. W. KERNS 734Jjo. flth Phone 4197 CHARCOAL FOR your barbecue Swan Lake Moulding Co 3226 So flth 1951 35 FOOT Pan Ameriran house trailer. Modern, 15 foot front room, two bedrooms. $3450. Terms. Big Y Chevron Station- Phone BQfil. FRIGIDAIRE 7 CU. fU SB9 50. Phone fl;tf,7. HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER author ted sales and service. Klamnth Furnl- tup Co. 221 Main. Phone 835 STANDARD Encyclopedias 2S. Phone a-i.to.1 eveninaa. top son. fill' nrRT Cinders, washed sand, Shasta Sand Co.. 1 250Mad I son. Phone 4387. . ELECTROLUX SALES and service. Phone 7107. 2550 W h I te St LAWNS j TIME NOW TO PLANT LAWN Call us for estimate of eoit. Land, srapfng and planting. Evergreen trees. Flowering shrubs and Roses. Guaran teed to grow. Lakeshora Gardens .Nur sery. Phone 4286. IS AUTOMOTTVI 952, CADILLAC BLACK 4-DOOR SEDAN THIS CAR IS JUST LIKE NEW! Low mileage. Upholstery, paint just like new. Automatic -tuning rpdio, heater, Hydra-Matic Drive, Pre mium white sidewall Royal Master Tires. Elec- . trie window lifts, power steering. A Beautiful Car and a REAL BUY AT ONLY $3995. Cost ($5600) new. DIMBAT MOTORS 239 MAIN SPECIAL!! $2195 '4? CAD. Convert. '49 DODGE MEADOWBROOK SEDAN . 'SO.PLYMOUTH' DELUXE 2-DR. ... 50 PORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN .... i 61 HUDSON HORNET SEDAN ; 47 PONTIAO "8" 8EDANETTE '41 OLDSMOBLLE "8" SEDANETTE 47 DODGE TOWNS SEDAN . . . 47. DO DOE CUSTOM SEDAN ... 47 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN ... 48 HUDSON SUPER "6" , SEDAN ... ... '48 HUDSON SUPER "6" SEDAN . : . 47 OLDSMOBILE "8" SEDAN 46 HUDSON COMMODORE "6" SEDAN . SPECIAL!! $1595 '51 Hudson Super 6 47 FRAZER MANHATTAN SEDAN .... . -.. 395 '46 DESOTO CU8TOM SEDAN p..$ 645 '46 HUDSON 2-DR. SEDAN .. - .. , $ 345 '41 CHEVROLET CLB. CPE. (new short block) ........$ 225 41 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN :...$ 145 40 BUICK SUPER CLUB COUPE ,, .' $ W 40 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN . . 99 '39 OLDSMOBILE 2-DR. SEDAN .... ; U. 99 39 OLDSMOBILE "8" 4-DR. SEDAN $ 125 39 FORD V-8 COUPE (Hopped up) 195 30 MODEL A TUDOR (Extra nice) $ 165 DONT MISS THE KIWANIS-KLAMATH KENNEL CLUB 4th ANNUAL ALL-BREED DOO SHOW, SATURDAY, SEPT. 5, MODOC FIELD, 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. SPECIAL!! $1695 '51 Pontiac 8 Sedan SI MISCELLANEOUS POR SALI ATTENTION I I GROCERY STORE OWNERS who ma be In need or could use this store equipment. Excellent condition. One 10-ft. Koch White Enamel 1 Meat Case. One 6-ft. Tyler "White Enamel Pro duce. Case (with two compart ments Underneath which could be used.) 1 One American Slicer. ' One Coca Cola Case. " ' ' May be bought separate or will sell all together at a discount. For information, CaU 2-1391. (9 a.m. to 7 p.m.). Demonstrators and Used Sewing Machines SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. 133 So. 8th : Phone 8188 Evening phone 2-0167 USE YOUR OLD 8EWINO MACHINE A3 A DOWN PAY MENT ON A NEW KENMORE Sears Roebuck & Co. 133 S. 8th Phone 6181 Evening Phone 2-0167 - i 'SS' LIFE TIME ALUMINUM gales. All sizes. Swan Lax Moulding o 322 60 6th. Tia rrrn'a smtrMITIIRE. hi'jdausrten for sleeping equipment Simmons Beau ty rest U. S. Kovlon and Enalander air foam. Scaly. Dr. Fuller. Posture Right. You too can sleep right tor a tlttl. rtnun nnrt onlv B f0W Cents day. 833 Klamath Avenue, nnrrw STAMPS On nil cash sales of tire recapping and repairing Monarch iire aervice DON'T CO wrong on that heating equip ment this year. See the Famous SEIG- L.EK HAS una on uenw-r, uit....d huy. Sold only at Hafters furniture in Klamath Falls. Buy on easy TEHMS. 833 K) amftth Avenue. FOR SALE At) metal baby bed. Uo to slx.year-old slie. See at Wfl Home- aaie alter o:w p.m. trade In for your oldelectrlc shaver regardless of condition toward the new Sunbeam Shavemaster. 14 days tree tr-ial. t RICKYS fEWELERS 700 Main Phone SI 51 FOR SALE, Used wood and oil heat- err low pnce yeyton ana jjo. lfJ.il OWOSSO trailer. 31 foot tandem. Eastern hullt. all modern, like new Must ' sell. 1(163 Greensprlngs Drive Klamath View Auto Court. FOR SALE olover huller. Plone 8906 or 5095. FOR SALE. BRAND new. nnver been used. 4 piece set of "Amelia Earhart' ladles lugonge. Retail nrtca $125 Will sacrifice for W0. Ca II Hank Henry 1)115. SIGNS no hunting, no t res pausing. Readv now Geo. Kunzman, 619 Com mercial KEEP THE BUGS out of voiir life with Columblamatlc Screens Swan Lake Moulding Co. 3226 So. Sixth. ASPHALT PAVING and drlveway"ma terlal. Phone J M, Barnes, phone 7659 m j tiarnes 7iiwi GOOD used adding machines calcula. tors, typewriters, desks, chairs and files. VOIOHT9 PtOMTFn nrtricm mrppr.v 629 Main Phone 7412 TOP SOIL AND- FILL DIRT Any amount Phono Joe Bart D75S. WE HAVE four' floor model machines on discount. Trade-in and easy terms accepica. mnucn Bbwinu hiwmi 833 Main Phone 2-2313 J5 AUTOMOTIVI IF YOU need additional money for down payment on your car purchase, call Commercial Finance Corporation. 107 North 9th. Klamath Falls, Oregon, pnone 4 11 1. no. s-i jvi-j. FOR SALE, truck bed. Ideal foraraln bed, Clay Walker, Rte. 1. Bonanza. Lore la 2170. . SNOW CAPS 600-16. As low a $6.43. Hip War Cap. n if RUBBER 3040 So. 81 h Phone 4315 ' ; PHONE 7763 CONVENIENT , ' TERMS' COURTEOUS r SALESMEN J u c K E L3 A N D : 41045 ;..:-$i09s I1B5 $1895 - $ 795 .. . $ 745 $ 745 $ 895 . t 695 $ 595 $ 795 ,. $ 696 .-...... $ 450 LOW DOWN , . PAYMENTS . OPEN 8 A.M. to 6 p.m. : llth to 12th on ' Klamath Ave. Phone 2-2581 SS AUTOMOTTVI 1951DOD&E Four-door Meadow Brook Sedan. Excellent condition. Fully equipped. Priced below low N.A.D.A. value. Call 2-3461 or see at Hercules Powder Company olllce (corner Market and Elm Bts., 8 a.m. to CaffaCKeenePS After Office Hours. ' For a ' , , .-' NEW or USED TRUCK f - Always See : . "JUCK" Your International Truck Deals. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath Phone J-JM1 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING . . FLUSHING ' ' , REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade CASH IN TWO MINUTES for 1048 and older model cars. Sell your equity. 1 11 worry about the balance. Pauls Used Cars. Phone 24M Merrill. Open Sunday. $UtA 1930 Dodge 1 am nlkiln 4-ntfd fransmission. new tires and motor A-l. For 1949 or '60 Dodge or Chrysler car. My balance tl50. Write P.O. Box 1021 Klamath Falis. tires, heater, good shape. 914 Walnut FOR SALE 1947 FordV8 2 door business coupe. Has been kept in good condition. CalMHlS. 1851 Chevrolet Bel Air. 19000 miles. Ex cellent condition. 1545. See at Super Creamed Ice Cream Store. 1130 Main, pnone h-rhw. 1047 CHEVIE CAB-over truck. IB foot flat bed. One steel 10 foot grain bulk bed. One hay baled filer with electric motor. Victor Shuck. Merr ill. JJregoifr "ifiSl Chevrolet pickup. Four speed. Six ply tires, overload springs, side boards, heater. In very good condition. Phone 2-1350. ; FOR SALE or trade 1942 Hudson, Good condition, good paint Or will trade for deep freeze. See at 126 North Georgia Street or calt 8893 after S p.m. 1042 FORD TRUCK. Excellent con dition. Phone 7185, 1051 FORD CONVERTIBUS. red with white sidewall tires, radio and heater, 1932 Pontiac four door sedan, , lest than 4Qfl0 miles. Phone 2-3169. . 1950 WILLYS pickup, (our wheel drive. $1275. 14 foot trailer house, 9380. 2941 Blsbee. phone Sfl76. ' f MG Here's your chance to own a fine sports car after the first owner has stood depreciation. 1951 Model, S14o0. fnone 7:tu. GMC pickup, good condition. Phons) 5686 t FOR SALE 1950 Mercury 4 door. Ex cellent condition. Low mileage. $1450. Phone 8HB4. , FOR SALE 1931 Model A. ford two door good condition, call turn AT SCHOOL, must sell or trade 1500 equity In 1949 Dodge convertblle. hew tires, battery, and top, overhauled an glne Best offer takes. Phont 4361. im 1950 HUDSON "6". Radio, h-atcr, over drive. Good tires. Private p&rly, $793. 928 Owens Street. 1948 CHEVROLET two door fleetllne. Low mileage, good tires. IS Inch wheels. Radio, underseat heater. Ktw paint. win traqe. rnone o.io. FOR SALE Autocar deliel faeoa Phon - ' " truck.