AGE 8JXTKJ5N HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OKEGON Suturdiiy. April ft, ln2 A RELIGIOUS PLAY entitled "Stained Glass" is to be presented at the Willard Hotel .Saturday, April 12, 2 p.m., I produced by the drama group of the American Associa tion of University Women. There will be a tea party after the play and the public is invited. Members of the cast pictured include (left to right) Vera Propst, Pat Murphy, Catherine Walton, Margaret Shockey and Julia Zumwalt. Mrs. Robert Erlandson also s in the cast. House Scorns Vatican Plan WASHINGTON l.fl The House voted nearly two to one Frldny night to prohibit Die itovt'riimenl from vetting up n diplomatic mis sion nt the Vutlcnn without Senate approval. m - ivmirnv IIUII1UII 1J HIT w .-H- ...n.t I.. U .1 ........ renew relations at any time Mlp mRy ,be 80on Truce Negotiators Fail To Make Headway Again MUNSAN. Korea Wl Neuolla tors made no heuawny Saturday toward brcaklDK a two-way dead lock holding up uttreement on a pir.sltpnt rumors that an arinl- through a personal representative. The 159 to 83 vole was in con nection wlui a provision in the. bill denying the use of funds lor any diplomatic mission ' in liny stale or country" belore the Scnulo has confirmed the top diplomatic official or chief of mission. Rep. Preston (D.-Ua.l. author of the provision, said its mam pur pose Is to prevent President Tru man from appointing an ambas sador to the Vatican or from es tablishing a mission there during a congressional recess. This Is an aftermath of thp Pres ident's recently-disputed appoint ment of Gen. Mark W. Clark as ambassador to the Papal Clly. The Senato did not confirm the appoint ment, and It later was withdrawn at Clark's request. The leulslators took precautions against being recorded Individually on the controversial Vatican Issue. They rushed it to a quick vote and avoided roll call. 1 New Revised Bibles Due for Sale Soon i By SHERRY BOWEN Ap Kewsfeatures Writer ' NEW YORK Wl Almost a mil lion Bibles which are different by many thousand words and phrases fiom older English versions wiU bfe out soon. 'The Revised Standard Version is authorized by the National Council of Churches which hoiJs the copy right. i Working with the Council are a number of denominations which do not belong to it. Included are al most all the major churches in the United State except the Roman Catholic. A ' large committee of Bible scholars has been working since 1937 on the version. The New Testa ment was completed in 1945 and published in 1946. About two mil lion copies have been sold. Now the old Testament is finished. Three sets of presses will com plete printing the new Bible about Sept. 30, when first copies will be released to the public. "Thomas Nelson and Sons, the publisher, says it is the biggest first edition in history. Included .are 25.000 copies of the wnole Bible and 50.000 two-volume sets pi the Old Testament. .'"'Orders are on band for over a sail million copies. ars have known that a revision of the King James was needed," Weigle says. 3 Bankruptcy Bills Passed WASHINGTON Wl Three bills dealing with bankruptcies were passed by the Senate Fridav and sent to the House. Sen. Magnuson iD-Wash.i was floor manager for the measures. One. ft Successor tn thn nTH TPrn. Vast new material has been i ier-Lemke Law enacted in the 30's iouna Dy Bioie scholars in the ptstj10 rem-i io ocpression-nu iar-;my jj survlve. 75 Years. Some 300 words used in,"""" vu... ....... u..u ui-i iminriii v v -. 1EW a bankruptcy procedure for the Bible have changed meaning farmer debtors, since the King James was prepared The second would make more in 1611. In some cases translations I than 100 changes of "technical na we u-rnnir ;ture" in the bankruptcy code to were wrong. brixui un (p dme The King James version of the I The third authorizes a pav raise New Testament was made from a lfc,r referees in bankruptcy, increas nrir . . , lng the maximum s.ilarv for full- oreec text that contained more i time refnrw. frm cinnnn t tn. Death Takes Huston Walter LEBANON. Ore. fi Word was received here Friday of the death of C. Huston Walter, prominent Lebanon lumberman, at Tucson, Ariz. Walter. 47. a native of Iriquols. S. D., who was vacationing in Arizona, died Thursday night. He bought the Lebanon Lumber Company in 1937. and 13 years later sold out that firm and other holdings to the Santiam Lumber Comuanv. Afler his retirement, he continued his interest In thorough bred horses. He was one of the backers of the Lebanon Meadows Race track, a director of the Lebanon First Na tional Bank and a member of the Arlington and University Clubs of Portland. His widow. Mildred, and son Jlm- The subcommittee on truce supervision wrangled for 30 min utes over Communist nomination Phone Strike Bars Sought DETROIT HI The Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Increased Us wage otter Frlduy In an attempt to avert a threatened strike Mon day, but the union quickly rejected the proposal. The company hiked Its rejected $3 to $d weekly Increase to $3 to $7. A company .statement called the new offer a "last ditch effort." The offer, made In an eifort to avert a strike Monday by 18,000 Michigan workers, was rejected almost Instantly. the oiler was made as union heads were in session planning strategy for a strike which muy Involve 57,000 workers. oi bovici Kiissla us a neutral In spector mid a u.N. demand lor a ban on airfield const ruction. Observers Mild sin it olfloers m). parently were near agreement on a formula for exchanging prisoners of war. The secret prisoner talks were recessed indefinitely Friday. Tho observers said both sides are bnsv bringing their prisoner lists up to date. The U.N. Command has Insisted that It w ill repalrlale no prisoners against their will. Tho Reds want all U.N. -held prlsonera back. Settlement ol this bitter dispute might pnvo (he way to agreement on the other two unsettled prob lems. Communist newsmen, who fie. (liienlly reilect ofiiclul thinking. hinted Friday that the Reds would lie willing to withdraw their nomi nation of Russia If the U.N. Com mand abandoned Us demand for an airfield ban. But after a brief session of the Joint subcommittee on truce super vision Saturday, Mai, Clou, William K. Harrison mild tho CouiiniinlutN "have KtiHKcslcd no solution, . . They have advanced nu now ideas." When nHked about reports that a I niU was in the making Harri son t'cpilud: "They haven't said anything about It. I can't mviutlntn on the IiiisIh of hints or what Is mild on lite road ( outside the conference tents by UltMl." C'oinniunht correspond- TOYS - GAMES KITES - HOBBY SUPPLIES or POOLE'S 222 So. 7th A NEW CAR APPEARANCE! Triolets Add 15th Child WILLI AMSTON, N.C. Wl Mrs. Viola Brown, a 33-year-old Negro, than 5.000 errors, the accumulated inuiaies oi ii centuries oi manu script copying. Erasmus, whose edition of the Greek text was basic for the King uames scnoiars. used only eight medieval manuscripts. Scholars now have about 4.500 manuscripts of the New Testament inscribed in Creek prior to the in vention of printing. 00 a yerr and for Dart-time refer ees from $5,000 and $6,000. 1,053 Commie Planes Bagged TOKYO in Far East Air Dutch Photogs See Freedom WASHINGTON Wl Dutch pho tographers accompanying Queen Juliana of The Netherlands on her American tour are having a field day getting closeups and informal poses of her they would not dare attempt at home. Dutch newsmen as well as pho- Woman Killed, 3 Men Injured MYRTLE POINT ifl A woman was killed and three men were injured near here Friday in a head on auto-truck collision. Deed was Mary Minter. Chicago. . , 1 Vfaicmin driver of the car. and Jack L. V "" T.? ...ii I I Uai-ih TViou ' wv eimiic uuu virulent w. in, iiijr also were from Chlcano. Farm Surplus Total Down WASHINGTON Wl The AimI. culture Department says Us Invest ment In farm surpluses has dropped Irom a peak $4,200,000,000 in iuou to,oou. it declined 133 million dollars the past mouth. The now level rDinmun with n . SH7 nun luyi H..H ki... i was rratb mmrnrt.hlv lnH n(. i ...;.."'. ."'.lr ter giving birth u her lath 14th I . P"uc Mor' """" price and ?Mh bbie " I support loans to farmers and pro- "WrlPU-'rweighlng about five ZeT"" UMsM pounds each, wore born Friday n, department said losses on and were reported getting along prl'c';0 " line at Marun Genera Hospital jU 443 noil riiiriim i , . . here. The lather PKC Lonnle nmnthjTf the curre u ( seal year inr0SeS "ntU Wtth ",C A,, ends June 30 lSs were NhTaUcndnig physician. Dr. L.feMB'0UU "ur,l, ,he ! Mr.Le'.V. "'.'.y".,1!"? .,!.rt'1"! 'l 'I"'e rop In farm surpluses was monllis premature and did not stir-i ip ,"110 'Ul ",l '''- vive. On Feb. 16 1046, she gave birth to quadruplets, which ulso were premuturc and did not sur vive. In 1948, she gave birth to a son. and to twins April 15, litti, all three surviving. ... for the price of a paint job! - iV tty M.ntg.m.ry, our thoioujh ly lap.rlinc.d fc.dy-m.n In ch.if. ( iur itiod.rn toil Pilnl Department. WORK GUARANTEED! Lor ui "manicure" tho denti and scratch! your car't picked up this win tor. Fro citimatei cheer fully qiven. If Your Credit's Good . . . It's Good With Us! Anderson Auto Service , 632 Wolnut (By tha Poit Office) Ph. 8166 Foot-and-Mouth Disease Fought WASHINGTON irf-i New steDs to aid in the control of Canada's foot-and-mouth outbreak In Saskatchewan. and to guard The driver of tho log truck was r.ot hurt. Wreck Injuries Prove Fatal WALLA WALLA W Edwin Pltt nt Hermixtnn Ore.. rriLical- ly injured in a head-on automobile y,fDoreJi were reported Thursday. ine unuea states nas sent an expert irom the Mexico eradication aim on In n to aid in the light. He is Dr. Francis J. Mulbcrn. The Department of Agriculture reported also the lightening of in spection and quarantine regulations al the Canadian-U.S. border. It said 24 new Inspectors have been employed for patrol work to guard against Canadian livestock crossing tographers are amazed at the way collision which killed his wife Wed- tne American press nandics domes- nesday, died Friday nlht in a wal 1 TUESDAY See MONDAY'S Paper tic as well as visiting dignitaries. une American photographer Forces said Saturday that Allied : shouted, "Hey. Queen, move over1 i , mr, TOii rf..n om i pilots have destroyed or dam..i eaio one awed Dutch newsman ltus of Yale Divinitv School nnri U-53 Communist planes since the adding almost with disbelief: "And former president of the Federal Council of Churches is chairman of the committee which made the revision. r2"We have sought to recover the Bible," he. says. "We have sought to preserve the great values, lit erary and religious of the King James version. We are seeking to restore the Bible to its rightful place in American life." "'Weigle expects RSV will replate 'the King James for most English speaking churches, although he nd other members of the com mittee recognize the King James -has been a mighty force in religion and that millions know the scrip .tures only in that version. j "For more than a century, schol- 1.053 Communist olanes sine, the ' adding almost with disbelief: Korean War started. sne dld " Allied losses not counting United Nations naval planes were listed as 622. Of this figure 490 were lost to Red ground fire, 68 in air com bat, and 64 due to other causes not explained in detail. la Walla hospital. Piatt, 24, was the driver of one of the cars Involved in the crash. Mrs. Mary Z. Smith, Pasco, driv er of the other car, is still listed as critical. AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO can rent Imrtlj new pincl ptana from the Lanis R, Mann Piano Com pany, lit M. Hi. at ft law monthly rate. Alter reason ante time you can. if ymm with, chanre from rent la pur chase a-r cement. The rent already pain la all credited to yoar purchase account and no other down payment ia nccea aary. Tbt monthly payments can be little hia-her than khl Or. if fer. yen can continue to rent. RED B EVERY DANCE ARN - DORRIS SATURDAY NIGHT with LES GARDNER and his WESTERN SWING BAND Dancinq 10-2 Admission 1.00 Inc. Tax Direct Broadcast from Red Barn KFJI 10:00 to 10;30 IT'S THE... BEL AIR Guaranteed forever Prr But See,. EJLL3k-':.. : 12 MACHINES IN 1 (Requires No Attachments) If 1 fi 0r mm mrnm .it "f . ... MODEL 550 "MONARCH"' '., Available in Walnut, Mohoeay, Blende and Lime Oak. , Machine Service and Exchange Sews Forward nd Revtrst Sew on Buttoni Mokes Burton Holes Overedginf 9 Blindstirching Invisible Hemming Embroiders Appliques Monogromt Hemsritchinf Darning Zig-Zog Stitching Satin Stitching AND 422 MAIN PHONE 6771 MANY s OTHERS Free Demonstrations Gladly" WARMMG TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Are you beinq approached by itinerant sidinq, roofing, ond insulation applicators who use high pres sure methods in their selling technique? It you are, we suggest the following procedure: 1. Do not sign a contract or make a deposit immediately. Check with one of tho dealers listed below for estimates on the same work. Remember that the firms listed below are tax-payers of this community . . . and will be here to render you service on your building problems year in and year out . . . and to stand behind their materials and workmanship. Do not be mislead by honey-coated words. Particularly beware of demonstration home deals. Your local deal ers and workmen will give you quality materials and workmanship at prices based on the actual value of the job . . . and NOT based on how much you can be high pressured into accepting. We are inserting this ad because some of our friends tell us that itinerant sidinq, roofinq, and in sulation applicators 'have implied that they are reprcsontinq or have connections with some of the dealers listed below or are representinq the manufacturer of the materials directly. There are na such connections- For. your own protection, check with your local dealer before siqninq any agree ment. 1 O BUILDERS LUMBER CO. O J. W. COPELAND YARDS O DRAKE LUMBER CO. O KLAMATH VALLEY CO. O LONG-BELL LUMBER CO. O BASIN BLDG. MATERIALS O HOME LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. O SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. ' 1 n