FRIDAY, OCTOBKIl 17, 11152 IIKHAU) AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OflWiON PAGR THKElr paaaM. t , hiMt AtAd4NiuaU liuat, RONNIE LOWELL (loft above). Klamath Foil, iludent at (he Univeriity of Oregon, recolvoi congratulation! from Donald M. Duihano, ttudont affair! diroctor at the university, for hav ing bton named "outstanding Oregon itudont" by the Nation al Allocation of Manufacturer!. Ronnie Lowell Receives NAM Scholarship Award pale nllli'lully III nl leant one round lublr dliwua.ion ncaaiun. IIih rx pen aca will lie ld by llir NAM. An wpII aa belhii a nrnr-nlrulKlit-A student, Iiwi'li it a winner ol lha Klanriard Oil Cnnipnny u( Cal ifornia three-year acholarshlp, Klrst alternate selection Is Joh" P. Ajidciron, Portland, I.lnllrlil Collcan luiil'ir. Second alternate Is Itohert I,, Calcel, Aloha, I'u'lllc university junior Itunald J. I.dwi-II. Klnmuth Kulln, Ima been selected lo represent Ore. lion at llin tWi annual coniiresa ol Antrricun Industry ol the Na tional Association ot Manufaclur rra, it via annouiicrd today, Lowell la a medical atudent at the University ol Orcuuii. The an nouncement ol hla selection waa made bv Robert McKcan, mana Her ot Columbia Kmplio Indualrlea, who aupei vised the piouram. Every year eocnn student from each state In Invited to at tend the event aa the itueal ot the NAM. Thla yeiir'a Coimrewi will be held Dec. 3. 4 and ft at New York City. Nominated by Colleiie Prea. Or. II. K. Newburn, Lowell waa chnaen aa "most ouiMundlnii'' Irom noml nationa tulimllted bv presidents ol II colleges and universities in the ktale. Jildulnir was lacd on M'hul arnhlp, Icadcr-dHp and pernonallty Iralt. The aelectlon committee waa compelled nl Prank Youngman, ve president ol Crown Zcllerbach Corporation and retllonal vice prea Idenl ot the NAM:; Eberly Thomp ami, vice president ot M and M wood Workinti Co. and NAM direc tor: Coleman Wheeler, prealdent - nl flantlam Lumber Company and Nam director; Paul Fowler, prea ldent ot Fowler Manufacturing Company and president o Colum bia Empire Industrie: Eduar Bmlth. chairman ol the alatr board ol higher education, and McKean. Lowell will attend all meeirmra ol lha Conuresa and will partlcl- FAMILY NAMH IK I'OI'l I.Alt 1.P71HHUIDUK, Canada i Three men and a buby boy not loKether rrcenlly for a Inur-iten-eratlnna picture. Their namea rend, left to rliiht. John Oiirrell, John Clarrett. John Uurrrll and John Uarrelt. "Ilo u. dirty brlnf In your aoltrd clothcsl" Men's Hand Laundry, llth and Klamath, phone 24.1:11. It Kraeae4-la pan ta.t aata Idla mart at Ike wlater, why nat let at alau H la ead make H liv able Ida year rauadf ll catft very little hi propertlea aa raa cenveaieace at Hie ad M tlviaf area. Na daw aaraiant neceuery. Juit pay maattily lailallmanti aa eaiy ludfat flaa tarmi. Maia aad Sprlaf Ph. J 144 -wndAaaWaaaVteMHaaariiM Pjp---1" f ADD BIO PICTURE TV NOW OR LATER THE BELVEDERE. Super aemitive radio -phonoRraph with AM-KM and automatic 3-apoed record player, to which you can add TV lator. IN RICH ILONDI OAK fiNisH 350 Jaelar tight, letlee leund, taHar bwy...MAONAVOX MUSIC CO. 120 No. 7th Ph. 4S19 You'll Enjoy ... DINNER and DANCING AT CAL-ORE! FRED DIVISEK Hammond Orqan Piano Mailer of tht TWIN KEYBOARDS ! ! Accordionist Superb And Hii Troubodon Dolicioui Younq PHEASANT U.S. Choice STEAKS from, our CHARCOAL BROILERS W Cater To BANQUETS and PRIVATE PARTIES Reaionable Rotei!! v NEVER A COVER CHARGE If Sl Jt If f JlrVtd 1 1 JIfMU ear v V 1 Cloicd Monday Juit tew minutet touth el Klamath Falli en Hlway T United Nations Waits For Vishinsky's Reply To Acheson Talk UNITKIJ NATIONH, N. Y. 01"i HUaaln'a Andrei Vlhnky kept He United Nationa wultlnft loduy ur the Ited llieworka he la ex cclrd to touch ofl III replylhK lo I. b. Heci'ctury ol Htuto Dvun chcN0ira plea for a concerted J.N. ellort lo end the Korean Wnr, 'llin Uovlet lorolKH nillilnlcr win lot w'hvduled to npeuk toduy, and le told ntwaini'ii he did not know A'hrn he would addrena the Ucn jial Aaiiembly. , "Mnybn never," he added Willi a wry iirln to the Journnlliita. I'olnnd wna the llixl iron Cur- lain country listed for Iho aMiem bly'a Keneral dcbiiln today, draw- inn lourtn place in a ti-ntiitlve lineup of llvo I'OiinlrlcK lo apeuk. nut I'onnn roreian MlnlMer Hliin- inlaw Hkrwwwnkl waa not expect ed to nteiil Vlnhlnaky'i Uiundcr by replyliiK ln the major American lorelun policy apeecli Achenon made to Iho .ifM;iul)ly yealerday. Ulploinala ahaumcd the I'ole would ntlok to a text prepared well in advance but coiiMdmcd he mluhl Indlcute whether the Com- munlHi line on Korea would he conciliatory or amugonlnllc to the weal. Ueforo thene apecchea, the aa aemhly wan to take up the iiiodoh- al to Include on Ha anemia the Aalan-Amb bloc'a charije ol racial dlacrlmlniillon In Booth Africa ! Houlh African Ainbaaxadnr O. H. Jooale waa expected lo apeak for an hour aitainat mciuaion ol tin; Item, ariiuuiif that the mallor la hla country'a own allnlr and not within U.N. Jurisdiction. Achcaon In hla apeech ycatcrdny urcd "every rneiiiber of the United Niitlona , , , to aupport the common aotlon In Korea and plediied a lluht to the llnlxh aijalnat aKKrcKHlon. 'We ahull IlKhl on aa lonit aa Is neceaaary to atop the aifKrenklon and to restore peace and security In Korea Acheson declared. "We ahull atop IIkIHIuk when an armlnllce on Juat terms hna been achieved. And we ahull not allow liiUH-heurledneHa or recklessness to defeat our cause, which la to defend peace." The aecretury asked lor more help troops, lood, clothlnit. ma teriel and money lor the U.N. lorcea. "We must convince the axures aor," he declared, "that continued IlKhtliiK In Korea will coat him moro than he can naln." In a plea deslnncd to hold the lice world together attainst threat ened Kremlin attempts to split the non - Communist iiulloiu Acheton urited aolldarlty In the Held ol collective aecurlly, emphasizing: "The allernatlve lo thla aolld-1 arlty la the disintegration ol the I United Nationa and the triumph j of lawlessness In the world." FollowihK Acheson'a apeech the lust ol eight on the (lay's achedulc I the assembly oulckly axreed Ui! take up every Item on It proposed 72-subJect aRenda except the South Alrican question. France did not challenge Inclusion ol the freedom demands ol nationalist In her Tunlalan and Moroccan protector atea, thnuxh ahe already haa said ahe will boycott thla debate. Vlshlnnky listened attentively and often rcribbled notea yester day while Acheson outlined to the U.N. the general American policy on xvorea, Disarmament, colonial disputes, collective aecurlty and economic cc-operatlon. Along with hla chief aide, An- orcl urornyko. Vl.shin.iky followed llifiHftfsili A 00 ft n VH VIMuil OMNMI. KaVuat. OMMM QJQ&mM m bb m am m , . -.. .. .a - aw aw m aw . m mm m '.m jur I 1JII'A l.V-- W W I 1 iff ' iT , K w mm mai m k a -w mr mw mw mm m mr m. , . m mw m m"r'-'g mm &,'',;. A SAtE AS a7 l'rPl fam Electric Range - Regularly 254.95 Z (qQ$ 1 0.00 Down, 1 1 .00 Month on Sears Eosy Terms Magic Robotimer does the timing, watching and waiting for you! All you da is set the dial put complete meal in oven then go out for the afternoon! Kenmore cooks the meal and shuts itself off automatically! See this great new Kenmore beauty at your nearby Sears store today. Use Sears SERVICE for Sears APPLIANCES Kenmore Automatic Washer SPECIAL PURCHASE! S5 DELIVERS! Load Itl Set It Forget Itl Washes, Rinses, Damp Drysl Powerful, Smooth Agitatorl Has Exclusive 7-Rinse ActionI Top Loading Ends Stooping! With Suds Saver . . . 239.95 U 1 u S.00 Down, 9.50 Month on Sears Terms ' j . -try mm7jr , itun ivi W . il Would Be $259.95 If Carried In Sears Regular Stock iwij Spacemaster 0)95 7) S ''.''"', i - 1 I 0.00 Da., It. SO Me. en Sean Eaty Payment Plan , (Utu.l carryinf charge) Giant 9 cubic foot siie refriqerotor Giant 40-lb. capacity freezer chest See it a sensational deluxe refrigerator ot a qreat Sears sale price! Top to floor storaqe larqe, deep chiller tray full width vege table drowert Bonus storaqe in the door! A great big 9 cubic foot Coldspot at the price you'd expect to pay for a 7! Buy Cold spot sore extra now! closely the prepared English text it Acheann'a talk while tha aecrc- tary read It from the assembly roatrum. But when Iho apeech was over, Vlshlnsky aald: 'My English In nnt irut annA I will have to read the apeech." Deluxe Model Kenmore Ironer 179 95 5.00 Down, 9.00 Month Full 26-in. roll, knee control, clothes rack do twice the ironinq in half the time! Save today! Store Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 133 So. 8th Phone Sill gossamer sheer and knit 'inside out for snag-free complexion softness 60-gauge nylons 15 pair 3 pain 3.30 Our most luxurious nylons . cob-webby sheer, gjamorously dull complexion look , . ond believe it or not they're more snog -resistant ond wear longer! Reverse knit in tiny fine stitches. All the fashionable summer shades. Ay r 4 'V Um inn Cradrt-PurchaM Coupea Book . ,