PACE SIX HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMIIER M, 10.V2 FRANK JKNKIN3 Editor BILL JENKINS Managing Editor Entered second clans mutter at the post office ot Klamath Falla. Ore., on August 20. 1008, under art of Congma. March , 1S79 MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ttit Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the use for publication ot (II the local news printed In this newspaper at well as all AP uet. SUBSCRIPTION BATES MAIL BI CARRIER 1 month I I.SS I month i I 1.3J 8 months , i 6.S0 t mnnttls I 1.10 1 year 1 ''r 16i0 I,, . ..' ' : 1 ' :. billboard; They'll Do It Every Time VVTlEr-J CRUDNE'fe IKl TOM WE EXPECTS MO GE15 THE RED RU6 TREATMENT Oii B4L PETEyS EXPEMSE 4CCOUMT By BILL JENKINS views, and with some of the others. The light to serve and drink At least'-one man, got out of UWj iiqUOr belongs to ihe American mow aiiu ruin yesterday. At least people. But as long as the stale ne planned lo neau out oi ii. irai is ROing to retain a monopoly on WHAM we fiOTTA r dew By Jimmy llatlo j BiTPWWEM OMCE M TEM yE4RS PcTE VISITS CF5UD, MOlV IS ME ENTERTAINED P.VOU SMOULD-4SK- TO UAm wi ktjv WITM US-HSKS IE4HNO r my sisters icmtWOW whs Want bcmon, our esteemed legislator, sage, camp cooic and general all-around hail fellow. Hanlc took olf, along with a few other who&e names a missed, to try running the Rogue in search ol fish, fun and relaxation. Han says he thinks it U be the sales of Intoxicating beverages I think It only right and proper that some curbs be put on said license to prevent the hole-in-the. nail pitlalls all too familiar in -cine ot our cities and states. It is highly debatable as lo whether this new ruling will in- OK. but even beiorc he got started the sale of n-hisKv within he as talking nostalgically about our borders. I tend lo doubt that the ocean. Hope he makes It ail , jt wm. There will, naturally, be I'S'H. I a short period when the newneis I haMi't worn o'f when the sale nf Some of the last words he had i liquor will skyrocket. But when eSf . rtit iewv.. v-v i'i I . riimv THIS MS BECI Jw TWS.PETcy-WElE XT MIT THE I FOR THE RAST ) W TWff HlSH SCI4V7 CLUB Tfc V" f V WEEK-.- J I PFE ASO CHOW COTPS-- lm . i i . l t invin"v-ii ... i 1 'ilYwkJ5'Df to say bclore shoving oil concerned the liquor by the drink measure passed by the people of the state. he has asked lor a spot on that committee because he had some pretty dcllnile ideas about how it should be run. Can't think of at belter man Ulan Hank to have ou that particular job. Among all Ihe rumor and specu- the newness is gone, when the I neoole of the slate find out that tit cOois just as much to drink at an open bar as it does at one of our present bottle clubs, then the hoopla will die down and we'll be back lo normal. Predictions: I predict that the new law will not be In effect be fore August at the earliest. I pre- latlon about this new bill there iOici that it wui not oring aoout the are a few things looming that look I construction of over six new bars prelly much like sure things, in the Klamath Falls area. I pre liieaned from Hank and a couple diet that the standard price for a of other legislators as well as a 'slug of bar whiskey will be 60o couple ol o,hcr chaps who ought and that call whiskies will bring as I. ' lo IIUW s ub UIC lie vaiati,, ii.u J (",u, ,,a t, auu HAL BOYLE friend said: ! - lio anu see It The Last Sup- ; per. ah mat is leu Is crumbs.- Republicans Expect Democratic Help In Putting Over Legislative Program WASIIINOTON w nepilbllcans say ilu-y expect a lot of lnMp from Dfmocmla in shoving l'n-.ikli-iu-elect Klsinhower a legislative pro, gram through the m w Congress, ih.,,i...i;M-..: ...i.. .' . ".' wo taxes next year ueyunti pruspectlve new diain on lednul leveuuea: a tt-bllllon-ilollar tide of maturtiiK deieusr bonds. Hep. Martin of Massachusetts, slated lo be speaker n( the limine 111 the Uiri Coiigiesa couvenlng Jan. J. mild he doubla the Ulsenmin.-i' Piognun will encounter much dlf llculty oil Capitol Hill. Martin, speaker 111 Ihe llepubll-can-conlrollrd 0ti Congress of IIH7-48 and since liUP lloor K-iider, told his lust post-electlon news eonferenca In Washington yester day: "I am very confident the pro. glum will gel liirue UeiiHK'iiHU support. Wuos going to vole ngulnst (a prog nun designed to bring i peace and prosperity?" Mai I in said lie wasn't concerned over Ihe fact that the OOP mar gin ol control In the new House will be about four votes. 'Hie slim margin, he sulil. Is a good Hung lor the country because It will keep us aim " Martin said lie believes a bal anced budget should be the "ul timata oblfH-llve" of Ihe new Con gress, 'mere must bo economies and biiilueu-ullliig. lie aald, lo bill, ance lederal upending and Income llut he also said lie wauls a IX Ihe cut already provided by law Automatic lax i eductions are due during the next Iwo ycnij uulrns they ala blocked by new leglsla, tlon. i Martin wouldn't rule nut Hint prn.'pect of a lax cut even If the lederal budget Isn't balanced, Ha said he believes tax relief and relief limn other resiilclioin would give business an Incentive In expand and would huvo Ihe el leel of producing mora rcemie Horn lower lax rules. ben. Bridges of New Hampshire. Hrimte Republican lloor leailir, told a separate news conlereuco yesterday lie wants Hie budget bal anced bclore any lax cuts aro con sidered. Ilridges cautioned thai maturing bonds may be a complicating Inc. Ir. He aald there Is no way loip praise how many bonds coming one In HIM actually will be cashed. Hut ho said the government mioit be III a position to cash all of fered for redemption. Iloiiilliolileis luive all option of holding Hie ncutnlllcs to collut luoio interest, Men. Hpiukiiinn of Alabama, Ilia Deiiim-rais' uii',uctcsslul lioiiiiuru lor vice presliirnl, aiild Ineaiiwhllo lis lolllld IHII' piinl eleelluu state ments seeiui',1 In be hedging nn earlier loiccasls ol diuntlc builgri cuts, lax rediicllou and other changes, At Uea Island, Oil, where he Is rc.iinig, Hpiiikiiian told a lepmlii a budget of at least 01 lllllloil dul lain will he needed next llsial year sltirlln.i Jul)' I If Hxeil Treasury j ml dclrimo obllgiillons ae lo li illel. The gDveriiiiieut's lax revenues are estimated now at Hbuut Km.. 7U0.IKI0.0(K) a year, which laga be hind spending rnlliualeil to total about 'It billions. Elsenhower hut mouthed ei-otiiitnli-s alined at bringing Urn spending rate down to 00 billions a year by lira". Bridges announced he unit othern will spoiiMir a bill III the tirnato In ciriito a sieclal commission lo proto.-.e pcuiioinles In mllilary npeudliig as one xlep toward lower spending and taxes. Iii snld Hie bl-pnrtlsan study group could include representativrn el business, labor unions and science and loriner inllllnry men. James Marlow i,'en' -9e begins Washington Studies Hy JOHN M. IIK.IIIOWI It Uw AV-t..--. 1 iVnr J.m.. WrtSHINUIXJN i ll-1 lie Truman WASHiNO-rnsiV, i,-. .. arimlnlslration oi-ned Its secret pnafeS"h1aN,0.he0'?l,-H SpiSJKK; ?'!!!!. ..!!? 'i1'" i..r l...i..l. ......... nr.c .... tu .r. ..., Trlm..,. .ri,l Should be More the lla-lng strokes of Ihs Tmougl ou, Eurooe vou find this ' .(ch prer.ilou of Ihe nr... in. ..i T.i '.. . .joungci dvnntp rmlMHHry. lh Korcu iiiMrnH'(i ... , I..,, i. ...... ; . j,..- (inanclal expert who "-" "ih 'e u.. aoout we come to kuow that there will be no liquor by the glass lor a matter of some months. It takes three months after the proper leg islation is passed before the bill can be activated. There will be no widespread conduction of new deadfalls In the stale as a whole. And you can bet your shirt that getting a license to serve booze by the belt will be more complicated than merely writing In for an ap plication tomi. Tne commission will undoubtedly follow the ex ample of other monooolv states who have gone Into the less than a bottle business and put some pretty strict restrictions on the tale of stagger soup. You won't find It in every onV--rm greasy spoon that has a li cense to dispense beer and sand wiches. And those that do apply for and win official permission to dispense high tax alcohol will have I like to clean their places up to a great , bad wme sales in the area will, after a six month period, approximate those of the months before the instigation of the liquor by the drink law-. I also predict that bar lenders who are currently servinj in bottle clubs and killing people with over-strength drinks will start using (small) jiggers and will either measure 'em out or look for new Job. There are 38 ounces in a fifth of the demon rum. Any really competent Shylock behind the wood can easily stretch this to 36 or more. So the incidence of drunkenness should decline. But I won't predict that It will. Speaking of bars, one of had dirty trick pulled on them recently. Someone endorsed th? back of a motel receipt and cashed it in. At least it turned up with the day a take. Tne thing looked a cnecK. was the same size. the sum m the right spot ENROUTE FROM EUROPE (.fi brush of long ago. An Italian eiQtcs irom a travel alary: Going through Europe builds you down and tears you up. It confuses an out - of - towucr. As a visitor, your duty is al ways to go and loyally inspect the lamous local ruins, shake you. head and ponder aloud how sueh a wonderiul civilization could per- lading coior opus of some herald-l5l- cd maestro of the brush. -ne next tmng is to admire Hie I But In many cases the repro- i-or some reason beyond his own are belter than the remnants leu. i , " 7.""""' with lop officials In those agencies UIUIUII ,.,. Sen. Henry Cabul Lodge Jr. l.-r i...,. u .i.- n i i'i tissue I iii.eii s aesiKiiairu uy llcan, been "a, T persistent as on iui ,"'r .'''?'? '"'.. i'1 subject ef government spending. 3L , " C3 For Instance, a year ago Sen.- night ami wus ready to cooler ac.uai aesires uie tourist Is sup posed to be paining to creak his neck upward at the famous top-ol-the-wall drawings of Michelan gelo and his students. The brave fact, of course. Is that most visitors are more Interested in the present day - to . day life of Europeans than in Inspecting aunic uiuuiy pnmtings oi centuries sometimes to see them In being ' $oll.r buoS nv0M'i 1l' mo.her young and fair and return. L. ..?.. In h ms"' V v" ,h' ing matter "years to fmd he7 bent "ft 1 and old. Iroin within, he could scarcely Dro Such was the feeling I had on ' h'", V,,mn, U , V 'r a smooth transfer ol acluahy viewing "The Last Sup- . '"', !lh. government irom Democratic His mission was regarded as preparatory lo Eisenhuwer'a con leiince Tuesday with President Truman. The purpose Is to pave defeated for re-elecllun bv Ut ino-1 slreiigthen the U. B. cause In the cini .loim Keiinrdy, now a repre-iU.N. Incv are prrpaled lo urge, seiilaltve. When asked. Lodge said penmps dliei-lly u r:iseiihuwrr he did not "know anything ' about j Tuesday. Unit Hit PicMocnl-elect his being mentlnued as possibly should endorse the 1), 6, aland as Elsenhower's secretary of stale or'soou as possible, secretary of delen.e He Indicated j 'litis Is one ol Hie subjects Ben. he did not exneet tn nci-oitiiianv Alexander WlleV nf Wisconsin of Eisenhower on Ihe Presldenl-eleci a i Republican iiieinbrr ol the U.N. planned trip lo Korea. Idelegalion, Is slated In lake up with At the Slate Department, Under- blscuhnwer In New Yoik III a lew uecretiiiv David Hruce, in the ab sence ol Secretary Acheson. re portedly was ready lo give Lodge "any information he wauls" Ac lie sou la attending the United Nations session, in New York City ago they have already had to tal s'uay since tney quit chasing fireflies. per" on a wall in Milan Mar. Twain once bltterlv marked that being asked, literally. ourselves lo ruin.- to spend ', Republican hands Jan. JU. tnut was anything was immor-lc.,," Am ro ' ofllcials lo co-operate rememoered 100 Brirt.;. ' , -K v,. '.-.: extent. Nothing but the better j and was signed In the regular Joints will be allowed to operate. ' place, plus three endorsements on I concur with Hank in his I the back. What next? JELLING THE EDITOR, REAL ISSIE .of the U. N. Assembly did not hmrltintr I.,, n,,i- num ennlr.a. KLAMATH FALLS: It Is ob- men j,,, upholding that prln vious that great percentage of cli,. n. nas 'been forced to resign people are almost holcing their , lUempt to secure unity In the breath hoping Eisenhower will pull i U N. Now It is very plainly up bvhic iuuii uu. ui ui ..,-:io you ana me lo see mis prrnci- way of ending the Korean ngnt- iple supported. Because such ing ana wiinoui loss m principle. ,mngs don t happen. They Thlnga are just not done that way. mus, t. mtie , happen by the in recent letter I pointed out calculated actions oi men. that in Marx and Enters political I That means we must forego the teachings which, combined with i us, o( puli and influence to clr- , what the communist party has, Cum vent law enforcement, and that none in lorms oi guverniiitruts i'e do not condone those who try has established, proves the basic to justify themselves bv bvpo hypocrlsy of that party. Also ;thetical argumentation where they called attention to the need foriare breaking the law. placing that information before Hie More than that, it means we people of all the world, to weaken ens to support principles in any support given the Communist par-1 organization, that do not make ty as an aid to successful handling Uw enforcement possible. There of Ihe Korean aituation. But thatlw ,n, mnM o7w enforce is only one part, in fact one ofi-nent In Ihese United States until the negative parts of what must ihe constitution was adopted and be done to make this nation s ac-.ent into effect, because until tions In and on Korea something enforcement ol laws concern thai benefit, mankind that keeps I lng ,he whoit w united States the live., given there Irom having . or of several states was dependent beer given in vain. jUpon enforcement agencies con- Trie Issue, the only real Issue trolled by single state.,. To up Upon which fighting there on our! port the principles at Issue W part can be justified. Is enforce-1 this Korean fighting we must move inent of United Nations law; to change the principles In all or- gainst aggression. Enforcement jganizations that carry In their of law that flows from the people j lorms mere federation principle, through organization ther can con- I as was In the U.S. government i trol Is the principle, and there i before the adoption of the Con-' oe no omer. mat must oe jtitution raisea to juage wnat is supported and what is not supported If there is to be a positive achievement Culture Is a grand thing, and .c tui .uuiiie i.. tnit iucie is itu particular reason except tradition for a visiting American to think til. faded a-ranrieur nt R.nai. '"Jlsanc? wall is superior to the clean fpienoor or a utilitarian Rocke feller Center skyscraper. To me, no mailer how many guide books I study, the Slstlne Chapel is no more inspiring than be cathedral reach of the Empire State building at dawn or dusk. They have their Inferiority com plexes about us and we have ours about them. I say our towering group is art. just because It rellect, a group genius, tsn-t therefore less worthy than the lofty grope of Individual genius that tbey admire. Take the painting of "The Las'. Supper," a famous relic from the brush of Leonardo da Vine! that was fortunately soared - and ac- years. well, I feel culture is only .ne nncieus you cling to of Bridges will b. Its ijlhe new Congress, I ISln ..... chairman in ' when Truman day, ttume iiutlloiitles hero believe Unit, II Elsenhower prefers not In speak out on Hie I'OW Issua after he meets President Truman, he nil. lit authorlw Wiley to make I known hla views following their Ulllclala aald thai, of all the talk. problems which (Jen. KlseiUiowerl in geurral Truman Is prepaird should be Informed about, Ihe mosl I to oiler ills auccessor a voice In in grot is the discussion in the all those lureiun pulley decisions United Nations about how In get which. In the aomliililiallou'a view, a truce In Ihe Korean War. Hpecll-1 must be made between now ami Icully, the question Is: How lo I Klsenliower'a Inauguration on Jujf break the U.N -Couimtinlsi dead-1 JO. Hut the general has made II lock over repatriation of prisoners plain lhal nrither he nor his tep of war? ! resentatives will .rt-em .... ..-,. government budget already are Under President Trutnun's ad- laibillty In this respctl. bclrg laid beloro Elsenhower ministration, the Untied Stales has I Yet adminislialiuii officials leel special rcpre.-cmauve to the Bua-1 insisted there must be no com-, inat. between the kind of formal act oui. to. jus.-pn n. uvugr, no ' promt' on in. principle of volun- lacmin which r.lsenhower'a arrived wecmesmiv r.tu.. . ..t-,.,...-. i ,... ......... . ...... !-. ,u ... .., ,-,,, ia. , . .... u tu t iivrr .IKl ' Lofltt. tolrl renorler. .1 W-stilnc- f lit. ft hi i a ...... t.i. i ..1 t,,.,.,. . .. . ,.. . . f..i - i. , . ... i ri tn-s ii we mm ini, tuonev nver . . . . r w ... w-.-mutj r . .i,r irtnn uu t Z-L i ... ... u ' . ! , 10 Ihe President and the Socialist " AlrP" n'm " "ilgni ' Ihe United Slates and oilier nations i mil questions, there la a little Z.. . "j Khmfri surround him" c'liiioeouai repon reaoy won troop, in Korea aro iimneii- ground in which some p lullv In uruvldlllu Inforiimtloii in Longe. just as fart, on the next I of .he thing, you are closed lo. ,he i-."..'. crm... . wiu, meaning ana; io fcongress. ;-Rep7 John" f .ber "oi feeling Ana after Ihe antique being irt of exposed lo all Europe. I like i New York said: "We can not maintain our lib erties ii we turn tnis monev over in cu) schemers who surround him.' Taber will be the new chairman of the House Appropriations Com mittee. More recently. Eisenhower him self has said of Democratic spend ing: "We see an expenditure program that.. .appears reckler.s and extrav agant lo Ihe point of sheer follv." Joseph M. Dodge. Ihe Detroit banker who Is Eisenhower s liaison man to the Budget Bureau, went to work Wednesday. II. said he lor irom Mars, studying his guide ! ould "T womineiid nor d la book and saying lo a friend: i PProve-just watch. "Well, we onlv have a lew hours BuJ n vlew ' Republican state left on earth. Whii Ho vou wnt ""'nts on government economy. cidentally spared bv Allied i to see Times Squsre. Ihe Pvra- , f"ng bark for 20 years. - a bombings that crumbled three con-! n.ld or a psintini by that fellow j KUeM ",t instruction., are: vent walls around II. Raphael in Rome?" I , r" your cye' Peeled lor any Time has been le, kind to the I And don t vou know Ihe answer v. " V"n nioney island train at twilight and ace '.he swordlish lower ol the Chrys ler building stab a dying sky and still know a sen-e of w-armness and belonging that I think is the effect of true art. The thing about most American art L that f have. In a larger measure than any people befor. ur. built our art so deeply into our daily live., that we. as well as the rest of Ihe world, some times miss Its spaciousness. tin i you just visualize a visi efforts of the bold and wistful .any honest tourist would give? BOSTON i.r-Factual new, cov erage of Russia and Uie Iron Cur- I in imsi torn), me expinnatlon of " ' s " ; " ' "r ...,,u, ..,. . ... nsni. i.'.u Pre., despite the manv obstacle thrown up bv the Red'. Thai was ihe gist of a report submitted lo the annual meetlnir of NEW YORK The battle. The- aluminum Industry also . variety of things- The Associated Press Mniiauinii within industrial ranks over the: hopes to have solved supply and Billion's for defense, and 110.000 j Edilori Association today by Kv need for government controls is demand problems early next year, to welcome visiting dignitaries to!ereit Norlandrr of Ihe Chicago taking new turn. . . ' It, headache just now I, the short-! Ihe nation's capital. Daily News, chairman o the thirl, mm. nrotll.l.l. -,..-.. , v. i ing iur . siiiing rxprrasion Ol i-ti-uprruon oeiween me Incoming lerence. II. said he had no Invrd,, support of this position. Some other I and outgoing admliilsiialluiia may 'and-lssl plan, about how lo gather (countries, however, have been lalk-lbe developeil. I his inlormallon. would begin today ing about other approaches which I What some of 1'ie.idelit Tru- Jarraiiging apiioinimenis and anll .auilwrliles here feel might result man s chlel advisers would like lo cipsted no dilliculty in securing , m , diplomatic oeibiK-k. I -ee Is an early selection liv Klsen- acces, lo conlidentlal data. Aduiiuistrallon official, privately hover nf hi, principal cabinet nlli- t Lod'te. one of the earlv backers jrlaun that evidence ol unitv on i cers. Tliey hoie that he would then of Eisenhower for president, was the prisoner Issue would greatly , agree lo ark Hie. men to begin pitting in on briefing session, and iponcv niicussions partlruiaily in ihe Slate and Delens Depart- I nienls. j They bellete llut the mere fact Mist Inline oltlrial, were being Inloinied might help avoid some jderl-inn bv Ihe outgoing adtninis llratlon which would embaik the I United Stale, ou a C"-;se nf aelinn AP's Foreign News Report Said Best in Field in '51 SAM DAWSON how a president thinks Una country should apend It, money each year adds up lo document the size of metropolitan telephone book. And the money goes for audi a All business-men don't see eve electric power in some ; Billions for foreign relief, and i. .v. m-ith .ach .ih.- nn in. droucht-bewl rrgions. The Induv H0.0ro lo full III a treaty made with question of control, anymore than I try runs on cneap power and needs i me pawnee Indians ol Oklahoma they agree with all the rule, and red-tape that curbs and allocations bring with them. Machine tool makers are urging lhat controls be lifted gradually but starting at once from Uielr defense vital Industry. Users and producer, of steel are trying to work out a decontrol plan to be olfered Ihe government next week. Some within the steel Industry want controls lifted now. But some lot, of It. Tile tool makers' blast at con trol, came Thtirsdnv In While Sul phur Springs, W. Va.. at the meet ing of the National Machine Tool Builders Association. Its president. Frederick 8 Black all Jr.. who Is also president of Ihe Talt-Plerce Manufacturing Co. Woonsocket. R. I., says the indus try should b freed "from the arti ficial controls which bind it hand and foot at home and block lis ac-ce-s to the rest of the world." "The problem of tooling for na. Millions for each government Committee on Foreign AP.V.E News. "It must be admitted." Nnrland- . . .... ' ." i,,.. lew. it niij ii.unn " " ,l remove o, AP newspaper, know whin pie Hie snow. f any, from the Supreme I, live in Russia. ... Undoubtedly a . . ... sv'rage newspaper reader be- Tne new budget for Ihe govern-1 lirvr, that Russia la a formidable ment year beginning July 1. 1803 inminn has a touch of Irony. Because of barriers against dl- By law. a president must make ren reftortinir in communis! rnun. I .iii.iii ia oay. Slier ,irle h. said. II users argue control, can t be ended entirely as long as the llonal defense Is no Korean w-ar lasts. i emergency." BUckall av. "It Many copper producer, and ! '"' wlln Into the fathomless users are ursine- that the hand of luture. S. newsnaliers 1 musi oepend on radio and publi-' cation pickups, speculation, tumor I ana report, of returning visitors Eirnhower may. be able to learn much as to change, needed in u-hat Is sunnorted imiHm the result irom our participation In, South Korean, by firsthand Investl the Korean fighting. Igation. But it still requires that mis Is Ihe principle under which we, as a people, raise and support the government on their Industries be lightened. They argue that early next year there II no longer be any excuse for curbs on use and price. the sending of men to Korea wa: first justified. But since that time this principle has not been con stantly held ut to Judge other ac tions and thing, by. And that is what must be done if the war this Korean action is a part of I, not to he lost. For all the military battles of a war can be won and yet the war be lost. Because the Secretary General ihe principle at Issue there among us here and that we demand they be alwaya and everywhere sup ported. If we do this. It Is en tirely possible this fighting in Korea may bring this world of suffering humanity as much or more gain as any in which the United Stales ever engaged. O. O. H'omaek Baldwin Hotel tuc nnmrD cavc 3 II II. lWVIVIX JAI J I By J.DWIN p. JORDAN, M. U. made to flow out by enlarging the Every year a number of people 1 "Pemng. or can be washed out, at write asking for Information con-1 '"st temporary relief is often ob cernlng one of mankind's most I tuined. miserable afflictions inflain- The Injection of drugs which mallon of the sinuses. vhrmk the mucou, membrane is Mrs. B. says, lor example, that ,tPn helpful. This shrinking may her 19-year-old daughter is irnn.iopen the passageways lemnorants bled with slnuslties and ass I nd thus enlarge Ihe air space. ...i-iiier m-r unumiicrs sain pirn- wncn the sinuses are chroni f"-" nnjtiiiii Censors Clobber Newsmans' Story TOKYO Army censors had field day with a story that ar rived at the Tokyo olflce of Ihe Army newspaper, Stan and Stripes Friday. The Item was stamped "ap proved as revised." It read: "Somewhere In Korea" Every word of the text was blacked out by censors. a io oo wun tne cany intiamed such s mnl. m.a.. Iin.,fm. . . S.. whf,r"r the ores are le likely to help. Some- vonni ' i, ". hcr"Sd- "8he ' "m" M,ri"ry ' to make a riJ1"' . Mr"' B- 's' who permanent passageway for drain, sould be enjoylnir lile more than! sen r.. iL h....... Brie does. always bring relief and many peo. mis sinus trouoie noes not have i"r conunue to complain even nyining io oo wnn tnis o rr nin,. pies. Tlie latter Is most likely acne and Is probably unrelated to the sinusitis. As for the second ques lion, it can be stated that sinus trouble Is not directly inherited Swelling of the mucous mem when a wide opening la nrea.m The sulfa drugs and other prep arations are sometimes Injected or sprayed directly Into the sinues with the purpose of killing the jerms there. In spite of everything which can bran, which lines the sinuses lets j be done, many peopieomrnue m Fnsw."Th.Tinn'.'lCcrPJi0.T,l'',,h'rlu,,'er """uy 'mm sinusitis and inside Ihe slnuse, and this pro. become so miserable and run-down ?eeCnm,Ri::2Ure the that they consider Chang, of cT" accumulated pus and mucus can be male. , " c" Prevent Forgery Protect Payee 1'se ; Faymaater Cheek Protector Call or Write D. B. Del" Jones, Representative The Paymaster Corporation Bx 7J, Oretech, Ore. Ph. C960 SELFISH enough lo want your buiiniii. GENEROUS nough to apprecial itl Carter's Collection Agency Ph. 2I 411 Main EX-MOTHER-IN-LAW KIDNATED LAHORE, Pakistan i Amazed police of Lyallpur district hsve re ported the case of a man who ab ducted his own ex-mother-ln-law. According to testimony, the man aeciaea to use lorce in obtaining the return of his divorced wile. He gathered several well-armed friends, rode with ihem to his for mer wife's home, and demanded her return. But her mother said the ex-wife was not there. So, he grabbed hi, mother-in-law. the re port stated, and forced her onto the back of hi, horse, and gal loped away. Police are atlll search ing for her. PROTECTION CALL 4706 cirv (ee t surrLv Lb. 65 SIN0 ST KLAMATH FALLS ' VW- MJa He think, Ihe Industry can do j a better Job of providing the tools, uotn ngm now ana III wic lutuic. If relieved of controls he considers as weakening the Industry. Some leading steel executives have declared that controls In their industry are no longer Justified. Capacity for making steel will be more than ample for military and civilian needs by spring, they areue. Some of their customers aren't so sure. The Etched Products Industry Advisory Committee told the Na tional Production Authority that complete decontrol of steel- cop. per and aluminum would oe dan gerous as long as fighting continues in ivorea. The etched products Industry u-e, these metals In making things like instrument dial faces and name plates. A steel Industry committee Is hard at work on a decontrol plan to olfer NPA next week. One of its chief troubles I, that le. some users like auto and house hold appliance makers want de control now, believing there'll soon be plenty of the kind of steel they use (carbon sheet steel and strip). Makers of heavy Industrial goods railroad equipment, boilers, gen erators want, decontrol to come more slowly. The reason: Short age, in the kinds of steel they use (structural,, plates, seamless tub ing i probably will last much long er than In other steel types. They favor controls a, an as surance that each manufacturers gets some of the needed steel. the opening of a regular sesdon of Congress. Tne new Republican Congress meets Jan. I. and Tin man's budget proposals must be 1 or relugees' avaiiariie bv Jan. n. Nori.nder pointed out that wlth On Jan. 20 out aoe, Truman and ... , , .n ,- , ,, , -..i.n r.isriiiiwwrr. ho one oi Truman's last official act, will be to hsnd lo a hostile Congress something It's bound not lo like. But the budget la a proposal, a i guide and nothing more, congress 1 still must authorize and vole the 1 money. Youth Dies In Car Crash DALLAS. Ore im Robert I.. Oossen, 16, a Dallaa High School student, was killed, and two other students were Injured Thursday In a collision of their automobile with a trsin. They collided at a grade cross ing six miles east of Dallas as Joe Davis. 19. drove hark (rn.r. 8.ilem after picking up motion pic- u"! nuppnrii ior ins scnooi. Davis was seriously Injured Lyle Bechtold, 18, suffered minor Iniur- IMO SPECIAL LINT 1.00 OO BRUSHES Volu. -fcC 80S E. Main W,IIHrr B.IK, at .ra. sail! Ota kilt an raila. tall Malal riil. tlaatl aatlll rill aaaaaiag aaf. Tanal ala ar arla"t laiaiat aa antral Mlatra. Tt warlllftr riiaaa art aat Ja.l a f . gallara bal arlaallr Saaaraaa ar tr at wall asm. Thlt h areaiaalltSrS Ikraatb lha aasll'-allait ml asarta tdlalaal faelarir ana aaarkallar aitth a4a. aalllag a atw aURaalS la Ihf aiaaa Inaatlry. Rani ana af laa lavalT islaal glanaa If l.a. Aaalr raal (ar a raaaanaata lima lawarj aurrka.a. laa lavvlr calaslal alaal .l a.llri,a on t.ata. Louis H Mann Piano Co. Ita N. Ilk Hian.l Oigaa Mostow "would cut off rveri the Hint the new adniuiMrallon might Irlrkle of new , mm now emerge 'Ubscoucnily reverac.' . iiwiii tne dovici capnaj. About the coverage of China. Norland raid: "There seem, to be a tendency ... to point un the trouble, the fhl nere Red, are experiencing. There must be an occasional stoiy obtainable telling what the Heds are accomplishing and how. Without this, readers may begin lo hope for a revolution without ui drrstandlng why it doesn't come." FINAL DATE for OVERSEAS MAILING NOV. 26 Caylaaat liursbauah laaatliif phatafraaliar la K.t. far rn tiakliihaal aMt. tnead fives mail lar tayi awn-ait dallar. fTl ILLER BRUmBRUGH STUD0 Miller's Downiloirt Soldier Gets Large Headache WITH U.-S. THIRD DIVISION. Korea W A Chinese mortar shell recently nil cpl. James D. Perrv, Dayton O. squarely on the head. Result: A hole In his helmet, a craped nose, and a headache. The shell, which fallen to ex plode, ripped his helmet, slid down his face, and burled Itself In Ihe ground two feet In front of Perry. To Travel Liqhr . a . It's the 21 foot "TRAVELEZE" with Bath TRAILER HOME en display et NEWLAND Trailer, Sales 88 Main St. BELL HOTEL 1500 Oak I Hack Cram S.P. Depot WEEKLY RATES Plenty ef Free farkinf Attractive Rates for Railworkert and Truckers DR. NOLES OPTOMETRISTS URGE YOU TO SEND THE WHOLE CHILD TO SCHOOL PARENTS, it depends upon you . . . don't let defective vision cause your child to be a failure. Before your child starts to school have Dr. Nolcs Optometrists give him a complete eye examination. You can consult with confidence Dr. Nolcs Optometrists who have served the families of the Northwest for over 46 years. Stop in today no appointment necessary. Haunt :00 a.m. ta 1:10 a.m. Oaaa All Day Saturday family trarffl Itrmi, olwflyi., . COLUMBIAN OPTICAL (0. SEARS. ROEBUCK ui CO. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 3I S. W, Alrftr, reman 514 N. I. Orgs Ava reftlasf 7K Mais St., Klasiata Nil! Doctors Sid G. Nelii, Ossar i. Nolai, Alasandtr, Irawer, Laltial ana Whaatlay .J i