Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 05, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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Siitunliiy, April 5, 1052
' i ICm iVw
,;tercst the choice of food offered at tho crab feed, which
TP .
l Yf' : crrr. rzp libra
KASRU, at the rccc'iU Pljot
, Aloha Chapter
I OES Meeting
I Aluha Clmpler 61 Order of En.st-
frn Star win very active during
1nrch; villi two Mated meetliiris
nd a .prel.1 school 61 Imlruct.on.
the regular meeting of the social
club mid benefit rummago sale.
' Hie meeting on Mnrch 11, was
dedicated to the 63rd annlveraary
if this chapter and a hlnlorlcul
.alt w.h preented.by aeveral of
he 'Trlcndnhlp Olrl8,"under the
Readership of Mrs. Lcona Angel,
I Tie skit, wllh appropriate cos.
nine and furniture, was enacted
vlth Mrs. Angel a "Aloha" read
ng from her "memory book" num
. rous Interesting facti and Incl
lents during the 63 years of Aloha
Htaptcr which was founded In 1890.
, Those purtlclpallng In the skll
pcre: Leonn Angel, Maude Wright,
enln llellbroniiei . Sally Wo.id.
)nroihy Tvrell, Arsella Volghl and
.lartha Towell. Alto, at this ineot
nn. several new members were
nltlated into the order.
The meetlnir was followed by re.
5rcMimciit served on tables repre
rntlng the twelve months of the
ear: wllh memhera and visitors
enled at the table corresponding
kith their birthday months. .
i On the refreshment committee
(ere: Elltcl Kiiilson, Corrlene Lor-
)li. Jnnn Howell, Ethel Hopkins
jid Verlii Land.
.jOn March HI, a special school of
iUtiuctlon in ritual was held by
Vis. t'111 Winibcrly, nssoclnle
I j-and matron of Oregon. Her home
t In Roscbnrg.
i Alter the meeting a no-host din
er was enjoyed at Jcncd's by a
fiirge number of local and vlsltlnu
Mnrch 25 a large attendance
St members met In regular session,
liter which refreshment wore
: if rved by a committee headed by
':vjrs. Raymond Owens.
lMi's. L. A, Murphy, worthy ma
ton and Mr. Elmer Bramlclt, wor
ry patron expressed their apprcc
.it Ion to nil officers and nienibers
r the splendid cooperation and
yod fellowship displayed during
his month.
f ll,LKP virK
Cratar Lak
Cettag Chi
rimii mm tnrcp t.tn
Not I
Mrs. Fred Horn and Jim
Mrs. Andrew Siliini and Margaret Payne, secretary of
Club's crab feed.
Home Ceremony
Unites Couple
Thr home of Mrs. Avllln Dunlap
733 Old Korl Hond. was the scour
of nn informal but pretty wedding
March 10; when Knthlern Duncan.
'' ';
nl 2:30 p.m. belorn u finiiil) gather'
Ing of friends and relatives. Rev.
Moyd Ilollowiiv ol the l-'rM Metlio-
dint Church ofliclated
The bride wore a grav tailored
suit and a corsage of rrd roses,
j 'I,? Zav n'in d'
: ,,rr corsw-WM e, c'rnni0n!l
Hie bridegroom wns intended bv
John Jardine, a clastniate lioni voted to canasta and games.
Present at the small reception M"'- Effle Train was guest of
following the cerenionv were: Mrs "'e dav. mid lo'lowlng members
Dunlan. Edna Warner Dorothy ''" Present; Mac Anuerson, Flor
and Karen Kellev. Jo-Ann John- '"ce Custer, Ada Wlllits. Nellie
ston. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tavlor, Wattenburg. Emma Schureinan.
Alva. Oregon; Mrs Tavlnr Is the
bride's sister: John Jardine. Tlioni-
as Dunlap, Roger Helnrlchs
The yoting-ninrrleds postponed
Iheir wedding trip until later, since
Lee Is still a student at OTI.
Wakefield view with keen in
also wciuuou nam.
Pilot Club photos by Kcttler.)
PNG Club Meets
Pn.t Noble Grands Club met
April 1, at the home of Alma Cofer,
inn High Street, for a one o'clock
putluck luncheon.
In keeping with date, the hostess
Planned and prepared a menu
w h I c h included delcclous rolls
i filled with cotton).
She also Inflicted an April Fool
1 uz.le cn her guests, which, after
thry were all well tangled up In
I1""- Vcr" clc""'-e rd
as winner of flrM prise. Tho re-
iiiiainiler of the afternoon was de-
r.nznbelh Rnmsby. Adeline Cofer,
'ennle Hum, Marsaret. Biden,
Esther Must and Vera Clemmens.
Next meeting will be May 6, at
the home of Florence Custer, 241
Hillside Avenue.
Brine, in your Spring fin
ery .. , we'll brinq it back 1
lookinq liko new! Good
clconinq and pressinq re
stores lustra and fit . .
and we'ro specialists in
qood cloaninq! Try us!
phono 5111
LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners
Klamath's Finest Opp, Post Office
MR .and.MRS. DOUG HOWSER at the Pilot Club crab
feed which was given on his birthday (hence the cake at
a crab feed.) Doug is vice president of KASRU.
EH If' A
enjoy crab. Walt is new
U..n f
Women Ol IVIOOSe
MERRILL Social Service com-
mlttee held Its chapter night pro -
gram at the h3t regular meeting
of the Merrill Women of the Moose.
Hazel Hundley presented the fol
lowing numbers: Fayo Adams,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams
of Tulelake, two tap dance num
bers; Don Skallcky, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Rudy Skallcky of Tulclake,
entertained with several acts of
magic; a group of young boys
known as the Tulelake Hillbillies
Come to
kliiniiiili In mi I hit to.
and find out
ff c'll match your impel by Lees uith the greatest of ease
' You have your on n ideas about color in your home.
. Your draperies, your favorite painting (even your
eves) may have a lot to ilo with it. Rcgin with a ,
beautiful bacifl Ixcs Carpet and lei us help you
wilh the test ot your color plans with good" counsel,
personal guidance, vtidc selections plus the finest
, of workmanship on your Lees Cariel installations,
tome to tis for "iliosc hem only carpels by Lccs."
"Four Floors of Fine Furniture and Floor Coverinqs"
KCamatk unnitune Ca.
22! Main Phone 5353 or 5339
and evidence that they really
manager of the Klamath Falls
sang western tunes., In this group
U-cre Wayne Osborne, Mike Adams.
j Richard Moore, Bill Havlina. Mick-
ley Vernon and Hugh Mullins, all
j of Tulclake.
The chapter gave a donation to
the community lounge. The execu
tive board and auditing commit
tee is to meet at the home of
Hazel Hundley of March 31.
Refreshments for the next regu
lar meeting. April 1, will be servnd
by the Homemaking Committee
with Bertha McKocn, chairman in
ROY RUGE, left, Lloyd (Pappy) Newlun and Mrs. Roy Ruge
Club crab feed. (Photo by Kcttler).
Birthday Party
For Macdoel Boy
MACDOEL - Norman H0lbroolc "Sng .7,
was honored with a party on his. at the Lannell Valley Community
5th birthday, March 26, by tilt all on ivlarch 21 in honor of her
mother. Mrs. Archie Thrap. IIZTZ'IXZ ,he
their home at Macdoel. : children stories md they played
In the center of ths living room names and were berved cake and
was a unique and attractive cenier-; party refreshments,
piece made up of all types cf i Guests were Bennie. Jlmmle and
balloons. ,Billie Brown. Lorna and Leah Mc-
A special birthday song was Fall. Michael. David and Danny
played over KFJI requested by Cralian. Nondice and Linda McFall,
Mrs. Jim Whitt. j ic.uy ijea.oorn. Lir.ia and Uoug
The little guest played games , teh S Wo. Tommy.
In the yard and movies were taken j gg,0 br-
The birthday coke was baked and dall, Mrs. Homer Roberts, Mrs.
decorated by Mrs. Jim Whitt. ,Iack McFall, Mrs. Ted Schmcdli,
Under the pines in the front vard Mrs. Bob Seater. Mrs. Louis Ran
was the guest table which was dall, Mrs. Jesse McFall, Mrs. Mike
centered with the cake. Gay trim- Dearborn, Mrs. Eddie Gralian. Mrs.
mings of "The Lone Ranger" corn-; Partridege, Mrs. Clyde Wooten and
Dieted the decoration.
After the traditional blowin? out
of the candles: cake, ice cresin
and punch were seived to: Nor
man's grandmother. Mrs. Maggie Prosperity Rebekah Lodge met
Criss: Mrs. Bud Stevenron and March 20, IOOF Hall for a regular'
Barbara; Mrs. Lcland Criss andibusiness meeting and initiation.
Susan: Mrs. Arnold Criss, Ru.e:lThe meeting was well attended
and Larry; Mrs. Dunovan Grif tin j with all officers and degree team
and Jimmle; Mifs Rhoda Eskilu-1 present. The beautiful degree was
sen; Katrina and Kenny Holbrook: Iconferred upon Lucille Bukasky of
Mrs. Delmer Criss. Lou Ann and jthis city.
Arthur Michael; Mrs. Martha Bran-1 After the meeting delicious re
nan; Mrs. V. O. Holbrook; Mrs. ifreshments were served in the din
Jim Whitt. Macdoel; Mrs. Mary ing room. Table decorations were
Wiggins and Marietia. Mt. Hen-i lovely centerpieces of Iris, Daffo
ron: Mrs. Fay Clark; Mrs. Howard idils and red Carnations which
Beck, Velma Jean and Eldon. Red (v.ere furnished with compliments
Rock; Mrs. Irene loaorovic, worn
and Alice uriscoii .01 iuamaui
all are washable
including shoes!
To match
Canvas, with heavy
rubber soles.
anticipate your needs while stocks are
Party For
. Six Year Old
Mrs. arown.
;ot tne suDuroan r lower nnop.
fussy winows were xeaiureo. in uie
table decorations.
h WfM
-1 JL Wim
in high spirits at the Pilot
Sojourner members and guests
met In the Paul Bunyan Colfcs
Shop in the Willard Hotel for a
no-hostess luncheon March 28, foU
lowed by a short business meeting
conducted by Mrs. Winston D. Pur
vine. . ,
Guets of the afternoon werti:
Mrs. R. B. Ernst, Mrs. R. w. Fed
ler, Mrs. L. D. Leslie and Mrs.
D. A. Piper.
New members welcomed Includ
ed: Mrs Mary Leckembrv. Mi
D. A. Richardson, Mrs. Lynn Zeig
elmeyer. Mrs. H. R. Scribner and
Mrs. C. L. Mtusch..
Mrs. C. U. Dakin. spring dinner
dance chairman, reported that the
dance at the Yacht Club March 21,
was attended by 28 couples.
An "Easter Parade" theme was
cleverly carried out in decorations
and favors.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Payette won
the award for the prize waltz.
Committee assisting Mrs. Dakin
included: Mrs. W. J. Payette. Mrs,
J. J. Howard, Mrs. C. E. Leitholt,
Mrs. Keith Witnerspoon and Mrs.
Rex Hunsaker.
Mrs. C. E. Lelthoff and Mil.
Archie James were hostesses dur
ing the social hour at the regular
Prizes were awarded to: Mrs.' H.
Phillips, pinochle; Mrs. George
Roberts, canasta; and Mrs. John
Ashley,- bridge.
Next meeting April 9, 1:45 p.m.
preceeded by no-hostess luncheon
at 12:30 p.m. same location. - .
Newcomers to Klamath Fa'.lf
cordially invited.
the qolf course
yard work
just "doinq nothing"
tori aw cfffiir. .ctr vow ran im-
w I utal CAf J mo iraut mmu.
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