nday. KfcbHUAKV as, im HKHALU Am Nfcwa, hUiriAiri FALLS. OKiWN PAGE NWl f mm UEEN FOR A OAT winnr Jo Ann Turnir, a Lei AnoVes nun, arrived In Hawaii Klamath Falls girl, Marin (,pl. Ualorei touaill second from right), was a mambtr coming party. Is Clear P7 Compound ores UK Allied guards tibly elesred, Koje prr compound at chant- Red who dtllrd two tcsr gas, U. N. Und reported today. y Anns Lunch Anna ara tnvlled to a Mn. Milan Binllh, Li.iimi ovarnor of thla urv International, at lh yacht Club Friday was announced by club Irott Warren. bu, whoaa home la In will arrlv In Klamatn May lor meetings with li .inh All Rotary wive fi are ursed ' allend 's lunciiron ior ir. rren aald. companies I Pay bntract has been algned Irfr tnxleab companlea n Klsmslh Palls, alvlns p Increase in weir mini. usrsntee per ahtlt. bd. business agent ot the bisters Union, aald the rare iltnrd by Hurry Cab and Yellow Cab. ft on Feb. 33, and will II Moy 1. I9M. drivers are (fleeted. guarantee la HO a pared to tS I ahllt pre Ona North Korean prisoner waa killed, There were no Allied ca. ualtlea. The POW Command aald the Reda reluaed lo lorm rinks for a head count and began milling about, shouting and chanting. POWa In adjacent compounds urged them oo. V. N, guarda sprayed the rebel lious prleonera twice with tear gas, io no avail. Then, aa the tempo of mob hysteria Inertaaed, a platoon ol ttouth Korean soldiers entered the compound, and removed the POWa. In thla action lh North Korean waa Hilled, Auto Accident Douses Light An aulo accident at 11th and Main last night dislodged a control box to the traffic algnala at that intersection, damaged two cars, sent one boy to Jail overnight,, but didn't hurl anyone, cilv polio arrested Eugene Mon ro Fields, i, jot Chlloquin, on a charge of failure to yield the right of way.j; , ..-. ' ' He ' waa driving a HJTTJeSolo sedan on Main and apparently moved out Into the Intersection against the traffic light. The De Soto was struck broadside by a I e3g studebaker, driven by Roger Lee Davis, 11, 3111 Oreeiuprlnga. coming down 11th, The Impact knocked young Fields' car onto the sidewalk and the car grated the tralllc algnal standard, knocking the box loose and dousing the Uafflo lights. The car proceded on a few feet and stopped on the sidewalk In front of the Metropolitan Hotel. Vet Housing Dank Credit' Lack Seen Dy U.S. Builders WASHINGTON HI A tt-city survey of builder Indlcatea na tionwide shortage of bank ered. It for veterans' houalng, the Na tional Association of Horn Build ers jsld Wednesday. in many cities osnxe and omer lenders ar demanding "far more" than the a oar cent down-payment established by 01 bousing leglsla tlon, tn association quoted build ers aa saying In telegraphic r porta. A spokesman lor tne associa tion aald the group will submit Its findings to congreaalonal commit tees and housing agenciea In con nection with proposals, to Increase the 4 per cent interest rat on mortgag loans guaranteed by the Veterans Administration, The eseoclatlon. the spokesman said, will support requests for a 4 per cent rate "or any Interest rate which I" sufficient to bring out the credit necessary to get veterans' housing rolling again." Builders who attempt to sell their 4 per . cent mortgage paper are obliged to take discount ranging from one m i s per m oi DBBfl osiua t uw mvrvespvB. im association aald Ita eurvey indlcat ea. I anrlra vlrintlv ara not in. torested In VA paper In view of i the better earninga possible on corporation and municipal bonds and other investments, It added. elates, only . Rochester, N.Y.. re ported ample creoiv ior rnn financing. I Albuquerque, h.m., rrponeo no VA money available for future! building. Portland, Ore., reported "very lew OI loans unless dls-; counted a per cent." i Seattle reported "No legitimate' VA or FHA market." WABM SEOUL Ml Relatively warm weather prevailed along the 156 mile Korean battle front today, i Highs and lows were Western Front, 47 and 29: Central Front, it to 27, Eastern Front. 43 and l. Bridges Asks Use Of Atom Bomb PHILADELPHIA I-A ton Re. publican policy-maker In Congress was on record today as tirulnn that the U.S. lako the initiative In Korea by blockading the China coaat and using the atomlo bomb "If It will aave the life of a single American boy," The proposals were contained In the text of an addresa by Sen. Styles Brldgea (R-NHi. prepared for delivery last night to the an nual dinner of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association. Bridges departed considerably from th prepared speech but told a reporter later Ihe text as written correctly described his views. CUSTOM LONDONDERRY, Northern Ire- land A young man recently released from a local hospital wrote a thonk-you note for all the Kind care and attention. There was thla postscript: "I proposed to a nurse and she accepted me, but I discovered that It waa part of the treatment." DO YOU KNOW... Thor Linkville Cemetorv is filled with Potentiol Million aires? Thev just didn't hav. time enoutjh. We will guar antee vou that you will have time enough to do the job for vour family. Let's take a look at the future where you'll spend the rest of vour life. -that's LIFE UNDERWRITERS ASS'N OF THE KLAMATH BASIN Qualified MEMBERS Mle i Mehrl Sewai iek Him James Pattenoa Lyaa Rerereft Harrel Craatey lay Barker 0M Feraes Cheater Heeaaker Jah laalar Ildred Pateem O. f. Thaaipse Marina Wine Affiliated with the National Association of Life Underwriters' Inc. and Oreqon State Life Underwriters Ass'n DO BUSINESS WITH THESE PEOPLE LEADER RANGE 22995 , $10.33 Per Month ( -fter' eyeeiill J put Ntw, fully lute fit range with feature f found only on mora N riniei. t1l 0n TImhI Reemy Stareft " hllwiaan . flirt Nylm MHksI for your f If I Stt if TO DAY I WY GE IN 'S3! jyoai'S: I Mrvieg r of ewn Cuitemers aaaaaaajaaaasa . GENERAL E1ICTMC Set Sail for the TOWN SHOP S e M I for.SPnmo r. . . DlkA eL.A Uam rNAal 77rtr UIUTT UIC I V I W 1 1 w TTI I SAILCLOTH Stporotei I Originef Saifclem Mwt ..... iL .L. i:. il. fun-lovin' look you read far lust, mar living! Woihobla, werkl. wonderful in delightful new eelert, oil unmiitokobly Whil Slog. ' ) SIHVIUSS TOP M war torts la ar out. 10-20 $. . limi IOV SHOtTS, wffad iart. ' lida sippa. iliti 1-20 $S.tS k) COVIR TOP far wawla la ar aul. 120 . UZT SUSAN WRAP SKIRT, wilk adjulabl oaliiaaad, t-m S7. ) STA-iRAityilaplM,lalikl, odiullabls ilropi, 10-10. .. ,I.T WHIIIll tRITCHIS, uacvllt iherli, wild iiaa sip, !. . .t,TS d) TUCK-IN IO0ICI, iM-kait. k. : . tan.kack Kstl.r, 10-10 . SWIRl SKIRT wits lis ). iIih 10-20 . TRIANGULAR STOU H.tf WAIST CINCHIR, l-M l. . . .Sl.tS Calarii Clean Whits. Sail Su m Ney, Otpih Ores, Tar llsik. diartaal, Haevealv Sine, flat Caral, lul Iraw. Sua Tallew. ataalisil , all wiin aaahait KJkaad aalaalaa ft a 3 J PQW YOUR ORIGINAL V ,,m soo main m 4 J all 1 I HEADQUARTERS Voight's ,.,qr STOKE -WIDE SALE WEDNESDAY Through SATURDAY PESKS Golden Oak 60x34 Best Quality Solid Oak Golden Ook 40x34 File Drawer Solid Ook Golden Oak 42x2 Right Pedistal Golden Oak 54x30 . Double Pedistol New Steel Aft Desk 58x32 Typewriter on Left Like New Steel Cray Used Rift Sawn Oak Gunn Grand Rapids (Never Been Chair to Match This Volue ML Value I OL Value 11 1 r-roo 19 Value Value Volue 00 Sold) New '225 154" M54" 149M 122M 69M '99" '199"1 '129" '79M Equipment at a Real Saving FILES Auditor 2 Latter Drawers. Store. With Adjustable shelves. All units Lock Four Drawer Letter Crodle Suspension . New Two-Drawer Letter "Art Metal -.Damaged in transit Almost New Tw. Drawer Lefal , Art Metal. Best Quolity '59 95 A REAL VALUE 70" 77" CHAIRS -New, Close Outs l27a! '69" ,82 '45" rA25 DO Steelcese Executive Pasture Crospoint Cover' (2) Steelcese--Posture Steelcasa Posture Sikes Posture Chairs "Famous Flotilt" Genuine Leather Cover (6) lank af England Sikes Na. 7Vi Armless Leg Quartered Oak Sikes Man' Rotary Form Fitted Solid Oak. (Wolnut and Mahogany). Style No. 2501 Ea. 45" 75M '56 63" $89" M235 $3950 Ml25 $05 '42 Executive Offices Complete (1) leautiful Rift Sawn llond Oak Desk. 40x34. (1) Siko Executive Parture Chair Genuine Toy Grain ' Leather CmI Cuthian Seat 111 laarlna Caster - -. : j (2) Sikes Rcptin Chair Sti Rift$rm 0A. -Genuine Tea Grain Leather Coll Spring Seat. Waste losket Solid Oak First Set $AQ40 Only ' Value OZt This Set Exacty as Above But Genuine Walnut PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS A Few Demonstrators for the Early Shopper Smith Corona Silent ' $ AA37 Without Page Gauge . Value . W Starling . $Qr07 ; Value ' Underwood Champion $ AA37 I ..'434 50 Valua STANDARD TYPEWRITERS Royal Regular I I V '' $1 AAOO Royal Royal Regular Regulai . '88 00 J8950 $8450 '8950 (USED) 90' '79" '62" Wa guarantee Satisfaction Underweod Standards Priced to Sell ADDING MACHINES R. C. Allen Electric Model 915 Adds, Multiplies, . Subtracts, Divides. Master of Arithmetic Like New Capacity 9,999,999.99 'QftO10 New Price 3VL . Remington-Rand Elac,tric Capacity 999,999.99. : '. Direct Substract Credit Balance ; : ; $OOA New Machine Guarontea ...... Value Sundstrend Electric Like New OAC00 10 Bank Credit Balanca OOO COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Kraft Folders All Weights and Sixes. While they last 2QC Deal Ne. 1 Swinglin Stapler. No. 4 Block. Rubber Head, Tacks, Pins, Staples, $3 A00 Machine and 15 Boxes Staples Value W Deal Ne. 2 Scout Stapler, Heavy Duty Machine. Tacks, , 1 Staples, Pins $ I 1 50 $Q95 I. . Net $190 $9Q00 $27500 O eff $OA00 Machine and 5 Boxes Steples Values Pioneer Office Supply Co. 629 Main St- Phont 7412 TERMS, of course on Approved Credit Try i uesday