Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 05, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    Siitunliiy, April , 100
1( KFLW 145ft Kc FST
a Saturday Evenlnr, April 5
' i on Sports Highliihit
''1:16 Horns Town News
l 1:20 World Ntwi Summary
itb.M flcitnct tdttor ABC
H:0 Wordi of Life
i);00 Mr. Dlitrlci Atly. ABC
,(7:24 Political Microscope
,i?:40 Dinner In tht Green Room ABC
,! t'OO Tht Lont fUnitl ABC
' flr.TO Pacific Cowl Ifu,eball
0:00 10 p m Headlines
, 0:15 Pacific Coatt B steps II
1:00 Nwi Summary
1:04 Siffi Off
KFMV 1459 Kc PST
Sunday, April 6
100 News ABC
1. 13 Morning bom ABC
B::k Ltaht and Uit Hour ABC
0:00 Calv.iry Echoes
:IA Chapel In Sy
:L'(J Negro College Cholt ABC
0:00 Sunday News Special APC
0:15 Brunch Ttir.a ABC
0:30 National Vsupert ABC
VI. 00 Klamath Lutheran Church
l 2:00 Chrlrl 'an in Action ABC
3:30 Tht Church In the Home ABC
,.1:00 0)11 fraitiloned Hevlval ABC
ii J:0Q Volet of Prophecy ABC
., 2:yo Greatest Story ABC
3:00 Hour of Decision ABC
" 3:30 Songs of Faith
3:45 Upper Room Program
!' 4:00 U. 8. Navy Band .
' 4:15 Jimmy Kld'er
' 4:30 Herald of Truth
5:00 St u the M'ls'c ARC
, 6:00 Walter Wlnchell ABC
6:15 H.eet Corll Archer ABC
. 6:45 Home Town New
7:00 Cascading Rhythms
7:C0 The Oreat Adventure, ABC
11:00 Drew Pearson ABC
8:15 Monday Morning Headlines ABC
8:30 Walter Wlnchell ABC
8:45 Chct Huntley ABC
9:00 Pacific Coat Baseball
10:00 10 P M. Headlines
10:1.1 radf c Coast Baseball
11:00 News Summary
11:03 lgn Off
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Monday, April 7
8:00 Sign On New Sum.
6:05 Corn in tht Morn
45 Farm Fart
NEW Electronic
Church, Chapel
The newest and elect rnnicalty the
most advanced of all electronic or
gans. Rich musical tone of wide
variety distinguish this superb in
strument. Single manual split for
two manual performance. Easy to
play. Be sure to hear free demon
stration. So obligation
kyle morgan
"yours for floppier future
threuf h music"
Portland Beaver Baseball
Play by Play, and Now Another
Fine New Addition . .
One of Radio's Most Delightful
Following Walter Winchell
"Hometown News" at 6:45
Sponsored by First Federal
"Cascading Rhythms" at 7:00
Sponsored by Cascade Laundry
t ' ' '
'-- if . ," f ' ' , to
V.fc. ., . - ., . nn'"'' - L T ' - ' '
7:00 News Breakfast Ed,
7:15 Charlie's Roundup i
T:30 Bob C aired, News ABC
7:40 Top of tht Morning ,
7:33 Jorvn Come ABC
1:00 Breakfast Club ABC
0 00 Hank Henry Show
t:-d Break the Bank ABC
10:00 Chel Huntley News ABC
10:15 Lont Journey ABC
10:30 My True Story ABC
10:33 Whispering Streets ABC
11:13 Stop and Shop
11:0 Against Storm ABC
11:43 County Agent Speaks
11:33 Market Report
12:00 Noon Edition News
12:13 Pavlest S'dewalk Show
13:30 Lucky "IT Ranch ABC
l:o-i I syi He.
113 Bttttr Uvlng
1:;W N.aiy Mum-tU McBndt ABC
2:00 Basin Br'rts
2:13 When A Uirl Marries ABC
n:. l Jcrtan, M U. AHt.
3:43 Rom Evelyn Winters ABC
3:00 Belt Crocker ABC
3:15 Ted Malont ABC
3:30 Cleansing the Temple
3:45 Mary Marlin ABC
4:00 Requesttully Yours
.VtiU 0 1 rV'ry ABC
5:23 World Flight Reporter nBC
3:30 Chet Huntl-y ABC
5:43 B tt B TV
6:00 Snorts H'.ehltghts
6:13 Home Town New
6:1:3 Vic rid Nt.n Summary
r:i Tu-iHht Serenade
6:45 Headline Edition ABC
6:33 Coming Attractions on ABC
7.00 The Lont Ranger ABC
7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC
t: siewan iraig Am,
S:C.O The Big Hand ABC
8:30 "What is the Potential Value cf
Oregon Tech?"
10:00 10 PM Headlines
10:13 Saw Star T'mt
10:30 Insomnia Club
11 KM News Summary
11:05 Sign Off
- Saturday Evening. April 5
6:00 News
6:13 Klamath Theatre Quit
6:ro Assembly of Cod Hour
7:00 College Choir MBS
7::U Klamath Temple
8:00 MGM Theatre MBS
8:00 News MBS
9:13 Boxing
9:33 News MBS
10:00 Lombardo Land VSA MBS
10:30 John WilahanX Orch, MBS
11 :00 Night Owls News
11:05 Nipht Owls Club
13:00 Sign Off
KFJI 1150 Kc PST
Sunday. April 8
8:00 Wing of Healing
8:30 5-Min. News
8:33 Music
6:45 Children's Chapel
9 00 Radio Bible Class MBS
9:30 Ktam. Rev. Center
9:43 Island Melodies
10:00 News MBS
lrt:13 Me k Rogehi MBS
10:30 Lutheran Hour MBS
11:00 Frank and Ernest MBS
11:15 Show Tunes
11:30 Guest Star
11:45 Land of the Free MBS
12:13 BUI Cunningham MBS
12:30 Air force Hour MBS
1:00 Official Detective MBS
1:23 News MBS
1:30 Crime Fighters MBS
1:35 Bobby Benson MBS
2:00 The Shadow MBS
. poocsj oi rftost boot!
Ks. 4fi ft Orders To Toko Oat
Ben E. Lee, Mgr.
I IIU!, 1,11111
1:30 True Detective MBS
.1:00 Cabby Haes MPS
3-.M Nick Carter MBS
3:33 Cecil Brown, News, MBS
4:00 The Hoover Bepocl
4:13 it, ark i;cacrs b!
4::i 5tea-nboit Jamuoit
3:00 Muiieal Arts Council
3:30 Under Arret t MBS
8:00 Around Town News.
6:13 Klamath Theatre Quia
6:30 Youth Views tht News
7:u J. j. Ai-.t.uny iPs
7:30 Pown You Go MBS
7:33 News MBS
ft.CO Twenty Muevttona MBS
8:30 Forward Anteitca
9 C0 Glenn Harcv Ntwi MBS
9:13 Voice of America
9:M The Whtntler CBS
1i;oj tnLH Aiusical Comedy The'
11:00 Sign Off
Monday, April 7
6:00 Sunrise Serenade
b:-3 cOi. 10 i. it S:i.rs
7:00 HemingwayNews MBS
7:13 BreakUt Gang MBS
7:.K Headline St B lines
7:45 Bet Bu)
8:00 Cecil Brown MBS
8:13 Breakfait Gang MRS
6::u Bible Institute MBS
9:00 Homemaker Harmonies
9:13 Platter Parly
w.-j 1 c. e- o. 'eitrav
10:00 Newspaper of the Air MBS
10:13 TellO Test MBS
10:30 La Point as
10:4. Coneei I
10:33 Cuirins
11:00 ladies Fair MBS
U:l'5 News MBS
11:30 queen for a Day MB;.
12N) Name Bands
U:13 Noonday News
12:30 Your Daiut Tunes
12S3 Market and U van lock
12:53 Klamath Note
1.D0 Jack Kirk wood MBS
l:j e a climber MbS
2:00 News. VS
2:03 News MBS
;):'. : .v at : .1
2:43 Answer Man MBS
3:00 Kick t Keutkl
4:00 Behind the Story MBS
4:15 Hemingway Kcwa MtS
4:. l Curt a'sey i mi MPS
4:43 Sam Hayes. News MBS
00 Boboy Benson MBS
3:3) Wild B I Hlckok. MBS
3:33 News MBS
6.00 Gabriel Heattcr MBS
b:li 1 s-rtih 'ineatie Wua
6:30 Around Town News
6:10 Something to Think About
6:45 Sam Hajes. News MBS
6:33 Bill Henry MBS
70 1 Was A Communist for FBI
7: TO Bright Star
8:00 Let George Do It MBS
S'i.J l.i-ilvwo . Theater MBfe
9:00 Glenn Harty News MBS
8:15 Fulton Lewis News MBS
9:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS
9:43 Sports Final
9:35 3-Minute Final MBS
10:00 1 Love a Mystery MBS
10:15 Survival
10:0 Crow ell's Nest MBS
1100 Right Owls News
11 -oi Night Owls Club
12- 00 Sign Off
South Storms
Take 7 Lives
South, hit twice In two weeks by
terrifying tornadoes and wind
storms, counted its newest losses
Saturday seven dead, 65 Injured
and more than 1 million dollars
The destruction tame from wind
r.nd rain storms carrying four tor
nacoes that tore at Louisiana, Ala
bama and Northwest Florida Fri
day. Louisiana. Alabama, Arkansas,
Missouri. Mississippi. Tennessee
and Kentucky were raked by tor-!
nadoes that killed 333 persons
March 21, injured 1.100 or more !
and did a multi-million dollar dam-
One tornado Friday killed four
members of a farm family at Arn
udville. La.. 10 miles northeast of
Lafayette, deep In the French-1
speaking Cajun country. Twenty- i
four persons were injured In the ;
New Orleans prea as recoraea
winds reached 90 miles an hour
hurricane strength. The New Or
leans Weather Burau said winds
may have reached 150 to 200 miles
per hour after measuring instru
ments failed.
A radio lower constructed to
withstand 135 miles an hour winds
was bent to the ground like a
wheat straw. Damage estimate
ran between S115.0u0 and $300,000
for the general area.
1 TEL AVIV (API Israel's citrus
harvest this season Is expected to
vleld ninp million boxes, half of
which will be sold abroad for
foreien currency while another
250.000 cases are being shipped
under barter agreements.. The rest
i will be locally consumed or preserved.
Quick Wedding Is Favored
By Jane Despite Protests
lively Yours: Now (hut June Wy.
ninn lias mtnouncrd le'U wed Tra
vis KirtfeUI. It inn be loltl .liat
the mnlch docs not have tlio coiii
plete spproVHl oC Tiuvls' socinlUe
inniu. She isked that Juno mil
Tift vis wait (or x lonu lime be'mo
hutlnit the innrll.il path oil the the
j ory that whirlwind romaiiuei don't
I make solid marrlRRes. Jane agreed
I but hss now Jumped the Run on
i the waiting lime.
It's Ava Gardner as Tvrone Pow
ler'i co-star In - UTs "Mississippi
Gambler. II borrow nrtoUiiUoiia
wlUl MOM go through.
Until the biography of Fannie
Bricc. now being penned by .nui'-
i man Kntkov, is published, execu
I tivcs ot the c-uile o( the late, bo
1 loved stnr will not discuss a mo
tion picture deal lor a movie unsitt
on Fannle's life.
Insistence will be made at bid-
ding time. I bear, on absolute I'dci-
lty to the book wltn notion itrtcuy
; out.
I.ou Cwtello was liavlnc trouble
' conquering a scene for "Abbott and
Cosltllo Meet Ca'-laln K'M." in
j wh'ch he kisses Fran Warren and
she swoons.
"Come on Lou," urged Director
Young Artist
Scores Again
Gordon West, who already knows j
how it feels to-walk off with hon
ors, has scored again.
The 19-year-old KUHS graduate,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Nor
man. 1740 Wall, and freshman at
the University of Louisville, Ken
tucky has won first place in tiie
25ih "annual Kentucky-Southern In
diana Exhibition of Art. The honor
carried a $50 cash award.
. His entry, a water color (Built
in 1917"), scored over entries made
by his art instructors. Cordon, stu
dent of Robert Banister when In
KUHS. won the top spot In national
competition in fine art before leav
ing for the university on a scholar
ship. He Is rated by art authorities to
be one of the most promising stu
dents in the nation.
Gordon will spend the summer
here with his parents.
Teenage Girl
Shot to Death
COTTAGE GROVE if! A 17-year-old
girl was found dead with
a bullet In her back early Saturday
near her farm home four miles
south of here.
Tlie girl, Mary Campbell, a deaf
mule, disappeared Friday evening
when she left the home to milk
the cows. When she failed to return
a search started.
Dr. Homer harrls, director of
the State Police Crime Laboratory
at Portland, was called to aid state
and county police In the investiga
tion. The girl died between 8 and
8 p.m. Friday, authorities said.
She lived on the farm with her
Less Chance
LOS ANGELES i The youth
ol tomorrow is less likely to carve
out a rags-lo-riches career, -say: a
San Diego, Calif., psychologist. Dr.
Andrew D. Roberts.
His father's job will '.etermlno
how far up the occupational lad
der a boy can go. he said.
The odds are 12.5-to-l thatthe
ton of a laborer or scml-skliled
worker will not have a business of
his own, Dr. Roberts told the Coun
cil of Guidance and Personnel
Associations convention Thursday.
"The possibility of substantial ad
vancement vocationally decreases
as we becomr. more stable and new
outlets are closed to many people,"
he declared.
New Engineering
Chief Named
PORTLAND Ofl Col. Emerson
C. Itschner, now stationed In Chi
cago, has been named North Paci
fic Division Engineer for the
Corps of Engineers.
He succeeds Brig. Gen. O. E.
Walsh, who has been reassigned as
Mediterranean Division Engineer
In North Africa.
Itschner, a veteran of the Korean
War, was wounded In action at
Seoul. Before golnp to Korea he
v as engineer In charge of the
Seattle district.
He l exptcted io report here
April 15.
KERNVILLE. Cnllf. 'Pi Pro
fessional hunter Ronnie Vaughan
says California mountain lions are
on the Increase because bounty
prices have not kept up with In
flation. Vaughan brought In five
pelts recently from the nearby
mountains to prove the eats are
abundant. Fifteen yearn ago there
were about 30 professional hunters
savs Vaughan. Now there are only
one nr two left. His uninflatrd
I bounty on the five pelts will amount
Charles Lanioul alter several Utl'.c
"Look Charlie," grinned l.uu.
"I'm no Krrol l''ljnn. I need linio
lor thee icenes."
June Lang's makli'.j a llhn come
back In "Invasion, U.b.A.", , Jon
Mall's re'oclllng at bars torso Uoel
cako roles. Says he wants to keep
Ills shirt on Iroin now on. . ,P:M'
Laurie's latest Is Tommy Gumma,
aceoidtoni:4 on Harry James' TV
show. . .Note (rom a Of In Korea:
"Betty Huttonl Wow I What a tni.
It was to cold wo were weaiitig
parkas Mit she showed up In a
bathing suit. Her Icks were almost
purple belore she iulshed her ani."
Talking about a shapely slarlel,
Frank ontHlii said:
"She reminds me oi a telephone
switchboard when, she walks, all
her lines are bu.-y."
Eye-openers: Rita Hiiyworth was
barred from tho (iance lloor at the
: swank Balboa Buy Club because
ot a "no-slacks" euici. . Hullywuod
iirurs that Oarbo Is scieamln to
ner attorneys ocr that recent ar
ticle about her In Collier's.
Marilyn Monroe's pouting at a fan
inag. She wears s baUilng suit v. lilt
a plunging neckline In "Clash By
It. but the magazine retouched a
neckline into the suit.
Beverly Tyler who scrummed a
Ul coiitiucl because "Uiry piomKoil
me musicals und put me Into west
erns." Is out to prove someut'iig
to Hollywood by starring In the
Broadway song show, "Casey
Jones," In the fall.
It's no secret lhat Beverly slmlcd
when Shelley Winters grabbed the
role she had been promised in
"Meet Danny Wilson."
Joan Crawford's denying a feud
with Gloria Grnhimie. " eu . .
says La Crawford, "don't Interest
me" , . .Preview Hash: Siante Kra
killing headlines: Adult celluloid
with a suspense wallop you seldom
encounter on the screen.
Boris Karloff. puffing on a pipe
on the set of UI's "The Black
Castle," was asked' what kind ol
tobacco mixture he uses.
"It 'a a blend I muks myself." he
said, "Wolfbane and mummy dust"
The studios are combing the lit
erary stockpile for tales set against
the background of Africa since the
box-office clean-up of "King Solo
mon's Mines" and the Academy
Award winner "African (Ju-en."
; Now it's Fox's "Naga Headhunt-
ers," from Eric Sevareldi nook,
clal terms of their divorce.
It's Richard Carlson Instead of
KM mm. m Br AT
th ond Loit Doyl
V StewartlRANGER
I FUtimJAMILY Vo( ) ;
II SSM ESfiSl'' !
Color Cartoon
Peter Lawford In MGM'a "Plym
outh Adventure.", , .Dinah Shmv's
staled for two TV shows Horn Do-
trolt. , , Clark Gable and Svivlit
are still haggling about the tlnun
clal tonus ol tliclr divorce.
Lin Taylor nd Michael Wlld'in
wrnt to to a 'movie iou.Imn kkO
Is Interested. , . Jane Powell's next
at MOM will be "Small 'luwu Oil I '
Ken Murray'! trying to nug
Alan Ladd fur Ills June 7 TV mow.
star In an ortglmil diainn.
It will be newcomer June Rnselle
not Judy Garland, Deaupa Uurbln
or any oilier singor who will Mm
In louls B.'Muyer'a movie torsion
ot "Paint Your Wagon," She's been
under personal contract to Mayer
for over year. ' .
tjlmm Iwo hot dog i, tw codtl, two
eanoV bar i, two nttmt and wi
ht fcbt boek tni OK Iwo coHtti
for Mom nd ro" '
Aw unfrglvoblo oct...on
"Oni of tin year's
-MfHd Cltliin Ntwi
"Msrlts accelads!
-tt Anf tlti Tlmrl
"Oni if the year's nest
-lit Anf (Ul OoSr X
Boi oifico ipni 12:30
. I" i a
Spectacle I
ttUKIt KUWIM . W CtWt UtttUI
imii micNu. wimw run
bill mural . mium uimmi
unforgltobl cno...(fom tho groafoit motion pictuto of our day I
proluolim of
Fredric March,
ill Mildud Ounnock Kom McCirthy CimKon Mitchell
Howard Smith lom rin tj jiuiur toiciii lwd im tut t
MIHIM MIIU1 u ',( k IM itNt Ktinll llMir
alWtllu tlHi. Oirtcltl i UUOMIUDtl ,
f-mmj Showi At -
12i30 - 2i21
Plu Thai Added Delight .
Technicolor Peorurette
ton it
juimsiD or
von mm
in iiuoNt two Him twin
Special Rood Show
At Regular Prlcoi
- :3I - 6:59 - 9,27
Loir Complete Show
At Midniqht
firry Strxifrr
"Wreitllno Demoni" M
ASoort- r
II m