PACE TWELVE HKKALD AND NfcWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKCiON KHllMt, nfiuu him Peg Crat Carlstrom Heads Sox WHEN RALPH WEISER starts stalking an opponent, fans look for a ten-count. Here's an action shot in a recent bout, typical of Weiser's shuffling attack. We'iser (right) meets Jimmy Proctor tomorrow night in the semi-windup on an all-star boxing card at the Armory. Weiser has Port land's Frankie Duane in trouble here My '1 hi' Asso-i:itrd I'ress Wun Jusi three panics of the IflM Pacific Coast Lmkuc base ball si-a.on written into history, the Los Aiwlcs Aiuils have taken over eNolusive possession o( first place. Thursday night It was Doyle knele, a 1ik cnn.rol specialist, toss is a four-hitler (or Sian Hack's Iradprs as thev beal Sacramento, 12-2, for their th nl straitiht vic tory. San Francisco dropped out of the undefeated ranis m loslrnt 4-3 to Portland's Beavers. In the other games Sun Diego's" Rookie Willie l.unn shut out Oakland 3-0 and Seattle topped Hollywood 4-1. The same loams tangle attain Friday niftht. , . Los Aniieles gave Lade i.lenty of support and broke out in a 15-hit attack paced bv Catcher Les Ped en's double and pair of singles. Lade helped himself to a couple ot one--jase blows. Mnnnirer Joe Conton of the So imis was banished m the seventh fourth Dan can veir S Tri-Meet Shows Ai Ashland Tlie Khunnth Falls Pelican track and field team makes Us second uuiinff of the season tomorrow af ternoon trl-meet with A.-hland and Crater on the Ashland oval. With the weather more favorable the last week. Coach Paul Diller's lads have shown improvement in time trials on Modoc Field and should be stronger than they were in losing to Medford last week. ucan liordy has jumped into the sprint circle and will join Uavid French and the Mills brothers Clinton and Don In the IPO-yard dash. Dick Abraham and Jim Dough erty have been hearing; the 20-fool mark in the broad jump. Dougher ty spiked his big toe in workouts this week and will jump only it the doctor gives his okay. Jerry Johnson will team with i Mike Chase in the high hurdles. ! Orville Swindler, searching lor some event to settle on. found his i stride in the 180-yard lows low hur idles, galloping the best time in time trials, 33.6. Swindler and I Chase are Pelican hopes in this event. i The 880-vard relay event will see TPrni-h nt th nlli-hor stint nlotliT : US MP OmtPStCd a with the Mills brothers and Gordv. ion the Angels' Max West. Sacra- Deller has entered 25 boys m memo fans tossed a half dozen th trumpet. 'cushions on the diamond. Catcher Barry Pitts, sophomore miler ! Vinnie Smith was al-o chased and ' ana me oniv winner at imcu oro. ine visuurs muich im... is on deck as is Steve ChaUiold Seattle moved into tne second who copped three seconds in weight place lie with San Francisco and events aaainst the Tornado. sr.n Diego (bcth with 2-1 records) SPTS 318 SHUFF Mav ! with its second vlciorv over Holly- The annual City Shuffleboard wood. The battle of portslde hurl feague partv is scheduled for Sun- ers found Steve Nagy outlasting day 5 p.m.. in the South Sixth Com- Kov Welmaker. Al Lyons clubbed munitv Hall. I m three ot the Rainiers' four runs Onlv shuffleboard players, each with two singles at'd a long; fly. with "one suest. are invited unless i Portland won a battle of pinch written invitation signed by a i hitters in taking BEVOS IUDGE CP fill 1 vS RED HURD, SPORTS EDITOR San Francisco. sponsor is presented at the door. With training; stints finished, prin ' Oakland's Sonny Green in the 10- cipals on tomorrow night s boxing round mam event show at the Armory are waiting for the bell to send them Into action. The fistic program is loaded with punchers and ring goers are antici pating knockouts in virtually every bout. Here's the punch parade: Indian Dick Wolfe, Pacific North west welterweight champion, faces r-J i JJ " 9 Ralph Weiser, heavy-artillery lad from Beatty, squares off against highly-rated Jimmy Proctor of the San Francisco Bay area, in the six-round lightweight semi wind up. The special event, also six rounds or less, shows Rudy Carlson against Darrell Harrington. Both are Kal- pine Pis-wood Co. employes: both i fr-,hmen track a til field can puncn. its a welterweight uiArj cmrrtnv l grudge match. jon Ih Modoe jn.m oval. Blastin" Billy Sunnay. Chiloauin. m,,, Uj,,.i,i mpt n-iii hp Freshmen Mix With Medford who keeps throwing leather until squad p.m., run with the Fremont ln coniunction something nappens, meets Brave ! (Klamath Junior Highi Medord Junior in the top four-round t-juior High meat. Jack Kemnitzer traction. j coaches the Fremont tracksters. FOl'R-BOl:DER I Hendershott has entered the fol- Clyde Phoenix. Willow Ranch. ! lnwine freshmen: Calif., and Billy Plummer, Weiser's I 70-yard high hurdles: George Ar- sparring mate, mix in anotner i nold. Charles tins. Jack Maeulre's eighth Inning pinch single batted in the winning run. San Francisco had tied the count in the seven! h when Herman Lew is, batting for Len Ratio, singled in the two deadlocking counters. The Seals wen the night before from Portland on a pinch hit double. four. One other four-heater will prob ably be added just before starting time. Wolfe, who has whipped the best welterweights in the Northwest the past three years, will be favored over Green, busy Negro. 110-vard low hurdles: John Grit- man. James King, Arnold. 75-yard dash: Jim Davidson. 150-yard dash: Les Grosse, Elvis Mitchell. 330-yard - dash: Guy Munsell. Charles Guptill, Ellis, Grilman. 660-vard dash: Dick Lolcoma. The Indian chamDion is a crowd- Guntlll. pleasing performer whose services , 1320-yard run : No entry, are in demand by promoters up 440-yard relay: Arnold, King. ana aown tne Pacific slope. vidson, Munsell. The box: POKTI.ANU AB .H O Bare If 1 naonskl 2b - 3 0 4 I Austin m 4 0 1 ! Brovta rf - IS TsMrl 3b . - 4 0 0 1 Csnaurr ct 3 1 4 ! Ltatj lb ..- 3 0 i RoMnsnn C 3 I 3 Fanfrrd p 1 1 0 I Lnilc P - 0 0 0 ! E.Maulra - ' ' ! Want p .... 0 0 0 I Tout. 32 27 SAX FRANCISCO AH II O Hatto M 2 0 1 I Voran 3b - - i 1 1 ! Thurman rf 3 12 , Orttie c 4 0 9 I Graro If 2 I 1 ' McCaule.v cf 3 0 3 Baumer 3b 4 1 2 ia sill lb 2 0 4 Sirtfileton p 2 0 0 A-Hafcy, 0 0 0 B-l.twis 110 C-Hamriek M 10 2 Walnh -P 0 0 ,0 Redc p 0 .-.0-0 D-Clcw 0 0 0 F.ZuvcIa 1 1 0 0 .Voren lb. 0 0 2 I Totals 29 3 27 Roundup Team Keg Champs A shoip-rolllng Roundup Tavern five last night copped the team crown in the Women's City Bowl ing Championships on the Oil la. les. edging out the Suburban Flower quint by six pins. Koiindup put lo::ethrr a 2f20 total and Suo urban Flower had 2M4. Members of the championship team are: Beth Grlesa, Opal McDonald, Ruth Duff, LaRayne Harris and Clara Beard. Protty LaRayne Harris anchored the Roundup vlctury with a blil total that was the third-high art for the evening. Lending ind'.vlduiil mark of the earn rolling was chalked up by Dorothy Koberg of the Molatore combine. Koberg, a machine-like spot bowler, banged the maples for a 577 total. Her fust two games were 189 and 199 but she slumped to a 138 ln the final line when she couldn't pick up her spares. She had a 17 pin handicap. Koberg's 109 Hue nas best ol the evening. Marion Llnvllle, of Schoop and Schul.e, was pne pill back with a 198 game. Llnvllle's 564 was second-high set. For the championship Roundups individual totals were: Griggs 4B3; McDonald. 41)7: Duft, 54: Beard, 464: and Harris, 561. Doubles and singles events are to be rolled Sunday afternoon and evening respectively with action scheduled to start at 1 p.m. on the Oretech alleys. Third and fourth place teams last night were Lowells (24681 and Molatores (2466.) Mat Promoter Seeks Dusette-Pedersen Go If I'rniuotei Mack I .it) 1 1 cl can who bruiinht the wralh of the Inns pull the right strings at the riuhl down on him Wednesday nlitht In ii win over Cowboy Carlson. Iniiy meet Daunn McDnniild In the ,10 lulnule. one-lull opener. lime, wrestling customers will see Ihe match they've born asking lor next Wednesday night at I lie Armory. Lillard wanls to put Georges Dti sete against Erie 1'edersen. Du setto wants the mulch; Ihe fans want It: Lllliud wiiuis II. lVdciscn. the fc'c indaiLivLiiu "Tli'.hilllt-.'i'. N .somewhat dubious after matching I.AKISVII'IW tHliecliil) ' Clyiln Caiislroiil is Ihe nnv ItiiiltniM'i' nl Ihe l.iikcvlfw lllue Sox, Ceiiliul Oregon League ehainiiloiis, follow ing the renluiinllou of Hindi Mir cer who qui! because ol "preMdnii husiiirns uhllgallnun", Moruvr numi'iicl llio lentil Iwn years mid list year filltlnl Ilia Lakevlew club la a UUe. CiirlHtroin said ho did not expect llnbbv Long, aco hoiilhiiaw pllcl , lo return In the club. Long Is with Twin Falls ol Ihe IMnneer League III sprliiii Iralnlnu licks at lionlils. lung, C'ulir. lllv'tj llennle MoolO will be back to till the shoiislon stsit, Cailiilroni had limine for Hob Mahoney, Pais ley coach a lellhiiud first bane man ami nulllelder; and prepMlrrs Kulph llruves mill Ted Hlory. Tim latter l it left-hiiudcd pitcher. Carlsliom has played Willi two Pacllle Coast league leu ins, w ith Oakland In IIIHII and Him Franclnco '.or a short iell In ll'IM. Since he lias been ulllllaled with several reinl-pro teams In Klaiii nth Falls, lie was a pitcher and tltlllly Inllrlder loi II"' W'lo Sox so named Just recently last year. Konno In Grand Slam ERIC PEDERSEN iiuisclebov (lul)ious strength with Dusette In two lag tpum ninlchr K NEW HAVEN, Conn, i Ford i But Lillard said yesterday he had Konno. brilliant Ohio State fresh-! Erie -on the ropes ' and man from Hawaii, completed a i thought h-'d sicn grand-slum In the metric equlv-1 ti.i. ,nirh if .-nmniMprf would litirm lor uic nine ncrc i nursuuy ,,,), mBln rv(.nt billing Willi one night when he aided the National uttng Dr. Gallagher against Kurt and AAU indoor title to his prev- Von p01)oni,ri,n. n,P Ohio cluro lously won Big Ten and NCAA ,pracU.r nskca L1,llrd , ,mn tnc swimming crow-ns. mIllch. llp wnl., ,!lP Proud Prus- Clocked in 18:47.7. Konno led tMun , le rlllK b,, himself oiler Da- Weiscr, Carlson. Harrington and Sunday need no introduction to local fans. All are capable of sending the Grosse. High Jump: Lloyd Kooken. Pole Vault: Kooken. Broad Jump: Kooken, Davidson. customers home early. uuud Ktr Weiser will have to have his bombs in working order. Proctor comes with a glowing rep in a recent upset victory over Boise's Bobby Doll. The complete card carries po- Shot Put: Munsell. Larry Mat thews, Gilbert Schatz, Mitchell. Discus: Munsell, Mathews. Schatz. Mitchell. Javelin: Matthews, Schatz, Ar nold, Ellis. Injuries have sidelined two. Charles Harris broke a bone in UNMASKED Gil Hodges removes the heavy tools and looks in the direction of first base after experi menting behind the plate during spring training at Vero Beach, Fla. Manager Charley Dressen seriously considered switching the large Dodger first baseman to catcher to spell Roy Campanella. Pacific Trackmen Wallop Linfield McMTNNVTLLE W Pacific University won 8 of 15 events here Thursday and defeated Linfield in a track meet, 74 2-3 to 56 1-3. tential dynamite, an appropriate : his font Tuesdav. He was to have j opening after ten months of silence I entered the 1320. Russell' Carr will on the Klamath falls resin iront. probably be out for the season with Ticket headquarters at Dick I sprained ankle, suffered the first Reeder's report a lively sale of j week of practice. reservea xicKeis, some oi wnicn are still available. The opener goes on at 8:30 p.m. Exhibition Baseball Philadelphia (A) 6 Columbia (SAL) 4 Cincinnati 'N) 5 Washington (A) 1 Chicago (N) 10 Pittsburgh fN) 5 Philadelphia (N) 4 St. Louis (N) 3 Boston N) 5 Brooklyn (N) 4 (13 innings) Boston (A) 1 Dallas (TL) 1 (called rain Chicago (A) 2 St Louis (A) 1 TOYS - GAMES -KITES - HOBBY SUPPLIES at POOLE'S 222 Sd. 7th 1 WILLOX VENEER MFG. CO. An Oregon CO-OPERATIVE ASSOC 60 Membership shores authorized by charter, Feb. 15 ,1952 Membership shares offered at . . $5000 Par Value Requests for information, application or subscriptions should be directed to Willox Veneer Mfg. Co., PO Box 446, Brookings, Oregon CONTACT JAY A. WILLIAMS FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY April 4, 5, 6 Afternoons or evenings at the WINEMA HOTEL WILLOX VENEER MFG. CO. Brookings, Oregon If it is s New Roof or New Siding You Need , . . call Ph. 6161 Adams and East Main Specialized Service Roofing Siding Insulated panel (hakes and asbestos siding - - - Insulating ' We Feature . . . Aluminum Shingles Mfq. by Amosco Perma life and quickly and eosily installed - - - we give a life time guarantee. Free Estimates F.H.A Terms No Down Payment A-Hnfev walked for Single ton 'n 7th B-Lewts iinijled for Ratto in 7h. C-Hamrick ran for Hafey In 7th. D-CFow ran for Bitatti in 7th. Portland 001 100 110-4 " i almost throughout the o I marathon as he licked Jim Mc o I Lane, the Olympic chnmp, by two .5' lengths, with John Marshall, the defending tuleholder, four Icnuwis back. Swimming coaches from all over, who saw the race, said it prob- was the greatest 1.500-mctcr J, Wednesday 101 ISO i''t tnir tcfini hassle, Solly I Yanmto. Hit . ..L 001 110 San Francisco 010 000 noo-3 Hit ... .. 110 001 101-3 Winning pitcher Linde; losing oltch er Walsh. Bun Barr, Conauer 2. Sanford. Grace. McCawley. Clow. Errors Or teig. Baumer. Hit by pitcher Brovia by Singleton. Balk Sanford 2. Left on bases Portland 8; San Francisco 7. Two base hits -Robinson, Grace, Conotser. Three-base hit Thurman. Sacrifice hit Noren. Stolen base Barr. Runs batted in McCawley. Lewi 2. Brovta. Barr, Austin Maguire. Double plays Basinskl to Lafata: Austin to Basinski to La Tata. Time 2:34. I'm pires Anske. Silva. Somen and Mut art. Attendance 2.016. 120-ai ever swum. There wasn't any open STANDINGS PACIFIC COAST LKACI K water among the until the last lap spurted. three when leader: Konno Hugh McElhenny Inks With 49ers SAN FRANCISCO I McElhenny, the University o Washington's All America lull- I back, signed a contract Thursday ; to play professional ootball with . the San Francisco 48ers. i I W I. lVt. Los AnnclF 3 0 I.OCO San Francisco 2 1 .'W7 Seattle J 1 6'7 San Dlefio 2 1 UU7 Oakland 13 .M3 Portland S 3:i3 'Hollywood 1 2 .333 Sacranirmo 0 3 .0U0 Thursday's Scores Portland 4 8rn Krnnclsco 3 San DIoko 3 Oakland 0 I -o AiirHcs 12 Sacramento 2 Seattle 4 Hollywood 1 TIME TO 0k SADDLE I tw MODEL .1 L L Phone 7363 wjjl I jfssTf - " fTERNATIONAL TRUCKS H CK-UPS FARM TRUCKS ! LOGGERS :; rrom Va Ton to 45 Ton Gas or Diesel 3i M JUCKELAND M m truck m lM SALES and SERVICE jgfi$ J jig! llth ond Klomofh Ph' 2 2581 A3 W "IF YOU NEED A TRUCK, SEE JUCK" THE KEG UNDER THE CAPN'S CHAIR LED TO MELLOW "Rocking Chair" THE CAP'N remembered how hit personal keg of whiskey aboard hit clipper became wonderfully smooth with the sea's reitlesi roll. Ashore, he lashed the keg under his rocker, to Impart the same sea-rocked mellow smoothness. OLD MR. BOSTON uses con trolled tiitttion in hit speca blendini procu to recapture that long-lost "keg-rocked" flavor. Now, in Rocking Chair, you can enjoy the pleasure of fine whiskey smooth (i ocean-rocked whis kies of old I OLD Mr. BOSTON IRAND Rocking Chair BLENDED WHISKEY Smooth ot Ocean Rocked Whiskies of Old Mi lis $045 W 4OI 2.20 .iNi V lltNDtD WHISKY - ao. MOOr - 70X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Mr. BOSTON'S $075 PINCH BOTTLE 3Qt. BLENDED WHISKEY ?35 BLENDED WHISKEY - 16.1 PROOf - 6iX ORAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS umw milium, INC., BOSTON, MASS NT