1IKRALI1 AND NEWS. KLAMATH PALLS. OflEOON PAGE SEVEN KUHS 1 ho lie BJJC llf Here, while J iSJ:i PEP-PEPPERS WILL SELL Kastur lilies Saturday on Klamath Palls streets for ,...r,i ..r ii. m..i; i e... r,.,. f vi,,l,wl fhlhlii.ti ri nrl Aihills. A IarL'0 DCrceill- til III ll UIU (Kit IWIIIII .111-111 lM Vll'i.l v........ - r i llic money laken in here is kept in Oregon to benefit the physically handicapped. Caroline Itiley (left) Vereje Toyly and Mary Pcmelrakos hold clusters of the small nowers. iniriy rcp-i'eppers win neip dining uiu n.ni:. Flier Suffers Narrow Scrape PATUXKNT. Mil. H1 ,t. Col. Marlon K. Cull, W'ii Id War II Ma i Inn Corps ace Iroin Hubbard, Oil1,, ciiieriiod unsoaihi'il In ano Iher acnipc with death thin work, Iho Navv dh.eloKcd 'Ihurnday. Il rode a Kulnnliw AKHH attack plane down rbout !I.0WI led, lump Iiik from Mm plane whin It wan iiilv WW lecl above, tli" watern ol Chesapeake Day 'lijeaday. He wan lesllnt.' 'Iip Navv "Guar dian" plane and the way It banned In snlim lit Ihe lime, lie J--i 1 cl he could not pull th(! ilanc from the I In ii I apln, Carl i-ald hp wan within seconds of Hip water vIipii his parachute oppppd. A seaplane piloted bv Cindr. PatI Y. Wevn.i picked him up wllhln a hall-hour. Carl phot down 18 Japanese planes !n World Wr II. Twice hP wan oncorincn wun me. navy Cross, four limes with ihe Dlslln KUlslied I'lylnf Cross and 13 times wllh the Air Mpdal. AftPr Ihe war he set a world speed record ol 1)60.(1 miles an hour In n DouKlnr, Hkystrcak. That was In China, monkeys were once used In a phase of harvei.luig tea on Auk. 'lb. 1040. The record stood about h year. ' The Navy also aald the parachute used by Carl waa the first ever packed, without supervision, bv looklc seaman, John II. Uihlatorf. parachutu rluK'T seaman, from Ited WIiik, Minn. Peace Talks! Reds' Draw HeadinoForiJa,ITerms I1AI.I IMOI1K Ml 1'lvc Com- i mi 1 1 i.-t - and a parly lawyer were i sentenced Friday lo prison tcrma (if two to five, yean and each fined U 1,000 lor coiispirmtr to advocate 'overthrow ol the Kovernineiit. I I'hlllii Fninkteld. Moscow trnlned iillKtrlcl llnrlv IfltiW-r. received Hie MUNKAN. Korea tin Truce ;.,,, ,lmnii 1)C.,.,,i ,citncB of live Ihau . Armistice IK 11(111111 1' II, Tl'CK.MAN (ilflces III Ihe dlulrlct oiKimlzallon 1.. If. rtt-ftnllm IjriOrQ BUTT III.J.V.. ' j ... N. Y. several yearn bo. Krankfeld was trnnr.fcrrcd to C'lpvehind early In mil. 'Iliey were the flrel partv "sec ond teanier." to he convlrlfd un I'rr the Smith Act. Ihe Mime law under which Ihe ton elc en leaders In the counirv were nriii in iinun alter a lonjt trial 1m New York. tieuollaiyrh hlntrd I'lldav Ihev Mere wurklni; toward a three-way i (iiiiproinli.e ilml would clear the v.av lor an armistice In Korea. Iliei.e devclcpniPiils led olmerv rrn In predict an akreeinenl may be finally In Mulil. 1. Hecret neviottiilions on huw to Puhiiiiun prlnmers of war were icce-ised Indellnlteiy to develop "uniiionai avenuc.i ior urrmiim i Ml v ,r0ihy Ho;,e ine imiB up'"iii. ,;,., ,.,. ,...i, ycur Oilier senlPncPH 'vcre: Hefii:lu Kiankf.-ld, PrnnkfeM'k wile. lw-o years: lieorae A. Mey rr, foimer Climb"! h.nd, Md , lex I iln tvoiker Bnd I'rankleld s mic t er.Mir as district chairman, four !,cnrr.: l.eHoy 11. Wood, parly i hull man of the Dhlrlol of Coluui- l.la. Miiurlce L. Bvnvrrnian and HluniDna Ik five 3- DAY SERVICE ly Your Regiitorod WoUhmaker , DALE B. TEPPER WATCHMAKER-JEWELERS 116 South 8th Bv the Pelican Theater DANCE MAUN SAT. April 5 Music by Bunnell's Orchestra Dancing 10 'til 2 FAHT TI.MF. Ol'T TOKYO (,fi The Jnpnnc.se Par liament Friday eliminated one oc cupation law dayliRht saving. I will happen, alter lh peace trly Some observers aald the nclloiij l. effective, to other laws Imposed may be an indication of what 'by occupation forces, a PUT' CUSTOM-ORDERED TO FIT YOUR TASTES AND HEEDS! Fashion-right traverse draperies will do wonders for your home. Choose from our gorgeous fabrics in luxurious pat terns and luscious colors that will blend with your carpets, furniture and window treatment. Featuring new materials: SHANTUNG, PEBBLE PRINT, BIRCH BARK, SATIN PRINT, METALLICS, ANTIQUE SATIN. You'll w ant fabrics by ihe yard in these new harmonizing colors to cover chairs or sofas. T t 1 !' "Four Floors of Fin Furniture and Floor Coverings" Kf amatk ujinittuie Co; 221 Main Phono S3S3 or S3 top A1IIPI l,oinillll"liri , Mini '" ,,.,, run . , in O0 fine .houv-ht prore.a j'" $,ZT lu'edp a brief ill iiir ,i.t, r ,...n. a coiispronil-" nnv be In the ollltiK S. C;oiiiinuni' i ne-nieii ai ran niuii)om Mil'l Ited dileniites In Pi led ollercd lo withdraw their nom ination of Hovlct Hui.sla as a lieu Ital liif.pector II Ihe U N. Command vould ulve up Its demand lor a ban on nlrl.eld coii-itriii-llon. Allied iiPxollalors lound no such nllrr III II ht 111 P ISICIll rrKlllV I'lilnese Mai. lien. Ilsleh Fanit hut In Hi' Past (.'oinimii'lsl cor re .lKiiHtenta hnve 'eflected official Ketl tltttiat lnrt . A swnp on the Itir.sla-alrlh-lil . ,ues would t llnilni-.le the last (wo road blocks to an Biireemenl on how to Mipeivl-e a truce. Ihe onlv oilier malo.- dlspu'e Involves the uuertlon of whether prisoners hould bo allowed to choose whe ther Ihev will return home. tleneral Uldtcwiiv talked with newsmen on a dusty airstrip here alter conference v.'llli Allied truce negotiators and Ion U N. mllltitry commanders "1 think ve're cinklnir progress In lb' truce talks." lie said. "I still decline to ni.'.l'e any predlc lims m id the final oulconie." He made It clear that his ref erence to liioitress applied to the vecret prisoner ncftcltatious as well as talks on mice supervision. Me whs the flrnl oiflclal lo aav that stuff otPeers heve made hend wav toward an aitrreinent on Ihe Ihorny piisoner Issue since lliev went Into executlvi session March statement lo the court belore s nl ence was Imposed. Hkv contend ed they were Iniuvcnt of Uie con . piracy charue. rnch, ecept llravermitn. rcafllrmed his faltii In Ihe Communist p.-itv and e l resi.ed belief the co'ivlclion would lie upset 'clthrr by hlnlier coin1 or by Ihe final iudc.e, Ihe peo- by i'1";," It) n vrriiiJi'i m r oiuuniore m i un i.ry, Mrs. lUtimbrm held various I SPARKI Musical Glasses fnuo trit rtr tmkm FMH VOW OlTe LIU Not I on im CMiti .err row mtt ttt. it T(jmc $oo ami muir $r ivrmm cuwt WED-LOK Ensembles by Granat mi Prices Intitule Federal Tax s ' ' IP? I -...I. ,t.i;.-.il nf ihe V'allev transformed into t I iq.iii,ui.ik..;w.-..- charming diamond ensemble. Vt'ed Lok means that your tinjs will lock into perfect alignment yet will unlock instantly when desired. Granit Tempered Mountings (not cast) assure you years of faithful wear. m 150.00 DitmonJ tilM'Malrhinigmm't nlilnirt villi 2 lidt ( rinf inubilt trytilewfpld. mi' "d. '""-.'5 7S.O0.W:ri'' U liidint tint u lib 4 ., . jj . tHnmiuat in u bili tr yilltui fulif. ubili tryillcwgM 150.00 DiumttJ BUDGET .wittiin na maichtt ACCOUNTS u tdiivis, rifff in u-luit trytlliupM. INVITED! 'I f 700 Moin St. IKISTIltl llWUIll as ci i e m J r I rhone 3131 UNDER YOUR EASTER FINERY NYLON TRICOT LINGERIE BY VAN RAALTE Because you love; nice thingi , . . the love liest nylon tricot lingerie by Van Raalte. Beautiful to look at, lovey to feel. Fits as if it were made for you, wears' and washes like a dream. A. Petticoat nylon net appliqued. 4.00 B. Slip trimmed with embroidery and nylon net. 7.95 C. Petticoat nylon net with nylon Alencon type lace. 4.00 D. Slip set in midriff, trim of nylon net and Alencon type lace. 8.95. FREE EASY PARKING