Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 07, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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    MONDAY, Al'ltll, 7, IliM
DICK WOLFE (I'ijihU misses n rinlil-li;iii(l punch and Sunny
(irccn h;is a uitlc-opi'ii taiKd lor a ritilit of his awn in
.Salurday ntylit's main event ;il I he Armory. Wolfe, Pa
cific Northwest welterweight champion, won a unanimous
Wolfe Victor Before
Capacity Sock House
I-', ulii Ininiii'V I u ii,-, put ihi-ir lill I'luinnii-r u-ir. oui on In, lirl alter
S:i t in ilr v iiiht in n slum l,:inic n lint il-niitntl knoclcilow n.
I... nr.; null ul llir Annorv I Ilia t lluilv fn i Imhi won hv 1KO
miw iliirr nf th:' livr li-mM IihI nvrr l)urnll llurriiiHion in t!.5
In thr- ili'iiuirr ; noli iiiund nf a mx-rnund pi-rml
Hill. frn III llli I. llir ll- Ur iilii. iv ; rvrnl
nrlnl ns JtlM mi jpiji-llfr niwl ll.f . MSI It WINS
M rinwil M iri.innl ,n llir i l- I Kiilph Writ.rr ttnn by a kink
lirnii'lKr ulirn I'lnni'iirr Mi.ik out nvrr Jimmy I'roctor in li"c
l.tllnnl n.vknl tlirm II Ihry'rt nkr rnnnilx ol llir Mx-rcmncl vT'inl.
to irp iniirr bfixlllll Apill IH. A l)ow Ploclnr, ll br.inpolr (Jiiklnntl Ni'Hrn.
In tpiitallvrly pliilil nl lur Hint utr. rimlu i il Wrlurr Willi hn wi irll,
Inili.ni nic k Wnllr. ri.i ilic Norili-i clnuiiih Mylr but ilalnly didn't
v.rM wrlti-rueiHlit t-liiiuiplnn. Ipiil i wunl any niorr ol Wrisrr'.s bmnbii
l'i milk (ir n 10-riiiliid ili-rislnll : und look Ihr roiiul nil one knrp
nvrr Ottklumra Sunny (irrrn in ilit nPcr a hlzlini; rlh'ht uppi'rcut lo
mi. in rvrnl . thr midsection
Wullr liuulr ll lllmnlmiiilt wl.ll n I llliirn Itavr Wnllr im:ciif.IuiihI
lu.i I'Mirul rush ihiit ciiUKht thr trnuhlr with a Rood Irft jab niid
rvc ol both juiIki'n and Krfriro ! rn:bt cro.s.
Wiilly Mo:-. 1 "ul the chimin won on uuvirs-
tinlv onr otltrr b.jut went llir alvrni'Mi and a ciowduiK. punchniK
ill-.tiinrr Itnur .liininr anil lllllv style tliut had Oiron covcrlUK up
hiiiiilny 1'iuulit to ii Inur-iiMilul di.,w ami chnihiUK
m thr M-conil bout on thr pniLTuni. I WoKr dlflu'l v.-anii up to '.hrj
Mii'.t ol thi Inns uiT.'U'il llir divd-
lech (IcclMtn. wtlli linoln, ifclimt tl
n'"r r-hmild hn v K"" .luinoi .
...ir. and oik; Jiul ciillrrt il
c "M 'ilic nhrr Jih1k vnitrd Junior,
I'lydp rhnenix, Willow Kunch,
Mopped lllllv Phiinmrr in thr livt
louiul of ihr (our-ronnd oprnrr.
.'i' i Mt pped (hr bout hIIim a
hhoi l cxi liaiiKC ol puiu Uvx wlirn
Spahn En
llv 'llir Aitaiiclalril I'rrsH
Major League bittern are begin-hllli-T
lo suspect thai Miinr onr I.i
F.ihotaglng the offli'l.il leuglie base
bull',. Could It hr that some "dead
bulls." famoii.i 111 grand puppy's
day, tin vr found thnr way Into thr
u-nnl batch nl "rabbit" balls?
Uiirren tjnahn and Krnie Jnlin
son of '.lie lloston llriives lire the
late t i .i'-hrrs lo lend support lo
Ihe hitler's belief.
hpi-.ltn and Johnson learned mi
and pitched Ihe llravcs to a 1-0
i.u-lilt vlcloiy over the Brooklyn
Dodgers at Chiitlannoga, Tcnn.,
'Ihe iniistriplece whs the llitrcl
no-hlt no-run game ol Ihe spring,
rn unprecedented 1,'iit. From HKIil
until this unison nnlv five no-hlllers
were pitched In Grapefruit League
Heavy hilling frnturrd Ihe ma
Jim it v of thr other games.
Seivlre hoimd Ted Williams and
Vn It D;-npo socked a pair of horn
rrn apiece in lead Ihr Boston lied
Sox to an 8-4 triumph over Okln
hntna Clly of the Texas I.eagur al
Gkliihoma. city.
The I'l'lsburgh Plrales pounded
(.ul 15 hits Including home run by
Ted Beard and Ki.lph Kine( lo
liurv Ihe rhlcnito Cubs. 13-1, al
few Orleans. Howie I'nllel limited
Ihe Cubs lo two hits over the Ill's!
six InnlngH.
Cllll Fiihtihi. .supporti'd bvi Ihe
SI. Lmils llrftwns' 1" - hit attiick.
had no trouble lurrlng back Hie
San Antonio Missions of Ihe Texas
League, IRS, In the Ahiniii City.
Jim nil- by pnuiu.rd out a two
run homer and Clem Ciirrasiiiirl
one with Ihe bases cmply to lend
Ihe Chlciinn While Sox lo a 41
decision over Foil Worlh of Ihe
'i'etiis League In Fort Worth.
Oiitfh-lder Vic Wertz drove In
Mure runs on a pair of homers to
ripiirk the Detroit Tigers to a 5-4
victory over Birmingham of the
Hotilhcrn Association,
Home runs highlighted the Phil
adelphia Phils' l)-8 triumph over
Ihe Cardinals at Columbia. B.C.
Del Funis and Forrest Burgess
connected lur Mie Phils end Solly
l-leniits, Kims Hlnugl'.ter and Pea
mils Lo'vrev tor the Cards,
Burns Tears Moth Hole
Worn Places Rewoven.
Souffle Portland
t :i.-.t until the snrond round whisi
he M-ori-d his- lirsi gowl punch, ann( lnih spunky candidate from
right cross that rallied Grecu'i Ulr Hawaiian Islands. ,
head. 'rhe rollegliins, crowned NCAA
The fifth and seventh were mm champions Saturday night,
Wolfe's bi-M rounds when he got i0rned with their .'.itles n chance
to (irrcn with a left hook to the , eompi-te for berths on Ihe V ii
body and right crosj to the head. Olympic team this summer The
Hut Ihr Indian chump couldn't moPt wns snnclionrd by the Olvm-
nun a Kiioi-Kotii puncn as most 01
; the
lime tilii'li would either tie
1 II
Wollr s righl-hand blast or ;
with the punch.
was no shoo-in lor Wolfe In
the sixth tircen staggered Uicn
with a hard right cro.s.s.
Proctor, a skinny jumping leek
who threw punches from all de-
1 rectlon.s. had Wrisrr perplexed In .
the lirsi round Unit saw both visit
Ihr canvas for short counts.
lint it was just a mailer of lime
us Weiser kepi ttalkiiig the Oiik -
land Negro und scored nicclv after
the second with body blow. Weiser
doubled I'roctor up with a hard
right lo the Negro's tiimniv in the
Prortnr got up at 10 bill not
hi'lore 10 und Moss Mepped in U
boi l Wi'iser's arm 111 victory.
Carlson slmplv hit too hard lor
Iliirringti.n and I. ad Darrell down
with a overhand right In the
S........H ,,,,i n,,.p.m., ,
i dimmed wiiii ' n slinri left linnkii.r dimmed F.veirtt Copley of
just utter ine iiiin-rnunn oeit.
Carlson followed up the attack
and had Harrington hanging on the
ropes when Moss stopped the fight
nfler 1:20 of the fifth heat.
Phmimci- started out like a
.whirlwind In the lirM round and
j had Phoenix's lace smeared with
I Hut a right lo th,' stomach In
! the second dropped Plutnnier and
I from that point It was all Phoenix.
A short right lo Ihe chin hud
1 Plumiiier down late in the third
but Ihe bell rang al the Iniir-couni.
I Willi Plummet- obviously un
! queer alreet. Moss slopped the
: light oiler a short exchange of
: blows In the fourth round.
Ity The Associated Presn
A Year Ago Today Dick Cleve
land, Ohio Slate freshman bettered
Ihe A All 100-yiird freestyle record,
swltiinung Ihe distance in 611 sec
onds lint.
Five Years Ago Babe Ruth be
came a consultant In Ihe Ford Mot
or Co. !n lis American Legion Jun
ior baseball prngt-am.
Ten Years Ago The Detroit
Red Wings defeated the Toronto
Maple Leafs, 4-2, to lake a two
game lead In the finals of the
Slitnley Cup playoffs.
Twenty Years Ago John Mc
Cliinv, New York Cllnnt mannger
ci'lehiiiled Ills 5Ulli birthday.
By Your Rcgiittrcd Watchmaker
116 South 8th
By Ihe Pelican Theater
'I III' Kin III Kills lri.i:k.".t''l
arc limiting buck on a tri-nu-el vlc
lory ,n uri-il H.ilui-(iiy over A-.h
1 1 1 1 ti mid ; in 1 1- r 111" rdl-
nuih scored m: In.' I places mill
I'l (I fill' II M'VI'lllll
Fllllll M'Ole On I III' IM"I'I. U-:I
on till' A'hliintl IhkK hull Klamath
l-.illn i'O'.vii Willi llli '. puiii.". Oil
ier 11 'i mid Anhhi'id 41.
I'll lii!,l place-, were won vy
Mike vIiiim' In the hMi hiinllrfc,
Hhitv cam in Mil' mil''. Jerry
Ji-hi'ioii In ill" liolr v.-inll, Ki'lmliz
In the ill' cim. .Inn ijimii'Ii'tIv in
1'ie I) on (I Jump nii'l 1 1 1 "''!.- -' t'-fin
.lohtlfoll III1-'! slutri'll II lltllr-U'V tic
v. llli H ii ;iih-. ;i ml ii Or-tii
bnv In Ilii- l.l;:li in. 1 1 1
Ph cr , In li- -. i .nf. .-! i ! I hurdle
niri'H v.-i-i r determined bv In t
tuni-u In liciil run .
IteMll r :
IIHIVliKl ll'.'ll lilil'IJi".' Cliff K.
Ji.llli' m: K. Jiniir-. A. Wnlrm. A
'linii': n
KKI vikI ih.-.h I'.lr'lmiii C. Hi'
lur sc-ntul unci llnr.l IicIm-i-cii Puk-
A it-I (i M'll i K in- lr loin Hi
l)i-l .vi-fi (iuirlv K i-iil Hi-fi'!-.
.... .- w ,
trill!'!' l.i't'-'
Ii ll C. I'l II' !
'Hi t llli ' Illl'I'S
.third I
i DO I'
A. r Mill'
"I'l nit-- M
li'lih ir '
K 'l.-i'lm
(joiiI K
o-.v hull!!
1 III-' n. I il'.V
C. ''i'ivnh'i:i C
llfvan- K, l-w
(.' Tiiih-: 14 1
23H .ml i'ii '" HoihI-. A H:"hain
C, 1) 1llh. K. Ki'-m-h K 'I'lmr:
Jl -
8Rn-Viii'd run: Htukry A Kiniinrrs
K. Iliood (', f:rnwlord C. Tmir:
2:11 4
Hhot I'ut' Hprnc- C, C:hallll'ld K
Mllli'l- A, Kl'lllllt. K Dl'lanci' 40
Irrt Id1 Inchl":.
Polr Vmilf John-on K. Walwn
K. Kina C. Ilaynlr A. IH'luht 11
ll-rl (I lll'-li"
Dl-riis: S'lhullz '.. Vandi-rholli'ti
C. KIiik C. Hpi-ncc C. Distancr:
11H (ret 9 inrbi".
Illiill .lunin: .Inhiuon K Crawlord
C 'I'r-nrv A. Hollmr v.orlh A
tlrd. Hi h'lit: ft fn" fl Ini h'-'-
Ill-oiid .lump- Iil!"li''!'. K (inn
drr A Ahri-liiiin '. Jniil'n C
Ill'lanrr- I'l Irrt 11 Inrln-
Javrhn' Inkrntan A
Irl b null'4'
nao-v: ifl rHpv Win hv Kli'inaih
if.. Mills n. Mill-:. Gold
,ITil. Tltiif 1 37 6.
i a in sir i si Win. '.r - The Olvm-
pics bckoned Monday to nine ol
In nfillrin's lirst col rue lloxri'K
;nlf. committee as a regional ouai-
living iesi.
Indivlcliia! chaniiiions are Heavy-
weight Bob Ranck of Wisconsin,
i .tght-hriivvwr ihl Chili--: Sit s : ;
of Michigaon State. Featherweight
Nell Olslhun of Minnesota ' a 11
three reneatersi. Ray Kiiboyania
.,i n.r ilnlveisttv of Hawaii, whose
lr.iin.nh WHS IllC lirsi
xcAA Mill 'rophy ever won by an
i Islander: Frank Echnvarna 01
idnho who won with the bantam-
ieight title Ihe John l.aRowe tro-,
'phv awarded annually to the lour-
pniiienl's most stiortsmnnlike fight-
,cr' Archie Shiten 01 Miami in...
j i ightwrifhl: Chuck Adkins 01 sun
!jse iCalif Stale, light welter-
weight' Bob Morgan of Wisconsin.
i welterweight : Kllswerth Webb of
Idaho State, light middleweight;
mid Gordon Cladson ol Washington
state, nilddltweighl.
Slalen punched nut Ihe meet s
..... ....oi m ihe sc'iil-finals when
i . Kii.tr who was seeking
.1 11. Ml I, .Ul I II In
liitt til irl Stratum llglUiWF"V '"s
Snead Wins
AUGUSTA. Ga. I' eotild
be that Sum Hnead didn't win the
1952 Masters Golf Tournament but
Hint four others lost It.
i-iint's what a lot of folks were
saying s they iei' inr
National Course late Sunday niter
Snead hung up a mediocre zoo ami
not another goilcr couia gci nose.
to ll. .
Ills final round vas a par ij.
That 288 was the wow ioui
rounds of victorious golf ever shot
in a Masters uui sun n. ku
enough to give the mountaineer
from West Vlrgiiiii a four-stroke
margin over Jnck Burke Jr.
nriii.nl Rurka came Jim Ferrler.
Tommy Bolt find Al Bessellnk with
anil then Lloyd Mangrum with
Mnrh rxiinsurr 10 hoi sun
deteriorate- rubber bouts, but won t
hurl canvas. Sports Afield
Fit. -i, s'.i s,s j-
r. a , -1 I. , s
ItsTS : I.Si ' v".'5
. ,r.i
You'd holler ta. i( you hadn't
Drotecred yourself with
$&m Thomas
6th & Main Phone 646S
kit'. , , " (' J.1'.lBtSiVL;'-. sk- . tv . r rt
- . tio iuu. fKMnri mirot 'VPr
mo mm, rconTH
Beavers Split, Meet
Gordon's Solons Next
Ity 'J hr ANHiii'liiU'il 1'ri'nn
Mtmi Hack's Pacific Cuaxt .
l.i'iiimi'-li-'idliiK I, of, Anii'lrfi Aiii:fi;,
I Irirl mil Ihln week II UirVrr runlly
chainpliin'.hlp cahbrr or Ju. I led
oil aK'illiM a punchlr.'i-i club.
'Nil' AllKI'l-.. WIIIIII'I'K ol :ux o.il
ol Ki'vrn aualnsl riaciaiiiculo, opi'tl
their home sclu-diili' Tuesday invlil
with llir lirM ol a M-vrn-t-ninc Ki'l
aninf.t Ihc Ifolly-voofl Hinrs w:i.ri
u two-uiimn buli'c In the Mliindlnt':.
At '.iir M'i'-.on's :.iar!T l.on ,o
rli K, lloll' vond and Si-aUlr wrrl
tabbed Ihr toi choice,.
'Ih cmnUiR er:'ft f.hould Kive a
Uood iiullclilion ol the lradrr.V
cailv i.iif-ni'lh
'II. e othrr -i-rii-ii this week l;ml
.Si'iiltle ul Kan Ij.eyo. Kan P-an-n:
co a! Oakland and I'orlht'l a'
.':crainrn!o v.1:im- .tor Oordon v;,s
in rllM'runlli il v. ilb itl.s i-:iai '.:rs
Kiindav til-.' lit hr sent ih'-m through
lu-'liii" pjiiclicr al'.er l!ie doul.f
I. ' i r
'i. Ai 'ih-s li.nili.' i tl'.r S:.,!o .s
lv,,ci. 4 '.' i ml II-l lo ad ' l.'o!",'
ui.oi.1. Kan Ulrijo and Si-ll Ki.l.- '
co. nil w ill 4-;i mark... In lb" on.er
ciiuies all spill twin bill'. - K-.n
l-'ranriheo winning over Portl; nd
1 ,'i-2 and Iomw,' 5 3; Hollywood nl'.m
tmu out Scaltlr 3-0 Uicn lalllni:
6 3: and Kan UK-no UjHik 0..-
! land 11-2 bclorr brini; edKcd 3-2.J
All Uie Mi-colld Kaniri, wrre heven
InuiiiK aflairs.
Lose To
Hob Hfndrr'lhott's Klurnitth Falls
fic-ihinrn copped IIVp tiibl pliiccs
hut fiiii'hort on (he .short end of a
77-44 score HKiitn'-t Mcdlord Satur
dav on Mwlw Field.
Grorce Arnold was a double win-
er in Hie 70-yard tilth hurdles
and the UO-vard low stick1,: Dick
l.olcoma won the 1320-yard run:
t.loyd Kooken raptured thr pole
vault: Guy Munsell was Ihe discus
Medford Junior Hii.'h Beat Klam
ath Junior High, 72-32. in a meet
run in conjunction with the fresh
men competition.
70-yard high hurdles:
Arnold K, Dav M second
M third. Time: 10 1.
110-yard low hurdles:
Won by
, KnlHbu.s
Won by
Arnold K. Kastner M second
M third Time: 14.0.
75-yard dash: Won by Oglesbv
m. Ontninn K second
Rector M
, tliii-d Time- fil.
I ISO-yard dash: Won by Oglesbv
M. Hector M second, no third
place. Time: 16.6.
I 330-vard dash: Won by Dav M.
, Munsull K second, Owsley M Ihlrd.
iTune: 39 0.
; cuo-yard run: Won by Pool M.
Lolcoma K second. Svitak M third
nine: 1:43.3.
i,i.:u- in ti run. vvuu u uuicuiuh
k. UeMurrs M second, Melcalf M
third. Time: 4:07.7.
Poe vault: Won by Kooken K.
Crosbv M second. McCay M third.
Height: 9 feet. 6 inches,
High Jump: Won bv Clark M.
Kastner M second, Kooken K third
Me L'llt & ICet b UlCneS.
Broad Jump: Won by Kastner M.
- Crosby .M second. Rector M third.
Shot Put: Won by Dyer M
M.tchell K second. Mun.sell K thna.
Distanco: 46 feet,
Discus: Won by Mun.sell K. John-
sion ai secona, aiucneu is. mirn. i .-
Distance: 97 leet 6i.. inches.
Javelin: Won by Oglesby M,
Mitchell K second. Dyer M third
Disiancc: 139 feci, 6 inches,
440-yard relay: Won by Medford.
70-yard high hurdles: Won by
Hawkins M. Brown K second. Av-
erett K thud. Tunc: 11.3.
110-yard low hurdles: Won by
Miller M. Haw kins M second. Brown
V 11.,,. Ti,. 1 E c
rv .i.i. ii. ...in. w.u.
5-yard dash: Won bv Tucker M.
Miller M second, Cearley M third.
Tune: 7.9.
150-yard dash: Won bv Tucker
M. Cearley M second, Bragg K
third. Tune: 17.2.
330-yurd dash: Won by Hender
son M, Perkins K second, Willard
M third. Tunc: 419.
660-yard run: Won by Fellows
M, Bosworth M second. Butts M
third. Tune: 1:S0.2.
Pole vault: Tic for first Hamb-
im k and Tisdale M,
thlrd Height: 9 feet.
Bellack M
i Hjli, jump: woti by Perkins K
tl(, (or second and third Larson
M and Henderson M. Height: 6
i foct. 2 inches.
Broad Jump: Won bv Hawkins
Mi Bedneky M second. Perkins K
third. Dlsianee: 16 feet 10 inches.
Shot Pui: Won by Cearley M,
Morris K second. Thomns K 'third
Distance: 40 feet 2 inches.
Discus: Won by Morris K. Col
litis K second. Thomas K third
Distance: 90 feet 9' tncVes.
440-yard relay: Won by Medford
Tint to M.rtt
Home of
7th and Klamath
Hollywood'a Johnny Undcll
loused Humlay'n only K0ose-rig line
and added a Home run-to help him-
M-K iiIoiik BKiilnst Heattle Tiie
RaltilRrx came back In the second
oarnr In nhrll veteran pi,,kv
ftooils. In the ihlrd nmZ. M ul
ni.ii hil Ihr lirkl Keallle hr.mi r nl
ibr U..1ML Charliv Kchan. was
shaky but his mates Kve hlrn
5 0 lead lo work on.
San Francisco's Seals, who
couldn't ben, borrow or steal a v.c
tory al the start ol the Him cam
pulKli. captured their openuiK aer
ies as .Inn Herder pitched hm sec
ond victory In the first Kame
Tlir second was IK-d 3-3 in the
seventh u hen Don Kirgert drlivrnd
single to knock in two run
Ma rlno PirriieUo of the Bravrs
Kiive up six tuts in notching the
Hrt tttmr Rtti
Ml I! O 4
Iliirr rl
i- -i.i
i'.rnv rf
llii.rrll !!
f:.,ntrr If
Maflulrr :tt
llohlnaon c
Arllim p
Drililnc p
TS'tn vi ix o
3.1 8 24
All II 'I
r;rrre If
Mi Cnwlv
I.cwia lb
Oriel? r
Ketdcr p
Tornay c
Tr.iau .
27 2.1
A-S,,m rl lor ArlAmn in nth
I'nrlland .. - 010 100 iyyi.2
Una nit 110 011-8
San FranclRC-n 101 000 Olx-S ,
Hill. .u
l.omn8 pllrhrr. Aitam.
rt.ina nrovia. Conatir. Mnran 2,
Ttiiirrnan, flr-.-. liAt Krror par:.
RaHnold. l-lt on ba-.r - Portlanrl 4
San rranrliro 8 Twn-haw hit- P.fv a
2. Robiniion. Barr. Crarr McC-''v
Sarriflri. hilj Rrr-rler. Sliran. Slolrn
Jla.r Thurinan Hum nailed tn
Orarr ,T Rohtnon. VrCa-aiev. Conat
Mr D'Hihl ela-.. Magi'irr lo Ausl n
li BaMnkl. Hamrirk lo Moran to lw
1i. Tim 1 :''. ' n.niw -M-Jtarl, Amke
Slha anil S'.mrrs
Sprand cam? bii
AR n O A
Purr rf
RaMmtii 2b .
AiiRtln is
Prov t rf
Toral'rr If
EWI .lb .
I afata lb ...
r;i;.dH c
PieriMti P
White rf
! Vnrart 2b
! nr.-irp if
MeCawlry cf
l.rwl. In
Tieslrra t
llnrnrirk 3b .
Biarnn p
Ballpv p
Bormlrr p
Tnrnav c ...
n Zuvela
S.pt-n p
DBIa.altl ..
. I
A.rTrn.inrlprf nut for Tirsir-ra In 4!h
B-Strurk out for Bailty in Slh
, C-Walkrrl for Slni-li-lon in 7th
n-S.nsIrd for Ratio in 7lh
r rtan for Biaiatti in 7th
Pnrlland on? ooo 2-S
Hits 202 010 2-7
i San t'ranciaro . - - 100 0CH 0-3
I II, U 110 102 1-6
Runs Baslnskt. Austin 2. Brovia,
(wnna. 1 mirmar, a, nsV-.i... ....
Bnrrr.lar Hit bv pitcher Lafata by
Biran and Bailey. Left on basr-
Portland 10. San FranciReo 7. Two ,
ba.e hlu Tornay. Balks Pirrrtll. Bis-j
can Wild pitch Boerr.ler. Stolen bases ;
-Barr. Thurman. Huns batted In j
Grace 2. Tornay. Conatser, Cladd. Eff- I
Bert. Double play Ratio 1" M--r.-l". I
Morn- io t'o. . - - .-
t'mpire Anitke. SUva, Somen and
Muutait. Attendance S.la'ii.
completed Wednesdays night's wrest
Parifie ( oast Hockev , line card, featuring Georges Dussette
By Thr Associated Press land Eric Pedersen in one. of a
Saturday Results double main event.
Victoria 2 New Westminster 1 Vic-1 There's been bad blood between
toria wins best-of-seven semi-fi- i the French-Canadian and the Scan-
L."yoif VI-cv.,.
casMiuiun o , ,s,...--.
leads Desi-oi-nve st-nes -v.
"No, we don't have two
catchers he bites umpires."
Fisk Tirei
Ph. 4103
Wins; OTI
ChucK Tykeson, Oretjon Tech
pitchrr, owns two victonrs In as
many starts alter hurllnir a 2-1
I victory In 10 innlnxs oyer the
I """ f?,1"" 1';"bnrJa(;k" In
Areata, Calll. yesterday lis the
I1'"" '-':"ih split a doublehcader.
, llii-.bnldt won the second Kame
' hy the .same count ill seven InnhiKB.
I , Tykein who shackled Houtnern
"""" ""l " "" ", ,v "'
Kvp the Lumbe.-iacks Just
: cattered
tun, in .tie exlra-inniiiK
Jack Brown, nla; -'nit first base
In the oprnrr, aln'.ed Don Fore
man home for the winning run in
the extra frame. Tykeson, a cloul
ii, K pitc.ier, led off the limine with
double nut was cauisnt oeiwcen
,rcond and third when Foreman
put dov.n an eas.r rounder. Fore
man stole second base, then came
in on B.own's hit.
Tykeson put Humboldt down one,
two, three in the Jacks' shift in
the tenth.
Brov.n rave up ;ut three hits i
ii. tht : econd airo but Oretech :
errors robbed him l-I a win. !
TTie 'J vls scored their lone run
in the fifth when Brown walked and
came home on Querino Lellls
.lerrv Garcia scored for Hum-
boldt in the first mnlnK on a triple
hv Dale Sorenson after Garcia
reached base on an error and went
to second on a passed ball.
Humboldt's second run came In
Ithe fourth when Ke.th Darling led
off with a double, went to third
on a wild pitch and scored on an
Oretech error.
Line scores:
First ame
.. 0(10 100 000 1-2 9
000 010 000 0-1 A 4
Kezslev and Joy: Tykeson and
Second same
. . OC0 010
100 100
.OTI ...
Payntcr and Joy,
Hurd; Brown
and J?tfr.
" I
. . . date with doctor
Promoter Mack Lillard yesterday
, settem. recent
kii ""s .'- rr, r,..i
...i.i, xrttrt Von Pnnnpnhenn. I
iiimui w..i. i.v .
This is tiie one mat fans have
been looking for.
Von Poppenneim ana ur. oi-
lagher tangle in the other one-hour ,
bout. ' , ' i
Tol Yamato, crowd-angering JRp-1
anese sleeper artist, opens the show
against Danno McDonald.
Reserved tickets are on sale at
Castleberry Drugs.
Spin Fishinq Supplies
222 So. 6th
'CAM I GTt 008 HE?;?"
Set ul for all your oulomotivt
ncodi repairi and accessorial,
all makai, all modals.
4th & Klamath Ph. 8146
1 & L
l 1
btJf ' J 6iiirH
ATTRACTIVE SALLY BENNETT, a newcomer to local
bowling circles from Burns, is the Klamath Falls champion
today after posting a 1661 all-events score in the Women's
Bowling Championships on the Oretech alleys in the an
nual tournament that ended last night.
Sally Bennett Wins
Women s Keg Cro wn
Sally Bennett, a fetching new
comer to local bowling circles, last
night copped the All-Events crown
In the Klamath Women's Bowling
The new chamn came here from
Burns only a few months ago. Her
husband. Cleve. Is an OTI student
and manages the OTI alleys, where
the championships were staged.
Pacific Coast League
By The Associated Press
W h Pet.
6 1 .857
4 3 .571
4 3 .571
4 3 .571
3 4 .429
3 4 .429
3 4 .429
1 6 .143
Los Angeles
I San Diego
!San Francisco
I Sunday's Results
San Francisco 5-3 Portland 2-5
Los Angeles 4-6 Sacramento 2-1
'Hollywood 3-3 Seattle 0-5
i San Dtego 6-2 Oakland 2-3
Saturday's Results
I Hollywood 10 Seattle 1
'San Francisco 6 Portland 1
Oakland 1 San Diego 4
'Los Angeles 1 Sacramento 0
Those planning to sponsor soft
ball teams in the Girls City League
are urged to meet for an organi-!
zalional session tomorrow. 7:30 f
p.m.. at the Wlllard Hotel.
I This meeting is for sponsors
! only.
Prospective players, team man-
' 8?rs nd all persons interested In
isottoall meet Tuesday, April to,
o m
at a place to be announced.
rrea.se shaped in
in our
The smart lines of llie Lee
Adventure are Lee-shaped,
pre-sliapeil to stay fashion
right for life! Fine fur felt
of llie Adventure is DuPont
AriilexJ-lreated for water
repellency. Note the narrow
band and tiny bound edge,
for a smart style touch. We
have your favorite shade!
. ' . $10
Other Lea Halt
from 7.S0 to 15:00
820 Main
Rolling in almost flawless form,
Sally also garnered the Class A
singles title with lines of 190,, ITS
and 185. That gave ner an .ah-
Events total of 1661.
It was a slow-death finish foi
LaRavne Harris who had held tht
lead since mid-afternoon, when sin
finished with a 1622 total.
At the start of last night's bowl
ing. It appeared Dorothy Koberg
would make a real battle for -the
title. She had broken on top of thi
field tn the team events, Thursday,
and her first line last night was
a scorching 217. But she faltered Ti
the stretch singles and wound up
with a third-place 1620. The 211
line was high for the tourney.
Bess Lavenick and Mabel Wachtei
took the doubles title with a J.091,
highlighted by a 213 line lot
Lavenick. Second place went te
Lulu Stone and Sally BennetM 1069 ,
and third was won by Mary Morrij
and Dorothy Koberg U065).
Dorothy Bowen captured tne ciasi
B singles with 555 and the Class 0
title went to Mary Morris with
The team event was won Thur
day night by the Roundup Taveri
combine, comprised of Ruth Duff,
LaRavne Harris, Beth Griggs, Clan
Beard and Opal McDonald.
Men and women keglers ara U
Join for their annual trophy Iea
at the Moose Hall, May 3.
you Get AM ThU-
. $.45
Adutl Dlshiburar Poiort
Tax Call
Tlghltn Cyllndir Hand
Aduil Timing
Cliar, BoMary Tarmlnoll 4
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TljhUn Minlfoldt ;
Adust Corburalor '
Chatk arid Adml Vollaga Control
Tail BoHary and Haiti
Adkilt Toppalt
Claon Plugs and Aduil Oapa ,
Tlghun Hot Connaclioni .
Chak Vacuum Spark Advantf
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Adjust Oantralor Charging lata
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Tori Mortar
410 St. 6th Ph. 4113