Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 07, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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    . - .....I. - - - V , : . , .'. M
Faculty Wives meet tonight 8
5 'clock ui Lie nome of Mrs. Har
old Griffith, 601 N. 1th. A'l mem
Oera urged to atlend wearing an
original Easier bonnet.
Dinner Meet-BPW tonight 6:30
rVlllard Hotel. Program on "Cll
r.enhlp In Action" Take Gu sis.
Appearing on the program will be
Coral Sabo, Mrs. Donald Rjss,
Charles Hnhn, Ruth Lobaugh, L-ir-ralne
Qulllen, At to Kennedy and
Olive Cornctt.
Rrbrkah Social Club will spoil
or a card party Wednesday at the
IOOF Hall. Luncheon at 1 p m. with
cards following. Prcs to be given.
Hostrases are 7-lmn He--". Don
na Vealller and Irene Rlckmiin.
Kach member is asked to take a
Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Relllnr roent the wel-eiid here
from their home in Grants Pass
v's'ting pt the home o! a -iv-H'-1
and her family, Mr. an-! Mrs. Ernie
Mllanl, Midland and at the Gcorec
and Wilbur Rolling families, Poe
Meetlnr The League of Women ;
Voters will have a board meet Mia ;
Wednesday. 1 :30 p.m.. In the Pell-;
can party room.
Traveler Norman M. Wilson, i
representative here for the Con
necticut Mutual Life Insurance j
Company in this area, will attend I
a special educational conference to ;
be held by his company next week '
In Hollywood. Fla. Leading com
pany representatives from all
parts of the U.S. have been invited.
Meeting Sojourners regular
meetlne Wednesday. 1:45 p.m., Wll
lard Hotel. The business meeting
will be preceeded by a no-hostess
luncheon in the Paul Bunyon Cof
fee Shop 12:30. Newcomers to :
Klamath Falls are welcome. 1 or I
further information call Anna Cook
phone 3375.
Meeting Tile Lindley Heitilus
Home Extension Unit will meet
Wednesday. 10 a.m., at the home
of Mrs. Gordon Loomis 216 Pine
St. The project will be purse mak
ing. Midland Homo Economics Club ;
will meet Tuesday for a 1:30 lunch-
eon at the home of Mrs. Flovd
Hoover with Mrs. James Flowers i
co-hostess. I
How does your garden grow? Our is brimming with colorful
corsages to grace your Easter finery. So exquisitely made
you'll wonder, "Are they real?" 50c to 3.25.
Speelal Practice tonight of the
Lady Eagles Drum Corps In prep
aration for the coming convention.
Time 7:30 p.m. at the Eagles hall.
Decree of Honor Executive
meeting tonight at 8 at home ot
Jennie Buck, 630J Simmers Ave
nue. All oificers and chairmen to
be present.
Peterson School Parents Patron
meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. Second
Grade will present a Spring pro
gram. Refreshments.
Ye Oldf Pinochle Club meets
Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. lor dessert
at the home of Fannie Goddard,
2421 Garden Ave.
Klamath Camera Club Movie
Section meets tomorrow, 8 p.m.,
at 1028 Main St. Clarence Ward is
to show his Hawaiian movies. Puo
lic invited.
Military Honors Two Klamat I
Falls men have recently won the
Combat Infantryman Badge, sym
bol of frontline lighting. The men
are Sgt. Donald E. Rumeihilt,
2209 Union St.. and Cpl. George
W. Reagan, 4408 Arthur St.' Both
arc with the 40th Infantry Division
in Korea.
Proud Parents Mr. and Mrs
B. F. DuFresne formerly of Klam
ath Falls now residing at 5520
Parmerton Ave., Temple City,
Calii., recently became the parents
of twins, Patrick and M'chele. Mr.
and Mrs. W. K. Dyche. 634 N. 11th
St., are visiting the DuFresnes.
Three R Club Meets for cards
and luncheon, 12:30 p.m. Tuesday
at the Federal Housing Project ad
ministration building. Hostesses will
be Mrs. Charlotte Canoy and Mrs.
Elizabeth Sheehv.
The Orions Club Meets Tuesday.
8 p.m.. ot the home of Mrs. Charles
Cummines. 521 Jefferson St. A spe
cial program is planned but band
ages will not be made.
Jolly Neighbors Meet Tuesday,
7:45 p.m.. at the home of Mrs.
Lynn Skilllngton. 2554 Orchard
Way. Unusual hats will be fea
tured. Meets Friday Participating and
advisory committees of the Lanell
Valley Soil Conservation District
are to meet Friday, 9:30 a.m. at
I !.. , ,1
9 Gfdixk Spajual
Bud Cloake's query as the
cameraman snapped him
this morning at Cloake's ,
Main Street filling station.
the County Agent's office.
Boy Scouts Troop 42 is to meet
at the First Presbyterian Chinch
tomorrow, 7:30 p.m.
Suburban Sirens Meet tonicht f t
8 in the Fireball. Stewart-Letmx
Auxiliary will be guests.
... ,
Drill Team-Royal Neighbors of
America w-ill practice Tuesday. 8
p.m., in the Moose Hall.. .
4-H Leaders will meet the eve -
nlng of April 14 at Joan's Kitchen
for a potluck supper and evening
of recreation. Final plarti will also
be made for the spring fair.
The ancient Egyptians colored
glass with material containing Co-
Business End Of
Pistol Proves
Enormous Thing
Clark Weaver, former Klam
ath Falls man, Mild the sl
ahootrr had a barrel a "foot
wide and 10 fert loni" when
lie looked down II during a
holdup at the Personal Finance.
Company office, Stockton, Calif,!
last Tuesday.
Weaver Is manager of the
finance company, and is the
son of .Mr. and Mrs. trunk
tVcairr of Klamath Kails.
Two men held up the office,
entering with rerulvera drawn
and forcing Weaver and an em
ploye. Hugh l.lttelt, to fare the
wall while one cleaned out the
cash register. Another employe.
Mrs. (ilorla Kestln. was or
dered to sll slid and keep her
head down.
The bandits escaped with $:86,
Weaver said.
Weaver Is, a 11)39 graduate of
Klamath Cuion high, and has
lived in Stockton since 191).
He told his father by phone
after the robbery:
"Dad, I've cleaned guns all
mv life and looked through bar
rels of every kind from a toy
pistol up, but this was the first
time I ever knew the barrel of
a six-shooter was a foot wide
and 10 feet long."
Smoke House
Smoky Place
Smcke poured from the Smoke
House. 427 Market S... lor over an
hour late Sunday night before City
firemen controlled a stubborn fire
s.artuig from spontaneous conibus-
Fire Chief Rov Roe said an oily
ra(. in ,he bat.k fr(.ezcr of lhc me't
, Curlii plant burst into flame
.shortly after 9 p.m.
Flames licked up a wall and
spreud into Insulation in a false
iceillng. Extensive damage was
done to the roof of the building,
j Firemen brought the blaie under
control about 10:30 p.m.
i Pure Cobalt is believed to have
j been first prepared in Sw eden in
1 1733.
Henley high school chess club Is
; making a visit to our chess club
tills evening In the KU cafeteria
i at 7:30. These students who iiriMiur
! club's gliosis, will begin a tnurmiment
, to be completed when our club will
make a return trip to llenlry. All
club members are Invited In attend
this meeting, which should stltni.
lale n renewed Interest In the game.
In a small poll ot Kl'IIS taken
by the Krater stuff last work In
cooperation with Ihe Scholastic
Mngaslno, it is inierestlnir In lime
;thnt out of 176 students. 138 voted
Republican on the ballot.
Klsenhower come through a the
favorite candidate for , president
and Kefauver was the most popu
lar Democrat. Politics lake an
essential part In the social sciences
discussions, which helps students
lo take Interest ill national af
fairs. "George Washington Slept Here"
If a phrase that will be highly ad
vertised and anpreelated In ihe
very near future, for It Is the title
of the student body play o( KU.
he 'ate of which l-"s been set (or
Wednesday, April More n-ws
and publication will be given liner,
pi the production date grows near
er. Because of the coming ol sprin:;
Green Stamps
Signal Service
77 Main St.
IHtl Hie Bird i'voss Miss Vii?
if .vuu are u lied Cross siipptuler iiml were not
approiirhod liy a ciiiiipaigii worker diiriiii" t his vein's
tlrivo, please clip out (his hhink, Till ii in and mail" tvilli
yitur fonliiliiilion to lied Cnm Headquarters, Armory,
.Spring Street, Kliiinalli Kalis.
Amount $ Name
Your ineinhecsliip taril and pin will he mailed to yon.
Car Thefts
Here Probed
Attempted lliclt of u cur from
Mnugci's Used I'm- lot ii ml t lit- ri
ol blue niiiO Plymouth .M-dnn
I rum Ashley Chevrolet hit .Saturday
uiiihl lire being investigated by
Cliv Police.
Harold Williams, Hunger em
ploye living at Ilex Ann Apart,
incnis. noticed someone in a car
on l hi' lot Saturday iiln.it and part
of Ihe chain Icnce pulled doiin. j
Williams said u bloiii'-hiiired iiiuu
and warm weather iigalii. The "1 .
and 1 club has dlsoom! I ihe
shutting of noon movies. . students
usually go outside during the imu,i
hour, and the movies at no m w Mild
probably prove to he a failure
during the warm weather.
1 If You DID NOT
.nil ln Mudt ml limit In Hpit 1 iniv and I aru 1 t.ttb Nibaal lliulvnta
I' hum; I SOW to, I .11,,, rB . r.il
Dept. Klo-4-7
City .
in Ihn car look oil on loot tthen
I Williams clmllciiunl his being In
I Ihe cur.
I Police believe the llielt lit A ill
; ley's might he coiintTlfd with Ihe
iiilteuipt in Hunger's.
KOHK.VN t ASI Al llll K
WAHIIINli ION 'P 'llio nclni.'O
Dipirliueiit Mui.dnv Idoiillllrd 4i
niiirp bailie ciimiiiIIIcn im Kiiii'ii
in n mw list ijso. .'an thin re
porled M killed, ill woundril and
oi,e In lured. It also IMcd eluhi
dead who were previously rcpoi ted
Sw QaUwiux A
for n mam
lh htintr!
or CANNOT Finish '
I7SS Bisodwar Oaklond, 12, Colli.
2.98 to 7.95
Think of pavements on o rainy niqhr. Of beautiful,
black convertibles. Just as sleek, just es shininq
these mirror black patents in hiqh fashion styles.
Soft shirred pouches, tailored dciiqns, shoulder
boqs. Roomy interiors, inside tippers, convenient
compartments, luxurious lininqs. Bold, attractive
complements for your Easter costume.
MONHAV, AI'ltlL 7. 1:!
,' H""fT81.J J-liU 1 . UI' I..UMJ
Banks Report
Deposits Up
Hi l It ileposll Inliils mid nut.
sllilllllllg liiilil llHUIi-A weni liliin.r
III Ihe tin i-t 1 1 pi-ii I hraiielies ol llm
I'lrst Nal niiiil Hank al the i Iuho
of biislner.1 Mm i ll Jl Hum at the
Millie time In III''1.
,vi.iim;:iT II II. 'I'lMliilr of the
Kliiimilli falls biiiiuh I'l'iiiiitril
Manll III deposll.i there lotaleii
I'll.:,;!-!, nil ami loans rie Ill.ll'Jf.
Illfi. A vein' nun Hie llgiimi weio
SI.1.IMIIUI mill lll.nvri.fl.'tl.
Al Ihe Merrill brunch Maniiinr
Itllcv Dl'I.ap leptirled Mlll'i'il Til
iklioilii ul tJ.il.-.U.3.'.:i mid Ii hiii v
sl.llAn.ttlil. A year ago Ihe flguitj
uric J, mill. ii in ami si.isiu.iiii.
Milliliter Mi'iiin Hhaiition nl the
H. tilh hruneli reiforled March ?l
deposits wrre SVI.77il.7UI and limns
were SI.:in'J.'.'7l. A year ago Inn
(Igeri's eie l,'lilfl.i:il) ami limn,
The Pi'iit.'stiiiil I'IiiIm-oimiI (,'liuri'h
was hrniigl'.i tn A i lit i ll ii In IGU7
Willi Ihe Jnincsliiwii C.'oltiiilstr.
Id iuihiii Ol lOl ilO
MI 1