c uoni:ay, Ai'Hii. 7, hi.vj IIF.nALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FAM.F. OREGON PACK SEVKN fl I ' 3T 111, ILL . FAREWELL TO ROMANCE? .lust before leaving for New York to lake up li is new job as a spoils commentator, Joe HiMagjlio, former Yankee baseball Mar. visited actress Marilyn Monroe on a mnvi; set at Twentieth Century-l'"ox studio, in Hollywood. DiMagRio frequently dates Miss Mon 1 10c when he's in the movie capital, but their only comment to (piestinns about a possible romance has been noncommit tal "we're just friends." Faa, Companion of FDR, Dies at Hyde Park Home By ItlTII 0VAN WASHINGTON 'Si Loiuttliners In the Whit.- House Secret Service were recalling i.lories Monday about "lite lulnnner". 'Ihitl was their I'ame lor l''nla, Ihe perky lit t lr nlack Scotty. close luend ol Ihe Inle I'resldent Krank Jin I). Ilonsevrlt. Fain was hurled Sunday In the famoui. rose t'idn at Hyde Park, N Y . near the gisve n( his mas ter, who.-e ride he srltlom eli in hie rala died In hit fleep salurdav, two dava short ol his I'JUl bllth :v. lie llted rven years, le-a a week, alter his irnster s denth. BnlleriiiR from Hi' Inliiinltirs c.l Car Accidents Injure Three Two of three prriionn injurfd in rur rcidrnt.i ovrr I he wnk'nl v.rrr reported lu Rood cuiidilioii ul )(! I t'or))lalA tli.k UluriiiliH. J Chair, 3311 A'tumuiil U. . ; ., it'"iim 'I Si-turdM nmht In-ni rifiMimli Vnl'rv Ifnipi'M nCrr I rji ( tnri;t for nun'ir liurlv H npn iitor r ! a cm thdt m-M lunv rl on Uf .ukr Irw hinvny tfiituidiiV Alo lnjuu'd i:nd hrld In the Ji'cpllnl wni Uonnld I-'ltyci-'ltl, S.;03 Caimnii St Holh men ucie I krt in the lnrp.t;.! hv K;ri arnhutiiiH e A five- rur-tild boy, :n:,t Nj'h-ol'-, .vnn ol Mi . ii nU Mr., I,. K Nlchol:. ol Merrill. nV.'n in Hilh.!de lviipltjl tor undrtertn:n-d Injuries Mifferrd v hen he fr (ruin hl. pairnl rnr Suiidity atlrrnonii I'M iK'V u ,i irnorlrd Hi yc.ctl condition by hospital nllendanti. , Blu. and . Rod and Sii.t A to f jfcJ Irenit Pel.nl rftf!; Sim $!j to 12 ' .79$ J do(i' old nwe, Frtln did innmi,;o 10 hold on until ultrr Mm. Moo: t--velt'ti irlurn Iroin Jodin. 'Ihey, too, hud crown close, lor I to her he wn.t a livnm inik with the nnd ever umiMiiK clown iwhoin her husband hnd c'r1,'v ; loved. To the Ketrel Kervlcr men, I- uIh wnis n deliuhl mid a chore -and there ore f.uine who think he lound tt fun io coinphcnu their job.s. ! lie ua.i th- IJre .ktenl's coii'tant !traehni; companion, nnd h t-ot : htn nickname, 1 hr Ii.fornifr", tiom the way h :.ave awiv the ( i lift ercuHe';i urrfiirr rm tnpv 1 'I he tircrri Semce would he lu: t in, happy if it Tre.-i'l'-nt duhi t huve pu midienrft every place he went. : Hut not Fnln. He loved hi public I I'll la attended liw mft.ster'R bur linl t ll'.de I'ark and he was prev cnt when Mrs, noo:.evrli loruinlly j turned the e-.tme over to Pre? 1 dent Trainnn as u national IiI.moM icrl sue. I He wriil to live with Mrs. Iloo.ne i vclt at her cottafre on the estate ISoiuelinieN he went with her to the bitf ho;ire. Mr. Rotevelt's home 11 his lifetime, but h" disliked Koh'ei tup to the second tloor. Once h was ob.-eted Alttuii on: f ily in tlie toyer Uiti-hiii,; Mrs I'ocr.evell elnnb Ihe Malm lo nuar-ter- Mr. Ki-osevrlt foMnrrlv hr'd )f tnrde no niov to follow her. ;I!e kurw be woulrln I find the ninn 'lie loved np there. 1 EASTER SUNRISE ISERVICE ISEJSER I Matt Choir Spirited Mcitoge Shasta Drive-In Theater 6:30 a.m. 12! A la C Width Whit. Whita 12i ta 3 795 C width ' 8 - Indian Ambassador Talks With Stalin, Urges New Move For Top Power Talks This Red Had A Good Sense Of Humor '1 OK VI J 1 11 tlt tlmf. ImiL llirv'vn llniilly IiiuikI it Oiiiiniinl.'.l wllii n utifr (if humor. J he I' lTIMii V'llUMlrrr IJullulloll III Kiiirn It'll.., U1I.1 utory: A J- (f-iK.lt pi.trul. iimiviiiii tlirouiili h Kmi'imii vlllum: In im-inimVliiiid, MIW II MlMllcldllfc look IIIK 11)111(1. IC'Iomt 111'' iiccdon rnvnnlMl n time i lu.'.r 111 oiic r.iuu mid u rci..cu;.c tiiik In li- iilltrr. ! (Vri-lutly i.killlully. the French ; iiiluiilryiiiiii rUUi( the lelhfil lookini! liislriiiiiriit ami kciiI It bark ;to the Ninth Kxplonlve phpofcal Hqiiiid ol the American ururiimcc Corps. All onlniinie limn, hnnclllne It like lobin'h rKK.i. innile hure thero wiit no rxplunivc Iiwlde nnil cau-Doni-ly pulled the r 1 1 1 f . out popped 11 pi'-ce fA paper .'.nibbled "IViiiin!" IJiKlenieath, in oraiiKe crayon. iwere the Kremh words "Coucuu me viola! lionjour cle Mao Isc TMinfi ! " In KniMi.'-h, thf.l's "Boo Here I 11111! CircctltiKH Iroin Mno TiiO Tbuiik!" Ministers Battle Concentration Camp ' l()rtT!,ANI) tTi The mm Uou of ilhe McCitrran Act which provioc-H 1 (or the i-htabllshnicnt of concen'.ia lion camps in the U. IS., Is itim opposed by three Portland minis ters. The Hi. Rev. IJenJamine 1) Dan well, Oregon Kpivopal bl.'bop: Dr. Gerald U. Keniird", Methodist bUh op. nnd Rabbi Julius J. Node), m a letter to President Truman Friday, called for "direct abandonment ui the detention camp program." Crater Lake Roads Reported Open I Crater Lake b'M week drew Al?. vlMtorn, inrludniK IV ,--kier., pnrk rRirern report . j All roads are now open to the cra'rr run and chains arc not needrd. I Tlirie 1: ;till 177 inches of Know at ranker headnuartera and about 33 feet at the run. Al l. IN Til: FAMILY INDIANAPOLIS T April 5 v.'B,: Paul K. KanRmnn Jr'a 20th birthday anniversary, Ihe 19th for his wi, Carole. Tl.y didn't celc i:rnte tu;'etl;er. Mi'.i Kannman wnf in the tio'pltal iviiK' bllth to their lir:t ch.ld. I ee Circle. BUSINESSMEN Coll Us For Superior MIMEOGRAPHING STENOGRAPHIC WORK TELEPHONE SERVICE Let Us Answer Your Colls Chase and Lawler SECRETARIAL SERVICE Phont 9297 208 UndrwooJ Bid?. & W If wrrt ny THOMAS T, WIIITNKV MOSCOW iFi A hall-hour eon versktlmi between Prime Minister rltnlln and Infllii' Amha-goidor to Momjow hat. produied a new call lor the world'H "lop people'' to meet In ail attempt to ?.elUe major I international problem'.. I '"there Is no niiljiliinillni: prob 1I1111 now divldmif the world v. hloh i could not be jellied with dlwiii.Blon I and negotiation . . , ftvrry ellort . fhould be made In jet Ihe lop lainbaii.-adoi-, Hir .iiirvapnlh Jlnd- liakrlrhnan. after hh ronveriialion Saturday nlnht with Klalln. i Hiallii'-i Interview with Ihe Indian .diplomat wan viewed here as ano Take ON THE ORIGINAL Juicy steaks, choice roasts, harm, chick tm, chops, seo foods always fresh and al ways ready for surprise guests. Many weeks supply of fine, froien vegetables, delicacies, fruits, seo foods all at your finger tips when you went it. An Amona home freezer and a sii-month supply of food for less per month than your regu lar food bill. you get: you get: you get: Sixat SVit to 12 6 U'2to3 Whila Elk Sixat 2 Vt o i " 4" 645 B, C, D, E Widlhi . . . Whit. Elk . . . Black Pot.nl ther In a nerles of Important Soviet move apparently Bhnril at foster Hilt the hope that the divided world can cttle IU dlf fcreiicca peace ably. 'Ihe Commiinl.'il moves in tills direct Ion ini'lmle: I. hi nil 11 h Htatement hut week to a (roup of American new paper edilora and radio men that a third world war Is no nearer than II was In Met!) and IBM and that a meet inn of the blfi power chief of stale pwwtbly would he iiselul. 2. 'Ihe International tlconomir Conference now under way here at which M. V. Neitterov, president of liuK.' la'a Chamber ol Commerce, said Saturday that the Soviet Union t Ik ready for ft vast expansion of trade with all eountrleit. 1 3. The riussian propoanl nearly a month bko that the United Mulct, illrltaln, France and the Soviet Un , Ion net tOKClhcr to negotiate a peace treaty with a united tier I many, ; 'Ihe Indian ambassador talked Willi Stalin durlnir a farewell call befon. leaving April 8 lor India to become b country vice prer I dent. Also present at the meeting In the Krrrnlln where Soviet For eidn Minister Andrei Y. Viihlnsky, coiT'S will put all hese Fo0,lS 6 Months SpPW in Your Home AT BIG SAVINGS! 6 Months to Pay! AMANA you get: you get: you get: you get: Your Choice of Supplier. Jl u"iL , """ i.","i ABOUT OUR Y. D. Clundevla. minister counsel lor of llic Indian Enibar-sy, and Vladimir Pavlov, n hlKhranklnii fcovlet Korelmi Office olllcul whw acted as Inteiprcter. 'Ihe Indian Knibassv fitild Sir Saivapalll and Stalin had a "very frank disctisainn on many of Ihr-Is.-.uea which are now agitating the world." "It would be unwise to banif the door aKamst every approach and cive up the lattk aa impossible, said the ambassador after the talk, adding, "no effort is wasted. And every effort should be made to get the top people together." Hadhakrlshnan said Stalin looked "as usual'' and was In "a Rood ; humor." He had had one previous 'Interview with the prime minister, upon hla arrival here In January, MO. ECZEMA ITCH Got you down? Try RESINOL OINTMENT For long-lasting relief FOOD CLUB PLAN The Amana Upright Food Frcexcr PROVED BEST BY TEST. The wonderful convenience of shopping in advance no more running to the store in the rain. Eat better live better and save dollars doing it. ... Eveything on easy monthly payments out of your present food budaet ond all the pleas ure and convenience of having Super Market in your own home! 609 So. 6th 12' to 3 MODEL 717 Moin MS 1 1 !' " " ii lMa Ton ana Whita Soddla Red Elk .,j ... 645 SitaiVito Sixci S'i to 12 v 7" Though there van no Immediate ;ly olflclal reacllon In the Western World to this latest stlggrsllon lor a top level conference, non-Communist observers ircnerally have considered the other recent Soviet moves as propaganda designed to arouse false hopes of peaceful .Communist Intentions in the west ana 10 undermine tnc western re armament program. ) These Soviet actions have been .coupled wilh a violent series ol BUILD BtlJtR FOR LESS PEYTON PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS HirOOF VERMIN rkOOF SELF INSULATING IIAUTIFUI EAST TO IUILO COSTS TOU LESS DEYTOM& . I 11 U1DI1FT T :j......;..........u.;.........t..; i rTI Ve think this is the greatest food news in yeors Over 10,000 members in Los Angeles alone, reporting savings from $20.00 to $40.00 a month plus the wonderful convenience and luxury of hovmg juicy steals ot your finger tips and at hamburger prices. Time saving convenience added pleasure in cooking and Ihe great joy of eating better for less all the time. sik 'JL jtTT I $rmana model is upright food freezer 1 S cu. ft. capacity. Holds approximately 630 lbs. of food. Come in and Get the Facts on This Amazing FOOD CLUB PLAN: Come in see this entire supply of fine foods and luscious meats in our store stored safelv in the famous Amana upriqh tfreezer learn about this won derful new way of life the Amana food club plan! Q) SHOE Communist charge that U. B, jtroopa have dropped erm bomui ion North Korea and China. The west has repeatedly and vigorously i refused to let the international !Rcd Crosa tnake ail Investigation I of the accusations. I Tlie Communists also have re. ; fused to admit a Dulled Nations commission to Soviet-controlled East Germany for an Investigation lot the possibility of holding; free, democratic election there. DOUBLE Green Stamps on Wednesday CECS Signal Service 77 Main it. Ph. 2-3429 STORE Ph. 7363 ITS L'i N