Saturday, April 3, 1 1)52 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN i, MARKETS and FINANCIAL Stocks NKW YOllK lP - Mvorvliodv t.l(ioil ilioiiinl In lio Htiii k miirkel HiUiriluy mill ilKI vliluiilly williim. I'rlrmi niovi'd iivrr b iiiiiki- cnv I'rrd liv ii inn lor Irni'llmi rlthrr ttiiy. Miinv li'iidnii lii ld uiii'liuiiui'd llnuiiKh'iiit Ihn m iHliin, mill ninny liiuin iliuii'l ivi'ii tnidp nl nil. Till' VOlllllir III llll' IIII'HH WI1H ! lllimll'll lit hlXI.UMI nlinrrs. A Wr-rk nun tlio viiIiimiii wiih Vllll.uiiil Hhui-nn. Thr- npiirourlilim Mccl Hirlkn wnn Ihn riiiisu i'f the dulili uiiih, The i.lrlko Ik ml liif nildiilnlil Tumdnv, : n lid Hip nltu'l coiiiiiiinli'H itliriuly , Im vo stinted nhiililiiwn iiiiiiilliiiiii. Tlir Hlfi'l iNMirn llirmttr-lvprt 'innvril imrniwly, lioldlnn l Uii- mi. ' slllii H' 1 1 til llln I title. (Inld InllllliK i.hiirpi win iilinid ii little wllhnut ' riiiiilinuli on m-llv.ty. , : 'iitoorH iiomi: HKA'ri'l.R I Tlie Navy Iniiu .x purl (leu. A. K. Aiidersnii dockrtl lie re Kriiluy with 'J, (HO troops end inllllitry (li'iinndrntn from the Inr Kits'.. (MS from every acre with '" Stop soed rot. Checks seedling blight. i . Stops stinking smut. J Crop starts bettor, yields ' J ( bettor. "Ccronnn" toed diiunfoctAnt i. '. is also rocommondod for k ; barloy, oats, rye, millet and ' flax. ., ; See us now for quick, $urt, i ; innomUal CBRKSANucd IrtalmtnL. I MALIN $ GrainS Feed Phone 555 Molin SO S-J REVIVAL! 2802 Altamont Drive Rev. Ralph A. Poole, Evangelist ApriJ 6th to Run Indefinitely NIGHTLY AT 7:30 If vou need healinqof body come! I f vou need spiritual help come! I f vou wont fellowship come! FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Rev. C. H. Beohm, Pallor - NOTICE - THE NEW COMMUNITY GROCERY ' '. 1040 East Main Opening for business MONDAY, APRIL 7. - Grand Opening to follow April 12. FRESH MEATS-FRESH PRODUCE COMPLETELY SELF-SERVICE ' Roy Miqliaceio Owner i ATTEND PRE-EASTER REVIVAL AND PALM SUNDAY SERVICES IN THE 4. f at ASSEMBLY OF Klamath Falls Rivival Center V : , , MATHAN MUSICAL EVANGELISTS Sunday School 9:45 "Gel a Koy Unlock the Traoiure Chil" Worship 11:00 A.M.- "The Prophet Should Com.' 8 - MUSICAL 70 ft aV a. "ProphiHeel" ': : "V f 4,,,,Why end WheeJisul Comas In Glory RADIO T, 1 KFJI Aiiembly ef God Hour Sot., 6:30-7:00 p KFLW "Calvary Echoes" Sun. i00-:1' A.M. Rev. Dan Boyliss, Pastor QUOTATIONS Nrw York Htm-ks Ity The Aainlnled I'rnns Admiral Corpui titldn 211 Allied UhcmlCHl 7,'l A II In C'IiiiIiiii'IH 4V Aiticrlcun Alillnrs 13 Anierlciui Puwor ti Unlit 2i Aiiieilcitn Ttl. tt Tel, 193 Ainnrlemi Tobacco 6H AmicuiiflR Copper 411 AtililMiii Hiillrmid XI lii'llilrlirm Klcol ' 60 influx Alrplinic Co. 41 Unfit Wnrnnr tw linn nnulm Addlim Miiclilne 17 C.'ll II I'll 111 II PucklllK ii ciniiiiiii ii I'Mi-iiic :tu Ciiii-rpllliir Ti iirlor Ml Ci liuiciic Oiiigwrutlfui 42 (.'lirvsli'r Cuipomlloii , 47 CJIili'M Hervlec 10H C'onnolldntcd fcrtlnvn 34 Cnn.Kiiliduli'd Vultec 17 Clown Zi-lli-i Imcli Ml CurllKH Wrjirlit 8 liili:lu All iturt M dul'iiiil r Nrmoiirn W hii-.tmiill K'xluk 44 llnifr.inn nfldlo 14 Oenernl Klnctrlc Sfl (Irneriil KowH 42 (irneral Mo'.nrs 1)4 CIpiii'kIii Pne Plywood -'I Clondyear Tlrr 44 lloinenlnkr M'nlnit Co. 311 Iiitei-iiti'liiiuil Mitrve-.lrr 3:1 Interiiiitlonitl Paper 47 Johnn Mnlivlllr lid Kennncott Copper 77 l.lliliy, McNeill II I.oikliefd Alrerult 10 I.r.ew'n liieorporntrd ' 10 I. Dim Bell A Monlomcry .Ward ., M Nnfih Krlvlmitor ' . 20 New York Central ' . III Northern PtieKIn 81) : Pnellle American Vh Pacllle Oiik ti Klectrlc 34 1 Paclfln Tel. ft Tel. Kill : Packard Motor Car 4 1 Penney (J.C. Co. (17 : Pemi'ivlviinln It.R. I Pepsi Cola Co. II ' Phllco nadio ?II 1 Radio Corponitlon , 20' Rnyonler Ineorn Rnvnnler Incorp Pld " Hepiilille Sleel 4" ' Reynolds Metal 4 : Rlclllleld Oil .17 Knfewnv Htorf Inr. , II ! Kcoll Paper Co. SI 1 Seam Roebuck k Co 3 Soconv Vitciiuin Oil 30 1 Hmitlurn Patlflr TJ) Htimdard Oil Call! 54 : Htandard Oil N.J. 7 btudeliuker Corp. 37 1 KiiiiKlilne Mlnlnx 10 ' .Swill i Company 31 1 TnuiKainerlcii Corp. - Tj ' Tweniioil) Century Fox . . 17 ' Union Oil Company ''. . 44 Union Pacllle " 118 United Airline 17 ' United Aircraft . 3D tinned Corporation 6 : United Stales Plywood United State 8teel 30 Warner Pictures 14 ! Western Union Tel 38 1 WeMlnKliouse Air Brake 25 J Westlniihouse Electric . 3(1 1 IWoolworlh Company v 43 1 GOD CHURCH FEATURES --8 Ith not Oak Sti. Woallier WeHlorn Oickoii Fiilr and con tinued win in Htiliiidiiy; IncreunlilK clniidtiicHH Utiliiiday nlxlit; moatly ilouily and iui.Iit Uiinnay; occas ional rain uii const lain Hundiiy; liliili today 70 to lift Interior mid uii to fiO on coast. Low Hiitiii.luy nliilil 42 to 1)2: limit Hilnclny 6b to 70; variable winds ol II to 15 in ties an hour oil const, bicomliiK south erly to southwesterly 15 lo 2!i MIlM an hour Uiiliirdiiy nlKlil ii net Hivi dny. Kipilcrn Oregon Fair vlth riomc hlrli cloiiihnims Hatuidav lliniiiKli Huniliiy: w.i iiii: hiulm both Jn vm 65 to 76; low Unturday nluhl 30 lo -16. Ornnls Pas" and Vicinity Hiiiiny and warm Hutu i tiny ; incrcas lltK rl()lltlllie;ii Hlillllllnv nll'ht and Kundny; hlli Hiiturdiiy 80; low Balurday nlnnt 40. ( lly 'lite Axsocluteil Press 24 linurs enilliiK at 4:30 a.m. Mas. Aim. Prep. Baker 02 34 llend -- - KUK'iie llll 33 Uh Urande 07 60 l.niieview Ilii ;i'i Medl(rd 80 44 Noi lll Hi nd 61 44 Ontario i:8 ::ll Pendleton 77 SH I Portland (Airpt) '76 45 I ' ' '"IK . -. I Hulem 73 41 Hi y.i 40 33 33 4ii 53 52 S3 40 40 ail 8') . 7!) 70 III, Livestock CWCAOO Hoes, cuttle and ."heep were nominally steady Bat unlity. 'Id. us mill wllhlit a 010.60 lo I7.00 rantie. There was a two-way trend In the market nn butchi-r Iiokh this week. Barrows and pjlui welKhlim 230 pound and met the nur-towt-Ht "hlpplnu demand ol the past yeur. They wound up Meady lo 25 tenia Lower. Meanwhle. local pack ers were aitHressive buyers of heavier huffs, which llmshed nlendy to 25 cents hlKher. Steera and heifers were steady to fullv 50 cent hmher for the week, and In few extreme cases pained an much as $1.00. Quality of the run continued below aver aee. A load of hieh prime fed aleera brought $31) 00, the hlnhest Mrtcti last Nrivernber. rilntiuhter lambs prices worked filnhrr durlmr the week and elos m tops on both wooled and rhnrn ollerlntis were as hiiih as at any time since the latter part of Ji-nu-ary. Advances of ! 00 were (ten eral. Essay Late, Youth Jailed SKATTLE 11 A 19-year-old 'service station operator wus sen tenced to 10 days in Jail Friday he was lalo m preparing a 500 word essay on why tccn-aitcrs are more daniierous drivers than older persons. Police JudKo Roy do Grief gave Carl C. Miiii.son J' . nine daya to turn the essay after his conviction March 7 on a eharue of driving with delecllve brakes and lights, and wllhoul a drivers' license. Thursday tlio Judue Issued a bench warriinl lor Munson's arrest. He saw the report In a nwspapr. Friday, the youth hurried down wlih his essay partly written. While waiting for the afternoon court ses sion lie ltivtithencd It to the re quired 5D0 words. "Too lale," said the Judge. "Ten days." KCCS TKANSPLANTI.I) BERKELEY, Calif. IAHi-Fertile eggs were transplanted from one rut to another in an experi ment by a doctoral candidate at the University of California. Donald W. Bailey said the rat bore healthy thriving- olfsprlng. This was the first known .successful egg trans plant on rats, he said. The experi ment was part of a study on the I Influence of mothers on the growth of the young. HKAVfcR FROZKN IN ICE MISSOULA. Mont. AP A bea ver solidly tiwen In the Ice ol the Clark Fork River was chopped j tree and given treatment by city police. A veterinarian melted the Ice, applied heal and Injected ben zedrine, but the beaver died. EASTER SUNRISE ISERVICE Mois Choir . Spirited Message Shasta Drive-In Theater . . 6:30 a.m. l . : Hol ie ' Clllruija ' Denver 3 t : Km c kit 1 I l.os t -I'trles " i I New York ?h I Red Bltlll .i Hun F'rancl- r ' ' Bealtle ! Kpokanr ni WHAT DO YOU DEMAND OF AN IRRIGATION TURNOUT? II ISi ' S ?ur,CK. lAiJ,"T,0N- MRMANINC! OF INSTALLATION, AMD A fT ACT UIILt I mm (. wa. . fnwn inArf ivv WOUL0 IXrEwT PEYTON'S CONCRETE IRRIGATION TURN-OUT PEYTON I 835 MARKET $n ike to A IIIH I IIS unliSS Horn t Klicnath V.IUy IIOKpltiil. April 4, IH',2, ti Mr. and Mil. A. k riroNM, lr,x 44H. Klamslh rslli. a girl. Wcliht; a pound! 7' ounrci. CACKA ftorn at Klarnalli Vallny IfrjRpllal, April 4, IUA. to Mr. and Mrl. 'I'iiiV C' Mertlll, Or , a lioy. Welalll: II pound l:i'j riunri'ii. MiuiiAiir. I. ii r.Nsi.n T'AIM.HONMAI'KK--Mod B Paulann. :i7, ralrlunrHlloii. Natlva of Utah Kail ilrnt ot l.lkalay, Cull! Juriillnc U. Mapni, :hi Nallva of Wa.hlnatun. ;i. dent nt Klamath Ki.ll,. Ora. Funeral I.IIIII.N Funaral alTVlcfe! tin Hnwaid Tannir Oonrn, 7. who dlrd hera April :i, will luka plara fioin tlia rhapel of Ward'a Klauuitll unniNl ll'xnl., Monda, I.IIJ p. in. ilrv. Uiinlfl Hayllm of tha Aa iloiiilily ol (jud oirii-lallni. Commllincnt afiviie and Iritffrrnanl in Klamath Me morial cemetery. IIKJS I V Funeral service! for Marvin Miller OiUly, M, who died here April 2 will luka place from the chapel of Wjrd'a Klainalh Knneral Home Monday, 3 n. m.. Hev. Marvll Ki-yker ol Hi Title. Jake I'rekliylerian (.'hurra officlMiina;. ( Tolrloae foal No. 1114. Arneilran 1- al"n will rondiiel military honor! at the i gravaalde In Klamath Memorial Cema- 1 trr. Obituary llllll.l Perry Allen I'oole, the Infant tun of Mr. and Mrs. Ilobtrt W. Pw.le. died heie April :i. nesldea the parent! iiivlvoi! lnlode the si andparenu. Mr. aed 1rii. IJell.arl Ifoi.eili, ,i and Or. unu Mru. MailliAll W. C'M,le uii' 1 hrrvli ca look plai a from the rhnprl ot Ward a Klamalh funeral Home, jautur lay. April A. 111.12 at II a. m. Ilev. O. D weaver of flelallng. Commitment servtre and Interment took place in Klamath Memorial Cemetery, GRAINS CHICAGO 11 Ah early attempt at a rally In (trains faded out on the board of trade Saturday. All cercala opened higher, but before ihc session was out wheat and soy beans had dipped under the prev ious close. Dealings proceeded at a routine pace. Flour mills hftcl some hedges .n flour to the Army guarterfnaster. Oats, particularly the distant con tracts, held up belter thah other cereals. There was buying In this grain because of wet weather, which has delayed seccing. Wheat closed a-3 lower. May $2.09 'j-ti, com J, lower to high er. May $1.82 Ti,-1.83. oats 'i lower to ''4 higher, May 84 ',-84. rye 34 lower to t higher. May $1.58, soy beans '4 to 1 cent lower. May $2.89 'i-t-4, and lard 7 to 23 cent a hundred pounds higher. May $11.48. Wheal Open Hlrh Low Close May 250 2.50 !-, 2.49 2 2.49 2 Jly 2.41 2.43 2.40 , 2.40 , Sep 2.43 2.43 S 242 2.42 niSTRK'T coi;rt Albert D. Colllna, failure to tlgnal. Dumlitteri. Kenneth H. OUon, no mulfler. Dli mi,ed Albert R. Froom, violation banc rule. Fine SO. Irma A. Church, failure to atop at atop klgn. John CI. Stuart, failure yield rilht way. Fine $-'!0. Jack It Kellum, Improper vehicle llcente Fine $10 Herbert (1. Fraxanburg, no license plalei. Forfeit i ball. Clarenco Godowa. drunk. Sentence 1 daya. MUNICIPAL rot RT FUivd K. Dow, drunk. Fine IIS or 7', daya Cugene Weeka, drunk. Fine SIS or 7'-, dayi. Warren Earth, drunk. Fine 2S or 12', day! Einei Seulter, vlolaUon baalc rule. Fine S2.V Mildred Scott, failure to yield right way to vehicle. Forfeit $5 bail. POTATOES 1950-51 1951-52 i April 1 0 15 April 2 21 12 April 3 21 6 Month to date 42 33 Season to dale 13.044 8.775 SAN FRANCISCO tUSDA) Potatoes: & cars on track; Idaho 1 arrived: no sales. LOS ANGELES OP IUSDA) Potatoes: 67 cars on track; Nev. 1, Calif. 1. Cclo. 1. Idaho 99 arrived; market steady: Idaho Russets No. 1 unwashed 5.35. Woman Drowns, Two Missing SEATTLE 11 A Seattle woman drowned and her husband and son were believed to have lost their lives hi a boating accident off iBainbridge Island In Puget Sound Friday. 1 The body of Mrs. Grace Zimmer man, 48. was found near the Island shore. A 14-foot motoi-boat In which the Zlmmermans left Seattle yesterday on a trip to Balnbrldge was found nearby, overturned. The Coast . Guard scarclted Saturday for bodies of the husband, : Adam Zimmerman, S3 a printing contractor, and the son, Harold, 21. i a soldier home on furlough. 1 for X: I. - ye " a - Kl I - & CO. ST. Senators Face Payroll Probe WASHINGTON I - Bcnators got advance notice Haturday they soon will be asked to reopen their own Senate offlca payrolls for public Inspection. Ben. Morse p.. Ore.), told a re porter he will offer a floor amend ment to the annual congressional appropriation bill alined at full dis closure. "The official Senate payrolls should be open to voters becau.-.e they supply the funds," Morse said. "They have a right to know who la employed and what they are paid by each senator." The official payrolls of all House members now arc op.-n to Inspec tion by the public and reporter!!, but this Information has been de nied by Senate olficlals since 1047. Morse and a few other lawmak ers have chlded the Senate for in vestigating almost everybody else, In and out of government, and then dropping an Iron curtain over their own offices. "This and other moves could do much to remove the growing pub lic suspicion that some few olfi clals are not living up to ethical standards on public affairs, ' Morse said. Morse said he will offer a rider to the Senate money bill requiring that none of the funds be ui-.ed un less Senate officials keep a public record constantly available on names and salaries of persons get ting the funds. Morse would go even further by requiring public financial disclos ures by members of Congress arW all other government officials earn ing $10,000 or more a year. He has sponsored a bill for sev eral years that would require lull disclosure of all Income and sourc es by all such officials. But It has received little attention in Senate committees. Heavy Disease Toll Evident TOKYO I The United Nations Command said Saturday there u Increasing evidence that epidemics sweeping across Communist China have claimed 50,000 lives and stricken as many as 400,000 per sons. A "Voice of the United Nations Command" broadcast beamed to Korea and China did not give the source of the figures and it gave none for Korea. All offcers of aid from the United Nations and the Red Cross have been turned down, the broadcast said, not by China but by the Soviet union. Tne reason is simple the broad cast said. "The Kremlin is simply afraid to let the free world sec the Incompetence, negligence. and medical impoverishment of the Communist 'Utopia.'" Tlie Allied radio said Red charges that the U.N. Is dropping deadly ' germs on Korea and China may turn into "a gigantic boomerang." I The "outlandish series of fan tastic charges" of germ warfare ' are becoming more unbelievable even to Soviet sympathizers, the Broadcast said. 1 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OF THE STATE OK OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Matter of the Estate of LES LIE W. PEATE. Deceated. Kotic is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the admlnii tration of the above entitled estate and that the court has appointed May 5, at 10 a.m. u the time for hear ing objections to aurh final account and the settlement thereof. Helen D Peate. Administratrix Ganonc St Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix . A. 5-12-19-26 No. 0.14 SUMMONS Equity No. 5S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FO" THE COUN TY OF KLAMATH LUCY SEARS, Plaintiff, V. PALI, SEARS. Defendent. TO PAUL SEARS. Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint on file herein on or before the 8th day of April, 1952. and if you fail to so an swer or otherwise appear, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint. To-wit: For the decree of this court dissolving the marriage contract heretofore exist ing between the plaintiff and defendant and granting to plaintiff a decree of absolute divorce of and from you upon the grounds of cruel and inhuman treat ment and of personal indignities ren dering life burdensome: decreeing to plaintiff the care, custody and control of the five minor children of plaintiff and defendant, namely. Gilda Sears, age 4 years Gwendolyn Scars, age 3 years, Paul Wayne Sears, age 2 years, Or. ville Sears, age 15 months, and John Sears, age 4 months, and for such oth er and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable in the pre m Lies. This summons is served upon you by Sublication thereof in the Herald and ews once each week for four consecu tive weeks (five insertions) pursuant to the order of the Honorable David R. Vandenberg. Judge of the above en titled court, made and entered the 7th day of March. 1952. the first publi cation to be made on the ath dav of March. 1952 and the last publication thereof to be made on the 5th dav of April. 1952. CLAYTON J. BttRRELL Attorney for Plaintiff Pine Tree Building Klamath Falls. Oregon March S. IS, 32. 29th and April 5th. . No -905 REVIVAL MEETING BEGINNING SATURDAY NIGHT April 5 Through April 12 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE INVITED GOOD PREACHING - GOOD SINGING REV. CURLEE Evangelist From California FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Corner Altamont and Maryland . Legal Notice NOTICE OF DATE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COUNT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In trie Matter nl the Estate of ABLET C F.iJKALL, Deceased Notice it hereby given that I have filed my final acrmint of the td mini ti tration of the above entitled estale and tl"t the Court has appointed mav It. Ifrt2, at 10 a m. as the time for hear ing objection to such final account arid the settlement thereof Ida Nordint Edsall. Executrix Onrvmf ft Ganong Attorneys for ExertitrlX A. S.12-lfi-2 No. WW NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE HTATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In tha Matter of the Estate of FRANK FEItHARI. Deceased. Notice tit hereby given that I have filed my final a'-count of thr -1iminis-tration of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed Mav I. Urt2. at 10 a m. as the time for hear ing ob)rctions to such final account and the settlement thereof. Nora Quinn, Administratrix with the will annexed. Harry D. Rolvin Attorney for Estate A. 5-12-19-26. No. 049 NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the .Matter of the Estate of HARRY E. WILSON. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate and that ihe Court has apnoited April 2. 1952 at 10 a m. as the time for heivmg objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. Emma Wilson, Executrix Canting & Ganong Attorneys for Executrix M. .TJ-A. 5-12-19 No. 931 NOTICE AM persons, corporations, syndicates, partnerinips, ana ?ocienet floing Dull ness in the City of Klamath Falls, Ore gon, are hereby notified that their Bust reus. Occupation, or Trade license Ice, for the year beginning on May I, 1952. and ending at the close of April 30, 1953 will be due and payable lo the Citv of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at the Office of the Police Judge in the City Hull for said City, on May I, ins 2, and If not paid before June 1, 1052, will be delinquent on and after that date, AH par lira faiiinR to T;' their said license fee by June 1, 1052, will be subject to ihe penalties provided hv ordinance. The license fee may be paid, without penalty, after the first publication of this notice and before June 1, 1952. The first publication of this notice is April 2. 1952. This notice Is given under authority of Ordinance No. 4XIO of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, j?rncrallv known as Ihe Business, Occupational and Traf'e Licene Fee Ordinance, dulv adopted by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. Done this 2nd day of April, 1952. Robert M. Elder Police Judge City of Klamath Falls, Ore. A. 9-&-0-12-1&-19-23-26. No. B35 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the Estate of Hat tie E. Marshall. Deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klam ath County, and has qualified. All per sons having claims against said Estate are notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers at the of fire of Wm. Kuykendall, Pine Tree Building, Klamath Falls. Oregon. within six months from March 22. 1952. JOHN A. MARSHALL Executor of the Estate of Hattie E. Marshall, Deceased. M. 22-29-A. 5-12 No. 923. NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the matter of the Estate of ELMER L. HOLT. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that T have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed April 26, 1952 at 10 a.m. as the time for hear ing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. Delia M. Holt, Administratrix Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix M 29-A 5-12-WNo. 927 ' NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS EQUITY. NO. 126. In 4he matter of the Petition of the Board of Directors of the Midland Dis trict Improvement Company of Klam ath County, Oregon, praying that all of the proceedings in connection with the organization of the Midland Dis trict Improvement Company and the proceedings of the Board of Directors and of said Midland District Improve ment Company providing for and auth orizing a certain contract between the Midland District Improvement Company and the United States of America may be examined, approved and confirmed by the Court. To the Midland District Improvement Company of Klamath County. Oregon, and to all Freeholders. Legal Voters and Assessment Payers within said Midland District Improvement Com. pany: Notice Is hereby given that the hour of two o'clock p.m. of Tuesday, the 22nd dav of April, 1952. and the Cir cuit Court Room in the Court House of Klamath County. Oregon, are hereby set as the time and place for the hear ing of the Petition of the Board of Di rectors of Midland District Improve ment Company of Klamath County. Oregon, praying that all of the pro ceedfngs for the organization of said Midland District Improvement Com pany and all of the proceedings for the authorisation and execution o a certain water right contract between the Midland District Improvement Com pany and the United States of America may be examined, approved and con firmed bv the Court, which Petition has been duly filed with the Clerk of said Court: Any person interested may, at any time on or before Tuesday, the 22nd day of April, 1952. at the hour of two o'clock p.m., apoear avd contest the validity of such proceedings or any of the acts or things therein enumerated. Chas. F. DeLap. Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County Ruth E. McPherson Clvde R. Patterson Winston H. Patterson Directors of Midland District Im provement Company. M. 15-22-29 A. 5 No 913; NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under ci0nH has been aooointed Executrix1 of the Estate of Lester F. Kirkpatrick. deceased, bv the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said Estate are noti fied to present the same to the under signed with proper vouchers, at the of fice of Wm. Kuy!:c'dal'. Pire Tree Building, Klamath Falls. Oregon, with in tlx montns trom marcn i-l- L;'.'?' LOLA S. KIRKPATRICK. Executrix. M 15-22-19. A. 5 No. 914. Pastor, Rev. W. D. Bigby CLASSIFIED RATES One day , per word to Hire Day per word llo Week run per word 20o Month run .. per word S6o MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad 1a 50c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge of 26c. DEADLINES Classified aus accepua up to 6:30 pm for following day's publication Cammed display ads accepted up co 12 noou for following day's pub lication. i i 'V ADJUSTMENTS Please make all claims for adjust ments witnout delay FUNERAL HOMIS WAIID S Klamath funeral Horn. 023 High Street. Phone .'15.14. LOST AND FOUND WILL tha peraon who picked up bill fold In front of 6114 Owena plea re. turnltTMonajf. deiperately needed. LOST, on hiway "7, one carton heddlni? Contact W. Evani, Crow-Cut Cafe, Chll- onujn Phona, 164. rOUlilB On Lake,hore Drivel Black dog. appear! mostly Labrador. Phona jMO pi 2 2073, GENERAL NOTICES Fern Short 'Now At Pearce Beauty Shop for appointments Phone 4618 Neighbors of Woodcraft Meet In K.C. Hall, 4th and Main, 1st and 3rd Monday of each Month Visiting members welcome LA.VE'S Fur Company Iformerly Rlch ardal new. addresa. 1016 Main across (roin old location open for business April 10. PERSONALS WELL KNIT guaranteed hosltrr. Phone 4224. FRATEX Plastics. Phone 8324. STANLEY Home Products. Phona eeoa, 10 SERVICES CUSTOM TRENCHING FOR DRAIN TILE IRRIGATION PIPE SEWER DITCHES WATER DITCHES FERGUSON MOBILE UNIT DAVIS Plumbing Company 337 East Main Phone 7635 NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon Let ur wnrlr irit.b vnn urnxxr m. your landscape needs. KUOtSBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. l's SUBURBAN FT.nWFIR SHflP 3614 So. 6th Phone 8188 CARPENTER work. Remodelini and new construction. Phone 2-0617. Legal Ncfice PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON. FOR KLAMATH COUNTY AGNES OLDHAM. PlalnUtX, vs. . , I FREDERICK OLDHAM, Defendent - To Frederick Oldham, Defendant. In the Name of the State or Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before April 30th. 1952. that being the expiration of four weeks' publication of this summons prescribed by the or der for the publication thereof, and if you fail so to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: for decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the plaintiff; that she be permitted to resume her former name of Agnes Span Rler; and for such other and further relief as to equity may appertain. This publication is made by the order of the Hon. David R. Vandenberg, Judge Of the above named Court, duly made on March 28th. 1952. The date of the first publication of this summons la March 31st, 1952. A. C. Yaden, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Addresa: ' - " - 409 Main Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon March. 31. A-7-W-31 No. 934 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ' GEORGE yr. AGER, Deceased. Notice Is "hereby given that I have been appointed administratrix of the estate of George W Agee. Deceased. All persona having claims, against said estate are required to present them to me,' with proper vouchers, at the office of Ganong A Ganong. 724 Main Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, within six months from March 29. 1952. which Is data of first publication of this no Uc, Blanche- Ager, ' Administratrix. Ganong & Ganong , . . Attorneys for Administratrix M 29-A 5-12-19 No! 928 People , DO .TOO read small space ads - you are! CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH . 1 . -Ea'it Main ot Garden Ave. BURGESS P. BAGGETT, PASTOR InyitM you to worship with ui .-, this Sundoy and every Sunday TUNE IN THE GOOD NEWS HOUR each Saturday at 5:00 P.M. on KFJI 10 SIRVICIS SERVICE BUREAU Whnt you dont want, tomon else not (l I Let us find what you want or find the person who need what you don't want. This Is the kind of service We are onering , . . wny not lane RRe ot this unique opportunity. Drop In at 355 East Mal.i In Klam- !W a-una uuu got Rcquailliea- or Phone 5670 Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain field- miiUlled repaired, years ol experience. All work guaranteed. - -, PELICAN HOTEL PHONB 0731 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weight Bervic buured ANDERSEN FREIOHT LINK , 2802 South Sixth ( Ph. 82-10 or 2 3131 Septic Tanks Cleaned Neweat Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Kte ED P. KINO . 2434 Orchard Phone M41 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Ho : Bulldozer - Fill Dirt Topsoll Crushed Rock Driveway Clndart Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phone 5541 or 8859 PLOWING, discing and harrowing. Fin sfd drill. H. F. Jerrard. Phone 5352. PAINTING, Interior and exterlcr, Phone 42f. WASHING MACHINE reoair service on all makes and models Low rates with quality workmanship guaranteed. Mont gomery wjro. .. . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, Worlt guaranteed. Phona 2-1010. FOR SERVICE or demonstration or any Information regarding the Germaa) made Pfaff tewing machine. Write Har aid News, Box 83. ALTERATIONS Anita's. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 8353. Jennie Hani. PAINTING and Daoerhanclng. Phona 7617. CURTAINS laundered and ttretebed. Phone 4914 DITCH DIGGING and back fining with Fordson Trench hoe. Call, 1-1654, 3654 or 6428. J. L. DXAN Public Accountant an ft Auditor Office at 3M No. 7th. Phona KM PAINTING, decorating, paperhanging, plasterboard Clnlshing. spray painting. Phone 3028. TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen der work. Phone 4O40. MIRRORS resllvered, new mirro re made to order. Kimball's Glass Shop. Phone 7378. PLOWING and planting, farms, garden, etc. Phone 2-0937 after 3 p.m. Anytime weekends. Rt 3. Box S3, Old Midland Road. CARPENTER and cabinet" 'work. New and remodeling. Phone 3749. broken window ulass replaced. Klm- ball'a Glass Shop. Phone 7378. 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing kiaV dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine - Pbona 4ffa 13 HEALTH STEAM baths, exercise, massages, re ducing for men and women. Ph. 3003 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE WANTED woman ' for general office, work. Previous credit experience deslr awe. Apply Montgomery warq. PERMANENT position. Nationally known company has opening in local store for women to train as saleslady Must have some clerical experience. Apply Monday evening only, oetweea 7-8 p.m. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 633 Main HELP PAY those bills. Full or part time work. Write Avon District Hana ger. P. O. Box 19. Eugene. WOMAN, general office work. Steady position. Good starting salary. See Don Mclntyre. Local Loan Co., 113 No. 10th Evenings by appointment. ' 16 HELP WANTED, MALE FARM HANDS WANTED STEADY. RELIABLE MARRIED FARM HANDS WANTED FOR JOBS ON KLAMATH AREA DAIRY-CATTLE and GENERAL FARMS. Housing furnished uood pay for experienced de pendable hel Chance to secure year-round employment Register now for the Agricultural Season OREGON STATE EMPLOY MENT SERVICE 242 Main Phone 7701 REPRESENTATIVE WANTED A na tionally advertised company established over 20 years wants man to contact local stores and small businesses. Will consider part time Enough business In your a rea to keep you busy for years. Write Red Comet, Inc., Dept. jb-c. nine ion. .oioraao. WANTED salesman, with experience in. appliances prcierrrai -. v . iverna. Phone 4197. WANTED experienced radio and small appliances repairman. Apply Montgonw ery Ward. WANTED sewing machine men. Must, be experienced. Salary and. commission or both. Write Herald News. Box 83. WANTED, young man, 25-33, Interested in permanent position. Veteran pre ferred. Start as retail salesman. Write Herald Newv Box 88 atating age and references- ' . -WANTED OTI Student two afternoon to spade garden. Own transportation. Phone 2-1067 between 8-9 p.m. WANTED, combination all-around me chanic and welder. Steady iob for a sober and energetic man, single or mar ried. Box 84 Herald and Neivs. ALL-AROUND chore man. Experienced with chickens, hoos and Surge milking machine. Must be clean, sober and in dustrious. Salary based on proven anil ity. . Married or- ingie. Box 83 Herald ana rwpV5. . WANTED, -farm Imnlement salesman. Will furnish pickup and car expenses. ttuaramee a commissmn. - O. G. W. FARM SUPPLY 3049 So. 6th. Klamath Falle WANTED MECHANICS WE need experienced mechanics end auto body men. Bet? of working condU tlons and lota of work. Rose Motor Co Chrysler Plymouth Dealer Rose & Lane Sts., Roseburg, Ore. Phone 33222.