Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 04, 1952, Page 15, Image 15

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    FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 10.12
hi- :,v.if
1'iwwa wn in j i nlnyiiy yi.immi i mi M,nnn iiiiimimmwmiiwmmi
. - .ww.
KLAMATH JAYCEES have presented the YMCA with two table tennis outfits. Above
(I to r) lire Ronnie Croxfoid, Jaycee Vice Pres., Gale Osborne and David Robinson.
Atom Program
Growth Seen
NEW YOHK 111 Tlie ehlt-f of
llin Atomic Enemy Commission
nays CoiikTcmi In iiolnir tu bo u.ikid
In expand ntomlc production to tlr
tunc of live billion dollars.
Comiiilslon Chairman Gordon
Drill) mild Thursday nlubl Unit Con
Kitm would be linked to uiilliurlf
piiiMbly "thP liir;rnl construction
tusk Hint Indu.lry him been asked
to perforin."
Tlip propoM-d program would
lake place "over n period ol sever
al years," hr mud nl dinner of
Ilic Circalcr New York Kalclv Coun
cil. Driui Mild the Dulled Blaten Is
enuiiKi-d "In n hfi--niid-dciith rare
uilli Hip Hovli't Dillon In (he innii
tiliirluro of ntomlc weapons. '
lln mid he couldn't "ny very
niiii l) itboutour weapon proKiniu.
but hr uddi-d:
"I run sitv thi.t one very coo.1
measure ot Ihe quality of our wcup
oni research contractors Is the
number of frMs we hold. And. as
ou know, we hnvc been liolclln;
(Itiile n lew."
Anonymous Donor
Aiding Church
MA'ITOON. 111. 01-For tlie third
fdruliiht ychr thi Itev. Hnrold
Oruvv.it of the Church of the Nn
.iircnc him received Ihrcc $100 bills
In nn unsigned letter.
An heforo. the W1 note sold only
"Enclosed Ik S.100 lo use as you
fee lit," Mr. Clriivv.il mild It wax
lidded to the church fund.
Conversion Planned
For Congo Pygmies
l irnnni mm t ir n,.t..i....
! i -P A nrwlv loundril order of mini
jls undTliikliiK, wlih Ihe npiirovul of
Ihe Vatican, to Christianize tho
llrlKhin Coiiko pvivnier..
I Pecnufe of their shyness nnd
'luck of stability, they Imve no fur
i-hcaped nny mlv-ionnry work
jiimoni; them. The Little 8tstcrs of
.'rMis. Imve now citabllhhcd their
'first mission xtitllnn In Hie Central
jCoiiKn juiiKle neiir nenl.
Their first tnlk will be lo nun-e
Ihe sick pypmles hrotiKhl to the
inb.Mon hospitals !n order lo lenrn
Ihelr liinKuitite.s. They will Inter
mrive tt llflr linwe rimtii In the
Junule nnd visit ths mu)l scttlc-
nit-nls of p innles.
U.S. Patrol
Pinned Down
SEOUL, Korea W) Communist
mortiir and machine ijun fire
pinned down nn Allied putrol for
four hour enrly Friday near llic
I'u.ichbowl In Eastern Korea.
The raiders broke out flniilly un
der a screen of smoke nnd burst
In nIicIIh 1m Id down by United Nit
tliiiiH urllllcry.
TIiIk wiix the biltKrst ncllon rc
ixirted nloiift the 155 mile front by
the U.S. ElKhth Army. Three very
Munll lied prole!( were forced buck
beiween the Punchbowl nnd the
Knsl ConM.
Tlie minor ncllon followed the
piillern of Mnrch, when, nn Eighth
Army pokcMnan inld. Commu
nist losses dropped to n new war
time low. He hMed Red cnMinltles
lor Mnrch ax 4,1148 killed, 3.8G6
wounded nnd 110 enpturcd.
Wnrjihlps nnd pintles supported
Allird Inliintrynien nround the
clock. Thunder)et,s, B-'29 Superforts
nnd IIkIu U-211 bombers hit Ked
revetmenls from the nlr while the
Cruiser Snlnl Paul turned her elKht
nnd five Inch guns on morlura and
supply depots.
Speaks For
Hells Canyon
Interior subcommittee Thursday
adjourned a henrlnii on a bill to
mlthori.e the Hells Danyon project
after un cnnlneer lesllflcd six oth
er d a ins could b'i built for the
Mimo cost und produce more wntt-r
mined lime to permit more wit
nesses lo testify on a bill to au
thorize, the Kcclamntlon Bureau to
build the 351-mllllon dollar dnm nnd
power plant on tin: Bnakc River.
Holland Houston, Olvmpla,
Wash., con.sultlnn eni.lnecr, told the
committee Hells Canyon would pro
duce less power than a series of
The henrlnn, which benn Mareb ; I.'!',h p?w" ,Co-
2fl, will bo resumed lit an undeter-
Churchill On
Losing Side
wants to build In the Hnokc River
plus KooskU dam in the North
Fork of the Clearwater river, a
tributary of the Hnakc,
The company's proposed dnm
idtes all would be flooded by Hells
Canyon duin.
Houston estimated the Iduho
Power Co. dams nnd Kooskla would
tout 3u million dollars, nnd Hells
Canyon dnm plus a transmission
line proposed by the Rovcrnment
would cost nbout that much.
He said the company dums nnd
LONDON lH Prime Minister
Churchill's Conservative Partv suf
fered i-cvery setbacks Friday In
local elections that taw the Labor-1 Kooaklu could account for 1,611,000
lies pile up surprlslnxly lopsided kilowatts of power, compnred with
victories. Hells Canyon's 1.121,000 kilowatts.
Tho Socialist ousted from na-i Hie totals Include (feneration at
tlonul control last October which H'6 MeH nl Increased potentials
Ijoverns.thc vnst city the Labor .downstream as a result of river
Party named 20 scats 19 from """""'on
to suavest that the committee re
finest the novernincnt to double
check Its IlRures.
Chairman Enule (D.-Callf.) said
this would be dons.
The committee nl ,o heard oppo
sition to Hells Canyon from N. V.
Kharp, Filer, Idaho, former presi
dent of the Idaho Slnle Reclama
tion Association and of the Idaho
Water Conservation Board. He
spoke for the Reel unntlon Associ
ation, Twin Falls Canal Co., and
Idaho Farm Bureau Federation.
Sharp said the Snake River area
has been enloylnx a wet cycle for
feveral years.
"But T remember hen It was so
dry the birds had to eat apples
oft the trees toj -.-t moisture," i would operate under stats laws
carp pnld. "The time Is com- i protection water rights of lnl(tt-
imc nunin when lrrlX".tors will need iora.
r.ll tho wnter In the Snnke River.
Shnro snld Southern Idnho fnr
mers are afraid their wnler rlahts
would be Inken through construc
tion of Hells Canyon dnm.
Rep. Miller iR.-Neb.) nsked
whether the farmers feel the Idnho
Power Co. dnms would Interfere
with their wnter rihbi.
Bharo replied he understood the
company dams "wouldn't hold
back wnter, but would use It as It
comes down," nnd the company
Yn ran rtnl lavaljr nrw Intl ln
from lh l.auii R, Mnn Plan tm
Pny, i:n N. lib. tl liw mllilr
ml. Atitr rasonblt llm jrai
If rod with, chano frsm rani im pur
rhn9 icrrrmrnl, Th rant Irrariy
U all rrrdllad tm ymut purrhaat acoaant
and no other down aaymtnl la nacaa
arr. Tho monlhly pay man ! can ba
lllllo higher than rartt. Or, If ymm ajra
let. you can conllnua ta rani.
Tuesday . . . ?
lue (lend,
Coimervutlvorf nnd one from
Liberal amonK the first 84 rc-
Conservative leaders said the
vote was nn Incvltnulc reaction.
"Our opponents have exploited
ihe difficulties of the nation fnr
which they themselves are Inritely
responsible," said Henrv Brooke,
leader of the London Council Conservatives.
Houston aid flood control and
nuvlKUtlon benefits from Hells Can
yon would bn small.
He said the government would
have to build a 400-mlle transmis
sion line to carry power from Hells
Canyon to phosphate plants. The
line would cost about 44 million
dollars, he said.
This line, he said, would run to
wards coal deposits in Utah which
eventually would be used as luci
for steam power plants when it
to use such
Former Forclun Minister Her
bert Morrison, who directed Ihcioccomes necessary
Labor Party s cnmpninn, was tic-1 plants.
lighted. I The chances are, he declared.
"Undoubtedly the national pollt- that "this transmission line would
leal situation has contributed." he; become lust a roost for birds.'
i;nid " The Conservatives nt the I Hells Canyon would have more
general election mr.de a lot of effect on Irrigation than the Idaho
false promt es nnd Implications ; Power Company dams, which
red meat, more f'-od and lower i would not store larse quantities of
prices" iwaier, Houston said.
Labor won 11 scats In Bucking-1 The engineer dlsngreed with gov
hnmihlre nnd gained 10 others In ernment figures on the p"r-kilo-Middlcscx
Both counties lie near watt cost of nroducing Hells Can-
London. In Cumberland. Inr to the
north, Labor gained four, and In
shoe making industry, Labor
gained 14 scats.
Communist also suffered In
Thursday's voting. The Red strong
hold In London's South Hackney
von power. His figures are double
thoe of government engineers.
This led Rep. Budge (R.-Idahol
That's all you have to say to restore
your car to a beautiful Lustre !
tfflffi!k-A you can't find a bet-
ter polish than the
Cadillac Blue Coral
iKS 1
li costs only $20 and you can use our
Budget Plan if you so desire. Our polish
man is an expert.
MADRID, Spain Wl An eight
mini U.S. military mission heaoed
by MaJ. Gen. August W. Kissncr
arrived here by plane Friday to ne
gotiate the right to use Spanish
porti and air bases.
TORQUAY. Eng. W The Elec-
istrlct nolled only 3.910 Commu- "kbi ueveio pnieui nmnwi
n!"..' compared with 10.212 po a fecial t guard o.he
ill 1D4U. ii'hirh nn.ni.rf Frirtav
A spokesman explained:
"When we held the show In Bris
tol, some schoolboys were so. in
terested In the thaver that-.they
mowed on meir eycorowa. . -
dick i. mum c.
green tobfEnipsisffe wMi
not for minutes...but ALL DAY LONG !
AT LAST Chlorophyll in a foolh
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By using this green toothpaste
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ter. All the men
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Yet 2 hours after brushing teeth with Chloro
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tht camtl 4 hour later, 3 out of 4 wcrs still
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NOW strike at the very causes
of tooth decay!
Chlorodent greatly
reduces mouth acids
thst "sat" into
tooth ennmel, helps
combat bactsria
causing these acids.
Chlaranhyll U tha wandar
w arte In g praan tubttonca favnd
In oil alanh. Dtnlltta vta chla
raahyll acaaaraHant at da-
darant, mn4 ta aid" tna raaair
f tandtr flumi.
Uis II aftsr msols
7th and Klamath
Register to Vote - Now!
Phone 4103
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