Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 04, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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    HIIDAY. AI'HII. 4,
'I lie 1'iie Valley Otenn Kxlcnilon
t'hil iiiiH lit llin Iiiiinu n( Mrs. Mnr
I i.rri I' rnior for h politick lunch
imi, Mm nil ill, j.rtiK jii wim on kitch
en nllilT.gti.
lluntii- Kilt, lli'i n',d A, Cln Melt
"n arrived home Mutch 20 In
ipeiid n 30-duy leave Willi hl pur
l ul l. Mr. nnil Mm. Kinll (,'liil.ilim
M il, Merrill, lln Ims horn In Knreii
mice l.ifcciiiljiM', lA'ill nnil will ro
purl buck fur lurllier (lillv In Ureal
fulls, Mnnl. Ho ii'ioko 'liiiuiday
hldil In Mi-I'llll high mIhiiiI Hlu
li'iilH mid illipluyrd u pnlr (if Ko
I imui ;huw nnil Km din nitiiiny.
Triivi'li'il - Miii'uiiict 'i'cdi lck lt-f t
Vi'(hi"H(luy on lliu bliiittit Daylight
in attend it iiilcn meeting nl K, ii
I cm' Inr tliu Hlnucr Hcwlnu Mn
chine fck'rvlcc. Hhu in returning t
(itiest - Tlio Kriin I'niliieimddK
itilliuio Dunce Club will be guests
t.t the Parent unci I'lilrnn Kutiiirc
Dunce Chili. Hnlunl iv 11 1 k lit In Die
IN lei soii nchniil uv tit. Uiinntu picnic
1 11 III- pk' or cuke.
Illy lliiiuc KmIcii-
'Imi chili
inrcl April 10
llin home ol Mm, Lee Wlnnlmdiiun. j MiiPziuilln. left Timidity on n m
Kllchi'ii Mnnme will he dciiiiiii- , tor trip north. H'tc will vliillPo't-
I m led bv Uointhv TnllrDi.
Nrw Arrlvitl A JiiuuiitMiJ want
kill wni horn In irnlivnv Mnrch
y itt Dip 11
Too Vullry.
Hliitk n i ttl WhUo i until, j
Nrw llonir - Mr. mu Mr. XI, H.
'IfNtpriimn have nurvhiiHrd llir
YiH'lfor prmmitv In r Vullry unci
hnVo nii'Vfd inrri I rum Mulln. Tr
trrmnn Ik nniplyrt bv tlii Orriit
Nortnnn. They huvc one bon.
Trunk, In Kurm.
Iitiiruvlnr Vi:n)la Gutfntir
rr. rmrlovft of ihi WllUrd Hulr
l.i r'Tovrrlnit fnmi inn (or niirKTy
vi Kliiir.Hth Vullrv HomiUiiI and
jnny imw Imvc vlHUor.t.
In pMilmul John 8chnrchrrKr.
fnh HU'hn hi.. lh in Inr Vi'lirtms
llnplltt). Ward 5-A, I'urllnnd 7.
Mlilhuiri (irttimi xvllV nmkf
1hiim lot thn nest nuntirr t
irrriinn m the Urnnire Hull ut 7:3u
jj nv 2iund:ty.
rnl rnrly- Hir Midland (.irnrni'
Mil hold nird 'nr(v nl Ihr
lirnnur Hnll nt p mi. Hntiirdny
with Mrn. T,rnn Aiulrini iih chhlr
timii. OriuiKo Indtr? nrr nkni lo
brum pnlnto Mind or hnndwlihcs
Hunt! llrhrnrnl Mrrrlll With
F, hnnl vytn will Ip Ihr Mr April
n nt 7:30 p.m. for bund rHiHrMil
of th cnunlv RrlmolN bnnd with
Honnnr.n. Mnlm. Hrtilrv. AHnmonl
Junior Hlrh nnil Mrrrlll ftchooU
pnrtlrlpiitinB- Thr whoolt nrr pre
pnilnff for Ihr nnrlr (rstlvnl lo
b hrld My J3 nl O'H.
n.uk t Work Murolri Rrnrv;
routr . box M'J. Kliunnth Falls,
hns ir'nrm-d In work hrr with thr
Hotilhrrn Pnclllc nlUr undrrKolna
rvr Mirprry nt the 8. P. Honpttnl
In Snn Fi iukI:co.
Rlmiln Vlrw llrncr will mrrl
rt fl n.rn. Innlhl nl thr Hhnstn
School I'ym for rlrclion of ntutr of
hcrrs. A vote will nlno Iw Inkcn
in chnmtlmr lh inrftlnir plnrr.
New Spring prints! J&r
Wide color choice!
Misses', half sizes!
(Irxluiilo Itrncnlii... Women of the
Mimic, will incul tonight, 7:30 p. in.,
id tint hiil n i nl Hi'llv Ki'lsdcvcr.
Witt JefiCI'llllll hi, ivlnlji'l Wind will
ho hwilww, 'Ihiwu not coming cull
noli or 2-14IH.
llrirnl Vlhltom Mr. in id Mm.
I.i-oiiiird Milium, OtPiii'ti City, were
vliaoiH hcrii this week with Mr.
mid Mm. George Mctlrr, 31110
Uiiiiidiiii ii Hi. MikIiik, Itiiiiiibllcnii
crirdldnln lor ollliw nf Hlntn attor
ney gmieritl. conducted clnwi (or
Kliiiiuitli I'iiii,! pollen officers.
IMurutiillm llhiniiry Hncl'ly
of the Hlble Duplet Church hi-ld
li,i iniiiiililv meeting April 1 lit the
Hull, 2241 Willi cl HI. Mm.
0, Ochrkn mid M.'r. Ii. Mi'Dmi
mild wcro co-host cmes. Hostesses
for tin next incctlim lit Cnxllr Hull
in Mm. U. Hroylci mid Mm. II.
llvrrgrrpn Cinnlrn Club Meets
Mniiduy, 7:3" pin., lit AH'tmont
Junior HlKh Hchool. A. R. Hulvor.
mi nf thn Kliiiiiiit'i Kxurrlnlcnlii
K1 lit Kin, II to tn Ik on "Boll UiillU
tin Trip -PnUv ftlclinrdioii, Hit):!
Innd. Mrattlr. Vitnrouvrr, n. V
Ihrn itwlii'i touih to YrHovslonc
Nutloiiiil Turk nnd points In Idtthn
Legal Notice
nVNOP-ln up ANS'tAl.
H I at r.M;h'r
fnf tT rlt r fill "I filler '!i 10M,
nf Of IK. :HAI. I.'-'KIMIA.NCK 'O
UK AUI.CIi'A, f Hf.MIr in iliffl'"
nt WfliiinFl')t tM.i'Ii1 Hi t li aiirnn-
:ifmiMntir nt Hit flmip at Ufwit,
Huriuanl tt tn :
fionrii j.4.a;'fl.14 H
i'io.u .... a.! VM.:j74.;ri
M'Tlrav ltior on rrl
, Tv.Witn
ri .v '"'T "ft
f's nmt rpnh ttrrna b (thli.hW nl
Af.Ml' titfi' or un-
f'i"rti l.-rMll lftl 4.321 1A1 03
J'feil rfli liWti-H M il
rrrifi .-. ?"0 fIH J
Olh.r et
Tnu! idnniM tt'i mrt ir7 ii
i.iAiui.nn; . m iiim i' am
f if I . ....... 4.000 VIA 00
1 - 4)iiitnianl K
nni . . 5it?fiOnO
1 lt'ti1 pfrpihirnn fl rV0, 7 17
AH n'htr Hr hHlHr .. 7.07d.lUO4T
Yntsl 1UriM(l. fl-
I o v1
t i :ns ono oo
fundi .11 mt A nn? M
. Sl Iftt nj
Tntl . 17R 'J7 J7
r'"niim:. rr4 ....ITI M 7
iri"rrl . . :i Vfll 1 Til
I.IVM .xnnt-B iffirf( flld.lfJA4
Olnrr ufiflT rnin
rniei incurred .... 11,741 M T
nr-ltr rtMfii At-
. - .... 3
"lerwriiiriK mttn
nr Ini
4 ft? n?v "
6 &90 32 ?
I tncim.
Oihr iT-tm ... . .
T"(at. b'l'r. fnlrral
paWl Incoma laira
l"-ijrf 1 .
Nt ir-oir ...
til .1rU lo lHVat-
hnilri ...
,l'f1r-U tO OlKV.
hn'i)n .
f'.itl rt ftf i ni .
O'liar ll.fr. aftfrlini
arplu ini t ......
a t 3 oi? n
Tnti fiiMtai ind tu
llrma mi-) . I
7M 621 30
i"cji. tn crj,i.n i
W 11
171 11
fallt 'f u: - Tt lt
i NH prtwium fr.-tirH-W 471 1?
I Nil rant 6HJ.46 t7
IMir1n1i haul nr rrtrl
! H.J In prtlKshi.HU'a.. U'l 471 7'J
rfiiriit( oflirf In lfffn r.M'.rf1.
Even for llirifly I'cnncj's
. . . it'a a lot of ilres for to
lilllc! Frcsli irinl on fine
rayon crepe, well made
(even zipper cloned!) and
very sniiirtly styled.
' NOT ONE...
V (hh.A Ttlrtiliolo
Gl CROWNED KING The 1 00,000 Korean war veteran lo oe
returned home throuith the port of Seattle, Cpl. Casper C. De
AnKelis, 24. of Ilrooklyn, waves a royal welcome lo fellow vets
an they debark from the transport Pvt. Joe P. Martinez. Beside
him ia the port' queen, 18 year old Krary ilagcr. Cpl. lie Angclis
was crowned Kinx CI when he stepped ashore. Those "scars"
on his check are lipstick greetings from Queen Krary.
I'a l.-.y is irnvt'lliiK .ilune.
I.nillm Kaale Club Mrcb) Mon
(i.iy. 0:30 p.m., In die upper Kaules
Hnll. Hii'iliHiids nnd kucsui are In
vited. I'olluck will he served.
NAACI' Mrrtlna National Assoc
iation for Advancement of Colored
People holdH Its monthly meetlnu
Haliuday, 7 p.m., at the Chamber
of Commerce.
Monte Bill Tlppciy, home on a
H-dny leave from Wan Dleo re
ditu lalnliiK, leaves April 9 for
Hr.n Dlcao enroute lo Jacksonville,
Hit., where lie wlH underKo avia
tion ftinihimcnlals IihIiiIiik. He Is
18 nnd the foil of Mr. and Mrs.
t. W. Tlppcry, iilM ApplcKatc.
nvrmthr.Mr.NT ron mm
rTfaied hlda Mill m rrtvirt on or
(trim two q rlork p m. Thurdav.
April 10. ltr,2 N the ntttrr of lh Klurn
aili (niiiilv Kchnv.l O'.lrlrt, Vrttprmu
Mfintirlal riulldiiti. Klan.alh rIU. Ore-
Thla hirl will Vir.fnr llin rrwltnn of
Ammioii n. AMcrslloni lo the Kulr
liavcn KlfinfnlJiry Krhrvnl A gpniral
hi 'I will inrliitlr all ltfm of work. Rnta
will l' puhltrlv oppnt-d unrj read. Aa
a rundlllon preevdrnt to rrrvlpt or hla
-o'.o a, I'tj hirldrr rnuil hve quail
fird ti-n 1 10. f prlnr lo the onfmnf
i h.di. a prrarrihl by page 223,
of Ort-nn. I0.H.
Plana and aprclf irallnna miv b oh
lainrd at the of fire of Mnrriaon nnd
Mnuard. ftouie 3. Rnx MI2 'Pine Grove
KUmath Falla. Oiet"n. A drooull of
turnlv and no-00 92OO0 will be re.
quired for plana and aperlflratlont. The
(irmiait will he refunded lo the bidder
upon return of lh plain and apecllt
i'"'inv r
Plana nnd apeWflct.tnnn fl 41 1h
nutldcr;ItachanKe 4.ip J .UT HuiMera
Kxr-hance nulldinf. Portland. Oreaon
and :iene Builders Exchange, Eu
gene, Orrdim
The aucceaaful bidder will be required
Revised List As
Of March 22, 1952
Wards Deluxe washing machine
Slorklinc baby crib with mat-
less. "
303 Savage rifle
Boys bicycle
10 ft. olf set disc.
13 used counter stools
2 four-slice toastniBslers
South Bend bake oven,
decks.. ' .
Five foot refrigerator.
National "'cash register.
drawers. -
Used gas grill.
10 chair backed counter stools
Crosley two door sedan.
2- 7.00 x 15 six ply tires mount
ed on Chcv. truck type pickup
1 six ply & 1 8 ply tires with
John Deere sitK?. delivery hay
Vacuum cleaners of nil kinds
Power saw for culling logs
Hny slacker for loose hay (au
tomat lei
Twenty head of bred ewes.
$ ft. off-set disk for Ford trac
tor. Universal Electric washing ma
chine. Business properly In Klnmalh
Falls, Oregon.
Oliver B ft. drill with grass
to fnrtil.h ft mrcly btmii In full urnount
itt Ihe runtrart prlcr. (ind lie thall le
icqlllrcd lo curry f'ubllc Llftlilllly In- ,
; .ur.nre a. tperined.
I A biddrr't bond or rcrtiflrd rherh
! In Ihe amount coual lo live per ent
of the lump aum hid mu.t ac
(mnpany the hid a. a luarante i.,r
I the execution of the contract and hond..
; in ca.e the contract t. awarded to the
The director of the Klamath County
School IJUtrlct re.erve the rifhl lo
accept or reject any and all bid. and
lo waive any Informaht e..
J r. Ileyden, Clerk
M. 13-J7 A. 4. No. all
SAN 8IRO, Italy !A'A tifw start
1)k Kate for hor.ic ritccn described
ii h a Himni.flL-allon of thr cates
now in use on Amrrlcan track, is
brlnir iPKlrd at this northern Italy
hor.v raclns crntT. Tlic Kale is
raslly moved and cheaply construe
SMOKING? then try
Non habit'form'mg
Iimi ia vm. Ca
"! eaitM,
tatwt-'a. mm 9pf
a. m Alr,
tvv 1OAK.O'IT01
"r. Cva't.
oniy 4.95
808 Main
Has the following items listed and you can find out all about them by dropping in at our office or calling 5670.
If you have anything for sale or if you want anything, look here FIRST. We are more apt to have what you want
or more apt to know someone who wants what you have for sale than any other place in the country. TRY US
It pays you to come to Centralized Service FIRST . . . because as you can
see by the number of different items listed that you are more apt to find
what you want.
Oliver 70 model tractor
Disc, for International tractor
Case 1946 tractor with hang-on
Brlgg. and Stratton Model saw.
3 ft. Jumbo hydraulic scraper.
Plymouth four-door sedan 1948
One-row Champion potato dig
ger. Laundry type electric sewing
Baby crib springs and mattress
Ferguson Post-hole digger
Six rubic II. relrigerator
ft. D. six wide guage swamp
New Universal electric portablo
sewing machine.
Singer Com. hemstitching mach.
Masscy-Hnrris 14 ft. combine.
14 Ft. Intn. Press Drill.
Rcsluurant equipment.
Public address system.
Cushman Motor Scooter
Baby Bassinet
Bellville Potato Backer
3en. Electric automatic washer
Int. Potato digger, one-row
'i Bedstead springs and mat
tress. 30 HP Gas motor.
Meat and hone grinder
Meat Block
Five Ft. Jumbo scraper
Bendlx washing machine (auto
matic) Pop corn machine .
00 Oal. oil tank
Artless Land plane
12 Ft. off-set disc
Golf Win
McMINNVH.I.E iH The Unl-
vemlty of Portlnnel K"lf tcum
opened Its season here Wednesday
with an 180 win over Llnflcld.
Portland will mrel Oregon State
at Corvalll, Friday. "
IT'S THE....
Guaranteed forever
Southbend Gas Grill 20'x:4'
Neon Cafe sirh
l'i Inch rotary pump
Electric clothes dryer
Electric range -
Electric mixer
Seat covers - All makes
Watches and clocks
Wall Tent
Cot and mattress
100 ft. steel coble
Chevrolet pickup
Two Yale and Town chain hoists
Maytag washing machine
Horse-drawn wagon
Set of harness
Horse-drawn cultivator
9 mm pistol
Baby crib and mattress
John Deere 6 ft . combine
Circulating oil heater
Ferguson two-way plow
Six ft. tandem Int. disc
Oliver two-bottom plow
Farmer four-in. pump
Soft ice cream machine
Cash register
Dining room set
Lot, hi Merrill
30-30 vlflc
Gps lawn mower
Willys coupe
Potato sorter
Case hay bailer - two wire
Tenor snxaphono
Bedstead, snrings nnd mattress
Corona washing machine , '
Davenport and chair
Two chests of drawers
Several gas refrigerators .
Circulating oil heater
Saddle horse '
I Grant Beats
! Franklin
POflTLAND m - Portland blr;h
sthoota Ppned thelr baseball race
Orant walloped Frank-
i;ln'6-: ,Llnco1" ,h"led, ""elt
'In 11 Innlntpi, 8-6; Clevelmid nosed
Putter IWt
Thwma itri
(Requires No Attachments)
Machine Service
"Free Demonstrations Gladly"
Van trailer
Int. van, bake.- use
Crocheting for sale
Buick four door sedan
A.C. 5 cat. tractor
8 section harrow
5 H.P. gas engine
Electric heaters
Deep freezer.
Radio ,
Electric roaster
Electric razors
Hiawatha out board motor.
2 axminister rugs
110 gal. oil tank
L. C. Smith type writer
Two wheel trailer -
International oil heater
ton plckupij
Frigidalre elect.' range
5 bottom molcboard plo
100 gallon oil tank
i Ion pickup
2 wheel trailer
17 In. tire tube and wheel
Montgomery Ward oil heater
Baby crib spring and mattress
Parma water lifter
2 row potato planter (iron age)
Fertilizer spreader
Rcf. compressor
Fert. att. for John Decrc.
Power takeoff for Ford
1940 Olds car
Little girl's bicycle
Small boat and kicker
16 ft. trailer house
New D. fl cat
New John Deere S bottom plow
New 12 ft offsev disc
Brownie movie camera
Ottawa drag saw for Ford trac
tor. '
out Ilcnson, 6-5; and Jefferson
r IU I1T I a i Pill .aV m
Ii II h i ll 1 I sWl
1 1 vi """""
Grain master seed cleaner
1 ton Cap hammer mill for
Case hay bailer
Oliver tour bottom plow
'i yard carryall for Ford trac
tor Grader ditcher
Gas deep freezer
Small saddle
Trailer wagon o hook on trac
tor 9 in. rock crusher
Cab for Dodge pickup .
Rear end for 1938 Dodge pickup.
Belt pully for D.D. tractor
John Deere combine
Two ton Dodge truck
York ammonia plant .
Krcske floor furnace
8 ft. sda fountain with all the
accessories. This a good foun
tain nnd a good buy. 30 gal.
cop. Ice cream storage cabi
net. 2000 used brick
5 ft. oldstyle bath tub
Kitchen sink
Small garden tractor
Revised List As
Of March 22, 1952
2 ft. galvanized drainage pipe
Tnrred wood or fiber drainage
pipe - i
Small used sofa
Small cash register
'a to ton pickup
Studio couch
defeated Washington 1-4,
a Stws F.rwrrf
and Ravtrsa
a Stws an Buttons
a M.kas Button
a Ovarcdainf
a Blindstitchinf
a Invisibla Hommmf
a Embroiders
a Monoframs .
a Ham'stilcliini
a Daraini
a ZifZaf Jtitthlnt
a Soti Stilchini ..
Ben elevator and motor for
spuds , . .
Girl's bicycle
2 wheel trailer
3-way floor lamp. '
Flash camera nearly new
20-gallon white enamel hot wa
ter tank, gas
Crawford electric range
Oil tanks
Trailer house
Disc Ridgcr and checker
Tool bar for Ford tractor
John Deere tractor model G ,
Hand operated mimeograph
8 or 10 ft. off-set disc
Blind stitching machine
.2' a In. suction pump
D. 6 cat
Power meat saw
Potato cultivator for Ford trac
tor. John Deere Tractor with Fert.
At., Row Crop Tractor, one front
wheel r
Small potato grader (wood slats)
4 or S bottom mouldboard plow
Small tractor
Some sheep
Metal filing cabinet
Small dining room set " ""
l'i or 5 In rotary -pump
Small Ford tractor
Small cat and dozer;- ;
Sewing machine
Vacuum cleaner ; ,
Electric concrete mixer
Steel guitar ' ,
Pickup or panel
Treadle tewing machine
8 ft. gas refrigerator
One wheel trailer . . .
Movif projector
Winch to fit on Jeep