li 4 '- s h I I! -t .4 i ! v -J i f i l -i ' i '! i --( -"' I V..,.J I 4 tm,i .'1 A ' ' ' DArt? firiu IlKKALD AlvW liMV, IM.AMA l it rrtu-fl, ijiwaiw.i , . ji.imijui ii ii ii n i .i.TuiNn fOl HINT lis Toting Up U.S. Foreign 194S-1951 INCLUDES LtHD-LFASE, UNRRA, MARSHALL PLAN, MUTUAL SECURITY ACEMCV ADMINISTRATION'S RORFICN AID PROGRAM FOR Tut KFXT YEAR CHIEF BVIIOPEAN BENEFICIARIES KA fS4 fVXCS l 3 S4 -ISSI STALV... $ 1.3 BILLION GREECE, TVRKEY. By WARREN BENNETT The President's request for $7.9 billion in foreifrn aid for the fiscal year starting July 1 is before Con gress. It laces close scrutiny for this Is an election year when the pressure for economy is unusually strong. In the almost seven years since the end of World War JJ, the Unit ed States has put up a total of $35.5 billion for its global economic and military assistance programs. The accompanying map shows the geographical distribution of this huge sum and where the Admini stration's program for fiscal 1952 would go. By far the greater portion of American foreign aid, $24.7 billion, has gone to western Europe. The other areas and their amounts of U.S. aid are Africa and the Mid East $2.3 billion. Far East $6.4. Latin America $0.76 billion, all other $1.35 billion. The Administration program for Europe $5. billion. Africa and the Mid East $0.7 billion. Far East $1 billion, Latin America $0.2 bil lion, all other $0.2 billion. By far the greater portion of this' has been economic aid. Until the end of 1951, only $13 billion of the European total had been for military purposes. All that is changed now. The President's new foreign aid pro gram would allocate $5.3 billion for direct military aid, $1.8 billion for defense support industries and only $700 million for exonomic and technical assistance. In seven postwar years, U.S. foreign aid has changed almost completely in character. What staed as rehabilitation and eco nomic aid has become largely military assistance. Let's take a look at the record. Civilian Lend-Lease and UNRRA were carryovers from the war and accounted for relatively little of the $35.5 billion total $4.5 billion. Other programs under which this foreign aid was aisiriDuiea un-iuucu European Recovery Program $10.7 billion, loans and credits $11 bil lion, relief in occupied areas $5.4 billion. Mutual Defense Assistance $2 billion, all other $1.9 billion. The Marshall Plan was a co ordinated long-range program started in 1947 to help put Europe on its economic feet. There were other little "Marshall nans for fhp War East, the Mid East and: Latin America. The primary purpose 01 an uirac plans at the time of their Inception ir. 10.1 nd 1948 was economic ir. Tha n s hnned to fjujiif -p . , thwart the spread of communism by Ptabilizing conditions in shaky areas. Italy, i-rance ana me cupied por'Uons of Germany and Estro Work Made Easy BENT A TVPEWBITEE r Anm.NG MACHINE Electrle or Hand Lsil mentb't rental It applied to tbe pnrchaia price. Pioneer Office Supply That new car brilliance comes from a BLUE CORAL BEAUTY Admiring glances follow the car that has had its new car lusler restored by a Blue Coral Treatment. Only Blue Coral cleans away dingy road film, restores rlginal beauty, seals the finish against weather corrosion. Drive in today DICK 3. MILLER Co. Register ta 7th and Klamath C WM-mmmmK europe: 1 LATIN Austria were particular trouble spots. Britain was in dire economic straits but communism was not n threat there. A notable exception in this period was the Truman Doctrine which provided $400 million for Greece and Turkey. This was almost en tirely a military aid program to combat communism. The transition from economic re habilitation to military preparecnes was intensified by the Korean war. By mid-1950 many western European; stoce the war The new rearm"- ment budeets created a burden their economics coiuld not bear by ,hrV,iv r,.i m hon Hmht,i(.r numbly "of dff-i"' fereit nroerarnf At Tst the Mar fh rton sZrl Prnrnlral loud "Oooh. la. la!'- from "tE r?P" nf, eff7h7 3"" natives and tourists alike. (ERPi. then it was the Economic Tnissveal,s 5lar is ttv Yvonne Cooperation Admimstra ion lECAi Menard; who v irom the Assistance Program tMDAPi. Cur rently it is the Mutual Security Agency (MSA). There is also the Point Four program. But whatever the initials, ine .er uie : uiiimio. tin. . irom ine pocaevs " funds come the U.S. taxpayer. Clouds Halt Plane Flights SEOUL, Korea Rain and i from the rafters. quiet lives with their families off clouds over Korea Monday morn- There are a group of Negro stage and have absolutely no ln ing grounded United Nations Com- dancers, led by Ruby Richards hibitions about their profession, mand warnlanes and made lifeiand Babe Wallace. And, among "It's a job.'' said one. shrusjging miserable for the foot soldier at the front. Only weather reconnaisance planes took to the air, said a U.S. added "It was raining all over the peninsula." On Sunday U.S. Sabre jet pilots reported they destroyed four MIG 15 Communist jets, probabty de stroyed two and damaged eight in three fights over Northwestern Ko rea. , , t , Jli J i Ol the kills was credited 1 .EFC-JM! One to Cant sopolL Mich. It made him Amer- lea's 10th iet ace. He baeeed his fifth M1G In a 40-minute battle between saores ana u mius ju.m soum 01 me "'"uhan 30 vears, has become the ! River boundary between Manchur- Lewte LoRging Co. of Panama. Inc. ' !ia and Korea. n,.i, ovot .j ,o.-, min v.c J ! IT N and Red natrols skirmished llightly on the muddy battlefront Monday morning. The VS. Eighth Army said an 7 . u ... . , , ' Allied patrol fought inconclusively " 1 U1C HJSS'B UUaiJiCaO 1J ,VCil, for a short time east of Kumsong narj 0 COme " Lewis said Ion the Central Front before dawnTtiis country is about locKed'out. Monday The Army said Allied troops Sun day reoccupied without opposition a hill northwest 01 Yoncnon on me Central Front, near the scene of a two-hour battle Saturday nieht be- tween U.N. infantrymen and 7o0 to 850 Chinese Reds. CAVE DWELLING ITALIANS ROME fAP) An estimated two'er saws on ships to the tropics, million Italians live in caves, holes and walled-up arches of ancient viaducts. The weekly newspaper, L. Europeo of Milan, said that recent studies showed at least 130,000 Italians live in cellars and grottos in cities. Another two mil lion "cavemen" are scattered throughout country areas. Ii" 1L yy TREATMENT! Vote NOW! Ph. 4103 Aid-Past and Present LATIN AMERICA E r L EACH BniTAIS ...$ 2.8 DILLIOS FttASCE ... S S.S miLlOX U. GERAtAW ... i 1.3 BILLIOS BESEU'X ...S I S tilt-DOS .$ 700 AIM JOS' DESM4RH. ORHAy SOO AUlltOM Franc May Not the Fo By ROSETTE HARGROVE the 70 m.le ftirls and chorines, is PArtls iNEAi Cabinets mav'six-foot Monimie Sinline whose last 11. the franc totter and the cost; i same. i Producer Paul Derval's latest : super-revue represents eight month lwork and is said to have cost 150.000.000 francs, which is a lot , even when they're de - valued. The result of this time, viipe a on ch o.a filer a "msnnp. ' ouin." or naked girl. Sharing the spotlight is Eileen O'Dare. an American tap dancer. she slars jn -symphony Biue- and a New Orleans scene, two of the 30 tableaux that make up this1 hall. They transformed 30 miles ot 28ih Follies called "A Complete fabrics, together with hundreds of Folly." i pounds of feathers and spangles. MOKE Unto the 1800 elaborate land often Other attractions are blonde 'skimpy) costumes. Sive Norden. who modeled clothes i for Schiaparelli when she first married and mothers. which came to Paris from Stockholm. ; prompted someone to call the And there is a Polish girl. Ver-1 dressing rooms "Mother's Meeting onica Bell, who makes her ap- Place." They take their glamor nearance in a golden cage lowered ous jobs casually, usually live U.S. Loggers To Panama BREMERTON ' Wash. A band of ambitious loggers and their fam- n;p nrp maltintr a hiir Ipan from .n,,,,, i,,,,oi. n Panomo t-k. i ...h c i i r. . inoio .m,m at th vrituon Coumy town 0l Crosby for more i ,u ..... u' . than Dougias fir and cedar. , The man who started the tropical Irpi, i nm i.pwi lumi uiic uiiu iiiai.uuoiij', lauici j Crosby native, who has been in There isn't enough timber to go around any more. We'll keep our property here and maybe in 25 years we'll come back and log It." Many pacilic Nortnwest longing interests wouW that state- ment.i i In a gigantic moving effort. Lew- Is has transferred everything from giant Dulidozers, "cherry pickerji" (portable hoists i, trucics and pow- He is taking many of his loggers with him, although they will work In supervisory capacities only, with Panamanian natives doing the actual work in the woods. "Going into that territory will be just like it would have been to Intn tha Duo.) Cn.irtM mt- itry ft hundred years ago," Lewis :soia. inose people Know nine or nothing about modern loggin methods. "Nearly 200 natives are em ployed now, cutting trails. We are building our own cities in me wilrSprne We'll have nlir own airstrip, f'oat base and barracks for the men." Lewis said he understood the u nr in fane ti,er.trD in growth of trees In four weeks in Panama is equivalent to a year s growth in the Pacific Northwest. The company', holdings cover In excess of 900 square miles. Although the Kitsap County men and their families plan to be more no ae, narmanant ra rl.n . nf MO. .t., ..,.. ... iiuma, iney expect, to rcmum ninci I lean citizens. DOUBLE Green Stamps Wednesday CEC'S Signal Service 76 Main St. Newireofurel'" ' I BILLIOV DOLLARS - I DILLIOS DOLLARS Totter, But lies Beraere name has made her famous She's as Josephine Baker, The review K.ves the patrons their money s worth. Among the 30 fasi-chnnsing scenes are ihc "Nymphs' Bath." which features a swimming pool over the entire stage: a sceiuT showing what Parts horse-propelled carousel in another' scene; and a surrealist ballet m a set that represents the ruins o. Warsaw. In the eicht months It took to 'assemble "A Complete Folly," 80 dressmakers, 12 embroiderers and 18 modistes worked steadily in the Folies' workrooms, which cover three floors aiou the famous music Most of the Fohes" beauties are j a pretty set of shoulders. "Just like being a saleswoman or a stenog rapher Leaal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITOHS ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK ORE CON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of L. Alva ' Lev-'i-i. Dcreased. td by said court administrator of taid i estate. Notice is hereby given to the f crpr:itP" ' tff"" t prr.C tl-r 5.,,',,1nV"l,""ron',H,by.,,,er' S. mil' Ml rn r-f th'n undcraittned at the law office of A. C. Yadcn. b Main streei. Klamath Falls i Daien and t;r- published this ji day ot March. 111.12. .A"!l.nB L,;l' Admim.trator. "-31 a 7-i-2i .??? I publication OF SUMMONS c I" Oregon, for 1 ki.amath county acnes oldham. Plaintiff. FREDEnicK- oldham. Defendent 1U rrrucilin Giuliani, wcj' iiunm. (i tne Namc o( the state of Oregon: I -Y".a.r' iiJL "112 ffXXl you tn the ar;ove cntmerj nun on or before April 30th. 1052. that brtn .he expiration of four weeks' publication of this summons prescribed bv the cr der or the publication thereof, and if you fail so to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the rrlief demanded In the complaint, to-wil: for decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between you nnd the plaintiff; that she be permitted to resume her former name of A ft net Span gler: and for such other and further relief as to equity may appertain. This publication is made bv the order of the Hon. David R. Vandenberg, Judiie of the above named Court, duly made on March 28th. 1952. The date of the first publication of this summons Is March 31st, 1052. A. C. Yadcn, Attorney for Plaintiff. Pont Office Address: 40fl Main Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon I ? ? i NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINPL ACCOUNT NOTICl; IS ilKHEHY GIVEN thai 1 have filed my Final Account, Report I billion In tha matter of the eatate of mklvin d. hf.nhy, necea.eo. ana 1 tne Circuit Court has set Tuesday, the OCC, ln ,h circuit Court i Room of the Klamath County Court ! "ouae, Klnmnth Fall;, Oreson, a. tha ; In. and p ace for hearing of excep. , ,n rnnl Ac.ount, If any t there be. mabi.e b. henry. Execu- ' 'edwin e. driscoll I pine Tree Building Klamath Fail, Oregon M 17.24. ni-A 7-14. ..-vi"-' . " . aTcyiai-kote UNDERWOOD'S Phot Sarvlt 211 Undarwood tld'g. hon. . efti-ft.-. .1 - ti6Skammmm,mm1wmMmtimsMKmKmm CLASSIFIED RATES Or.i day . per word in Hire Davs per word lie Week mn ...---. per word JOo Month mn per word 85e MINIMUM The mlnlmuni charge (or mi)' one id. Is AOc. BOX NUMBBR3 Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper (or service charge of 2o.. DEADLINES Classified ftu accrpteo. up to 6:50 p.m. (or following day s publication Cla-wllied display ftds accepted up tc U noon (or following days puu llcation. . ADJUSTMENTS Please muse an ciainu lv adjust ment., without delaT FUNERAL HOMIi WARD S Klamath Funeral High street. Phone ;is.u. MEETING NOTICES Srottt.h Kilt Rodin will hold a .laird meeting. Monday night. April 7. Kri-i.hme nil will ha :ervd. 1IFRMAN niSVOI.O Si-rv. ' IOOF NO. 137 Every Tuesdav-8:00 P.M. Fifth and Main Sts. LOST AND FOUND LOST troin Sla Pine, male l,klnr Hm complete black mak. Aiwwm t.i "RasMi." Chllda pel- Phonr Pelican n-e!nn f.vil. LOST, on hiway97. one carton beddlnt Conlact W. Evan.. Croji-Cut fate. I hi! ooutn. Phone IM. FOUND On takeiho'r""Orlve. mark dof. appeara mostly Labrador. Phune 5640 or 3.3012. GENERAL NOTICES PERSONALS WFl7l7KNIT-luaranteedho;iery. Phone K HA TEX Plasllca. Phone B.T34 STANLEY Home PruducU. Phone SSOS 10 SERVICES LAWNMOWE RS SAWS SMALL ENGINES REPAIRED AUTHORIZKD SKRVICE DEALERS FOR REO LAWNMOWERS CLINTON MOTORS BRIGOS A STRATTON MOTORS Come In and See Us BODENHAMMERS 351 EAST MAIN FIX THAT RADIO Our Business is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 MOVING? . . . Call 7425 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekln's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" AUCTIONEERING and Sales Management SERVICE C. ..:limte Western College of Auctioneering Billings. Mont. Free Service on Church and Benefit Auctions. 3. W. "Jerry" FALES 5304 Alva Phone2:245J CUSTOM TRENCHING FOR DRAIN TILE IRRIGATION PIPE 8EWER DITCHES WATER DITCHES FERGUSON MOBILE UNIT DAVIS' Plumbing Company 337 East Main Phone 7635 FOR SERVICE or demonstration or any Information regarding the German made Pfaff icwing machlna. Write Her ald Newa, Box s:i. ALTERATIONS Anlta'i. Satlifactlnn guaranteed. Phone q:i.13. Jennje PAINTiNG and paperhanglng. i'hone 7G17. CURTAINS laund-d Phone 4D14 itretchen. DITCH DIGGING and hark filling with Fordnon Trench hot Call 2-1 AM, .10.14 or B42S. J. L DEAN Public Accountant anC Auditor Office at 306 No. 7th. Phon 914lt PAINTING, decorating, paperhanglng, plasterboard finishing, spray painting. fnone .win. TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen der work. Phone 4040. MinitrmS reiilivererl. new mirrors made to order. Kimball's Glass Shop, Phone 7378, PLOWING and planting, farms, garden, etc. Phone 2-0037 after 5 p.m. Anytime weekends, nt. a, box kj. uia Miaiana Road. CARPENTER and cabinet work. New and remodeling. Phone 749, BROKEN window glass replaced. Klm- hall's Glass Shop. Phone 7378. BOAR SERVICE. J02:i Bartlett. C W. Swlt.ler. BE IN THE KNOW I Read Her ald it News Classified ads dally Get the latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends. THERE'S NOTHING LIKE Herald St News Classified ftds whe:- It comes to turning un-needables Into cash. Phone 8111 What's B&B TV? Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain (li'lda Imtnllml rcpulrml. Ywira ol oxpi'i'lnico. ah work giliiiiilitei'il, PK1.1CAN JIOTHL I'HONK ml Heavy Hauling ANYWHKRR, VOU HIHK Honest Hales Wrmliis Service In-.urod ANUFRHKN f'HKlOHT LINE a0J Hnlllll MIXtll Ph. no or a-;u:i3 Septic Tanks Cleaned NrwMt Bnnltury Melhnda Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clems ttcuci Lines l KooU, Klc ED F KINO UM Orcharrt Phime 98m EXCAVATING . Mobil tihovel and IYench Ho Bulldoicr Kill Dirt TopsoU Crushed Rock Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANK SKHV1CK GRAHAM BROS. Phone ISM1 or 8M NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREK PIU'NING SPRAYING bv 1 Francis "Smithv" Smith. Tree Surgeon Let us work with vou NOW on your Inwtsnipe nretlv nCEHU8HKS NOW IN STOCK I'nntrntpcl and No. 1's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3(il4 So. th Phone 81H8 CAHI'E.NTEK "work llrm.'.lrllnl and new contlui-ttnn. Phone 2 IKUT Pt.OWlXC, duclng and harrow Inf. Flnr arrd drill 11 ' Jrnaril Phonr- 31-1? PAINTINla. Interior and cvlrrlur. Phone 42tid. WASHING MACHINE rcn.iir ervire ,n all make, ami rondel-, Low rales with qualllv w iirkmunthip fn.irantt.rd. Mont gomery Ward. El r.t'THH'AI. I'ONTII UTINl!. guaranteed. Phone 2 lull! Work 12 EDUCATIONAL HOOK KEEPING, shorthand typing kin dretl inbjert. nffue machine! KLAMATH HfSINI.S.S t'l.l.l.f lit 1X Pine Phona 7iv. 13 HEALTH 'ItuAM hattlii. rrrrur, inat'. tr clucinEf for turn -vnl vloitip. h 3VU u help wanted, female W ANTKI) v uman (r tenet a I off tee work. I'rrviiuift ci r.lll cx,irnm 0 'lclr dlc Apply .Montjii n;rr Ward. I'tliMAM.M' pi.ftiitnn' .NaliutiAlly known tfi.mpatiy Jki micning in totnl torj (or ttumpn'A. train MlviUOy, Mul hnvtj mine -crit-ai ttprnnuf Apply Monitay evening unl. twiwaaii 7-1 p m SlNtJKR KrWINCi MACHINE I'O. (1.U Maui ; 16 HELP WANTED MALE FARM-HANDS WANTED vAr STKAOY. HKI.IAIU.E MAKKIKD FARM HANDS WANTKO KOU JOas ON KLAMATH AKKA DAIRY-CATTLE nnd LiENEKAL FARMS. HnnMni. fiirMl,l,H Good pay (or experienced de pentiituir help Chiinte to sreure year-round employment .IcKi-ster now lor the Auriruluiral tieuAon ORKGON KTATK KMPI.OY MKNT KKItVK'K 242 Mn in i'hnnr 7701 WANTKIJ alrviimn. willt rir rlriur 111 .'TTplUin r. prrlcnrit J. W. Kern I'iioiic 41U7 WANTKO rxprrirmrd rntllo and ttmll Nppliancri rrplrittan. Apply MuntKuiiu -r Ward. WANTKO. uuni innit. 2.1-:i. tntcrlcd In pcTinanpiil puwltiun. Vnrran frrrtd. St a rrljll utlrftitmn Writ llrrald Nrw, Hox ftii tat n and rcicrpiiLCH WANTKO. comtiinatinn all-aruund Un- chanic and wrldrr. Strauy Job tar m witurr and energetic man, ainitle or mar ried. Hux U4 llrrald and Nrwi. lMAlElJIATfc "hAitNINl-.a a"i (aciory oieV man. iluild your own car round re peat hUKlneM Hell pntrnti-d Air Cush ion Shock. Nut avail.?!)) in ninrf. Complrtr fjimily and work- nn. O.Hiiilicil Woia. CaltliiH nt nilmnr. pl.iirj., . nl) time or nlde-llne Adviinrr CommiMlonii up to per dav. 'rri ou tilt. Chaw Chester Shoe to. 4 Chewier 11 hit:. Drorkti n, .tlnaa. WAN'ifcu Miirrica mnn tor raiii-n "iVn Apply in pcr.on. South i'e Vallcv. Route 2 Hox 7.11 W. Ilium Tuliarh THA.N VOU THINK I The opportunity to n.ukr t7.V)0 the first yrar and up to l(J.lMI your er. ' ond. Many men with delllnK : ability never got the cnanre. We have t that kind of an opportunity fur a mnn with direct fell inn experience. Om ) nuilnlemim-e producU are jieceaiillei. jet no different from nlher maintenance mn ter la ii tiuit our men iwivn no inin. Retlttnn. (-t-ntrnlly Jociiled w.irehounei. o nhortaKea. If you are between :WI and 0, hnve a car and run aljirl work Immediately, write Culonlnl ftefinlnx ChemiCAl Cornnanv. .Nnlmnal llroad- r.isliiiK Htillrlmjt, CleveLnnl '4. IXun. VOUNO MKN interested in (jualiiyinn for aeasoins Jnha write Dept XI. P. O. Brx TM Wilmington. N. C. WAN'rKO Men with equipment riKnt away to drill grain Lang Jtanch. Wil liamson niver. SALESMAN earnings to start, approx. W75. per month. Opportunity to ad vance. Agca in to :k. Apply Sliindaro .Station, Inc. 2nd and Mam or Esplan ade and Spring Sis. 17 HELP WANTED MAN St WIFE for operators of Renmes Golf and Country Club concenaion. Year around employment, living quar ters f urnlnhed. Give full qualifications and references In letter lo box 87 care ol Hrrwld nnd Npwi WANTKO Young girl and man lor merhanio and skilled labor. No ex perience nerejunry. Apply in perton. BOOENHAMMER SAW At RE PR. SHOP aft I Et Main Phone 4fi72 18 SITUATIONS WANTED WILL do Ironing Ir. my home. Phone 4130. CHILD enre. Phone :io:t7. HOURWOHK. Phone 3470. WA N i fcO" pii 1 1 iTi To" job, O. T. Sludenl. Phono "''' . GARDENING. Phone 2-02HH. CHILD CARE, 2.1ft East Main, 7:43 to a:M days pnone ama, eves. i jT WILL care for children In my home days iventnga. Call 2-1343. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS, M week. H20 Jefferson. SLEEPING ROOM for rent. Outside entrance. Clone In. fllBvalnul. ROOM, hoard, geniirmen. Ifl07 CreT cent. ROOM and board. Men only. 300 N. nth ROOMS for rent, Private entrance and private natn.i-ione in. rnone kooms in;t4 liig'ti. ROOM, gentleman. 1330 Crescent. ROOM, gentlomcn, Phone 31)38. NICE ROOMS. 322 Pnclflc Terrnce. IICKIMS. n rices reasonnhlc. I'hoie 4827, LOVELY rooms for rent. W--9V. whE Cioit tn. Phont 49f. FRONT room for' rent. Greer Apart ments, 710 Main 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT SMALL APAilTMhNT $2(.."ll. 1 wo room apartment nicely furninhed 33. Bolh nave privnia imhh. um "i 'n "i trie stoves, Inquire J74t Menlowny, Phone 3433. t 24 APARTMENTS FOR HINT TilffitK room "uriilind piirtmni. IMt.nta 41131. FtiH HKNTMt'rif" riiTiin furnlsltvtl iiri- mciitl. lnlrlly ioiiil. .aittuH i-nu- MMk'iiiiNlklir.t. imrlintiU r..f .ftt- Uilv Natural lliil wntcr ertitur unit rl"lttr iin.i hvmUhIiU. Mniit or plmn .tliu, t wo HOOM furnUlttxl npntlnitttl 4.W.W IMuiim ll-.lSin. . HKUKCOHAtkII 0rt ruom lurnhhvd NMrtinanl. Twit llu-k off Mm, Aihilln mi ptn. nman Apai imiimi, i v 1 1 III Hll ItkN'!1. thiM ntftTit lHrnUliPcl apail mvitt. i ltua u. autiiM tim, no pi. k-nii MECSir aiiialt furiitihaii imrlinitl i ilUl.l fur cmiul. ainu munntvra i.rm ATTHAiniVI. two room artU Mlh lor aparlmnt. ruriiltliad or tinior lUfthnl Klvvtilp hl. tlr-pUre. nrlval Piitianvv, 1104 t:rui-rtt. mum so""' TIIHKK room ftiritMiad apartinvtH for mil. No dnnklnn. 1M North lUllt. TWO NU'K llirta room aprlmitl. Mntlvnt iiulpped. IMiont IIH04 aftar live I'Nri'MNIHHKt) unt bailwom IuK. Klrrtrio watrr hvalar, wlrad (or langa. 3:uo Whila. roit " HKNT, una "iird'room aparlntnti Alo tuti littlrooni hotut. Clo In I'huna J-tii.l, Kt'HNIHMKU aparlmirnl LlgtiU nd watrr niroiihrili '. i-.iiitrir u..h riirnlBitarl ftlMitrtinritt IiaHi. taamhaat. Cloia in. AdlllU. 41ft Walmil l'hona 3 a70. CI. KAN altrarViva "walPliirnlahtd t rntim ftniit-l aiiarlmant Wttll Etal Nfi Clwa In. t:u.A. I'hona MM r AI'AHTMENT with" g Kt'iUo ! t-muiu nin - , s'l't.AM" HKATICO aparlmtnl wluPbtd' riMtm U2H Uk HI. I'liltNISIlDu anarirnanl for rant Atiarlmaitt t 9oU Maikat. WlaV dacoraiatl. private bath, TH- client Ita Btvam naai. aiaciric ranav m Mark Has A roil AoartmtM Whit TIIHKK room furnUHtd primrnl. Nrar lilli n'hool. Aduiu. ritona "-MJ I.AIKtE, lvo btJdrot'in fomplctrlv hir. nlatird apailioaiit. nfernrt. tail Mai rUMNINIil-ll lo Iwdiouil. apartineiM C lo hi. rhont msii. IIUIKE rootnv furnuhrd Hot ami I'ulil w utrr. launtlry farlllllai. Clnaa In, Adtilli only. Ni pan. KH Lincoln. I'htina 1 .1170 TWO HOOM "furnlthVd aparhnanl clost in i7 Walnut l CHMSllfcU apai imaol, autUtila' lur loopla. Inqulra Apt. T. I7IT Mam lhon ;LKNl'(t'ltT""Aparlmot."'Vo oum all artr Itall v aqtilppad Klaatn haal lMaled bv Wavarhaauiar Mill. t.AIKlK "twiT rooni :'urnlhd aiiaflinanl. rffrtatramr MT !lo, all ulllili In rlmlr.l 4fl Nr 10'H M.W nu'ilaru arirol.";Hl".rv hi. h-K off Hooth H.xth Two 'mim. kllrhvnrtla. Imth. elaclrlr lat. r friifcrator. tiv Coupla only. No drink- tin Phnna 3 t"07. Timr.K ' WtKiM ""YtirnUWd aparimnT AduHa onU Jo31 Harrow 26 HOUSES" POR RINT CNrt'HNt MEO hntiM atao" rabiiia. 4o jtmith . - ..MKK NI'W, romiilrifly Ttn MHrniftT;.""'1""' MiHi ft.ic.m hmr mr Kmil' h TWO Vrir,m onfurnubad hnn.a'jiu't ! v' ll. rHi rrdr-nratd MR No. Kflvanth 44 month- IlCittlllfUI kitchen ItlUl brpttk i I'hon? r.oi . . I nook. Attrnc livp bulh mid mm foil It E NT, two K.drm hoina. i Utlon Utility mid plnyrooin. Hti rn, romplctalv furnUbad Horn- , , , , nt.;. Iiiif Adulti only j Uidou . Nrw type fllTlrlr I Knit HKNT" 'ihtfa'rieflnrhwiw tiniur' In nil roonii. IntuirdUtlr iKvirn nuhad. not mndcrn. M month, .titri , $07M) 1000 tioun. FHA tn IllM aro , rati III! NT furnlfthod barhalur' cab in lir.lrfnratftl I.ltthl and water lift month Phona M3 or mquita Whtta 7HHKE rom furnlthd hmua In MilU Atlditlnn Pbonf -o7 ONE HEOHOOM fiirnlihod hou-.a ft r 1 rrnt iuu California Inqulra aoj'a (.!-' Ifitrnia. I ONE badrocim houa for rVt Hml- I modern, partly furmahad. $30, Michigan Avenue Phone J-XH-V DUPI EX 'Cor rent"' Ph"ona".WI hafora 0 p r H'-NJ. ' ,"" ""m to Till.' 'I'IMI.' 'Vn miv 'I'll I "-m"1"" , , -. , If ' UM1' ' HI ,.."St. Z7. .a' " HO.MK YOU I1AVK Ill'l' ONE bedroom modern home. II WW, '4 or Mil rar In trade 474 Aha .-ill. SAt.r rtirnlihetl I itru'.m hutiM - ! A1.?-?- v'" -W 1 Dl'I'l r.X fur rent. Ph'tiia .i7 bforr p m 38 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT V" BEEIfIVE V U TRUCKS W DRIVE Move Yourself 8ave '-si Nrw Trucks For Long Trips Pickups flliikrs Vuns BKACON MOBIL SKRVICE 1201 B. Main Phone 8304 , KOH HKNT r on-iwn.thr or Imir hundred gtrrca ntw land. rr Ir- rlnallon. HO pmr cr. Oll opralnr 2M l?. AMKNICAN tlnttt Mflllfn and fdlffl ' wift and aj) lo operate llrura floor Tli-nft nf ftciitlr fn..Lr..? flnl-h. flllrn, wixn and varnl.h I , . u ! ,nn7 Ilirn H)4n snsuih Phon 48te sirtPi nnd wnlkliiR dUiinnce. P Or Vice for rent 23 Main Phone , for ft quirk Mile. 711. I 30 REAL ISTATI FOR SAL I LANGELL VALLEY FARM 360 ACRES 250 irrlRated. bftlnnrr Rood (trnalnK. Two bedroom mod ern home, hprlnii water. i4iinu. 13 down. HOMES FOR SALE HOT 8PRINOS Very nice t w o brdronm home with fireplace, hsrd- wood floors, good basement. 18750. SHASTA WAY Modern three bed room home, 15500, $31.60 a month. ST. FRANCIS PARK Well lor ted two bedroom home. $7000. STEWART-LENOX Two bedroom modern home on lame lot. 171)9 down, balance like rent, NORTH OE MAIN Three bedroom home to trade for home with acreage. Lester Jones Eves. 7047 BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Phone 2-3471-4880 FOft SALE, corner building, approx! maiely 30x140, two story, In downtown cons unv. S7n.(.uu. Terms, w. l,. Miliar, 922 N, Broadway, Coos Bay, Oregon, FOR SALE, near Fairview school, iwo bedroom home with finished attic. All large, comfortable rooms. Hardwood floors, fireplace, lots of bullt-lns and closete. Insulated. basement with piped furnnce. Two-car garage. 800 Del ia fttreci, pnone mi. Nr.W IIOMKS lor mi,. William B. I'uwell. Prion SSW. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH THIS KII1M FOR ACTION. KVEIlhTT UKMNIS RI AL ,1)11 121 Na nih EO..?!! rbn SaXe, furnlihetl l"badroom hoiiba. Um. J 8tJl.8t. l..yh"!"' f'brt SAi,E, one bedroom home on two lot., BOxlno One block (rum Mills school Sa7B0;Phone0B.U. WOtll.b you 'ilk, to own a nice newl'y decorated two bedroom home with dou ble garage, aprlnkllng ayatem, plenty of flood atorage apace. Only 'A block from bill, grocery, bakery and drug alorei nlao with a one bedroom apart ment In baaement, for extra Income. All thla for WW. Phone 3-:mil. FOR SALE, home at 1KB Pacific Ter race. Might cnnnlder imnll home an part payment. Phone 3-;U7l or -IBB0. FOR" SA1.E one bedroom modern home, view windows Venetians, eleclrlr heat. Two lota, Picket fence, Ca.h talks. tn.RM, 2.118 Modoc, Phona 8779. Monday, April 7. llir.2 RIAL ISTATI 0 SAll 5 Room Home TWO ACM EH of H'liiil Irrlanlrct Ir, ml whrrr ym rnlr vur wlnlm's rood supply. IM1"" Terms, 2 Bedroom Home 1 CI.OHK IN im 13 ftfirs of nl' IrrlBittfil. muuly ! tn will, wline ymi nii nJy tnrm siul still linve rlly ilvntii. Piled I IS, 000. Terms, Newhouse Real Estot jomi Ho. nth PIIONI! 08113 nr 7 5 Family Apartment Tills InvrMintMil prnprrty wtM lorntrii In iinod nrliilibnilioiKl. Lnrnr rnrnrr lot ' with yortl nil sliiulc trrvs. ICniy wnlklnu In town. All upsrtinrnts nlt'ely Iiirnlshril. Inrliiillini Intr mixl el rrlrliiprnlurn, mid flwlrK rniiKM, limrrspiinii nmltrfssn All liitrilwotxl fltxus. Nun Inrii) windows. Knll cnncrrl l'n mriit. Prlc-rd nt only 2'J,DOO-U0 Trillin. ANNK MASON Evfft ll EDD1K HOHl.KY J0IB8 BCGUE DALE, Rea!l, 113 8. 01 h IMIONK 73ni Near Fairview Scho MODDIIN twn.bnlrotun home pntritmnt, wltli siilnwslk. C rrrte (otindatliin. Katrs Iniue u It y rt'oni Mint could be ip-etl tlitrd hrtlroi in. lirtte Kiiini;e. C'n roof. Nrrtls retlerorntlnu bill prl ftceordliiKly. I.17M. Terms. California Ave. ATi'KAOTlVK nnd well nrrnn S riKiin hniiir. with nil iiood si rooms. Klieilm'c. Convrnlenl chen. Wardrobe rlonrts: nuloin lienl. Tnrl bnsenirnl. 70O. Ter North Side IIAttltY VAN iKves. 83M) JOE LKONAHL) iKves. J-OIJ- AL SCHMECK nEAl.TOH mid 1NSUUANC 817 MAIN PHONE 33 - SPRING IS IIKRK AM) K WAITING KOR MILUS Two brtlrtmnt home on two 1 lot, nicely lniKiunt.eit iinri mi i ceptloiml buy nt only I'iMX). SIBIIUUN Lmely two bedroom home, t lrnr llvinn room, beautiful J worxl floorn. Don't wnII. Hrt otill:;ii(llti? home itviny for $!750. VUA termi. DKIVK BY 18M Ivory Street nnd then Ir dhow you thin excellent buv only $MM) W'll tnkp nny type IN ki.amath VAi.t.r.Y Li'MiiKR tniR two bedroom n-me on l: j NORTH 8th I Pull bittxen.rrl tn Ihh comfnr j one bedroom home find it utei I only $4.')00. i STKWARTS ADDITIOI Weyerhaeuser employen, here ?ood two bedroom home eomp! urnlnhed for only $4!00 wl low down payment. Flatter be on thlt one. INCOMK PROPERTY Home nnd 5 rnbln rental In I art addition. If you are look In a home and Income, you'll wn sec this. Mnnllilv Income lino prlcr.1 at only $8200. Jay P. OrlBgs Eves Ph. Gene Favrll Claire Ellis : J. W. SANDERS, Rcalt 1213 Main St. Phone EAST MAIN Well located between nndf and Mills School. Six room with good sl.c attic. Easily " ed tn business building with quarters. Good heating system nice size bedrooms, two entn I.ol has 54 foot frontage. $7000. ELDORADO STRE Large English style four hei home in choice location. Clc Roosevelt School, Oak floors, plncc, Venetian blinds, l',4 automatic piped furnace, full ment. Sprinklers n front Shown by appointment. $15, Si terms arranged. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 2-i -TBI BOGUE DALE, Rea 112 s. oth Phone FOIt SALE, nice hutldlng lot Springs addition, very clone to Phone 77HII, TWO bedniom honie. cioi.eyin. meiit,oH futnaceS.Ono, Plinm CHICKEN RANCH, 3 acres7riei pressure system. Inquire 2445 Sixth. Cheap. ' FOB SALE, very chenp, Income erty, two small houses on Inr Cash or reasonable terms. Inuulrc Owens et. TWO bedroom home forsnleli Addition one hlock from Mills Priced very reasonable. 2i);i7 Phone 2-onn. FOR SALR, Iwo fTedroom moderr t at 8 p.r acre ground, neasonahle, Call i.m, Phone MM.