PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON u..' - . . . (. r-. .. y " ,v If v, (AE.4 Teltphoiot AERIAL ASPIRATIONS The submarine O. S. S. Pickerel seems to be beading skyward as sbe surfaces from a depth of ISO feet with a 48-degrec up-angle during a training exercise off Oahu. Hawaii. The Navy photographer who made this picture was aboard the sub U. S. S. Sabalo. The Sabalo had the Pickerel under "sonar ' observation," so the photographer was ready when she broke water. Skipper of the Pickerel is Lt. Cmdr. H. B. Sweitzer of Pittsburgh. It Happened This Way New Pine Creek Chemult By VIRGINIA TAYLOR Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Porter re turned recently alter an extended winter vacation In Texas, Oklahoma and Nevada. They have been busy shoveling snow around their house and property ever since they ar rived home. Of interest to friends of Joseph R. Harris, son of Mrs. Grant Damon, will be his marriage to Rosella Paul of De Sart, N. D. in April. Both are employed at the Veteran's Hospitnl in Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. William Fletcher and family motored to Winston over the weekend to take their granddaughter home, and to see the new grandchild. Glenda Lee. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs,' George Micheaux, formerly of Che mult. The Civic Club held another din ner Saturday night which was very well attended and netted a considerable amount to the grow ing fund for the Community Hall. The Chemult Gun Club held a Bingo game following the dinner. Out-of-towners at the event were: Mrs. E. G. Brown and nephew of Fresno, Calif.. E. P. Hughes of Concord, Calif., Scott M. Soule, Bishop, Calif, H. G. Oreutt. Palo Alto, Calif., and J. C. Fraser, Placerville, Calif. Over 60 local people turned out. The Gilchrist Community Gar den Club met in the Gilchrist club rooms March 20 with large at tendance. Mrs. Carl Long and Mrs. Ray Darnell were hostesses for the evening and leatured St. Patrick's Day theme In their table arrange ments. Guests for the evening in addition to regular members were ..Mrs. C. R. Walker, Mrs. L. Nor lin. Mrs. Virgil Spencer. Mrs. Stew art Gilchrist, Mrs. T. W. Collister, Mrs. R. D. Cassell. Mrs. Wm. Tay lor and Mrs. Gerald Oxborrow PABCO Cfff-DEft ALL-PURPOSE ENAMEL were welcomed as new members. Plans for the coming Cascade District meeting to be held at the Gilchrist Club on Saturday May 10 were discussoi and tne toi. opt ing committees appointed by the president, Mrs. Verne I. Bracler. Menu Mrs. Frank Gilchrist and Mrs. Isom Ezell. corsage Mrs. E. J. Snider, Tables and Decora tionAirs. W. A. Carnuchael. Hos pitality Mrs. W. N. Byars, pro gram. Miss Ann Dolezal and Mrs. P. Clark, Bird House Contest, Mrs. Verne Rocheck. The convniitee chairmen will meet for further planning on Monday April 7 at tne home ot Mrs. Frank Gilchrist. Mr. E. J. Snider was spenkcr for the evening with "Vegetable Gardening." as his topic. tin der is a very fine gardener him self and his suggestions were wel comed. He suggested that a very good way to tell if your ground was ready to be worked was to watch the weeds and if they were beginning to come thickly it was time to work the ground and plant. The secret of good vegetable gar dens was thought to be plenty of fertilizer and plenty of water end plenty of working the soil. Carrots, radishes, rutabegas, cabbage, beis brussells sprouts, lettuce onions, celery, asparagus, mustard greens, parsley, potatoes and strawoerrk-s can be grown in the Gilchrist area. BEAT CLEVELAND EAST LANSING. Mich. Ifi The first man to beat Ohio State's Dick Cleveland in college swimming competition was Michigan State's Big Ten and NCAA spring champ, Clark Scholes. Scholes swam a 49.8 second 100-yard free-style ef- lori in tne issz Big Ten llnals. AT OUR EXPENSE A UuimEMml r m mm m MUvrirbkn , .11 1 Owtk-Dryinj fiaiilnt " 7 JL Relish Marrinf.Aridi, uapi,StUflinf in tvm loitiflf Wet If (1 OUtt) AMAZING PAINT... AMAZING IAH8AIN ONLY ONI TWO-OUAIIT UNIT H CUSTOM!! r 1 I 2 I 3a I O I O I O I o 1 O j Z so s f o 10 1- o So e 51 O z Q 2 e s - a c a a 5 5. 0 2 i S?3 1 HOME LUMBER And SUPPLY CO. Hy lKvin IA1119 1 Tis perhaps foolish to be serious on All-Fool's day for no matter what vou may attempt you may net. fooled I Will try not to error or exaggerate even though the wildest tales nil miner aiio juu. But there arc so many ways of get ting fooled. F'rnstancc I thought I was oinnl v dressed this morning but I looked down absently when mv youngest son, said, Your time's untied, Dnd!" Of course it wasn't but to hear his exuberant chuckle when he shouted, " April fooll " and to watch his misohievlous eyes dance with jov, added a little somctnmg 10 ihn diiv. Tills kind o( pleasantry sort of braces fou up and in stronger aoses 11 inascs you cuki tate! In yet stronger doses it could ue Imagined to even cure the tendancy toward somnambulism I At least you know that because someone saw you moping around-off-guard you may yet still be alive! Where there's life there's hope! H wasn't April Fool but Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kins and Mrs. Mar garet Carter, their daughter, got quite a surprise last Tuesday week ago 011 a trip over to Plush. The Indies went along mostly for the ride but incidentiy uie oojeci of Uie trip was to find some bum mer lambs. Well they got the lambs all richt but coming home a cloud burst had deluged the country atop Abert rim. The water came gushing ever that rim in a muddy, foaming cataract. It made a beauiuui stgiu coming off the mountain but when it hit the county roaa an 11s aesthetic aspects nad strangely and suddenly vanished. Now the water became a raging torrent across the roadway a por tentous and formidable sight. Its angry waters ate into tne roauoea to a surprising depth of 3 feet or more, for a short distance. Goimj over earlier that day. only a negligible amount of water was running across the road at this point. Now, Walter oped against hope that it would not be as bad as it appeared. So courageously he drove on in. The car groaned, slipped and bucked. Wr.ter roared over the radiator and just when it seemed they were going to make It the car shorted out and stalled! Walt clambered out on the lee ward side in water nearly hip deep and being somewhat ingenious with motor vehicles managed to wipe off the motor, cut the fan belt so it wouldn't throw water etc. Thev iust barelv go-, out. All three resembled drowned rats and the women folks thought their time had come. Roy Truitt. now of Caldesae. Ida., dropped in to say. "hello" lust Wednesday and exchange a few witticisms and reminiscences. Having disposed of his residential propertv at Willow Ranch, he felt all primed to go down and have a little chat with his friend, Ernie Swertson and lamuy, wno, lorm erly of Willow Ranch, is now in the wood business there. Then Roy was to return to his home up near Lewiston where he is "cutting a fat pig" in the general store and building material business. It was a. hard iolt to learn that Dudley Brown, Davis Creek State highway foreman, was stricken I with a heart attack while on his 'way to his mother's funeral week ago Saturday. Last report has it mat ne la still In a Redding Hospital and that his condition hus been extremely critical. The attack hit him lust before he and his wllo got to Redding. Mrs. mown has been bv h s side constantly since this, his second attni-K 111 1110 last lew years. He was In and tot a haircut hero the Friday before he left oil Saturday. Asuio Ironi the shock ot his mother's passing, he seemed viva cious and enthusiastic over things in general which is his usual na ture. We sincerely wish him a safe and speedy recovery. About WOO worth of mostly smoke damage was done, recently, to 0110 of the houses owned bv Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Hammorslcy. Tne house Is rented by Mr. and Mrs. Merle Dotson. Had Merlo not been right on the ball the house would have probably burned down. He tore out the celling around the flu and got up in the attic. There he played garden-hose water on the smouldering hoards. It was rather difficult at first to locate just where the smoke was coming from. The flic truck was not sum moned. . Members of the newly formed VFW chapter here and the ladies of the auxiliary are all poised for a big time this Saturday night. Ticket sales have been good and a big dance is anticipated. It hanoens that the llrst meeting night of the month of the East Side Grange also takes place this Saturday night. It is believed, how ever, that not mucn conmci oeijse the two social events will ofcur, as the grange meeting can oe made short and it will be over practically before the Vet's dance begins. Fourteen more persons irom uie local cnurch membership attended the Filth Sunday Baptist district meeting at Fossil. Ore. last Sunday. The three car ioads from here included: Rev. and Mrs. Eugene I Barrow and family: Mr. and Mrs. iDonald Evans and family; Gordon Harris and his mother. Mrs. tuner Harris of Willow Ranch: Grace and Jance Wells and Joan Carter. The travellers enjoved good weather and fair travelling conditions and got to see a lot of new moun tainous country. They left Friiav and returned Monday. March 21. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thayer left Friday for Salt Lake City, where they will at'.end a Latter Day Sain's general three day con ference. On their wav there they were to visit with Mr. Thayer's sister at Sparks, Nev. and on their return on Hiehwav 30, they were to visit another sister at McCain mon. Ida. Mr. and Mrs. George Wiebe of Lakevlew are making the trip with the Thayers. They planned to be home Sunday, April 6. The general quiet of last Sunday, afternoon was suddenly broken when a car driven by John Inquist of Willow Ranch and a pickup driven by Ballmur Stahlschmldl collided In front ot the lattur'a residence in tho north edgo of town. Siahlschmldt saw the lnaulsl car coming from the north as he was about to make n left hand turn across Its path and Into his driveway. A Quick calculation told him ha had time to maka lt (lien a quicker one told him ho couldn't But by this tims the Innuist car had smacked Intj him just us ho nosect over tne yellow line. The left front lender and the side ot the late model Dodgo sedan nriven oy inquist was 0 a n 1 y dnmaged. The front end of the Stahlschmldl Dodgo pickup was considerably dumaged too. Mr. and Mrs. John Inquist, Joe Cole and another passenger whoso nnme was not learned all Horn Willow Ranch were In the Inquist car. Stahlschmldt wns alone In his pickup. Sheriff Elliott was called to the scene, no mm tnem inero was nothing to do hut report tho nccldeut the following day and let the insurance companies settle the argument, If any, as to who was to blame. Little Donna Rlggi wns bitten on her right arm bv Tom Dick's pretty, spotted dog as she went to his house to pay him a friendly visit. The dog growled and she put out her arm to ailny his anxiety when he grabbed her arm and shook her before letting go. She was taken to Lakevlew for treatment but tho wound was not considered serious. Jack Means resumed his duties as foreman down nt the Calllornln State Highway Camp 3!) Monday morning. Jack Is gtnd to be back on the lob agnln and can tell some thrilling as well n.i sordid talcs about the Philippines. It seems that the "Huks" 1 rov ing band of natives) there are at constant "outs" with the Philip pine government partly .1ue to agi tation promoted by Communists and partly due to the Met tnnl uiey never received their proper pav as Eromlsed for Uie part they plnyed 1 fighting the Japs in World War II. They constantly burn and pillage and hide in the dense jungle that surrounds Sublc Hay. Jnck and a companion went for a ride out across the bay one dnv in an out-rigger ennoe. They en countered some friendly "Huks" Steel Allocated For Hospital PORTLAND Ifl Steel has been allocated and construction of the proposed six million dollar touch ing hospital at tho stale medical school can start soon, Dr. David W. G. Ualrd, school dean, aald Thursday, Ho said the government recently made the steel allocution, which menus Hint pliuis for the U-story, 360-brd hospital will be presented for approval of tho Hlato Hoard of Higher Education here April 'H-M. Balrd said the building might be completed late In llM or early In 11106, Big Property Deal Made PORTLAND I One of the big gest real estate transactions In re cent years wan reported hero Thursday, the purchase of tho 11 story Pink Plnui Apartments by Theater Operator William Clavier. The price was reported to be 1,600,000 for the recently construc ted building, which contains 161 apartments. Clavier said his wife and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Koisliul would shurc ownership. 1'he Kershuls operate Cluvler s two theaters In Dallas, Ore. who gave them some bananas and other fruit, then hurriedly left. Thev were cleaning the fruit and wash ing their feel In tho fresh water stream that emptied Into the bay whrn of a sudden a rlllu barrel projected In Iront of them. Look ing up, Jack saw that these "links ' weren't so friendly. "Come follow usl" They com mntuled In broken English. After a time thev hulled In the jungle where Juck hud to do some lull talking to explain Hint because he wore a helmet he did not be long to the local constabulary force. He finally was released but was warned not to come over and try to spy on them next time they shoot llrst. SPEEDY LONG-LASTING relief for RHEUMATIC ACIIES-PMIS - . GOOD COOKS need good light, That's why good cooks have a light over the range. Seeing is important in cooking, and you can't ee without light' Seeing is important for mixing"and blending, for dishwashing, for all work surfaces. Don't dim out your cooking. PLAN your lighting for seeing ! Our Home Lighting Specialists will be glad to show you how your lighting can be PLANNED for convenience and beauty .'.Their' services are free, so just call us. PlAN 'Yovr lighting for- Pleasant .Ijving THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY DANCE RED BARN - DORRIS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT with LES GARDNER and his WESTERN SWING BAND Doncinq 10-2 Admission 1.00 Inc. Tax Valuation Cut Gets Protests PORTLAND Ml A protest agulnst the mute Tax Commission order to cut the assessed valuation ot the Reynolds Mntnln Co. plant ui irouuinin neuriy one million dol lars onmo Thursday from District Attorney John 1). McCourt. "I hnve nskod the assessor and sheriff not to act on this, .at IpiinI until It has been ascertained If tho tax commission will give the uses- sor an opportunity 10 bo heard on Una matter, ' no said. McCourt sn id this followed sumo other reductions made by the tux commission for business houses In this area. "A large lax burden, which an- penrs to us now to be properly Mioultlored Dy Inilimlilnl plants and other large commercial entermis- ci, Is speedily being sullied pit- FHIOAY, Ami!, 4, 1052 mai llv to the nwiiein ot home and farm Inuilii," he mild. Tho valuation change ordered bv. Ihn lux cnmiulssloii would out Instf year's Iiixch - lor the Kcylipld aluminum plant $43,(1117. OItt Wtik Mad lair MINT A TrHWMTM r AIIIIINd MACIIINI tail monlli'a miUI la tpplltt It tht pilrcltatt prlv. Pioneer Office Supply Suffocating "Hot Flashes" stopped or strikingly relieved In 63-80 of caiti In doctor' Utttl Are you Rnlng t h rutin li "chuiiKe of lllti" . . . auITpr lUK the "hot Uahhr.H," nrr vou.i trnnlon. IrrUnblllty, una othrr tyiHvt of lunctioimllv-causftl (It.-t-tir-w of this dimcull time? Thrn . . . hrrc'fi hopr fur yuu! In trtM by (loctorn, Lydla Ptnk hain't. Com pound untl Tublcta ntive rrlirf (mm ittich dlMrrvt... In S3 mul H0yc riprc tlvrlyi of thn caws tptfl. Complete or jfr.A intf relief I Surrly you know that Uydlii Pttikhiuu'it In sricnfilifWy modem in act tun I Surely you know whnt 11 hiui done for others! Iitit do you know wlut It will do for yimf Not U you liftven'i iHrlpitrH) th mil! of triuloil, "nnilitm" Htttl lirl- inhlllty it m olitm bring! i urt. tint tm I Iinfor nnoilior tlnr tin pAimctt, try l.yillft Plukhnni n . . . tliti Vriirlnttlo t'omxitnul. or nt-w, improi'fd 'ilirt with itilttrft Iron . , . mid clU rturr Imw much en tier ymir "elm Hue of Hfft" limy but Voutietr Momnn and oirfi illfrlitK trout fuiit'tiniiAl palm ml riWUoM .uf iiipii i r uk turn - ( i ito Pink It in' woiuurful tout ( runlmm no I1M f-vrf'a ftnkham'i drlion lirouo't ifmpa(fitlt5 nrr tuut vttfmrt Ilrv0 d it trc if p lit" heat wav$'t r 9th and Pint Phone 3188 "1 9th and Pine Phone 3188 FAVORITE SPRING SUITS Popular Styles and Fabrics FOR PREP SIZES, 11 TO 20 15.98 iJ Designed for prepi for spring and year 'round use. Rayon gabardine It crease-resislanf. lined coat. Single or double-breaited. Brown, blue, gray. FOR JUNIOR SIZES, 6 TO 8 10.98 A handsome style he'll wear with pride. Crease resistant, medium-weight rayon gabardine. Single or double-breasted styles. Brown, blue or gray. ft I f L New Spring Arrival STURDY RAYON-AND-ACETATE BLEND Smart patient 29.75 Men'i $ltei Looks, feels like fine worsted, Yoar 'round fabric. . specially treated lo resist wear and wrinkles. Well tailored for lasting good fit, Choose from a wide selection of handsome overplaids, gabardines, ' stripes and sharkskins In populcr shades. 1 00 ALL WOOL Sport Coots rayon lined 22.98 i 100 WOOL Sports Slocks, sizes 29-42 13.98 USE WARDS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN L .384 So. 6th Ph. 3146 J L J