Monilny, April 7, 10r'. PAGE TWO HERALD AND MOWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON too fin 6:30 em r,.i TOO 1:30 1:00 f .10 COO (19 HI) :BJ 10:00 IU:IJ lo;rn 11:00 1 1 :M 12:00 on 0:43 l:.-. 7:00 t:U 1:.T0 :. 1:00 i:19 1:30 0:00 0:13 S3 10:00 10:19 10:30 10:43 10:33 11 00 ll:?3 1 1 : :;o 1;C0 1 :"l 13:30 . 1?:3 12:33 1 00 i 1:30 S:00 2:03 5:13 l:4S 3:00 4:00 4:19 . 4.:-t 4:49 3: 0 B:SO 9:33 :00 6:13 fi:.Kl 6:40 . 6:4o 6:99 7:00 7:: . 6:00 6:30 6:43 :00 8:13 . :. :43 . :53 10:00 In: '3 10:30 11:00 i):03 2:00 ; 600 . 6:19 6:If 6:00 - 6:49 : 6:33 7.00 " 7:30 , 7:43 6.00 6:30 10:00 10:19 10:iO . 11:00 11:09 6:00 6:09 :49 7:00 7:19 7:30 1:40 .s"V , KFJI 115 Kc P8T Monday Krenlng. April 7 Gabriel llaall.r MBS Klamath Th.atrr dull Around Town Nw ham Hlyea, tf.w. MBS Bill llanrv MRS I Wu a Communist for rBl Brlht Star l it Uaorie Do II MPS Hollywood Thealra MBS Glenn Hardy-N.w. MFS I'ulton Lewis Newt MBS Multial Ncwsreel MBS Epirls Final B-Mlnutt Final MBS I Uova A Myatary MBS Survhal Oru.P'. Kcl MBS Nlfhl Owls New KUhl Owla Club Sun Oil KFJI 1150 Kc PST Tuesday, April Sunrise Serrnada Karm Reporter .ry.rpal .,'ew Hemingway Newa MBS Breakfast Cans MBS Headlines and Bylinei Best Buja Cecil Brown MBS Breakfait Cans MBS Haven of Rest MBS Homemaler Harmontea Platter Party Familiar ravorltaa Newspaper of the Air MBS Tello Tet MBS La Polntea Concert Currlna Ladtea ralr MES Newa MES Queen fur a Day MES Name Canda y-L-nda- Krwi" Your Danre Tune. Market a"d Livestock Klamath Note . Jack Kirkwood MBS Take a Number MBS Newa MBS Hews MLS Tvrr. at r-' 3 Answer Man MBS Ricky's Request Behind the Story MBS Heminsway Newa MBS Curl r.avey " n-e MBb Sam Hayes MBS fi"iteo':t Pre ton MBS Sky Klna! MBS Cecil Brown MBS Gabriel Heatter MBS Klamath Theater Quit Around Town Newi Something to Think About Sam Hayes Newa MBS Ri I Henry MBS BlRck Museum MBS Peler Salem, MBS Count of Monte Crlslo MES Roving at Rudy'a Heidelberg Harmonaires Glenn Hardy News MRS fulton I-ewis New. MBS Mutual Newsreel MBS Sports Final 3-Mlniite Final MBS I Love A Mystery MBS Here's to Vets Opera Concert MBS NiRht Owls Newa Night Owls Club Sun Off yFLW 1450 Kc rST lVonday Evening, April 7 Sports Highlights Home Town Newa World Newa Summary Twilight Serenade . Headline Edition ABC Coming Attrac. on ABC Tho Lone Ranger ABC Henry J. Taylor ABC Stewart Craig ABC The Big Hand ABC What Is the Potential Value Oregon Tech?" 10 P.M. Headlinea Navy Star Time Insomnia Club Newa Summary S'n Off KFLiV list Kc Ps,T Tuesday, April Sign Oa News Summary Corn in the Morn Farm Fare Newa. Bkfst Edition Charlie'a Roundup Bob Garred, Newa ABC Top of the Morning 7:39 6:00 6:00 6:30 10:00 10:19 10:30 10:99 11:19 11:30 11:43 11:33 13:00 13:13 12-TO 1:00 1:13 1:30 3:00 2:13 3:30 2:43 : :ni 3:13 3:30 3:iS 4:00 9:00 3:33 4:30 3:43 6X0 6:13 6:33 6:30 6:49 6:53 7:00 7:.-0 6:00 6:30 10 00 10:19 11:00 11:09 John Conle ABC BreaklaM Club ARC Hank Henry Show Break the Bank ABC Chet Huntley ARC Lone Juurney ABC Mv True Story ABC Whliperlng Slreela ABC Stop and Shop Against the Storm ABC A.usiral Kcnuup Market Report Noon Edition News Fay less Sioewatk Viow I u.-ky 11 ranch ABC Paul Harvey ABC Better Living Standard School BdcsL Batn Bnefe Wncn A (i.rl Marries ABC Joyce Jordan. M D ARC Rom. Eveln Winter ABC. Fflly CVo.'ker ARC Ted Malone ARC The Call nf Jesus Mary Marlin ABC Requotfulty Yours Tom Corbett, Space Cadet ACC World Fllfclll Reporter ABC Chct Huntley ABC R B TV Sports Highlights Home Town Newt World News Summary Twilight Serenade Headline Edition ABC Coming Attractions on ABC Greatest Story ABC Xewttand Thestre 4C Escape with Me ABC Pacific Ccat Rareball 10 P.M Headline! Pacific Coast Baseball Newa Summary Sign Off M l II : -J Jj Iff V5 '. f ASM sa 4 : " , ON THE PICKET LINE Strikers parade in front of Western Unions main office in San Francisco after A.F.L. .telegraphers walked of the job throughout the nation. The cemoany refused to make them a wage offer. Accidental Shot Fatal PORTLAND '.T Gerald Ross, i IS. who police sairl ccitiein!ly ! shot unci killed his younser sister, wrs found late Sunday, eight hours ! after he fled from his Tigard homo, i scene of the shooting. I The sister. Aneelia. 13. was shot as she was combing her hair. The bullet which police said was appnr ; enlly fired from a (run that Geiald was examining, shattered a mirror ' (he cirl was holding and entered ! her body just above the heart. Police said another sister, Mar garet, 16. told them she heard the shot from the kitchen. She rushed to the front room and saw her sis ter was wounded. Gerald ran from the house to ask a neighbor to telephone a doctor. By the time a doctor arrived, Rosa was dead. Gerald, meantime, had disap peared. He wandered into Portend and was hesded back in the general direction of Tigard when he was spotted by Multonomah County sheriff's deputies. Asked his name, the boy began sobbing and said "I'm Jerry." Police said he did not know that his sister was dead. They did not tell him Immediately. Youth Held For Murder COTTAGE GROVE, Ore. W !A 15-year-old boy lured an 18-year-iold deaf girl into the woods to pick wild flowers and then dually shot her. a district attorney re l ported Sunday. I The youth, Elmer Belcher, shot I the girl, a deaf mule, to halt "taunts directed at him about her I pregnancy," District Attorney C. E. Lucky said. The boy. although he admitted ithe shooting, did not admit inti macy with the girl, Mary Ellen I Campbell, Lucky said. j Her body was found Saturday near her farm home. A bouquet of wilted wild flowers still was clutched In her hand. The boy's father, Harlan Belcher, found I he .body after her parents reported the girl missing. I She had never attended school and was barely able to talk. An au topsy revealed she was about five months pregnant. Lucky said the youth will be charged with first degree murder. Hana Norland 627 Pine St. Auto Insurance. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Itr. and Mrs. J. E. Eailty and Joe Earley Proprietors I DRIVE IN THEATRE Negroes Blast African Laws JOHANNESBURG. South Africa ifi Thousands of South Africa's non-whiles launched a nationwide campaign agaitust Prime Minister Daniel F. Malan's race laws Sun dav. Initial rallies in the country's major cities went off peacefully. Leaders ol Negro. Asiatic and colored (mixed blood organiza tions hoped the drive would develop into a full-scale passive resistance movement aimed t crushing the government's policy of apartheid, or race segregation. As strong police and military forces stood by the non-whiles demonstrated lli Cpetown, Dur ban. Port Elizabeth and Johannes burg. The government has power lo Jail anyone organising passive resLv ance movements or urging social changes, but no leaders were ar rested. Neither did widespread forcorts of clashes between police and demonstrators materialise. Reds Outshine U.N. Trucers PANMUNJOM, Korea Ynu can't see the truce talks (or Iho trees. Big shadv trees, too. The ' Communists planletl them overnight as part of their steady program of "keeping tin Willi lite capitalist Joneaes." Heies a re. cord of how that fiice-snvlng mime has gone: 1. The) U.N. delegates, last No vember, began using sedans lo travel io the truce lalks when wea Uier prevented use o( helicopters. The Reda traveled In Jeciia. 'nvo months later the Reds had sedans. 3. Th U. N. Command lnatallrvl walks leading up lo (heir entrances to the conference tenia. The Com. munist.t followed suit. 3. The Allies built new latrines. The enemy tugRcd along with the same Innovation. 4. In mid-winter, the U.N. Com mand built two sentry boxes for military police who stand at atten tion In front of tho truce tents. They were palmed green. Not until Friday did Ihe Communists show up with sentry boxes painted with mange, wljlte and olive green sttlpes. They looked like barber oles. The Americans were so tickled they laughed out loud. Ap parently the Red, couldn't aland ridicule. Saturday Ihe boxes were re-painted drab green. 5. Several weeks nno Ihe Allies andscaped their walks with small, bushy trees. The following day Ihe Rrds lined their walks wllh neatly arranged bricks. a. Recently the U.N. Coiinmiiul planted mora siniill, biHiy tiers, nut Sntiirdnv the C'ommunHs had their big liuiintul. Allied drlouoti'. arrived lo find the enemy side of I lie eonlrroiue tents a place linnv formed. It was studdi-d with a doZ' eu large shade lieen. Not only that Ihe Communists had laboriously palmed every one of ihe red bricks lining their wulk In glistening while. A six-gallon auxiliary outboard motor lank, full of luel, wcti'.ha about 51) pounds: empty It Is 10 pounds. Sports Afield ibhsi arrr a.aam, iTFTTT: ,jaMTART$JlJlSDAYl SkELfON CAB MAN" GLORIA Df HAVtNs! Mill UUaf.lmatuaw . ....... . nan ii in,, l 'XAfW.VEARS" araua.ftvmr a;.'r'T AIDED.. Mfwt C..TWM REGISTER NOW... io you con vottl "ijl COiUMIIA itAMtY MAvia-i naWMa l Erodric March CAri'i.K iiisi ani; 8A100N, Imln tlilna I API Tlia Muttinl Beciirlly Agency of Ihn United Sillies rreclilly Ul-imlihrVl veloriilnary Uiillr by alrplano lo Pliiiuin I'rnli In cuiiiiiliiit an nutlireak of "lllnleriest aninn Cainbtidlan rnllle and hull". Tho ilsi'iiao Hi Hilly iatui l cnuio, in i n, - Imnlor ali'lii bnlwcen Cam. bodla and TliuUiiml. CONTINUOUS DAILY fWOM li5 ACK AOAI fofAU 0m UmilUllBIIMIIMat "Con Ta Cm" I. Tt.isir.i.i ')' Cortaoa Sa.rl N.wa 11 y yv fir-' "Two PWoia 1 IIJAI MI Kranaaa m . ! . 1 1 J 1 I J International Trucks are engineered to stay young in spite of the toughest hauling conditions. They are built that way because our 45 years of heavy-duty truck building expe rience proves it pays. That's why more than half of all the International Trucks ever built are still making money for their owners. That's why Internationals give you the kind of young-truck performance you want. If you are considering a new truck, why not stop in soon. You can't beat these International pickup truck exclusive: Silver Diamond valvein-head engine built in the world's largest truck engine plant. The "roomiest, most comfortable cab on the rood" the Comfo-Vision Cob designed by drivers for drivers. Supe r$teer ing system more positive control, easier han dling. 37 turning angle. Nine models-GVW ratings. 4,200 to 8,600 pounds. Vh, 8 and 9-ft. bodies. 115. 127, 134-in. wheelbasei. The traditional truck toughness that has kept International firrt m heavy-duty truck soles for 20 straight years. America's largest exclusive truck service organization. Buy on Proof I A iQ " " . ""Wl f JJJ Before you buy any truck, get JillllSSSi 111 I IM 1 I the facta about Internationals , k- f r H t, I I : J A from actual owners. Lt us "1 V VbiJ. i-tI-t " ir. 1,1 I 'i ' give you a list of persons in, l-VAl 4 1 """' ffJiJ ma " Cum V I mf m .I this area who have recently' T,;J V tf SzKSSJ bought new Internationals Uka I fc-Wj - --J the one you are considering. , " "nvi'A Check with any or all of them. II V TuTTlA" L'l ' I i 1 Find out how International. t J'f''f" ' f U cut hauling cosU on jobs lik. I I ? $4 . - : ? V4'-' ' . f 1 " JtSP&fclA j j nuis, I Model L-121 with I fl. iiltvai batty ead AD-AOX rtok. and lidabosrel, 1 27 in. whMlbos, For eompJf iMormcriion about any International Truck, mo JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES & SERVICE, INC. 11tH& Klamath Sts. Klamath Falls, Ore. 'Wild SPECIAL-PURCHASE! This big shipment of Easter hots has just arrived, and Leons is passing the savings on to you! They're all marked for an Easter special ... at just half price. They range from 5.95 to . 10.95. . and of course, the price is half of that. i OSMTS 525 MAIN J