I Mondiiy, April 7, llt.r2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN y-itfu Torn i bed tm j b ,lov ( din rm ,J"Ak l-r-t i I ."-1 living room 1 UH b,d.,n?- vfrfi "'"'"5-' li'hi ci veil .VA ; HAH 3217 rmsT noon run i A LUXURY PLAN for mi economical small house, this tic (.inn 0217 by Herman York, architect, 115 New Hyde Park j .Road, Garden City, N.Y., includes a full basement and an 'expansion atlic for tho addition of extra bedrooms. An open stairway with landing creates a front vestibule with coat closet. Brerzevay porch opens from both living room and kitchen. Bathroom is divided and equipped with two waslistands, one witii vanity counter. Einlit closets on the first floor include two linen closets, one for towels and one for bedding. Dining room has two built-in china cup boards. Fireplace at the end of the long living room per mits comfortable furniture grouping. The house covers only about 1,000 square feet without breezeway and the garage. (Puttier information and plans can be obtained from the architect named above.) AP Newsfeatures. Officer Denies Blame For Housing Cost Hike CAHAItLANCA I M. Oil I.coimril L. lluacmun drnlrd Rnliir lny rtn and liln wile were rrnpon Klblr for an extrn million dnllnrs being ndrird to the co.it of hotis Inn t U.S. nlr brine under eon Mriictlnn hern In French Morocco. Colonel lln.v-ninti In n U.S. Army ciiitlncvr recently rellevrd ol lilh ponl lier by Hecrelnry ol the Army I'urc III r nluikeup lollnwlim hot ronitrriwlonnl crllltlMii ol the kov minimi's North Alrlcnn ulr bnne projeutn. L'hnrtie were muda Monduy In the U. 8. Srimio pit'piircoiic.ia Mib t iiimnUtre Una HiiMriiiiin'n wile. Vlcikt known iia tho Colonel'n Uuly, hulled crew ot workmen putiniK up Iiou.'.cb ul neiirby Noun i.eiir Air Ilu.o nnd iirruiil'd lor I htm to Murl over uhiiiii to pro vKlo more npnoa Jjalwceu hur wov firniiiiMiluiilli hou.10 mid othcrti go idk u neiirby. Tlio mibcominlUco told Mm. lliuiemun compluliied Unit US leel wun loo close and "the plnnii were redrulted nl her liiMniencc" lor U'U-lool lnUi. cawtlng nddltionul ex penien which limy runuo Irom cv eiul hundred ihoumind dollurs to more Uinii lullllon (lullufn. Te.illmony put In the bvnulc rec ord Mild Army eimlneertt mid llieir wlven were quartered in CiimiIiImi en 1 lutein, bill Colonel llii.sciniili IihiI hl.i government home built on the nr blue. Conlrnetors Mild there w no wnter mpply or elec tric power, no Ihey built 30.000 Kitllon Uink nnd hntiled wnter eight mllen by truck, mid im lulled two Koveriimenl power Reiicrulor.s lit rail ol SJ.OOO euch. Colonel IlnHcunin told reporters Siiturdny Mr, llit.tcmun hud noth ing to do wlUi determining the ills tiince between the house. Ha mild mi iirchltccl-eiiKUiecr firm mudo n inlMtiiko by Mulling to put the hous es 25 leel npurl Instead of tho 60 leel epecllled In the pliiim. lie Mild hut wife noticed (he er ror mid told him about 11, "nnd J hnd the error corrected." Hanging Model Stirs City CHARLESTON. W. Vn. I Eiirly motorlHlti crosMng the South Klvcr Suturdny reported red hnlred woman had linnxcd herself from the center span and still diuiKled there. Pollcu nucd lo the scene. H wum a dfpartiiienl ntnrc wind ow dummy, In -u flowered pi nil dress nnd heicl. , vi;iicitowiiNO vnr.Ka i.i:i'i;its .nANOOON, Burma (AP)-Sev-ffi'al Ihouhiind leper.n lire free here beenu.se there In no room for them In the Leper Anyluni, nil iisyluin r o in in 1 1 1 o o member dlnciasod OwIiir to overcrowded conditions In the capital, leprosy Is lilwlily oontnuloun. An appeal 1ms been Isiiiied (or funds for new bulldhws lo house the lepers nnd new drugs to elfcet cures. Shrubbery Planters PLANT healthy, vigorous, acclimated Evergreens, Fruit Trees . . . Shade and Flowering Trees from . . . SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 South 6th Also - Plant Thcso NOW! Pottnted Roiol Ptraniols StrowbfHci 9 Aiparogui VISITORS WELCOME ANY TIME 20'-0 Grain Dealer Fined, Jailed AMAKILLO Tex. l.ti Hermnn Diiwmoii, youthful Fort Worth icrnm denier, receivrd n total ol $15,000 In lines and three yenrrt In prl.son lor couvlcilon of puttlnK uovern lueiil owned Kraln lo bin own use. Ff.lrral Juilne Joe B. Uooley sentenced the 3H-ycur-old pre.ildem o the Flams Griiln and SloriiRe Co. to three yearn each on eight counis ol a lo-couni indictment, but the Mmtenccn run concurrently. Duwson wiis accuhed of wiling (10.718 bu.'.hels of wheat nnd 9,303. M7 pounds of Mllo that had been stored 111 his warehouses by the Commodity Cretin corKruuon. Navy Can Hit With A-Bombs WASHINGTON Wl The Navy ban planes which ctin deliver biu or little atomic bombs, says Vice Admiral John W. Cnssady deputy chlel of Nuvul Air operations. Cassiidy leatllled at n closed door session ol the Senate pre paredness Invest iKnlhiR subcom mittee F'rldny mid part of his testi mony was made public. He said: "All Nnvnl attack aircraft and nil loiiK-rntixc llithter aircraft for which we arc asking funds will be able to deliver the small- atomic bombs. We now have In our car riers planes capable ol delivery of the big bomb." FIVE EXF.C'L'TF.n TAIPEII, Formosa A"i rive persons convicted as Communist agents were executed In Formosa Snturdny. Their deutlix brought to 14 the number ol convicted com nninlsUs executed Ihls month. "Monthly Pains" stopped or amazingly relieved In 3 out of 4 In doclort' Utltl ChnncM (ire you're putting up unnecrisartiy with the fuuullounlly CAiisrd pnln.s, crumps and weak, "no Rood" feelings u( meiiilnmUcm! For. in nctunl tests by doctors, Lydln Piiikliain'.s Compound brought com plete or 3(rftViri0 rtllpf from such dis tress In 3 out of 4 of the c fuses! Lydla IMnkhnm's ta modern In its action t fio ft Lyttln B. Plnkhum' VeRBtnbie Compound or nrto, improved Tablets with udrird Iron. See If taken throuxh tlin month It doenn't Rive relief f rum those tmr kitchen, jmrra help you feel better brjorc and durln? your perluUI Or If vou Buffer from ftinrtlnnnl "hot nehe" of t-henKP f life.'' flnd out how wotidtrful Pi iik nam' a is tor Wat, tool ll hM qulellng effect on ulerlne contrRrllnn that vJXTm ofien eauie meimlrual palnl Phono 8188 LANDSCAPING Froncit P. Smith It our export tret turgoon and landicape deilgner FREE ESTIMATES ! I f STAMPS HAIL HAWAII Hawaiians were so elated over the new 80-ccnl airmail .stamp (inset) showing the Island's famed Diamond Head landmark that they spread the word far and wide in a practical way.. One florist airmailed under first-day covers, orchids to 600 stamp collectors throughout the U.S. Above, pretty Pat Barrett, in Hono lulu, displays some of the Hawaiian-decorated boxes in which Tan American World Airways sent "Easter bonnets" to mayors and postmasters in all principal cities of the U. S. Some of the straw bonnets called "papales" are seen at bottom of photo. Longer Steps In New Soles I.OS A NO ELKS Two footwear experts don't clnlm to have de veloped Mven-!euKiie hoots Dill they will help the public take a lonurr slip. Nathan Hatch, a retired ortho pedic shoe sprc'iall.sl, and Dr. Lau-ri-nrp K. Morehouse, rehcarch pro feMior In I'liysloloRy. Humbled across whtit Uicy call "ripple sulcV while marching lor a Hhoe to cut down the hazards of broken leijj and anklex among paratroopers. CI TS SHOC K The new Mile, according to its Inventors, ruts the shock ol Ics ami nplne about 40 per cent, gives the wallcer a longer stride and re duces fool fatigue and buck ache. Alter li'.MHm shoes with meinl springs ailnchcd, which cave an unricMruble pogo-sAtck -eilcct.. .the two men tried anchoring a sole ol composition rubber In a wrinkled or corrugated manner on the sole of an Army boot. Assistant took Jump tests and reported only average rcsulta with the new ripple solea. However, while walking about, they were sur prised as the ripples moved the loot forward at each step. It guvu a "walking on air feeling. CIIAXCK DISCOVKHY Hutch and Moreland saw possi bilities In the chance discovery, They took slow-motion pictures which showed the ripple sole flat ten at ench step nnd lorce the loot ahead. It absorbed shock, stored energy and then nlded In lilting Uie foot for the next step. The pair then decided to post pone the paratrooper tests and concentrate on developing ripple soles. The Inventors believe ripple soles will prove a blessing for postmen and policemen and others who spend most 01 uie day on tncir feet. "I think the ripple sole will find a place in athletic events too," said Hatch. "At lenst It will re. lleve the strain on millions of pairs of leel. ' mm 1 LiiiJI mm "Four Floors of Fine Furniture and Floor Coverings" i KCamatla unnitune Co Sneaks Irk Grandmas SEATTLE 11 West Seattle is no place to pull the old gag of grandmothers funeral on the opening day of the Seattle Raln- lers home baseball season April 15. Grandma wants to go to the game, herself. The West Seattle Grandmothers Club staged an impromptu demon stration yesterday against the hoary practice. Some members even lock-stepped " in a protest march in front of the high school stadium. Bv the merest coincidence, nf chairman of the Seattle Baseball Booster Committee, happened to be on hand. It mlRht have been a publicity stunt but the grandmas came t'way with a fistful of tree tickets lo the home opener against los Angeles. .. .- i ' ' r There are no foods that are es pecially brain foods. Any food that nourishes the body nourishes all FOR YOUR UNTEN MENUS CUTtRlAKf Lf0ftA6f04lHSFj FRESH! MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS! COTTAGE CHEESE ASK TO! THI CltiTtS IAKI COTTACI CHEESE HECIFE iOOt Beautify Your Homo with CHOOSE FROM 75 LOVELY NEW PATTERNS Moke vour home more beautiful with our newest traverse draper ies, styled and custom-made to Vour individual window require ments. Luxurious patterns, qor qeous fabrics, luscious colors. Few Gimmicks Manchurian Living Cosfs By FRED IIAMI'HO.N HONG KONO 11 ChlHWf Tie Chnl 1 a blant furnace worker In Manchuria and 1) 25. The Communldt Propaganda De partment for Manchuria unen him to Illustrate the Krand entate to which the worker has come in Red China. The flgurei are all Communlnt and there la no way of checking them. You may Judge for yourself how well Chiang Is doing. He makes 462,200 Yuan monthly. That is equivalent to $22.40 In the United States, and his expenses run into the following equlvalentu: Union dues, 25 cents; food for two persons, $10.75; fuel. 1.2U; water 20 cent; electricity 28 cents: cigarettes 12.25; newspapers 25 Wife Offers Lattimore Aid WASHINGTON tm Owen Lat tlmore's wife swore Saturday "I found no conflict" In testimony giv en by her husband and one of his students in a Senate Investigation which deals with Lattimore's stand on communism. "Mr. Jones (the student) simply remembered more thtn my hus band remembered," Mrs. Latti more told the Internal security in vestigating subcommittee in its study of the Institute of Pacific Relations. Even before taking the stand Mrs. Lattimore was something of a veteran of the long public hear ings designed to find out whether the IPR, a private research or ganization, exercised any subver sive influence In U.S. Far Eastern policy. She sat near her husband during the 12 stormy days he spent on the stand. The decision to call Mrs. Latti more followed the testimony Wednesday of Catesby Jones, a Johns Hopkins graduate student, concerning his role as a note-taker when Louis Budenz, a former Com munist, testified last Aug. 22. J cues said Mrs. Lattimore ar ranged for him to take notes to be used in reply to Budenz and that Lattimore, Johns Hopkins pro lessor and Far Eastern specialist, no ooudi knew he was doing it. Iran Reaffirms Oil Offer TEHRAN, Iran Wl The Iranian government reaffirmed Saturday Its willingness to negotiate on wavs of compensating Britain for Iran's seizure of the vast Anglo-Iranian Oil Company Installations here. This was disclosed in an ex change of notes between the two i countries leading up to hearings on the dispute in the International Court of Justice at The Hague. ! The court is tentatively sched uled to sit May a to take up Brit ain's charges that Iran broke her treaty commitments by national ising the British-owned oil indus try. - TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Are you being approached by itinerant siding, roofing, and insulation applicators who use high pres- . . sure methods in their selling technique? It you are, we suggest the following procedure: t 1. We are inserting this ad because some of our friends tell us that itinerant siding, roofing, and in sulation applicators have implied that they are representing or have connections with some of the dealers listed below or are representing the manufacturer of the materials directly. There are no such connections. For your own protection, check with your local dealer before signing any agree ment. - O BUILDERS LUMBER CO. O J. W. COPELAND YARDS O DRAKE LUMBER CO. O HOME LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. in Chiang's cent; miscellaneous 12.50 The Red propaganda says Chiang has 98,400 Yuan left over, of which 50.000 ($2.50) is savings and the rest Is spending money. QtlKKK There are some gimmicks here. Tho fuel is enough to heat one room slightly and do some cooking. Chiang can't buy enough fuel to keep warm. The water probably Is a charge for using a community tap. Electricity Is enough for one dim bulb. His clothing and shoes have to come from Chiang's "savings ac count." That Isn't as bad as it sounds, because he gets his work clothes free at the factory and he can buy two suits a year at a factory store at a discount. Blast furnace work Is hard. He gets one egg and a pound of milk dally at the plant, so the 215.000 Yuan allowed a month to feed two persons isn't enough, at least for one who does heavy work. There is no allowance In the table for transportation. Chiang either walks or digs Into his "spendinij money." He gets free medical at tention, but his family has to pay half price. So that too has to come from pocket money or savings. Chiang gets a flat free. Nothing Is said of his wife's clothes, so BY POPULAR DEMAND! EXTENDED FOR ANOTHER 30 DAYS OVERHAUL YOUR CAR MOTOR NOW.. PAY LATER! OUR SPECIAL complete overhaul lnrt.1l pi" " . :.tsi BlM Adiutt I""" . . A01 .A bermt c.nM"n 1 M.IIB Clean ;. Cl" .ilbrMther Tun. I"""" A nlJC , , r, Snorts, unevi- ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th Do not sign a contract or make a deposit immediately. Check with one of the dealers listed below for estimates on the same work. Remember that the firms listed below are tax-payers of this community . . . and will be here to render you service on your building problems year in and year out . . . and to stand behind their materials and workmanship. Do not be mislead by honey-coated words. Particularly beware of demonstration home deals. Your local deal ers and workmen will give you quality materials and workmanship at prices based on the actual value of the job .' ". . and NOT based on how much you can be high pressured into accepting. these apparently also have tn he whacked out of his pocket money ur savings account. GOOD TIMES Entertainment? He can go to the plant movie for half price, but It runs only propaganda film. Last year Chiang spent a month at the union rest home, paying one-third of the expenses. Unless savings accounts under Communism have a singular elasti city, Chiang does not drink, dance all day...all over WITH fUll STIINCTH IIUUO Chlorophyll Tablets LEE HENDRICKS Your Neighborhood Druggist 2212 So. 6th Ph. 4321 "yE FURNlinT Piston r'ms Piston in Distributor pomn Condenser All." "UtMi mni pen 5 Quarts oil mm O KLAMATH VALLEY CO. O LONG-BELL LUMBER CO. O BASIN BLDG. MATERIALS O SWAN LAKE or play games that cost anything. He does not have guest unit they bring their own food. Chinese arrivals tn Hons Konc aay the worker Is better oft than anyone else In China (except Com munist brass of course) but that Isn't saying much. FOR JUST 30c We'll wash and damp-dry 9 lbs. of laundry 30 MINUTE SERVICE Soap and Bleach', furnished for just', . a nickle each! THE LAUNDERETTE South 6th and Oweni For a limited time only Pay Only $6.63 Per Month! FIX YOUR CAR NOW AND FIX US i LATER! Ph. 4113 MOULDING CO. 221 Main Phone 5353 or 5339