WEDNESDAY, AI'IUI 2. 1052 HEnAI.D AND NKWS. KI,AMATI1 FAU.S. OHKOON PACK five McGrath Talks With HST, Stays Mum On Subject Of Resignation from Post WABIIiNCITON, IB Attortiry tlriiciul Mf'Unith lalkrcl will) prns Iflrnt Trillium lur 16 mliiul c Wednesday iinct luTt Urn Willie lloiiNg tlrcllnlnit c i i i i i i r i i t nil ro IIIHl.H that llli resltfimllon was itiuuihcni. McOmlli saw I lie Pi cnUlunt nl Mm licluhl of n low with Nnwbuld Miirrln, the Truman udiiilnlhtrii turn's clriinuii clnrl, over the In I oil n it t Ion Miirrln him been soeklnx with presldrntlal bm'klim bout inn llhiuitiiil nf!iilrn of cab inet niembmn mill ullior hlli government njflcluls. All Medium would tell news inrn alterwmd win; "I discussed (Irpiirtniriitiil mut ters will) 11)0 Plcmlik'lll. "Anything Unit In to bi sulci about our (IImmmIuii will bn mkl by the PrcuWlrnl or Ills bind. ' Asked point blank if lie wn KoliiK to icaIkii. the iillornry Kell ers! mild uiiMiillliiKly Unit the statement lie had Jiml made was II lie- Intel to siiv. Tlir Wliltn llouie Intel no lin inedlnto comment on MuOraUYs visit. II put "a lid'' on any news until noon, gavo no sMiirunre there would br nnyihlnir sllur Hint hour. Only Tuesday Ihn White Home imkfd lor, iinri not, u copy ol testimony by MKliuth Irom the House Buliuomnilltea heiitlril by Hep. Chell ID.-Ky.l, which Is In vestlunUiiK the JuMli'e Ui-pnr Uucia. McClrntll hud told the nubcoin m litre Momluy thnl II lie h:ul It Scout Ducat Sale Pushed Tickets arc Kolnit Inst lor this Saturday's annual Hoy Scout IJx-1 tosltlon set lor l:.e Exhibition , ullillnif t the County Fairground Field Exec. Don Admus announced lodsy. i Home 8000 tlckru. huve been i printed, he Mild, snd some ire to be saved lor snip nt the iiste. Hie donrs to the exposition open 3 p m. Knturdnv, nnd will remsln open until b p.m. The Klamuth Pills ExrhuniiO Club In sponsor Ins the sllnlr under the chairman ship ol Ole Roemhildt. llal Ogle and Bob Bonney are to-ehalrnien ol the Scouting event. Do lar, -39 Scoutlnir groups have Indicated- they will participate In the affair. lo do ovor iwaln. br wouldn't rulnl Morris his sp.'chil asslHtnnt. le also sii Id he hndn't decldod whether he or nny of his 6011 top depiirtiueut ofllcluls would answer Morris' tlniiiico duestlounalreii. Morris tins usked (he President lo lira anyone who rciuscs. Tho tinsnilllnif, silent McOrath was In contrast with the Jovlnl picture he presented Jiinuury 4 after he hnd called on the Pie.i deut IoIIowIiik a flurry ol reports then tlml he inluht resign. In January, he emerKed from Trumiin's office saying; "No cliunve In my slutus Is conleiu pluted . , . things are not nlwuvs what they seem on the surlncc." At the cnpltol Wednesday, S.-n. Nixon IR-Calll.l kept up his lire SKSlnst both MeOrnth and Morris. Nixon told a reporter: "II anything Newbold Morrii does or has done can lorie the rrslKitatlnn of MeOmlh. Morris' WashliiKton mission will not hnvr been In vain. But the bent Inter ests ol the country would be nerved, In my opinion, II they bo'li ro and we get a new cU'iui-np team." McKay Speaks For Ike Club IIOIHIC, Idtilm m Boosters of Gen. lClsciihower said .Tuesday nli.hl Ihe Hi pulill'iins must win November's election and the gen eral Is tho muii who can do It. Gov. Douglas M ;Kny of Oregon told an "I l,lke lkc" rnllv tliut Ihe Reuuhllcan pnrty may not have mother chance alter this election. He nn Id he was convinced ol the ieneral's personnl charm and In tegrity mid was "not worried about the gencrnl'u stand on particular Issues," I McKay snld he thought Elsen Ihower vould return home In late May or early June for a series of policy speeches. McKay said he had never met ths general, but that he was nnprcsod by his basic philosophies Biid chiraeter as ex pressed In earlier speeches. ' The Oregon governor aald he thought Elsenhower would practice economy In the lorelttn aid program but continue It "Insofar as we can rupport It financially." Pravst Wonderful Far ITCHY SKIII RASH Zmo a Doctor'! Invisible yet hlibly nwllcatedantliieptle promptly relisvea Itch ol eurlac akin Irritations. tajr 'V ZEMO SHOE PMEYfo FEATURE! STORI HOURS 9:30-5:30 SIZES 5'i-8 A and B DOWNSTAIRS "Jbifds Aihap" CASUAL OXFORDS 650 Adorable . . and so dif ferent! Smart pinked vamp,' and three hand some strnpsl Smooth, fine leather In deep Burgundy color I Com position sole and heel. Sanitized for cleaner better wear. Try on a pair todnyl 2 v nr.-Vkj.-' . f MM: af home! ...made luirfi 12 Sorifin 1 kmkm ym in w Miavfjmi wmtt Kcjild I tv mk. Add M p hprf V r mw and 1 tip. mH. Cool (o lukewnrm. Add S tttf4 KUthtn Crmh Hvr to"mnk thick batter. Add ynrt, 1 atn at and 1 top. Itmn H4. Beat well. Add about mrm tva Hf4 KHthmm Ctwtt nwr to mnka a aoft doiifh. Turn nut on linhlly fljured board and knead unlil antiny. IMaca in frfled bowl, cover and let riM in a warm place till doubled in bulk.' When light, punch down. Roll out part of dniith on a lightly floured aurface, tn '' thickneaa. Cover lightly with wnxed pnner; allow to rest 16 minutes. Cut into a' aquarea. Overlap four of theae amund each well-greased muffin cup, pointa ex tending above top. Khnpa 1' balls from remaining dough and plce one in center of each cup. Ttp wilh pioce of cooked fruit (peaches, apri cot or prunes). Let rise till double in bulk. Hnke in a moderate oven (376 F.) about 20 minute. Brush with moiled butter and sprinkle wilh sugnr and cin namon. Yield: about 2 dot. medium rolls. GOD Watch how your family gobbles up rolls, cakes, pics, broad j'ou make with Kitchen . Craft Flour. Nothing else compares with baked things recipe-made at home. Kitchen ' Craft guarantees you bettor baking. That ' promiso comes truo or your money is returned. Milled exclusively (oThome bak ing, Kitchen Craft works Wonders with any recipe. Your home recipos, with Kitchen Craft Flour and tho other rich, fresher ingredients you use,' give real home baking for good eating and economy. Get a bag today at your SAFEWAY STORE Guarantees You ' Better Baking on youk iMONfV BACK Penney's nriL i7 7-0" asnions STORE HOURS 9:30. 5:30 ELEVATOR SERVICE TO ALL FLOORS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! BIG SAVINGS.FINE SELECTIONS-FOR MEN BOYS SPECIAL VALUE ! 0t it fNYLQNl .,.l m BLENDED ' . . . " 1 WITH ACETATE! MEN'S SOFT COLLAR . . . SHEEN FINISH DRESS SHIRTS They're line blended shirts for your Easter and year 'round wear! Acetate rayon lor that shimmering sllk-llkc finish . . nylon for wonderful long wear . . and they're washable, too! Choose pastel shades like sand, grey, pale blue, green . . perfect for 'your Easter suits! And they're priced at a terrific 2.88! Here's real value for you men . . buy several In your favorite color . . complete size range . . 14'i to 17 neck, 32 to 34 sleeve. MAIN FLOOR ini ll r v 1 J i 1 J arJa'iaaSaMiifaw I "ENT "the Collar Wears up to 10 TIMES Longer!" TOWNCRAFT DRESS SHIRTS 298 MAIN FLOOR Crisp white shirts with the famous long wearing collar that stays neat all day long, never needs starch I High count Sanforized body has tapered waist for perfect fit! Extra Ion? tails won't ride up. Stock up now. They're the same low price you've paid lor years! Sizes 14 1 i to 20. TOWNCRAFT COLORED SHIRTS IN STRIPES, NOVELTIES, SOLIDS rl MAIN FLOOR s SMART, COLORFUL TOWNCRAFT TIES 49 Bold patterns, " conservative designs, good looking stripes, rich solids I So many to choose from at Penney's, now! They're all Penney'a famous Towncraft quality . . priced surprisingly low! CALIFORNIA STYLED SPUN RAYON GABARDINES MAIN FLOOR ALL WOOL SPORT COATS 24" Beautifully tailored in soft nap wool with handsome hand-picked edges. They're the extra-smart two button roll with lots of attention to special detailing! Choose from a large assortment of weaves, patterns, colors. Sizes 35 to 46. Regular and short. OTHER SPORT COATS FROM 16.75 to 29.75 CRISP RAYON NYLON PERMALON DRESS SLACKS 7 90 Carefully blended of rnyon and nylon for smart good looks, extra long wear! Their crease resistant fin ish prevents unsightly wrink. les. Styled with continuous waist band, deep reversed pleats. 8 new spring colors. 28-42. BLENDED RAYON - WOOl DRESS SLACKS 7.90 Penney's Luxury Quality MARATHON Handsomely crafted of the finest quality fur felt with balanced pro portions that flatter your face as well as your head I Come in I Try one oh at Penney's today! - MAIM FLOOR 790 t fY MAIN FLOOR They're washable! Vat dyed! Pre-shrunk! And they have the popular, new California wide spread collar you can wear with 'or without a tie! Terrific values for your money . . choose from many new solid shades in sizes Small. Medium, and Largs. Extra large. 1 13 if uvi n rj .5 RI1Y CORDUROY SPORT COATS 8 Handsomely tailored of thick est corduroy, with three roomy patch pockets! They're styled just like Dad's with lots of special detailing! 3 Choose Wind, green, or tan.- Two button role. Sizes 10-18. DOWNSTAIRS Jr. Boys Rayon-Gabardine Slacks Crease resistant rayon fabric that really wears. Elasticized waistband, new spring shades. Sizes 4-10. DOWNSTAIRS 98 MEN MEDALLION TIP DRESS OXFORD 890 Packed with quality features! Fine leather uppers, long-wearing extra heavy leather soles. Sanitized for cleaner, better wear. Welt construction. Sizes 7-11. DOWNSTAIRS LUG SOLE MOCCASIN OXFORD 50 6 They wear like Iron! Smart embossed trims, fine smooth leathers. Sanitized linings for long healthful wear! Sizes. 1-6. SIZES 1 to 12 4.49 SIZES 12 'i to 3 4.98 DOWNSTAIRS SHARKSKINS! TROPICALS! , BOYS SLACKS 4 98 Mom, they're grand buys! So cool and ' comfortable! So smart . i new shades of blue, green, - tan ! They're crease-, resistant j fabric. Smart Cali fornia tailoring with continu ous Waistband. Sizes 10-18. , v ' DOWNSTAIRS 2 li HAVE YOUR DRAPES CUSTOM MADE IN OUR WORKROOM! You'll choose from one of the finest selections of drapery fabrics In the Basin. Our work is all completely guaranteed. You'll have the advantage ol really expert craftsmanship, and perfect fit. Come In today tor an estimate, No obligation DOWNSTAIRS