Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 04, 1952, Page 11, Image 11

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    I'KIIMY, AI'HH, 4, Wl
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MAKING FINAL PLANS for Easier Sunrise Survucs ill Shasta Unve-in Theater
Master nioiniiiK are, left to riKhl. Hev. Irvin Tweet, Klamath Lutheran Church; llev. M.
'. Kotleriik Anderson, Hope Lutheran Church; Ivan Larson, Hope Lutheran Church; Mar
I' tin Bendin, Zinn Lutheran Church; L. Ernest Taylor, Klamath Lutheran Church, and
j seated, Hev. Kichard CJracf, -ion Lutheran Church.
Lutheran Churches Make History
In Sunrise Service at Drive-in
1 Br Kr.V. M. K. ANDKllSON
' rotor, Hope Lutheran ( hurrh
' For the llrnt lime In Hip lilhlory
;of Kinmulh u ciimiiiuiiltv
Kimler hiim lhr servile will lie lirld
In an outdoor llirulei'. Al flat) KnM
er Bunttny iiinriilnu people Irom nil
over Kliiniiiih Full' will ui'llier in
llirlr con lit Ihe Sluistii Drlvr-ln
Theater on Winlir HI., to worship
itoiirllter and lo cel'-onitn Hi rev
uriccllon ol thrir Lord.
; As Um car,-, nsaeiiilile uru an mil
mo by Mm. Hicliiirtl liruei will be
heard over the riir .spenkern. 'Hie
Knslor neint(e will be tilven by
Iho Kov. Kenneth K'irby, pii.ttor ol
til. Prli-r l.ulhern Cliurcli In Mod
lord. Iln In iiriKliinld of Comor
din Srnilnnrv In Kt. l.mns. Mo.
Wlillr in Mtinlniirv lie w mi n
nounrrr ol n lurur radio tiliitlcm.
Hclorc comliiK lo Mi-ilford hr
Iho .iiltnnt puMnr ol n vrry larun
rhurrh In Mliiiii'iot i
( (im.mi'nitv ritoji: r
Ihr wrvlrr will hi- bllrf n mosl
of iho.'.c nllrnillnK will br nlli'iiiliiiK
hili-r scrvlri-n in thi-lr own
i hmchM. ThiK is li fnmiminlly pro
Jpcl f.Hini.iircd by Klitinnlh. Zlon,
nnd Hope l.ulhprun C;huri hc!i. II In
hoped Unit tlUK oulcl'ior Sunrise
M i vli-P will hi- conic u tradition In
Klamalh KnlK.
1 lii'Ucral clialrmiui of orraiiKP'
inrni In flio Hi-v. Rulmrd OruPf.
Kill Roufdd with c-ri'w of men
will prcpnro the thralrr for the
wornlup ervlcr. Clllf Oimniiin will
hrnd a corps of ushers which will
direct the cars and Inter receive
Ihe oflerinR. Promotion Is brum
handled bv thr Hev. M. Roderu
Andernon. Ivan I.ar on Is responsl
hle for the distribution of the de
acrlpllve folders nml iioslers. Tho
me of the Dilve ln theater W be
iiut donnlrd by Klamath Thralcrx.
Althoimh a church nervice In a
drive-ln theater Is verv new to
Klamalh Falls It Is not a new Idea.
Several vears nun Lutheran pas
tor In California conceived the Idea
of hnldliiK weekly Sunday mnrnlng
u-orship services In u drive-In thea
ter durinR Ihe summer months.
The Sunrise Service Itself dales
hack to Ihe first Eastrr when
"Very earlv on Ihe first day of
the weelt they went to the tomb
whrn the sun hnd risen." Mark
1H:2. Slnre then Christians every
where have been wornhlpinir at this
earlv hour. The suiiilsc service Is
cpe'clallv popular in the Eastern
part of the Unlled Slntes nlthnuKh
there are a number of well-known
ones held annually her on tho
Freedom Precious
To Polish Refugee
VPJNTURA Calif. Iffl Abrnhnni
rooajuin, 3d, Polish refiiReo who
spent flva year In a Oerinan con
renlrallon camp, believes the free
dom he hB found In this country
to be an precious that he has
asked (he court to chawta his last
name to Freeman.
The rx-tUInn, filed Thursdny,
atnleii thnt "Freeinun reflects the
dendttlon of freedom which the
petitioner has enjoyed since ml
KrntltiR to the Unlled SUtes."
I -
Bible Verse Sets Couple
On Charm-Making Venture
What it Eter? Easter it th black velvet orien
tal night, the tilvery toft light of a ttar, and a tmall
mean chalk cave; the warm close presence of resting
animals, and a woman and a tmall babe that reachet
out with tiny handt and liftt your heart away. It it
a million hosts of angelt tinging Gloria!
It it three anxious days of searching 'mid the
ttreett of Jerusalem while a mother stops each small
child and looks to see, and asks: "Have you teen a
boy, just to? My boy!" And the ever conscious
avareness of the slave market throws torror deep
into her soul. Then a little Boy it found midst the
wise ones of the world, in a Houso of Prayer, teaching.
Six large stone jars are there filled with water,
when suddenly, there it wine because two were
joined in love and a woman taid: "They have no
wine." Leprous bodies cleansed, crooked limbt
straightened, eyes that have seen the light of the sun
but a short time, and ears that listen curiously to the
song of a bird; all these are there and an alabaster
jar, smashed.
It it also a wooden fishing boat lifted and tossed
with a surging fear of wave and blustery driving
wind, a cry for help, and tuddenly there it Peace,
A whinninq post it there and the naked body
bent, and the terrible flagella with leather thongt
on which are tpaced bitt of bone to dig and tear
rough little furrowt in the flesh; and a drunken gar
rison of poor blind men, mocking, cursing, blood
spettererf, and the dull thudding nap of blood soaked
leather lash and the ripped wounds. It is a trail of
bloodv footsteps marked in the stones of a street
and the scrape of a dragging timber and the thud
derinn of the earth.
Then, three days hence, in the secret silence of
another night and cave that body lives again, and
leaves, and makes no mark of its passing. Men come
and see where it hd been, and hold the knowledge
in their hearts, and wonder. And the slow dawning
realization floods over them, and they cannot quite
understand but they know that nothing will ever be
the tame again.
Suddenly He Is there; the Wounds are there;
the Knowledge of Hit Presence and Peace.
Baptist Convention Expects 500
Bsiii arm n m a
MRS. W. L.
. I -- iwi'ita
AV Newsleaturrs
KANSAS CITY A Bible vcrac
pill a Kaunas City couple In the
mustard srrd charm business.
Now Maurice Flint nnd his w ile. '
Mary, have all they can do to
keep up with tho demand.
'Iliry found that othcib, loo.
uautrd remitters of the Diblc
verse: "If ye hnve fullh a a mus
tard seed . . . Nothing shall be
Impossible unto you."
! I.KTTKItH OV (.ItA I 1 1 1 l)K
i They have received letters ol
. uralllude from actress Gloria uan- !
son nnd from a missionary in I
South America. Dr. Norman Vln-1
dent Pcnlc. New York tnlniMcr nnd
! writer, carries a nupply with him
lor his friends.
I Miss Mary Jane Truman, sister
of the president, nave some lo her
Irllow olllcem when she was in
stalled as Worthy Grand Matron
of the Order of Eastern Star In
Principal, part of the charm Is
a transparent plastic ball about ft
hul an inch in diameter. In the
center Is a tiny milliard seed of the
black: variety, such at Is grown
In the Holy Land. They are made
up as necklaces, bracelets, pins and
key rltiKs.
Back In 11)47 when Ihe Flints
wrrr UvIiir In Philadelphia, they
spent a Sunday In New York. Both
were worried over business set
backs. So they went to church.
"They heard Dr. Peale urge from
the pulpit: "Consult the Lord and j
leave your problems with Him."
"We started to do exactly what
he aald," Flint recalled, "but al i
the end of a week we would go
i. , '
uui & iu wuiryiiiK.
The need for a reminder stayed
with Flint. One night the couple
read a passage from the Book of
Matthew about the mustard scud
nnd hull).
caiirii:i si:i.i)s
He got some heeds from Ihe
kitchen nnd earned them In his
IHx kct. Then he exiierimented and
put one between two halves of a
plaslle disc.
Flint, a salesman for an air
craft supply firm, had many op
portunities to try out his reminder
in Ihe months that followed.
"I would be nervous and scared
when I nrrlved at a big plnno com
pany to make a ante, but as I
went In to keep my appointment
I would put my hand on the disc
holding Ihe mustard seed and re
member Ihe verse from the Scrip
ture." he said
He figured that If a mustard
seed proved nn Inspirntlon lor him
It might help others.
Alter further experimentation.
Flint and his wile finally decided
on the plastic ball design. At llrst
they did Ule work themselves :n
their basement, but as the demand
grew from stores and church or
ganizations, they had to hire help,
set up nn assembly line and ob
tain larger quarters.
Flint had to design his own
machinery and make his own dies,
quite a Job, he admlLi, for a man
schooled as nn electrical engineer
Now they have a force of 12
full-time employes and three part
time employes turning out the
charms and handling the business.
Weather Coming
From Ice Cap
ANCHORAGE. Alaska I For the
llrnt time In history, weather fore
casters are getting Information for
their predictions directly from the
top of the world.
The Alaskan Air Command re
ported Thursday a five man crew
living on an ice Island near the
North Pole Is sending current
weather data every six hours. The
Information they send Is used for
long-range weather forecasts.
In their first message after regu
lar radio communications were es
tablished Wednesday, the men re
ported a. temperature of 11 degrees
below zero, wind calm and visibil
ity more than 20 miles
Signup Starts
Klamuth Falls First Baptist
Church will be the host April 8 to
10 to the Baptist Sunday School
1 convention sponsored by the Sun
I day School Department of the Bap
: list General Convention of Oregon
and Washington.
Approximately 500 persons are
expected to register 300 of them
from out of town at the church
the evening of April 8 at 6 p. m.
Chairman in charge of registra
tions is Mrs. O. W. Nichols. Other
members of the convention com
mittee are Dr. E. M. Causey, gen
eral chairman; Mrs. Jack Gray,
home entertainment: Dale Harvey,
transportation; Rev. Burgess P.
Baggett, local advertising; W. P.
Weeks, hotel reservations a n d
training banquet; Mrs. Roy Gueck,
arrangements and Mrs. Ben Mc-
Collum, ticKeis.
Dr. Causey will give the welcom
ing address to delegates following
Morning, afternoon and evening
convention sessions will be held
Wednesday and Thursday with
themes of the sessions centering
around the family and Sunday
Overall ineme oi ine cunvcuiiv,.
vi,am rhnrtt Providing for
like most of Oregon, has excellent iEvery Member of Every Family."
Irrigation prospects this year. I Conference sessions will be lead
The ground ta somewhat drier fnf fonkrVaffi
than usual In Wallowa. Union andlp
Baker Counties, but heavy snows Those from Nashville attending
still cover the mountains with the , the convention will be A. V. Wash
burn, superinienasm oi rawuu
nnd training: Allene Bryan, suoer-
Irrigation OK
In Northeast
northeastern corner of the state,
.- yT'v - ' ' '''"'' y'
1 vv
li IS
Liiiiiifiii i
- ,1',;
5tV ' fe ,T
if iif"" VaJ
runoff yet to come.
There will be more than enough
water to supply crops, farmers
heard at a water forecast meeting
inlendent of primary Sunday school
work; Herman L. King, superinten
dent adult Sunday scnooi wors
The five men llvlnir on a five- "crc inuisuay wmi yy. i. ttoch oi w. A. Harreil, secreiaiy vu'--lne
mil?Tce Sand near ufe l" BoU Conservation Service pre-itural department; Mrs Will S Mc-
North Pole are conducting research
tor tne Air rorce.
Fender Bumps'
Cost High
SALEM VI Oregon motorists
Inst 33 million dollars in crumpled
lenders, wrecked cars and Injuries
last year, fiecretary of State Earl
Newbry estimated Thursday.
He said the cost wns computed
on a bnsts of 121.800 for each traf
fic death, $1150 fur each Inlurv nnd
$180 lor each nccident Involving
damage to cars. i
He also reported an Increase In i
traffic violations In March. There I
were 4,721 convictions, an increase
ol 44 ner cent over March. 1951. i
Licenses were lost by 242 drivers j
for drunken driving last month,
compared with 218 the previous
Weighty Bible
Has 1200 Pages
CAI.OARY, Alia. I A handwrit
ten Bible of 1,200 pages has been
completed by members and friends
of the Pentecostal Tibernncle here
under direction of Pastor John M.
Partshonors spent 1,800-man
hours on the 100-pound volume, In
eluding a chapter in braille.
Oldtime Jaycees
To Be Honored
Oldtime Junior Chamber of Com
merce members will be the honored
guests at a "loud tie" Oldtlmcr's
night Monday at the Log Cabin.
Chairman Rex Dye has an
nounced the session will get under
way at 630. and he's expecting
from 60 to 70 members to turn
out. He has extended nn invitation
to nil old time Jaycees to attend.
The person with the loudest lie
will be nwnrded a prize, and those
with dull ties will be awarded a
Reservations may be made by
phoning Dye at 7211 before Monday
The snow cover is 27 per cent
above average in Wallowa County,
20 per cent above average In the
Grande Ronde River drainage area
and In the Powder River area.
All of Wallowa County's main
streams are expected to be well
above average. The Grande Ronde
River is expected to be above aver
age. The Unity Reservoir Is by
passing water now to keep room
for the later run-off. It Is expected
to fill to Its 25,000 acre-feet capacity.
Craw, superintendent extension de
partment: work and Mrs. W. L.
Biankinship superintendent cradle
roll Sunday school work.
tiiivivr BANQUET
Final sessions of the convention
will start with a training banquet
at Winema hotel at 5 p. m. Thurs
day, committee reports and award
ing of banners with the final, mes
sage. "It Can Be Done," given by
R. E. Milan. ,
Main speaker at the banquet will
be A. V. Washburn from Nashville,
Testimony Given
In Plane Crash
SEATTLE VI One of the en
gines on a plane which crashed
into the Pacific rear Sandspit, B.
C , Jan. 19 had been kept in service,
Z2a hours beyond normal overhaul
time, a Northwest Airlines official
testified at a Civil Aeronautics
Board hearing Thursday.
Thirty-six of the 43 persons
aboard the plane lost their lives
in the accident.
Paul H. Sanders, assistant sys
tem iaspector for the airline, told
the board the engine which failed
should have been overhauled after
1.500 hours of service but through
"an inadvertent error" was kept
In operation.
crease as a means of averting a
mass transportation strike In Port
land won approval inursaay oi me
Portland Traction Company and Its
AFL employes.
Tokt h. FAST WAY
904 Klamath Ave. Phone M7
10,000 Items Available Thru
Catalog Sales Department!
Portland, again will be president
of Pacific Wool Growers in the
coming year, that regional wool
marketing co-operative announced
Knuy to play, no "installation"
axpensa, hentitiftil, rich tone
and musical versatility all com
bine to make the 1051 model
Cnnnannntns Americn'a Best
Organ Buys, Cnnnsonaln nfTeri
more of everything you wnnt
in nn organ, Let us arrange a
prittite demonstration for you,
kyle morgan
, pianos
"youn for e hoppior future
through muiic"
Conducted by The
Immanuel Baptist
Newell Community
and the
Bible Baptist
. Churches
Bible Boptlit
2244 Wlard Street
Immenuel Boptlit
No. 11th Street
Mid-Week Prayer All-Family
Mteting All-Church Night
Rtv. Wm. F. Rev. Keith P.
Ttmpltn Pastor Fieldi - Pastor
Nawoll Community
Newell, California
7:30 P.M.
Proyer Mooting
R.v. Wm. Hodgo
"The Purpose and Propritiation of the Cross"
April 10th Thursday
7:30 p.m.
Combined Sarvlca
In Tho
Immanuol Baptist Church
"The Plan and Power
f Tho Cress"
Rov. Wm. F. Templln
April 11th Friday
7:30 p.m.
Combined Sarvlca
In Tho
Bibla Baptist Church
"Tho Christ of tho Cross"
by ;
Rov. William Hodgo
i ' ' fallowed by e
Candle Light Communion
Tuesday...? 0
. c Tailoring Known and Respected
By Every Well Dressed Man!
See this wonderful collection styled for
Hardy's alone by Michael Daraff . . . fastid
iously tailored for perfect drape, longer wear.
Sinqle and double breasted models in all sizes,
many colors. Come in today!
Have You Registered to Vote?
820 Main
Phone 6778
Farm-Master 2-Point
Heavy Barbed Wire
80-Rod Roll J
(Limlt4roll.t..u.t.m.r) PM Shlppln,
Built to lost! For aU fencing needs. Made from l2!j
gauge fencing steel wire,extra-heavy galvanized coated
zinc. Two-point barbs ore double twisted around cobl.
wire, set at 4-in. intervals. 80 rods (1 320 ft.) of contig
uous wire, wound on strong spool for easier fencing.
Flower Borders 2.50
Wovon Wiro . .. 16-inch, 11 go., 25 ft.
Border Posts
30" Long
10 for 3.45
Sheep and Cattle Fence . . 13.25
35 In., 12V4 ga., 330 ft. plui thlppln
CSr. If vou can't come to our store,
PHONE 5188
fV,V Ask for "Telephone Order
-j Sales Department."
133 So. 8th Fhon. SlSlj