PAGE TEN HERALD & NEWS. KI.AMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY. At 'GUST 10. 1052 ENTRY BLANK Firit Annual Klamath Basin Hobby Show ! Sponsored By ' The YMCA and Klamath Falls 20-30 Club Aug. 21-22, 1952 at YMCA Name .... Address . ..-. . Club or Organization ... - Phone Age Class (Age Classifications: Adult, A. High and Junior High, B. Grammar School, C.) Kind of Entry Value of Entry Individuals must compete in own class Clip out this blank, fill it out and mail or bring to YMCA, 722 Pine, Klamath Falls, Ore. Deadline for entry is 7 p.m., Aug. 20. ' While a special police fort U1 be maintained during Uie show and every precaution will be taken lor the safety of ex hibit, it must be understood the owners are required to assume aU risk, should any exhibit be damaged, lost or stolen. The com mittee wiU render all possible aid in recovery of same, but wiU not recognise any claim for payment of the value or portion thereof. Signed , MARKETS Stocks NEW YORK OB A show of strength in the railroads buoyed th stock market Tuesday and puUed it away from the sharp faU suffered Monday. The close was extremely quiet. The upward movement was mild with a few exceptions in the oils, and the list was liberally flecked with minus signs, Gains and losses extended about nnint either wav. but there were some wide movers ahead, mostly among those that suuerea neavuy Monday. The element that detracted from the market's action was the lack of substantial volume, it fame an estimated miUion shares. Mon day's total also was a low l.usu, 000 snares. New York Stocks By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation 28 Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers American Airlines American Power Light American Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Bore Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown ZeUerbaca Curtis Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Liby. McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney J C Co Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. . ' Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Tncorp Rayonler Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil 1 Safewav Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck Co. Pocony-Vauum Oil Southern Pacific Standard on r.m Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift 4i Comppnv Transnmerica Corp. Twentieth Centnrv Fox Tlnion Oil fnmpany Ttn'on PpcWc United Airline Tinned Aircraft TTnit.ed Corporation TTntteH State P'wood United S'-ti F'eel Warner Picture "'ectorp Union l. West,n'phoiie A'r ke WAeHnfr"v) Electric Woolworth Company 75 52 , 13 28 154 Vi 56 H 45 H 89 , 50 ?i 35 71 ' 11H 35 57 79 H 19 H 100 35H 17 Vi 63 89 V 45V 11 H 62 47 V, 59 V. 17 , 43 Vi 37 33 H 49 V 76 V: 79 4 7 22 i 13 35 Vi 2d 19 72 V 14 '4 35 3 112 Ti 5 67' 19 9 31 "4 25 t 33? 41 53 ' Bfi-U, 31 52 57 4 3fi 82 t 57?, 78 37 324 28 1 "V, 1" ?8 34 , ?0 7! " 11 7'. 1 14 in v. 43 That your Insurance fs right Is Im portant. Consult Hans Norland. 627 Pine St. Hot MmrMAi akd Mud Baths ARE EXCELLENT FOX RHEUMATISM, ARTHRITIS, SCIATICA AND NEURITIS CARBON PIOJODK VAPOR BATHS GOOD TOT! ASTHMA, -9 AHD LOW BLOOD PRCS' SURE. fori RESBR T A TIOHS OR MT AILED INrORMATIOM ADDREtll RT. 1, aihlahd, one., OR PHOHC LOHO DtSTANCtf Dm, Hemma Wxxler, DatccTOi cmnopHAmewfBictKH exhibitor and FINANCE GRAINS CHICAGO ifl Profit cashing and liquidation in soybeans weak ened the market at the board of trade Tuesday Just before the Close. belling in soybeans was re flected in other grains, but Just before the finish September corn rained and other deliveries moved up from the day's low. Wheat resisted the decline on other grains on export prospects At the finish wheat was tol1, lower than the previous close. September $2.32. Corn was 'i high, er to 'a lower. September 81.79 V V. Oats were to 7a lower, September 83 l4-V Rye was 1 3 10 1 lower. September 82.07 1. Soybeans were V higher to 1 lower, September S3. 18 4-19. Lard wsa 10 to 23 cents a nunaredweight lower, September sio.Bo. Wheat Open High Low Close Sep 2.33 2.33 , 2 31 i 2.32 Deo 2.39 Ji 2.40 Va 2.38 4 2.38 H Mar 2.44 2.45 Vi 2.43 ft 2.43', May 2.4S !4 2.45 4 2.44 2.44 V. Jly 2.3S 2.40 V 2.39 l, 2.39 Vi PORTLAND UH Coarse grains. 15-day shipments, bulk. Coast de livery: uais no. 2, oa-io wnue, 70.00: Barley, No. 2, 4Mb B. W., 70.00. Wheat (bid) to arrive market. basis No. 1 bulk, delivered Coast: Soft White. 2.36: Soft White (ex cluding Res), 2.36: White Club. 2.36. Hard Red Winter: ordinary. 2.40; 10 per cent, 2.40: 11 per cent, 2.40: 12 per cent, 2.40. Hard White Baart: Ordinary, 2.41; 10 per' cent, 2.41: 11 per cent, 2.43: 12 per cent. 2.45. Car receipts: wheat, 195: bar ley. 7: Hour, 3; corn, 8; oats, 1; null feed. 10. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND I (USDA) Cat tle salable 100; holdover 75: mar ket uneven, generally steady but some utility steers unsold. Cancer ana cutter cows strong to ou higher; few utility steers 20.00- 26.50; medium and good feeders 25.00-28.00: utUity heifers 19.00 22.50: canner and cutter cows mostly 14.50-16.50: few n.oo. uti lity cows 17.00-18.00, some held higher. Commercial Sjulls 24.50 25.50: utiUty grades 22.00-23.50. Calves salable 25, market about steady; good and choice vealers 26.00-28.00; odd prime 29.00-30.00, utuity and commercial caives ana vealers 17.00-24.00. Hogs salable 300, holdover 50, market weak to 25 lower: choice No. 1-2 butchers from 180-235 lb mostly 23.75-24.00: few choice No. 1 24.25; choice 265-300 lb butchers mosUy 22.00, choice 150-175 lb 22.00-23.00; choice 305-470 lb sows 18.75-21.00. Sheep salable 350; holdover 335. market rather slow, steady to weak. Good and choice spring lambs mostly 26.00 - 26.50, few choice and prime 103 lb 26.75. Good grades 25.00-50; good and cnoice feeders 21.00 - 22.00; good slaughter ewes 6.00-50: culls down to 4.00. CHICAGO 11 Hogs supplies' were 01 about normal proportions Tuesday and in line with trade forecasts yet the market was steady to 25 cents lower. Outside order buying still was restrained ana tnis helped to reduce demand. aCattle were steady to 50 cents lower ana sneep steaay to weak. Most choice butcher weight hoes sold from $21.50 to $22.40 with the top at (22.50. Sows took $16.75 to $20.75. Choice to prime steers and vearl- lngs set a price runge of $32.00 to $35.75 while good to high-choice heifers were $28.00 to $34.00. Cows touched $23.00. Spring lambs failed to sell earlv In the face of bids 25 cents or more lower. Obituary rVAMi Effle Crtmdr Fvni. R9 ntli nf Kansas and resident of Malln for the past 16 years died here Aug. 18. Sur vivors include 11 rhllrlr'n Mn William Schmidli, Deep Water, Mo.; Mrs. H.W. Wagner, Glendale. Calif.; Theodore Evans, Malin; Mrs. O. B. Newman. nid. Okla.; Mrs. C. C. Labelle, Cos- I Mesa. Calif Mark Vwmn. u.,i. Evans. Malin: Frank Evani. Portland; Bert Evans, Moraga, Calif. Three broth-' ers. R. o. Earnheart. Pendleton, W.K. Earn he Art. Mimoula Mnni v r ram. heart, Malin; 2H grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. She was a mem ber of the Methodist church and had I uvea in renaieton l years before eom- to maun, runerai services will be mortal Chapel in charge. CHICKENS BEST BUYS KFJI 7:30 a.m. Weather Western Oregon Mostly sunny patches 01 morniiur cloudiness along coast. Wanner In interior and high of "0 to 80 111 interior Tuesday and tu to 90 Wednesday, On coast, highs both dnvs 70 to 80. Lows Tuesday night 48 to 58. Winds olf coast northwesterly and 10 to 20 mile an hour. Eastern Oregon Sunnv Tues day and Wednesday. A mile warm- cr Willi hulls ol 75 to 85 Tuesday and 78 to 88 Wednesday. Lows Tuesday night 42 to 61. except lo cally 38 m higher vallevs. Uranls I' and Vicinity Fair through Wednesday. High of 85 Tuesday and 90 Wednesday. Low Tuesday night 50. By The Associated Presa 24 hours to 4:30 a.m. Tuesday. Max. Mln. Prep Baker 83 39 Eugene 76 45 La Orande 79 42 Lakeview 80 41 Medford 81 41 North Bend 70 52 Ontario 93 56 Pendleton 74 51 Portland (Airp) 70 57 Roseburg 77 49 Salem 72 48 Boise 90 53 Chicago 80 58 Denver 9'J 65 Eureka 83 55 Los Angeles 76 63 New York 82 65 Red Bluff 101 68 San Francisco. . 74 54 Seattle 63 50 Spokane 75 47 r : r ! rs MUNICIPAL COVET Vivian P tenon, drunk. Fin. SIS ar Albert L. Janos. drunk. Fin. SIS or 7l ays. NathAn CooDcrflcld. drunk drivinc. fin. SI 00 and W days. Nathan CODCXtTleld. hit-run drivlnc. Fine. $33 or 12'. days. Nathan CoDOcrfteld. no operator a 1L. wnw. fine, n or ai cays. Glen Weeks, drunk. Fine, $13 or 7li days Albert Bums, drunk. Fin. SIS or ? day. Lewis Cluckey. drunk. Fina. SIS ar ! aays. Jack Brads haw. drunk. Fine. SIS or i't aays. Russell Johnson, violation baste rule. Fine. SI 5. LeRov McNeil, mater tickets. Fine. S29. RolDh DeBolt. no ooerator a license. t oricii ao oau. P15TKICT COUBT William Clavboume Bund rant. nas. inr insufficient clearance, fine, S13, 910 suspenaea. warren ouana Knest. no stoo llahL rine. S3. John Wesley Carter, no stoo liahL Fine. S3 Warren Duane Kness, overlcnf th- Fine. S3, Heard William Eesadler, no vehicle ucense. rorieii sio oau. Catherine Barbara Brumbauah. vehicle license. Fine. S3. Robert Lee Johnson, no vehicle li cense. Fine. S10. George Manuel Diaa Jr., reck leu driving. Fine. 35. Jose Carreon Ledesma. ran stoo slim. aForfeit S3 bail. nooDy aioe nay, violation. Dasic ruie. rine. Clifford Herman McMillan, no non resident an el in a license. Fine. KI3. Janice McMillan, no nonresident ang ling ucense. ine, mo. New Students To Register New students and freshmen not previously registered at Klamath Union Hifth School who Dlan or at tending there this fall have been asked to come to room 211, KUHS, and register, Principal Charles Carlson announced today. The registration period will be daily. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. until school opens the first week of September. Official first day for school, Carl son said, will be Friday, Aug. 29 for incoming freshmen. An orien tation day is planned at that time. Classes for ail students are to get underway on Sept. 2, and the principal suggested all students have texts and school supplies prior to mat lime so classes may start Gas Company Lowers Rates The California-Pacific Utilities Company has cut rates on metered gas within the city 10.1 per cent. euecuve Aug. 13. E. (Moon) MulliS. tho lirm'i rflc- trict manager here, said the rate cut was possible principally be cause of new and more efficient equipment ana increased gas con- Mullis said this decrease wiped out most of the overall rate in creases started by the spiral of in flation in the summer of 1948. Two Hurt In Car Collision Two Indians were hurt last nloht when a car in which thev wnrn riding hit a parked vehicle on Di vision and a service station at Main and E. Main. Nathan ConnerJIeld. 33 nf Bnnan. za, the driver, pleaded guilty In municipal boun today on charges of drunk driving, hit-and-run driv ing and having no onerator'a II. cense, men weeks, 36, Chlloquln, pieuucu Kuiiby w oeing arung. Cooperfield was driving a 1936 Ford which struck and extensively damaged a 1952 Chrysler owned bv N. A. Welman, 1329 Division, and proceeded on to the E. Main-Main Intersection where the vehicl. mn mio tne sine oi tne Rlcniield serv Ice station. At that point four persons were reported to have hopped out ol the car ana scattered. City Police picked up Copperflcld at Stukel and Martin, and Weeks on Mcnlo Wav. Both had her.n In. jurea. t;opperiield was taken to Klamath Valley Hospital for treat ment of a bad cut on his forehead, and Weeks had facial cuts. The other two persons weren't located. Copperflcld was fined 1100 and sentenced to 30 days In Jail on the drunk driving charce. 12ft for hit. run driving and !) for .having no operator's license. Weeks, whn had gotten out of the City Jail only yesterdav morning, was finpri tin for being drunk. J CLASSIFIED RATES One day ... per word 4c Three Daya per word lie Week Run nor word 20c Month run per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad Is 60c, BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled llirougli box numbers at Hie paper lor a service charge ol 25c Index Of CLASSIFICATIONS A CARD OP THANKS B IN MEMORIAM C FUNERAL HOMES D FLORISTS 1 MEETING NOTICES 2 LOST AND FOUND 4 GENERAL NOTICES 6 PERSONALS 8 TRANSPORTATION 10 SERVICES 12 HEALTH 13 EDUCATIONAL 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE 16 HELP WANTED. MALE 17 HELP WANTED 18 SITUATIONS WANTED 22 ROOMS FOR RENT 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 26 HOUSES FOR RENT 28 REAL ESTATE WANTED 29 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . 32 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 34 FINANCIAL LOANS 36 BUILDING REMODELING 38 FUEL HEATING 39 FOOD PRODUCE 40 BOATS-PETS-SPORTS-HOBBIES 42 LIVESTOCK POULTRY 44 MACHINERY 43 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 46 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 48 MISCELLANEOUS TO EXCH. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 55 AUTOMOTIVE Get The Habit READ and USE Herald & News ACTION-PACKED RESULT-GETTING WANT ADS PHONE 8111 FOR AN AD-WRITER Legal Notice ... NOTICE "i-TP1 CIRCUIT COIIHT Or JA' STATK Or OREGON FOR KI.1U.TU r-nnwTu in th M.H.. .v. t..:.. ' '. Kent. Dr,i.d. " """" Notice li hereby ilven thai w. hava ni ri. i . "ecuiora or trie state , ,Knt' dc'"l. All peraoiu having clalmi arainit tald eetat, are requed to nreunt ih.m i. . .7. J1.1 proper voucheri. at Ih. otdca of C. non 4 Ganon,. Flnl Tederal Build in,. Klamath F.lli Orefon. within ! ,mnl Irom Aufiut 12 1.93J, which U 4-' w jw puoiication of thu Earl Bothwell Kent Robert Arthur Kent. EFutnn and Canon, & Ganonv Attorney! for Executor, w4'j--d -a jvo. 141 NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE Or OREGON FOR HI1M1TU miTim "j . tnee ar., iMceaied. Notice U hereby ,lven lhal I have Been appointed Executrix of the e.tale iLXl'"!'. McN Sr Al Periont havin, clalma aialmt laid eitata r. required to present them tn m proper vouchers, at the office o'f Ga. nong t Ganong. First Federal Build ing Klamath Falls. Oregon, within tnt month, from August 12. 1932. which Is lhe dale of first publication of Una no El.l. I if vr.. ....., Ganong ic Ganong Attorneys for Executrix A-12-1S-26-S 2 No. 1U NOTICE Or DATE OF ,T.!J;AL settlement IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE Or OREGON TOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of th. F.t.i. r.1 sf. man Schmor, Deceased. N?"" l! h'"y t""n thai I have filed my final account of fhe adminls- iCT. It. "V,c f"?v entitled estate and that the Court has appointed Septem 5" ' IMS. l 10 a.m. as the time for hearing objections to such final ac count and the settlement thereof c Il."Vr.y Sch""" J'-. Executor. Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Executor A.12-19-2S-S 2 No. it NT'CK Or FINAL ACCOUNT I"EIBCl"''' COURT OP THE STATE Or OREGON rOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH rRANEY.MD.'c.r..,'d.,he E,U" E nS"le. 'J. h'"1"' lvn ""I I have riled my final account as executrix of the estate of J. E. Franey. deceased fo"4 '..'.Jheu Cour. h" SP'- "h 1052. at the hour of 10:00 a.m.. as the "."i . ,B "'"' f objections to said final account and settlement there Dated IhH 2nd day of August. 1952. Caroline S. Franey. Executrix. A-s-intjfN?;'-A,w,n,ey "" Exec- Hobby Entries Near Close A dozen hobbyists tendered en tries to the First Annual Klnmnth Basin Hobby Show this morning as a heavy influx of hobbv fnthiKinn. rushed to enter exhibits before to morrow night's deadline. The show will run Thursday and Friday from 7:15 to 10. The show is snontnrer1 hv Iha Klamath Falls 20-30 Club and the YMCA, and will be held ln the "Y" uuiiaing, fine street. An outstanding feature In the af fair may be the entry of one of Oregon's top entomology collections of insects of economic Importance ln this region by Joe Schuh. Youngsters haven't been respon ding to the hobby show cnll the way grownups have, according to "Y" 8ecy. Paul Campbell, and he pointed out there is a special class for grade schoolers whn wiah in exhibit. In any competition, the graoe ncnooiors will compete as a class, Junior high and hieh arhool- ers as another, and adults o. an. other. Ribbons are to ho awnrrlort inn exhibits In various categories. A slate of Judges, selected on knowledge of art, hobbles and other phases of such show Judging, Is being compiled and will be an nounced, tomorrow. 20-30 Club members will art .. police force for the show, and a special watchman will be main tained all nlRht Thursrlnv In nin. vide maximum protection for the hobby displays, some of which have high sentimental values U not ac. many vaiURDJC, C UNIAt. NOMIS WARD'S kUnialhKmiallliMl!ar"823 Hi(h8lrl. t'huna sa.14, 1 MEITINQ NOTICES Al.COIIOl k'S Anoiuiimiu: Dux ta. Vhonm 34.VI. 2 LOST AND POUND C0a OM siyle nith)l ('hauUTTw LOST. SrHAVMr"iriV-TSiUUe"?ni buck. thin saddle hnisa. Illailt inne and tall K.ism-11 Smith. luielakt T 0.IMoiK lamalh rail TvMO. i.OST lit iclnlly of Klamath rlU black billfotit mntatnitig mmi cut ren O. some aetvl.e tlAtlon iiellt cauli and Kt'ulhrn Pacific anttual iai r'hut r may keep ruircnry if oilier contents lelurned tu V Umwn. H4J John Adams PERSONALS STANtTYIon.anMlurirThten IM YOU ANI1 your family are In atmwt hands Mhin your i-ar u huureil with Alltlate See or nhona vour Altaian aaenl rrrd Uwrettc at aVeara Ku. '" tNr.KU MFl.l' wllh your fall wardrobe; i none m:m. MHS WOnfRT BOIIN PSYCHIC Tens your nast. present, future. Can utf-rvoni an ontii-ii inai keep you jV!!!1 ,UM- h.VUh and hatniineaa ., ''" ftiwnn r a lis. wrgon 10 SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest 8anltary Melhodi Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE nn. k... i i uitii. vi nwu, KD F. KINO 3434 Orchard Phone 81 EXCAVATING" Mobil Shovel mid Trrnrh Mn Bulldozer -Fill DlrU- Towoil wiiuucu hwk-unvway cinden comprrMor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. PHONE 6Mlnr 8859 job-. By skin,.! craftsmen . rtiii.'. O lis C.iok, AKi. ,LA40 South Siih PAINTINc; tntrrlor "and exterior. I.. SEHT1C TANKS neanedTTScyinT LA W N Mow rn s .ri . rTT- : " 'J- paired. All malcra. facobaun uihiiri..rf Service ilalinn Tm' t f..... i kestauhant" "PpileT equipmenT !lILJ5vidjJ,tlS: th. Phone 4347. aiuvtint and raking. Alio plowing. DUMTAiNS launda-eo and it retched WELL DRILLING an: T All modern efiiilpnient. E. E. mux jipjv ftianiain Falli HAY Cl;TTlNGrrakin.nrf h..,IT I'hone tClld. P A I N T LN u" "and DaDexhalemeHTTa. TWO noOM mtxtern aparlmrnl every 71T. papernanging. Phone thng urnUne(, mduding linen. Ascot CURTAINS LAPNDK-Y. stretch tlnl.K rjPert rv.. Re.son.b!. pr.Sra" CUSTOM BALfNa'nd rnmhlnin. TTkT ll.... .... ... . .u.uiii.iie. 1BH. ...::'-:"-"e'.1' . ""!' P"i hl;iT" ' """ CU M' - 13 muriTinu.i DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT l?.!S."n?L'"bif t0 ,rnln "H i"1"'" "i iracior ana Equip- ment Industry. If you are not mk. ing better than 190 per week or you don't have all year Job aecurlly. r. J""Zv. 10 ,Tlle ,or ..ic anvu. mikiiuuv UUilKHllOn. ROOUt mis traininn and our Advlaory riacement Service. I KAIrVTNO HFRVlftP Box 243 care of Herald and News BOOJCKUP.'NG. shorthand typta kl --."--j"'-. irnin macainea. KLAMATH BUSINKAS COULfJOE r3 n pkau stmi TlfRM vnr'D,' .v: - . I hand with SPEEDWH1T1NO. Th. short: hand written with anr-. t....... special Franchise by KL.AMA1-M li I ' K I UTt. r-rr . r. 733 p'h Phone 4TSO MHELP WANTED, FEMALI" TRA.Y '.RL wnled. Exoerlenca praf- riLKI.m.tly.ll.vHo.pluL f s in? ' ln m home, KfiTi?:i.,,.i .miicn. wanieo, part time. Ho phone calls. 441s Soulh Sixth. GIRL WANTED to learn Llnntvn nn eretlng. See Sinlth aiHerald At News. wan TED llousekerner for family nl six. Phona 2-054H htw..n ? . m nri 3 P m- SALES LADIFS r.uri.r.. , n.JL sary If alert and willing to learn. An. P'FJBPn Ynur Store. 721 Main WANTED. WOMAN to assist In opera- PhJnSS'.oni""1 ln,l"re BOOKKEEPER Mu.l tie able to lake fllll Phir.. nl k.b.. I.. ..... . eluding trial balance and monthly prollt "'' ,n K'iimath Fells. Hardwood floor and loss statements. Also tvolna and Venetian blinds, largr garrirn and chick light secretarial duties. Good Martini n'- tal;lljn0. salary, apportunlty for advancement. I nituiries connaentiai. please write full uriens to oox 243. Herald and News. WANTED Counter girl and carhop Duke's Drive In. 14 HELP WANTED, MALE HELP WANTED Certified LUMBER 'GRADER PONDEROSA PINE Shops, Selects. Commons DAY SHIFT Rate $2.33'. per hour, plus 12Vi cents per nour penuing. CONTACT GILCHRIST TIMBER COMPANY Gilchrist, Oregon ' Onfenini? for Yntinrr Man Rranrioert o.i.- r . I ""iu oiniriuiin inc.. nun nn Open in (? in Its organization lor a man age J8 to 30 preferably. This nV.nnn"t,'rtlng 8t8ndard personnel. w unnnrt in v tn lituonna ( Approximately $280 month to start. f ik i 2 i Ur Liberal Employe Benefit Plan AFHI.V STANDARD STATIONS toe. 2nd &t Main AS AnprOVCd bV W.B.B. CAT and carryall operator wanted. Phone Lorclla, 31.17. mnn wi 1 m good tin hit to work on ranch year round to take care of atock r'LW rolo p.rn. J line now v. .hi. m , r.ii,.i T sri...!; guvigy ssrTfflai.n'g Dtxl" . Av,:: A liEAl. ripprinTtiwiTv If you ere emhlllnus nejt annMHn. .nd . wnin; worr, l""!,' iff'"i"i oorI position with ood compiiny. Selllna experience helpful but not nec- e.inry, ae we win train you to earn ?.r... ?'. "fr. we.l!k' OiaranlM while In tralnlni. Interview 6;00 lo B:00 p m. waiter urnwn Pelican Hotel MM. LANDIX3RD: ill thnsn vannn. u. i.a ..i i. "7.1 cle the quick easy, economical way. n - ror item" aa in the Her- Bid etc News reaches 13,000 tubscrlb- ers within a lew hours. Phone 8111. U HILP WANTED. MALI WANTKIl MAN for retail "store? tuerit ages IH M. Miul h high ith. at aiuiaie Biai ling salary rvfeiritt-rs, an. nliicatUm, lull delai wine now 244 list aid News. SALESMAN for li mV di.n llmti wltoleal xx-ery sterlshi. Klama rant aiea. i ill 11 in Main, ir V HhMil k Mi 'irit ... l il ..... muneitt wmk, Trailer hniu ftinulifil fjo tiumtli, exviy other ftumir Itle 3 boa IUO. ihuu J TWO lloaebut urrpitn 18 SITUATIONS WANTID tJlltl,, in, would like liahy slittiig lt1MS a HI) .-MIW r"lH II lit K. ntsit and ton one h, tiiitk. haul, ti, giin or antlm 1'hon t ihhiJ MAUI.imi WANTKIl, llnv, Oralii, elc I'flli-ait IIDlrl. I'lioit B7.ll WU.L"rAiir. (or ihti.lrM in myh'oitv na or nijiu i-none a-i.uw WANTKL) IIOI'SK rleanluK. Motiii I 1 uemUv, or Ve.lneUys. See Mi ttt. Manas lialler vuurt, 4tnxi tto, Dili WltXtAliK far i-hilrifen In m7hom" l(Us or evenings. Call 1-1545. IIKill Kt'MOOI. enUr desires aM,r gl.nw hours. Nalunlay and Kim m a store. IMione a-JUl. Itel' emes Wtl.l. HOOM and board two ihlldrei nttuhixil or ivt oldrr than Irti eleven Two blocks hum Mills School I XJH Marllil 1 HOl'SrWOUK Phone "R0?MS--r- ""rtHilni AM lUrlltc T,r". "TL?. WHIMS lur rem CIum In. I'tlvil, ItAiit-f. Pltnn 8.M3. KOOMS ItVH Iliad. rdVCl.iPrtwms for 'rentT'irl-al'a'Vetk. Close In. I'hnne ViM 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE lir.OltOOM pa illy furnished. miiis. i-none i-.KWi7. FOK HKNT lovely four room apai ment, unfurnUlied. exrvnt for stove ai refrigerator. Or will furnish. JOM 1 NFAT ONE rotnn court apartment fi iMrneior. oain. e erinc reiriaerator a: range. Clo In HO month. Phone 37110 vritliiHi Vl.Y 'OHATm two rK).n ln l"ihed apartment, gas equi HI as eauir mem. r.ieciric reirigeraiur. inquire isnt. Weyerhaeuser, rhone 3 Utt7 KXCLl'SIVE. two bedroom furhUhed aparinienl. sdtiiu, no pels. 313 N. II STEAM HEATED furnished 3 room apartment. 144J Oreaon. I'hone 414a. VACANC'YTwo room "apartmeiU. txt- nUn nuneu. Adults, aaa uroau. I TWO HOOM furnished aparlnient24'. Call 72WO or 4UU. Al'AKTMENT for rent, Ureer A par menu, nu Main. ri'KNISHEO apartment fur tent 300 aiaraei m., Apt. I. rOH RENT. 3 tare room furnished apartment. Close in Hot and cold we ,r- garage and heat furnuhed AdulU only. I'hone . after I! .Kl p m. uT,r.3 .".3 'Pir' I rUHNlSllKD fnt Iwn. and lhra rtom i .n.rlm.nta. aLI ta Ul 30: all ullllli I ' T p.ld. 4IB N. lmh. UAri h-n-,7.-i im-tj. T.n.n - - " APAKTMKNT with (ai hill also imal APAKTMENT with cabins 31S Hit!.. 1NEW1.Y deruratedT Dflvata bath, hit- cnenetl. btearn heat, eieetne ri fin Nk Hei Arms Apartment. itartmenl with bed- RENT. three room furn lined Foil-HF.NT"6n. -tadrnomfOTniih.'a apartment. MS. rhona 2-3as alter rK rent two room furnished ansrt Si JSK"' u""" p'"' S" modern trnmsHEo dVpiirTWhoo. I and liua. Call B7M. ONr room "furnlihed apartment Phona emu. Ct.r AV TWfS mnm in" r n 1 aVi4 mnmrt. I men i. .. vmnm MTTW. 1'K apaktment for rentrTrTvi" I entranre. 422 Nckrth 9th. 26 HOUSES FOR HINT mi) lirVT nna tunlrnntn hail.. ntiut ern. iter month. 2221 Uivhn A I 4,03 frnlsneo. . rnon. llw .: FOK RENT 3 room furnltheoj housa- 1 IK li 1 IB . 1 .3 I K Foil KENT Ihree room houseTHhone 2-.TUH afler 8 p.m. mark, tio Sea owner 1 .10(1 Calif. Ave. FOn-hEN-rt.o-b.dr5om-dapl.xrrur- mitu imnu v . ..... ri. nl.hed. 7:il North 1th. NICECI.EANun"furnlsTi.d one bed' room c a D m. rnn lirvT M .rr. n..ti. .nil .17. alia, small house, good barn 10 mln- uifa m cllr center, one mora to Due line. Innulre 21 ID Applecale. Days. FURNISHED one bedroom. Fireplace. t5d. Phone 4340. FOR RENT onsTTdroonTTmiise with g.irage, modern. 9U1 College. Phone 2!L , 28 REAL ESTATE WANTED WILL ADVANCE fl mnnlhs rent on 2 or more bedroom house. Dog 243 Her News. LIST YOUR PROPr.RTV WITH Tina iin.-vi run autiun EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No ath Phona 1401 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Three Krrlrnnm hnma fenced. Kleclr.e hut. Neir ichool and l nu neJiKtmnmc. JMoa uotug Avnu. I rmmp f-.pmii. EQUITY IN home on G IT One and on third acre. 4840 Summers Lane, Phone 13 ELI. V Y. W nr. A itr v a "u i i i wn Best buy for lfi.2 12 ono Tmi ihl -ifra. wen irnproven. Mil toil, cioie I m imiiiuii, pavru roaa, irriatton, mon y l"rg fun hearlnf Enahah Walnuti. JJ1!? ytari crop Included tttlmated ""'. it-ww auKiyou mva. Pnont 5 ROOM hotiu. Flltl h7mVn'l h place, furnace, hardwonri flnnra. Call 4 ROOM houne at .120 Miller Avenue. FOR SALE four bedroom home. Liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, utility porch, hath and a half. Fenced back 9.0,300. Thont r,Wl,y H ENOVATrn turn haririuirn houme, clone In. :i300. Caih. 241 Mor- iimeiinone91l01. run balk, two bedroom house. Large iivinw room, aepnrate dining room. FOR SALE, guhiirban home In Alta. . ... . 1 Irrlgaterl land, over "t In pai- luro- iWn l,r nedrnoma. large dining TZrJlJSS. 4SS FT good tiny at fi.too. Call 2-uni or ace ai ;nim urookivn St. One. hair block Z'l - Ji'lsr - i, , r n. -hower, on '4 acre" of land, -MOOO term. i'hone 2-1 G7i, or can be seen at ioji r - inn. Kp. KSi"k "Z. FHA BUILT two bedroom home, nentr 1 uiuiiy oocnrnied. .' acre good 011. im mediate poiaeaalon. SU.0O0. 8050 Dela ware rnn Af r it" 'rh,.'" h.n-n !? SAL5 2 ' -re"' Tnrffe bedroom ..""a&i"? "" FOR HAlI K ln Ml" Acldltlon. two yer """jSf' 'ur""ur' units, en itirnisnea. Annuel frosi In- SSSd,"0,,n,,'or 0B00, ''rd. Phon. 77.17. Foil SAi-E three bedroom horns 1S03 "v"'""- 2 BEhnoOM home, Mills addition Very lane ullllty and atnraie room. larao bark yard. Heel fenced. Nlre !L"r" ". concrete floor, concrete irivoway, atorm winnows, forced a r heat to in rooms, Phone 7384. saw y.i"'. 0NK "KOBOriM house for salt. Mod-1 u sSaiyoS:"' '""r 1 10 RIAL IITATI 0 SAll $5750 Coiy 1 brill tKim liuiiip I.lvmn rmilii lama kltrlirn, bnlli. lull baicmriii will) (iirnarr. Vriy i Iran. Nice lawn and aliiuba, Furnished Duplex Clost 111. On null with line bctl- itxiin. hud Willi two brill iKiiiii, OiiihI ronnltlnn but nrrtlx a frw rrpitlta. 550U. Very reasonable: tci.tia. $5750 llrro'a a Ural Hide home. In han llvinu room, klli hru. breiiklnnt nook, bi'ttt'oom, nleeplnu imri'li. bnlli and utility mmiih. Nlco yaitl very reasonable, trims. Business Opportunity llrre'a a nice Utile biialnras In a busy town, clime by. Ideal lor man and wllo. 13(00. Harold Elltrelm Mae K. Mlnrl Phone MI.13 I'hone moo AL LONGE, Realtor III So. Ith Phone lit or 3.3113 SOUTH HUHUnilAN, two brdronm home, attached Biirnuc. Elrcli Ic heal, larse lot lenced, close to schools. IU800 FIIA loan, or owner will help tlnance, JACK CAH1I1N with DUNDAR-HOIUNSON 130 So till rhone 1311, Eves. 3-3110 "Pat" HOWES Realtor MILLS ADDITION 3330 Waiitland Ate. Compact two bedroom home with electric heal. Close lo school, stores and but line. Price .6740. Terms. CORNER DARROW St MITCHELL. three bedroom home ol comiort and hospitality. Wall to wall carpel In hall and one bed room. Nice dining room and a most delRhtlul modern kitchen, large and beautifully lnndscaird lot, roomy garage. Priced al 10,750. "PAT" HOWES REALTOR 1039 Main Phone 3-3MS Eves, call Hap Davison Joe Perry Bruce Owens, City 3(171 M:i3 Merrill 4BU1 CITY Th! very neat well-kept, 3 bed room home with hardwood llixira on a nice corner lot. oil lloor furn ace and a large lircplace lor only 8500. Near (he Academy and Fremont school, tills modern two bedroom air conditioned home gives comlori on hot summer days and Its oil piped furnace to every room makes living In winter months a Joy and pleasure. Your children may go to either Pair view or Conger school when you own this nral little two bed- room home with separate dining room. CECIL KOLLENBOHN WITH Newhouse Real Estate 3060 South Sixth Phone 0833 or 0143 235 ACRE RANCH i miles out. 105 acres under irriga tion. 40 acres In allalla, 30 acres In permanent pasture. 3 modern homes, large barn, Iced lots, load ing chute, machine shed, garage and etc. Reasonable Irrigation. An Ideal ranch tor a stockman or town business man. This In a very good buy at $15,000. Crop Included Terms. HENRY NEWHOUSE Newhouse Real Estate 3060 Soulh 61)1 Phone 0833 or 1-3381 DON'T PAY RENT! Will take Modest down Payment. For $4,050 you mav buv mv un. usually artistically lurnlahed three and one half room home, all rooms spacious. LIVINO ROOM. Anllnue hair filled uavenpori, tea carl, 30 Inch lnv susan. iwo armchairs, antique oHi'i'i-r uiiKir, oan;o and cleclrlc clock, braided rugs, Inmps, good piuvuics, tw, BEDROOM, twin beds, two .h..i. snag rugs. HALL, additional cheats and iin. ru, I.H...I ' KITCHEN & DINETTE, cozy size round table, and chairs, uiinn. spice cabinet, electric stove. Walls are oi porceiaiuzca Maaonlto. Utility norch. New elehi font rn. ingcraior, washing machine, laun dry traya and table top electric water ncaicr. Home Is electrically heated, nir conciiuonod, warm In winter, cool ln summer, drapes and curtains inrougnout oi .course, this home has all the automatic comforts of apartment. Poor health forces this sale. This nome is $1500 under priced. Phone 4356, Owner for appointment. BUSINESS LOT, on Enit Mnln, 80 u. eroni. corner lot. on ft. icon Priced at $80 Front Foot. JACK CA8HIN with DUNBAR-ROBINSON 130 So. th Phono 7211, Eves. 2-3170 ron SALE V. acre fenced, with small iiuiiuiiis, "cniM irom neniey lush nooi or win trace for city lot, Phone rnn nst.! mu n,,iiu in ..... u , modern home. Excellent foundation, v'.ry VeasonsbiV Phon." "Sbm ",rl""- J0 DIAL ISTAfl tO All YALTA GARDENS make possible the pur. t'hii.o ol this e room home al Inr below replacement coals, Hl yenia nid, atliiictlve exterior thst will plenso tlm imint esuiilng. Wall lo wall cniprllnu, lull basement, two llreplncea. A lew iniillirllU ol lit -sprclliiii will be wurili more than iiiniiy winds of praise. Kxccllrni ilbiiilmn lotnllon, plenannt am louniliiigs. i)n piivnl roud, near busline. I'rlie only l J IUKJ. MILLS ADDITION See this atliitcllve 3 bedroom iKKlrru bumialow. Newly painted. lii.Mde and out, rendy lo move In. lo. l evel, wrll lnlidfuird lot. coin plelrly riit'lieil lor the clllldicll. Price noun. r. II. A. Iriins. Vi ACRE-$4800 For a verv well billll 3 betlroom hiiiue. Fully Insiiliiieil, new alinke aiding, good concrete foundiillon. Attntcllve yniil. goial soil. Pavetl stri'et, on husllue. Will itiallly lor FII A. leiiiis. CLOSE IN Within easy walking dbtance o doau town, a comfortable and roomy 1 bedroom home with large sleeping porch, big living room, ex. tia lingo kitchen, closets, etc. I'll veil street, Ml l .'ll lot, (inlet neighborhood. Only 14000. 11000 down and M per mouth. OPEN EVENINOH 11V APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Phone 6018 Eve.. Homer Stiles 3 3400 Fred Bcott 6103 Evea. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1000 III N. Oth St. Phone 4604 or 0933 NCOME PROPERTY $310 Three apartments completely furnished, lly aptiolutiueul only. $100 Two bedroom home complete ly furnished. Fully Insulated. Ce ment foundation. Oil heal. $115 Three separate homes. Al ways rented. Close to shopping dis trict. H500-Two bedroom home on Del ta. Newly decorated throughout. (Jurngn In basement. Terms can be arranged. $8500 Three bedroom home on ' acre. Completely fenced and has a lovely gulden and lols ol How. ers. A steal al this price. $3000 One bedroom home on lasn caalcr. Redecorated Inside. Terms can be arranged. $3000 One bedroom home on Doty. M. L. JOHNSON Orayce Eaton Bob Callagsu Phone 6113-6114-1110 FARMS 40 ACRES, Malln. All Irrigated, lor sale or trade. 415 ACRES clenn ground under well Irrigation. Excellent seed spud set up. 6iru acres Taylor grate adjoin ing. Oood buildings. 80 ACRES In Henley, all Irrigated. Clocxl sandy loam on paved road, good home. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 301 8. SIXTH - PHONE 0105 EVES. 6644 1033 FOR SALE 9 room hointV tnrnlprt 6lh Street on lour lane highway, has 3 lurge bedrooms with large dinette and service porch, base ment, piped lurniice, approximate ly one-third acre, nice lawn, fruit and shade trees. Tills h. a bargain at $10,600.00. Terms. Two acres, "4 room modern home, concrete foundation, built approx imately four yenra, good garage and workshop, chicken house, prop erty In nlfnlla and pasture crass. Price $8000 00, $1000.00 Down, bal anco monthly. See Fred Cofer (Evenings 36031 Bob Stephens (Evenings 03301 Barnhisel Agency llJ B. 8lh phone 41M NTORTHSTDE TWO BEDROOOM ATTRAC TIVE MODERN H6ME. 310 WASHINOTON. REASON. ABLE TERMS. FOR AP POINTMENT ... Phone 7582 AFTER 0 P. M. ENGLISH STYLE 1 BEDROOM HOME on lot 60x140, near Roosevelt School. Oak floors, piped heat, flrenlnm foil k... meiii. Nicely landscaped yard, wltii fruit and shade trees, Price $13,160. A OOOD 3-IIKDROOM HOME on concrete foundation In Mills. All rooms ntiractivciy decorated. Au tomatic llCllt. lllMllnlnrl i,.. i... onXlFHAPr'Ce 7'00' N" Ill"",1:c, ANNE MASON Eves. 6114 EDDIE HOSLEY Eves. 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. Oth , PHONE 1308 GROCERY STORE, two bedroom iipnrtmeiu. Tlueo cur garage, three lots on corner, on highway. Latest rcirigorated equipment. $20nn will handle. Inventory 20 pet, discount. JACK CASHIN with DUNBAR-HOniNRON 130 So. 5th Phone 1311, Eves. 2-3110, furnae , l.TS "r'' "'""malls lloo- lurnacs, fenced yard. 2710 Hope.