Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 04, 1952, Page 13, Image 13

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1-1 jm
APRIL 4, 1K.V2
But Wins
MADISON, Wis, Ml A (lllir.
Irl n (Icicnillng champion leadri
ll llrlil n( 40 of I he iiiiIIiiii'h Inn
colliulnle lm:icrn In. n Friday
' Hi; 111 m ..cinl-lluiilx ill till! NCAA
boxli.g louriiiinii'iii.
Two nl tlio tmir mined ilnclnlvr
victories In olii'iilnii luiilclic he
Inn- 111, Will Inn:, TIiuimIiiv In the
Unlvernily nl WlfieoiiMn l-if Idhouiic,
In llilril wiiii ii narrow .m (led
.'dun mid j(. luinlli drew n bye.
Tlll tlll.M't nl llic '!!- laoilt lllllllll
klriiilnlilng wan luriiid In liv
iilnekv Hill Miller nl Hvnicinic, who
whipped DclilidIng Light Middle,
wciitlil 'i'lllt:t li:k Murphy nl Win
ciiiinIii, ilruvywi'liilil llol) Itaiick nl Win-
"llnr nice lliiiu nlMiiit hi. It k. icoiiMn mill I'VllicrwclglU Neil Ola.
Ini vim nut with our iiinli !"' MIihic.hi.Ih were cuy vie-
.iim'rr mill In imiil kliitnc Inr ni-xt j t,",r? Hi llnilr lnlt.nl ehowiiigri.
week, ln.iil"' I Is'vcrell Cnnlry, WiinIiiiiuiIoii
with , iii.iii. Hinti-K two lime lightweight king,
Iwiih llii I'd pli- m"d In nln John Hun-
iili'll, ulfin lil Minnesota. I hp h.lll
(li'i'ii.inn wait uiii..iihu' with llii' 7,
7D.'l hum who winched (lie evening
, 1 h- fmirlh UUI'il, Lluhl llenvy-
jWriKin mux cimier oi Mian.
U 1 1 Wale, drew n bye.
Michigan buna I'Ciit livr mi ll Inti.
Ilir rrnil liniil.'., ii did WLscoiniln
and lli.n7.uua. Minim. Idaho Slate,
& i&llJ lift 1
23 ,.. 1 . . , , r. .V
THE CHIEF AND HIS BRAVE Wulioo Allic Reynolds, Yankee pitcher who notched two
no-run, no-hitters hist season, and his son work out together at the Wnrlrl 'hnii,1
liiiiniiiK camp. Unlike his father, young Reynolds is a southpaw.
St. I'dri-slmi" Ha.,
Eight Survivors In
Golf Quarter-Finals
Feature bnllle wn, between Miss
iuoo irn-Mis
f'HOENix, Ariz. i,P Eight sur- nix.
vivor oi two rounds or matehi
play. Includlne lormer Champion Lindsay
th- 'f.-.n.- ui.,,!,., 1. ...i tir ... iiiiiornia JaarDarn. 19-vpnr.niH
ii,. ,i.,,.., r i. ' ;Orawn praLse around the rnm.irv
HelelTd to the Sidelines w, th" pa 'cw ""'"h"
the delendlnK chnmnion. Marv Ann "" DeMoss . Anderson mulch
Downey of Baltimore, Md beat-1 "n,Jsc1 lo bo cloac, too. The two
en 'inursday by a newcomer to the I"'" '"""er coneKe partners at
Trans-Miss competition. Mrs. Lyle i yj,0n Hlnle a"d close Irlends.
Bowman oi Richmond. Call!.. 5 ,V C J-"-"'"'"' was carried to tho
and 4.
Friday's lineup of mutches:
Grace DeMoss, Corvalls, Ore. vs
Edean Anderson, Helena Mont.
Miss LlndKliV Vs Bnrbarn Rum.
ack, Sacramento. Calif.
Mrs. Bowman vs Pat Oarner.
Midland, Tex.
Mrs. Dorothy fiiajnns. Oakland.
Calif., vs Mrs. Cliff Prather. Phoe-
Mi.H . Ki'tmUc ... VI
l Srlittmt-k'a in
Ill'UIMllll. . ,H. MM M. V.
M'.lcltirr Ill
Morvll. 41
I.'immII IM-krr VI
I.m.I Vt.' Itr.ullt,
Mnl.lnrc 2 MiHinilliit J
I UKm-a :i H.-lmirt k I
NIM...hrliulf0 4 M.rvln'. I
I', I
, nntl S.ill
v,ii 'ldiihn mid l.i.uli.lituii Hl.ili- (nullified
Mm Ihn-e men eiu-h; Mlniirwilu Kan
ill'. "-'ulll.i Hlute. V.iiMilnnlon
t'tl Hlalr and Hvrmiike two each, mid
..,!, Iliiwnli, I'cnii Klule, Houlh enroll-
I iiu. rvuriii cuiuiii.it A k 'j
'la Clurn one eiit-h.
Ile.sulls Included:
I Hi!, iioiinds Clordi.n (lliirlwui
Willi Ihn-e iipsmiiiis lell - aller ; WKC. ' KO. I 57 oMhlrd round over
Hie Clly Toiiruiiini-nt. HIioop Krliiil. Allied Ander.Miu, .Superior iWIh.i
mid Al Keliinrck s triiin. are dead- Ijtatc.
lin ked in the l.ndybuit How-Una i 17H pounds Mike Mc.Muriry.
Leimue. (iiinzuKa, dicl:.ion over Paul Heul-
hlioop-Hchiil.e kiiIiipiI the draw er. Man Jose State.
Ii.-,t week wllh n 3-1 win over Mar-' H7 pounds Lynn Nichols, lila
vin's while ilie Hclinirrks were p.-,. bo. deriMou over Jerry ijtcrn, 8itn
init by the haute count to Lowell.-, Jose state.
Linkers. I IIU pounds Trrrv Hinltb Oon-
In M urliiK Ihe upset, I x.u i tl - hiikii, defeated Ward llrenuan Mm
I in kers walked oil wllh all the neioia; l-'rank Kchevnrrla Idaho
bmii seorlni-! honors. A sub. Kallv leliali-d Hill Lewis. Howard.
Ilrniirtt. put limelher n iu'l UVl-Ml-! Kill Pounds Iln-s I
mi niie inr inp tinnie alio ..cries. - Jiiano ftiaie,
'Ibis effort helied liwell'.s to the i Cionjit:a
limn leiun unine and r.eiirs mill M7 pounds i.i, k
ack With Nats
liy Tlir AnHiiciutf'd
Old Hitbo Ncw.soin Ih
NfW;.oni, who ujiiims
ho hn
orrH o( U2JI find 2tM.
Ancient Homer
1' AYf.TI KVlI.I.I-:. N. C. i,V,
A 3n yrur-old hiuiie run -believed
to be the lir.st poled bv the lin-Inorli-1
llabe Until in bis proles.
Moniil career was coniiiicmi.rateU
here Friday.
Ihe ceremonies were held on the
silo of s loiiK-iibmiiliuicd ball park.
Ihe same park where Itinb. jum
a kill Iresh from a llalninori-iirplmiiBs-e,
strpped to the plale for
Ihe Halijinore t)rlules In an ex
hibition uaiiic and tlainnied the ball
out uf Ihe pink.
1 Ira 14 l . r
ai P0,e., y, My-
I al-V.r.e. : W 4 i. '.
deleated Dave! ' ' r
s. Cion- " - ' ' ' '
, Icisho B0B0 NEWSOM
-upAnH-Hvj J . . . owns to 43
i-KtBrLliPirTn College Scores
4wr , 1
n 1 1 ipx 4,m
1111 tin uf
t .li,.l.l. 1 . " w
-cored all of Ihclr runs. ......., u.. .s,u, i,uu .,i.i;.iii
m, , ... iKwo'-iB ixay i.aiiora ana jannnv
The Boston Braves edijed tne 1 pa,ner - looked over their shooi.
more vearn in Washin-jion ""oners, o-i, in u in-: oers i-rviay from lolly lirst place
any oilier man Willi the et- "inns at Mobile, Ala. Ebba St. ln the Masters and saw a terrible
ol the late president, Claire doubled home the winning : twosome.
run : one stroke behind the Icadins; 69
Dave" Phllley ,.xcked a three-run .f? " .h' I.00"?
lllmhiu rf tt. Cm.lh Aleni ...0.s..-. v.ib.hu.i "'U oau.-
- ... w . lai-trLnn K-nanH
ioin noie. and It took a flve-foot
""u,t Pi', oeiore winning Thurs
day from Barbara Dawson. Pied
mont, Calif.
Miss Anderson defeated Marie
Jacks, Phoenix. 3 and 2. Miss Lind
say ousted Mrs. Jack Kennedy,
St. Louis, 7 and 6, and Miss Rom
ack defeated Mrs. John Holt, Lonjr
view Wash., 5 and 3.
In the lower bracket, Mrs Bow
man, who also starred at Corval
lis and Portland before moving to
California last June, got the Jump
on Miss Downey on the first
hole. She held a four up lead at
the turn and closed out the match
with a -10-foot putt lor a birdie
three on the 14th;
Miss Oarner edged Mrs. Eldon
Edes, Hollydale. Calif., 3 and 2
Mrs. Stamps defeated Mrs. Jim
my Hines, Palm Springs, Calif
7 and 6. and Mrs Prih, rf.,,
brace :&",",", S- A- Oibutg, Phoenix.
Garth Panter
Stops Kaylor
SPOKANE Ul Darin Panler,
hnrd punchlnot light-lieavy weight
tram Dayton, Idnho, stopped Paul
m,..w. .intriHli, l.UHl,, n 1110
i seventh round or Diet i,.ri..i.
winner j 'en-round main event fight Thurs-
Panler dropped K:iylor twice In
the third for nine counts and again
at 2: S of Ihe seventh when Uin
relcree stopped the fight and
nwarded a technical k
the ldnhoiin.
ranier weiphed 102, Knvlor 150.
Harold Kotlrc, 1B2, Sllverlon,
Ore., outpointed Bull Halsey, 161,
Portland, In one of the four preliminaries.
Lnst June 17, Stan Musical
showed a .31 bnttlng average tor
53 games.
iinklin IJ. ftiKir.evell. has .sii'ned
his Illib hitch with the Sen.-i-
MlrhlK'an Kline
Powell, cionaga
! l.'ill pounds Tom Kev
zaga, drlealed Vcrl King
My The Assoilzied Pres
New York iSunnyslde Clar(len
Mike Koballn, Mil i... Pittsburgh,
oiilpolnted Ciirniluc Flore, m J.
illrooklyu, 8.
i.eball's fmniu.'i nomad
up to 13 years o iiL-e, hooded
on with the Kcnalors ab a relief
pilcher Tliiir:-day.
Newiioin h.cil been working out
Willi the Senators at Orlando, Fla.,
ami looked prrttv trowl.
liul Ihe Cincinnati Keds spcil'-d
Ins return by beating Ihe Senators,
6-1. at Charleston, S. C. Lcflv
Ilarrv Pcrkovski went all the wav
and checked the Nals on five sin
gles. The Itr-d.s collected eleht
blows off Bcb Pnrterfield and San
dy Consuegra.
Russ Meyer of Philadelphia alio
went the distance
nipped the St. Louis Cardinals 1
3. nl Waycross. Cia. Meyer allowed
only lour litis Including three in
the j.eeond inning when the Card:,
-the 1951 PGA
Champion. Also at 70 was Al Bc5-
League at Charleston, S. C.
The Chicago Cubs scored their selink
seventh straight victory as they Those five led the charge on par
turned back the Pittsburgh Pi-; at the Augusta National's par of
rates, 10-5. at Beaumont. Tex. Roy 36-3672. Eight others sliced off
Smalley paced the assault with a one stroke.
three - run homer. I shooting 71 were Johnny Revol
Dallas of the Texas League held 1 'a. Fred Hawkins, Doug Ford,
the Boston Red Sox to a 1-1 tie In j Lloyd Mangrum. Tommy Bolt, Skip
a game that was called because j Alexander, Lew Worsham and Joe
of rain after five Innings. Don Lcn- 1 Kirkwood.
hardt homered for Boston.
Rookie Outfielder George Wilson
Chicago White Sox by doubl ng
home the winning run in the eigh'h
inning in a 2-1 triumph over the
St. Louis Browns at Sun Antonio,
; .vwwRtc vuuiciuvr vjcu. nit.son m
the Phils ; continued his fine hitting lor the i HPflrC HPflT
rdlnals 4. I rrhiearm who. k-w h ,m yl MCMl
Salem, 7-2
Hy The Ansnclaled Press
Oregon 3-8 I.inlleld 1-0
: Oregon State 8 Willamette 4
Pacific Coast Him key
Ily The Assr.ci.ited Press
Friday's Schedule:
New Westminster a Victoria (New
Westminster leads bcst-ol-scvcn
playolf series 3-2 1.
Ti'coma at Saskatoon IFirst game
best-of-tive cmi-fnal series..
Ho games Thursday.
BERKELEY. Calif. Wl The
.University of California defeated
- , .. ... , the Salem Senators of the Western
Before painting don t rely on international League 7-2 in an ex
sanding to lake the d rt off your ihibltlon baseball game here Thurs-
trust. ,m n... uiMJ KllllU nui.lC Ol II Qgy
in where It can cause trouble lo
l h new coai oi paini. 10 go en A-l
jod, wasn tne boat thoroughly fir.t.
-Sports Afield
Salem got its two scores ln the
third on a single bv Manager Hugh
L.uoy, a triple by uene Panzelli and
a single by Jack Clark.
Ph. 4103
iwc to n-rm
Home of Fisk Tires
7th and Klamath
In ihe north rcunlry clioo.-e
caoin site lacing mulli. You get
me cooi urrer.es 111 summer: In
" , , K,c" ,ruI, 11 Wl Hpokane Garth Par.ler. 102,
. . . .. lijiiyuii., .oiino. .mi.ped foul Kay-
cabin Ironl - Sports Alleld
People DO
read small
you are!
I " ni.c.u i a single by Jack Clark. '
i ,
too!! U7nrf7rA I! (C Mimmim- l.L..
" "3 (Mil I'M i uuimmiiw i!5iiiica
ods-youo,c! THE HIM -iTflRF V CAJ WHJ I LFSf
7-. . " 1T U. . J. I J'JIH.tAMi: ? V L-9 T.wm mm - - . -
n.ri , ii t j --'HMttM Size "Special"
awA I I IfBRJi lillril i-rfJlT 7 s 5iWw" ' w' rils? S."eL.- Cive vour vounqster ,he thri" of owninq his own bike!
dXJL.JfLI I 1 I II I I 1 . $L l i(!mM(mLV' J?j?i3LV SVe 0n th'S down-to-ear,h Price! Improved J. C. Hig-
VI&& jLJBk Y mmAjijBa3 Q XAflmK ains coaster brakes give foster, safer stops. Crusader
S Elv3fei-iVX ,Ifff W r!A S Akt balloon tires' Baked Pnnmul finieh TnW.FLi."
omD'ete wi,h 4-veoPirkerton reqistration
Y23 'lyyk ' Mitt$ (f! Softballs j - jWV. WjfmL '
fimM 'Sffii Sov,so,, ismLr
frir lJy.Vi'W" f'K -jP '5 V Scarl.t, royal blu. Xf-- ' Poll., l.olh.r f ' llWi
M LmJKf i 1 """""" u.Ow. ' I W J&AW
squ" flj rMon who Cares says. . ; I . --3&LjJj.
lift The MailWnO J. Wjf J' 3 M.ToS.MFor6.98IYoralc,:AI.R.9o.o.
saw "u; -"-- i
VMU ---rCr ' '? i . J M SearsPrice.Only.... I. J.CHIggim
'l VmSSiiZrfi$A ( - .Ki.ltk'l'M fcM!?TW 1 -) V I oorl.d mod.l, ond wight,. Plsl,h.d
ab638 r-IWf f V. "1 KtlVlHvU. In dork brews. S.I.yowtyp.,0dayl
A good question with a good answer ... to
help you get more for your whiskey dollar!
Umih'Cs arc you're f.iirly satisfied" with w h.it you're drinkinrr,
liccuisc you thiol; it's the Iwtf availalilc at loilay's prices. Uih,
tn e you Hire you can't do ln-ttci ?
In the iast, you've prolialily cluneal l.raiids in many oilier
ihiiuis and found Letter value for your money. Well, it can
l.c true vi jth v hisl,cy, loo!
Thouiandt now prefer Canloirt!
'thousands have found Carstairs a liiu-r-tastiiu;, siuoother,
richer w hiskcy the lirst time thev tried it. 'liidav. millions of
hollies arc sold lo ".Men w ho Care for the lincst.'' I Icrc's whv:
1. It's made from premium-priced grains
lo assure highest ijiuiliiv.
2, It's made l.y exclusive, patented processes
to give you liettcr lastc.
3. lis (iiiality is controlled I."; times from main to
l.iiiilc-iii assure iinil'oiiiiiiv.
Try II and convince youriolf!
If you unni nune fur vour whiskey dollar.. .irwiv.i i,mc
ai a price uiihin your i.udyct...j;ct (Jaislairs
Gloves or'JVWtts
Regulation Balls
Real Cushion Cork Center
Jvlt Ilk big loaau bareballi, official
III and ihaptl Strong hocih!d covor
hal hand Itilchtd doubl sawn taant.
Spear M basaman's mitt
5 fingor fielder's glove
A real catch in baseball needs because they're built to
lastl Made of top grain cowhide fully oiled for flex
ibility. Each is pro size and style and already broken in
for your big game, limited quantify. Gets yours today!
Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
133 So. 8th Phone 5188