. I sylurfy'fHf'1l0l'P"'"' y," , i H'J i HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLJrmEOON'""' PACK ELEVEN do (Fr DO .woiirev"-.:,v;, . . . .'.. I ft n A i.vri'.Ki' lvonii f loin i tie con ("ting local bumbnll (mill. Khuiinlh. Biuiebnll Ino la now working on n in urnMit (l)iii pro Uofivl i id it In i mi I J i lArolinil Mnc'a) tuat, Itt (ntayod -l)V' Hie Inlcniiil rcviaiui; bnyi., v.'uuld let ( III club ity 10 Wr ioht un li 'i fell with Orel frin en n onvn li ymoiit, . Tho j(l nor rtiil woulrl run In tho nnluliboii.ood l Cluo. 71. would Joiitn thu, ii'iloi it Uuiiik rimlluiu ,t "1(1 vino email- (iperiiie,. Kroui , viiB. 11 lt, the Internal ', revoniM boy uluUl-Ue smhri to t'i'VKtCity'MA'h (tout . ' ., II you nue money lu iioiiii'oun, I yon (mi l pity Hit- ih'iil iinli'. n you , ii 1 irmplnyild. And. you emit worn ''niil", you've (lot n plum to work. '.Tim l)ii, clmll club c.'ii't pipy with out, n burk. ' ' Mciinwlillp. irtoy Ciiiii.ftn, Ibn (invclmid 1 1 1 t 1 1 H'.hnol busobnll ni iiir' it wllh'iiii n hmui In iiii'iiim-i. 1 ,1Iin OrniM, ir hnnd-plckcd bunch of i i'e je kit. Jlllerri.tril In exper (in c jn n iinn-i r.'lesslnr"il fPnc, In n innnrgcr without n l-iun la ninnngn i I - 1 '''III-: 17(H) shouldn't be Imrd to fiu:. j I've lo l link nf 1'ie number nl -i-ei'i-ons I've Inlkril Ui litirly v.tw I'lui'lc. ri d 'ii lev bi'i'k :" V . f ilirvkiMiw liiio will be K lobr.li l't club. nm "IIVY iv nui It'b'IliK iuijtp in rny buck ' when U'.o bitflrbi.ll clliccUiri Imvtn't i.h'rii nh" aiwcr. on Ihc future of bmebiil here. Mon-ry In too hnrd to keep iiowiidiiv.n wilhntit lluuwlllu It Into : oinc-ihiiiK lliuf mil l ". llltlKI-S I'ltOM llio spuria (lie: Mnjortrnuue managers Uiln venr rid muling '.evolutionary batieuail rhanuW In' biilllmt linouua. etc . . orrlnil Couch Ail Klrkhiud I kerning filcii. '. .Kliklnnd Inin Pit' her Chuck Tvkc.xin balling fourth In tomorrow's opniT lit Arcntii unllini Humboldt bl ilc. . .Tykeson, !; Orrlcch'n silt lioni Sherwood. Ore., tins enrnrd llu cU-im-ui) tpolr . .. II Jn the opener with Buuthern Oi exotl ' lie not only put the Hnlaern down I, -vllh two liltfl, but illumined n till I I. urn home run In the Mxtb. U. I'm Uvld JJOhvo down n" n J 1 pllrhlnir coiner . . )tit freliittii !' nt HUMS, jrullvo linn toad rannrul ! 1'iid moven nlcelv on the mound. . . ''bf tiWietC In nome Rood nrflorm- ;ncen hint yeiir in the Junior l.enitue. , .you'll bo henrlns from Jilm . . . , 't There nmy be derlhlon htnr In ,,;the mntrtner on Modoc Field . . . isteve Chnllicld iimjorn III the iiv.elnliU lor the relicnnn . . thin I veeV luM to net the klnkn Ironed ml, Ch.itlleld run time trlnln In Hie Too nnd 220 bin lliiien were briier than nunc o( Jhe Peln whose .: iiock In in do Ij npiinuim . . ' Chnilleld In biff, oninivlv to ent liny '.".lull enn renllM move for blK inv. . j The Portland hail club' la "our ' rnnf." an Inr an Will baseball fans (inre conrrnril, iiihiiki. iw mc mwru .Trr.KiH ci nil neaver inmra Oil ' Illation KFi W Hilt (.eanon . ,. i ii.,. ..nnip. hnn stenned uu Jinleresl In the llevoi .... reoueMs I Jut now iioinlii" Into thin defk for i, ,inrf. ni I i, iieavrr ninvrrn . . . vr'll comply li oin lime in time as I i nnce wnrrrnis . . . mi r" slniled box' ;"T 7S A,.ll. iI.a l.trthflr-nslft r... . '. il ' ' Snead Leads Masters AUaUSTA. Or. Profession- nl Rollers and mher folks who are 0 supposed to know any Ben Hounn holds a ineninl hugnboo over Sum V Snead that Snead tan't win with Mine mi In the field ,4 But as the Maslers Tournament Saturday reached the third round. Ibpcari seemed well on the way to ilelentlnu Hosan rlRht where It hurt the most In a major tournament i.WHh Uioti.'ianda looking on. I'"' Unless llogan can iet his alleged liex back In working order or un lesa Snininy Inlls badly olf hla piu-e. Snead will set a new Mnstcrs record Sunday with strokes to fpnre. Hnm. a Vlrulnlnn by way of West Virginia, Friday shot a 67 for 137 two-round total. That was Hood enough by three strokes lo pull ahead of Ilngnii, who repeated Willi another 70 for a HO. At Snead'a present rnte. he'll Itlve the 72-hde par of 2B8 on the Augusta Nnllonnl a rough spank ing. Tied with H2's were Tommy Boll. Jim Ferrler end John Re- vnlla. Ainnni; H3 shooters was Johnnv Palmer who had a 74 after lending the field with Ray OBfford nftrr Hie first round. t Other 143 men were Jack Burke. Pi'., who also had n second round 7. Oeorae Fn.lo and amateur Ihu vio Ward Jr. ' Broncs Win On Splurge t PORTERVILLK. Cnllf. Wl Lewlslon, Ida., Broncos scored two runs in the Inst nl tne cignui to ueat Wesno Stale College. 4-3, Friday lUght. .'flic wlnn nu runs came when Truninn Cleveniier Issued two .buses on bulls, followed by a sin- Ble, i Three pltcliers worked for the 'Broncos of the Western Interna- i tlonnl League, num MOT TUESDAY DICK tonight's choice. Ring Foe Primed For Fistic Upset Tonight Ttione that fuvor liidlun Dick Wolle lo bent bunny llrecn In to ulKht'a iniilii event at the Armory will i-t at least two otl'f niKif nirnl.s- Irmu linen and his lliiina iier,. Jack Mcndonca. Wolle. oval-laced Puclllo North. went wellerwelKhl champion, la on the long end ot unofficial odds in hlK iion-llile Unlit with tlio Oukland Nesio bu-anw. . ' Ureen, atablrmnte of ell-known Johnny CIoiimiIvph and Art Bolo. la a bnay club fmhter who could i spoil Wolle's return to the Klom- .,1. ti.. 1. ...i... ..... - .i...... .....i. Oreen nils whlnpea arover Jack - wolli. in Portland tome . nniitlr. ago. He also bent capable Frank im.,.- Four-u'nd innybe flve-bouls will ably siinnoi I the ouislnndlnir Wo le - iVlalchtdown fnf lujtr(nind -f .' - ' ', : Bevos Wallop Seals, Pads Tie Los Angeles By The Associated I'resa 11 ly OUoul iihim be enjoying the barebiil atmostphere at 8a Dleuo much belter for the sum of this Fnclllc Const baseball sea son thnn he did nl San Francisco tt year ago. As of Saturday. O'Doul's Pndres nre tied lor. the league. 'lend with the Is Anuele Armel.srrcach with 3-1 records. Alter the first four days' of tho 1051 campaign, the Seal club he managed was dead last, and finished Hint. way. .)( Lefty has nominated the veteran Al 01. ei to face Oakland's.- Jny Raanl Saturday altcrnoon In a' bat tle ol porlsidera. The PadrtsLo,,", n:ovea :iuo me nrsi piacc iic :rn day night with a 10-7 win fever the Onks as Sacramento downed Loa Angeles, 4-2. In the oilier names. Portland slummed Shu Francisco 12-3 nnd Hollywood bent Seattle 6-3. Manager Stun Hack wlll'8rd Ed die Ohiindler, the blit right' handcr who blanked Sacramento 1-0 in the opener, against tlio Solons again in his attempt to keep the lead the Angels have held or shared since l he season's Marl. Cilenn Elliott Is scheduled .to do Uio chucking for Sacramento In the only night game on the docket. Any Inhering by the two leaders cduld bring a dc'udlock in'the' first division as Sun Francisco, Sen ile, Portland, and . Hollywood ore bunched with 2-3 marks. ' ' Bentlle's Jim Davis.- has been named lo hurl at Hollywood rgalnst Larry Sliepnrd while Bill Bradford Is the Snil , Francisco choice ngniii.'t Portland's Vlnce Dl Blnsl. San Diego trailed 5-0 until an eight run explosion in the third in ning provided a lend the Padres never relinquished. Hollywood provided Paul Petllt, the $100,000 Pittsburgh bonus pitch er, wllh n 5-1 lead nnd Uie lefty went 8 1-3 Innings beforo needing help. Jim Walsh finished nftet two Scnltle runs had scored nnd the lying tallies were on base. Bob Thurmiin's homer put Snn Francisco Into a two-run lend In tho first hilling against Portlnnd but tho Bcuveis slnjnmed, ahand with five In the third nnd sprayed MM, 51 WOLFE or leu. 'me xlx-rnund wnil-windiin shows rtnlpli Weiser, the Meatly Bomber, axainst Jiininy Proctor, Both are llKhiwclBlU", Dariell llurrlnglon end Rudy Carlson mix In a local xrudnc mulch In I he six-round spcoul event. .They re welters, Blllv Sunday and Brave Junior supply the action In the top lour- rounder. a . . In another four. Clyde Phoenix of Willow Ranch. Cnllf.. swaps '.nk. u-lll. HI V P llllllllfr. WIISfr K ' spurring partner. i n., .ib. i,r h. wlched into the ouenlni! spot Just before nngtlme. A capacity crowd Is expected to Jam the palace of punch for the 1 first local boxing show in u Imonlli singles all over the park the rest ol the uighl. The lone extra base lilt by Portland was Don Eggcrl's double. Tli Box: ruKll..Ml Barr If nr tt-.li I 31) Ailtlln M ... Ilruvla rf Aft . .1 reri .ib .. ... (.'matter c( . yt Latela Ib - Knbliitcn c . .. I-nn p . -TYVT A t V 10 J AU II H.M CHAM ISCU RkIIo a . . I... Mann 2b .. 4. .. Thuinifttl rf ...... . Grace ir ... McCdWIey cf ii Blf(l b JT.. i,i. Usui p. i, i .:-:-.'!. '. '" t uu Uewn riWs 1 (i 0 o Zidlett.-ii" -t.v.i. o o (i ii A - Tacrmlnaa:. .-i'... I ' 0 0 . 0 TOTALS ': ""35 il 27 ' 13 A-Tnomina greulidad. vol tor WaUU 111 Hill. i . ":- Portland . .. . lOS: IM 010 -IJ inu siu ao4 iro is San rranelWd-Wi "KM' 1" 001 a tins . . . . w.: son'' am oou Loalns pitcher Balle.v, . nun: Barr a, Bankl 3. .Auntln 3. Brovla 3. Lnn 2. Thttrman 3. Errora: Ratio. MrCauiry. lilt by pitcher narr -by Zldlch! Wild pitch -Wlh. Zlrtlch Left on barca Portland R. Snn rran cUro 4. Pnkvrd ballN nohlnnon. Two-ba.ac-hlla rRffcrl. Home rtllta Tlutr nian. Sacrifice ' hita Austin, Baslnakl. fluiii balled in Brnvln 2, Aunttn 4, Connurr a. Lafnta. Thiirman 2. Double playii Aimlin In Bnnlni:kl to Liifnta: nnthlHkt lo AUKllit ' to Lafnln. Time 3i0. Uinpireji -r Sllva. Somera, MuUit and AtiHke. Atlendance B.007. STANDINGS 1'AtlHl' COAST LtAOt'K V 1. Tel. t.oa Angeles 3 I .750 San Diego a 1 .150 San Frnnclico 3 2 .500 Seattlo 2 2 .5110 Portland '. 3 1 .300 Hollywood ... 3 2 ..'100 Oakland I 3 .235 Sacramento t a ,2'H . Trlday'i Scoren Portland 12, San ."WcRco 3 Run Plego 10, OnkfTid 7 Sacramento 4, l.na Angeles 2 Hollywood n, Seattle 3 SUNNY may have surprise. Everett Conley Upset In NCAA Fistic Meet MADISON. Wis. tfi Five fight - ers will carry the colors of the Pacific Northwest Into Saturday j night finals of the 15th annual ooxing iournin .out a IWO-LlinC CI1UIIIJIU11 Alum will watch iukii ok .."" Imm the sidelines. The upbet of the night in Fri- I day's seml-linala-saw VSC'a Ever- !etl Conley. the collegiate light- I weight king for the past tw o years, bow m niwiic oumu gi ... v... versllv Slalen, unbothered by Conley's touthpaw style, was In commnnd all the way and won a unani mous decision. The WSC stylist had won 12 straight bouts before his loss to the Florida buzz-saw batt ler. One of the Northwest's survivors. Mike McMurtry of Oonzaga, drop ped a 3-0 decision to OeoiRe Kar lallan of Syracuse but gained Uie finals anyhow when Kartahan was scratched because ol a cut over his right eye. McMurtry goes up against de fending Light Heavyweight Cham nlon Chuck Spieser ol Michigan u Stale, who registered the lastest 4 'victory ot the meet Friday a 34-second first round TKO over Don (juarles of North Carolina A. tt T. Ten rhamnions will be crowned. Each will earn bids to the Olym- pic trials at Kansas City. Wisconsin quauuca lour men unu became a virtual shoo-In lor the oiteam title. Wltn MCMUnrv in inc nuuis nru liukc uswego o ior.coraia iron Middleweight Gordy Gladson of I land i 3 WSC. who won a 2-1 decision over Newberg 2 McMinnville 0 Tom Klckev of Michigan Stale; Light Middleweight Ellsworth Webb of Idaho Slate, who stopped Herb Junior Ski Meet Sunday LAKEVIEW The first annual Junior Ski Championships will be held at Warner Canyon Ski area tomorrow. President Clair Smith of the Fremont Highlanders Ski Club announced. Boys and girls of 15 and under niay enter Uie giant slalom to be run In two heats, at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Don Dlvens Marlnd tt Sport ing Ooods store of Klamath Falls will award prizes on the basis of the best combined time for the two runs. Oregon State Trips Oregon ; EUGENE Lfl Scoring one run In the fifth and three In the eighth, Oregon State defeated Ore gon 4-1 In a non-conference base ball game here Friday. THE ODDS ARE 2 TO 1 ... that your assurance program needs attention if it hasn't been reviewed recently by an exper ienced underwriter. A change of beneficiary perhaps . . mort gage protection . . or less life assurance and more provision for retirement. Let me review your assurance, my years of experience with the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada are at your service. u . ( i J . GREEN 'Oduin of Michigan State in 1:52 ot me nrsi rounu; i'lyweigm vie Kobe of Idaho Slate, a 2-1 winner over Bob O'Ryan of Minnesota, and unbeaten Bantamweight Frank Echevarria of Idaho, who won his I I2lh straight with a unanimous decision over Terry Smith of Oon- zaga Idaho's Larry Mover lost to Ev- ans (Blacklei Howe'll of Louisiana SSf b'n,lhelr heavyweight semi- Art in r.u ahr nt rmwrnra tt-dc . ehm Sited frSi to llThweliht ranks in dropping a split decision in nnh ii,n i.nniciano s.oi.. to Bob Jackson of Louisiana Stale. Spleser was one of three cham pions who won their way into the nnais. Tne others were Heavy 5!L2.?..''.?S? Featherweight Neil Ofsthun of Min nesola. High School Scores By The Associated Press Baseball Ansel 5 Sandv 3 '.It. Willamina -6 Sherwood 3 Oregon City 5 Hlluboro 3 j Cascade 16 Sacred Heart (Salem) 2 jCanby 5 Silvcrton 4 ! umnia r-uss o rviuuiutn runs o West Linn 13 Tignrd 0 jasca-ie i-ocks h uuiur i Corvnlhs 4-7 Bend 2-6 Forest Grove 12 Bcnveiion 4 Portland League Roosevelt 5 Grant 3 Cleveland 14 Jefferson 5 v Lincoln 11 Benson P Washington 8 Franklin 3 irucH Jefferson 45 Lincoln 27 Washing ton 16 ( Ail For lend) Grant 43 Franklin 30 Cleveland 14 (All Portland I Vancouver, Wash., 39 Roosevelt (Portland) 32 Benson (Portland) 18 Tennis Grants Pass 5 Klamath Falls 2 One Day To Qualify Tomorrow Is the last dny of qual ifying for the Reams Country Club spring best-ball tournament, Pro Earl Schneiter announced today. Gterge faces any ttanger-for a prictl 8:00 P.M. IVItY MONDAY I let 0 1)0 ilil Pels Fall -3 To Cavemen CHANTS PASa Bpeclali A four run uprising In the sixth tnnihg vesUuday Kuve Orants Pans a 0-3 Soutlicrn' OreBini Conference baic bull win over Klamath Falls. The Cavemen also won an 8-4 exhibition, ts-me that followed. Bin John ilartxmr outdullcd Fred Prlednl In the conference game, Tl-ll - ...... Ult.. j5n: Cavemen Collected -seven hits joir rneuci. f. ftlvant!d' of! an error and a two- run uncle by Dick James to no n he-id 4-3 In the sixth, then added, two more runs. Frledel walked Rightflelder Cliff untseii, Calviir uiimore ana Clay .ton ?fannon bumped together on ! Harbour's lony fly In left-center and UrunUf Fats i.au two on Da.se. Holh advanced on a wild pitch then Kcoved on Juine..' tincjle. Lcs . Wllhami' slr.iiie scored two more before the Pels could quiet the rally.. t ' .-: t. . ; . Ron Owings .scored in the first when he waikeo, stole recond and came home en- a Orajits Pass error. Grants Pass went ahead 2-1 ' In Its half of the first on successive 'singles by Dilskcll, "Harbour and James. - an - error, and four stolen bacs. Harbour stole home for the run that put the Cavemen ahead. The Pels went ahead 3-2 in the sixth when Harold Metier walked, stole second and went In on Owlngs single: Owlhss subseouently stole home after Dick Lundsten had ,. walked and Hannon . wngled. Then came Orants' . J?ass sixth lnnlng binge that tucked the game away. - . . f i Ralph Carroll eave un- lust two hits In the five-uinlr.g exhibition game. But five walks and Klamath errors- accounted' for two bad In- ungs. the second and - fourth; 1 firanla Pnc: tnl hnth tin 1.11b nlf Carroll In 'the fourth, one a double by Freshman Don James'. Drlskell gave up five hits, two by Don Dexter, two by Owlngs and one by Dick Lundsten. Conference line score: Klamath 100 002 0-3 3 3 G. Pass 200 004 x-6 7 1 Frledel and Owlngs; Harbour ana neagepein. Netmen Lose To Cavemen GRANTS PASS (Special I The Klamath Falls Pelicans managed Jusi one singles victory and one oouoies win yesterday as' the 1 9?,!? tennis team won -'"'' beat Grants .Ilin l.ltfla K-'l H- 'I ! " w- - Lester ' Floe- l"'' ? KBe"?Tn Zl ! p,., rSSu .n lSsiS anz of Grants Pass in doubles play, 6-4, 6-3. Grants Pass wins were: Dick White beat Jim Davidson !: 7V FranbeFlSnV It 6-0: Bill Hamilton beat Shannon Oldham 2-6, 6-3. 6-1: While ; and: Hamilton beat Oldham and David. son 6-0, 6-4. Don Miller, Grants Pass, -beat leu nuuser. o-o, o-o. fl-0 in an exhibition match, day. the "best o theitouie's 844 lhe top Eame- Sam Adams Best Glue man SPOKANE '.Tt Sam Adams,' the big Whitworth end, holds e.very pass receiving record for fourtyeaf small colleges, the National Col legiate Athletic Bureau said ' Fri day, i Adams caught 120 passes!, for four years at Whitworth. 1 The NCAB said the man who threw most of those pitches, Whitworth Quarterback Ed Kreu, ranks sec ond in every offensive passini de partment among small colleges. He lossea am passes, completed, 24: for 3.980 yards and 42 TD's. (i HOCKEY I Pacific Coast Hockey League i Saskatoon 7, Taconia 1 (Sastak loon ieaas oest-oi-0 series, V, l-0 Victoria 3, New Westminster 1 (best-of-7 series tied 3-3) j FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL . . . ! l' ' ... CHASSIS STEAM Remove all mud, etc., from chassis and fenderc s WASH Car completely and thoroughly washed. . VACUUM interior of car completely. POLISH With CodMloe'Blue Coral" treatment. ALL FOR ONLY $23.00!! Use Our Easy Budget Plan Anytime 2 3 4 EN ,n d saye u.;- , XX I 'L 1 'i BUNT-READY Wayne Paulsen, Oregon Tech center fielder, squares off to bunt in workouts this week as the Owls drilled for a trip to Areata, Calif., and a doub'.eheader Sunday with the Lumberjacks. A Yreka boy, Paulsen played for Hilt, Northern California league champions, last year. mm MOOSE MA S W L Prt, Leouie'f Food Leach Service .. Suburban Flower K-Amujtement Klsmaib Flower Star Beautv ... ti2 :t8 .59 41 .590 57 .70 50 50 .500 37 83 JB0 35 65 .330 Monday! Scorei Flint round: Louie 2 Suburban 2 Leach 3 Klamath Flower 1 K-AmuEement 3 Star I Second round: I-oute 3 K-Amusement 1 Iach 4 Star 0 Suburban 4 Klamath Flower 0 Leach Service gained on Louie's Food in. two rounds of bowling Monday night as the Moose Ma's Bowling League beads into its last four weeks of kegling. Leach Is Just three games be hind Louie's after a 3-1 win over Klamath Flower and a 4-0 shutout of Star Beauty. Louie's, meanwhile, was splitting with third-place Sub urban Flower and downing K- Am usement, 3-1. Scotty Bray of Star rolled the high game and series in the first round, pasting scores of 181 and 486. K-Amusement had the high team series a 2514; Suburban Flower the high game, a 903. . Xoule's Susie Booth grabbed the Jight in the second round with a 201 game and 601 series, subur bans 2512 was the best series, TIME OUT! . WPpns&ptfi! .:;':.'Xy , ' i . Yonr baU, Dear!" ' NOT UNDl-RtOAT your car at $$$$$ on this car saying Humboldt, Owlies In Twin Mix Oregon Tech's basebaUers have inflation in mind. The Owls hope to bloat their 1-1 record to 3-1 tomorrow afternoon at the expense of the Humboldt State Lumberjacks. The twin bill both seven-Inning games shows on the Jacks' Areata, Calif., diamond. Oretech Coach Art Klrkland said he would use Pitcher Chuck Tyke son in the first game, Jack Brown in the afterpiece. Tykeson is the Sherwood. Ore., left-hander who shackled Southern Oregon in a two-bit lob when the j Owls divided a doubleheader with the Raiders Tuesday. Brown, Banks, Ore., is a prom ising righthander. , AT FIRST Brown will work at first base In the first game. Floyd Miller, who has been switched from, the out field to first base, gets the second game assignment at the initial sack. i Pitcher Larry Jeter has been ex perimenting with the catching chore and may spell regular Dan Barnes in the second game. . Left-fielder Len Oenetin, who has a knack of getting on base, leads off, followed by Shortstop CJuerino Lelll, Centerfielder Wayne Paulsen and Tykeson In the clean-up spot. Tykeson is a baseball rarity who can pitch and hit. He poloi a three run home run in his victory over SOCE. Don Foreman operates at third base and bats fifth, followed by Right-fielder Jim Mcintosh, Barnes and Second-Baseman Al Foreman, Next week the Owls make a northern road swing in single games with Clark JC, Oregon Col lege and Portland State (V?nport) Tnursday, Friday- and Saturday. Shuf f Party Tomorrow The annual City Shuffleboard League party is billed for tomorrow 5 p.m., in the South Sixth Com munity Hall. Only shuffleboard players, guests, or persons having a written invita tion signed by a league sponsor will be admitted.-, .,' - e. LET'S GO FISHING! Complete ; i - Spin Fishing Supplies POOLE'S 222 So. tth ! this same time service ! yS Hi 7777 tWay! Duane !aker - Ji-y p Din. Ait. CMIl LIFE 5000 IE b II WATTS ' ' mm i. mmm ca See MONDAY'S Paper Duent lektt