PAGE SIXTEEN HERALD AM) NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FH1DAY, APRIL 4, 1UM Legal Notice fr tht vnr tnrin) t)cemhr 11, IBM, of Ih TATE rP.M MUTUAL AH fpMOH f,K JNIUrUNf;E COMPACT of PI nomination, in iht mats or mm. m"d 10 m-ursn-t Commii 'Qnr f iht It I of Oreion. pursu ant to !: ADMITTED AMKTII Pen.1t ... niO S7 M fiwka 13.2S.30 VnT loar.a en Mil eMttt It 1ft? 004 91 PmI ' 3.142 63830 ib and bank dt rnsite S019S.40ft.44 A ren'tv hslenrrt rr iinrolttettd pm-mii-a 3.SOS.471.3J Irtirot. dilittnili . ; M real tit it tn. 1 f(T) due and ac rrut .,. Olhtr UltlS ....... 3.474.063 31 Tots, admitltd 174 71 9M.TT LUBIlJTfrCX RI'RPI.l'B AND OTHER FUNDS ft 39.414.102 00 l,i m tx rni . 4.41 KM 00 - tints rmd trmmmt. 32 m MtVl-l All othtr lUbllillta.. 23-7. 7SS14 Twsl llahtmitt. ffl- rtWIll ..$104 ,T?M 2T fund S 250.000.00 f'lrdi i iiir B'utt 70 0RV4O0 50 Toll) ., $174 fi71 1M3.7I RTAWMKNT OF INCOMR Prtmlumt earned .J1 in 7S2 cs it Lottts Incurred , . 62 S7 M 13 .Uo txtwnirs tn- eurrtd Ill M& 071 22 t h r tindf nrrltlni t.Dcnsea incurred 25 15VVS50 j Ttsi nndfrwnttrt deductions 104 S7S 311 hft rn in tain or lia ... investment income Other tnrnme . Tftlal before federal ineon. taxes federal incomt taxes A ST 75 :f 3 4S 711 34 24 667 01 , V7A0 l3J ireurrert ......... 1 710 S9i !V4 Net inwime . SnosS.til.t ViMer-i 1 -JhVtfU lb t't'-ei Hemi afftrtmi surpliis nM ....... 1 BlO 039 S3 Total capital unit aurnlua ittrai lotu 6'? !".! ifimife in surplus at ratam nonrt noioera n n:m 4.1 Pet erftnium recivr4-S2 VM 1ST 7 el Iowa paid ... 142fi.Vt63 r(Mdfnrti paid or ered- Htd to uoliPv?!o!dr.. Nona tritiriAt office m Ore eon Vt?9 'K ITNOPS1R of ANNUAL STATEMENT fAr the year W'.ed De?mber 7.1 . of t OENTRO, CASUALTY COJI PANT OF AVFRICA. of Stattle. tn the Btxte of Vashincton. madt to tht , nn)rane Commli;lorer of tht State ' of Oregon, pureuant to law: ADMITTED ASSETS Ponda $2.467.604 M 3.641.738.00 None aiS.72K.04 1.314. 56 6. 3 1.710.776.30 J'ortract loaaa en real eattte real eatate Cash and hank drposus ArtFits bslanrn or un- collected veminma Interrit. dlvidenda ard reat estate income dut and arorued ... Oihtr asset Total admitted a sifts n,t 6S5.737.S4 UABIL1TIFF SUrpLL'S AND OTHER FUN PS Lete 9.031.303.00 I adjuatment ex- . rentes 1 373100.00 Vrearned nrenfiima 12.4S0.4ni.52 All other llabilitle 2 471.047.65 Total rUbltitJea, tx (K easital J23.3M.85M7 laid un $1 .200.000.00 Lei (timed fundi (aur Ulua 6.132.SS36T 'irnlut as raxarda pol lerholdera s 9 332 885.67 Total S34.6SS.737.84 STATF.MKNT OK INCOMR Premlumt ttmed 521 .030. 7R7 52 J.CMra lnrurrtd 9.997.1 75.4n Io expenses lrcurr?d 2-076.434.32 0:r:er itidenvrftinc tx- Pensei Incurred .. 9 373 65S 04 Ttiat ufidennntlns de- duetiont $21,449,287.79 If. und- rntln; rain or lo5t 41 40.27 1 -reftment incomt S50.910.4S O'her income - 43.042.74 Total, before federal Income twera 203.472.93 Fdril tncoait taset incurred 1S9577 Net income 18S.514.98 rivlden to flock- hoideri 0.000.00 Dividend! to poller- holder . 77.349 84 Cher Itemi affection e-rplui (net) 3.203.316.23 Total easital and aur- Plus items tne:i S 3.X15.966.41 Inereatt in surplm ai reKards nolle-. -ho.ders. 3.304.481 39 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THI3 TEP. Net premiums rtcelved52.705.448 M ;tt losies paid 1.091. 504 81 Dividends paid or ered" -V9'9um-a ited to pollcyho!dera None Frir.r-ioail of Ce in Oregon. Portland- tTNOPPIS OT AXNUAL STATEMENT for the year ended December 31. 1951. of the FIRST NATIONAL INStTR AyCV, COMPANT OF AMERICA of' P fat tie. in te Slate of Washington, mad to the Insurance C0mm.1s.oner M tht State of Oregon, pursuant to ADMITTED ASSETS Bond $10,735.34 6 72 Ftockt 503.MO.00' Caih and bank denoti'.! 617.576.20 A cents' baiaree or un- rollected premiums 669,779.73 Interest, dividend! and - real estate income due and accrued 48,881.38 Other aeaeu 3.84 Tot a.! admi'.ted asaett S12.r,s0.1S7.85 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Lotsea 3 342.331.00 x-oss aajusrment ex- Total liabilities, ex- , cept capital $ 6.995,138.09 Capital nald .wo 8l.0O0.000.00 Unanfimed funds t sur plus i 4 565 049.78 lirntufl as rexardi pol icyholder! 8 5 5?5.04f 78 Total 312."?n.iS7 V, Losses Incurred 1.705 474.28 STATEMENT OF L.CUME Premiums earned 3 4. 238.532. "J Ix)iee inrurred 1.705.474.2 Lo expnssa tr.r-jrred 105.903.86 Other undentritlnp: ex penses incurred 2.201.671.61 TMal undsrwrltins de-. duetlons S Ntt undenvritlr.j: aaia or loa ir.S.4S2.56 Investment Income 164.0?8.fi4 Other income - 1.003.79 o:al. b;lore federal income taxes 301,014.99 Federal income taxea Incurred 114.41B.33 Net income . 166.59S.U0 Dividends to policy t:o:ders 69.209.67 O.her Items affecting eurplua net) 2.991.705.S3 Total carttal and tur- . plus Items n't i S 2.922.496.16 Irrresiie in surplu as rejtard! pollcvnolders. 3.1 no. 094.82 BtJSINFaSS IN OP.EGON FOR THE TEAR Net nremiumB received 312O0O1.M Net lositi paid - 2S.531.63 D.Mdond piid or credited tn policyholders None Pnr.clnal offiee In Oregon. Pori'and NOTICE OF MEETING OF EQUALIZATION BOARD OF BUNNYSIDE IRRIGATION DISTRICT OF KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON. Notice Is hereby given that the Board Of Directors of the Sunnyilde Irriga tion District will, commencing Tues day, May 6, 1952, s a board of Equaliza tion for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the asfesiment roll of the District for the fiscal year commenc ing July 1. 1952. WENDELL MOOltE, Secretary, A 4-11-18- No. 94l J; ORVAL SMITH Our Radiator Specialiit Anderson Auto Service 532 Walnut CLASSIFIED RATES Ont cut per sard 4' Dire Diyi per ward U Week run .. per word 30o Month run per word tie MINIMUM Die minimum charge lor any one d U 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answeri to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper or a service cnarge 01 k. DEADLINES Classified aua auttpieu up to 5:30 pjn. (or following dayi publication Classified display ads accepted up tc 1J noon for following cays pno ilcation. ADJUSTMENTS Please mans an umnut ii adjust int. witn.uit del FUNERAL HOMES WAKDS) tviamaut runi-rai tlunte H'h Slin. Phor. HM4. MEETING NOTICES REGULAR MEETING of Disobled American! Veterans ar1 Auxiliary will be held Friday. April 4 in the K. C. at 8 p.m. STATED MEETING )F MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 O.E.S. will be held Fri day, April 4. at 8 j"clock in the I.O.O.F. sail. Vifitors welcome. I ERA FRITSCH-W.M. I I O H N LARSON-W.P. Klamath Lodge No. 77 A.F. & A.M. will hold a special meeting Fri day. Anril 4. 7 p.m Work in MM Degree. Visiting brethren in vited. DALE BEBBER Worshipful Master LOST AND FOUND Contact W. Evans. Cross-Cut Cafe. Chu- ! oouin. Phone 194. I FOUND On Lakeshore Drive. Stack : dog. appears mostly Labrador. Ph-Jne ' 3b40 Or 3-2DT?. LOST, small black pup. short bait. short tail, vicinity Eatt Main and Owens. Reward. Phone 4818. GENERAL NOTICES Fern Short Now At Pearce Beauty Shop for appointments Phone 4618 LANE'S Fur Company -formerly Rich ardsi new address. 1016 Main across from td location open for busines Anril 10. PERSONALS WELL KNIT guaranteed hosier-. Phone 4224. FRATEX Plastics. Phone 8324. SI AN LEY Home Products. Phone 66U9 10 SERVICES CUSTOM TRENCHING FOR DRAIN TILE IRRIGATION PIPE SEWER DITCHES WATER PITCHES ' FERGUSON MOBILE UNIT DAVIS Plumbing Company 337 East Main Phone 7635 MOVING? Call 7425 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekin's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" CARPENTER v.ork. RemodeTing and new construction. Phone 2-06J7. ELECTRICAL contracting. Work guar- Legal Nonce NOTICE OF MEETING OF EQUALIZATION BOARD OF MALI.N IRRIGATION DISTRICT OF KLAMATH COUHTV. OREGON. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Malin Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon, will, commencing Tuesday, May G. 1952. at 10 o'clock a m. at the offke of the District, being the City Hall. Malin. Oreaon. ait as a Board of Eoual- izaiion for the purpoie of reviewing , the Dlctrict for the fiscal jear com- mencing jury i, laja. , MARK EVANS Secretary, A 4-11-18 No. 942 NOTICE OF MEETING OF EQUALIZATION BOARD OF PINE GROVE IRRIGATION DISTRICT OF KLAMATH COUNTY. Notice Is hereby g.ven that the Board of Directors of the Pine Grove Irriga tion District will, commencing Tues day, the 6th day of May, 1952. at the office of the Board of Directors at the residence of A. R. Campbell within said District, sit as a Board of Equal ization for the purpose of re vie win r and correcting the asKesnment roll of the District for the f local year com mencing July 1, 1052. A. R. CAMPBKLL Secretary. A 4-11.18 No. 943 Radiator Repairing Satisfaction guaranteed on repairing, cleaning, and recorinq. See ut first! StftVICES CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someone else nred-l Let us find what you wiint or find the person who needs what you don't wont. This Is the kind of scrvlee we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 255 East Main In all) Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 FIX THAT RADIO Our Business is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis 'Smithy" Smith. Tree Surgeon us work with vou ; Let NO" on your landscaoe needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pnntented and No. I s SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 So. 6ih Phone 81S8 Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain fields Installed repaired. Years of experience. All work guaranteed. PELICAN HOTEL PHONE 5731 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 3802 South Sixth Fh. 9240 or 2-3133 beptic I anks L leaned NcwW Sarvtary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE J it a na oeutrr Lines ut Rooiv Lie ED F KING !434 OrrhRrri Phone 984, hXCAVAl INC Moon Shovel and Ircncn Hoe Bulldozer - Fill Dirt lupsoil Crushed Rock Driveway Cinaen Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phone 5541 or 8859 ALTERATIONS Anita's. Sat'i? fart ion Eua-anterd. Phone tx!33. Jennie Mare. fAl.Sil.XG and 7617 paperha lifting Phone CURTAINS Pfnre 4S14 laundt'ed and stretched DITCH DIGGING and hark filling w'th i Fordron Trench hoe. Call 2-ltw I. 334 I or 623. 10 HELP PAY those bill. Full or part , RNISmED houe with fireplace. Suit time work Write Avon Ditrict Mana- '-,1e tnr two faiile-J. 43 aUo four eer. P. O. Box 19 Eugene. i roorn partly furntsned houte. $23. Phone .-; a , , .. i-rr 4"4C. 4130. J L DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 30b No 7th - Phone 934 8 PAINTING, decorating, papcrhanging. plasterboard finishing, spray painting. Phore 3028 TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen der work. Phone 4040. 1-Ort SLiCViCfc cr L.e.nont:aiion or .-ny information regardinc the German Pfaff Sewing Machine. Write Herald Newr MIRRORS resilvced. new mr'o-i vrade ti order. Kimball's Glass Shop. Phore 7r7. PLOWING and nlanting. farms. eardn. etc. Phone ?-09T7 after 3 p.m. Anvtirr weekends, Rt. 3, Box 3. Old Midland Pnad. CARPENTER and cabinet work, and remodrlfne. Phone 374f. New BROKFV window class r"'.-'ced. hpll't Gls Shoo. Phone 7373. 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING shorthand tvotng kin dred subjects, office machines KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine Phone 476it 13 HEALTH ETEAM baths. ex-rc-.e. masiaces. : e dncin for men p worn". r.q03- 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE SALESGIRL, experienced in ready to , wear. Top salary, must be top notch salesgirl. Age 20 to 35. Phone M!ss , Com p ton, 5169 Ext 13, or 2-3230 after six. WOMAN, general office work. Steady position. Good starting salary. See Dm Mclnlyre. Local Loan Co.. -113 No. 10th Evenings by appointment. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE FARM HANDS WANTED ix STEADY. RELIABLE MARRIED FARM HANDS WANTED FOR JOBS ON KLAMATH AREA DAIRY-CATTLE and GENERAL FARMS. Housing furnished Good pay for experienced de pendable help Chance to secure year-round employment Register now lor the Agricultural Season (JKHUUN S IS I t, fcMPUJ)!' MENT SERVICE ?41 Main Phone 7701 WANTED, two. strong capable men. be tween 19 and 40 year old, interested in rtetdy work. Apnlv in person Klamath Falli Brick and Tile Co . Montellus St. WANTJ-D nH S.u-"i i" rtr to irpadc garden. Own transportation. Phone 2-lftJ7 between 8-9 p.m. WANTED, combination all-around me chanic and welder. Steady iob for a sober and energetic man. single or mar ried. Box FA Herald and News. ALL-AROUND chore man. Experienced with chickenn, hoe and Surge milking machine. Muttt be clean, sober and in dustrious. Salary ba.ed on proven abil ity. Married or single. Box U3 Hern Id and Newti. WANTED, farm imDlement salesman. Will furnish pickup and car uuaraMtee a eornmi.sion. a. O. G. W. FARM SUPPLY I 3049 So. Sth. Klamath Falls (J, WA.'itlJ Sc-.ving macnine ;nc,i. .-lust be experienced. Salary or commlasici O' bolh. 'Vr!t" HraM s-w. I WArtlr.Ll Mfcl-nAillCS WF need experienced mechanics and auto body men. Rest of working eondi- I lions and Iota of work, nose Motor Co. Chrysler Plymouth Dealer Rose Lane j SI... nn.ehi're. nr. Phone n:l?2''. . SALESMAN earnings to start, appro S27.V per month. Opportunity to ad- vanre. Aaes 18 to m. Apply standaro Stations. Inc. 2nd and Main or Esplan ade and Spring Sts. IB SITUATIONS WANTED CHILD care. Phone 30.17. HOURWORK. Phone 5479. WANTED, amall sets "of "books to keep In my home. Reasonable. Phone f23B. WAfti&Ll pait t.r.-e joo, O. 'C. 1. Stuc'ert. n-i i. RRK7. GARDENING. Phone 2-0288. CHILD CARE. 2.13 East Main, 7:45 tn 3:.'I0 day phone 5370 cvci. ff-O.W. ! WILL caie lor children in m, hnml dsys ivenlngs- iHs- Cull 2-1.14 a. pptl ao it's cool in Ihc summer JO; 4MUCU" jo AlUJ(Cl 2u!A3 pJSCv) 22 R00MS COR KENT ROOMS. l week. K Jrrfri.on, SI.KKPINC "ROOM fur rtnl. ' OlIIslU. rnlranrr. Cli)ieii. SIB VValnul. HOOM, botrd. grnrirmeiir UMIT C'Ve.'. ROOM nd fcoilil. Sirn iiiily. IW H'M. IIOOMS lor rrnl, lilalv riUmnrc uu private hath. Cliwi. In. I'hiuie 4 Mil IMS' liuOllaii IIOOM . jf iiilrm'an. I.VItl Cre.orltl. BOO.M. BentlrniPil.rh(inStl;ul. Nlfj5 IIOOMS. S3J PacllhterraVe. lalOMS. tiru-a.. -rra..itialil I'lt. r Mai LOVEl.Y'ronm ftVrcnt" IS 4 a waak C1 111 Phona am Htli rottm (or riiL CltVer Apa'rt niftit... Tlo Mailt. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT KOR RKNf,iiiVair"turiii.liVd " aitaitmriil .tillable (or routtle. 3iilt) Suttintrt-B Lane. ATTHAfflVrttvo riittnt antl Italh" iwolt elor apartinenl. Ftirnl.hetl or tindir nt.herl. Electric Ileal, (ireplace. private entrance. 1 104 Cnj.cent rhnne a-mTa. 1IIi1I:r r.iotn iiirnl.hcd aparlnieni lor rent. No rirlnktna. 1M North lOllt. TWO NICE three room apartnt.'niv Modern eonliitird. Phone tlHOI alter live. IT.'Kl'RNISHKJ) "oi'e bedroom dtiilr:! Ele.-tnc water healer, wired (or tanne. M A fm While. KOM 1IE.NT, 'one " bedioom-apaitinctit. Al.o livo lifdroom hoti.e. L'loae In. Phone ;!-LW0:t. 1W6"r'6oms; coinpleiely lui lilihed Vx cent KrtH-erte. JU3 Pine. niRNlSMEU aiiartinVnl "siw. Llliuan'd tiater (urn'shed. 172:1 Oah MODERN three room a-aruiVe"iil down town, refrigerator, electric ranie. S4S. THREE room (iirnuhed apartment, bath, .leamheat. Clo.e In. Adult.. 41S Walnut. Phot-e a-giwtl. ii,i: .,i . . . . itxc r C'.l'AN Attractive well lurnl;'hrd two room court apartment with Bamite. rii-.e In. s:t;l 30. Pho-ie ii4.VV or S71.S. APARTMENT wllh ( heat alio small citi n-.Ma Hiatv rS'Ki'RNlSIIED. ba.emenr aparlmeiii (or bachelor or ladv Natural hot watvt heat and water furnished SJS. Refrif er.itor and electric range available .,.,, , rp !t4HI a te- I. o.'n. S I'FAM HF A.TED apartment with bad- rcom (2a Oak St. F t 1 r X I SI t ifb a pa ft men t f o r rciiT Ana-lircnt 1. 2tK Market. AttA n ecor a led pn.'at natn. -it-clicnette Steam heal, electric ranva week ft Arm Apartment THRFE ROOM furnished apartment. lOfll White THREE rottm furnlihed apartment. Near high school. Aduln. Phone KJA2. VACANCY, roitr room furnished apart- neni. SP3 Market. Phone K117. j LARGE, two rednwm completelv fur nlhed apartment. Reference. Call 3467 rKNISHVb two hcdrooin apartment. Cl: in. Phone 8453. THRKE room-. ruriyhed. Hot and cold water. laundry facllttirs. Cloe tn. Adi-lts only. No pet. 804 Lincoln. Phone :v;i7o r'OR RWNT. two room furnijhed apart ment. Couple only. Phone 7;tl8, U4 Rlehn. TWO ROOM furnished apartment, tloe itv ijTfl wain tit Ft'RNl SHE D a part m e n t . am la Ma f o r cpiin'e. Innuirr Ant. 7. 1717 Main. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FfRNISHEn four mom houe. Clo.e in. ' Wor'-ing rouole prefe-red. Gomer Jonea I Rrjilie.r. HI So. 4th. St. Phone 7Vf7. 1 FOR RENT, two room furnished houne. 1 I.iaht-s end water furnished. 830 adults f Q"l' - 249 Martin. J FOR KENT, three room house. L'nfu--1 nl hed. not modern. 120 month. SW9 1 Mil- Hrd, ! PAPT'.Y TRNrsHED house for rent. Tnnuire 2201 Oak. FOR RENT, furnished bachelor oah- i in. Ped-co'-ated. Lights and water M3. ; month. Phone 9143 or inquire 2247 'ATiite I THrtTE room fuVnl'hed hourein Mills ! Addition. Phone 4207 j THREE room semt.modern firnlhcd houie for rent Call at 920 Klamath I Ave. CLEAN three room furnished liou-e. Gas enuipped, garage. Rcpnnlt)lc couple, no pets. Phone 7698 after 'me p.m. ONE BKDPOOM rurnithed hou-e-?.f rent. 863 California. Inquire SGJ'i Cal ifornia. SMALL two bedroom fiou'e. remodeled and redecorated. $30. References re- 1 nutred. Phone 462. OSK bedroom houe for rnt. Semi modern, partlv furnuhed. S30. Michigan Avani-e. Phune 2-n."4S. THREE room unfurnished house, with rhowrr. Cotmle oreferred. 830 month. I Inouire 3614 South Sixth. DUPLEX for rent. Phone 3027 hefnre II o.m. FoTi RENT, two hMroom furni-hvd ara-tment. Phone 2-2H23. THREE rocm hou.. Mills Addtion. Partly ftirnl!hed. .Newly decorated In- i fK'e.Phnne 7166 dav.J j FOR RENT, two, three and four room rfhmt. 4M1 Douela. FOR RENT. three ONE bedroom modern home. S1600. '47 or '4ft car in tade. 4746 Alva. i fie- re ,m liou.c. Jt fnh"V Dl'i 1 LX for rent. I) n.m 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE TRUCKS U DRIVE Move Yourself Save '4 New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main . Phone 8304 FOR LEASE. 33 acre. potato ground, in potatoes one year, L. E. Holzhouser. Ptnr Route. Merrill, phone Malin 323. Ki-Ni. pasture for -it of cattle. Two miles south of , o?m n n.m. 35 acres clover ground R. Dyer. Tulc'afce AMERICAN floor sanders and edgers. nwift and easy to operate. Bruce floor linisn. tillers, waxes and varnish. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER into So. Sixth Phone 4ftlft for rent. 623 Main Phone 20 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WHEN YOU WANT TO SELL Ve appraise once. fairly and at We finance properties If you ned your cash, (on exclusive listings). We guarantee to advertise all exclusive listings regularly. We do all the work spend our time our advertising money. All you do is sign the deed. All we ask Is the chance to serve you. Open Evenings By Appointment Sre Don Sloan Homer Stiles Fred Scott Phone 5058 Eves. 2-2460 Eves. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since ,1909 111 N. 9th. Phone 4564 or 6529 WOULD you like to own a nice newly decorated two bedroom home with dou hle uaranf. mirlnkllntf Amm. nlfniv of good storage -pace. Only 'i block from bus, grocery, bakery and drug HIOICS BI,0 With H 0110 UCtJrOOJll HiJfirt- meni In bfl;ment, for cxiia Income. All Ihlt fir JsmV). Phone 2-'.V.iJM. h on SALE, hom at ftfft 'Pari r If! rse. Might cnn'lrtr small hotn pai - tpaynnL Phona 8-3471 or 4flB0. 10 RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE PAT HOWES KeaUor SUBURBAN GARDEN SPOT Beautifully landscaped a bed- loom home, Modern kitchen, living room vdtli fireplace, dining room, and firll basement, Cottage In buck that could be iittlltcd for rental unit. Chicken house and barn. All this for 9500, Terms. Call Bruce Owens tfcvrs.) Merrill 4891 wllh "Pal" Howes Realtor 1025 Main St. Phone 2-3545 Just Getting Started? Do you think you can't alfurtl your own home? Here It a pliuo lor a couple that can be added lo as you no aloiiit. Hits a kixhI louiitlittiuit Inr future btilltllng. Lo cult, I m South Suburbs, Only si 500. Bood terms. Large Family Ideal ,for a tuiiilly with several cnlldren. Four bedrooms, 1'j bnlh.s. one and two acres that can br leased Riving plenty of place (or children to play and rinse peia. Several fruit trees, lota of garden space. Fruit room to store ciiniiftl fruit and vegetables. Kca.ioiuibly priced. . Mills Addition A cheerful home with two law bedrooms. Plenty of storage apace, fruit room, fenced yard, fruit trees, lilacs. Insulated and weatherstrlp pril so It's cool In the summer warm In the winter. Clase to school and supervised playground. $7950. South Suburbs Lame living room with picture window and fireplace. Dining room, two bedrooms, both with shower. Venetian blinds. Hits play house for the children, nice yard with berries and shrubs. $9250. If you like the suburbs but do not like driving through the mud, here's your dream cottage on a paved street. Two bedrooms, lots of bullt-lns. kitchen with breakfast bar. It la so clean It sparkles. 36500. Going Places Travel with great economy and all the comforts of home. 18 foot Malnllner house trailer. Easy lo pull nice to live In. Cost ML'OO for quick sale only $850, excellent terms. Need A Car? We have a party who has a beau tiful, spotless 1951 Stii'.ebaker Commander 8, that he whites lo trade for an equity In a two bed room home In Mills Addition or South Suburbs. Call us for details. Johnny Hobson Dale Grubb Eves. 6804 Eves. 304 1 AL LONGE, Realtor VfFAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th. Phone 8283 5 ACRES S1000 DOWN and move In to this comfortable three bedroom home in South Suburbs on paved strret. Lot of out-buildtnits. FINE IRRI GATED LAND. Full price $10,000. WORKING COUPLE Attractive four room modern home. PARTIALLY FURNISHED. Excel lent condition. CLOSE IN. Im mediate possession. $2950 4 per cent terms. SEE SACHER with DEANE Eves. 6G34 i BILL SULLIVAN REALTOR 120 So. 9th. Phone 5553 siOOO Two bedrooms, oil hrat. I Concrete foundation. Nice location. S8000 Two bedrooms, automatic heat. Nice condition. In Mills, 40 Acres Gravity Irrigation. Immediate pos session. Malin. $9000. 80 Acres Close in, 50 acres Irrigated. Six year old two br.lroom home and other outbuildings. $20,000. 80 Acres 19 miles out. All 5 and 6 year old alfalfa. All gravity Irrigation. One bedroom home. On highway. Never been spudded. $32,000. VERNON DURANT HERB SCHMIDT Andy Silani REAL ESTATE 631 South Sixth Phone 9195 Eves 554479238879 CATTLE RANCH LANDS $10 In $25 acre wllh nil, mineral, vnter, timber rljrhts. EASY TERMS. Free Land Catalog, PACIFIC LANDS Box 2350-AZ HOLLYWOOD 28, CALIF. TWO bedroom home. Cloce In. Ba.a- ment.oiI furnace. $.1,000. Phone 4.CI1. CHICKEN RANCH, 3", acVei7dp well pressure system, lnuuiia 244S Hnmli Sixth. Cheap. KOIl HALE, very chonn. Income nron. erl.v, two small houses on large lol. Ca.h or rcasonah e terms. Inoulrc 1 4:;n O.ven et. FOrt KAI. or Irerir. threi hnrirnTm home. ', arre. f.araeo. nlher liiiilrlm... 4000. 4253 AUltln. Thpnt tut. J0 REAL ESTATE fOR SALS MILLS ADDITION You will agree that this modern well const liit'tcd il benroiiin liuinc Is a food buy for only MUjO when you see It, Solid foundation, fire place, automatic luruat'c, giiragc and nice yan.l wllh lawn and shade trees. Good local Ion only 4 blocks to the school. That's right only $1950, Reasonable terms, SHASTA DISTRICT LARGE 8 Iwinti newly re decorated throughout. CouvcinciuV arranged and fiuy to heal. Special leaturrs arc dining room, sewing room and large bathroom. Attached garage. Large '? acre ' gun I soil. flilCE RtiDUCUt) TO SMHM. 'or quick sale. TERMS. ALTAMONT DISTRICT Very attractive moiicm t ordroom home Just olf Allamout drive. Ex ceptionally neat anu cit'un. tiiu.iik room, sun in windows, very large modern kitchen also garage With workshop. I57M). TERMS. BARGAIN HUNTERS This lovely b year old J ucdroom South Siiburoan home Is being ol irrell lit the SPECIAL FHlCii ol sisoo If sold within a week. EVERY THING you could ask lui In a modern up to date home In cluding insulation, jtoiin wuiuows, concrete walks, metal clothesline In concrete, Jitiuly garage and lovely yard fenced and linul.vaped. Close lo school, stores and bus. Situated among attractive post war homes. It couldn't be duplicated for any where near this price. Don't lull lo see It If you're looking tor n real buy In a Suburban ho',.'. FI1A lliiauclng available. Al Longtime Eves. DT.'I Joe Perry Eves. 5.13;' Burton E. Gray REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main Phone 34J1 oi Jili'Ti SUBURBAN See this attractive three-bedroom home located block off Wlind St. Lame living room with circu lattnir fireplace. Hardwood Honrs Nice kitchen, utility and bath. Oa rage, chicken house. Nicely luuvl scaped. A real buy (or $7850. Terms. RIVERSIDE Quick possession on this comfort able 6-room home, Located on two large lots. All landscaped anil fenced. Concrete foundation. Larue cheerful kitchen and dining area utility room. I'j baths. Excellent condition throughout. Attached ga rage. Chicken house. Going lor J7950. Terms. Near High School Outstanding t o u r-beUruom home Constructed 1941 Spacluus llvlui: and dining rooms, music room and wcll-platinol kitchen, two lull baths. Fireplace. Insulated and weather-stripped. Full concrete basemtnt. with air coudltlonlint type Jurnace. Latulscaprd yard .Move right In. $18,000. Terms. 160 Acres Sandy loam soil. All under hr. ga llon. 40 acres permanent pasture Tins ranch suitable lor potatoes, clover, alfalfa or barley. Good year around road. Three bedroom home, modern conveniences. Only $10,001) down, balance $1000 per year, 4 per cent Interest. 160 Acres All In alfalfa. Ready (or potatoes this year. Close In on good road. If you are looking (or potato laud this year. ;iee II today! Prompt action will bring good profit. TOPS We are offering one of the finest diversified ranches In Klamath Co. 98 acres of top sandy loam soil. Beautiful 9-room French Provincial-type home wllh every modern convenience (or comfortable living Excellent outbuildings. You will have to fee this lo appreciate It. Full price, $85,000. Terms. HARRY VAN I Eves. 8204 JOE LEONARD (Evra. 2-0257) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE , 517 Main Phone 3211 SPRING IS HERE AND NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT HOME YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR MILLS Two bedroom home on two large lota, nicely landscaped and an ex ceptional buy at only $9500. SUBURBAN Lovely two bedroom home, extra large living room, beautiful hard wood floors. Don't wait. Sec this outstanding home today (or only $9750. FHA terms. DRIVE BY 1858 Ivory Street and then let us show you this excellent buy lor only $5250. Will take any type loan. CLOSE IN Tired of septic tanks? Then aee this two bedroom home on paved street and walking distance. Priced for a quick sale. NORTH 8th ' Full bnsement In this comfortable one bedroom home and a steal at only $4500. STEWARTS AUDITION Weyerhaeuser employes, here js a lood two bedroom home completely furnished for only $4900 wllh e low down payment. Better be far.l on this one. INCOME PROPERTY Home and 6 cabin renliil In Slew arts addition. If you arc looking .'or a home and Income, you'll want to sec this. Monthly Income $180 and pried at only $8200. Jay P. Orlggs Eves Ph. 4254 Gene Fa veil 60 lo Claire Ellis 2-2059 J. W. SANDERS, Realtor 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 FOR SALE, two hedroain hnn.,o. new Attached garage. Water healer wired lor ranee, uny ans. S'limrj. I'lionn 4VII1. FOH SALE, Ihree room modern horn on ', arre. sifioo or car icrepl.. in Iradt. 474S Alva Ave. 30 REAL ESTATE fOR SALE IDEAL HOME Lois uf shade trees, roses and shrubs of dirferent kinds: cvci'al Irult treea; raspberries lil'j I straw, berries; chicken yard, ' acre ground. V KS, there's a two bed room home and It's a beauty! On bus line and Just a bock from business district In suburbs. For only $9490. lly appointment. A SWEET HOME Located on I 1-3 acres. Two bed rooms, a Nlecplng porch, living room, dining room, kitchen, lull basement. Flreplare. Iland-carvrd Phllllplno mahogany woodwork. 2 car garage. Room for two horses, antl a row. Also room fur that boat. YES, therea 1711 loot frontline an the sunuyslde of the lake. All thin lor only 110.600. Uy appointment only. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENN1K COATE3, Saleslady 408 Main Office: Ph. Eves. 2-13115 SPRING IS HERE This Is the beautlliil suburban home that goes with the spirit and feeling ol spring. Large, ram bling ranch-type house, big dining room, separate utility room with lots of storage spare, attached ga rage, 1 large bedrooms designed to allow addition of 3 more. Elrclrlr heat, fully insulated, well land scaped yard, close to Peterson srhool. This place la only 3 years nltl and has already been approved for II I A loan. Full price $12,000. NEW 3 BEDROOM On California Avenue, near Cong er school. This beautlliil home la just finished: very good floor plan. Plenty ol room lor growing family. Electric heat. Price $9.7M. reason, able down payment on FHA terms. Near The Academy An older home, but In excellent condition. Two bedrooms, attrac tive kitchen and bath: (ireplace: well landscaped lot: part base ment: new automatic washer in cluded. Price $9 000. Completely Furnished Modern 1-betlroom home on 1-3 acre well drained garden soil. Con crete (oundatlou; attractive Inter ior Immediate possession. Price $3,750. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT SEE Don Sloan Phone 5058 Eves. Homer Stllrs 2 'J4S0 Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS since 1909 I 111 N. Sth St. Ph. 4004 or 5529 "' rat" "Howes "Keillor : MILLS ADDITION Beautiful and distinctive homr. Living room with (Ireplace. two bedrooms wllh wardrobe closets. Inrue kitchen with plenty ol bullt-lns and dlnclie space. This home Is Immaculate. l-,th inside and outside Resdv to move Into. PRICE $9850. TERMS. "PAT" HOWES REALTOR 1024 Main St. Pr )iie 2-354i Evenings Call Bruce Owena. Merrill 4891 Hap'1 Davison 3871 Mervvn Shuck Merrill 4482 FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOME, lull basement, piped furnace. (Ireplace, large playroom In basement, large ga rage, house III A-l repair. Lo cated North part of city on pavement. 2-bcdroom suburban home, concrete foundation, floor fur nace, celling liisulnled. garage, good location. Price $7950.00 Terms. 2-bcdroom home on north side o( Mam Street. ' Immediate possession. Price $450000 l ei ins SEE FRED COFER Eves. 3593 BOB STEPHENS Eves. 9230 Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th. Phone 4195 LANGELL VALLEY FARM 360 ACRES 250 Irrigated, balance good grazing. Two-bedroom nir.lern home, spring water. $49,350 with 1-3 down. HOMES FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS Very nice two bedroom home with (Ireplace, and hardwood floors. Good basement. $8750. SHASTA WAY Modem three bedroom home. $5500; $31.50 per month. ST. FRANCIS PARK Well lo cated two-bedroom home, $7000. STEWART-LENOX, two bedroom home lo trade (or home with acre age. LESTER JONES-Evea. 7047 BEARD AGENCY REALTORS INSURANCE 1020 Main Phone 2-3471-48B0 rOtin bedroom home, Merrill highway plus 28'xllo' metal building Insulated: other buildings; fine well, Henley school bus, bargain price. Write W. P. Hannon J0W..h 81. Medfiircl, Oregon. Fort SALE, corner building, approxi mately .10x140, two story, In downtown Coos Bav. S7.1.00II. Terms. W. L. Miller, 322 N. Broadway, Coos Bay, Oregon. PRICED for quick tale, modern twit bedroom home In Mills Addition Phone H27.1. I-Olt HALE, near Kolrvlew school, ttvn-hrdi-oom home Willi finished alllr. All lame, roiuforlable rnoma, Hardwood floors, flrcplar". lots of bullt-lna and elosela, liisulnled. a,i liaseinenl with piped furnace. Tvn-iar garage. HOft UU la Street, phona S473, 30 RIAL EST 4 1 1 fOR SALE Walking Distance To town. Level north i.lilo lonillon clime to schools. Hum II two-bedroom home wllh lull basement and (or third bnlioom, Aulu heat, ga rage and landscaped lot. li'eal (or working couple, $7000. Terms. Immediate Possession Two bedrooms, large living room, kllcheii and (lining room. Cum petely remodeled. Nrar Falrvlew school. ELECTRIC HEAT. FHA appraisal already made so you run move right In, $9750 FHA Terms. MILLS ADDITION Hero Is something dKfrmit. Mod ern ranrh-atylc 3-brdiooin home wllh huge llieplace. Largo living room wllh built-in radio. Land scaped lot with pallo. 'I' ll I Is a pli tiiiie book home, Appiox. $2000 will handle. Choice Suburban Three bedroom home wllh (Ire pace on about 2-3 acre excellrnt oil. Lots of buildings, which Include heated chicken house, tack room, storage room, fruit room and smnll barn. Lanaraprd yard, good Bur den, fruit trees antl berries. See this today (or only $14,500.00 m FHA terms. RON FISHKR Eves. 8070 ALAN DOUGLAS Eves. 3-008J Johnny Blaylock ( REALTOR 118 S. Eleventh Phone 8446 "Pnl" Howes Realtor 17 ACRE FARM On paved highway, in miles Irom town. Ootid loom soil, all Irrigated. T w o bedroom modern home, garage, niachiua she, I. and other buildings. Feed lot. Price $12.500 00. Rrure Owens. Eves. Merrill 4891 Mervlu Shuck, Eves. Merrill 44Hi Willi "PAT' HOWES 1925 Main St. REALTOR Ph. 3-3545 THREE BEDROOM SUBURBAN HOME- Light, cheerful living room, separate dining room, good sire kitchen wllh lots of bullt-lns antl stor age closet. All oak floors, over tub shower, Venetian blinds. Nice rlosets, service porch and extra large garage. Attractively lenred vard and garden snot. $9500. TERMS ARRANGED. pavedTtreet WEIL ARRANGED 2-bcdroom home In suburbs. All Inrse, light rooms, service po'ih with Insu'ste-t (run rom. Kitchen, conveniently and attractively orntlieril. Ile:iutllul vprd wllh lola of trees il (lowers. Price $8850 Anne Mason Fldie Hoslry Eves 6714 3-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 11 S. 9'h Phone 72; "Pat" Howes Kcallot SUBURBAN BUILDING SITE 2' acres on Piedmont lleichfs above Lakevlew Junction. Good soli. Has 21211. drilled ai.d rased well, garage and excep tional view. Price $3,000. "PAT" HOWES REALTOR 1025 Main St. Phone 2-35)5 Evenings Call Bruce Owens Merrill 4nfi "Hap" Davison 3871 Mervyn Shuck Merrill 448J FARM 77 acres near Malin Exceptionally good diversified (arm all Irrigated. Suitable (or potatoes, grain, altnlfa. or clover. 54 head vhllefi t cattle, togeiher with ell nec essary tanning equipment Modem two-bedroom home, garage antl very Rood oiii buildings. Price $05,000.00. Terms. ' RANCH 070 acres in Poe Valley Capable of supporting an economic stock herd on a cow and calf basis, a 4-500 head sheep or yearling steer outfit. 140 acres of excep tionally good deep I'm in still of which 73 acres are fow Irrigated and an atldltlonnl 67 acres ready (or the ditch. There arc an additional 168 acres of higher land un iformly deep medium loam soil which can he put under Irrigation Irom a deep well Balance of hind Is Juniper rrn-.s type lull range parti cularly good grazing In spring and fall seasons. The drain age on all this land Is ex cellent and the Improvements are adequate for operation. Good locution on paved high way. Price $47,500 0(1. At tractive; tcrma. "PAT" HOWES, Realtor 1025 Main St. Phone 2-35-15 Evenings Call: Brute Owens, Merrill "Ilap" Davison ,'JI!71 Lester Van Clove .. . Il!!70 Mervyn Shuck, Merrill 44B2 FORSAi.lT nice htlilfiinf lol." Springs addition, very closo tn scho-il. Phone 770H . NEW HOMES for sala William D. Powell Phone H.12D FOR HALE on Paclllr Terrace Vcr nice three bedroom home. Phone 4HII" o- 2-;ii;i. TWO bedroom homo for sale In" Mil's Amotion one hlork from Mills Mcnoni. Priced very reasonable. 2037 Uitnteii. Phone 3-or.IlO. v. FOR SALE, small one bedroom fionia wllh garage tn Mills Addition Nral and clean Price ia:ill00 Phone 370:1 fli'rr n m. al ;'1::II tlrrhtof Ace. . Flitl SAI.r.ffiniislied Y bedroom hol'r Ga. 1 127 N. Sib. HI. al tlpham.