0 ? SiiUudiiy, April 5, 1032 HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OKKCON PAGE THRU t,;i trtofc..MiiJn . Hin.'n iiii i'l iiii hi' uliiiii m n i in il tin. n n In iii him , Kacrrd llrnrl Mcillli'ia Club inri'U 'liiciduy, 7.3U p. m. In thf auillUirliim, I'.ii'ctliin ol ofilcnra, , Away Mra. llirnlre Mnuldln mid ' ilnUKlilcr tlitrlinrix mo lonvliiK t ' ilnv lo drive to 'J'ruvln, Itiilll., ' viirrn llirv will vInII . Mra, Maul. illn'N noil, Uil. Illll Sllnon, lriivliw mum fcir aorvlce with lyimftraphl" 1 ml mill In Korea, 'lliov will Iho vlnlt hi-r brolltrr, SiU Jloliert Yan cey, vrtor:ill n Korea, atlitioned Hi (lib mini bin". j , u..4Hn....ii.ill ntf.ni. nl. Ilin hrnnn of Alia liOVfll, Hilt Uplmni, April U, 7:30 p. m. Uavliik Today' In Mr. Olive Vmi Kirk, Mlllrr'a, Tor a month's vnrnllon Willi her win, K. O. Vuil Kirk and, ramlly, Oakland, mid dniiKliIrr,. Mr. Jtie Mnrck, mid family, lluywiird. Hum Prank Uubniie. Harwlii'n, him rolurnrd from a two weoka IjliyliW Irlp In LOk Alindoa and Bull Kranclico. Mm. Rubnne l recoy trliiR rapidly Irom .1 broken ankle received In a lull before Chrlalmaa. Tulelake Volcra urn rrnilndcd at (he rllv election TucMlav when two council KrnUl ere Ui bo tilled Hid r volp taken on lioi'dlnir the oily for domeMlo water Mipiily Innrov nienl. Polln In the city hnll for iliolh preclncH 1 and 3 will bo open i a.m. to 1 7 p.m Home Cldrk W. Peiwler. riroin tnrnt Tulflnk ranchi r l homo aft er appiidliiR much ol the winter In tkA Unlverillv of Cnllfornla hnspl tnl. Ho mibmlttrd to rnro nurnrry for a circulatory rendition. Hi) was the nth patient In thin country to undrran thla type of treatment. Mrs. Kennler wim with him nnien Man Charged With Burglary Charite of burglary In a dwell Inn wun filed at the dlalrlct at lonwy'a office Friday afternoon aKiilnat ltoyt Junior Kontcrnon, 23, ol the Crater Hotel. KeMoraon la act-lined In a coin plnlnl aljned by hln brother-in-law Kenneth Nnh, 24W Oregon Ave., of Mealing clothing from the Nash home Tliuraday morning. KefitrrMin was arrmlrd by City Police 'IliurMiay nlnht at a tavern reportedly wearing aome of the atolen clothing. In nislrlcl Court Friday alter noon Ke-iiemon waived prelimin ary hearing on the charge and Is held in the County Jail under S6000 ball. Local Students On Honor Roll KUOKNE Seven Htudcnt from thli area were among the 103 Unl verMty of Orenon atudenta lo muke the honor roll during Ihe winter 'term, maintaining a grade lver age of at lean 3.6 for not Ita Ihmi 12 term bourj. They were: lirnry Uouglan Ambers, senior In political science; Helen Elluibeth Jackson, Junior In English: Ron ald J. Lowell, sophomore In lib eral arUi, pre-med; George H. Nits rhPlm, sojihomore In pre-dentlstry, Willlnm Vernon Norval of Chllo qiiin Junior In pre-law: Patricia K. Wurd. Keno, Junior In general aoclal science: and Shu r on Wll llnni. Junior In history. Itomilr Lowell and Pntrlcla Ward i made 4.0 grade average. Cancer Campaign Meeting Set Elton Smith, chairman of this years Kin ninth County Cancer funds drive has scheduled an or ganiHtlionaf meeting at the Cham ber of Commerce, Tuesday, 2 p.m. Smith hopes to hove widespread volunteer aid for the American Cancer Society campaign. Last year, the Cancer drive was the only national drive which sur passed its quota in Klamath. All persons willing to aid In this year's drive are Invited to attend Tuesday'd meeting. Man Charged With Larceny A 33-year-old Negro, Dlllard Odom, was returned from Fresno, KAIday afternoon to face charge of L' teeny by bailee. Hhorlff Murray Brltton said Odom Is accused of taking a car last September from here. Odom was due to be arraigned In Circuit Court lalo today. He Is fjcld In the County Jail. WILLOX VENEER MFG. CO. An Oregon CO-OPERATIVE ASSOC 60 Membership shores eurhoriitd by charter, Feb. IS ,1952 Membership shares offered at $5000 Par Value Roquesrs for information, application or subscriptions should be directed to Willox Veneer Mfg. Co., PO Box 446, Brookings, Oregon CONTACT JAY A. WILLIAMS ' FRIDAY.SATURDAY:SUNDAY April 4, 5, 4 '' ' 'J. Afternoons or evenings at tht WINEMA HOTEL ' WILLOX VENEER MFG. CO. Brookings, Oregon of Ihe lime. ' ;llnar Tulelake Barber shops. Ihe Pioneer operated bv Jack Oar- llnle and the Tulelake Hotel har bor shnu operuled bv Btanloy Heed will clone. Mniulav each week In accordance with an agreement among union barbers In the Klam ath Basin. Improving Word has been re ceived here that Mrs. Hugh O'Con nor, patient in Morcv Hospital, Red uiiiii la imniovlng following a re cent critical lllnrwi. Members of tier family including a daughter Pull from Bl. Mnry's, Notre Dame, daughters Kathleen and Marllou and her husband from here wore called lo her bedside, Meelbif Friendship Club will meet April P, S p. m. st Ihe home ol Mrs. R, I,, Chiinev. Bid Mitchell. All members end Irlends Invited. Kslrbsven ParenlJi and Patrons will meet 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, school gym. lmprovlni Mrs. Robert (Micky) Alexander, lormer resident ol Klamath Falls Is recovering from malor surgery at Sncret Heart Hos pital, Eugene. She Is the daugh'er-in-lnw of Mr. end Mrs. W. H. Al ex- ii'ler of this city. Merllnr The Huburban Sirens will meet S p. m. Monday In the fire station. (iarden Mub Tile Kllimnth Falls Garden club will hold Ita regulnr monthly meeting, Monday, a p.m. In the city library auditorium. Mrs T. B. Walters will speak on "The Culture of chrysanthemum.'" A question and answer on "Mums" will follow. Past presidents of the club will be honored. Members ere reminded to take suggestions for nrxt year's program Called Away Mrs. Sam Neslln has been called to Walla Walls by the desth ol her mother, Mrs Frank Bslanilna. HIv IluincEr.len-Ion Unit Is to meet Aiirll 10 at the home of Mrs. I.ee Wlnnlnglinm. Kitchen storage will be demi.nstrated by Miss Dor othy Tollelh. Honored Charlotte H. Johnson of Klamath Falls was one of 1M un dergraduates st Wishlnprton Btnte College honored for outstanding first semester scholarship. Delia Gamma Chanter of Del phluns will meet Tuesday, t:i a. m., at the YMCV Sublect of the meeting will be the Fourth Es tfte. and to-ilcs include nature of ine nrwnpnprr. nrwspiiwr irmrm and wants, propaganda and aim presslon of news, principal sources of news, and freedom of the press. Front Lines Cpl. William 8. Hall, 1443 Pleasant, has been awarded '.he Combat Infantryman's badge for front line action with the 4oth Infantry Division In Korea. At t-t l-wl Pvt. Jote E. Herra, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jose E. H fr iers. 3M1 Austin, was recently In ducted Into the Army at Fort LewlJ. , Neighbor of Woodcraft Meet Monday, 1 p. m at K. C. Hall. Advance night and Installation practice. Potluck follows meeting. WCTl!-wlll meet at First Meth- rdlst Church parlor Tuesday at 3 p. m. Rev. Lloyd Holloway will conduct the discussion on "How the WCTU Can Help Build the Basin." Returns Mra. W. P. Howard re turned to her home. 411- N. Blh. this week alter spending tne win ter In Southern California, Luncheon Red Croai First Aid Instructors luncheon Is scheduled for Monday noon at the Wlnema Hotel. Breakfast Friendship Court,. Order of the Amaranth, nave scheduled ft Palm sunaay oress faat tomorrow, ft a. m.. In the Mnsonte Temnle. Breakfast will be over In time for churchgoers. Students Plan Annual Play The KUHS student body play "George Washington Slept Here" has been stated for the stage of the high school auditorium April 17 under the direction of Mrs. B. B. Rlomquhl, head of the school's drama department. A comedy In three acts, the pro duction was written by Moss Hart and Oeorge 8. Kaufman. Leads will be plsyed by Oeorge Hansen, Michael Wood, Beverly Hunt and Betty Karnes, The piny was a longtime New York hit, later was made Into a movie. FATAL CRASH Remains of the light plane which crashed near Newell, Thursday, killlnf? Glen Smith and Marvin Christy, well known Tulelake area residents. After crash ing, the craft burst into flames which were put out by a bystander. It. V. Illldrnbrandt NOMA Studies Typing Styles The National Olflco Manager's Association's Klainnth Fulls chap ter In conducting a e;carch proj ect on local Ivu in-; ticnni' ut s. styles and protlclency-J-liut a little neip la nocueu , ironu loan du.m nesnes, . I I - 'Ilia objective of the test Is to determine what IclUr forms arc used here. j , Tvplnir tests are given along with the project lo show lyoisbt whether or not ihoy are slowjiiK down. Ev eryone who writes buslm-Hs letters may possibly qualify for the check ana hums neeas mem. The group niusl have 100 sam ples of local buslnoA? typing be lore Uie sample Is eoluplcte so It will not be biarea. i Pei-hona willing to participate are asked lo contact NOMA Pres. Rob ert Thompson at 2-3444. Choirs Offer Free Concert Massed choir of several hundred volcea will ring out In KUHS' Pel ican Court as the climax to to morrow alteiuonn's wcond aniiunl Church Choir and Chorus Festival. Andrew Loney will direct. Rev, Irvln Tweet has planned ft program of beautiful altered mulc. Last year's first such affair was lead by famed muflclan Noble Cain. The Klamath Musical Arts Council. :,;ons3:.i or tile c it I v. year, chose Loney as director be cause he Is considered one of the tops In the West and has contri buted much to the musical arts of the community. The program Is free, and the public is invited. ' Churches whose choirs are par ticipating In this year s festival In clude First Presbyterian Church, First Methodist Church. Peace Me morial Prehbyterlan Church, and Joint choirs from the Klamath Lu theran, Zlon and Hope Lutheran churches. v r i i The KUHS acsppel)a choir will Join in' with lite . other gMm. Noi only Individual solos will be pre sented, but also a massed chorus of all participants. 4 Transported To State Pen Four Klamath Counts' Jail In mates were taken to the Oregon Stale Prison at Salem Friday aft ernoon to start serving sentences meted out In Clroult Court here this week. ; Lorenzo Buford Weeks. 30, got 10 years on charge of voluntary manslaughter; Delmar Russell Mc Mullen, 3 years on forgery convic tion; Frank Leslie Snell. 8 years for statutory rape ,and Ballard J. Wilson. 10 years lor conviction ol forgery. , New Elevators To Be Built HEPPNER ( -i- Two addlttoal grain storage elevators will be built by the Morrow County Grain Growers as part ol a $365,000 ex pansion program. The directors dcolded on that at their n.eetlng here this week. One of the elevators will be built at. Ruggs cn the Hoppner-Condon High way and the other on the Lexing- ton-Echo Highway some 10 to 12 miles north of Lexington. Manager Bill Richards said It was hoped that both new elevators loratcd In arens where there has not been enough storage capacity would be ready for the crop this year. The new elevators will add about a half million bushels of storage to the Grain Growers' total, boost ing capacity to one' and a half mil lion In six elevators! I SIRLOINS T-BONES ROUND STEAKS By the Half Wrapped for from Grain PHONE 'V Athletes To Portland The first Klamath YMCA athlet ic team to competo In outside ath letics left here yesterday for Port li'iirl to participate in the state V.'X'A vcllcyball tourn merit. Ti'c tournament Is lor North western teams, the winner of which continues op lo further com petition. Last year the Portland volley squad went to the national tournament In the East. Members of the local club In clude Earle N. Johnson, Thomas Tucliolkc, David 8. Jonasson, Ray Hubsky, Gordon E. Smith, Charles I'. Hidbranner, Laurence ii. anu Gerald Marschat, Ernest Fleschcr, James E. Cartwrlght and Charles ! M. Sharp. I All are college-age youths. 1 Attack Charge Gets 8 Years Frank Leslie Snell, 44, Chllo quln, was sentenced to eight years in Oregon State Prison Friday aft ernoon In Circuit Court on charge of statutory rape. Snell pleaded guilty last Monday to an indictment returned March 28 by the Grand Jury. He was ar rested March 22 in Chlloquln. According to the district attor ney's office the Incident Involved a 15-year-old Indian girl In her home at Chlloquln the night of Feb. 14. Tule Chamber Holds Dinner TULELAKE The annual mem bership dinner of the Tulelake Chamber of Commerce at ihe Sportsman's Hotel Friday drew 115 guests. Admittance was By years paid up membership. Mayor Dick Moore was dinner chairman and H. B. Smith, new manager of the Union Service Sta tion was In charge of getting tho prawns for the dinner. A meeting -will be called soon at which time the revised consti tution will be approved. Five new directors, will be chosen from a list of ten names. A new president will be chosen from the new direc tors. Mrs. Estclle Groves Is secretary. Jaycees Honor Oldtimers Junior Chamber of Commerce Oldtlmer's night reservations must be In by noon Monday, according to Chairman Rex Dye. Reserva tions may be made by phohlng 1211.- ... i The Oldtlmer's affair is slated for the Log Cabin Monday night at 6:30. The persons with the loud est and dullest tics will be awarded prizes and surprises, respectively. Oldtimers no matter how long inactive in Jaycee work are in vited to the alfalr. Cancer Lectures Offered Here Louise Rlchter, registered nurse and Instructor. Emanuel Hospi tal, "Portland, who has completed post graduate work, Memorial Hos pital, New York, will give after noons and evening lectures and demonstrations on "Post Operative Care of Cancer," Monday, 2:30 and T p.m. at Klamath Valley Hospital. All registered nurses and doctors tttho are ble to attend are urged to do so. The program is spon sored by the American Cancer So ciety. . . . Cut and Your Locker - Fed Steers 8147 Artist Thrills With Concert Introducing guest artist Rafael Mendez lor Inst night's Pelican Theater concert, Mumc Director Andrew Loi-.ey Jr. said, "You folk3 are about to hear probably the greatest trumpet player you will ever hear in your life." At the concert's close there prob ably wasn't a disagreeing soul In the audience. It appears Mendez picks on the roughest violin pieces he can find, and plays them on his trumpet. He does so with tones "out of this world," his technique "flawless." Accompanied by the KUHS con cert band, he encored with Tico Tico. perhaps his most popular number. However, a onc-llnger pro duction of "Merchant of Venice" left the audience open mouthed In awe. The cappella choir presented Its usual fine performance, with perhaps Its outstanding number of the evening "The Touch of Your Hand." The choir presented a sprinkling of student soloists. Proceeds from the affair will go to new band uniforms. Benefit Checks Past Due About 290 unemployment comp ensation checks written for a total of about $7000 were mailed from Salem Monday, addressed to the local Employment Office. Local Employment Office Mgr. Guy Barker said the checks have never arrived In Klamath Falls. as far as he knows. If they haven't ' uecn iraceo aown oy early next week, he said they would proba bly be reissued. Barker doubted there is any foul play Involved. "The checks are Just lost In the malls somewhere," he said. DANCE Modern end old time danc ing Every Saturday night. 9 p.m; to 1 a.m. K.C. HALL. Public invited. I Wi-ne-ma Coffee j Quality Food At Reasonable Prices II Plain "Old Fashioned' 'Hospitality GENE WOODS, Insurance Chartered Life Underwriter, Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter 122 South Ninth Klamath Falls, Oregon INSURANCE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED ON AUDIT AND ANALYSIS BASIS Fire Casualty . . Auto . . Life Top Old Line Companies Only We have been able to secure these brand new, complete Motors and Short blocks, either 93 or 105 H r Iwv planalaf hnrefl 1ms w meter r shart Maek, DO tT NOW while Hm r NII available! USE OUR EASY BUDGET TERMS and take your time to pay! ASHLEY s. th CHEVROLET 4iu Christy Rites Here Monday Funeral services for Marvin Christy, Tulelake homesteader who died of Injuries received In a plane crash at Newell Thursday, are to be conducted Monday, 3 p.m. from Ward's chapeL Hev. Marvis Keyscr of the Tule lake Presbyterian Church will of ficiate and Tulelake Post No. 164 American Legion, will conduct mil itary honors at the graveside In Kin math Memorial Cemetery.' The body of Glcndon tGleni Smith, who was killed In the crash, last night was put aboard a train here for Oakland, Calif., where It will be shipped by plane lo Yorktown, Va., where his par ents reside. Smith's body first was taken to Kerr Mortuary, Alturas. Christy, 30, was a 1849 home steader an, Is survived by the wid ow and two small children. Smith 35, who was manager of the Tule lake Growers Association, was a bachelor. If it is a New Roof or New Siding You Need . . . call HENRIS! Ph. 6161 Adams and East Main Roofing Siding Insulated panel shokes and asbestos siding - - - ' Insulating We Feature . . . Aluminum Shingles Mfg. by Amasco Perma life and guickly and easily installed - - - we give a life time guarantee. Free Estimates F.H.A Terms No Down Payment Phone 6369 STILL AVAILABLE AND SHORT BLOCKS SINCt I've BEEM DRINKING A FULL GLASS OF MILK AT EVERY MEAL.... I rTk jJv" Si servo Hothinj '"ft io' refreshing is Has of - ICE-COLD MILK!