PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY. APRIL 7, 10T2 Political Aspirants Warm Up On Eve Of Illinois' Popularity Poll Primary By The Associated Preu Namea made the political news Monday on the eve of a possible two-million vote .turnout lor Illi nois' presidential preferential prl mary. Illinois has 4.818,000 registered voters. A two-million ballot Tues day was looked (or because of a happy weather forecast and steam generated by stump speeches and write-in campaigns. The primary Is strictly a popu larity poll. Results are not bind ing on delegates to the presiden tial nominating convention, al though they may influence lean ings. Meanwhile, here are the names and the political news they made: Sen. Taft of Ohio and Gen. Eisen hower, North Atlantic Treaty mili tary chief, seemed headed toward a possible deadlock at the GOP presidential nomination convention in July. Taft generally is conceded to have about twice as many delegates as Elsenhower now but an appar ent trend recently is to split state support between them. Hence, they could come down to the wire prac tically neck-and-neck. Taft and former Gov. Stassen of Minnesota, who also seeks the GOP nomination, stump-toured Illinois all last week. Riley Bender of Chi cago Is their only opposition on the ballot, but an Eisenhower write in campaign is being pushed. Sen. Kefauver of Tennessee Is unopposed In Illinois' Democratic primary. However, he faced pros pects of a strong write-in for 1111- noli Oov. Stevenson. Hated onlviview. Kerr said that, although he on the ballot as unopposed for nom- lost the Nebraska popularity vote inatlon as governor. to Kefauver, he had "at least sev- At Chicago school editors con- en" of the state s lwl f fcrence Sundav, Kefauver and ports P'" the count nt Kerr 8, Stassen were asked if they would K-eiauver o, uucommmea j, acccDt a vice-nresldency nomlna tion. Kefauver said no. Stassen de clined to "speculate" on anything but the presidency, Eisenhower favors state owner ship of the oil-rich submerged coastal lands, according to Mon day's Dallas (Tex.) Morning News. It quotes the general as saying he had not changed a previously-expressed opinion that federal con trol of these so-called tldclands would tend "toward centrallEed ownership and control , , . which I have bitterly opposed." Rep. Hugh Scott Jr., of Pennsyl vania, former GOP national chair man, said in Richmond, Va.: "The best thing Taft could do to serve his party and nation would be to second the nomination of Ike (El senhower) at .the convention." Scott spoke at a Virgmians-for- Eisenhower rally. Gov. Theodore Roosevelt McKel- din of Maryland met Eisenhowef '. for lunch in Paris Sunday. After wards, the governor said they hadnt talked about when the gen eral would come back to this coun try but that I got the feeling he intends to do something promptly. : without delay." Sen. Kerr of Nebraska, who! seeks the Democratic nomination as president claimed a majority of Nebraska's 12 delegates.' In a New York television inter-1 Rep. John F. Kennedy, a Massa chusetts Democrat, announced in Boston he would run for the Sen ate seat now held by Henry Cnbot Lodge Jr., a Republican and lead er of the Eisenhover-lor-Pre5ldent drive. Sen. McMnhon of Connecticut, on a Washington radio program, said it was "highly doubtful'1 northern Industrial states would be carried by any southern candidate. McMahon declined to say wheth er he classed Kelauvcr and Kerr as southerners, but he obviously Included Sen. Russell of Georgia, the other avowed candidate lor the Democratic nomination. Russell, told of McMahon's state ment. commented that northern industrial states, like any others, would look for "the best leadership." Death Toll Reaches Three By The Associated Tress Three persons, one of them an Ir.fant, died In weekend accidents in Oregon. The child, Margaiet Marie Lenta, 18 months old, was killed Satur day while playing in the driveway ol her home at Mllsboro. Site was ciushed by a car driven by her grandfather, police said. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ev erett Lenta. Etner Elleson, 51, of Orenco. died of Injuries after lib Jacked-up car rolled off a set of blocks and crushed him while he was under neath making repairs. Lawrence James Miller Jr., 8, apparently drowned in the Sandy River near Troutdale Saturday. A companion said he fell off a limiting log Into the water and disappeared. WURLITZER A magnificent piano. Many lovely styles and finiihes t choou from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th V 21 V(lPilr(MORE delicious N- MACAONI Rattler Bites Human Captor OKEENE, Okla. Ml A veteran snake handler was . bitten In the hand by an excited, swift-moving rattler Sunday after better than 15,000 hunters captured 1,684 rep tiles alive In the 13th annual rat tlesnake roundup. Tho trapped snake was on the scale being weighed. Doiens ol curious spectators watched frown with fear as It suddenly sltpprd from beneath a metal fork which pinned Ita head to the platform. It struck swiftly at Russell stray horn, 47-year-old veteran of 16 roundups and last year's winner, First aid was administered Im mediately by Vein Dale Shlpmun, 17, a Wutoimu Ragle Scout, who brought In tlila year's champion, Stiayhoin was embarraised. "It was a damn fool stunt," he said, "This Is tho first tlmo I've been bitten." He refused nntlveuom serum, maintaining that the "cut ami suck" method Is the best remrdy for snake bites. Doctors said ha was not seriously hurt. A ton of live, wrllhlng rattlers wiis hauled onto Okccno'a mam street. Shlpmun and a friend, Jimmy Davis, ruptured the . winner a lit Inch giant. The second largest, 68 'J Inches, was snared by Charley Sholte.HN, Longdate, Okla. The total catch weighed 9, MO pounds, with the win ner nailing I'J. The bite victim Is the 71st mem ber ol the Order of the White Fang, a society of victims of prev ious hunts. H..ih.i. .M t.n. t.iU.rlt.. ASY $75 I;,?"...'"""" " pawii'M oin Strtft NO IIOONT N1IW YOrilt Ml The CIO Anial miniated Clothing Workers, ac knowledging a slump In the men's clothing liKlumi y , luis devilled mil to seek a pay lionil now lor 100, 000 of lis mvmlier.i, Tho United Btalen Clothing Man ufacturers Association announced Sunday tho union has agreed to extend currently expiring contracts until Sept, ID. fAlllhns of homai fcP- 100 TABLET BOTUE, ONLY 430 & G5$E THE MOST COLORFUL WESTERN AND HILLBILLY BAND IN AMERICA SAT. NIGHT i ULULlLfuLAlLf UuvJUiJ w i put Eigaflginfe irrmnon M ARRIS ... nu it Philip Worns ... se3-r r B v station used m 3!i a source . otiwr fading i FOX PCA$(8f ... 'mmmmmmm'- IJK. i.K' PHILIP MORRIS gives you ' ' MORE SMOKING PLEASURE than any othet leading brand. 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