MONDAY, Al'Jtll, 7, MI.72 .Crippled Girl Suffers Again MICMIMIIH. T , Mi TriiiiMlv linn nlrilck luiuln , m ; MHililn How Welti), Hi,, rrlmilfd Hlrl who dully Irulm t iHfnlnK h Whl) tenant mm near CovIiikUiii, Trim. Minnie Hone, iiiiw II), n n jm Oiinlon hi.r, n vifilm o ineiiliiullln. A charity patient l'",1',0 .'? v?ry "ltk'" '"'f Pliyslcliin The Himiiky itlrl, nt ihn Ur i nine, lulled lit recover I loin nip. HiiK rlii-iin of nn iftiil-(-lciii v. I'he nperiillon U-ft her lower Union luirnlyzed. Icilte her liiiuillnip. Minnie Iloe would ml ln n ihiilr on her Irani porch mid wuvn rheriliilly lo rrrwn ol Illlnnl,, (.'til nil Imln Mini cIiiikui'U Iho three-room liirm liuui.r. tJoiirluim In see why the lllllr ulrl never romped iu)(l pluycd llkr oilier children. The tniliiiuiiu Hived gated one (luy In HMlt. Thiil nliirti,l n luiiilMldc of uhsInI- nt'e to Mlnnlr Hum. Trainmen Itonuhl her n wheelchair mill oilier ulflti mid Intrr unit hrr to n HI. LoiiIk rrlpplril children' hoiiplliil. Alter n period n treatment, ahe wnn nltlr to walk on criilchci. Mlnnlr Hose became III Kiilili ilny whlln pluyliiK luiirlilcs Willi n hro thrr. Hhe ha been uiicuii.icIoiin ever Hlnce. , Fleet Rumor Said Untrue HICOtll, (APi All Air Force npokrMiuin Miindiiy dracrlhcd iin untrue rrportn nilginiilliiK In Toil liind, Ore., Unit 1,1. James A. Van Fleet Jr., or liny incmlicra of'hln bomber crew hud been loiind alive. Mr. John A. McAlliiNtrr o( lort lmid, the wife ol the plune'n navl Kator, mild Sunday Mic received n nll from a woman who Idrulllled hrrnelf nn ItrlllK with the Ited Crov Thr woman Milil MiAIIaM-r nnil Van Cirri hii l been Inltirrd hut not nrrlouMy nnd thai thrv wri-r In frlrndly hand nnd probably vould br rrh nned lo Ihrlr ba-.r WrdneMluy. Mm. Mc.MlaMcr mild. 'Hie f'nrlland Hnl (.'rim... Mild the rail did ma ordinate from their olllern nnd 1.1. ('ol. James O. McNatnnrii, General Van Fleet's public: relation., nllicrr. (inlet Hlh Arruy headquarters hud received no Mit-h word 'Ti n n horrible thine If Mrn. MnAllaMer wnn (VI I'uit by ouie crackpot," nn Ah Torre ofllrer Mtld. Van Fleet l (he miii of Ihe II. S 8th Army roiniiuiniter. Ills plrnr rl'sapprared InM Friday over Norili Shortage Of Newsprint Draws Study WAHIIINdTON fi A Hrniiln Mihi oimnltlen propo.-.en the kovciii inrnl net to enmi Ihe newNprlul t.hurtiiKft by rilnooiirmilng "oxlriiv iiiduit" ndvertlHliiK In iiewipiiperH Ihrouuh nonie noil nf Juugllng of times und pontiil in lea. ."It liium be recoidnlwd Hint post al subsidies nnd lux reKitlullonn lend to Hthniilate -ivcrtllni that tuny be unncccnuii'lly exinivintniil nnd not particularly productive," the iiihi'omiiiltlcu i, a'd 111 report llh'd Monday. "I'dNnlltly our Koverimienl ran five more consideration to Un post Hi rules nnd lux i'ej'iilallonn," 11 did not go Into (Intnllx. Curlier, word had leaked out Ihnl one drall of (no report hiik penled iiewtipnitei'H theinnelveH ItcoKl Ihelr l a ten lo rllmlnate notne lidvrrll.ilnic. A Ktorm nf followed nnd thin wan not recommended In the llnal report. ' The report termed the newsprint nhorliiKr ncule 'hrouKlimil the world u mrnacc tc, n free prchii and freedom ol nprerh. It recommended that (he Unllrd Klnlrn bnnnt lln own niippllen, n. irmly lar more ndeiiunle lliiin Ihor.r hi A'. In. Europe or I.ntln nierlf-n, hv building more new, print mll. To eiicourtiKe thK. Ihe committee protioird frdrrnl leultlntlon Riilhor. Irunr loritiation of .mbllMier-nwned ; rooprrallven to iniiK" nnd dlhirlbute i newsprint, n'ded bv loiiK lertn led- I era) Inaim nt low Interest. It ii Nn MtKKenlrd Hint newiprlnl j null coiisli ucllon bs Klven lilxher j priority for ncurce bulldliiK niu Uriah. ! The report mild henatorn found ; publishers "Mrowily opposed" to toveriuiirnt tatloiilnt; of newsprint brcaii'e Ihev feared II mlKhl lend to n form of control over whnt In l.uhll.ilied, and by whom. 11 said 'he nuijorllv favored iiit-MrliiKvnlliiclird frdrrnl nld thr cooperallvr Idrn. Co operatives are not Miblcet to reg ular rnrpornlloi! Iiieoinf taxes. US Defense Buildup Lags WAHIIINOTON Ml The head ol the Henale wiilchdox coinmlltee Mild Mummy tbe American defennn build-up In fur loo slow due to wn-itc, itilMiiunnKcnient nnd Inef. Ilclency. ItmiHtii, ho mild, nmy bo ouiproiiiicuiK un. Hen. Johnson (D.Tcx.) nnld he wa "I'Xlreinelv dlscournued" over iilrplane proouctloii unHeithiK that it 10IH declnlon lo hold up fundn lor plane development "could well be one of Ihe ttuific decisions of our nine." Johnson nnld In n cupyrlnhted Win Id Itcpori, n weekly newn mnii- nzlne, thiil "we have lost niinont Ihrec ver" In plane production an n rrauu. He said the liluine "there'H enouuh ... to o nround for nll" lenls wllh the Preaidcnt, his bud uel director, CoiiKres nnd the pul). lie ICn-ll for not demanding c tmn. As to pre.ient prortrenn, Johnion r ii Kl r "We nre relying on our much bi. anted Industrial power nnd our assumed ability to outproduce most anybody else, when nn n matter of fact we may not be outproduc ing me enemy nt nil He nnid the " noureen" have told hli nrepnrednew nubcomnilt. tec thnl KiiHslnii lighter plnnen nre better in some renpeem man ourn, cut that In other rci.pecui the U S lighters nre superior. Hut he nnld we are building let planrn far loo nlowly, nnd he In piirtlriilnrly dbeournged over In Irlllgrnce rrportn of Rusnlnn prrt- (iiiellou of both flghtrrn nnd bomb ers. ( (II.. tVAKK ftlKS WITH U.S. NINTH CORPS. Ko. ren Ml Col. Charlen S. Wnre. deputy chief of ntalf of the Ninth Corps, died of a heart attack at headriuarterH April 3, It wan an. bounced Monday. Ware, 49, wan a veiernn of 2(1 yearn of Army aery ire. HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OHF.fiON MBagwee- ! i i- PAGE FIVE i Aorrn. Hirre were 311.(170,311) vlltor to lintinnnl pnrU nnd uuniumrni areas In l!Pn. n nrw trnvel record. This Is n I'J per cent increase over (he record net In IBM) Sports Alleid I NOTICE County Clerk'i Office will bs oocn eveninqt commenc ing Tuesday, April 8th, 7 to 9 p.m., for Reqiitrotion of Voters. Reqittered Electors who will be unable to qo to Polls to vote on Election Day on ac count of illnew, may make application for Absentee Ballot. Choi. F. DcLop, County Clerk i SPARKIE Musical Classes Crtr tmkm rot ciintun CH ALII Oft ffOlFf MAN Neti I on am CMLit .err rou rtt i?Ar. ti rum ioor and $r rvmc M J Mir At, CAf I mm VAMKtt MIJKAL CLAIlfl A mile on a tpoonful, a tingle tea spoonful of dietel fuel rold a ton of freight one mile along S. P, line$.. , iJlilfiW We're living The West is nn oil paradise. Aa tlio WchI'b pioncor railroad, Sotithorn Pnciflc holpcd pioneer tlio oil -burning steam locomotive. In that Bonso wo proved that there's no fujl like an oil fuel. And now we are diesclizing at i X rapid pace. Diesels are Iho most efficient loco motives yet designed. They can pull heavier loads than steam locomotives. They can make longer runs, on less fuol, without stops for water or ser vicing. Thoir smooth, uniform driv ing power saves wear and tear on tracks. They mnko better timo and are out of service less for repairs. Last year, thanks in goodly mea sure to diesels, we set our all-time cflicicncy record in hauling freight. Gross ton-miles per freight train hour, the key index of efficiency of freight train operation, reached an averngo of 48)384. In 1044, tho peals traffic year, tho average was 36,301, Thus we are now able to move de fense and other traffic in better fash ion and also to conserve oil for our nation's needs. Our 716 diesels, in service or on order, cost $180,000,000. A lot of money, to be sure but an invest ment that is paying off in cutting cost and in better service to ship pers and passengers. In short, S. P.'s diescl program symbolizes the Company's aggressive efforts to attain maximum efficiency in Us operations and take advantage of advances in science and invention to make our railroad a better one. Vk -fJlCN CAIIIOHIA 1 Vs I k j. NIVAOA 1 MtJNJ d 1 ' AtllOMA m yAv:o J 'Hj NtW MIXICO V1:': lr I IOUIIIANA I N PROGRESS SYMBOL OFyTNvWESTER SouTimnN Pacitto Comtant, D. J. Rumuli., Pmldent Penney's i ii iii i' ii i mim i iiMn mi iin i inwv i.j ster fashions STORE HOURS 9:30 - 5:3Q ELEVATOR SERVICE TO ALL FLOORS FOR YOt'R CONVENIENCE! EXPENSIVE LOOKS yx t. . . the fabric WwS(py , , . Ihe styling . -3fPwi' ' ""M'd mt1""" in " . . . the tailoring lg 'Wf EH55 "ENNEY PRICE! ( HALF SIZES' ' aaavV ' lhe "citing new V ' l f f M .Xj I n awaiting you on V.-1 ' L zJTr nnd floor! Smart, fully Jf i&?r YfT i -, J lined rayons In a fine I iAt V I ' ii selection of patterns. f 7 . ': -T- - 1 ' " .. flatteringly trimmed V II lK. B. ' ill ,or Easler Parade. They uffft (L J " ' ' IS i are Un'dUre treatl!d t0 V f'-i' ' Jj " I T ''-i80$v!k ' X ' ways stay neat. Choose I If .a Mf y citing low price! V ' j I U V "V ty jl sbeen gabardine . . 1 I - J M, '' - I ' pwkrt efTecl at I y' -1 . ''- V ' 3 molded hips. .Navy, red, I : H j If v. lilar, aqua, loam, 1 V. mtt W I rn?aU pink, gold 9-15. I 1 '" fi ll seen in "Seienteen" 1 ', I your fully lined suit I I ''' I I done in striking new year-around y 1 "v. J :'h I , rayon suiting! wilh costly worsted ' 1 1 "' : gP" " ' ' " looks... and impeccably tailored M TAKE THE ELEVATOR 4o the last buttonhole! Stripes and ! f .olid, in gray or beige. X to 15. ' TO OUR SECOND FLOOR . Ll : : sharp or subtle Z57 FK. smart Spring ' there's no substitute for QUALITY! DARK SEAM! ,.t unvFi TV (6, '"- I1VILLI I HEEL! 60 GAUGE GAYMODE SHEERS V- . ic. ?Tl 1 15 PAIR Box of 3 Pair 3.45 Wonderfully sheer, wonderfully sturdy! That high gauge meana extra wear, better fit! Dark seams with novelty heels for ankle flattery I 15 denier. Sizes 83 to 11. MAIN FLOOR I J FACTTD XtSs DRESS-UP WHITE SANDALS I 3 98 Cool, cool sandals with flatter ing open work on the vamps smart wedge heell They're San itized for cleaner, better wear. Soft smooth leather upper with sturdy plastic soles. Sizes 4!4 lo 8'.i, AA-B. DOWNSTAIRS CHECKS... SECOND fj A i O . .( rloubl about il , . . clieeks are important for Spring! Im portant loo ... . this sort-textured raltrie. Our brief lilllr wool uede rberks ennie vm, 1;L. !.... r i.: ... t i i , i - ' ii'in iitK-arii-noia y ' to soft-and-neal . . . darks, pastels. 818 J Quad CbiAw&d EASTER BAGS IN YOUR FAVORITE COLORS AND FABRICS! PLASTIC CALFS PLASTIC CORDES RAYON FAILLES BUTCHER RAYONS NOVEL STRAWS - INDIA PRINTS 298 plus tax TANGERINE VIOLET PINK RED BROWN NAVY CHARTREUSE BLACK YELLOW WHITE GOLD PURPLE GREEN BIEGE NATURAL GREY Yes, they've just arrived! And they're the smartest collection of styles and colors, ever! One to match every one of your Easter outfits, and at a Tiny Penney price! They're smart on the Inside, too. with matching lin ings, pocket mirrors, special "extras." Choose yours today! MAIN FLOOR ADD CHARM TO YOUR WINDOWS! CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES Excellent Workmanship Satisfaction Guaranteed GET AN ESTIMATE TODAY - - - DOWNSTAIRS PENNEY'S RED HOT (fL TUESDAY SPECIAL! As Advertised on Paqe 14 BUTCHER NYLON COTTON" PLISSE SPORT BLOUSES 44 32-38 SECOND FLOOR 3 , mm Pi THESE EXCITING BLOUSES GO ON SALE TUESDAY MORNING, 9:30! See them displayed In our window I You'd expect to pay much more for these clever styles, wonderful col ors, dainty trims , , . and they're washable, too! Buy several In your size at this terrific low price! costume m i f RAYON (J U SUEDE DRESS GLOVES 98e Pr. Soft, durable dress gloves In a wonderful rainbow of Easter col ors! Choose kcllv green, beige, deep brown, black, navy, white, pale blue, mauve, purple, red, pink, to match your favorite shoes, hats, bags. Sizes 6!a-8. MAIN FLOOR m