PAGE FOUR FRANK JINK INS Editor BILL JENKINS Managing Editor Enured as second class msttar" sl'lb port office of rails. Or . on Alst 50. I. under set of Congas, M.rrh 1M urimciis or THE ASSOCIATED MEaS ,L .- I I M t month -' I",;.- 1110 I moo t months . 1 year 1 veer . 1.N Br BILL JENKINS's a certain amount of in- consruity In this hish desert coun try oi ours during tht long winter try months. You'll notice it ny time you let out and drive the highwaye. the county roads, the back lsnes nd the "cutoffs. For instince: The wsy the sugar nd bull pine trees look so vim ind summery when the sun light hit them on a clear day even though they are jutung from a deep bank of snow and the way thev look so cool and shady and comfortable, like a draught ol cold water, on a hot July or August dav. The sight of a brand new and brightly painted bale elevator arch ing from the ground Into a dusty, weather beaten old barn that may have been standing for fifty years or more. The sight of a big. long haired old work horse pawing at the snow to uncover a few more tnouthfuis of hay or winter grass almost in the shadow of a new and powerful tractor. The wealthy ranchers who come to town looking like the hired hands and the hired hands who come to town looking like the wealthy ranchers. The little, puffing steam engines pMling a StUDQV Strug IB irctgm cars over the same track that the nules-a-minuie Shasta Daylight has just roared over. The deceotrve beauty of freshly plowed road winding ' place. tnrougn tne umoer on a oast oi rocks, logs and sinks that would halt travel on a summers day. For those with eyes to see. ears to hear and tht time to enjoy the country, smell It's fresh outdoor smells and drink in the wild beauty around them there can never be a dull moment. It's a great country to live to. the massive bulk of the mountain seems to float on a cushion of clouds it's a besutuul and m.gnJi cent sight. SATURDAY. .VNliaa. . ...a .wimiMif c nnrnnv ----- tm0m-my HERALD AM) 1NMV, r.-.. , , i i A m II fc 1 BvjimmyHatio!?epi76con$ My waY rromnew r,o 7"o Give bovernmenx neaas ox Lod They'll Do If H cry Time . lui S.I.SA'WASS MP A U4S A CASis aisn zjh La. li- rrs Pfc PLAce I w o tuwu extkS ME 4 IT a" .a, a- - -- i . to it that kwt rc-oo " v It.- s CM SXS IM THeiT, rr caste I wc.' AU of s sudden the sir up around the Upper Lake seems to be extra full of huge bald eagle. No . reason that we can see lr it. but the big birds are hinging around in quite goodly numbers. All fall and winter there have been a lot of golden eagles, but just in the past week have we noticed such numbers of the other variety. Not from a friend in Honolulu j remarking on the advent of T in the Islands during December. Siys this gal "I haven't got time to just j sit and watch it. About the onl I other thin vou can do at the same ume is tw... 7) i T- i i 1 i 1 i it-. r rX v ?j VTjI-vK' ?l I - sa-E-. -M .smJ 1 W'T.-' A . -. - x-'-J-. a WWEixE eves it law.- ' x A'-L N TCCjETWE', V0V BCCKD FOR TUS MCTT-SO- tx t'Cl As trrr LV-ttjr Cf VvV1 ervet si president of the WA8HIN0TOV cl. - RepuUII. .'' can. allied r'a;':l, ru. The dfdiiollona would vZ ,t,,Pr',n,..l.c. rtw r tor living ePne In Wasltmi- ton . , . The OOP lawniaarr. .7" rum to whether llwy houid rard Truman IMh houi I'M .:? WSP0SAL In lieu of eoulvalent iaa-ir tipn al lowance' previoualy granted Ins Hue oliiciau, om n iM-aled bv I Me )! Congrras. -til nreldrii aid Ills IHim lop o 1 1 1 e l a I a have "txtraardlnary llrlng iiene. winch reauu Hum auggeslion-whlch would '". JJ!, ililch ought to b. a Jr. ubile bwby '! . r - ..u..iion bin Ih.l Truman urd mi media ','- , ,'., chord on Cap. mrnl of a bill lo allow I""', L'o, IIMI whVr lawmak.ra ).av denl. the vice j.reidrm and h o d whl lh,y ,pkrr of the llnuae .pecial 111 ld',r n,qUat. aalarlea In ripen. deiluctuma lor "'-""''J" 1 h ton pu,por .mounting to 000 a ( n if ql.i,on ainon year for Ihe P'"''''nl ..V .""! to to Wli.t . Il.rry in ih c.. ' ',"V' Jp or Id ..nt w acruums. llou Iradrra. The vt piealdfnt' uf n- House Committee Proposes Change in Foundation Tax nitlVM ,dtion. to ns a lull public 0 A aneclal I "'" their .clivilie. 10- A Mieciai coinplt Ill ol Ibow .h,V Sr ?-" .!"-''''"!.''''.',.1i' By lit K.SI I.I. BKIM- WA.S1IINOTOS - linn. coiniiultr Uiat 111 new Corgrcu con.icler iiurio-e It .aid. wuuiu o o changuiK Ih tax l. to - I';' lh-. tuml, , u,i u.oprly. 3 ... , rmnmili' id Itumiauon ,., j i fouiKlat.on. and charitable o.g.n-. "ZcottA p.t "ml- '21,9"''. t3 Congress Has Record Number of Women ny nf. tic, , " wniit H." lh. a.,,,.! ' tR-NVi , Msriln, fM , Plodf, 10,1 I minnl. tSfi I It-Col., i Jr" Slid Mr.,,," "rnou., " -if I.. ou i,fi 7" rifht. iiui t-' )u.t tho,. ,Z " Mrrr,., J r, .aid. ' m not vr J Ulllrni i " "l 2 ?..SM b. -;u ? ... - , ,i. Win - r s ?.! a aur..i"""i ?l By RI'TH t'OWAN Irf tslativ career m June. 1W. by 'an. Clira Perkins. Progrrasitr. rrporl l0 congir on a u-nu.uth .ni ar titii-., am. The prnKv-l . contained In a j etKf .. , -avo.d giving unintf nd- UitJ, ' p,J' li.lionji. The pi nv --- ,i . . ..... . . ., . . . . , 'm- - - mi in 10 u' ,Th .- ron. ' uinnuic an election to nil out ana a man. ncp. nauoe .-..,,-.linn OI ,,, loimoa-, ,-mm,1i,l, hat auccedd : """ rUDUhlir. J .w7.j7: !5?f.o"-:?f ..ii;:"na' h h.d hid i"! i' TkU'.v?;: """." eaiinj numofr w oinru . o;ie - .,,., 7-..,.. n. h.h "r "r,"f r" . individual. r. will h. no hird feelincs Mi! ,'V,.. r- if tn ic.i .u... v-. wnn nun ukes its own sweet time about j Thtv mciuf nc- faces ! a, senior senator from Milne. , Jin. . 1961 arnvinr to spoil tn peace ana Oracle Pfost of Idaho and Mrs. Smith ill escort me quiet of the evening. Mrs jonn B- Sullivan of Missouri : coming junior senaior from tne imone the 11 wemen ocmg ruie iree oiic. riij. A vote of thanks should certainly . worn ,n representatives. i to the rostrum to take the oath go to Frank Steele and his crews 0Rf vamn senator is back of olfice. who have done such a splendid lM4rgsret chae Smith iR-Mci, Two new women Houe mem job of getting snow on the streets, wh wk u f0r rifction bere Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Pfost seeuig that treacherous corners , Us, N-ovember ' are no newcomers to govenmient ana. nuis w ere vmni ..m u-ii """""" cd .id to lounila. 1 CommuI1i,t, h.t. succeeded : .,"?n R'P' ting viiti m.Udntou. .lonai .....Aions. Ren. Sullivan died ..rT'"' " ,.r,m ' indiviou... imo "-' "-" " ,M '- M 11 lunifil Ala.r ! mean. r Uiose lit which lliey cre founded ! )tlJ, PIWrn, ' ol lh. Carneg ! h biYM J t -Til. timrl .nil Mmrnw rt out r . i a hi n I tnr lnlf-niatlotial I "1 IllfrU." 1 e of a family of nine, il!0 l0 r,,)turr contiol o." prce, and rrrderirk Vamlertilll Kcp Halle,, ,1 She aprcialltrd In bul-1 (llp n,uiiibillion-lollir lounriaiions. --trlct. former .freiary of Uw JtPuBllc.B Door tj im.tration In hr collcse bul only vrrT ,pw ,culll Com-; Amf rM-,n c'uunril of lh In.lilul. br, 01 Ui,7hl Mrs. Sullivrn was born In St Louts, one of children iur.. admin: days and prior to her marnace in liHl held key pots with acvrrai impcriant firms. The olher newcomer. Mrs. Pfost. and nuis were Mimru 1 Thrrr were 11 women in the : aptivitv a vivacious rptmrad. Ukrwtn is a ' thelittie truck with the "It spread-1 Congre55 Jua and tnt .tuaclive wkIow of former I Buslan, college graduate. She ha.,.?"'. J."' ".?,' ..L. Z tou" er 00 n spetauig up - . "'.. number in the 79th Congress, ol Rep. John B. Sullivan of si. loui been Irrisurrr of Canyon County - .-.u . - ' --,-.. .', h- atreets in the business district. nr ou? lugh.,. ,n been here dunns most of the m (or lhr . y.JrJ ., I .ubvrrsiv Influence, .nd h.4 ,,t. lo . Com. nunl.l i aent when it weren't for the snow removal : 19li- w .canpComroUfd "con- last decade, first istant to (worked in ih, county clerk's office l,rov! "' ,ml .. ! h '' ,or lM W,,ri- crews w-eo reauy nave uj"'gress has COP wDmen members: her hu5b.nd and then (or a ! ,or nine years prior to thai , ln P'ore. , n, a cm aetung around from place 10 . .. ,j., m .... ...... j r.k .,.. 1. uv huted F:eU frraurntly ha. been named One of the most missed symbols of ours during the cloudy months is old Mount Shasta looming up to the South. The big mountain seems a part of tb scene always, and, when the clouds and snow blot ' It out we find ourselves as If lost. From all viewpoints, from sheer and stark reality on the clearest of days to the half hazy days when .tK.. Wf"V -, --. At ihe annual office party and ; Mi'.numhcrir.ff DemOCralx j Of tne women now in congress. . ep. irvms. tirmwra. irom r..wui oe in in saiiery waicntng ner seven first uon election to seats lident Truman's hometown of In-.beinif -orn in. She unwiict) along the floor or desk top. That little toy has convinced me that the small boy never dies out in most men. That and their in sine tire Interest in anything auto motive. rvt left the little car on the desk and to date not a single male has come in for a chat without pick ing tt up, trying out the real rub ber tires and then remarking about the mechanics, how thev didn't hsve anything like that when he was a boy and ain't it cute? tijrfsr-' ft1--. i a. .1 TO THE EDITOR: I am writing Bookman declared the cost ot Mb ,T.hinr. h.r I fll fn a . -- . . - v ' ri.rr;; a husbands. Sen. Smith began ner I Leonor sumvan aeieated a worn-.years before hid beaten. Tier for 1 college-., churrnei. lourwmons ana Ji .iJ .hiS.. of til i -.v -. - - - . his li.-n term. i oUv-r chinubl- instiiuiions S aL sno?s swrtf 1?? ;H sST I- ' . ' 'H ' " " Hower corsai on. For tht, re.n. , lu,Med that STS. JSSLtb u ran rJfJrMM.RHYI fr hfr "-her dally j.h, t.x.writ.n. ow Way. . mumst. or Communirl .ynipinu- i .cine Itelation. P 1 I d n 1 era obt.mrM .Msitiotu of Uilluriu'e" t'.rnMi. ur.ldnt from I "ouaiu u. t .. ,n Hies ULsiltuiioiu. 1 IHt lo IMS, now I. rvlni( ! drsiucuuu ,, jjj The rrporl, public yr.tcr.', ptl"t, iiiri--e lor prjury nr "niiTiami, Mrmbrt. j fj iu, a W 'Pulil inroru. I( JJ they voi,d tt.,.-! . -"i u. einept 1 dition to unit iiu rpi,i 1, HfUr tariiu. Th. Il 000 1. s. n. ancr lain. NEW YORK if How many people have asked you today usually with a smirk: "Well, what have you given up for the New Year?-" Behind the leering query lies the assumption on the part of the ques tioner that you are a fellow hypocrite. He assumes that you. as well that "111, maintenance of pris-te bcloie coiigrr -ion., gto-j.' rn.H 1. 1 10 lh 'Communist. Th IPR ha. denied proper growth of our frre rhool. ! srl chaige. that It cam under Th. rommtllr also said II 01 th I 000 fallow, elded by In John Himon Uufgrnheim Memorial Tj. mint lor years in dean of worn- -Mean, commute re-esamme pre- rw,'" .. i.;jj . en in Cons-res... Rrp. t:dith Nourse rnl taj laws and ch.n.e them to : risk.'1 b '.us. ef official cliarf. Rosers m tj. the Uxlividuals la "m.k ! tnem. iney met. nos turn, the ink bottle. oath for the 15th time. Her len-itilts to these meritoriou. Irulliu-1 named Now look what you've done. loriiy aeam will sc. her chairmsn lions." I An alarnilni" number of grants vou little Imp!" Joe yelps at his! of the House Veteran Affairs Com-' "It Is unlikely." Ihe report edd-vm to Communist.. Ihe report mniw. .en. " ev'.slinv lax levies 111 . nmungnj, nn "'r' ww.r son. "Can t you ever be quiei? Junior breaks out crying, Mrs. Doakrs says. "That's a fin way prisingiy .mill" percentage of 111 tout sranl. given. It added that "a 'mall foun dation, became the capllv. Of th , everyone who ia opposed to divert ing our water (In this case the .water of the Klamath river) and transporting It by a "fintisUe acheme," as stated by California state Grange Master George SeJk- mejer. to the desert regions of Southern California. I am enclos ing for your attention the follow -ia C'ff"rg srom us os nngrjrri Times: --Southern California will ulti mately require from some source five times as much water as our fuq rights in the Colorado River win supply. Studies show that this the project would be about 11,270,- NTl.tnO. An allocation of isOO.000 has been For the first time tn American permit the creation bv individual. legislative historv there will tw a or families or lint foundations... to talk 10 vour only child." and mothrr-nd-son team servtm to- alter th next lo or Is year. " .in hi nerves lansline. hauls out : geiher m tne Hoit-e. tthat Ih wav. and means conimil- a cigaret and hgn-s 11. isep rnnces oonon. Republican tee investigate wnetner loundations ; communn paiy. sin loolts down and r, - reads ! representative of a Cleveland dis- are b:n ued 10 ev.di- tne. or I There ar at least J0O00 lai ... ...... .1... all man. and : trlCt Will h tllfina- lh M.n tnr- t - main'. in ...)!.. n. . r . I . .an iwianlullnn. in I Hal Unltad . I . . o-l b . , ... as he. made a pompous list o'l broken In less than 10 minutes. I the eighth time. With her will be I corporation. 'state., of ahich btwen so and loo : Ui ahootinth ner wn unver. puoiuner of us To comnutle submitted a draft foundation, hav ata of 10 mil' willoughby Ohio News . Herald bill which would resjuir lh loun-Hloo dollars each. and likewise a Republican He is i going in for his first term. ThrAA ) III Vtj Wk Killings WEr uBEtrri Tii body 01 1 am ma wii . ptreatiJ mnr perwm It good resolutions and that you both have already broken them. He recognizes In you a kindred soul, another broken reed. The uncomfortable truth is he probably is right. The high re solves made on New Year's morn- tne- often are forgotten by nlght- lau. Rarely do they endure a wee. made in the Bute's 1S32-M budget I The reason for this is simple for preliminarv erolorition and engineerinj projects on the plan. ng3ieering plans are Deing ad vanced so they will be resdy when the people of the State decide to initiate end finance tht project," Bookman said. Southern California is already. or soon will be. drawm? over 4 JOO.000 acre feet from the Colo rado river. Five times that much would be more than 311- million supply can be found in Northern . acre feet more than the total run-Cairfonua"- j off ot Feather River en which thev Mas Bookman, engineer in ; have already filed for 1.30,000 cnarge or toe eoutnern iuirornia 1 acre reel, nence me proposed O effice of the Stat Division of Wa-1 version of 17 per cent of Trinity ter Resources, gave this informa tion yesterday 10 a committee meeting at the State Chamber of Coramerce'a Southern California Council Session at the Staler. He was erp'.aming the present sta tus of the "Feather River Project." He told the meeting that the People make the wrong kind of lsew year s resolutions. Let us peer into an average American home and see how ihe man of the house, Mr. Joseph Doakes. tries to reform his wsy of living. He is seated at a desk. He takes out a sheet of paper and writes on 11: "I hereby resolve to give up smoking." Joe looks at that, smiles in smug virtue, and adds another line: "I hereby resolve to quit being inconsiderate of my wife." jusi men Mrs. ooakes peeks long-range Northern Cahfomia wa-jter of which they had been robbed ter pisx. aoouia not lessen u?e in-1 Unless all the peep! of the Klam- River, to replace the water robbed over his shoulder and says, "What -u"i sr a-eauarr, as an entering . are you ooing. aear? wsn age. ir uw se sources were ex hausted they (Southern California 1 would try to steal the Klamath RiVer. Or at least tka Kl.math would have to be diverted to the ; he puts down a third line mwaoicuw vmuzj u replace Tl- what's the us? ' he growls, crumoles the paper into a ball, and throws it into the wastebasket. Whit Joe doesn't reilue is thit he has made the mistake most Americans do in formulating good resolutions. They resolve to quit doing some thing they believe is bid instead of resolving to do something that is better. Their approach is negative in stead of positive. It is passive rather than active. They try to weed out their small vices instead of planting more virtues. The only wav to cure a bad habit Is to replace it with a new habit. Otherwise a vacuum Is left In your life and the old bad habit will certainly move back in to fill it i London Rebuilds Churches When Dr. Karl Bruber. Austrian loreign minister, stood up to au- LONDOM " London's supreme ; research and study wr needed elfort to rebuild war-damaged before artl.t.. rarprnt.r church, and remount their stately I and masons could begin their work, spires will be one-third complete h bill for restoration of war. JiLi"1' h'ncorono, vuitora damaged church, m London alon Iiood thl. nation. not counting huge job. In Coy. Nazi airmen and burs bomb. Di.n...h .....a..... . drs, a committee of lh United . whether they were aiming of other large Brutal, cltlea Nations just before the Christmas ! London's churches or not. .truck will cost nearly lour million recess, he was a living reminder . -3 out ol 701 Anilican churche.. ! pounda till 300 OOOi of one of the orld's worst1 The d.mi.e .till u evtde.,1 in, h h '. ' .,,. i.... trgdies of inaction every section of th my. but after L ", 1 ecoiwmic.lly hard er nearly eight . years, tiny j " y" of Loot. 200 rsloraiion f'' "' " " Austria has sulferd the occup.. nl cp-r Jobs are nearly lm. : meet man In America, lion of foremn Mildier. im.n ...i.t ished. Th British govrnmnt etentu ' . . I D ..... . ,a. . . ... I Imnne, ha ... 1. , .... SlllT will n. a I .Kn,,. I S . anillinaa stenuon from n. h, h, ihe ! Western .11,., on the other. Like'enurchcs-aome ot lh,m bui, tna pounda .M.40O.O0O1 of the London I u' iM.m Jff Deputy Sfarilf! if th body of H-Ki'l lri wa. lour4 e about 100 yard nr karmoot : hj Ur, trtna,. Taggrt hag ti with a irmm. Tw o other am family were ana Taggrrt's lyit nainect Josepi. 1 Monro. It-yrue wile, wrr u pital in Ian (est Th child ti I and lh onus 1 said. Mrs T.ggert In Dana flew una i passionate doing of good things, j Berlin. Vienfu I, a divided city. mt Ju,t meeting house-, i bill. Public aubriptlon. church terest in the outcome of the California-Among Colorado River con troversy, savine that it trill b "a financial loss to Ciuforiua to lose j diversion of water from these ba any part of its present rights in sins unless and until every" fore- lo work." Tn W living with lm M vemuer -l lold hira 6f keep us, and li the Colorado River to Arizona." "The Feather River Project." he said, "proposes to bring wa ter from Northern California to Southern California over the Te hachapi Mountains, siin-inating any further diversion from the al ready overall ocated Colorado Riv er, the nearest source of new wa ter is in tee Sacramento-San Joa quin delta. "Tooay from this delta there is Virtue so fills their lives there is! M Russia energetically ' "tanaing .sun In the heart o( no ruom left for vice. " uuousn tne motions of seek-, -""""" ' -""-s-iin uu.ricks. ! rM rtnata. nrnhahlv naa nn In an Austrian near. iraiv American. Canadian and Euro- Startled. Joe snaos. "Nnn. fi... ,m m ka-a.. . IThere were endlrsi uuii,. k rx-an visitor, at coronation ume your business. Cen't a man have But the onlv way he can ouit representatives of France. Britain c"nl m'" seeing at least two or any privacy in this house?" His bein inconsiderate of hLs wife is ind -h t'niled Sta'rs At three of lh 11 if Uiey do any i:il. conscience already bothers him as 'to be consciously more cons'oerate P'nl. 'here appeared to be dls-' "'" To distinguish k;- uura ime; i0f ner. And the best wav for him I ",r1 " just live our of w ir or rrsioreo ec- I herebv resolvt, tn mut ha,inv . tn ., t. , . nrnnosan aatila tn .h. .... . , llorts however will be dlfflrtlil. iui junior. - nrais Junior 1 nut men the ta ke brok. nn.n 1 -srsiur.uon won iooss almost ra- lion 01 40 000 nound. mai. oral. At that moment Junior tears into I It isn't what von don't An thai 1 Nothing seemed tn eel ih.m .1. actlr lite the original masonry and i of the 740000 itt Mm.' '.,,,. iBa room eh.S-na. Ik. na. -ra.. . ... . (..,.... , . , .i,nanl,n, ntfn..aa..... i . . ' " aa - th. Trmitv ind Feather rivers k. S ."l" IT.".? JOU 11 a" ou Zrl", "y .I?1"!.' ...T tun. 1 ,s..Eu.7if. F? tund. him on, way or nresent . uniiavi i , : : ; ""v. u-e se-.iern - I J. -oi. ari aaya. w. huiuM j, " . r." 1 iposs-rrs mis snrinir suiri-estan a o r v s-r 1 rrsiorauon proiecu i w ill renuire .houi 11 .., ... 7..nU short treaty with only e.ght ariicles.vrn;u,ll will cost far more th.n e.timatea thai excellent prsreaa LVlh him SIra iJ Thtr a t,, an i.u a ' Construction of tha. nncml h,M. -h.a j . A I WISH nim, lira. ISI oanatiom. bquru. 1 nd-rwulne Mum. and loirign ro. 'ributlotu must ran the remainder. Th nublin ramtsalBn for nwi. churche. w opened in !'. with!hu mother in Bisnop of London's Recomlruc-1 1"' "'""''r tun Fund. Col. Derek Bearl. official of th fund. ha. prrsided ovr th colle- laggrrt, She .aid hr gld with her ens) hen she pulled ft 1 him. Taggert seeable future need, for domestic agricultural, iratustrial uonal purposes has been provided for. we will wake up to find that w have lost our greatest resource, our water, without which the oth ers cannot oe developed. SAM DAWSON There were no takers in the Krem:'Foml?ellon ".final build- ha. been mad during the first i m-" lm , 'ngs. In many Insiances. eatensiv. Ifiv years ot ihe campaign 8h said the in B Dorado county. Ciliforai 1W of crisis. and claim it a. my residence Somehow or other, 1 tateine Baeramento Bee: have -"r t "sen It IS POtntleS to sain-h fna .... Wn.T.?R5 - A W of mg how the foreign tu.uon was ft"1'0" '." .'.L"':"' M- f ft I A . younger Americans can t recall 1 eources fall. sure to provide a ' vrtoTisln.H.n L" ,n n'v'r nM ! " starting a year that wasn't di.hh.a crisis remii.riv seriousi) Intended signing on Aus- ! LONDON ia-mi.. o... . ... -a I iri.n n.- K..... .. . . ". --at. w.tuai, ! nuam C lllian ram avllKln . .. a..l Hher. the lab, ,?TcIs m u" j JS' H " I A ' p"""'" w''"' The gJ l 1 " " .Justified. Itened ones will lose them. A per- m", rm,.Aul.r,,n ,0" but ! defense spending in the comm. i .JS1,7..?. "rBmen- me." Mr.. TaiH r In lamily aw lanoia were 'Jirough a vlndti "I saw mom Im look atralglil on must have stra Vrrlnan tKaa, nn hl. ...' . . If it W.Sn't rrltlel na .... ann.1 , , , I rOIII tlW HURalrlin Rumanian ara I ia,. . .. . ... COIilUltKHU .rut a.aaialaa al.. .i .w . , , . '.. ; . "J ma , , r - in. ' .. . -. c.ei,- wi . -. is .or racn. nm in lorget r- , , . . . ..-...- aim . --i ,u cwnicr in nuasib Itv nl .... - - 7-"Main n. c.n4a-n.i. t? uvmn -aieino' tee dispatch from Treks m " " . s Ior 5me shoulder.the hopeful hordes who won't be1 moM'm" territory which sudden Soviet atgrevsion Hrreni economie. of Western Cu- rrmu Jt ,? la.'"lX B" " 1M. and' S or " Isce paper in- given i Tfederal plumb "rridor to Austria. I "moduicaiion.- " XitlsS , "0U,ld 'u ot annual output of 600 000 acre feet ! your remarks on this subject ?.,r ' The delene program will be cut Th' Pr,,wnc of armies gram. h declares do rt c5u,lm 0nger." II con- M wster during eight months of - Trusting that our people may be ! American has endured ! back - and lorn Worker, may , 'J pmcer ; en, a cut in the" Snort's L , . uwr- artMitf-d u ih i nmvt.4 ..., v so many vear of men. th. is. im ik. n- . j ' of land on firminv. .-...v. 1 " "rmi i Th ahan .1.. . bU?. SjSoT SJKEWiVZl ?. -t'h'ZiJ '.oth' -taxpayers,, will """.," ,."pPy strategic cir. ; V ,. . ! ''"'I thrfot. e" Cre-iOaSt reaaarvnir a AaA laVlVmn- I r ' . V.a - fl... .nn-. , . 1 siwunu. , , v . 1 ''r ' , aav.vw-aa-v- V. . ... a ama. nn HIT nOrilOO ' ClUier W.V Vfttl 1 ha. tt'aanan " ""1 Ui- L ..... Im 115 traditional stormy funnel .the nation's enun. si.nrf. , the Aastnan a. .iivootr ) the brink of disaster. ihe excuse to M th..: it ov. .-V..M7Q at-. ; .. a" iw me na- i ne ouving public fa sure-fire several satellite watt power plant and SsTT-mile queuues irom a point near Tracv to terminus near the Mexican border." 'V... l . --... aaia: i.ew - r i .ui . OUl more OOUffO. i " inVwhlta nana. . ra , ' w ""fl .nr.. UlreaUl ' I Ic..f'.r5 PP".rs on the horiicn i Either way. you'll be w-arned Ve l displeased, either, that !Pa.r"?.m,n un-1 Britain . original defen-e oro. an occupa lo- ,ues Ihem Uc Council me.imT.n A!.n" i fi'T . D."'n 'r'mm.d twice Lm Angeles j is sure to stansT iVc sou..l "ZuT EES I R-V-n "soFdiVr, are.'n hli'prev ! P? lh' "SrSS e"0, ' rOaOS ltj almOSt I .nd cava ii. mn.... a..., ! Siva riatarr.n. m. """ , thlt 1 CUt in the nation', i IIVfllviHal CO,t rm H5nC-U"eU m""ne "- ! " "rat 1 S bJth? "! Z,::,'"'"- D1,J " "h meal. almost perpetual and save its money - backing a'e deterrent to trouble-making m ' effoV VLr?" MUa ' ,lndlvldu' "ms ro-e ao much the CrassToaH ei.itw ... , "." ? r"rom tne -".-s- areas. Jiniletm- ' """" . ' "" w" more Instead of I.. from Coitireii ,rZ "s.T."", no''s lo the , ut im, ; c. nu, disregard of in-' nT""' .1D'. """ originally learning around commencem.n : O ThV eonM.n,.,. w, rn.n " ,,nT '"I" u. , "h Ti rn'.c ?,n? " 0 . .OM.000 Inftra la...... . . , 'nr program nn..n.n. , , "'-"7 laiipij ume next June. ,much ,n onr, h.t ..Vh'.iden. of ,n ' 7 '"""V"' ?ur' mod:fic.i,in : n . hre.7v..,"j:w w' vr .MUllOnS Of bUSitUSaman O-ill .... .. .i" . -.---. C. .'". ."'" Ill I . ava aim iiiii.hii mrnl n. tna r . . L.M,,,ac ui ciiiun.sia in uim. I am six feet nil. at ro.ra . meai. :.'""" o1.. ousinessmen and will run out of goods and lose steady imnalrmeni n .v.. ,. "k "ci a channe ol en.nh..,: m .... Britain', a.,.., nd weight only 140 poiinds," ,,n?.W,Ll0 ' ,0 1 1 to deb. I i?nJ0nve,"10ns !." sal55' T, cn5""r' won't do dom u regained when the S.,i ; u'iil ' oul " o nVe a reducl on I "ur run boui i mi SffSJl' writes K G -r ,.7T ' 1 " tmttl the afpetr,. is satisfied ' l. '0 .debate how to meet the either, and lust seen th. r-.ii.ra vok. u. r... ... 7". ? ' in tne nrr.,ni .. uc.on douim. ... n. A50"' . l.tU.OOO.CW Sfnt J!2L itSS rJK li-;Wl Ka a a. " '"T-J . , j 1' im'n11 P'rvi mo.-e on defense though many more are faced with I SiV StiSs. """u"m Da Moula i k More food can he taken also just ' St!?- Tbt, extra meals. A small I i 01 holds more Kafnra ..... mi the opposite problem and f .h. m ! "?! -,u" ,un"-. : i-'. ""ie. u casIe' nd un- March M. I" 1.1 wuhout rifiiiti-fimaM war sees -vlllllUII - i-1" in uiuuTf. a nn r anJ memal Revenue Collector's en- statesman who often has Tde ftei iW. Ulls ''" . 'il i5? .-text - ! Embargo s and prac- Barrina- th Br-sarv. nf .. 1 '""- extra meals. .v,vij 1, j z . nuamornin m..i . ! really rather simpl e eatmor, Slinf.,00ls re h,:P'-- gliss of'.h?. .u ? T0'J 11 tai the right ktodTS icsSj a,;.':f "i1 " m is . gcS ; I.8s 04 or some-, wnen weight or margarine, sweets, more i cereals and other foods' s.iurie content should in th diet ThiS dOeS Hal iein meat, gs. and other things -"tn pronae needed .1,11.. Im.'nJl!"'' ,Au""'n Pwole" .. b.rffi.uue 01 ?(ATO effort '. Imay not pass velv ..,.! .... s whole. oiien. , i-".r - ' vw-aa oe u ten, r-.. . On. 1. ., .. 1 JOOain at th. S.'..h. ... ... .. -".m-cm WtaCie . fatter meats' nTna." k m" booy should be eomid.rit 1 ..T. 00 ' --"'v.' "a be stored by ti iodv: ......e". . be hxMedSner S tui'i". '.,,'v.': heart, of this ir .SWhI '.T .'h' oVm0LL! .?umr' musTTK.i..J''!-. .. .... Itlties. tncludin, .'.'. cuon will be tied up in eommii. i pi.n..h n v"'v"""u" wueen orutally th soviet, h.... 1 .rn "'on-' until "our .. :.".a."i .'"r.1: ln "e heavily infested iTO fKW- "10 on;! t.:.TJ?"W- may b, particuUMv ! ! -n S; ' ? .'"o ' o?'m .?.R llsonU'"r.,5r: ?!Ln oVKrXs.,a --d",h.', Ih a,,,...! JT Wonts TV Clamic nu.a sltuauon Indefinitely. It li .dmi t- ,n'T!1f-'0.mb"1"1 '""es planned I r WWn Vi?.i , r,,;", .UKL .,"l."1' 'n.lact. bel WA8HINOTON ut ..... lltur. 1-v.n... " . . ge last enough 'LONDON f-Two Churrh f ' :"V" Ll'r0'" occupatmn. more' ,1.. pl,r" 'o spend potalq .h.nTn. J'""0 "-a lessened tt-i.. -:.1 . iuc "iieraauo ooeould nave u exircui I ff"'55.1". ? v.r? land dU,S "SH. 21!E.h . small S'lhS'S Dd "'' ceremony: wiuTt 5J2 nd minerals siivr. ,7r., J'-Tvr ! .. Mor food is th. anaw nSSSJJSS..V mes. aaaaaa. . Ufl ... y. Ha to eat more .t Ch meal Th! mount one eats is targeS rj ter of habit and ihu ;.!ly.!.mt: 1 itiwiM er Mther. The inrniiAr.i -- onuauuu much to use mount of food. Thu, to l.uTi 1 "J!" btn s they are. a lee cream C. .'...'.r'1 f 1 Each melee abroad 1. VXJZl.&K.r ..most'ts - . sys"s ? S rlMrS, Sv''?'!.n- O. Nicholas. . untrv win mgr. h. , 1.- . n i.i'a f 1. ..... a... . ' ...icr ter of habit and thu Mn be eh.SS5i !. " ?"tTn oa con'taa like any other' The I -2?,.. -rl" ?iwS. vie, pres-ems In ch.V?. .( " b" ?..!?' country aiocese. ; three ' WWl.n church .mlTi""! JjSfT 1 0URNM-TIHOLLAisjn IUGINI. QUI MIDFORD Thorourht Lin.. Mr. nd Un. j. E hd Joe giey Prepnetoft ... tn a...... -l a . ' '. sue. Man . lira - v-.up. me r-ars. 41 char.t , picture nuutnxo ' . Kmm ism. BUSINESSMEN! Chert ef Mlmmt ,.ti M .Cartel Collection Agency f-" 1 411 Main Tanl Denuty Bherffl said last mint I gert miv visit Ua relative. Plane 0 Kills K RALEIOH. KC Fore transport throuih dririm crashed near u airport about 1 night. Three officer killed but on if lously esciped J parently was U1 crashing pii.j nd daird. Ihetn ward Matits, UP port bout I ' 6-47 Uatuport P The accidenlj plane was ""f gencjr landuif. I aix nours aft" al... (hat . Ml .a..... a..-. - ihe i.ngled rem englnfd piane eal ol an in'1 Donaldson A Greenville, 8.0..J carrying only Itt" r.tiirnin. frOlM ' flight 10 MJ INewburgMJjl