Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 05, 1952, Page 10, Image 10

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Saturday, April 0, 10M
; p ' v- YOUNG
U Y T ;
v - - Lift. -A- Ltf" ' ' ' v I Lv- r:v;t '1 I
"I SHOULDN'T but I'm
gonna cat it all." Charlie
Rae McFarlan ponders the
; problem of. Ins first birth-
KS" day cake. Son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie McFarlan, 728
K, N. 2nd Street; he tips the
. scales at 31 pounds.
(it: ; :
It to most heartening to look out
ri one's window these days and see
thB snow-gradually diminishing,
-it After months of watching it pile up.
' ' Monday, March 31, a fine spring
day, a number of women turned
out for a Stanley party held at
iic the home of Mrs. S. R. Glassburn.
They were Mrs. Gordon Good,
'" Mrs. Pete Katchls, Mr. Henry
.' Napier,. Mrs. Glenn Adams, Mrs.
. Thomas Thomson, Mrs. Elmer
Morehead. Mrs. E. D. Heywood,
Mrs. R. R. Ross, Mrs. Dick Fair
field, all of Camp 6, and Mrs.
Harold Marks of Klamath Falls,
formerly of Camp 6. Mr. Bill
. Jones of Klamath Falls was demou
fitrator. A delicious dessert course
was served with coffee at the close
of the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Huck and
son. Vera, spent the weekend
Applegate,' Ore..,, -i-i,
The Napiers, Fairfields and
Thomsons attended the Bly School
Prom Saturday night, March 29.
It turned out to be a candlelight
dance as the electricity for the
r! town of Bly was off due to a
damaged transformer. The worst
,;, inconvenience suffered was the lack
of hot coffee to- go with the mid
n, . night lunch. Nancy Lybrand of Bly
i' was crowned queen.
Jhi e An afternoon of pinochle was
.tirtoi enjoyed at the home of Mr. Thomas
hv Thomson, Thursday, March 20. A
:'? dessert luncheon started the after
'r J. noon, off. Besides the pinochle
players, Mrs. E. D, Heywood and
-r Mrs. Peter Katchis were guests.
.T"e-."f During tee week of the school
-'" spring vacation busdriver George
;.i.f .Smith and Mrs. Smith drove to
San- Dgo and back. I guess
f ! Smith deserved a little respite from
the snows of this- territory.
: Mrs. Peter Katchis entertained
- friends March 13 at a 1:00 o'clock
'dessert : luncheon at her home.
Breek desserts, - one ' which was
f eM? called "Pentespani." These were
' -r served buffet style, with coffee and
shelled nuts. A game of Bingo was
'i'- then played, which Mrs. Katchis
enjoyed greatly. Readers of this
column may rememoer mai jars.
Katchis arrived from Greece only
, last fall. She is getting along well
2"''"' nd seems to be enjoying her Camp
fimi? -a home very much. She is fast
learning to speak the English lan-
. guage with the help ol her nusDan
".'!. and neighbors, especially her next
j-"-ooor neignoor, Mrs. uoraon uooa.
: The night of March 10. the school
i..,-, 1us had a breakdown on its way
, , home near the Liskey Flats. Boo
. . . Winfield happened along on his
way home from work and took
....... fie mes5age to school supt. Earl
J, Graham at Bly. Graham came
FORD Six months old
son of Mr, and Mrs. W. G.
Crawford, 1034 Main.
Grandmother (paternal)
Mrs. Ellen Crawford,
Murphy, North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. George Todd,
Capan Oklahoma are ma
ternal grandparents.
Photo by Guderian
Surprise Shower
CHILOQUIN-Mrs. George John
son of Modoc Poink was the guest
of honor at a surprise baby shower
given on Saturday evening, March
29, in the basement of the Metho
dist church by Mrs. Sidney Burg
dorf, Mrs. Floyd Ohles and Mrs.
Manuel Ochoa.
Mrs. Jde Herkshan and Mrs. Er
nest Smith took high and low
awards for the game' of the eve
nine and special awsrds were giv
Lee Hatcher, Victoria Nelson. Mrs.
Lee atchcr, Victoria Nelson and
Lelia Kirk. The door priae was
won by Mrs. Rudy Zadina.
Following the serving of "refresh
ments, gifts were opened by Mrs.
Johnson from the following per
sons: Mrs. George Johnson Sr. and
Mrs. Bert Bickers, ' both of Modoc
Point; Mrs. Se'iion Kirk and Lil'.a
Kirk, from Klamath. Agency- Mrs.
Ruth McKenzie, Mrs. Lee Hatcher,
Mrs. Alvie Youngblood, Mrs. Er
nest Smith, Mrs. Kudy Zadina,
Mrs. Enid Sortwell, Mrs. Carl Lc
bert, Mrs. Friedman Kirk. Mrs.
Tony Zandina. Mrs. Merrill Hoppe.
Mrs. Wavne Niehaus. Mrs. George
Reed, Mrs. Ed Cole, Mrs. Ruby
Peeler, Mrs. Vern Hengl. Mrs.
Harry Lowry, Gloria Ochoa- and
Victoria Nelson.
one and. one half,
husky sort of Mr. and Mrs.
Weston H. Engle, . Fort
Klamath,.- paternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Harry W. Englc, Fort Klam
ath pioneers. On the mater
nal side are Mr. and Mrs.
J. F.. Obrenski, grandpar
ents, and Mr. and Mrs. L.
B. Keough, great grand
parents, all of Klamath
Falls. Photo by Evergreen
Zuleima Nile
Club Meets
Zuleima Nile Club met. April 3
at Jened's for luncheon.
A spring style show was pre
sented by tha Town Shop with Mrs.
Keith Moon' as narrator.
Mrs. Nellie Ricker was guest of
th day.
Cards wera played after' the bus
iness meetlnr.
Nine months old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rich
ard, 1321 Johnson Street.
Her grandmother is Mrs.
Mary Chinn, same address.
Great - grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Davis,
Milwaukie, Oregon.
Photo by Guderian
DILL just four years old,
is th son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Cogdill, Port
Heueme, (dad's in the
navy). His' maternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Sanford Selby. 2349 Want
land, and his paternal
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Cogdill, Sweet-,
home. Photo by Guderian
Dinner Party
MALIN Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Ro
berts entertained March 29 at a
dinner party in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. John Freitag's 33nd wedding
anniversary, March 27, and Mrs.
Freitag's birthday, March 39.
The honored guests were mar
ried in. Klamath Falls, and have
7th Birthday
MERRILL David and Dale Hill
twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lou
Hill, were seven years oltl March
'J9. and celebrated the occasion
with a party at lliclr home. Games
were enioyed followed by tradition
al birthday cake and Ico cream.
Friends ol the twins enjoying the
occasion were Blllv Poe. George
Milne, Earl and Chris King. Don
ills Barry. Chnrles Murphv, Donnle
n.ronne. Kay Rankin, Myrene Cun
lived most of their lives in Ktam-IK!h;5,1: S""f V'!!l B',?"5-
ath County.
Places were set for Mr. and Mrs.
Vao Kallna and family, and Joan
Preltag and the John Freitags.
Wayne Hill." Sammy and Dickie
Carleton. Carol Ann Heaton, Le
nore Johnson. Vicknv Llskev. John-
ny Chatburn, Bonnlo Icenbice, and
'Evelyn Dalton.
winsomo son of Mr. and
Mrs. Mclvin Hearth, ' 3034
Bisbec. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hearth
and Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Cone, 1942 Academy. A
preat - grandmother, Mrs.
Cora Sorber, RlDoey. Iowa;
a great grandfather, J.
Hearth, Pasadena, and
great grandparents Mr,
and Mrs. P. C. Wood, Ash
land, Photo by Fercbee
months,' is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Fates,
5304 Alva Street; and the,
grandson of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Fales, 5307 Bryant,
and Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Spencer, Bynum, Texas.
RONALD LE 8on of Mr.
and Mrs. Rob Griffith, 1414
Hope, is Just 7 months. He
is tho handsomo grandson
of Mr, and Mrs. Guy Grif
fith, 1430 Hope, on his
father's side aitd maternal
grandparents aie Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Rose, 2 23 5
Union. His groat-grandmother
is Mrs. Jane Rose,
2231 Union. .
Photo by Evergreen
Happy Hour Club
Happy Hour Club met at the
home of Alice Lawrence, 3606 An
derson Avenue, March 35.
Following members were pres
ent: Anna Blchn, Alma Coler, Lora
Evans, Anna Rcedtr, Emma Ham
ilton, Maud Hoslry, Louise Hum
phrey, Jennie Hum, Llna Mots
chenbacher and Eva Richardson.
Quests Included:' Ellrabeth Ranu
by, Harriett Estet and Mr. Mary
PMngle, sister of Alice Lawrence,
from PorUand.
Next meeting data will be an
poinioed later. '
Come to MERIT'S
Ph. 2-3429
609 So. Ath
replaced by a newer model.,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam James and
sons Jackie, Sammie and Billy of
TeJent, Ore, were guests over the
weekend of March 1S-16 at the
home of James' daughter and
family. Mr and Mrs. Dick Fair
field and children, Karen and Dick
along in his stationwagon and
brought the children on home. The
Ylavt. wfiniititr Rmraa Smith onri
;r-- Mrs. Thomas Thomsom took the
' chUdren to school in their family
cars. . Since then the bus has been
You're sure...
' . you're secure
oil day... all over
Now, Nullo has a new
refreshing taste I Now, Nullo
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University tests prove itl
Now Nullo gives you ' .
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tablets for only 49c. Just
take Nullo like a vitamin
every day to say goodbye
to body odors all day
. . . an oven
. Your Neighborhood Druggist
2212 So. 6th Ph. 4321
Shape, Fabric, Color To
Compliment Costumes.
I ' ' Plus Tax '
- It is more thon t.
Incidence that so mony women
who ore leaders in business,
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prefer a Marcrofl Bog. Its dis-,
tinctive beauty and matchless
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genuine value. (
721 Main
: ' iSl ii?! I V ' When w fit Enhance t yeur fifure, you'll notic
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