Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 05, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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y, April
!5, 1DM
les tjiven
,Fgr Mrs. Poo!o
"iCtAVATli AaiOf!t)Y--(Jtir,,l of
lonor it two ifi riti! purilen lait
V'Onk Mi"i. Olho Poulo,
:iy U4 vht huiiie 1 1 Hie j
li'V K.I
r.ri l
l.y M
iii'g lor ii niTty Kivcii
J. Olclil. Mi-. A l.i.
I eneei' i4 Mm. Vlwor Hiv,,n
i-;)to!ioi . wrud follov.rd by
r li af-OHioi ut UUiMr",
' liurnla rrr: 1iv (,'linrlr
; V.'orlliini'ii, Mm. Murk Knry. Mm.
Utvlghl Hiiild'M, Mm. lln.rl Millrr
... M'n. Nelll Winn mm Aim, Uwlglit
i . T'cliiv nflmiimm Mm. llnroM
Wing uiitwlnliird ib lea In her
hynie fur Mi l. I'uuliv
' 'Diirlnj the nl.. nnon Mm. .m i
bn:k, Mrs. (Kill It Uliiiour mid Mix.
! I.mvrenur Myers fit.ni Hie Modoc
ft I , WJilmnnon Hlvcr nvu cH'lr .
From Ghllcquln were Mm. Wi 1-
' Irr VSIinmenmui, Mm. liny Hiolitor,
Mm, Vrinon Jsorvol. Mrs. IJwIkIiI
, Klioher. ' Mi'.i, JumpI) Mercer mid
' Mia. Alitul riiKfr,
; Lcuul women yi'io Mm, Mult
Hnriierr, ' Mv. (Jinrid rihellnnd,
" Mm. I'. J. Dicbl. Mm. CUiivtui)
fili'hnls and Mm. K. U. Wilder.
'I'm 1'iiulra Ml April 1, rutnlng
limn I'm Kv"iniint wrvirn nl
tir ?A yriu". Uw I'r'l 14 nf them
i Pint el Kli mull Ak'-i cv. They
i' if iinnln lo Mui-l'y villi-, prim.,
M be nrnr Iter rlilldmi. They
V, III vMt Willi lllcmli mid irlu
1'vtn III PoiiIIimii (,'nllfiinilr, New
Vr"'i'o pivl ti on. ni r'Uti;
Rr MAIl(.'lli r sTKVKNSON
Khiinalh fulls was the i.cnio nf
', ;ruriouilt 'lUr' mi v oil the aliuoii
s and In Ihe more.
; It won Die conK-atunl.i being
''awarded Will fun mid cxclliniint
who look flirt In Die membership
Mrlve of Iip Huiip VMley Farm
llui'puu Ctulfr, 'I lie two couplet
chosen fm l!ie part were .Mr..,
Jlni'o.'.m Urtfiii mv Kliivd Murrn1'
Tho von villi a lulnl of 31 itnd
Mri. c- AIIp'i m:il (.Iuith 'P Cron.i
Jo irrn villi 20 infinlirrf,lilii.
j Tlir orgn,H)!nUoil Imd 47 inniiilii'ii
lam yeur. mid linn inon: Until
lloulilrd ll Willi 107 a of now.
! Chalrinin Walter Cirrullirin wiih
Vpry plrittrd Willi llio v.ny ilir
8 iPinbprs worked nuiklni; roiiiiiiciil.
ml liny alv.ayn work K)rihrr
hrn II ii need Brlfe.
J Kpectal U'ank'i bo lo Hie Klmii.ilh
Falln iwjilv who took pari In Ilia
ComplPlloii ol till i.uccp.iaful vrn
tine. 'I'liotp liinkliiK It pumIIiIp ttn f
t)ip P.nl.ilgPt Mnlnr c'linipnny who
fnrnlilU'd ft brmid new ro.il villi
CliuUlfriii (or Hip wlniipr.i mid
n old mcicrl for Ihr losrri: ti.e
Coca Cola Iblllli'i; Worku; Drrby't;
In-erwi"lit.umrru hhoiiaii'l Opm
?illp wlii) kvp fo imirti of his
tlina: ilic ILupPrp 'llipalrp l. r
Coiniillmniiiry I'rkPt;.: DrPw'i
tlPH'.i Hliiu ; Hpi'inan'.i;' Hnr'
'irliln J. C Penny Co; Clir".p
i:nck' I'liurr fcluip; tlio lleruld
i .i Nrwh ii'.ologrinihrr. 1.'H KiU'pr
nd Mpp BMry: Joe Wlil.it'rr 'Hi I
I)nlp C'lillcri a mid tli riAiiir.pn
Iluropr Mhji: 81p p' Cli.irni On' it
it ho madPtliP ronlr.' innl.1 look llko
fliry slrpp out ol a lii lHon innri.
imp and lip Wlnrtna llol'l wniili
li r.ilril llr Kuriu ur.icloii .lj .
Much lui and lilllnroua pxoltiiirt.t
J si had as Hip day proitrcjed
Ironi 11:01 a. in, lo Hip llnlrh wiilili
Hip liow the lart thing yi
4b progran. . - - 7
k1spprnl'pp(ijile wnnlPd lo kiurv
ho Hip ji illlant rpnon wan who
Hould llmic up tuch a koikI Ii)i-.i
an Him. Tie an.mpr Is CarruUiPr.i
'blinnplf. lie hna bprn tlip In. tlii.i'.or
lOl othpr Mtrpsaliil IdPBK. Hp la
mown ai ore who puta hla wh'.le
i'rt lino iiyihlnit he trips to do.
rrloay Mirch J9 a i!pii him
romplPlPd on thp i.ale of thn lrn
lojdatPii iaice oui hPa.it ol Mac-
loel lo Mimi AlPlha Kd.iall ol
'allplo. The BnydatPin were nur.si.
Bf Mr. and Mr. Mike Short and
iMri. Mlna Edaall durlnR the'r
tav here. At prpKenl Boydntcn In
,wlth thp Birval Klcotrlo Company
no mia. poya.iicn wun me urp;.'
lOiind olltea both In Amanllo.
OfflwiN for MM.!).! Naomi HhrliiB
M). a, Orilrr or Mm vvniin ml-i...
I "I Jci'ur Hlniu. wero luniallrd Out
ii'f'liy evening, Mi'i'cli m, at I hp
iMr onlo 'I'piiiplp, KliuiiKlli avenue,
fill wrn llii. nlxlli n until 1 Initullu
lion mid iipi piibiiu v.iui Invlled.
I lniiKllutlon oWrw ini'ludpd:
('hirloilfl Mnrtlii, W, II. Prlpi.teia:
I'-uiixiii, iY. u. niinpuerun
Itiilh Slanli'y, VYo'iiiy (.'luiulalii;
Alma IJctz, Worlh Hcrlhpj NpII
Rflipnilh, Worlhy Herald: Mario
Melll.'l'. A'lHl'lllIll Wnrlliv IlKrulil'
I'miH'iuo wikpi, worthy orgnnlut;
l'hyli Pnolo, Worlhy Oimrdlun.
Alnin Cofpr wan honorary iiiiihI
cl'j.i; Mury Lee Kt.uilr.y and Kllcn
ioer were ci mllpll'iilera: Ll a
r-hpniimi, uiip,,t book: John Btan
Ic.v, rolor bcurer: iilurlnn Wllnon
I'l'.'l llejpn MoCorniick, uiaarli. Pre-
icilnv diirliiK llio opening were
Hh iiclin Miii-kH and Jank Mellcr,
rcililiig olllrera. K
I Offlcura Inatalled were; niannhv
lliiiilrr, W, O, Minpherdiii Iron
Miukhuiii, Kolilo PropheloKa; John
jl aiwin, A'liioolulo W. O. H. : May
IPhlnnty, Woilliv Horibe; Vcru l.ln-
.ii'i:li i ;, worlhy TrpeMirer; Mario
iWiiddrll, worthy chaplain; Corrlnn
J.n i f.cn, worthy Hheiiliprdraa: Vera
iiIji-Ii, wmlliv null -; H'llv Hun
ler. worthy herald: Floyd Waddcll,
irt.l vino inrn; I'.'vereit Mellor,
ipeond vne inun: Jpck Mutler,
third wli.e mmi: Jni.lt Hchulzc, klnu,
Co. n Mai'Uonalil, utifsep: (Iwciioo-
Ivn Plenion. Ilr t hand maid: Mary
I rrl'iioll, lecond hand im Id; I.enpii
i"'pl, third hinid maid: Arthur
.'itoi e, worthy ontauht; Zclln nir.n-
I :cn Ji,. worthy Huuri.'inn, and Eurl
, pplinr.i', v.oilhy u.V'C.
I Honorary tfl rer.. Oliver Holkpr.
i'clor beeier: Clara rilipriiicn and
Mary l.pn Dean, mcoitv; Loulro
:iVI3rlPti, burner l.-Purer: Minnie
Cirlxtle, and May Hi'indon, ecnrt,
I Mary f.llen Cluster i'iid Alice Pey.
lion, malroni of honor: Mi'riha Pow
' rll fli.ue M' 'i-IIm. V'.."-..,- in,..
doiiiia; !''ora Metier, choir dtrprtor:
Uiilcle Motley, courier; Cecil Burk
doll. proJPC'.lonlKl,
Qiiren'1 ailrndunl i, linljel Jack
on. VP'"1 ClPinnirn , Clrace Bnur
oii'ii, Cifii'va Hwift. SIPlla I)r"
tien, Arella Vok'hl. Nlaa Currier,
Sum nndenberper, I.uella Chllcole
mirl Ada Hnrcrt.
Klim'a nli'iidiirt'i, Oeorgn Itetter
alh. l-'JIe Walker, Maurice Sher
man, Curia Wllllnma. CSrovcr Mot
lev. H:l' ln Phlhliw, Arl'n rtorieli
berger, Dr. J. C. Hunt. Wren Kraln
and Weill re lh-nrv.
Mir leal niimbj"i sot heard dur
iuir lb" Initi.lli lion cpi Pinon'pa.
'lllee liichided a nu'o. "Hip Old
ftn-'weil CiO""-" U'": by Wl'llnm
Mc.Kihhliv. "Tlio Holy City" bv
Siephi'ii Adinr . iu:." bv Richard
I. Metier. I'oconi'iiiiveu Dy Ji'tici
laraotv no'o bv Mri. Kvp'-etl M't
er "May "he ttnod l ord Ble- and
Keen You" by1 Mere.-l'lh Wll'on.
TIip lemplp 'ri rhroratPd with
liavVpli ol dr flid'li md pu-.v v 11
lcw. Oi'pMs troni Pn'lh'nd. t.p-p-
p'V. Silver ' aVe. ?.en. Mprrlll.
Tuli'ifke. Mi.lln and nthpr polnti
wpre im ludPd atnoru (he tvo hun
dred or more member and friends
who wlines-ied the In'prevdve cer
ep'nnlr. Prr"liiiT on the relrp'ihnu nt rnm
inlltpp vere FrPd l Jep'-t'.on. KatP
Peyton. Bpi Hunt mid Mr-".' F"n
flp'tor. Pr.iirlmr v.rre ChHolte
Martin m-d Planch- MrV-. Flo" er
.-'tend'H'i v.-ee Arthur P'one, Je.v
:lp Lyle and Helm Splker.
t gBB-rge
.; . -J i " "'a ,r mi
mtmmmmmmmmuA i'nt Mi a kttummmmmmmmm I
NAOMI bhKINE 5 Order of thu Wmtc hnrint- of Jcrusale m held an open installation, March 29 in the Masonic
Temple. Taking pari in the ceremony were: First row left t o right, Vera Fritsch, Conine Larson'. James Hunter,
l.lanche Scliulze, Irene Markham, John Larson anil Marie W addcll. Second row. Vera T.inkr.nl.ar.h 7oii, Ri,.,tri,i
nelly I.tnlrr May I'l.inney. Mary Barkdoll, Lcona Angel a nd Gwcn Pierson. Eack row. Cora Mat-Donald Jack Schulze
Jack Mcllrr, Kvcrctl Metier, Floyd Waddcll, Karlc Palmer a nd Arthur Stone. wuui.aiu, jbck scnuizc,
-Photo by Gudcrian
Venture Club
Venture club met Tuenday eve-n'n-
A'.wH 1 at the WlPard Pup!
Unrlrne Smith, president, conduct
ed the niPPtlng.
Plan were made lor a food aale
April 12 at Orlttfca Huperlor Food
from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.. and all
tiiembera weie ,ked to delher
ihelr food to Mary Uothwell at the
Flr-t Federal by ITIdny evening
April II.
It wa:i reported that three lay
pttp.i have Ju.il been completed for
Ihe American Red Crow.
A very lovely Erster atory wan
told by one of the club's new
member. Ann l.l'idvkog.
Next meeting will be at the home
of June Weoer, where the mpiii
bun will make another layetlp lor
Hip Red Cro.n, which I one of Ihe
club main project.
! mm
f. 171 I I If- Y
is, Michael Robert, year
old son of Mr and Mrs.
F,ob Caldwell, 1240 Owens.
Grandparents on his
mother's side arc Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Salnieir, 2226
Wantland. Paternal grand
mother is Mrs. Ruby Cald
well, 322 No. 10th Street.
He has two great-grand-mothers,
Mrs. Pearl Vinson,
Bucna Park, California,
and Mrs. Emma Hawkins,
2035'i Applcgate.
Photo by Kcrebee
I i ii i igii i ii j a ,
h is iii 1 I v - -1
Age 6 months to 6 years
Cash Prizes and Merchandise Awards
, Cet vour official tntry blank at any of tht fallowing merchants
Spencer'i Toll Apparel
619 Main St.
Klamath Falls Army Stara'
320 South 6th St. ,
Helen'i Beatify Salon
"Zippy Professional Wave
in Half the Time"
171? Main Phone 6284
' Currin'f for Druai
"The Friendly Drue Store"
9th and Main
Photoi by Gudcrian
1125 Main Phone 2-2791
Suburban Flower Shop
"At Cloie Ai Your
Day er Niqht phene till
l&B Kadio and Electric
401 South 6th St.
Bill Davii Atiociated Service
2101 South 6th St.
Phone 3413
Reliable Cleaners
We Will Deliver These
Entry Blanks
Phone 4622
Scwlnq Machine Service
422 Main St. Phone 6771
Eastslde Appliances v
J. H. "Bob" Robbins
Dewey Randolph
132 South 7th St.
PYTHIAN SISTERS WINEMA TEMPLE No. 7, Grand Chief of the Grand Jurisdiction of
banquet which honored Vera Sharp, Gastdnoper, Past Supreme Representative, Grants
Oregon. Other visitors with her were Ella Re Grand Jurisdiction of Oregon, Medford. A
Pass and Edna Bryant, Grand Guard of thall with Clara Ballantvne and Ella Redkey
special meeting was later held in the IOOF hctor; Clara Ballantync, Excellent Senior; Ella
hostesses. Top.d to r) Patricia Vasak, Proteharp, Grand Chief; Edna Bryant, Grand
Roper. Past Supremo Representative; Vera Snson, Past Chief. Lower (1 to r) Stella Dryden,
Guard; Louise O'Brien, Pianist; Agnes Jurgehillips, Excellent Junior Protem; Alyce
Treasurer; Louise Scott, Secretary; Violet Pn, Captain of Degree Staff; Bertha Griggs,
Green, Most Excellent Chief; Lillian Haydc Manager; Delia Hcnninger, Guard.
per annum
Putiyour idle dollars to work qatherinq more income
for you. At this specialized Savinqs Association you
will earn more and with the security quaranteed on
each account to $10,000.00 by the Federal Savings
and Loan Insurance Corporation.
Funds deposited before the 10th earn from the 1st
of the month. Open or deposit to your account
flfMiUui m
flrMrtu! vrTTmr BrJAr?i? im
Inlr nH lah.ii- h Kn v..Atwll
In caterwauling about the weather
HOW im th tlaanl.-liti. If kn.ui
moment to be thankful for what
aenniieiy is "spring in the air"
and pray that my favorite weather
prognokdeator (an ole achln' corn
to met (hill a. .'nnnrlll" In vrm
Time readers) is not In error-
ana away with the winter word
robe and hrlncr nnf. that Hrea vroi
like last spring but don't crowd
your luck a growth on the toe
inn i. iiiiainoe, y anow.
fiPEAfcmn nia fianrun iv.a
style show at the Zuleima luncheon
at Jcned'a must have been sump'n
from the waves of ravca still
rolling In I
np"T J"' TIT lTAy.7.AOn an-l -a- TUk
Owen have returned to Sacramento
ana ramlly Jay, hig papa, and
Rosalie hln staler Thl Irani IKnlr
time with his maternal grand
parents, "Mom and D3d" Foster.
the E. Os. on Jefferson 8treet
lTh O lc fnr llu n,i br. a. .
young Hazzard's name.)
PATTV lUn TtfB-TT V T.,-.l..-A.
were more Jefferson Street visitors
recently when rhev vUitH Pjii'.
motlier. Lucille iSold. over the
weekend, from San Francisco. They
were one of the "top" 1951 bridal
couples. -
SIX WEEKS OF "met travel!.,'
around" for the rharlei f.l.n.
Cuba, FloriJa, parts of Mexico,'
touthern state a visit with Oracle's
momer. Mrs. H. C. Miller, In St.
Francis, Kan, before they rested
their "vacation-weary" heads (the
nnor klHnl ttn their nam n,n
pillows at 4376 S. 6th Street.
THE T1RTTVR n V Tin? eonvr
PAGE OP SOCIETY is established
in this writer's opinion as a clever
anil in aV the least 1
j - .wca. k.i
she designed the dresses and
lor ner attenaants, IncJild
ing the flower girl and she MADE
the lackets. herself Mr. pir-hori
F. Clarke, nee Donna Marie Hitn.
sen is the talented bride.
I riTTWvn Q.-v t i-i i
-' " j i.c e oiiuuiu 1 . a , c
skipped any mention of spring
muk nuuiiii ru-oe. couia account
lor the sounds emanating from any
.uuui miere -rajriit. between
the Vafnie bvm nt 1 0 H ia ...
gathered. They go from a confi
dential lull to a giggling crescendo
but not for long, for crescendo
is crescendoing like mad and
soon reaches the fortissimo apex of
iiitiiju.uon ana wnen you've
neard that you've been listening tn
a "teenaEe" tension I
OVER THE AP WlRE-came the
info about the application for a
marriage license Lancelot W. Dil
worth and Esther Lawler At pr'
ent their address rn Blaine, Wash
on the Canadian border.
April 12 Saturday NOT Friday
Starts at 9 p.m. Otto Ellis caller
and REAL live mualo by live
musicians (In person) Frank and
Virginia Drew head the committee.
the Elks Club You still have tlm
to Jump Into that formal until 10
to start the evsning's festivities
In tact.
on deck for a sports dance at the
Yacht Club 8 p.m.
want to have some free fun drive
up to OTI to watch the Klamath
Women's Bowling Championship
Tournament Kick-ofj was Aorll i
tomorrow at 1 p.m. doubles
and in the evening singles Worth
a trip.
ELINOR ADAMS was thrllle l
recently to see her brother, AI
Peterson who she'd not seen since
'41 and his wife Ida and two
children Loreen and Bill wlv
she'd NEVER seen before They
brought Elinor's mother Mrs. Myr
tle Lord with them and alster
Vera end husband Ben Hanriley
were also recently at the J. Mar
tin Adams residence on Roseway
Drive all but Elinor's mother
have returned home Ulster Vera
back to work as principal of a
school near Salinas (husband
farms) and AI and family went
home to Tucson just barely get
ting through the Alturas flood.
Klamath Falls Soroptlmlsts were
guests at the March dinner meet
ing of Quota Club on Monday eve
ning. March 24, In the Pelican
PartV Pjmm When an InlanulU
al program was presented under
the direction of Hazel Morrison
Joe LaClalr, director of civilian
defense, presented two thought
provoking films one on atomic
WflrfttTe enri the lhet- -.n -.-
prejudice. Group singing under the
uiictwuu ui tiuaiiiut reciiia provioea
the rest of the evening's entertain
ment. Introduced as guests were Marie
Waddell. Martha Grimm, Pnyllls
Robustelll, Vivian Owens. Mary
Bothwell. Naomi French. Rita De
Pew. Isabelle Brixner and Opha
Smith. Mrs. DePew and Mary
Bothwell were awarded the birth
day gifts. . . . .
A magaiflccat
aiane. Mcur
levtly stylet mii
finishes lo cheese
120 No. 7th
Coimetics Street Floor
choose your face powder
as you would
like to choose
your fashion
. Have your fece powder rr.oda-to-orcier.
Have your skintone studied . . . analyze) . e
and a special formula created by on expert.
Watch your skintone being marched in
powder shades . . . watch the tints it may loclc
being added . , , and while yau watch your very
own face powder is made-to-order exclusively
for yeu to give your skin life and glow . .
lo do the most for your beauty. $2, $3 the box
(Introductory size $ I ) All prices plus tax.
madfr-toorder face powdtr by
diaries il Lc Ltlasr
I'll I i