SJ I I . in ; HOt-ll! "r - r , PAGE FOURTEEN U HILr WANTED, MALI SALESMAN earnings to atari, appro (171. par month. Opportunity to ad vance. Ami la to 30. Apply Standard Stallone, inc. 2nd and fain or bplan- 17 HUP WANTED VTaN It WIFE or oporalort ' Faemei Coif and Country Club concession. Year around employment, living quar ter,, furnished. Give full qualification and referencea In Itttar to boa g7 cara of Harald and Npwi. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED Wi!.L do ironlnj In my noma. Phona Fili'i n pin' frhnne 3017 i.i'i hounwbRKT Phone 7t VVAN'lLU part time Job. O. T. L gABnENINO.J'hone 2-02B8. CHILD CARE, 339 East Main. 1:45 to :3Q daya phona 5670, ave. 3-0373, WIU. oara lor chlldran in my noma days svenlnga. Call S-1949. ' 22 ROOMS FOR RENT BOOMS, a3y.cck, 628 Jefferson. SLEEPING ROOM lor rant. OuUida entrance Close In. 81B Walnut. ROOM, board, gentlemen. 1607 Crea- cent. ROOM and board. Men only. 500 N. Dth. ROOMS for rent. Private entrance and private bath. Close In. Phona t. mniwa m.w o'i ROOM, gentleman. 1530 Crescent. ROOM.' gentlemen. Phone 8638- . MCE ROOMS, 623 Pacific Terrace. ROOMS, prices reasonable. Phone 4627 EoVELY rooma for rent t-t7 weak Ciote In. Phona 4a. ; ' FRONT room for rant Greer Apart- menu. 7i wain. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FURNISHED three room apartment In duplex. Besides furniture has electric range, electric washer, refrigerator, oil heater, water. Vary close In. North aide. Phoneaaoa. Vmukic room iurnUhed apartment 1 Phone 4B2i . AJl.Uiiiiniiid. Til South 2nd. . .UNFURNISHED basement apartment hfat and water furnished. $35. Jegjf crator and electric range available. SOia Mnin or phone 3410. ' Fur. onriM furnished aoartment 38-50 " -i o I REDECORATED three room fuirt'tied apartment. Two blocks off Main Adults no pets, iv o i an Apirunoim, " inn , FUH HtiNl , Him ' merit. Close in, adults only, no pets. f none tzi-u, FOR RENT, small furnished apartment suitable for couple. 2919 Summers Lane. ' - . - hatti ' hii-h , ATTKALTlvt. two ivom ;:'.:Tl04CrScent. &hon. 2-09 THREE room furnished aparunent for , rent. No ariajtma. u. TWO 'S.-CT, , icoaern equippw- r"""1 UNFURNISHED one Mroom d"P!' ( Electric water heater, wired for range. FOR RENT, one bedroom apartment." $43.50. 230 wnue Also two Dearoom ovum. Phone a-ozo3 amitn trVUG MnnlatW furnished CX Wi IIIMIIV. ' " FURNISHED apartment $30. Lights and CCpi ais. aav ymcr iuiihwh.- : THREE room furnished apartment. bVth, steamheat Close in. Adults. 415 water lurnisnea. t walnut rnwwfi ' CLEAN attractive well fu'ibed wo room court apartment with S Close In. $33.50. Phone 6455 or 37S8. APARTMENT with gas heat also small camns. o nmu " STEAM HEATED apartment with bed room, two yot. FURNISHED apartment . Apartment 1. 300 Market. for rent ; ' 5 .... hotH fit. NEWLY aecorawu. JTr chenette. Steam heat, electric range gin wecK we M-ra THREE HOOM furnished apartment. 2061 . wntte. THREE room furnished rtn?rln'- Kear nign scnooi. auu. VACANCY, four room furnished apart . ment 503 Market Phone 6317. i LARGE, two oeoroom cuihy, nlshed apartment References. Call 34CT niIICJ aH"' m viiovicurn ixi-o hMtraom aoartment J.1 Daanxa. HAW THRES rooms, lurnwicu. -y- water, laundry facilities. Close Adults only. No pets. 804 Lincoln. Phone 2-3170. . FOR RENT, two room furnished P"1; ment Couple only. Phone 731B, 2124 Bienn. -TWO ROOM furnished apartment, close - in. naa winui FURNISHED apartment, suitable for couple. Inquire Apt 7. 1717 Main. Phone 2-24B3 FOR RENT, two bedroom furnished - apartment, rnone at-oo : 26 HOUSES FOR RENT UNFURNISHED house also cabins. 4806 South stxtn. FOR RENT, unfurnished duplex. 1888 Meirose a it ecu FOUR room partly furnished house for rent Phone 7Bua. ' Twrt hkrirnnm unfurnished home. Just r redecorated. 528 No. Seventh. $45 month- jy. rnoneBm run. lVE.ii i. vn , ,n i. a nuneq nouse. mmmc v '' THHEE ROOM, , furnished, close in. pnone zim. FOR RENT, two bedroom home, mod ern, completely furnished. 4364 Sum- FOR RENT, two room furnished house. Lights and water furnished. $30 adults on.y, aw martin. f UK HLn i , mrce ruum uuw- w ' nlshed, not modern. $20 month. 3209 - Hiiyara. PARTLY FURNISHED bouse for rent inquire ZfljJ uan. c iTRHisHEn hnuict with fireolace. Suit able for two families. $45 also four room partly furmsnea nouse. . rnom 4248. cor bent furnished bachelor's cab in. Redecorated. Lights and water. $15. month. Phone 9145 or inquire sew? wnue THREE room furnished house in Mills Acamon. rnniie iji. . ft. RAN thre room furnished house. Gas equipped, garage. Responsible couple, no peis, rnone oo aiier ic p.m ONE BEDROOM furnished house for rent. 863 Caiifcmi. inquire oojva uai ifornia. SMALL two bedrocm bouse, remodeled and reaecoratea. w. neierences re- quired, r none goz. ONE bedroom house for rent. Semi- modern, partly zurmsnea. sju, micnigan Avenue, rnone DUPLEX for rent Phone 3027 before 9 p.m. THREE room house. Mills Addition. Partly furmsnea. newiy aecoraiea in- siae. rnone viw aay. FOR RENT, two, three and four room caDins. i4i uougias. FOR RENT, three room furnished houuse. Couple only. 435 uaK, ONE bedroom modern home, $1600. '47 or '48 car in trade. 4740 Aiva. FOR SALE. Furnltshed 1 bedroom house. Gas. 1127 N. 8th Street at Upham. DUPLEX for rent Phone 3027 before 9 p.m. , 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS V- DRIVE Move Youraelf Save 14 New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 FOR RENT or lease, one.two-three or four hundred acre, new land, free ir rlcatlon. S30 par acre. Dial operator aihs. FOR RENT. Irrigated pasture for 20 head of cattle. Two mllea aouth of town. Call 9313 afler p.m. ' FOR LEASE, 39 acres potato ground, In potatoes one year. L. E. Holrhouser. Star Route, Merrill, phone Malln 323. AMERICAN floor sandera and edgers. awlft and easy to operate. Bruce floor -i 'finish, fillers, waxes and varnish. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1040 So. Sixth Phone 48IS bmcK for rent. . 633 . Main. Phona Tiai. JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM HOME , C1osa I" on 13 acres of nice Irrigated eandy loam soil when you can enjoy 'farm life and atlU have city advan i tages. Price tl.1.0OO. Terms. ,. NEWHOUSI REAL ESTATE torn 8a th Phones 8832-5742 10 REAL ISTATI FOR SALE Investors Attention Doeg your "OLD LUCRE" lay arouna gainerinE "mcwa nciviug "mouldy" drawing a low rate of Ittnrt9 Tlnaa vnur nlri "Roll" need new rubber band? Do you have n "rtoir in your awn owkuik lump In your maiiress aecpins you awake nights? H you have any of these symptoms we have a wonderful solution to the prob lem. A lovely modern 3 bedroom brick home with full concrete hnMfmant a. modern 2 bedroom frame home and two apartment buildings, consisting oi lunuancu rental units. All situated on ad- lAininir lnt.s and nil in tlD-tOD shape. $4100 per year Income. FULL FrIICE aza.uuu. uwner win give terms to right party. . We have INCOME and BUSINESS property ranging from $5600 to $60,000. So dont let your "Long Green" get musty pick up your phone and call. Al Longmlre Joe Perry Eves 6724 Eves. 5333 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main SU Ph. 3665 or 3421 LANGELL VALLEY FARM 360 ACRES 250 Irrigated, balance good grazing. Two bedroom mod ern home, spring water. 4a.ju 13 down. HOMES FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS Very nice two bedroom home with fireplace, ham wood floors, good basement. S8750. SHASTA WAY Modern three bed. room home, $5500, $31.50 a month. ST. FRANCIS PARK Well located two bedroom home. $7000. STEWART-LENOX Two bedroom modern home on targe lot. $765 down, balance like rent. NORTH OP MAIN Three bedroom home to trade for home with acreage. Lester Jones Eves. 7047 BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Phone 2-3471-4880 LANGELL VALLEY 160 acres, of which 86 are irri gated, 20 acres in alfalfa, 7 acres clover, 18 acres pasture. Balance was In grain last year. 2 houses, milk barn and other buildings. Full price $16,000. Terms can be ar ranged. SIX ACRES Two bedroom pumice tile house 3 years old. 2 miles from Merril. On navpd marl lTiill nrin. o oaa Terms. 26 ACRE RANCH Near Merrill. Would be ideal place Kiiicnens. 2 Dearoom mod ern home and outbuildings. Priced at $6750. Terms. ROY "Pete" HODGES, with CHARLES BOLESTA REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE MERRILL, ORE. pa 285! ANNOUNCEMENT Dunbar-Robinson Agency, A. E. Dye, Realtor Has established a Real Estate Department with JACK CASHIN in charge Your property listings solicited. We write all forms of In surance, including life Dunbar-Robinson Agency 130 So. 5th. Phone 7211 EAST MAIN Well located tbetween "underpass and Mills School. Six room home with good size attic. Easily adapt ed to business building with living quarters. Good heating system. Two nice size bedrooms, two entrances. Lot has 64 foot frontage. Price $7000. ELDORADO STREET Large English style four bedroom home In choice location. Close to Roosevelt School. Oak floors, fire place, Venetian blinds, Vi baths, automatic piped furnace, full base ment. Sprinklers in front yard. Shown by appointment. $15,000, terms arranged. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112 S, 9th Phone 7266 aS ACRES All irrlsted. Good land, ft acrei old alfalfa, a acre new seeding. Daiance icnceo pasture, gooa mull farm outbfldlngi. Small two bedroom house, neat. Fine kitchen. Good well. pavea roaa. fiemey ocnooi. adoui tev en miies soutn. Ten. io7-wdi. COMER JONES, REALTOR 111 South Fourth S ROOM HOME Two acrei of good irrigated land where you can raise your wlnteri food sup ply, 19,000. Terms. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CATTLE RANGE CLOSE IN 425 acres deeded, 135 acres are cultivated. Domestic well. 160 acres Taylor grating. Will run up to 250 head. 3 reservoirs. $18,500. VERNON DURANT .'. ANDY SI LAN I REAL ESTATE 631 S. Sixth Ph. 8195 Eves. 5544 or 7923 SUBURBAN Just off Shasta Way. For only $5000 you can have this modern, well constructed 2 bedroom plas tered home. Concrete foundation, attached garage, automatic heat, insulated. 13 acre good garden soU. MILLS ADDITION Newly built, attractive modern 2 bedroom bungalow, in excellent condition throughout. Attached sa rage, automatic heat, well land scaped lot, Price $9500. FHA terms. YALTA GARDENS You'll wonder why you didnt move sooner when you see this attractive ranch style home, located In Klam ath's restricted suburban area. 2 sunny bedrooms, comfortable living loom with fireplace, den or study. Ideal place for the flowers and garden you've always warned. Shown by appointment only. Price $11,000. MILLS ADDITION $3200 Small, but substantial 1 bedroom house on back portion of an unus ually good lot, well located at 22i0 Wantland. Just the place for some one who wants to. build their own home later on the front half and have a rental unit out back. Open Evenings By Appointment See Homer Stiles Phone 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 5658 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. Chilcote & Smith REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. ten SU Phone 4564 or 5529 PAT HOWES Realtor SUBURBAN GARDEN SPOT Beautifully landscaped 2 bed room home. Modern kiuhen, living room with .fireplace, dining room, and full basement. Cottage In back that could be utilized for rental unit. Chicken house and barn. All this for $9500. Terms. Call Bruce Owens tEves.) Merrill 4891 with "Pat" Howes Realtm- 1025 Main St. Phone 2-354?, Just Getting Started? Do you think you can't afford your own home? Here is a place lor a couple that can be adde. jwu so aiuiig. nas a goo foundation lor future building. Lc cated in South. Suburbs. Only $150v good terms. Large Family Ideal for a family with several children. Four bedrooms, baths, one and two acres that can be leased giving plenty of place for children to play and raise t. Several fruit trees, lots of garden space. Fruit room to store canned fruit and vegetables. Reasonably priced. Mills Addition A cheerful home with two large ucuiuuras. riemy 01 storage space fruit room, fenced yard, fruit trees, lilacs. Insulated and weatherstrip pol so it's cool in the summer warm in the winter. Close to school and supervised playground $7950. South Suburbs LArOP Kvfnflr twin, n.t.U --a- "a mm pmmic window and fireplace. Dining room. ueuruoms, ooin wnn shower, Venetian blinds. Has play house buuuicu, iiiue yaru wun berries and shrubs. $9250. If you like the suburbs but do not like drlvinc thrnuch tv mi here's your dream cottage on a pavea sireei. iwo oearooms, lots of bullt-ins, kitchen with breakfast bar. It ift an rlpan it. Bnarlrla. $6600. Going Places Travel with great economy and all me comioris oi nome. .10 loot Mafnlfnpr hntis frntlAi vu tn pull nice to live in. Cost $2200 iur MUics. sale uniy oou, excellent terms. Need A Car? We have a party who has a beau tiful, spotless 1951 Stwlebaker Commander 8, that he wishes to trade for an equity in a two bed room home in Mills Addition or South Suburbs. Call us for details. Johnny Hobson Dale Orubb Eves. 6804 Eves. 3544 AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. oth. Phone 8283 ,0- Rl1 'STATE fOR SALE "Pat" Howes Realtor MILLS ADDITION Beautiful and distinctive home. Living room with fireplace, two bedrooms with wardrobe closets, lnrne kitchen with plenty of bullt-lns and dinette space. This home li Immaculate, . both inside and outside. Readv to move Into. PRICE $9850. TERMS. "PAT" HOWES REALTOR 1025 Main St. Phone 2-3544 Evenings Call Bruce Owens. Merrill 4891 "Hap" Davison 3871 Mervyn Shuck Merrill 4483 5 ACRES $1000 DOWN and move In to this comfortable three bedroom home In South Suburbs on paved street. Lois of out-buUdillB.i. FINE IRRI GATED LAND. Full price $10,000. WORKING COUPLE Attractive four room modern home. PARTIALLY FURNISHED. Excel lent condition. CLOSE IN. Im mediate possession. $2950 4 pet cent terms. SEE DEANE SAC11ER with Eves. 663't BILL SULLIVAN REALTOR 120 So. 9th. Phone 5558 S5000 Two bedrooms, oil heat. Concrete foundat'on. Nice location. SSO00 Two bcircimr. autcmatlo heat. Nice condition. In Mills. . 40 Acres Gravity lrr:;. t'rn. Immediate pis session. Malin. $9000. 80 Acres Close In. 50 acres Irrigated. Six year old two bntroom home and other outbuildings. $30,000. 80 Acres 19 miles out. All .5 and $ year old alfalfa. All gravity Irrigation. One bedroom home. On highway. Never been spudded. $32,000. VERNON DURANT HERB SCHMIDT Andy Silani REAL ESTATE ' 631 South Sixth Phone 1195 Fves 554479239879 ; ' CATTLE RANCH LANDS $10 to $25 acre with oil, mineral, water. - timber, rights. EASY TERMS. Free Land Catalog. PACIFIC LANDS Box 2350-AZ HOLLYWOOD 28. CALIF. SUBURBAN See this attractive three-bedrooi home located 'i block off Wia: St. Large living room with circ latlng fireplace. Hardwood floe Nice kitchen, utility and bath. ( rage, chicken house. Nicely la scaped. A real buy for $7850. Ter RIVERSIDE Quick possession on this comfu able 6-room home. Located on t large lots. All landscaped ai fenced. Concrete foundation. Lart. cheerful kitchen and dining arei utility room, Hi baths. Excellen condition throughout. Attached gf rage. Chicken house. Going fc $7950. Terms. Near High School Outstanding f o u r-bedroom home. Constructed 1941 Spacious living and dining rooms, music room and well-planned kitchen, two full baths. Fireplace. Insulated and weather-stripped. Full concrete basement, with air - conditioning type furnace. Landscaped yard Move right in. $18,000. Terms. 160 Acres Sandy loam soil. All under irriga tion. 40 acres permanent pasture. This ranch suitable for potatoes, clover, alfalfa or barley. Good year around road. Three bedroom home, modern conveniences. Only $10,000 down, balance $1000 per year, 4 per cent Interest. 160 Acres All in alfalfar Ready for potatoes this year. Close In on good road. If you are looking for potato land this year, see it today! Prompt action will bring good profit. TOPS We are offering one of the finest diversified ranches In Klamath Co. 98 acres of top sandy loam soil. Beautiful 9-room French Provln-clal-typc home with every modern convenience for comfortable living. Excellent outbuildings. You will have to see this to appreciate It. Full price, $85,000. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204 JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK . REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 WOULD you like to own a nice newly decorated two bedroom home with dou ble garage, sprinkling sysfem, plenty of good storage space. Only lk block from bus, grocery, bakery and drug stores also with a one bedroom apart ment In basement, for extra Income. All this tor smisu. Phone 3-333". FOR SALE, home at 638 Pacific Ter race. Might consider small house as pari payment, fnone g-.isi or soou. FOR SALE one bedroom modern home, view windows Venetians, electric heat. Two lots. Picket fence. Cash talks. so.BOCl. 3318 Modoc, rnone Jfm YEAR OLD three bedroom home In re stricted Eldorado addition Electric heat, completely insulated, aluminum storm and screen windows. Attached garage, hardwood floor! throughout, 131 Dahlia. Phone 6719. HERALD 10 RIAL mm FOR SALI FOR SALE 5-ROOM HOME, full basement, piped furnace, tlreplace, large playroom In basement, large ga rage, house in A-l repair. Lo cated North part of city on pavement. 3-bedroom suburban home, concrete foundation, floor fur nace, celling Insulated, garage, good location. Price $7950.00 Terms. 1-bedroom home on north side of Main Street. Immediate possession. Price $4500.00 Terms, SEE " FRED COFER Eves. 3593 BOB STEPHENS - Eves. 9330 Barnhisel Agency 113 S. 8th. . Phone 4195 LANGELL VALLEY . - FARM SCO 3 3M IrriRuted, balance I home, spring water. $40,350 with 1-3 dmvn l-IOMES FOR SALE HOT SrnlNOS- Very nice two. bedroom home with fireplace, and hnrtiwood floors. .Good br-;-n; $8750. . . - ' SHASTA WAY Modern three bedroom home. $5500; $T' ' i per month. ST. FRANCIS PARK Well lo cated two-bedroom home, $7000. STEW.' RT-LENOX, two bedroom home to trade for home with acre age. LESTER JONES Eves. 7047 BEARD AGENCY REALTORS tV INSURANCE 1020 Main Phone 2-3471-4B80 Walking Distance To town. Level north side location close to schools. Small two-bedroom home with full basement and for third bedroom. Auto heat, ga rage and landscaped lot. Ideal lot working couple. $7000. Terms. Immediate Possession Two bedrooms, large living room. Kiicnen ana aining room. Com petely remodeled. Near Falrvlew school. ELECTRIC HEAT. FHA appraisal already made so you can move right In. $9750 FHA Terms. MILLS ADDITION Here is something different. Mod ern runch-stvte Mvrfrnnm hnm with huge fireplace. Large living room With built-in ra.-lln I.anH- scaped lot with patio. This Is a piciune ooo nome. p;'rcx. 83i0C iu nanaie. Choice Suburban Three bedroom home with fire ace on about 2-3 acre exceller, oil. Lots of building's, which incluc leatcd chicken house, tack roor torage room, fruit room and smr arn. Lanscaped yard, good gar ten, fruit trees and berries. 8c: this today for only $14,500.00 on FHA terms. RON FISHER Eves. 8970 ALAN DOUGLAS Eves. 2-0085 Johnny Blaylock' i REALTOR 116 S, Eleventh Phone 8446 FARM 77 acres near Malin Exceptionally good diversified farm all irrigated. Suitable for potatoes, grain, alfalfa, or clover. 54 head whlteface cattle, together with all nec essary farming equipment. Modem two-bedroom home, garage and very good out buildings. Price $65,000.00. Terms. RANCH ' 970 acres in Poe Valley Capable of supporting an economic stock herd on a cow and calf basis, a 4-600 head sheep or yearling steer outfit. 140 acres of excep tionally good deep loam soli of which 73 acres are now Irrigated and en additional 67 acres ready for the ditch. There are - an additional 163 acres of higher land un iformly deep medium loam soil which can be put under Irrigation from a deep well. Balance of land la juniper . grass type hill range parti cularly good grazing In spring and fall seasons. The drain age on all this land is ex cellent and-the Improvements are adequate for operation. Good location on paved high way. Price $47,500.00. At tractive terms. "PAT" HOWES, Realtor 1025 Main St. Phone 2-3545 Evenings Call: Bruce Owens, Merrill 4891 "Hap" Davison . .. . 3871 Lester Van Cleve :. 8870 Mervyn Shuck, Merrill 4482 FOR SALE. nicS building lot, Hot Springs addition, very, close to school. rnonerruB. FOUR bedroom home, Merrill highway plus 38'xllO' metal building Insulated: other buildings; fine well, Henley school bus. Bargain price, write w. r. tiannon s.w w. atn at. weatoro, uregon. TWO bedroom home. Close In. Base ment, oil furnace. 18,000. Phone 4338. CHICKEN RANCH, Vk seres, deep well icuii a, aiuiiv buuiii FOR SALE, verv cheao. Income nron. erty. two small houses on large lr,L Cash or reasonable terms. Inquire t 436 uwens n. AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. 10 . RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI CATTLE RANCHES and FARM LAND water. Included 8 cows, other llve- biock, nay aiu inacuiiirry. oix room house and barn. PRICE $20,000. TERMS. 160 acres Irrigated farm lnnd. 25 acres new and old alfalla, Balance grain land. PRICE $.10,600. 300 acres farm land nearly all can be Irrigated with cheap water. Some meadow land, PRICE $35,000 . 3 acres for suburbnn home or business location. Has unfinished house. PRICE $6,300. TERMS. LARGE CATTLE RANCH Nicely located on main highway, range adjoins ranch; free water for Irrigation: goud buildings and machinery. . 600 head good Here foi'd rattle Included In price oi $300,000 Terms. This la one oi the Northern Cali fornia, best cattle actups and la not out In the slicks. For full Information on above ranches and otlirr listings routaA Paul A. Tschirky REAL ESTATE Phone 7-0156 Tulrlnke, Calif. Tulelake Homestead FOR SALE BY OWNER 60 ACRES all In aUnlla on Tulelnke wesl.slde. Small noun' and out-buildings. Full price, $37,000; anlly $6,500 down, bal ance payments. PHONE MERRILL 3851 Evenings Tulelnke 7-0503 or 7-050, corner bullilins, upproxl mauly 00x140. two slurv. In downtown Cooa Bay. S13.0UO. Terms. W. 1.. Miliar. VZ3 N. urnadway, coua nay, Oregon. HitlCKO (or quirk sale, modern two Deuroom noma in Mills Addition rnone IBM: j. KOH 8ALR. near Fairs lew school. lwo bedroom home with finished sttlc. All large, comfortable rooms. Hardwiod floors. firroUce. lots of bullt-ins tnd cloteU. insulated. S lia-ement with piped furnace. Two-car saras.. SOS lk. ta Street, phone S47:i. NEW HOMES for sale William B Powell I'hone SM FOR SAIj: on Pacific Terrace Verv nice three bedroom home. I'hone 4!Mto or J-3471 TWO bedroom home foK sale la Mills Addition one block from Mills Hchool. Triced very reasonable. 2UJ7 .Garden. Phone 3-03M. FOH SALE, small one bedroom home with sarase In Mills Addition Neat and clean Price soouo Phone 370 after St m. S- .il UU trcl- r. Avc KUK SALE, furnl-hrtl 1 bedroom house. Gas. 1127 N. nth. St at Upham. LIST VOtlH PKOPKRTV WITH THIS FIRM FOR ACTION. rvEnrrr ue.nnis realtor 131 No. Sth Phona SsOl FOR SALE, two bedroom modern house . acre around. Reasonable. Cell before 5 p.m, Pnone 3333. I OR SALE, Vi acre modem one bed room home. Insulated, electric Slooa down. Immed ale poa,c. .1. Phone 3-OU43. FOR SALE, one bedroom home on two lots. 50x150 One block from Mills school 13750. Phone 58.13. 32 IUILDING t REMODELING ROOFINO Built-up Composition Shlngi'.. Aluminum Shingles SIDINO Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-ln Flberglsss COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREB1N arsi 8TORM WINDOW Kuhlmah Insulation I Phone 4468 or I CLEM LESEUER. 2-2443. Agenl ALL WORK GUARANTEED 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING Oil St.-va, furnace light fual, coal, wood charcoal Pay ion and Co 135 Markat Phonr 3140 DRV otne blocks for tale Opn va nlngi and wkntU. Mailer Brot. Pitt.ifTOi.OGS pickup or dtlivarvd Citff "adrni Signal Scrvlr. Xtflfl (In 61 h Hionr .1691 or 3-H200 S & 11 GREEN STAMPS given on htat inn olU Phont or 2.82(10 (oi orompt del'vtry 1l.irr YADEN'S SIGNA1 ERVIC 3560 to flth 18 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES AltC COLDKM RETRIEVER pups top sale, 3''a months old. 4331 Clinton. Phona; B010. FOR SALE Chihuahua DUoples. Phone 2-2030. SAVE tl Buy a Chris Craft Kit Boat also Cruls, era and Runabouts. Jnhnron Sen Horse motors. Boats bought, sold and ex changed Boats (or rent to fisher men. MONROE BOAT WORKS 02K rront St. Phone 8-1MH BOARDING KENNELS Dog Boarding b day. week or monll Ssnltary kennels Well balanced dlcl Clean Individual c-ildnof runs fni aacr dog Dogs handled durlra matins Wll Dick up and deliver Visitors Welcome Phone ten Merrill Kl Rt 2 Boa SO flHASI-A L'ASI'ADt KENNELS ANDERSON Boarding Kem,eis Phom 1Q47 8B8 D'.'lawa-e oft Homedale THREE collie pups for sale. Three months old, (old and while. Litter reg istered. Call 303(1 42 LIVESTOCK 1 POULTRY KUULlRY WAN TEL Ctuth paid for uny amount. Top market prices fnr good quality For quotations PHONE 3867 KLAMATH POULTRY PARMB rOR SALE two Hffflatered Palomino Block hornet, one raiomino Kiai pony, Phone 82411 or 2-Xi0H. IS HEAD of Guernsey and Holito n freih dilrv powi. recently double tent ed. 10 Hotitetn yearling helfe". 13 Dur- nem eaive, i neg. uurnam nun. nm v.'.. Roblnon. Bonanza, Ore. Phone 2IJIJJ. rOH SALE Shetland ponya gnd laddie hones. Phone 2-2030. Rt. 2 Pox 444. NEW Vt horae Evlnruda kicker for aale. LeM than 30 houn. Alio 12 ft. plywood boat. Good condition. Both for a i '3. ace at aiai naaciiiin, pnona jt'ium FOH SALE, battery-type SO chick elec tric oruouer, lancy mnum seuing cgB. Phone 4040, , WEANElt plt for aale. Phone It-OWM. FOPTSALE, SO WEANER plga S10 each Rayuon, Midland, W VT . n.-CIrcrt hen. . Pho W -HWI HirilfEST prlre oald fnr onulirv hnar and livestock. BIO V ME A 'I MARKE1 Lsakawtew Junction Phone 4M" ARTIF1CTA'. BREKDINO SERVICE Phone 5721 M C Chitck warren hi 9, Pox 532 If no anwwer Phone 4400. BABY "chick, Dryden leghorna, New Hampxnire ana uorniin n ampin ire croai, Taieni naicnary, 4ioni, ur, Phone Aahland 2-302L 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED pnature near Klamath" Falla or Bonanza ior w in .i nena yearung' Phona 5020, auk for Harvey, OREGON 42 LIViSTOCK LIVESTOCK AUCTION WED. APRIL 9-1:30 P.M. CATTLE - HOGS - SHEEP 1 50' FED STEERS & Along with the usual consignments ol 250 to 600 lirnd of fat and feeder, Cattlo, Hogs and Hlierp, WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS Powdor River Branding Chutes JQO;50 Powder River Calf Talilo ?- QQ"0 ON HAND NOW LIVESTOCK TRUCKS FOR HIRE ONE HEAD OR A CARLOAD KLAMATH LIVESTOCK INC., Midland Road Phone 3074 Ft, E. "BOB" RHODE8, Auctioneer PHONE 4033 31- MISCILLANIOUS rOR SALI AUCTION & AUCTION AUCTION WELCOME to MERRILL'S FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL COMMUNITY AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 19, J952 1 P.M. r MERRILL COMMUNITY HALL GROUNDS MERRILL, OREGON .ALL CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME NO CONSIGNMENT TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL For Further Information See or Call G. W. "Jerry" FALES AUCTIONEER K.LAMATH FALLS 5304 Alva St. MlSCILtANIOUS WANTIO WANTED to rent IS ton Van Ilk truck. Plion WANTED to"buy young milch guu. W. U Wmk1, MrMU.Orgon. wk nkko'cahb' Q top price nwf, Ram Motor Ca , WA.NTED'uiTd tractor plow. WrYuBoi on Herald ana rnw. WANTED. Uid dbuU laundry tuba. n.ona o. WANTED, wfond hand dtvr rlti. maka condition and prtca. 34.13 Rtcla wailon. , WANTED to rni iwo or "tKrSa bcttrnom hom, by rviponalblo parly. Phont 3 cmas 't3 P nv VK NEED CAMS' G1 top prlrt now Mniot Co gih and Pluir 4 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pmj Onlt 1100 47J7 M' Repay in U IiuUlltntnU W TO 1300 ON rURNlTUtvl OR SALARY or ro tiaoo on oars rHI IDEAL PLACE TO BORROV. Convenient Location Convenient to Bono Convenient to ptf Loca-Ut oemeo Nr Cure )tancel at Dank rate -VONEy IN A HlRRT Motor Investment Co Mi yean urvin KJinutn Ba-n See 'C.uck' Balle) M? IK N 7UI 8t Ptlone m. 8-MI al-n QOMMtRCIAL Furnishes Cash, CASH LOANS ISO to 1300 Auto - Purnltur Uveitock - 8lat7 150 to IM0 Automohllei t paid tor or noti Private Sale of Auloi Pinanceo Make your dealt CASH dealti Commercial Finance ' Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr Jlc 8-3SI - N-J ,07 No 9th Phone nil 4b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE General Merchandise Store Beer and Wine License it Building of 8400 8q. Ft. and living quartern, Grossed Over $60,000 in 1051 -LOCATED-: BIG VALLEY, CALIF. WILL 8ELL CASH - TRADE - OR LEASE WHITE Herald & News, Box 38 EQUIPPED restaurant for sale or lease in Merrill, inquire i,obi wiver Tavern. FOR SALE, grocery business that will give you a gooo income, ideal tor cou pie, fnone a-j.iitn, FOR SALE. 19m oaoacltv saw milt. ;i minion noaro feet or plna tlmher. Mill now In operation Write Boa 63, Herald Newi POULTRY Phono 2-2452 41 1USINISJ OPfORTUNITlII wis si.""." pari r mil lima, nm apcilcnc riUird No tailing. touo Thu ojwnlng paya you aiicallatit waakly Inrnma. Will tland onr bankar'a ln Auaclliin. fits a nkn. s writ boxM. cara of Harald and Nawa. DO NOT waita that bo nut rhark. Go Into bulnaa for uurll, Long tint . . . , iiBriiisrni m very low farm on fully iuipiid grocoiy . nun, umy nil in proa paroutj tuuurban community. Thrr month tra rant to ran pramitra. Hoom lor houtakceptng factlitlaa In rar by raairanp 'HIJ'honrBtfl I . St MISCILlANIOin FOR SALI AUCTION SUNDAY. 12 Nrjon ' FKATtJRINO: 8400 bffnrnom set 'Hlni,i ii,,inn net, Pi 13 tc txll rugs. New x la linoleums, chrome dlnrtia set. Ilinersnrlnir springs; nearly new Mall ' (Hltlll .. a mm universui projector; vuivcram m.m. earners Avn ' wontlut old Kr.iiiilalre with lame coinpnrtmem. s l.mnlha old wine dnveno and chair. 3 monilu old t5f.1 Queen washer. Summers Lane ' AUCTION : 3600 SUMMERS LANE A- LADAK ALFALFA SEED 45c Lb. PURE SEED ... MM GERMINATION 65.00 HARD SEED 28.50 Total ;." 93.50 tTNA MILLS Ph. Etna 55 Etna, Calif. fn n "a a i trl "i n "Tj"iT. n .r:' -. 1 iturs sraies. Ijooa rnndlllon. Sharo Grain Co.. Merrill, Oregon. Phone 2. It I. ..a-e nammer ml . no Tur fu.Pof' Val ley. ALMOST Nf.W. nationally sdv.rll.ed, . '1innersprini mntlreas and hox spring. Atlraellvely priced. 1019 Eld lM TRAIl.rR HOIIRE, . aluml- equlntied, with bath, taaoo. Phona JIM v; ONE BATTERY brooder, lim chirk. , J. Ji rnra irura. c iioa usua, city, i mtlHlirn nnri naH,,w u DERS. Phone SMI. CnusiircD rock, red or black olnrtsra. Phone Joy, Bart. BMa. FOR SALE LA Cara trartnr. tinMt eMii. dlllonOlenKesler, oe Valley. rw omit,. V4 men piywooa rnone .1.10fl. hECONDlftONKD and guaranteed re frlnerators, ranies, water healers, auto matic and wringer washers. Wringer washers as low as 114.09. Phona Mill 1r-: jj?1; JLy1,1"! '""I Main. rOR BALE, single bed. Innrrsprlng mat- tre.s and springs. Phone 79M. Foil SALE, dinette set, desk, washing machine and miscellaneous furniture, win Hummers Lane. FOR AALE, electric brooder! any alra. a49gouth gjxlh. Cheap. FOB ' SALE, Sears milker, tWo unite. Plenty extras. Several ten gallon cana. ?.'" ,?.r l'"1' '"r rmk Hadlay, Merrill. Phone 3720. . iri.u Chevrolet Motnrdiaradlo. Also fits last Chevrolet. New aelectlve cir cuit, Inrge oval speaker. Only I91.MI. Rarkdoll's Radio Service. 119 South nth Phone ftiuq. FOR SALE, equity In 13 eu. ft. KrT vlnator deep freese. jao. will trade fnr good car or pickup. 37M Brooklyn. Phone 3,1101 after It p.m. LANUSCA'hFno, overgreenT shrubs and trees Wa trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHOni GARDENS NURSES Phone 2ffll CRUSHED rock anddrtveway elnrieri. rnnns HOOVER VACUUM Ct.r.AMIrn anlhnr. Ired sales and service. Klamath Furnl- lure Co. 331 Main, Phone 9.19.1, j GLASS furniture tops and shelves mad to order. Kimball's olasa Shop. Phona 7.178. MONUMENTS Deliveries and Inslsl latlons can be made by May 30th If or dered now. Clarence Ward, Klamath Monument Company, 025 High, phona 93.1.1, y IlfiiHwAY MATERIAL. Phono 2-llHlT RADIO for sale, fourteen tube RCA Vic tor Console model, not a combination. Very good condition, both Inside and out. Phone gt. .lHwui'',,,a"!l,'1''l'''"