Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 05, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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    April :'B, "ito
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ST. BRENDAN'S CHURCH in San Francisco was the setting
for the wedding of Kathryn Bernice Wilson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilson, 421 Alameda Avenue, to Alfred
Simmette, at one o'clock in the afternoon, March 15. Rev
erend Father John Ryan read the double-ring service be
fore a large gathering of friends and relatives.
Photo bv John W. Wilson
Before a background of white stock, snapdragons and
greenery in beauty vases, illuminated with the glow of
candlelight from tall tapers. Donna Marie Hansen, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hansen, 4412 Laverne Avenue, ex
changed vows with Richard Franklin Clarke, son of Mrs.
Goddard Clarke and the late Mr. Clarke of Portland, in
Klamath Lutheran Church, March 23, at two o'clock in the
afternoon. Pastor Irvin Tweet read the service; witnessed by
a large number of friends and relatives.
Escorted down the aisle by. tier
father, who gave her in marriage.
Donna Marie was lovely in a white
satin princess style dress with a
court train, white nylon gossamer
net full length veil cascading from
a cap embroidered with seed
pearls. - ,
Her "something old" was an
heirloom necklace of pearls, a gift
from her father. She also wore the
traditional blue garter and had a
penny in her slipper. The "bor
rowed" was the white Bible, from
her cousin, Mrs. Eugene Cook, wno
had carried it at her own wedding.
Donna Marie chose violets, v her
sorority flower, and stephanotis for
her bridal bouquet which centered
the Bible.
Matron of honor was her sister,
Mrs. William Putman, in a floor
length frock of lavender taffeta,
with matching jacket. Her head-
Ladies Auxiliary Crater 7 met in
regular session March 27 In the
IOOF Hall.
Lady Laraine Mp.haffey was re
ported 111 at San Carlos, California.
Delegates emoted to attend the La
tiles Auxiliary Crater 7 convention
May 18-22 at Salem were Ladies
Elizabeth Ramsby: and Hazel Mc
Neill. Alternate delegates are La
dies Ivy Drew and Jennie Hum.
Salem Rebekah Lodge 1 will cel
ebrate Its 100th anniversary at that
time, which will add much Interest
to the convention.
Lady Ada Willlts read a poem
"Friendship" from the Manchester
Unit, Manchester, England, and
also "How To Be Happy." . .
This is the 50th anniversary year
of Ladies Auxiliaries Patriaroha
Lady Harriett Estes read the his
tory of Uie order, in which it was
recorded that in 1901 Colonel Jo
seph Fairhall felt that If the ladies
became interested in the work of
the Canton, it might be of great
assistance to the Patriarch's Mili
tant in the future success of that
Colonel Fairhall culled a meet
ing and the ladies immediately in
dicated their interest and proceeded
to form a club, selecting Lady Eliz
abeth Fairhall as president. A few
rules were drawn and it was known
as the Ladle3 Militant Club of Dan
ville, Illinois.
Ladles Militant was formally
launched on November 4, 1901, but
It was not until January 1902 that
the ceremony of musterlng-in took
Lady Elizabeth Fairhall may well
be recorded as the Joan of Arc of
th Ladles Auxiliary. The group was
reminded that the ladles auxiliar
ies were calloj Into existence for the
purpose of assisting the army of
the Patriarchs Militant in Its la
bors and for the upbuilding of the
blghest degree of Odd Fellowship.
After the meeting refreshments
were served In the dining room,
where a beautifully arranged table
was centered with a cake decorated
In keeping with the Golden Wed
ding anniversary. "
Ladles Harriett Estes and Lina
Motschenbocher cut and served
the cake.
Ladies Isabelle Foster, Elizabeth
ftamsby and Charlotte Martin
served .on tho ' refreshment committee.
1826 Homedale Road
Telephone 7080
Open Evenings by Appointment
piece was a sniral skull cap
shaped bouquet of violets -ud i George Proctor, Mrs. Richard New
stenhnnntiq man. Mrs. Martin Weil, Mrs. John
stepnanotis m.mnhrev. Mrs. Robert Kent. Mrs.
O'Neill and Colleen Creswell were I
dressed exactly as Uie matron of
honor, except that their jackets
were wood-violet instead of laven
der. Flower girl, Judith Rose, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Rose,
wore a full length lavender taffeta
dress with a matching lace Bertha
collar. She carried a white basket
of rose petals; and as a memento
of her participation in the wedding
ceremony, Donna Marie gave her
a bridal doll. Also, it was Judith's
fourth birthday.
Best man was Reginal Salmas,
Portland: and ushers were Sgt.
John Daniel and Harry Stathos.
both of Portland. They were also
Organist was Mrs. Arthur Deni
son, who played traditional wed
ding music, and also accompanied
vocal soloist. Ruby Gehring.
. Mrs. Hansen chose an oyster
white satin afternoon dress with
tiny black design. Her accessories
were also black and white and her
corsage was of pink carnations and
roses. '
Mrs. Clarke wore a blue tafleta
afternoon dress, 'pink and blue ac
cessories, and her corsage was the
same as Mrs. Hansen's.
A reception in the church parlor
followed Uie ceremony. Deorthea
Miller -and Linda Franklin, sorority
sisters of the bride poured. Gerry
McKendree and Joyce Werner cut
the cake, and Mrs. Vernon Moore,
aunt ol the bride, Mary Sue
McNabb, Mrs. Leo Bocchi and
Kathy Pugh assisted. Darline Price
passed the quest book and Mannn
Mclntyre was at the gift table.
For her going away costume
Donna Marie wore a navy blue
suit with navy and white acces
sories and the center from her
bridal bouquet was her corsage.
After a honeymoon on the Oregon
coast, the couple will be at home
in Corvallis where both are attend
ing OSC. Dick is a senior and a
member of Theta XI fraternity. The
new Mrs. Clarke is Junior and is
a Sigma Kappa.
Mr. and Mrs, L. W. Shiels, aunt
and uncle of the bridegroom came
from Portland for the wedding.
The month chosen by the bride
for her wedding was also the same
month in which her grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. A. B. i Andy) Moore.
131 High Street were married 60
years ago. :
Birthday Party
At De . Grande
Home -'n Keno
KENO Kalhleen De Grande was
guest of honor at a party on her
sixth birthday recently, when her
mother entertained seventeen young
guests at the De Grande home
in Keno.
Each guest received a gift from!
the hostess
after games
ijnnnro tnnnnnnn mrsvt t a oToWoTTnreTnrinryaTyowrm
)o cnriinv rnDDemi 3
KF Girl Weds at
St. Brendan's In ,
San Francisco
St. Brendan's Cnthollc church In
San Francisco was the scene of the
marriage, March 15, of Kalhrvn
Bernlce Wilson, daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. S. Wilson, 431 Alameda,
Klamath Fulls and Aided Sim
nietie, Son Francisco.
The double-ring service was rend
at one o'clock by Reverend Father
John Ryan.
The bride, escorted down the
aisle by her brother John W, Wil
son was lovely in candlellshl nylon
tulle over satin, Her Illusion veil
fell from a seed pearl Juliet cap
and she carried white orchids with
a shower of stephanolls blossoms
on a while prayer book.
Mury Murphy, Klamath Falls,
bridesmaid and Jodie Watlier, San
Francisco, maid of honor wore
candlelight satin frocks and car
ried arm bouquets of spring blos
soms. Raymond Slmmelle, brother of
Uie brtdemooni wns best man.
Followlnu the ceremony a rocen
t!o i wns held at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. James Provolos, cousins
of the bride.
The new Mr. and Mrs. Slmmette
cut the first piece of Uie elaborate
three tiered wedding cake, before
leaving on a short honeymoon.
The bride, graduate of Kiaiunlh
Union High School In 1948 is a
graduate or Si. Joseuh's College of
Nursing, San Francisco.
The uWdeitrcom ai. ended Sacra
mento Junior Coilese.
They will be at home in San
Mrs. Wilson went south for her
daughter's wedding.
Mrs. Dave Liskey, 1041 Eldorado,
announced the engagement of her
daughter. Maxine, to Bruce R.
Wirth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol
Wirtii, 3135 Sunset Drive, at a
dessert bridge luncheon In her
heme, March 22, at two in Uie aft
ernoon. Cindy Dehlinger, daughter of Mr.
and Air;. Robert Dehlinger. and
niece of Mrs. Liskey was at the
door, and each guest was presented
with a dainty old fashioned corsage
of Finch rosebuds, small carnations
and forget-me-nots, centered in a
lace doily, with the names "Max
me and Bruce" in gold on one white
satin streamer and "May 25th" on
another, the dat; set for the wed
ding. Miniature arrangements of Finch
rosebuds were placed about the
rooms, and the distinctively ar
ranged tabic featured an arch In
white with two wedding bells sus
pended over small figures of a
bride and bridegroom, bridesmaids
and flower girl. Pastel sweet peas
and maidenhair fern formed a col
orful border around the base of
Uie arrangment.
Invited guests included: Jean Un
derwood, Mrs. Melvin Miller, Mrs.
Torn Watters. Mrs. Robert Byrne.
.Barbara Palmer, Mrs. Paul Fair-
iclo. Mrs. Richard Hicks, uaioara
r iBrosiernous, ftirs. jonn u
Thomas Howard. Mrs. Wesley Lor-
enz and Mrs. Glenn Lorenz (Totsy
Liskev) who came from Oakland to
attend her sister's announcement
Totsv and Jean Underwood as
sisted the hostess during the after
noon. Mrs. Robert Kent was high in
bridge end Barbara Palmer had
low score.- v
. 300 Voice Choir
To Be Presented
By Musical Arts
Klamath Musical Arts Council
will present its annual Church
Choir Festival Sunday, 4:00 p.m.
April 6 in Pelican Court at KUHS.
Chairman for the program Is Rev.
Tweet of the Klamath Lutheran
Church, and serving on his com.
mittee are Rev. Richard Graef and
LaMar Jensen.
Approximately 300 voices under
the direction of Anorew Loncy will
be presented In a program of beau
tiful sacred songs and anthems.
Taking part in this fine program
will be choirs from the First Pres
byterian Church, First Methodist
Church, Peace Memorial Presby
terian Church and joint choirs from
the Zion Lutheran Klamath Luth
eran and Hope Lutheran Churches
as well as three choirs from the
Klamath Union High School and
many individual voices.
Included in the program will be
the combined 300 voices in massed
chorus singing the following num-
Ders: 'tome sooining ueatn by
J. S. Each (unaccompanied) "On
ward Christian Soldiers", arrange
ment by Simeone (as sung by the
Fred Waring Choir) "Behold the
Lamb of God'; from "Messiah"
by Handel. "O Sing Your Songs"
by Noble Cain. ,
The Individual choirs will also
give solo performances, each un
der the direction of Mr. Loney.
This splendid program is free to
me puDiic, and everyone is invited
to attend.
Eagle Ladies
Club Meets
Club was held In the upper
Eagles Hall on March 24 at 6:30
p. m.
Husbands were invited and a not
iuck dinner was served. Those
present were Marie Kilgore, Lorna
Groves, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Crapo,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Rozum, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. Rlch-
ter, Nancy Putman, Betty Lee
Hawthorne, Leona Lubben, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Chapman, and Doro
thy Lane. Winning prizes of the
evening were: First, Ed Rozum,
second, Lorna Groves; door, Nancy
low, Helen Chapman.
Three hundred traveling prize, Bet
ty Hawtnorne.
Invitations and Announcements
IU Pr HuMrtd
Ask. For Your Copy Of
By Evelyn Murray
MR. AND MRS. FRANK J. KUMNICUT, Merrill, announce
the engagement of their daughter, Kleanor, to CJeorgc
Price Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Price, ;ilso of Merrill.
A June wedding is planned. Both are KUHS graduates. Tho
bride-elect is employed by tho County Agent's office nnd
her fiance is in the U.S. Navy stationed at San Diego.
Photo hy Evergreen
1.5 '
- atftc---... 'SiWIWk;.;
SYLVIA ROBERTS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L.
Roberts, Henley District, will be an early Spring bride of
Tom McAuliffe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael McAuliffc,
2834 Kane. Both young people are of well-known Klamath
County families.
Photo by Miller-Brumbaugh
Saddle Club
Klamath Saddle Club regular I
business meeting was April 1, at
the home of Georgia Lane, Crystal
Springs Road. ,
Violet Hill, vice president, con
ducted the meeting in the absence
of Loralne Emrick, president. ,
The annual election of officers
was held with the following elected
for the coming year: President,
I Viola Rugc; Vice president, Bcv
!erly Negrevskl; Secretary, Darlcnc
I Blackman; nnd Treasurer, Maurlno
i Keener.
Eighth birthday of the club was
:also observed, and an elaborately
decorated cake was served by the
hostesses, Ruth Williams and Bev
!erly Negrevski to the following
I members: Doris Mae Arnoii. Dai.
! lene Blackman, Lura Dunlavy,
Mabel Henry, Violet Hill, Maurlne
Keener, Dorothy Klrkpatrick, Pat
Klrkpatrlck, Bessie Lilly, Cora Mc
Gaughey, Jo Matt, Lyvhia Mattoon,
Frances McNeely, Gladys Orrell,
Bessie Page, Doltla Pocle, Ernie
Read, Viola Ruge and Hazel Tur
ner. .
Critical Tastes Prefer
Hollywood Bread's
love, Shndtr
taled ful.Vy FOR YOU by
PBPEI "Hollywood Diet end Calorie Culde"
write Eleinor Day, Box 1027, Hollywood, Calif.
.-.IV.-.,.'. '.J K
, Women's Club
BONANZA-r-Mrs. Jesse McFall
and Mrs. Jack McFall entertained
i he Bonanza Women's Club at the
Bonanza Library March 18 for their
regular social meeting. The St. Pat
rick motif was carried out In dec
orations and refreshments. Dnffo
(ills and green candles completed
the arrangements.
Mrs. Clayton sharps w0" 'he.
door prize, Mrs. Claude Bcchdoldt
won high in bridge and Mrs. O. C.
Wells and Mrs. Ivan Bold won the
canasta prizes.
Attending were: Mrs. John Mir
acle. Mrs. Wally Foster, Mrs. Bill
Jones, Mr.'.. Ivan Bold, Mrs. Elva
Maxwell, Mrs. Merrill Stcwnrt, Mrs.
Clayton Sharpe. Mrs. Owen Pep-
pie, Mrs. Ernest i'uuny, Mrs.
Claudo Bcchdoldt and Mrs. O. C.
Enqravcd , . , Special 16.95
1-nr One Hundrrd
.1 . . .
WV) lliiln .tiori! 1111
See Our "Ad" On This Pogo For
A Special Gift
'f MYV
Barbcra Snider
And: Jim Adams
Exchange Vows
Attractive Barbara Snlrirr,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. N,
Snider, UJB Loyvnll, exchanged whit
tling vows In nil eight o'e'ock cere-,
ninny, Mnrch 1 In tho Flint Bnp
tlst Church with Heriieanl Jim
Adams, U.8, Air Force, on Iruvo
from Biingor, Mulue. Tho lirUlc.
groom Ik the son of Mro. llomiT
Adiinm, Oakland, nnd the Into Mr,
The double ring xcrvloe was
road by Dr. E, M, Cuuscy bo(oio
an altar banked Willi while lvic
unil fern, lighted with whits tupcru
in candi'htbra,
Ronnie Herslibeiger nt the ornim
played the traditional wedding
miircho.1. Ruby Oehrlug dang Cm!
man's "Bocauao" and "The Lord's
Prayer." .
Tho lovely bride, given In ninr
riarte hy her hither, wore whila
satin made with tilted midriff, silli
ly shirred bodice and very full
skirt that fell to full irnln. Frills
of lace fell in panel effect fiom
waist to hem, outlined the yain
uiul pointed cuffs of tho tontf
Her finger tip net veil, worn
over her luce u she went up the
ulsle. wns cuught by a need pnarl
tr.miuid anthi cup. Shu curried
lavender and white orchids In a
shower arrangement on a wlnlo
Dible. She wore two pcnulevtn her
Mir.il i, bearing her b.nhdrilr, ll.W,
nnd that of the bridegroom, ll3'J.
Her triple atrund of pearls wuro
her mother's uud Mir wore tho tru
dttiomil blue garter.
Mury Snider, sister of the bride
was lroci:ed In Ice-blue aallu, floor
length with ery full skirt, nicer
oke and brief aieevca. She carried
u bouquet of pink caruatloiw and
Mephnnoils with a matching hcuil
piece. Bridesmaids Barbara Folia In
pink saUn and Hazel Schlelerstehi
,n blue, carrit.l a flower arrange
ment the same us the honor attend
ants and wore the same arrnniie
nient of white shattered carnations.
Little Carol Frey, Central Point,
niece of the bridegroom In pink
sal'n, carried rose petals In n whlia
basket. Slid ulso wore a atur oa(
of white shuttered cnrnulliins.
Best man was Richard Schlelcr
Uslirrs were Tom Ziiin nnd Ken
neth Mllllgan.
A reception In the church par
lors followed the ceremony.
The new Mr. and Mrs. Adnnm
cut Uie first slice of their beautllul
four-llered while, pink and Mlvcr
wedding cake, later served by Mrs.
Calvin Bonney.
Pouring were Mrs. Kenneth Mll
llgan. Mrs. Jcm Davis and Belly
Brown. Mrs. Joe Brakevelt. sister
of the bridegroom was In charge
of the guest book.
For her daughter's wedding Wri.
Snider chose aqua lace over piiik.
made ballet length, worn with nuvy
hat, navy accessories and a cor
sage of elf ro.ses ahd forgct-me-now.
Mrs. Adams wore apricot lace
with black accessories, a black hnt
and a corsage of tullsmnn roses.
For traveling Uie bride wore
dawn pink spring suit, navy i.c
ceasorles and the orchid from her
wedding bouquet at the shoulder.
Both bride and bridegroom are
graduates of Klamath Union Hlgn
The bridegroom will report back
to Bangor. Maine. March 31 for
duty In the Far East. His bride
will remain here with her purenti
during his overseas service.
Class Reunion
Bonanza '42
BON AN A A xeunion wus held
by the Bonanza class of 43 at lltt
high school cafeteria at eight
o'clock March 72, starting with a
pot luck supper. Later they attend
ed the dance. Attending were Mr,
and Mrs. Art Monroe, Mr. and Mrs
Bud Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Smith Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk
Orohs. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Drtw.
Cole Fltzhugh. all of Bonanza, and
Mr. and Mrs. Duvld Harblcson nnd
Pat Llnzl all of Klamath Falls. Mr.
and Mrs. Alvln Cheyne (Viola
Hicks) of Henley, Ellen Romlvedt
of Portland. Harry Brown ol B.U
gene and Merle Clark of Klamath
Tha graduates were Art, Bud,
Walter Jr., Frank, Cole, Harry, Da.
vld, Billy, Merle, Ellen and Viola.
wilb Helena Rubinstein's
new Contour-Lift Film I
Here's a miraculous new day and
night firming treatment which
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...and feel years younger! It's
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"Lifts", facial contours - Sag
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Your face feels toned, uplifted,
You feel that droopy look vanish.
Firms relaxed skin - Revigor.
ales skin tissue, Flabbincss be
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Tightens end smeelhs Helps
banish nose-to-mouth furrows,
expression lines and wrinkled
brows for hours at a time.
And that's not all, contour,
lift FILM contains restorative
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longer than you ever dreamed
Contour-Lift Film (two months',
supply) S.00
Special introductory size ,.3.00
- for drugs
9th and Main Ph. 2-3475
IN THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Barbara Snuler, daugii
tcr of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Snider, 625 Lowell, cxchaiifjotlJ
vows with Sergeant Jim Adams, United States Air Korre,
son of Mrs. Homer Adams, Oakland, and the lntc Nr.,
Adams. The double ring service was read by Dr. E. M.
Causey at dent o'clock In the evening, March 1
BONANZA Mrs. Owen Pepplc
entertained her bridge club at the ;
Bonanza Library on Wednesday at i
two o'clock. Three tnblea were In !
play wlih.Mr. Elva Maxwell win-1
nlng the high prize. Mrs. Frank
DeBcl the aecond high and Mr.
Harry Frazler the traveling prize.
St. Palrlckn Dav motif wa car
ried out In dccoruUoilK. ,
Guests were Mm. Cecil lliiley,
Mrs, O. C. Weill. Mrs. Jack Wei
iner, Mrs, Frank DeBrl. Mrs. Dill
Burnett. Mrs. I-eslrr l.envltl, Mrs. j
I .eland llnrrls. Mrs. Elva Maxwell,
Mrs. John Sullivan. Mrs. t VI.
Broun, Mrs. Lloyd Gilt. Mrs. I. B.
Morrix, and Mrs. Harry Frazler.
Photo by; Ferebce
, JYi7 invitations
Enfrevcd or Procuited.
Personalised nopklm for your
reception , , ,
Cups end plates. ,
Shaw Stationery Co.
729 Main
' 1
our "lacy-daiiy pillbox, in WHITE
A torched lace
To dress navy "way up". .. to wear like
flowers-in-your-hair at nighl , , . the whitest of
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' Millinery Second Floor f