Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 01, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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U.S. Catholic Scholars
Have New Bible Copies
NKW YOKK W) American
Cathollo scholar now liuve copies
at the Hint vulums at tlio new Knu
IIMi trnnalntlun of tlin Culliollo
ululr tile Hint of lour volumes ot
thr Old Testament,
Only it lew ma available to fur
for general dlntrllmllon, but spon
sors of U project liopo to print
more before Christmas, The f lrt
illllon wu kept small o that If
correction wore nroonfmry Uley
could be made bcloro inuiiy ere
Clamor for the bonk hni been
? rowing. Catholics, Judkinir from
hat and the fact tliitl the new
Protestant truncation haa aold a
million coplea, expect Uie demand
to bo lariio.
'Hie Hev. Loulu F. Hiirtman, who
edlta and co-ordlnntea tho work of
aome 36 scholar In the new Old
Tettament translation, aeea the
Voters League
Has Pamphlet
Th Leauue of Women Volera
announce that It ellU has copies of
a "Voler'a Infonnallon Sheet" left.
Klithl hundred coplea have already
been aold or distributed throughout
the county.
Contents Include blouraphy and
platlorma ot the ConnrcHMunal can
dirtatea, the candidate for alate
olflcea ot Bccretary ot SUile, treas
urer and Attorney General, an ex
planation of the ballot mcanurea
with amumenu for and aiialruit
except In Ihe four Instances where
a stale league, following Intensive
study has taken a del time aland.
On these tour measures there
are affirmative etatemenla. Includ
ed also la a statement of votlrw
procedures and Information con.
cernlng the League of Women Vot
ers. Its protiram and purposes.
Coplea may be purchased for
five cenla In the Travel Bureau
In Die lobby of Uie Winrma Hotel.
Called Off
BAN RAFAEL, Calif. I Frl
day'a scheduled execution of Henry
Ford McCracken waa called off
shortly after midnight by a court
order to Ban Queimn prison au
thorities to show whether the eon
vlcled child sis y or la Insane.
Acitna Suuerlor Judge N.
Charles Brunalorl Issued the last
minute order In response to a pelt.
Hon brought to hie home by Mc
Cracken a lawyer. Jamea . mow
me nf Hanla Ana. Calif.
The execution had been aet for
10 a. m. in the stale prison aa
chamber. McCracken waa con
victed of murdering 10-year-old
Patricia Jean Hull of Buena Park,
jiifiva Brusatorl'a order waa an
alternative writ of mandamus It
ordera Ban Quentlon Warden Her
ley O. Teeu either to certify Mc
Cracken Insane making his exe
cution Illegal or to show why thla
should not be done at a hearing
Nov. 1 In Marin County Suuerlor
work a part of recognition by the
church at Ihe gient increase In
literacy among laymen,
"It Is wrona to nay the church
ever forbade reading of the Bible,"
he aaya. Ho explains Unit aome
churchmen In the past, faced with
Illiterate or aciniiniernie congrega
tions, discouraged their attempts
Wo deal with malorlul they could
not uiiuerniuuo; ana irownea
attempts to translate the Bible.
The other three volumes of the
Old Testament will apiicur about
one eauli year, iiiirinmn expects
to have a complete Bible by 10b&,
Including the New Testament,
The Catholic Bible will be alml
lar In manv respects to the He-
vised Blundnrd Version of Uie
Protestants. Hurtman aaya.
"Alter all, the Old Testament
comes from the same Hebrew and
Ihe New Testament from the same
Oreek." he aaya.
The Catholic translation Is more
modern In some respects than the
Protestant. All use of "thee" and
"thou" la abandoned, The 1'rotcs
tanla keep the worda when God
la addressed.
There la also more use of foot
notes. As Hartman puta II, the
Bible la the word of Ood, but some
very human men have had
part In preserving It, For hundreds
of years It waa copied oy nano.
Copyists made errors.
Iillllll JUH
Hebrew scholars In Uie ninth and
loth centurlea atandardltcd the
text and did a very good Job.
But, aa a result of cumulative
errors, some passages Just do not
make souse.
To meet this difficulty, modern
acholara go back to iranslallona
into Oreek, Byriao and other lan
guages from earlier Hebrew texts.
Hound translations can be reached
In most cases. In a few Instances
the Catholics leuve out nonsense
passage an Indicate the omis
sion with dote.
ED GEARY, on of Oregon1!
foremost ranchers and t
member of th ifal legitla
tur for two 'terms, is unop
poled on the general election
ballot for hit third term.
Photo by Floyd
Bird Hospital Maintained
By Indian Religious Sect
"These birds may be our fathers j birds for their accumulated tlnij
and our grandfathers, born as lot the past." I
cen tet senator represent
ing Lake, Deschutes, Crook
and Jefferson counties, it a
candidat for re-election, op
posed by Jim Bodie of Prine
ville, who won the Democratic
nomination by write-in vote.
Photo by Floyd
NEW DELHI im A religious
sect maintains a bird hospital here
capable of handling 400 feathered
patients. The Delhi Jain Bird Hos
pital attends alck or Injured birds
brounlit to It and tends out patrols
to pick up strays In need of care.
Its service Is free, but one rule
of admission stops many keepers of
bird pets. Once a patient Is on his
feet he goes free and not back
into a cage.
Founded '20 years ago, the Jain
Bird Hospital ia supported by
India's mmt nonviolent sect of
Hinduism. The Jains preach and
practice nonviolence. They walk
and tit with extreme care to avoid
harming an ant or worm.
The Jains, however, are among
India's wealthiest people. Their
religion ordains that a part of this
wealth be earmarked for temples,
bospltBls and homes lor the poor.
The bird hospital has an eight-
man staff, most of them retired
Jain doctors whose avocation Is
Many County Ballots Cast
More than 1,100 persons have al
ready voted by absentee ballot In
Klamath County, raising the possi
bility that Tuesday's general elec
tion turnout will reach record-
breaking proportions.
County Clerk Charlie DeLap re
ports that 1.221 absentee ballots
were distributed, to servicemen,
college students, persons out of the
Ike's Picture
Ease Doom?
BAN QUENTIN. Calif. I State
prison guard aald Saturday an
executed eleyer wa granted per
mission to keep a photograph of
Dwifhl D. Elsenhower with him al
most to the end.
Bernard Ollllam, 36-year-old cot
ton picker convicted of fatally kick
ing a cellmate In the Flrebaugh,
Calif.. lalL kept the presidential
candidates picture beside him his
last night In death row, they said.
He carried It to Ihe door of the
gas chamber Friday morning. As
he stepped inside, Ollllam handed
the picture to a guard and mur
mured: "I won't take Ike In there."
Paris Imbibers
Favor Ike
PARIS Wt-Retucn In straw
vote taken among American pa
tron of Harry's New York Bar
here, and posted above the mirror
Elsenhower 166.
Stevenson 160.
Harry, the boas reported the
atraw poll, started In 1M4, haa
never been wrong except last
Death Claims
Prof. Sanborn
VANCOUVER, Wash. 11 Ethel
Ida Sanborn, emeritus professor at
Oregon state college, aieo in
hospital here Friday.
She retired as botany professor
at Oregon Slate In IMS after teach
ing there for 16 years. Before that
she aerved 19 years on the faculty
at the university oi uregon.
She had taken degrees at south
Dakota Bute College and Univer
sity of South Dakota. Site received
her doctor's degree at Stanford in
Funeral services are to be at
the 81. Luke Episcopal Church here
Fine Here For
Church Ceremony
Re. R. T. Fine. Superintendent
of the Oregon Conference of Free
Methodist Churches will be present
8und y afternoon for dedication
ceremonies oi th new Klamath
rails church. The service start
. m
draws and grvea away his pictures
nightly during services in uie
church will be present through
Sunday, nov. a ai services -Ing
at T:6 p.m. Special muslo Is
also on the program.
Man Convicted
Of Gun Attack
Reamca, 24, of Medford, accused
of using a ahotgun to threaten L.
O. Hcrron last Nov. 19. waa con
victed on a charge of armed as
sault by a circuit court jury nere
The Jury recommended leniency
for Reamca who pleaded tempor
ary insanity. Circuit Judge Keg
Klmmel of Salem, who tried the
case, aald the leniency recom
mendation was not Binding.
Rrames Is to b sentenced at
2 p.m. next Friday.
The night that Reames threat
ened Herron. h was fleeing Port
land police. His ex-wlie, Dorlhea
Linn, waa snot and seriously
wounded by a police bullet fired
at Keames.
county on visits and persons 111
and unable to get to the polls,
and that as of noon Friday, 1,123
of them bad been returned.
A lew others were expected to
come In today and up until Tues
day morning to be dropped in the
ballot boxes ol uie proper precincia
The number of absentee ballots
voted so lar Is a record in Itself.
For the general election of 1948
there were only 269, and there were
lust 363 for the primaries last May.
Past general elections have pulled
a voter turnout In Klamath County
of 66 per cent or less, but (or
Tuesday's election better than 6
per cent of the county's 3165 reg
istered voters bave already ballot
Prison Hunger
Strike Ends
8ALEM m Dinner was served
to 18 convicts here Friday nliiht
ending a 29-hour hunger strike.
The convicts went on strike
Thursday during an exercise per
iod to protest being served macar
oni and cheese as a substitute lor
po la toes.
They refused to re-enter their
cells and milled about In the cor
ndor of their cell-block, a segre
gallon unit lor criminals who re
quire constant guarding.
Deputy Warden Lawrence O'
Brien told the prisoners Friday
night that he would use force un
less they returned to their ceils.
A short time later they re-entered
their cells and dinner was served.
They ate.
Ol the 16 convicts, three are un
der death sentence. Six tried un
successfully to escape earlier this
Singapore Tree
Blocks Airport
SIHOAPORE UP) A 300-year-old
bo tree, a shrine to Singapore'
Buddhist colony. Is holding up con
struction of the city's new multi
million-dollar International Airport.
The tree said to be a aapllng
nf a bo tree In India under which
the Buddha himself once sat Is
blocking; a proposed runway. En
gtneera are trying to figure how
to remove the 80-foot-hlgb tree 200
yards without killing It.
George H. Adler, M. D.
for Re-eUction
for the office of
U. AVCe. M. Anr
'Proven ...
r. A. kr Bkk aueatn
W th undrtignd, taxpayer of Klamath County, living
in th suburban ora oik alt our neighbor end other to
vot MARIUS PETERSEN. W know him to he honest,
copobl ond dpndabl.
Mr. t Mr. D. M. Horv.y Paul H. letting
Lowell D. Collin
Corq L Woreihock
G.W. Clement
LJ. Mull.n
Pd Adv. by Mr. Jerry Rutledg
Carl J. Withort
Boyd A. Allred
Abl A. Beroon
Mr. Jerry RutWdqe
attending birds. It supplies a surgi
cal ward, special apparatus for
checking the temperatures of Its
bird patients and even special
electrical appliances for the treat
ment ol paralytic birds.
As soon as a patient la lully re
covered and able to fly special
attendants return such birds as
peacocks to their natural Jungle
homes, release the smaller birds
in Delhi parks.
Jain atalf workers treat even
these birds not only with kindness
but with respect
"Our Jam religion say mat even
the meanest worm has a soul as
great as man's and must be re
vered," said one bird doctor.
His Hindu colleague, who believes
in transmigration ol souls, went
a step luruier.
"Who can say?" he aslced.
' A
,V - "V. h ,
King Bros. Drilling Co.
Phone 1181
Dorris, Calif.
Com In and let ut work out on
itimat for you.
Salem Papers
Hike Price
SALEM KB Monthly subscrip
tion rates for both of Salem's
oew;pspers Increased Saturday.
The evening Capital Journal,
published six days a week, has
boosted It price from tl to tl 35
a month. The morning Oregon
Statesman increased from $1.20 to
tl 46 for seven days.
Incressed costs are responsible,
both papers reported.
I hovt bcn home owner and
taxpayer in Klamath County for
twenty years, eft served at
Deputy SheHff for twenty years.
TKe Sheriff hat harSe f H
tax collection, civil and criminal
com, and tfce County jaiL ia these
Matters I assure you there is no
substttuta for actual experience.
Surely the people of Klamath
County want a man who is fam
iliar with tho different departments
of the Sheriff's office
On die bests of my experience)
end qiMlifketiofrs I elicit your
support in my behalf. Vote 31 X
Dale Mettoon for Sheriff of Klam
ath County. '
Pd. Adv. Dole Motfoon
(Present Incumbent)
; ' i Will
. "iff
I " appreciate
A j Your
Vm7 ! Vofe
A r j for
'VvK-; Polite
r. AOVim Bbetawr
. i ;
John C Jones has lived and worked in both Bend
ond La Grande. He knows the people of the 2nd
Congressional District. He has traveled widely
thru this broad district ond learned the problems
of every area. He understands the agricultural and
industrial needs of the entire district. He has
proved his capacity for leadership and his ability
to work effectively with farm, business ond labor
a roups. In Conqress John will represent ALL the
Jonei for Cenqrett Club
Klamath County
Jerry Rajnus, President
To The Voters Of
Klamath County
Wa the undersigned friend and neighbor f
MARIUS PETERSEN highly retommenej him )
the voter. We knew him to be- efficient, cap
able and honest. At a director in Enterprise
irrigation, ha ha proven himself and hi ablt-
Charles S. Green W. F. Hllyard
. Harvey R. Bunyard
G. J. Kilyard
J. D. Fine hum
Joe Keller
Floyd Short
U Dixon
Phil Ewy
Tacoma, Wash.
You'll want to hear . . .
. . The interesting, heort-warminq Gospel messaqe of
You'll Enjoy . .
. . The inspirational singinq of every senice
... the heart-liftinq, inspired solos by
7:30 Each eveninq, except Saturday 1 1:00 A.M.
both Sundays
Garden and Mortin Klomath Falls
Depl Van De Crift, Pastor
Mrs. Goldie Coonrod
; Camas, Wash.
f Ui I
Sl V ,
. .. i iinn I Jt J.
- e - ,. t .
MRS. SMITH, Musicion and Artist
1 MA
M. Atfr. tit Iht Dtck M&firir for Mayor Crmmitt