WKDNKSDAV. SKI'TKMIUM 10. HIM lli:rt.M,l) ANT) NT.WS. KMMATM FAI.t.S. OHKCOM PARK SEVEN f Rose-Holm Trial Set Today Ni:w YtlHK Ml-IUIIy Hum. nnrt KIimiimi' Holm urn t-iicil tu Ink. u mm n mini Mini Iniliiy In llirlr ill- UHTn allil nl-lltl'lllloll Wtlllll, but lliri o wim lulk tl in L Clio aclicdulril "liciw limy bo played behind a cur tn In. Itiimurn wir fltintlnir aroimil Ilriiiulwuy I hut llm diminutive iifiwiiiiiik mid hl tii'iiiiirtl iwliii mini! fiurrii wllo Inivr no divilrn In illwuna thrlr private, llvrn In upr-n court. (')mncra ol anullinr try lit mi mil ot colli t ni'tlli'lliriil wrie hriKliirni'd lant nlclit witli DMiortN tlmt HliprrillP Court JllnlU: Jiunri II. M Mi'Nully. who la IllillilllIlK tlic Nation, will cull oMiMnir Mil Into liln clminbrin bi'loro court upciM. MrNnlly nlfrrrd to tniMliale the Sparkman Flays Kem MOHKIILY. Mo. I-Brn. Jolm Kiiarkmuii, the lJrinocriillc vice prr.iKlriillul nouilncP. lual lllu-llt an Milkd ni'imblU'iin ttrn. Jmnrn P. Krm a "new type of vmimlilnv American." Sneaking lit a Democratic rally In Kriu'5 homo atate, tipnrkmuii autd; "In the llrld (if furelijn relation, your Hen. Kmn la a new type ol vaulnhlnv American. He la one ol the lo.il ol Uie Inolullolllnla." 'Hie Alubiuna Democrat, who de. voted much of 111 apeeih to an attack on Kem, wild there wan "hupelewi dinaureement" between Ihe Mlnriourl nemitar and Uen. Dwliilit D. Elnenhower. the Repub lican prealtleiuinl nominee. He aiuierled Kem haa a record ol "typical nhnri-Muhtcd Republi can economy" In farm Iriimlallon and appropriations. An overllow crowd In Mobcrly'a Municipal Auditorium broke lutu atamlliiK ovatlona three tlmea dur um Ihe 30 minute aprech. Mparkmaa aiieaka at the Kansaa Frca Fair In Toieka today. Stage Honors Lawrence NEW YORK I The SI. Jwme Theater rropctM today, the mune n( Ovrtrudn Lwrence mlnnlng irnm tin itipna. And an it rroprtiii alter a dy of mournlnif. Ihn body o itn fallen star a Iroutxr in the Breatciit tmdltlon to the painful end will go to a final rent in u place. The Ht. Jamcji, where Mlsa Law rence played the lcadlnir role In "Thr Kinu and I." canceled tta per formance yesterday for her funeral a er vices. Other theaters alone the Oreat While Way and in London'a Went Knd dimmed their marquees at t urialn time In a silent tribute to the Knulthh clrl v. ho touched theatrical hclshts on (wo conti nent. Minn Lawrence died Saturday mni nlnf. of cancer. 80 well had ahe played her role that none knew of her final week of (treat pain. Yesterdav she lay in a rose covered coffin, clad In the Rown ahe wore In her last sUro perform ance. Members of the cast and others prominent on the ntune and screen came to mourn. Five thou sand persons stood outxlrie the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church during the service. Burial will take place today at up.011, maw., m uie private plot of the family of her husband, pro ducer Richard Aldrlch. rane dutliiR a urch in licit i lii'f lnl June, hut neither Hmn nor Ml.. is JInhii took 11 j the ollrr. 'J he triut com I) I new Miss Holm'n suit for seimnUlon wMh Itmn'n null for divorce for which ndulleiy in the only k 1 011 1 ul In New York HLiite. ftepurledly as iiiuch us hull a mil lion dollar alimony Is M hiiikrj. Flrit Item 011 the ukciuIh in Rate's contention that Mis llrdm's divorce from band leader Arthur Jurretl In Calllomlu In 11138 nmy imt he leual. If the divorce Is held not lenl, Kose nud the hwIiiiiiiiiik Mar never were lenully married and the cane would be settled wilu out any requirement of a financial acttlrmeiil. Papers In the cane have been eulcd by the court, liul some tin lalls have comn out In the pre trial hearing and tn word battles belwreu the couple, who murrlcu 13 years hko, Itcmc. 0:i. Hits at leant five men in Miss llolm'a atlcKi'U liln away I mm him. He hIm holds an it(ft davit thai puiMirts to describr wild parties iiivolvlnic MIhm Ilolin, who 1.1 still vlamorou at iiH Mrn. Dorothy liernie. widow ol nme.'iiro Men Hernle. In alleuedly named In the affidavit. Mrn. Hemic has filed a criminal libel suit aualmi I tone in California In deny I11R the alienations. Named as the "other woman" In Ml us Holm's srpnrullon auit uKulnii Koj.0 In blonde Joyce Muttlttwh. twice divorced from tclcvi.Mun r.lm Milton Berle. The socalled "War of the IVmes" started aoon after MlhM Matthews, an actress, nicked her wiisu with a raxor blade In Kote's ZiCKleld theater apartment on July 16, IUjI. Army Tank Expert Dies SANTA BARBARA. Calif. If! Bri(. Orn. 8ereno R. Brett, the firm chief ol atalf of the V. U. armored forcra. died Tuesday al ter a long lllne.ia. He was SO. Durlnit World War I. he was necond in command of the U. 8. Tank Corps under then IX Col. Oeoriie 8. Pation. Gen. Brett wax thrice wounded and won many decorations. He was a 11)15 (raduate of Ore ion State College. Ike Talk May Miss Radio, TV ST. LOUIS IfV-Oen. DwiRht D. Etaenhower'a apeech here Bept. 20 may be kept off radio and televi alon by a Jurisdictional labor dis pule. Jamra E. Darit. chairman of the Municipal Auditorium CoinmtNalon. said yesterday the city haa bunned radio and TV Installation Irom Ihe auditorium, site of the talk, until Uie dispute Is sell led. Darst said the AFL Blanehnnds Union and AFL Kleclrlcal Work era Union both want to Install fa cilities for broadcaats. The dispute la before a Joint Jurisdictional board at Washington, Darst said, but no decision Is expected lor several weeks. la. ft 7V la i: . $ . ... .M Malin School Staff Named .Ti aWl iTX t4W Ol Z00MINC 'SKYBLAZERS The I'. S. Air Force precision team civet an exhibition at Port Lyautey, French Morocco. I lie (roup will appe"- for the Tint time in the U. 8. at Ihe International Aviation Exposition in Detroit, Aui. II and Sept. 1. ROKs Retake Commie Hill Positions BKOUL. Korea If! Baltic-hardened South Korean Infantrymen re captured Capitol Hill in a wild muht bayonet churite and then threw back counterattacking Chi nese at daybreak today. A U. 8. KiKhlh Army stalf olllcer Timber Group Slates Meet PORTLAND Ml The Western Pine AMtorlallon, made tin ol lum bermen from 12 Western Stales, will open Its semi-annual nicettns here Thursday. The InduMry's tree farm pro nrain. now 10 vears old. Is to be the principal topic of discussion durum the two-day meeting. Scheduled speakers Include Leo V. Bodlne, Washington. D. C, ex ecutive vice president of the Na tional Lumber Manufacturers As sociation: John Aram, vice presi dent of Bolse-Payelte Lumber Co., and William H. Steiwer. Fossil, Ore., a rancher-tree farmer. OIVPS gOTII BLOOD DONATION NEW YORK If! A 68-year-old Railway Express dalvrr rocently contributed his 80th pint of blood to the Red Cross. George F. End llch has been giving blood to the Red Cross for the last 1& years. Hla aon, Oeorge Jr., a Navy vet eran, contributed his 11th pint the aame day. said "Ihe ROKs (Republic of Korea troops arc on that hill to slay." In five days of vicious close-In fighting for the Central Front hill, troops of the crack Capitol Division hnve killed or wounded at least 2.3O0 Chinese, the Eighth Army es timated. That Is nearly the equiv alent of a Hed regiment. Fighting for the hill has pro duced the heaviest Communist ar tillery barrages of the war. Oen. Jamc A. Van Fleet. Eighth Army commander, said at the Iront the shelling amazed him and "indicates they (Redsi have enough supplies and ammunition at the front." The U. 8. Fifth Air Force said fighter-bomber ptlots last night knocked out 100 Communist supply trucks, the highest score since early June. Filth Air Force pilots helped solten Chinese defenses before the light up the slopes of Capitol Hill. The Air Force said 70 Individual flights were made over the hill by fighter bombers, raking the Chinese with machine gun fire, bombs and flaming Jellied gaso line. U. N. artillery then took over and pounded the hill crest and Red illli VERTI-BLIND WINDOW DECORATION Tokw ff ptrx ( oN Hotsc ceotcd lofent OfktV window cohngi by DuPont Wtffe wUctien f btotf- Cowl for complt Itful decorator colon amocy s Protect! fursuhingi Wothoblo, faoV froni direct lunlighl remfaii, tKtJi duit i in 'ii:iiin;i.i.niBiiHiMin:ij!riimi CALHOUN'S FLOOR COVERINGS 357 I. Main approach routes with a murderous barrage. South Korean Infantrymen at tacked at 7:55 p.m. The going was lough. Despite the air attacks and the thunderous U. N. artillery bar rage, the Reds sent shell scream ing against the advancing Koreans. Sturdy Korean riflemen Inched their way up the rocky alope and in a final charge with bayonets cleaned out the last of the Chinese on the crest at 11:50 p.m. The Chinese regrouped for a counterattack but artillery chopped up three companies as they massed for an assault. Another company that charged was bealen back. The Eighth Army estimated the Reds suffered 1.200 casualties yes terday. An estimated 1,100 Reds were listed as casualties by the Eighth Army In earlier fighting for the hill. The fighting lor the hill began Saturday when the ChUiese seized the peak In a quick thrust and beat back five Korean counter-attacks. There were only sporadic small arms fights elsewhere on the front, the Eighth Army said. Parents, Patrons Meet In Malin MALIN First meeting of the Parent Patrons Club, scheduled for luesday evening, Sept. 16, will be a social evening for the purpose of acquainting the teachers and parents, according to president, Mrs. Bill Ramus. Officers and committee heads to serve with Mrs. Rajnus during the school year are; Mrs. Virgil Paris, first vice president: Mrs. Loyal Loveness. second vice president; Mrs. Mildred Tofell, secretary; Mrs. Loyal Saunders, treasurer; program chairman. Mrs. Floyd Mauney; publicity, Mrs. Joe Halousek: scholarship. A. E. Street: membership, Mrs. Ben Johnson: housing, Mrs. Louie Kalina and pre school clinic, Mrs. Dorothy Gordon. MALIN According to High School principal E. E. Street, teaching staffs at both Malin schools are virtually the same as last year. New at the Malin schools this year, however, Is Miss Olorla Nandle. who will teach music In both grade and high school, re placing Mrs. Thelma Douathon who resigned last fall. Heading the grade achool teach ing stalf is principal Floyd Maunev. who also teaches 6th grade. Fifth grade teacher is Mrs. Bettv Miller. th grade. Elsie Mock, 3rd grade, Irena Jehnck. 2nd grade, Margaret MeHenrv and first grade. Dorothy Gordan. Teachers at the high achool are Don Miller. Anita Stephens, Jean Kester, home economics teacher, Jim Conroy, athletic coach. Mary Lee Butler and Mildred Tofell, 7th and Karl Bennett, 8th. Charles Dobry will again be band instructor. 8tudents at the high school are pnvilege-1 to use for the first time this fall the newly completed addi tion to the school. Two large class rooms were added, as well as a large music room and auditorium, where chorus and band classes and student body meetings will be held. The rooms are large and well lighted and finished attractively in cheery colors. Another improvement soon to be completed at the high school is the new athletic field. The local school committee comprising of Bill Ral nus. Edwin Slastny and Vatz Kalina, will head a crew of vol unteer workmen In seeding the leveled field this week. Seed for the turf has been donated bv Ed Geary of Klamath Falls. Until the new field is ready, all home foot ball games will he played at tht Malin Park. Mrs. Joe Illlan Is In charge of tha school caleterla, which la lo cated In the new grade school addi tion and serves students of both schools. Assisting her are Mia. Pat O'Connor and Mrs. Mabel Cunning ham. School custodian at the high school is Louis Fowler and at the grade achool Is Joe Illlan. Both Fowler and Illlan also drive a school bus and the third bui la driven bv Frances Street. Enrollment the second week of school at the grade achool was 174. a slight decrease over last year, and with a slight Increase over last year at the high achool, there are 178. Including both Junior and senior high students. "Do u dirty bring ua your toller! clothes!" Men'a Hand Laundry, 11th and Klamath, Phone 2-2531. PIANO LESSONS r Arrangt with ttachor how to ttortj your boy or girl en tha inttrumont that it joy for lif ot. You con ront lovtly now Spmot piano for 9.75 monthly or mod piono at low os 4.00 monthly: In ithor com you may, if you with, apply tha ront, for o reasonable time, toward purchase with no down poymtnt necessary. Louis R. Mann Piano Co. 12 N. 1th Hammond Orgaa When Nothing Else Will Help for ACID INDIGESTION Doctor specialists who treat not h in but htomach trouble aay that a tablet lik Bn-ana often fives comforting relief when very thin els fails for (a, heartburn and acid indiaestion. Get a 23c package of Bcll-aru tablets at your druggists today. Be wise: a.!l';:J 2 ;, 1 cane sugar I DO thii B6f0r6 freexing WEATHER SETS IN! jkvwm H:lHl:(M,i 1 mm IT'S MODERN . .lEYOLITIOMRY! No Mrs ustaatrvt wilMenby owialwg m4 O of tioaoU, softie Mmil tpm pooti, foot troei end df fld kaoi. rWa'i ( not! roliooi and fcrtotf OMlhod to liquefy, itttt m4 m polity grgon, ilwefo, aofs dot end etnr ortonic totidi. This OrOdam chemical uwwIhi qvw and an citnl r.iulrt in 12 H U hovn. NO SHUTDOWN of poet or nmi aacaiiory white chaarcaf m workinf 5, 10, 15, 33, 50, ond 100 II. COHTAINUS . Off. tea. U.S. Sal. Off. Mi I li .-"ef I B"7i Swan Lake Moulding Time Tells In Builrfinq 3226 South 6th Phone 3169 M mi&MLS" m A NAME THAT SPELLS "NEWS'm SUITS. .. All the styling and workmanship of a high priced line . . . New processes in rayon acetates make possible this combination of "Hi-Style" plus a budget price ... Failles ... Sharkskins ...Worsteds,.. all hard finish wrinkle resistant lined suits HATS A sparkling selection of felts ...velvets... velours 295 to I095 mm "LAREDO" "SONATA" Low cut opera pump in fin kid suede . . . navy . . . brown . . . black . . . hi or medium heels . . .' AX A Soot black or town brown suede . . . enhanced by ny- I I Ion mesh filaqree. I 1 k -.r N ' )W fall ' J XvC? fashions 1 uhHi.... V7V DARWIN" Burnished calf skins . . . the smart suit pump with med ium walkinq heel . . . black . . brown . . red . . . navy. Te cemplttt 'thofimort-ei.a-whlp leek 'you love te ach i i v e .'..tea m up with than wondtfful Cermelliletl LENTS 525 Main K. Falls Also 21 N. Central Medford .V