PAGE EIGHT Siiltirdnv, April , lojj f HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 1 f . ' L Vj a 4V afcifl i . ... l.4?. "C-tv - . - ,--v - MR. and MRS. BOB ELDER, left, and Emio Bulb .-.bout to hae "wconcU" at the Shrine k'p t 41 & ' MR- ,nd MRS- FL0YD B0YD- Ml- n,ul 1)on Kcn)'on. n,ol' S1"'inc m fcc'J c"tlu1"'1",81 crab feed. iPholo by Gudonan) f JKF TSiS 1 ,l tho Armory- (I'hoto by (.uderlan) tP SnS? N ' M5? WU y """f r" " I GENE FAVELL, left, from Lakcvicw for the Shrine crab f -"C '- CTk (gQ I ft '.; J ' '? I V trJTtSSfc feed and Ed Ostendorf manifest good humor 1 the above f V Uk:iml) ?n- .r . yj CF'T v. ! ll j f'"" jp jj '"' " '' ..Ki,VK A ! ,1" tfr & ' V V ' MRS. DON KENYON, lefl, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winters, convivial crab feed guests. I " "j3i- SI , 111- 1 A ' . I K I ..u' CU I Mr. AHrr.IU.uck.,. Mr,. Uou. I .. 1 i v 1-; t.- W -ai.;-iy- vs. u.. - -va Q a,- IW- i. . ? -! I , - .w. I "I r-T I I rT .1111 I W I-. I I ;r g 4 i ; tS MR. AND MRS. JAMES COLEN ROBERTS the bride is vl i ft-K'' U J I the former Tatsy Lowrv, dauphtcr of Mr. Pat Lowry 1005 .--frT 1 -I ' W 'V-fJI Esplanade, and Mrs. Clcvo Wall, Merrill. Her husband is ;,a: 4 - . . , MR. and MRS. MARK SMITH, scaled, and chowder course at the Shane crab feed. Rev. Galen Onstad, standing, during the i (All Shrine pholos by Guderian) Rainbow Girls Grand Assembly In Lebanon The 26th annual bession of Order Eulalcna" Chapter DAR Auxiliary Meeting tioncd with the U.S. Navy. Couple to Live In Long Beach Cnlpn Ftrhrrts. IT. S Mnvv MALIN The Lsdics Auxiliary to ' cinimKl Patsv Lowrv. rlnuihtrr of Veterans of Foreign Wars No. 0147 Mr pt i.nar'v inKCtninnni. Tl,e 61,t Continental Confess el . h'n vww Hnii to with 7 ELI I. 1."' ..'? the National society. Daughters of, e mbcrV nreVent. 'S",5V? ..;Br." :"h 'of Rainbow for Girls in Lebanon lhe American Revolution, will meet Mrs. Eertha Ambers of Pelican read the marriaBC service at 2 p.m. March 27-28-29, was attended by m Washington, D. C, April 1S-13. . Auxiliary was a gucs:. Initia.ioii March 22. The bridegroom is the MR. AND MRS. JAMES COLEN ROBERTS the bride is the former Patsy Lowry, daughter of Mr. Pat Lowry 1005 Esplanade, and Mrs. Clcvo Wall, Merrill. Her husband is the son of Mr, C. IV Roberts, Burney. Their marriage was solemnized March 22, at two . in the afteroon at Latter Pay Saints .Church, President Ronrld Phair officiating The ywill live in Long Beach where the bridegroom is st.v Photo by Guderian Mrs. AUrr.l l,ou.'k:t. Mm. I)ouulu Smith. Mn. Brul.'h Bmlili and Mrs. Thomas V.'hh.ller. formerly (laushlcri Wanda and Opal. Mrf . Nerma Jean M)j wis llunni'.-d Cmlj Mrs. Hurry Ulr. vith a layette slx.ver Mnrch :i:l:. Arthur Cumba, Mm. II. 8111m at he home of her mother, Mrs. ,m dauitliier. Mm. Walter Lund Walter Mays, im Wiard Strcei. (den. Mr... Hurry Wlard, Mm. coy Refreshments were ervrd Ircm Nciriheutt and riiuiphier, M. an appropriately deeora.rrt I '!.! 1 Charle.n lane. Mm. Ilrriuuii 8rn i complete with white, pink and blue ' pie. Mr. Jel' Knlor, Mrt. Van uecoriiiinm aim .s.orn. iMjern. Mrs. waller iiaiiisay, Ma Invited Kiiejtri were: Mrs. iy ,fnr-MirrUe Clifford and MM. Frail WhKiler, Mm. Theodore Quirk: '.v, ' Otto JOiO Ramttow Kills cl the 3000 Ore- Theme of the Congress will be b?y wTsmhosrte.ssMl'''K"aCr"e Asscm' i Satcguarding Our Future- as an- nuunccu oy ruh. jamcs a. faiion. There arr S4 asmbliex in the state, of which K'.math Fells As- j President General, who will pre- r.emoiy is ine newest insiuuica side, January 6, 1952 Over 500 homes were opened to visiting Rainbow Eirls 8nd courtesy -cars were provided for their trans portation. Klemath Falls members were escorted, introduce! and welcomed by Grand Worthy Advisor. Doris Groves of Lebanon, with Dorii Wal lin respondinq. Grand se.-sion opened wilh a "teenage mixer" ai the tlk's Tem ple for the girls. Mid a ' dessert meelinR for the Mother Advisors, Grand Deputies and the exeuuvv committee, at which Mrs. Vcrna M. Gray. Supreme Inspector in Oreron, presided. The session ended on lhe 29lh wilh the formal installnticn of of ficers for 1P52-03. ;ind the Grand Bell. The Klamath Falls delegates returned home Sund.-y. Those nttendiivj from Klnmalh Falls were: Doris V?lhn, Worthy Associate Advisor; lJatricia Fisher, Charity; Cheron Carr, Driil Lo-'.Kr. Rosamie Brown, Strvicc; Violet Joyce Howard, Outer Observer: Karen Spelr, Choir Lrac'er and anpoinlivc member of lhe cnwl choir of 51 voices: and Mrs. Walter Brown, Mother Advisor. Mrs. Lester Schreiner, Mother Advisor; and Mrs. C'harlen Hamil ton. Grand Deputy of this districl; both of Malin were present. ' Mrs. Alma Colson, Grand Deputy of Northern California district, also attended. Patricia Smith of Malin Assembly was Installed Saturday cvcninR as "Grand Fidelity. " Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Smith were present ct the Grand Assembly. FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS A pre-continental Congress pil grimage to Valley Forge April 13, 1052, will be a memorable occa ion for many Daughters. There was held lor Bernsce Kolkow Wn of Mr. C. F. Roberts, Burney, Kathryn Iicncce. nomination ana California. elccncn of-new officers was Isold. For her informal wcddie? the Newly elected officers lor the coin- bride wore a lavender suit with mg year will be held April 8. 1SI5'.! white accessories and her corvnsc at an open meeting in the VFW was fashioned of lavender orchids. Hall. I Her sitter. Mrs. Gcorsc Croome niiirei elected were President attended her in a navy blue suit Pn:e Senior Vice Pres- with matching accessories. Her Went. MmniP Kirtlev: Junior Vice, corsaec was of pink roses. iTim Fnireln: r l a'nlain. Blanche , Mrs. Wall chore a navy blue Beldrainc: Conductre.-s. Mary Alice suit for her daughter's wedding and they will view the completed Me- siaMnv: Guard. Rose Spo!-k: I morial Room of the Valley Forue Treasurer, Marie Vacknitz; Tnis Memorial Bell Tower and on ar-l'ce for 3 years, Ruth Morrow; Uo rival at .he Washington Memorial ! Chapel, the members will join lnlto be appointed by the newly elect ll'.e annual Easier worship of the ed pre klent will oe annour:e:l and Parish. installed at installation. OiHsoi-.i? Delenalcs to the Ore-on Slaic : president. Ruin Morrow will be in Conference. held in Euijcnc In : stalling officer. March, will report at lhe rc' Bemice Kolkow i.nd Ruth l.Jor monthly meeting of Fulalona encp-, row were elected as delegates loi ter to be held Monday cveninc the district meeting lo be held April 7. at lhe home of Mr:; W. 1 April 20th at Merrill. wore a shoulder corsage of pink ro-r.v For her going away costume, the bride wore a gray suit wilh a eorsee of red roses at the shoul der. The young couple will live In Loni Beach where James is sta tioned. Saturday night after the wedding. Mr. Lowry gave his daughter and bridal. party a dinner at the Log Cabin. Tlic list of tho.-e attcndlnz the d'nner and reception Included: C.F. Robcris, Mr. Ray Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. George Croome. Helen Lebow, Phyl. lis Doddy, Lcnard lbow, Mrs. ' Milan Peehdolt. Mrs. Ralph Kruge Mr. and Mrs. Nosh Morris, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cornell. Mr and Mrs. Clcve Wall. Mr. and Mr:.. James Robcris and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lowry. Mobile RADIO REPAIRING Ri'iht At Ytur Htm Sav Tlmt and Monty All Work Guxiatotd 45JJ Du At. Ph. 9551 INTRODUCING ANOTHER FAMOUS LABEL FROM JCUItti J. Owsley, 224 N. 2nd slrcei. "Amcr.cpn Music in Song and Story" is the- topic lor the u.-o-gram hour and Mrs. Don Zumv.alt, chapter music chairman, will pre sent some of her pupils in a short musical program. Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. II. A.' Nitsch.'cm, Mrs. H. A. Pet ersen. Mrs. Arthur Dcnison. and Mrs. Guy Barton, Mis. Warren G. Nogle, chaplcr recent, will pre side. The meeting is called lor 8 p. m. Meeting da'es for Post anl Aux iliary have been changed lo the sword and fourth TurfJay of each month instead of Thursdays. HOTELS OSBURN . HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDF0R0 Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earlcy and Joe Eariey Proprietor at last! . . miracle beauty treatment for your hands! revolutionary new BM m am 7 CIIARWK6 W FRESH! 'MADE IH KLAMATH FALLS! COT TEC SK FOII THE CRATCR LAKf COI.tACI CHIESE SECIPE 600K Shrubbery Planters PLANT healthy, vigorous, acclimated Evergreens, Fruit Trees . . . Shade and Flowering Trees from . . . SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 South 6th Phone 8188 4 Also - Plant These NOW! Patented Rosci Perenioli Sfrawborrics 9 Asporogui LANDSCAPING Francil P. Smith is ovr k eipnrt trea surgeon and londfcope designer. I FREE ESTIMATES ! ! ! am VISITORS WELCOME ANY TIME It llt t soiuunea hand cream with !ano!m EHEEB FAEM SHOP EenEiliisnal new SOLID hand cream In stick; form I. Th p7et way to quick 'n easy hand car , , , feather-stroke It on . . . take it travelling without worry's non-splllable! Banish dripping liquids, messy creams for the new QUIK-ST1K way tohsndbeiuty! Fun elM t flu its 5th and Main Ma delicious new fashion color Jn lonuuv Stri pe Nylons Delicatc'dctightful, news this soft-tone pejeh blush tone is the accent (or Spring's fashions. Wonderful with sand-beiges, the blues, the blondes, greys and navy, Right, too, with the incoming white shoe. Sleek fitting in Roman Stripe's perfectly proportioned lengths 1.95 p, V Hosiery -Street Floor I J 1 A I m r m H Cl 111 mm - . , w m W frt AtZ la